Best Copy Available THE KENTUCKY KERNEL UNIVERSITY YEA, WILDCATS! WIN s OR LOSE WE'RE WITH YOU! OF LEXINGTON, VOLUME XIX KY., KENTUCKY CADET HOP WILL HE HELD IN MEN'S GYM SATURDAY MARCH 1, 1929 NUMHER 20 iV' CATS FACE TULANE IN TOURNEY TODAY 1 5 K. LP. A. MEETING FinancialC. Drive for A. Funds Y. M. CONVENES Will Be Renewed DATES ARE TODAY AT RICHMOND College Press Staffs nnd Slate Journalists Expected to Attend Session REST COLLEGE PAPER WILL RE ANNOUNCED Lexington Lender and Alpha Delta Sigma Give Silver Loving Cups The spring meeting of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association will convene today and Saturday, March 1 and 2, at the Eastern Kentucky Teachers' College, at Richmond. College press staffs and state journalists from all over Kentucky will gather to exchange Ideas on ja&nallsm and to make awards to the outstanding college papers of the state. A delegation from The Kernel staff and several of the Journalism professors of the University are expected to attend. A feature of the meeting will be the announcement of the winners of the contests conducted by the association. A silver loving cup given by the Lexington Leader will be awarded to the paper selected by the judges as the best college paper. A similar cup donated by Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary Journalistic fraternity at the University of Kentucky, will be given to the paper having the best advertising makeup. Papers to be judged have been in the hands of the committee for several weeks. The tentative program, as arranged by Robert Salyer, former University student and present editor of the Eastern Progress at Richmond, is as follows: Friday, March 1 Registration, 10 a. m. Luncheon, 12, noon. Addresses, 4 p. m. p.m. Business, Banquet, 6 p. m. Saturday, March 2 Business session, 8:30 a. m. Election of Officers. Presentation of Cups. Discussion. Reports of Committees. Other Business. Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, assistant professor of journalism and acting head of the journalism department at the University, will be one of the speakers at the meeting, as well as other of the prominent Journalists of the state. Details of the program are being arranged by the Progress staff. Members of the association which will be represented are The Kentucky Kernel, Kentucky Weslayan Undercurrent, Centre College Cento, Heights Herald, Murray College Asbury Collegian, News, Colleg Crimson Rambler, Transylvanian, Georgetonian, and Eastern Progress. The Progress became a member of the association at the meeting held last spring at the University, and will celebrate Its first anniversary at this meeting. James Shropshire, business manager of The Kernel, is president of and Raymond the organization, Hornback, editor of the College is secretary. Heights Herald, RELATIONS CLUB TO MEET The Students International Relations club will hold its regular meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock In room 302 of the Administration building. The question to be discussed will be "Universal League of Nations vs. Regional League of Nations." All students interested in International relations are Invited to be present. MUSIC FESTIVAL SET New Leading Lady Selected by Strollers Ruth Uonnin, Concho, Okla., Chosen for The University Y. M. C. A. will Department of Extenin "Square Crooks" conduct another financial canvass U. K. sion Will Sponsor Final on March 5. Previous drives have failed to net sufficient funds to Contests Among Kentucky Ruth Marie Bonnln, of Concho, Okla., will take the leading femincarry out the yearly budget. Funds High Schools. ine role in the Stroller play, "Square obtained from the canvass are expended In the publication of the The fourth annual Kentucky High Crooks," by James P. Judge. This book, financing of "Y" socials School Festival, sponsored by the important change in the cast was "K" at a special try-o- ut and the conducting of discussion University extension department, made last week-en- d session. groups. will be held on the campus April 12 Miss Bonnln is a sophomore in On December 3, 1928, the "Y" and 13. Louis Clifton, of the extenheld a drive which netted $613, sion department, will be in charge. the College of Arts and Sciences, nearly $400 short of the amount reThe object of the occasion Is to an Alpha Gamma Delta pledge, a quired for the carrying out of the stimulate Interest in music in the regimental sponsor of R. O. T. C, adopted at the first of the schools of the state. Music departbudget and has been selected for two sucof year. Approximately ments of all high school and Junior cessive years as one of the most on the campus. Last the University students were not colleges are eligible to this meeting beautiful co-ereached In the first canvass. W. L. year she was vice president of s VninHp treasurer, has expressed which is planned In cooperation by of '31 and a representative on reaching the goal lni the University department of music the women's administrative council. confidence of and Miss Mildred Lewis, State Sudrive. the follow-u- p Rehearsals arc being held nightly Members of both cabinets and pervisor of Music. meeting, 16 dis- in Patterson hall. Don Forman and Preceding the others who are willing to assist in places his assistants arc constructing the trict festivals will be held the drive will meet In the "Y" room selected by the extension atdepart- scenery at Woodland auditorium, in Alumni hall Tuesday nieht where and Strollers are working hard for light refreshments will be served to ment. The district meetings that the opening of the play which will are Hender' have been announced the workers. son, Bowling Green, Slmpsonvllle, be in Harlan on March 28. "Square Ft. Thomas, Frankfort, Somerset, Crooks" promises to be an outstandBrooksville, Lebanon, and Murray. ing success. Seven other districts have not been definitely announced, but it Is thought that these will be held at Ashland, Carrollton, Plneville, Jackson, Cloverport, and Richmond. Teams Will Discuss Present The classification of groups for Jury System at 3 o'Clock in the festival is as follows: Mixed McVey Hall; North Caro- - chorus, boys' chorus, girls' chorus, quartet, Ihia Scheduled Next Week.j boys' vocal solomixed quartet, girls' (male), vocal solo trio, Rosamund Will Be (female), piano, violin, cello, flute, Schubert's The University debating team will cornet, trombone, clarinet, saxoPresented at The Guignol meet the Berea College debaters at Week of April 15 phone, xylophone, band and or3 o'clock this afternoon in tne lec ture room of McVey hall to discuss chestra. The classification for band, or- LARGE CAST, SPECIAL the subject, "Should We Find Some chestra and chorus, will be divided Substitute (For the Present Jury CHORUS ARRANGED William Dysard and, Into three groups, classes as A, B, System?" James S. Porter, oi tne university, and C. Lampert to Direct Producwill take the affirmative. tion; Sponsored by Phi At 8 o'clock this evening Sidney of Mu Alpha and Phi Beta T. Schell and Clifford Amyx, neg-otithe University, will uphold theLocal nf t.hp same Question In a de For the first time In the history of the University the students and bate with Centre College at Dan O. D. K. town people alike will have the opville. A debate between uerea ana portunity to attend the presentaCentre will be held later on at Carroll Byron, of the College of tion of a real opera. Rosamond, Berea. Dr. Bays, of Centre, will act deKentucky-Bere- a Law, will represent Omicron Delta under the direction of Prof. C. A. as Judge of the bate. Dr. A. G. Wadler, of Berea, Ksppa, honorary campus leaders Lamport, will be presented April 15. fraternity, at a three day meeting This offering Is being sponsored will be judge of the Kentucky-Centr- e, and Prof. W. R. Sutherland, of of the national organization which by Phi Mu Alpha, men's honorary Centre-Berea started Wednesday at the Univerand Phi Beta, music fraternity, the University, judge in the meets. sity of Alabama. women's honorary musical and draDean W. L. Prince, of the Univer- matic sorority. Both organizations On March 4, 5, and 6, the Kentucky debaters will engage in a se- sity of Richmond, national presi- feel that they have a rare offering ries of debates with the University dent, will preside. Other members of in store for students. This Is the only complete opera 6f North Carolina on the subject, the executive council who will atever written by Schubert and it "Should the Government Own and tend are Prof. G. L. Schramm, UniPower Operate Hydro - Electric Private-ly-own- versity of Pittsburgh; Dr. William contains such numbers as Ave Plants in Competition with M. Brown, Washington and Lee Marie and Schubert's Serenade. Utilities?" The Kentucky University, executive secretary; Dr. f Besides being claimed by critics as speakers who will discuss the nega- John C. French, Johns Hopkins; one of the most beautiful misical tive, are Richard Weaver and Ray- Prof. A. G. Williams, William and compositions today, it is full of acmond Auxier. The affirmative will Mary, and Prof. J. H. Hewlett, Cen- tion and romance. Part of the plot takes place during a revolution be upheld by J. C. Williams and E. tre College, Danville. H. Whitley, Juniors at the Univerwill start today which insures action galore. The first at Business sessions sity of North Carolina. The 10 o'clock in Farrah hall, law love scene of the shepherds carries the story to its climax in the popudebate will be held in the audito- building. It is believed that approxrium of the Cynthiana High school, imately 100 delegates will attend lar Serenade. 4, at 7:30 p. m. The second Present plans call for the preMarch the sessions. Arrangements have will take place at 7:30 p. m., March been made to care for visiting dele- sentation of the opera each night Mt. Sterl- gates for a week beginning with the ini5, in the high school at in fraternity houses. tial performance on April 15 at the ing, and the third will be held in Guignol theater. One hundred peoLexington, with the time and place ple will be included in the cast and to be announced later. a special chorus of dancers will be At a debate held Monday night Y' the Uniincorporated in the opera. in Stanford, Ky., between To A male chorus as well as a mixed versity and Centre teams, on the Jury chorus will perform, each donned subject, "Should the Present System Be Abolished?" Hugh R. Religious Concept of Univer- in costumes made especially for the opera. Solo parts will be sung by Jackson of the University, and Clyde sity Students Object of noted singers of the city. Professor Hall of Centre, took the affirmative Y. M. C. A. Plan Lampert hopes the community will against Clifford Amyx of the University, and G. C. Smith of Centre. manifest enough Interest In the unAt a meeting of the senior caba civic opera dertaking so No decision was rendered. inet of the Y. M. C. A. held Tuesday company maythat formed for the be night, plans were laid for the con- purpose of formulating musical preALUMNI TO GIVE BANQUET ducting of a survey of the leading sentations in the future. students on the campus concerning Professor Alexander, head of the The Lexington Alumni Club will their religious views. arts department at Yale, argive a banquet for varsity and The survey will be personal and fine ofbasketball players on Is to be conducted with the view ranged the manuscript of themost freshman fering. It is now one of the Thursday, March 7, at 6:30 o'clock of obtaining the ideas of "campus may leaders" upon the subject of relig- popular light operas presented In In the Lafayette hotel. Students buy tickets for the dinner at the ion and whether or not there has America. Campus Book Store for $1.00. been any change in. their concep- SCABBARD AND BLADE tion due to college association. PLEDGES ARE ANNOUNCED Further business transacted at the cabinet meeting consisted of the following men were pledged election of Phil Aswerus as secre- to The Scabbard and Blade, men's hontary to succeed Raymond White orary military fraternity, at the who did not return to school this semester. It was also announced Military Ball held In the Men's that consent had been obtained gymnasium last Friday night: Rogfrom President McVey and Miss er E. Laufer; Fred M. Fister Jr.; Carrie Bean for the sale of candy John C. Benson; Laurence K. dustry, Perseverence and PromptIn the reading room and the game Shropshire, Leonard Weakley, Preston W. Ordway, Robert M. ODear, ness," W. M. Wilson, Merchant room of the "Y." Ralph S. Hardtman, Charles E. Col-v- ln 2 Cheapslde, then adverTailor, No. Jr., G. B. Finley, Howard M. tises the fact that he "will keep Club Will Fitch, Hayes H. Owens, Paul S. constantly on hand a general asand Stanley Milward. sortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and McVey Vestlngs, Stocks, Handkerchiefs and Feminine Role DEBATERS MEET! PLANS ARE MADE BEREA TODAY FOR FIRST OPERA IN U. K. HISTORY Carroll Byron to Represent at 'Bama Senior Cabinet Conduct Survey U. K. Library Boasts Collection Of Rare and Valuable Books By Sara Elvove The library of the University although unusually small, has managed to place on Its shelves books of every description, type, subject and color conceivable. There has arrived lately a Portugese grammar. The most Interesting collection of books, however, are those books which, on account of their rarity and value, are separately shelved in a small bookcase located behind the desk of the librarian. On .account of the value and fragility of these books, the bookcase Is kept under lock and key, but the key may be obtained for the asking. One of the interesting books to be found there Is a small directory for the city of Lexington for the years 1838 and 1839. The book itself Is small, much handled and the preliminary paging directoof which, like present-da- y Is given over to advertising the ries, stores and articles to be found In Lexington. At the top of the first page, there is a picture of a huge bee hive, placed upon a marble bench, and surrounded by roses and shrubs. Beneath It, In great black letters, is the very appropriate slogan: "In English Meet in ." Two eagles, perched on their respective United States shields, herald the announcement of J. Chew & Company: Have now, and intend keeping always on hand, a large and general assortment of English, French and India and Domestic dry goods. Hall The regular meeting of the English club will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in room 211, McVey hall. As March 5 Is the anniversary of the birth of Michael Angelo, the program for today will be devoted to a review of his life argf works. Mrs. Lowell Robinson will present a discussion of the life history of the famous painter and poet, and Norman Neff will give an appreciation of art and his poetry. The chairman of the program committee is Mrs. Byron H. Pumphrey. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the program. If an ad of the following type appeared In one of the local papers, a mob would form Immediately: Grocer and McSear & O'Connell Liquor Merchants. Fresh groceries, also foreign and domestic liquors, viz. rum, brandies, wines, whiskey, Holland gin, Neward and crab cider. The collection of old books in DEAN BOYD RETURNS The collection of old books includes The collection of old books includes many out of print histories, Dean Paul P. Boyd returned home especially those dealing with Ken- Tuesday morning from the Univertucky history. Among them are sity of North Carolina where he has been making a survey of the extension department. (Continued oh Pace Eight) Are Urged Seventh Annual Institute to Convene at University Under Direction of Ezra Gillis; Uij? Delegation Expected. The seventh annual Institute for Registrars will be held at the University the week of April 1 to 6, under the direction of Ezra L. Glllls. Last year there were representatives present from 20 states, and an equally large representation is expected for the meeting this spring. Five regular courses will be presented at the institute, each course meeting dally. They are as follows: "Principles of University and College Administration," by President Frank L. McVey; "Problems of College Organization and Administration," Prof. F. W. Reeves of the College of Education; "A Course In Elementary Statistics For Registrars," by C. C. Ross, professor of educational psychology; "The Professional Functions of the Registrar," by Ezra L. Glllls, registrar; "The Technique of the Registrar's Office," by the officer of admissions and the recorder of the University. The first period probably will be devoted to registration and to a general meeting, when President McVey will make a short address of welcome. Fuller details of the program will be announced later. The Institute was inaugurated at the University and is held here annually. The courses include discussions of problems of administration and the work of the registrar. Former meetings have been attended by college presidents, registrars, deans, and graduate students. There is no charge for tuition, and the only expenses Incurred by those in attendance are their living expenses. If 'Cats Win Two Games, Bus Will Leave for Atlanta Provided that the University of Kentucky quintette wins its first two games, Friday and Saturday, in the Southern Basketball Tournament at Atlanta, Ga., a pilgrimage of students will leave the Union Bus station at 2:30 o'clock by bus Sunday afternoon for Atlanta to see and finals to be held the semi-fina- ls Monday and Tuesday nights, March 4 and 5. The party will return to Lexington Wednesday, March 6. Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, acting head of the department of Journalism, is to be the official chap-eroof the proposed trip. All students desiring to go to Atlanta should get in touch at once with Larry Seaman, who is sponsoring the trip. He may be reached by phoning 4085. The fare for the round trip will be $15. Students wishing to go are urged to make reservations early. to Help Speed Service at Lunch Time Students are urged to abide by the following rules In order to speed up the cafeteria service at the University. Go in the right door at the head of the stairs If you want cafeteria service. Go In the left door If you want a sandwich, milk, colfee, or soda fountain supplies. Do not hold up the line behind you when you get to the counter. Choose quickly. Step ahead of the line if you want nothing at the department where you are standing. Have your change ready. In order to promote greater enthusiasm and "pep" at University athletic contests, the "K" book for 1029-3- 0 will sponsor a contest for the best yell submitted within the next three weeks. A first prize of $5 will be given and a suitable award for the second and third prizes. All yells submitted must be received not later than Friday, March 22, and should be mailed to Morton Walker, editor of the "K" book, University box 1164. The contest has met with the hearty approval of James Hester, president of SuKy, student pep organization, as being a step in the furthering and promotion of enthusiasm among students. All students are eligible and are granted the privilege of submitting as many yells as they desire. The yells selected as the best, as well as those receiving honorable mention, will be placed in next year's "Frosh Bible," together with the name of the ones submitting them. ORCHESTRA WILL GIVE CONCERT Philharmonic Organization to Give Program of Romantic Music at. 3 o'Clock Sunday Afternoon in Men's Gym. The University Philharmonic orchestra, under the direction of Prof. C. A. Lampert, will give the fourth of a series of concerts Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Men's gymnasium. The orchestra has appeared several times this year and has met with approval each time. It has increased In size as well as in instrumentation since lost season and is now capable of playing any class of music. Many telegrams were received recently when the orchestra played over WHAS, the Courier-Journ- al and Louisville Times radio is station, and the organization becoming popular with the mufast sic intelllgencia of the "state. The program Sunday will be romantic, offering music that was written during the age of romanticism. All students of the romantic movement will find a wealth of the art of that age in this music as the real characteristics of the time are better portrayed in the music than any other way. The program is as follows: Weber Overture Der Freischutz. Beethoven Contra Dances Cello Solo, Andante Golterman Wesley Morgan Miramontes Andalusia (1) A Castle in Spain. (2) Dance in the MarketP lace. (3) Dulcinea Dreams. (4) Tale of the Troubadours. Selections from Caval- Ascher leria Rusticana Ballet Egyptian Luizini Hoover Inaugural Juniors to Elect Will Be Broadcast 'Queen' March 15 The election of the Junior Prom May Hear Radio Queen will be held Friday, March Description of Ceremonies 15. Ballot boxes will be located in Monday at Dicker Hall front of the Administration build- Students On Monday, March 4, a large dynamic speaker will be placed in Dicker hall to enable the students and faculty of the University to hear the broadcast of the Inauguration of Herbert Hoover. The program will begin at 10 o'clock, Lexington time. A conservative estimate of the number of people throughout the United States who will listen to the inaugural services has been placed at fifty millions. hookup has been The nation-wid- e so arranged that the radio audiwill be able to hear more of ence the happenings at Washington than those gathered at the capltol itself. There will be 30 microphones arranged at various important places where all events of national interest will be broadcast to the world. In the Senate chamber the American listener will hear the senators sworn In and the speech of Vice President Curtis. The whole ceremony of administering the oath to President-elec- t Hoover, and the presidential Inaugural address will be heard. Two Cheer Leaders Selected by SuKy Cafeteria Rules Students FIRST TILT FOR REGISTRARS TO Editor of K9 Book Announces Rules MEET APRIL 1 - 6 For Yell Contests MAUERMEN WILL Two cheer leaders for next year's athletic events were chosen between halves of the Mississippi-Kentuck- y basketball game last Friday night. Those selected were Slado Carr, of Covington, Ky a freshman pre-mstudent and pledge of Sigma Nu fraternity, and Maurlco Scott, of Frankfort, a freshman In the College of Commerce and a pledge of Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity. Members of the SuKy Circle chose the men by secret ballot after several candidates tried out for the honor during the first half of the game. Early next year a third cheer leader will be chosen. A captain will be elected from the trio at that time, all of whom will serve during the entire year at all athletic events. ing, McVey hall, and Mechanical hall. Nominations must be turned in to Harry Calloway at the Alpha Tau Omega house or Frank Davidson at the Sigma Nu house by noon Thursday, March 14. The petitions must be endorsed by at least ten members of the Junior class. The polls will be open from 9 to 12 in the morning and 1 to 3 in the afternoon, a list of names of the Juniors will be at each of the ballot boxes and will be checked to avoid students voting more than once. BE SEVERE TEST Blue and White Await Opening Whistle at 2 o'Clock This Afternoon SQUAD OF TEN MEN TAKEN TO ATLANTA Team Given Outside Chanc Ry Experts to Win Conference Title By Way in an Thomasson The Old South has forgot Young Strlbllng for the time being nnd today sportdom turns to the court for the opening gesture of the Southern Conference basketball tournament in Atlanta. Yesterday as the first rays of the sun gained the summit of the ancient municipal auditorium, Coach John Maurer and ten Wildcats stepped from the fast Ponce de Leon limited and lost themseelves to the public until this afternoon at 2 o'clock when the Big Green Wave from Tulane washes against the Wildcat fur In the second game of the tournament. The old auditorium has housed the tournament for the last five years. A few weeks ago the boys from New Orleans began their activities in the Mardl Gras with a 33 to 19 victory over Kentucky in one of the roughest games of the season. Dees and his fellow football players were substituted in a vain effort to stem the tide of defeat as ten husky Wildcats entered the brawl. Today the conflict will rage on a neutral court. Spectators will not crowd the sidelines and the floor will be regulation size. At Tulane the fans sat close to the court. The court was a third smaller than regulation. Due to Coach Mauer's proposal, ten Wildcats, instead of eight, were allowed to make the trip to the tourney. Last season it was against the conference ruling for any team to take more than eight men to the tournament. Those favored were the two McGlnnises, Spicer, Combs, McBrayer, Milward, Owens, Trott, Dees', and Glib: Manager Griffin and Trainer Mann also accompanied the team. A basketball tournament is one of the many uncertain things in this life. Last year a Kentucky team completely outclassed its first two opponents and reigned as a favorite to cop the title. Along came an unconscious pair of forwards, Phillips by name and twins by nature, from Ole Miss to throw basketballs over their heads, between their legs into the baskets from all angles, to defeat Kentucky and Auburn before winning the championship. Two years ago a Vanderbllt team lost consistently during the season and then won the tournament. Lost season Auburn had as an impressive a record during the season as Washington and Lee has this year. Auburn won the first three games at Atlanta by one point and then lost to Ole Miss by one point in the finals. By "experts;" Kentucky is given only an outside chance of winning the tournament. The odds are against the.Mauermen winning the tournament. Local opinions naturally favor the Wildcats in their first games. Thus the consensus of opinion gives the Blue and White an excellent chance of going to the finals, but a slim chance of winning the championship. Georgia Is expected to defeat Auburn in the first round and to renew her old feud with Kentucky. These teams have never failed to meet in the Southern Tournament. Kentucky has lost to the Bulldogs only once. The third game should pit Kentucky against the North Carolinans, onetime conquerors of the Wildcats by 27 to 1C on the local court. Bridge Tournament Suggested To Brighten Dull March Days By Colonel Martin It. Glenn While Old Man Sol gaily plays with intermittent rains and sklfts of snows and the season for the raccoon is gradually being supplanted by the season that partakes of the essence of spring, students are vexatlously concerned as to how they will be able to pass away with Joy the windy month of March. The curtain of time has been temporarily lowered upon local Wildcat activities. Baseball, track and the spring races do not start until April. With the exception of the state high school basketball tournament, which is scheduled for the Ides of March, there will be no athletic exhibitions at the University during the month. Although the social calendar is overcrowded with "hops" and "brawls" at this time of the year, it seems that some sort of competitive indoor sport should be adopted in order to alleviate the strain of scholastic burdens. Of course sorority houses are often the scenes of extremely interesting struggles, but these combats are not usually subject to public exhibitions, al though "lovers" cups are frequently awarded the victors. bridge tournament An intra-murduring this dull period would arouse the interest of tho student body and create a sensation in the college world. The tournament might be staged in the Roller Gardens, on West Main street, and an appropriate prize, such as a trip to might be awarded the champion. In the event that this suggestion deis approved by the intra-mur- al partment, I would suggest that the following rules of play be unanimously adopted: 1. Pick up your cards as dealt. You will be ready to bid before the others. 2. If your hand is rotten, mention it. It will guide your partner in his bid and play. 3. If your partner bids first don't hesitate to raise. He has to play the hand. 4. Occasionally ask what is the trump. It wlU show that you are interested in the game. 5. Don't show lack of interest when you ore dummy. Help your (ContlaBeU oh Pace Eifht) *