xt7qz60bwd7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bwd7v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19360923 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1936-09-jul23-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1936-09-jul23-ec. 1936 2011 true xt7qz60bwd7v section xt7qz60bwd7v Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Thursday, July 23, 1936. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky met in President McVey's office at 10:30 a.m, on Thursday, July 23, 1936. The members of the Committee present were James Park, R. Miller Holland and Robert G. Gordon. Presi- dent Frank L. McVey, D. H. Peak, secretary of the Board, and James H. Graham, Dean of the College of Engineering, were present. In the absence of Richard C. Stoll, Mr. Park was elected chairman of the meetings, 1. ALproval of Minutes, The minutes of the meeting of June 16, 1936 were approved as published. 2. Financial Report Deferred. Business Agents Statement: We are unable to make complete financial report for June and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, be- cause under the state laws books are not closed until September 30, 1936. Total income, however, is as follows: General Fund, $1,232,655.97; Patterson Hall Funds, $58,559,50; Experiment Station Funds, $401,319.34; Agricultural Extension Funds, $694,526,51; Trust Funds, $4,965.54. Practically the entire amount of funds was expend- ed. 3. Requisition Committee Report. The Requisition Committee filed written report of its action each week from May 21, 1936, to July 23, 1936, inclusive. The report shows that orders had been made by the Business Office on the authority of the Requisition Committee in the manner prescrib- ed by the Board of Trustees and state laws, running from No. 7293 to No. 7779, year 1935-36, and from No. 1 to No, 204, year 1936-37. The report was examined, and on motion and second the orders named therein were ratified and approved and payments on said orders were authorized and approved. The following budget additions, shown in the report, were approved: Library stacks, $la74.03; Administration Building, $76.80; Business Office files, $89.26; Library room, $725.00; Building materials, $;2665,91 Building repairs, $193.20; Library construction, $812.5O0 2. 4, Allotments, The Board of Finance and Budgetary Control at its meeting, 1936, made allotments for the University of Kentucky for the first three months of the fiscal year 1936-1937 as follows: Appropriation Allotment Division of Colleges $660,000,00 56,750,00 College of Agriculture 24,000.00 4,000.00 Summer School 8,000.00 8,000.00 Experiment Station 48,000.00 11,400.00 Service Laboratories 21,000.00 6,500.00 Nursery Inspection 21000.00 600.00 Princeton Substation 14,000.00 3,325,00 quicksand Substation 14,000.00 3,325,00 Agricultural Extension 120,000.00 28,500,00 Repairs 8,000 00 6,000 00 5. Interest on Land Grant Bonds. President McVey reported that the amounts due the University by the State as interest on the Land Grant bonds, amounting to 812966,75 had been credited to University account by the Auditor of Public Accounts as Morrill-Nelson Revolving Fund and that the fund is available for expenditure under terms of the grant. There was due July 1, 1936, interest for six months, $4322.25. The Business Agent waa directed to take proper steps for collection thereof, 6, Audit of Business Office Accounts. President McVey referred to the question of' annual audit of Business Office accounts, The Business Agent stated that under the state law the books may not be closed until September 30X 1936, It having been suggested at a previous meeting of the Board of Trustees that Kentucky accountants be given an opportunity to consider making the audit and to bid thereon, it was decided that the matter be called to the attention of Lexington, Louisville, and other accounting concerns by members of the Committee and the Business Agent. Further action was deferred to the September meeting of the Board of Trustees. 7. Student Deposits. President MoVey presented a statement by the Business Agent in which he stated that the operation of the General Deposit plan had not proved as satisfactory as was contemplated. The members present were not willing to authorize return to the system of special deposits, stating that such system would be too great a burden on many students, However, on motion and second, it was ordered that a room deposit of $5.00 may be required of applicants for residence in the residence halls, this to be in addition to the general deposit of $6.00 to be required of each student regis- tering for eight or more hours. Sundr Ledger Accounts: Revolvn, Trust and Federal Flluds. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was ordered that all orders of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee hereto- fore made and recorded in the Minutes, relative to Sundry Ledger accounts, Revolving, Trust and Federal Funds, be reaffirmed and ap- proved, This order is to apply especially to the order made by the Executive Committee at meeting of June 30, 1934, Sec. 10, and to the order made by the Exeoutive Committee at meeting of October 23, 1934, See, 7, It was further ordered that the amount collect- ed for post office box rental be classed as a student activity col- lection, to be credited for each fee for eight or more hours, It was further ordered that a student activity fee of 50 cents be de- ducted from each summer school fee, this latter to be used for the purpose of providing lectures and entertainment for summer school students, 9, Uncollected Student Fees. The Business Agent made the following report; I have had checked the unpaid fees for the year 1935- 1036. The total amount for the first semester is $1,241.18; the total amQunt for the second semester is $2,732.12, making grand total of $3,973.30, Of this amount approximately $l,0OO.00 is due to the NYA. The total amount of fees collected for the year was .232,425,50 That makes the unpaid amount.0l1 per cent of the amount of paid fees, Part of these fees will be collected this year so that I think the percentage will be reduced possibly to one per cent. It Is my opinion that the above amount of unpaid f ees should be charged of' and not carried as an asset, It was ordered that all unpaid student f ees and $tudent ac- counts for fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, be charged off and not carried as assets on the books of the Bustnews Office, 4. 10. rire and Tornaado Insurance, Report of Business Agent: I have taken up with the Insurance Department the problem of Insurance on University property and I sub- mit herewith the blanks that the department has sent us, showing what insurance has been placed on buildings and contents. The amount br Experiment Station and College combined is $l6,789.45), Eperiment Statiorn being $3,605.29 and College being 813,184.16, I am Infor~lled that the State Insurance Department has had the excess of insurance over $200,O00 on any one building insured In old line companieQ, the cost of which is included In the above. Klair and $crtt has written part of the insurance on the dormitories and another company has been given $15,000.0 of this insurance. The bill of Klair and Scott Is 8194.l14, 1hile I do not have bill from the other company, according to Klair and Scott's charges, this should be approximately $12.00. Alfred G. Powell has written the insurance on the Service Building, bill for which I am submitting amount- ing to 8634.U0 11, Sales Tax - ot licable to ducatlonal Institutions. The Business Agent reported that he had received the commun-r loation that follows regarding tax on certain sales, He stated, however, that In a letter to Mr. James Atiorris, manager of the Ganpus Book Store, that the ruling in the letter seems to have been qualified so as to apply only to sales maae during the service of meals. Letter: June 23, 1936 W, D. H. Peak Business Agent University of Kentucky Dear Mr. Peak:* We have just completed a conference with the Attorney Greneral, as a result of which we are ruling that sales of oommodities subject to tax under House Bill 5D of the xtraordinary Revenue Ses- sion are not subject to tax if made by an educational or charitable Institution. 5 The fact that the Commons and High School Cafeteria is operated by the University would render it exempt, (signed) James W. Martin Commissioner of Revenue 12, New State Financial Cohttrol, Report of Business Agent: The Business Office is endeavoring to adjust its accounting to the new financial system of the state, The new system seems right in theory but changes may have to be made in actual practice, All purchases must be mnde through the State Divi- sion of Purchases. This is causing some difficulty and delay, due largely to the necessary reorganization of that office, It is proposed that the State Treasurer make checks for all salaries and all bills of the University, The salary checks have been made In this way for the first summer school, On the whole, it is causing considerable difficulty, but it is expected that difficulties will disappear as $tate and University employees become familiar with the system, 13, R anitor's House, President McVey presented the following communication from the Superintendent of Buildings and Groutds: Memo:.-?resident F. L. MoVey Re: Heckler House During the past few weeks Mr, Heckler has been spending his own money and time painting and fixing the house up. He has asked me to request he be given free rent until the University needs the ground for building purposes. It Is understood that all maintenance and upkeep expense Is to be borne by him. He Is asking this in lieu of salary increase, I am recommendirg this arrangement and trust it meets with ycur approval. (Signed) M. 01. Crutcher Supt. 6 Mr. Heckler is head janitor and is living in one of the cot- tages on Graham Avenue belonging to the University. The proposal by Mr, Crutcher was approved, Mr. Heckler to bear the expense of maintenance, upkeep, and desired improvements of the property. The Superintendent of BSuildings and Grounds was directed to see that this is done without expense to the University, 14, Board of Commerce Membership. President McVey stated that he (as president of the Urniversi- ty) has been a member of the Lexington Board of Commerce for years and has been paying the dues from his own fundj. Wherefore, it was ordered that the University make application for memibership In the Lexington Board of Commerce and that the dues, $25.00 per an- num, be paid from University funds. 15. Bonds of' Business Aaent. It was ordered that the bond of the Bus;Iness Agent as cus- todian of petty cash fund, filed with State Finance Board, be re- newed in the s.um of $5,OOO.O0, and that the premium, $20O,00, be paid to Klair and Scott, Lexington, Kentucky, It was ordered that the bond of the BiustIness Agent be renewed In the sum of 8l6,QOO0Q0 and that the premium, *860O, be paid to Bedford (Ky.) Insurance Agency. 16, Bills for Insurance, Under contract with the Security Trust Company, the fire and tornado insurance on the men's dormitories, Kinkead and Breckin- ridge Halls, and the Service Building, must be carried in old line companies and not under state insurance control, Therefore, the bill of Klair and Scott, Lexington, Kentucky, for $194.14, premium on $2025,000.0, fire and tornado insurance on Kinkead and Breckln- ridge Halls, was approved and order-ed put in line for payment, Also the bill of Alfred G. Powell, Lexington, Kentucky, for $634.50, premium on $75,000OO0, fire and tornado insurance on Ser- vice Building, was approved and ordered put In line for payment. V17?, Erigidalre Atem, Patterson Hall. President MoVey presented a request of Mrs, Sarah B. Holmes, Assistant Dean o" Women, f or repair of the Frigidaire system In Patterson Hall, Mr. Crutcher suggested that new equipment be purchas ed, On the recommendation of the President, it was ordered that new equipment be purchased, the cost being estimated at $456.00. 7, l8, Report of Athletic Council, The following report of the Treasurer of the Athletic Council was received and ordered Inserted in the minutes: ATHLETIC ASSOCTATION - TIJVERSITY OF KNTUCKY STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBUR SEIIIENTS FOR MONTH OF JUNE 1936 Cash Balance May 31, 1936 --- $3,623.11 A0ceipts Football Program Ada ----- -- 42.50 Cash Balance and Receipts -- - - - - 3,665 61 Disbursements Traok -- 53.59 Laundry- 216,39 Publicity ----- -1165 Telephone and Telegraph 25,15 Water - 6,00 Field - 26,991 Freight - 1793 Office -- 148- 148 Tennis --- 77,18 Gol -- - ---- 25,00 Basketball -- --- 26,12 WI* p4 A, _ _ _ --- t34 49 Basketball Tournament 12,24 Correction on Ck #350 .01 Total Disbursements 1)87,7 Balance - June 30, 1936 ------ 817.7 Note - First National Bankt & Trust Company - $7,975.0o Due September 14, 1936 Note - First National Bank and Trust Company $6,000 Due November 1, 1936 a6. 19, Student Loan Fund Report. The following report of Dean Jones was received and ordered inserted in the minutes: Report of Student Loan Fund May 14, 1935 to June 20, 19,36. Number of Loans -- -- - - ----- 5 Of a total value of -- _ 8$153,2$ Number of collections on principal -------- 377 Of a total value of --- $4,710.00 Total amount of interest collected1 -,8 y816.4$ Notes outstanding, May 14, 1936 ---5 - ,647.16 Notes outstanding, June 20, 1936 -- S1,901.42 Cash on hand May 14, 1936- Cash on hand June 20, 1936 --- - 3$840,33 Amount irom All-Campus Dances ------ 1273.09 Total Cash on Hand - - q,, 269.89 Addendum: Collections on principal and interest from June 20 to July I, 1936 ---- -- -5,31 20, Grou Insurance Committee Report. Dean Edward Wiest, Chairman, made annual report of Group In- surance committee. This report has been printed and is ready f'r distribution. The following excerpt was ordered inserted in the minu tes % To the Employees of the University of Kentucky: The Group Insurance Committee submits below Its Fourth Annual Report covering the status of our group insurance system. for the fiscal year ending May 31, 1936. The Group is insured by the Prudential Insur- ance Company and has been operating since June 1, 1932, EXPERIENCE RECORD MIortality and disability claims paid from the time the Group was organized to the present have been as followsz Year No. of Claims Amount of Claims 1932-33 00 5 1933-1S34 4 $8,000 1934-1935 3 3,000 1935-1936 3 3,500 The growth of the Group as shown by the number of lives insured and the amount of insurance in effect at the close of each fiscal year is as follows: Year No, Insured Amount of Insur- ande 1932-33 575 1,-003,500 1933s-34 591 1,060,000 1934-35 649 1,158,500 1935-36 744 1,983,500 THE PREMIUM RATE AND GROUP DIVIDEND The premium rate continues for the present at eighty- four cents per month per $1,000 of insurance. This rate resulted in the payment by the University during the last fiscal year of a total aggregate premium of $11,390.56 and in the payment of a dividend by the Prudential Insurance Company to the group amounting to $5,686.63, As already stated, the Company also paid us mortality claims amounting to 8Y,500, The dividend payable to the Group Is the amount that remains after a sum sufficient to meet reserve requirementst administrative expenses, and mortality claims, Is deducted from the total aggregate premium. The Oommittee declide to assign $350 of the group dividend to the General Contingency Fund and to use the remainder in paying a portion, of, the premiums during the eight months from October to May inclusive. This means that for those who have been In the group for a year the regular rate of 84 cents will be reduced to 52 cents resulting in a net premium rate of 32 Cents per $1,000 per month from October to May inclusive. For those who have been In the group for a shorter period than a year, the premium reduction will be proportionately less 10. THE GENERAL CONTINGENOY FUND The General Contingency Fund is being accumulated gradually out of relatively small portions of the annual dividend received from the Company, The sums so set aside during the past tour years are as follows: 1932-33 ---- $733.82 1933-34 -- -- IS 1934r35 ----- 365,64 1935-36 -- 360.00 The purpose of this fund Is two-fold, First, It Is drawn upon to meet any administrative expenses that have to be incurred by the Committee, Second, It can serve to equalize dividends and stabilize the average gross premiAum rate in periods of emergency. The balance of the Fund at the close of the present fiscal year, as shown below is S1,837.62 but a correct statement of the balance requires a deduction of the cost of printing this report, because this is an expense properly chargeable to the fiseal year, 193b-36, The fund will be invested In approved bonds. LOCAL ADMINISTRMTIVE EENSES FOR THE YEAR The following statement shows the expenses paid out of the General Contingency Fund during the fiscal year, 193541936, and the amount of the Fund at the close of the year: Balance of the Fund at beginning of year ,,.,$l,506,62 Less Expenses: To Kernel for printing 19o5 report ..*.... .. $1,) 47, _62 Add Dividend allocation . 3*o*.0* Balance of Fund at end of year ..,..,, $1,837.62 21 SumMer School Session - t Weeks. President MoVey stated that he had appointed a committee to make plans for the Summer Session of' 1937, a change from two sessions of five weeks each to one session of eint weeks being contemplated, The comittee, by its chairman, Dean Boyd, made report of Its action at meeting of July 3, 1936, The appoint- ment of the committee was approved, and the President was author- ized to act on approval of the committee's suggestions, I1. 22. Advertisin=, President McVey brought up the question of advertising in papers, publications, etc,, stating that it has been his policy to avoid it but that in some instances circumstances arise that make avoidance difficult, The value of such advertising was questioned by the Committee members. The question for the present, however, was left to the President's judgment. 23. Lease of Rome ent House. Letter of Dean Cooper. July 10, 1936 President Frank L., McVey tiniversity of Kentucky Dear President McVey: The lease on the property at 162 Bonnie Brae Avenue which is occupied as a home management house expires July 31, 1936. I recommend that It be re-leased from rs. May K. Duncan, the owner, for the period of one year, namely August 1, 1936 to July 31,, 1937, at a rental of $60 per month. The item for this is provided in the budget of Home Economics teaching division of the College of Agriculture. (Signed) Thomas Cooper Dean and Director, Dean Cooper was authorized to renew the lease. 24, City Street ajiht of Way over Exeiment Station Farm, No action was taken Inasmuch as the matter was closed as shown by the following memorandum: President'8s Jemorandum* Memorandum relating to the inquiry made by Com- missioner James J. O'Brien proposing a right-of-way through University property from Rose Street to the Tate's Creek Pike. I made an appointment to see Commissioner James J. O'Brien at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning, June 24. Dean Cooper went with me. I stated to Com- missioner O'Brien that there was a fundamental princi- ple Involved in the request that came from his office. It was very important. This principle is to the ef- fect that the taking of Experiment Station property for City improvements would result in timt; in the Farm being materially reduced and that once this started there would be attempts to move the Experiment Station and Agriculture College to some other place, I called to the attention of Commissioner O'Brien the fact that proposals have been made to build service roads across the Experiment Station Farm. Dean Cooper indicated the effect upon the property as it now stands and the resulting loss of experiments carried on the existing lots, It is pointed out that a connection between the Tates Creek Pike and Limestone Street could be secured through Columbia Avenue, and that in the construction of this road of approxirtely two blocks, a communicat- ing road would be secured to the two parts of the City Wt. O'Brien indicated that the matter had been brought to his attention and so far as he was con- cerned, nothing would be done about it, (Signed)Frank L, McVey president of the University 25. Tobacco Research Laboratry, On motion duly seconded, it was ordered that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of May 5, 1936, be correct- ed so that section 11 may read as follows: 11. Tobacco Research Laborator - Contract. On April 23, l936, President F. L, MoVey, Dean Thomas Cooper and the architects, Frankel and Curtis, met in President Molcey's office for the purpose of opening sealed poposals for the construction of the Tobacco Research Lab- oratory for the Kentucky Agricultural Dtperiment Station. The proposals were opened in the presence of representa- tives of the contractors that made the proposals. The Committee that opened and tabulated the bids recommended that the base bid of Smith-Haggard Lumber Company, Inc., Lexington, Ky.,, 815,895,00; the electric wiring bid of Allen-Harper Company, Lexington, Ky.,, $SeS,26; the plumbing and heating bids of J. J, Fitz- gerald, Lexington, Ky,,, $3,633.00 be accepted, After construction of the bids as tabulated, on motion of Mr. Park, seconded by Mr Andrews. the Execu- tive Committee accepted the proposal of the Smith- Haggard Lumber Company, base bid; the proposal of the Allen.-Harper Company, electric wiring bid; the proposal of J. J. Fitzgerald , plumbing and heating bid., Con- tracts with the contractors; Smith-Haggard Lumber Com- pany for $15,895 00; Allen-Harper Company for 500.,00 in part of base bid; J. J, Fitzgerald 81,100.00 in part of base bid; were signed In open meeting by R, C. Stol1, Chairman of the Executive Committee. Contrn-cts for the remaining amount of base bid. of Allen-Harper Company and the base bid of J. J. Fitz- gerald were authorized when properly certified by Frankel and Curtis, architects, The action of R, C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Commit- tee in signing contracts, dated July 2, 1936, made In accordance with the minutes as corrected was approved and ratified, 26, W. P. A.- Proosed. roe cts., a. Field House. The proposed project for a field house or athletic practice court prepared by request by Professor D. V. Terrell, the cost being estimated at from $8,000,Oo to 8l0,000.00 was presented., The need, the location, the cost and other features of the enter- prise were discussed at length, The oonclusion was thrt funds not being available to cover costs of oonstructioh, no action should be taken on the proposed project, at this time., b. Dean Graham's Proposals. Applications for following projects proposed by Dean Graham were authorized and approved 1, The construction ot a concrete lined trench through the entire length of the East Engineering Bullding or machinie shop, This trench Is designed to carrr the return-water conduit of the tSteam distribution system", electric oondults 14. for this and other buildings, steam lines for this building, water and compressed air pipes for the ma- chine shop itwelf , This trench will be an integral part of this east building and if included in contract for this building, It would have added at least $4,000 to the contract cost. Our out-of-pocket ma- terial expense on this project willbe less than $1,000. 2, A project for removing present equipment in the Wendt Shop and storing same and preparing present floor for future use. No materials necessary, 3, Laying of electric conduit. This is the first step or leg In the study and reconditioning of the electric light and power system of the campus, The Utility Company has agreed to supply the recording meter for this proposed system, and we believe the plan will afford a considerable saving in power costs. This particular part of the general plan is needed because of The power requirements of the boiler- house of the Central Heating Plant and new buildings such as the Student Union, etc, The out-of-pocket cost will be approximately $3,000 mainly for the electric cable involved, To perform this work under contract with PW.A. will cost near $10,000, 4, A project for removing equipment and wrecking the West Engineering Building If and when this may be desirable. No out-of-pocket expense f'or materials -- a labor job only. You may remember that we negotiated a contribution of $5,000 from the College of Agriculture, as part pay- ment of cost for extending heating system to the ex- perimental farm, I suggest the use of this fund to old In the financing of the materials needed in these projects, Mr. Peak now holds this $6,000 In separate account, c. Superintendent Crutcher's Proposals. Applications for following projects proposed by Superinten- dent Crutcherx were authorized and approved: 1. Room 303, Frazee Hall (a)Remove old plastered ceiling which Is in danger- ous condition and replace with 1II celotex. (b)Remove stage and erect 8 x 10 platform on east side of room, ( tInstall additional Radiation. (d) Cut door through wall between rooms 303-A and 304. University Materials cost --------- $16500. 15. 2. Bxtension of W. P. A. Road and Sidewalk Project, They are -prepared ofur-ns all .a or ana $l500OO. in materials to finish the entire road system consisting of 33000 sq. yds. The Uirversity's share of Material costs would be 81780.00. If such roads as Euclid AVenue Entrance and those around Dairy Produlcts Building, Stock Pavilion and Agri- cultural Engineering Building are eliminated the total area to be paved would be reduced to 24000 sq. yds., which lowers University Materials Cost to $12*96.00. I am strongly in favor ojohing the entire job now while th:e opportunity Is here, To finish the 9000 sq. yds. left off by contract would cost $5400.00. JAp roved as to 24,000 sq. yds. cost estimated at 1296,.00. Consideration of the remaining part of the proposed project was continued). 3. Service Build. (.) Building second floor in present locker room to provide more space for new lookers purchased by Physical Education Department, to be ready at beginning of first semester. 27. P. W. A. Construction. College Docket Kentucky 1013, a, Contracts: The President stated that at 11:00 abm. on July 22, 1936, bids had been reoeived in his office and there publicly opened and read in accord with the advertisements therefor under date of July 8 and July 15, 1936. "The University of Kentucky will receive Proposals from reputable contractors for COntract No,, Central Heating Plant Buildings excluding Electrical Work Contract No, 2 Pulverized Fuel Burning Steam Generating Unit Contract No. ' a Sprea~der Type Stoker and Forced Draft Fan Contract No. 4 Coal Handllng and Storage Equipment 16. Contract No, 5 Asi Conveyor System, Hoppers and Storage Tank Contract No. 150 Movable Partitions for South and East Unit8, College of Engineering Buildings Contract No. 160 Heating and Ventilating System South and East Units, College of Engineering." The President then presented all the bids, which had been received and opened, together with a summary sheet for each group of bide and read the report of Dean Graham thereon. After the reading of the report, the Committee decided to consider each group of bids separately as set forth upon the several summary sheets. 1. The bid of the Babcock and Wilcox Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, to furnish and erect one pulverized coal steam generating unit, as specified and bid on July 22, 1936, for the sum of $27,825,00 was discussed and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved t