xt7qz60bwf80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bwf80/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19300207 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 7, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 7, 1930 1930 2012 true xt7qz60bwf80 section xt7qz60bwf80 Best Copy Available BASKETBALL J 'Cats Will Meet 'Rambling Wreck' Saturday Night THE KENTUCKY KERNEL UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, VOLUME XX j mm. "EAST LYNNE" KENTUCKY OF FEBRUARY KENTUCKY, Players Open Monday Night in Little Theater Guignol 7, 1030 NUMBER 18 J REGISTRATION TOTAL IS 2,630 Golden Tornado to Play Wildcats Saturday 'CATS WIN TWO GAMES OUT OF Dean F. Paul Anderson Honored At Engineering Society Meeting THREE0N TRIP American Heating and Ventilating Organization Names Medal for Head of College of Engineering, "Whose Service to the Profession Is Outstanding;" Thornton Lewis Makes. Presentation Rambling Wreck from Tech Has Been Losing Prestige After Losses A LYNNE' member of the University staff sents the best technical paper dur- when an announcement was made of an endowment for a gold medal of award named in honor of F. Paul Anderson, dean of EngineerBy Vernon D. Rooks ing at the University and past Dixie flyer from president of the society. The crack President Atlanta, Ga., will arrive in society made Thornton Lewis of the at the Saturday banquet and the presentation regulaLexington outlined the col- tions under which the F. Paul with an assorted cargo of ored Tornadoes. And after Anderson Medal would be awarded annually, to the member of the the gales have been loosed in American Society of Heating and the Euclid avenue gymna- Ventilating Engineers, "whose work sium Saturday night at 8 or services performed In the field ventilating or air o'clock, a Rambling Wreck of heating, were outstanding." conditioning In from Georgia Tech will be making the fund available for this towed South, the direct result annual medal, it was suggested that collision with a the first award of the F. Paul of a head-o- n Anderson Medal be made to the Kentucky Wildcat. member of the society not more The Rambling Wreck , which than thirty years of age, who pre fears naught on the gridiron, has been landing in the rough during a part of the early 'Southern Conference basketball season, and prestige is a difficult sacrifice for winning. Coach, Johnny Mauer brought his little Blue boys back to the Blue Grass in excellent condition and, believe it or not, he thinks Kentucky has. an even break to spank the Tech netmen. Among other things, the Wildcat U. basketball team survived the midyear examinations and have "standings" packed into the same duffle that carries the scalps of six Southern Conference teams. The "shelved' and-Tec- 'Prof. Elmer G; Sulzer Directs injury jinx has-be- en is in for an unusually interInitial Radio Performance esting evening. of Orchestra From Remote Kentucky will be entering the Control Station home stretch in the game Saturday night. With Tech in the background, the Wildcats will have but two The New University of Kentucky other games on the menu. Georgia Ensemble made its debut qver the in Lexington, February 14, which radio Wednesday night from the is the same day St. Valentine, or somebody buys candy for his best University remote control studio, in girl. On February 22, Kentucky will connection with station WHAS- - at complete the regular schedule in Louisville. The orchestra, under the Euclid avenue gymnasium in a the direction of Elmer G. Sulzer, game with the thus far undefeat- featured a variety of pieces with ed Washington and Lee Generals. well presented ensemble effects. The musicians composing this orAn on February 28, Coach "Moses" Mauer will lead the Boys in Blue ganization are Richard Arnold and to Atlanta to exhibit their wares in LeRoy Smith, violins; Russell Greg-so- n, cello; Charles Grels, bass; Edthe Southern Conference tournaward Barlow, clarionet; ment. Charles is a matter Dlckerson, flute; Harold Rltter, The starting line-u- p of conjecture. Coach Mauer will oboe; Alvin Vlnapal, bassoon; Nork, choose between Cecil Combs, Carey man Hainsey, cornet; Hugh French horn; Elden DuRand, Splcer and Louis McGinnis at the forwards. Milward will start at trombone; Mrs. Moyner B. Mober-l- y, piano, and Mary O'Brien, harp. center, and the defense probably will be Captain Paul McBrayer and Lawrence McGinnis. For those who doubt that Tech Dr. can get real mean at times we on on Page Eight) Squad Survive Exams. Mid-Ter- early son had trained and directed the education of more engineers engaged in the heating and ventilating profession and Industry than any other man in the world. Reference was made to Dean Andersen's service as director of the society's research laboratory at the Pittsburgh Experiment Station of the United States Bureau of Mines, and his other contributions to the science of heating and ventilating through research invesigatlons. President Elect L. A. Harding of Buffalo 'accepted the presentation on behalf of the society. President Thornton Lewis, of the American Society of Heating & Ventilating Engineers, was one of Dean Anderson's students and a graduate of the University, class of 1906. He was born and reared in Versailles. Farm, Home Convention Is Attended by More Than 4,000 State Agriculturists K. PRESENTS NEW ENSEMBLE . Arenson Speaks "Radio Reaction? Dr. S. B. Arenson, of the University of Cincinnati, will speak on "Radio Reaction" at a meeting of the Lexington Chemical Society, Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Kastle hall. The announcement was made by O. J. Stewart, secretary-treasurTwenty-Fiv- e Assistants in of the section. Production of Dr. Arenson will speak of experiMem- ences encountered last winter while Comedy Are Made "Taking the Mist Out of Chemisbers of Strollers. try." This series of radio talks was Strollers, at a meeting at 7 p. m. probably the first group of related Tuesday in Patterson Hall, made chemistry lectures ever broadcast. An invitation has been extended plans to restage "Local Color" successful fall production, Frank Dav- to the public to attend the meeting. the next two idson, director, within at Woodland Auditorium. weeks Proceeds from this performance will be used for the benefit of 'LOCAL COLOR' IS TO BE RESTAGED Musical Senior Engineers Write in Contest persons who assistTwenty-fiv- e ed in the production of this musical comedy were voted to membership in Strollers. Earl Cella was elected publicity chairman of the organization to succeed Morris Scott who did not return to school this semester. The organization voted to give a pearl to Earl Cella for having been in the Stroller play two years; a pearl t- - Dorothy Jones for her services as prompter: a ruby to James Thompson for his work as stage manager, and plain pins to the following: Louise McDonald, Evelyn Gaul, Florence Morris, Mary Elizabeth Alice Baskett, Fisher, Frances WUUs, Virginia Mary Bruner, Elbert Bell, Davis, Kathorine Charles Goodman, Joe Allen, Rus-s- el Stelgner, Jack Smith, Earl King Senff, Toy Sandefur, Pat Thompson, Gene Royse, Max Kerr, M. Berry, Zave Schuler. John Jones, Woody Donavan, William Kinney, John Keeme Robey, and Malcolm Barnes. Announcement of tryout dates for the spring play will be made during the next week, following the official selection of this play by Thomas L. Riley, Stroller director. ImBr Prizes of $100, $50 and $25 in gold have been offered by Col. J. H. Graham, president of the Indian Refining Company, to seniors In of Engineering who the College write the three best reports of their trip to the plant of the company at Lawrenceville, 111. i The lectures attended and the Inspections of the methods used In the plant, as explained to the seniors on this trip, are to make up the substance of the reports. Col. Graham, who Is a graduate of the University, will award the prizes April 15. Announcement of With plans for the annual Milithis contest has been made public tary Ball well under way, officers by Dean F. Paul Anderson, of the of the university R. O. T. O. unit College of Engineering. have announced that present indications are that tho affair will be GET YOUR MAILBOX "the outstanding social event of the students in the University are year". February 21 has been selecAll requested to make application immediately with Miss Carrie Bean, ted as the date. Two features which will be of director of the University station, for mail boxes for the coming se- interest to University students are applies to both old and planned for this year's ball. New mester. This new students. Prompt attention to company regimental sponsors, who this notice will facilitate handling are to be chosen within the next two of mall and will enable students to weeks by the cadets, will be anreceive all communications at the nounced and presented as the guests very earliest time. of honor. Another annual feature htm f Tickets Now on Sale at Box Office ; Reservations F. Paul Anderson, dean of the University College of Engineering, was honored at the national meeting of the American Society of EngiHeating and Ventilating neers In Philadelphia recently, when was named a special annual award In his honor. FEBRUARY ISSUE OF LETTERS OUT Is Among Contributors to Current Edition of University Literary Magazine V. F. Calverton By Edna Smith The February tdition of magazlhe'publlsH-- r by the English department of the university, has been completed and is on sale in the business office of The Kernel. Many of the contributions to this edition were made by students and members of the faculty. One of the outstanding articles in the current edition of "Letters", is "The Problem of Evaluation in Criticism," by V. F. Calverton, written especially for "Letters." Mr. Calverton will be remembered as the versatile speaker at convocation some few weeks ago. There are several short stories, one of which is "Carcassone," by Prof. Joe H. Palmer, which deals with a young and ambitious writer who is burdened with a wife and child. The writer is not able to work on what he thinks would be his masterpiece because of the lack of funds to support his family and, as the story goes, he begins to write "truck" to keep from starving. Another short story Is "Miss Meggot," written by Mary Moore Davis, who is a frequent contributor to "Letters." The last story In the contents of this quarterly Is "The Brooch," by one of the university student body, Dorothy Carr, of Lexington, and a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. Her story deals with the romance and background of two old maids who have suffered from the Influence and depredations of the war between the States. al review There Is a of Kentucky," comof "Play-Partipiled by S. W. Douthltt. a student of the university. This article concerns the passing of the old picturesque post-timof the typical mountaineers of Kentucky. This is followed by a series of songs, or what have you, to which tunes these backwoods people made merry many years ago. There are two art sketches painted by Anna Louise Rice, a senior In the Arts and Sciences College and a resident of Lexington. One of the sketches is called "Romance of the South." The other Is named "Forespent". Miss Rice was one of the six students whose work was (Continued on Page Eight) ed "I would that I could see my dear ofmother. But no, the lynx-eye- d ficers of the law are on my trail and may discover me in spite of my disguise." Thus runs the story of "East Lynne" that opens at the Guignol Theatre Monday night and will continue throughout the entire week. The revival of this one time popular play will be a unique contribution to historical dramatics. Devoid of burlesque and modernisitic qualities, it will be presented in the same kind of buoyancy and period costumes that were the vogue at Its premiere showing in the Boston Museum during the modest days of 1865. The cast Is rehearsing, advance are increasing, and ticket sales anxious critics are cleaning their spectacles to witness that which has promise of being the most popular achievement of the community e. The manifestation of absorbing interest is not only such of a local nature but national attention is being focused on the production by means of periodicals of the theater. An editorial appeared in a recent issue of the Billboard, theatrical magazine, commending the Guignol Actors for their stupendous undertaking and wishing them success on behalf of the entire theatrical profession. vPhrtopber:l.MorJey'ft.lreyival ,ot "After Dark" proved to be one of the greatest "hits" of the season In cosmopolitan New York. Prof Frank C. Fowler, director of the Guignol, was intimately associated with Mr. Morley during the past summer and guest was a frequent back-stag- e during the run of "After Dark". All the more reason, therefore, that "East Lynne" should be perfect in technique and interpretation. An excellent cast will be headed by Miss Margaret Lewis, noted for her performance in "The Flight of the Duchess", who will enact the dual role of Lady Isabel and Madam Vine. Glenn Baylor, of University n of Virginia, who has been in community theatrical projects in New York, will hiss and sneer the villianous role of Sir Francis Levison. Miss Helen King, assistant director of publicity, at the University, and Claude Walker, member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, will enact respective sister and brother roles as Barbara and Richard Hare. It will be the initial performance for Miss King who has been working splendidly in rehearsals. Mr. Walker gained prominence in "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary." The part of Lord Mount Severn will be executed by Martin Glenn, member of Delta Chi fraternity, while the role of Mr. Dill will be played by John Noonan, Sigma Nu. Both young men are remembered by their characterizations In "The Flight of the Duchess," and "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray". Mrs. Lolo Robinson will not only depict the gossiping role of Wilson but she will also demonstrate vocal ability in a trio, a duet, and a solo, which will be effectively Interpreted by Andrew Hoover, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Miss Gay Loughrldge, Chi Omega. Mr. Hoover and Miss Loughrldge will also present a specialty dance number. The entire musical score will be played by Miss Katherine Davis, pianist, and Miss Nell Pulllam, violinist. Others who will make their debut to local theatre-goer- s Monday night are Miss Mary Louise McDowell, Miss Christine Johnson and little Miss Lulu Boyd Martin. Miss on Page Eight) Annual Military Ball Will Be Given On Feb. 21 in Men's Gymnasium will be the grand march, an event which has been the outstanding characteristic of the ball since its inauguration several years ago. Ralph Piatt and his band, the Kentucklans, will furnish music for the occasion. The Military Ball has all the glamor which age and tradition give such an event. Always held the night before the birthday of Washington, it typifies the social life of the "gentleman In rank", and carries one back to the early courtly Colonial days. No pains are being spared, according to the committee In charge of the dance, to make the ball the most colorful ever r.e ! ... Law Articles University Law College Pro fessor Comments Upon Prohibition Dr. Forest R. Black, professor of the Kentucky MARGARET LEWIS WILL law in articles in thelaw school, has recent issues three TAKE LEADING ROLE of the Tennessee, Columbia, and the Should Be Made The eighteenth annual Farm and Home Convention, which was held at the Experiment Station stock judging pavilion during the past week, was the most successful one ever held at the University, by officials of the College of Agriculture. They estimated that approximately 4,000 persons attended meeting of rural comthe four-da- y mittees from all sections of the state. Widespread interest was shown by those who attended and the most Important speakers on the program drew large audiences. From the mountainous sections many difficulties such as extremely cold weather and bad traveling conditions had to be overcome. Farm women from all parts of Kentucky forgot their domestic affairs long enough to attend the convention. Hardy representative sections from the mountainous braved the difficulties of poor mountain roads and resorted to antiquated methods of travel in order that they might attend the meeting. For the benefit of those present at the session the railroads offered reduced fares, and the University did all that was possible to secure speakers of note and to arrange the program possible. The best four-da- y greater part of the convention was conducted under two separate programs, one for the women and one for the men, but there were general convocations and festivals during which, the most Important speakers delivered their addresses. Two hoirfemakers from Leslie county had to ride for 18 miles on a mall hack in order that they might reach the railroad and come to Iiexington. These two women traveled fromttSaturday morning till the following Monday afternoon before reaching their destination. The county home demonstration agent from Leslie county started the trip on horseback but walked the last 10 miles before reaching the railroad. other represented Delegates mountain counties only after overcoming trayel handicaps. Seven women and a home agent came from Pike county. This is the first time that this county has been represented. Western Kentucky was also represented by delegates from Graves and Hickman counties. Jefferson (Continued on Page Eight) MONDAY Play Promises to Be Most Successful of Year at Little Theater was signally honored at the 36th ing the year 1930. MAURERMEN FAVORED President Lewis paid a tribute to annual meeting of the American OVER ATLANTA TEAM Society of Heating and Ventilating Dean Anderson as a man, an enEngineers at the Benjamin Franklin gineer, an educator, and a builder AH Members of Big Blue hotel last week in Philadelphia, of men, stating that Dean Ander- r GUIGNOL CAST Prof. F.R. Black Writes Three TO OPEN 'EAST Dean Honored held. Striking decorations for the Men's gymnasium are planned and elaborate programs have been printed. Another point of interest coincident with the ball this year is that it is to be held the night before the Washington and Lee game, always a point of interest In University circles. Members of the visiting team will probably be in attendance at the dance. Cadet officers will appear in uniform and the dance will be formal. Since the ball is to be given the night before a holiday, the hours will be from 9 to 1. It Is to be given on the subscription plan. Pensylvanla Law Reviews, bearing on questions of the Infringement of the citizens' rights under the prohibition statutes. In the Tennesse Law Review is the article entitled "The Supreme Court Plays At 'This Is The House That Jack Built'." The Columbia Law Review carries a "Critique of The Carroll Cast," and the Pennsylvania Law Review has "The Doctrine of Vicarious Liability." In the Tennessee Review, Dr. Black bases his argumentation theory on Marshal's enunciation of the doctrine of implied power in the constitution. The supreme court has followed this consistently, he declares. Under this doctrine Congress has enacted legislation, concerning beverages, which is outside the beverage class. Dr. Black is of the opinion that If Congress has the right to do this, it also has the right to go outside the intoxicating class and prohibit something which may ultimately, through the ordinary course of fermentation, become intoxicating, and might, logically, prohibit beverages, which look like liquor. . The article dealing with "Vicarious Liability" is concerned chiefly with those cases where the owner of an automobile is innocent, and did not know of the liquor in his car. This situation arises where the car has been rented, or where the chauffer disobeys the instructions of his master and is caught violating the Volstead act. Under the construction, .which., the State, courts have put on these 'statutes the innocent owner of the; auto loses all interest and the government sells the car, keeping the proceeds. In most of these cases the statute could be construed so as to exempt the innocent persons involved. The "Critique of the Carroll Case" traces and evaluates the changes wrought in the law of search and seizure by the doctrine of the Carroll case. Carroll was stopped, while driving on a highway, and his car was searched, whiskey was found, but the officer had no warrant, and there was nothing to Indicate that the car contained alcoholic liquors. Chief Justice Taft, who wrote the opinion of the court took judicial notice of the fact that this search took place in a vicinity which was notorious for the illegal transportation of whiskey. Thus he placed the tase within the category of reasonable search. SPONSORS TO BE ELECTED SOON Nominations Will Close at Noon on Tuesday, February 11; Ten Signatures Are Required. Nominations for regimental, battalion and company sponsors for the Unersity R. O. T. C. unit will close at noon Tuesday, February 11, according to an announcement from the office of Captain Clyde Grady yesterday. Election of these sponsors will be held Monday and Tuesday, 8. February All nominations for regimental and battalion sponsors will be made by students of the advanced course, while those nominations for com pany sponsors must be made by pe tltlon from members of the different companlos, each petition having the signatures of 10 men. Immediately after the nominations are cosed, ballots will be prepared and dlstrib uted in the classrooms for the final election. Election of R. O. T. C. sponsors is one of the events of highest interest to university students, since selection to any of the positions Is considered a very high honor and a mark of popularity. Competition is always keen and cadets are usually very active in sponsoring the cause of their candidate. Sponsors are elected for a term of one year, and girls who will graduate before this period are ineligible for nomination or election. Present sponsors will relinquish their positions immediately after the election of their successors. Details of the selections are In the hands of Captain Grady and Cadet Colonel, John Benson. STATEMENT UNFOUNDED University authorities In the college of engineering said this week that there is no truth In the report that senior engineers will survey several sites for the proposed thirty plane airport that is to be erected in the near future. MATRICULATION SETS ANOTHER RECORD AT U. K. More Students Enroll for Second Semester Than Last Year CO-E- STUDENTS ARE OUTNUMBERED BY MEN February 17 Is Final Date for Entry and Schedule Changes. When the registration division of the university for the second semester of the current school year closed for the day yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, it was found that a total of 2,630 students had matriculated. This number represents the largest enrollment ever recorded at y and a marked increase over that of last year at a corresponding time. It is expected that many more will register during the next eleven days which remain for enrollment. Ken-uck- Last year at this time the number of students registered totaled 2,280, a number which had broken a previous records. This year's mark exceeds that high total by 132 enrollments and is expected to grow considerably higher before registration will close. Officials yesterday announced that, although the number of students already enrolled is greater than the total registration for the second semester last year, the number probably wUl approximate the record enrollment of the first term of this year. Students who were here last semester were allowed to register and classify early, and more than half of them had matriculated before Monday, the regular registra-tion""da- y; Since that date a late registration fee has been charged. In this semester's enrollment, as usual, the boys greatly outnumbered the girls. The freshmen assembled at 8:30 o'clock Monday morning in the lecture room In McVey hall and were given instructions as to registration and classification by Dean C. R. Melcher. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon they were given physical examinations in Neville hall. Mental tests were held at 3 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in McVey hall. For freshmen who entered late, a special physical examination was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The resident halls of the University have an increased enrollment, thus showing the rapid expansion of the institution. The courses offered to the students Include a full list In all of the six colleges of the University and the Graduate school. Students will be permitted to register until February 17, and February 8 has been set as the last date for making changes in registration or in schedule without the payment of a fee. The last date on which a subject may be dropped by the dean without a grade Is February 17. Political Science Forum Organizes Study of Current Political Problems Is Object of Organization. The regular meeting of the Political Science Forum will be held In room 304 of the Administration building at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. An interesting program is being prepared on "International and Current Trends of Thought Political Problems." J. N. Williams, president of the Forum, will read a paper on "International Trends of Thought." Martin R. Glenn will discuss the problems that confront the 1930 session of the Kentucky General Assembly and their probable significance to the Commonwealth. Art address will also be given on the Naval Disarmament Conference by one of the members of the organization, whose name has not been definitely announced. The Political Science Forum is a recent creation on the campus. It Is sponsored by the department of political science and Its purpose is to promote Interest in governmental affairs. All persons interested in current problems are urged to attend the meeting and affiliate with the organization. ItEOKTEKS TO MEET There will be a meeting of all reporters on the Kernel staff at noon today iu the news office. All are expected to attend, since it is from those present at the meeting the news staff for the coming sem ester will be selected. No excuses accepted. * Best C THE KENTUCKY KERNEL PAGE TWO m:tmmm:mm:mmm:tm:tmtmmm:tmm:tmmmm:::mmmmmmmt Society mm tmu iiiiiititi:i:::i:iii::::i::::::::::n::::::. IN BODILY 4Mffltt!"i!!i!M!!!!!!!!!!!!!t:!!!mH Is so much to catch As the days go by, The line of some queer old thntch Against wintry sky, There CALENDAR The huge red sun of November Threatening snow, Dark woods that seem to remember Ages ago, Saturday, February 8 Alpha Delta Theta sorority entertaining with a tea dance at Patterson hall, from 3 to 6 o'clock. Delta Tau Delta formal dance at the Lafayette hotel, from 9 to 12 o'clock, in the gold room. Kappa Alpha fraternity entertaining with a formal dance at the Phoenix hotel, from 9 to 12 o'clock. Basketball gama. University vs. Georgia Tech, In the Men's gymnasium, at 8 o'clock. Sunday, February 9 Vesper Services in Memorial Hall, at 4 o'clock for the students, faculty, and towns people. Monday, February 10 Gulgnol players presenting "East Lynne" the week of February 10, at the Gulgnol theater. king-cup- s, crowning the ditches April aglcam, Old willows standing like witches Haunting a stream. Gold glow With something we only know Is never for us. All shapes of rocks and of trees That a rune has enchanted, All sounds that sigh upon seas Or lands that are haunted. So much there is to catch And the years so short Is scarce time to snatch Pen, palette, or ought. That there Cadet Hop The fourth cadet hop of the season was given Saturday afternoon in the Men's gymnasium from 3 to Masqueraders 6 o'clock. The orchestra furnished the music. The chaperones for the affair were the members of the military department and their wives. One hundred guests were present. "Orhe YELLOW )m PENCIL SSsssSA beagle 3G48 And to seize some shape that we sec, That others may keep Its moment of mystery, Then go to our sleep. LORD DUNSANY. ART AND LIFE Far mountains lit with a That is tremulous Thonc Ashland ! Early Moroccan History Is Found come ILLS of Extension Work Is Planned HM1 stmt tssmtii ELLEN MINIIIAN, Society Editor more and more possible to teach It, and, too, to practice It intelligently. As progress moves along In this direction it, too, will undoubtedly lead tp changes in technique that will make its application ALGIERS, Feb. Arab and Euromore successful and still further re- pean scholars here nro deeply In-- ! move It, as a method, from the extcrcstcd In a genuine Illuminated clusive control of the few specially volume belonging to the works of famous Arab geographer Value of qualified personalities." Dr. While Stresses Dealer: and historian of the early days of. a Psychotherapy Founded Morocco, which was recently disUpon Facts U. K. covered in a native shop in Marra-- 1 kech. Opp. CouTthou FIELD OFTiESEARCH This work dates back to the be- ginning of the sixteenth century IS HEING WIDENED Eifiht Departments Offer 25 and Is artistic in Its rich colorations. Courses During Second Local authorities have ordered the Promises to Bring Improved removal of the history to the 1- j Semester Technique, Says Head of at Fez,1 brary of Cherlf Institution The department of University Ex- where arc kept other famous doctension of the University has or- uments relating to civilization In Mind cure, or psychotherapy, In ganized moro than 25 extension North Africa. which facts arc tending to replace courses in Kentucky towns for the mysticism, is a valuable adjunct to next semester. These courses will Things learned In college: The medical practice if applied only as cover the fields of botany, Greek, third erasure usually finishes up the "a major procedure in n certain re- geology, English, commerce, archae data sheet. stricted territory," according to Dr. ology, education, and history, and William A. White, superintendent of will be taught by University proSt. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washingfessors. ton, D. C. During the first semester of this This "restricted territory," he ex- school year this department offered plains, is that classification of phys- 34 courses in 16 centers. Seven persons ical disorders that are known to hundred and twenty-thre- e have a mental basis; but he added registered in these classes. Seven that both diagnosis of symptoms and hundred students registered for treatment of them should be done correspondence courses, making n only by experts on the structure and total of 1423 registrations in the function of the mind. Often It Is extension department. Among the professors of the Uni not possible at first to determine whether psychotherapy Is the cor- versity who will conduct classes rect means of treatment, careful ob- during the next semester and the these servation being necessary to reach a cities at which they will hold W. S. classes are Covington, Prof. proper conclusion. Webb, Prof. E. F. Farquhar, and Research Being Widened Prof. J. T. C. Noe; Maysvllle, Prof. The field of research In this re- L. L. Dantzler; Paris, Dr. C. M. gard is being constantly widened Knapp, Prof. F. T. McFarland, through the growing belief that the Miss Margaret Horsfleld, Prof. G. Please . . . Please" body and mind are one. K. Brady, and Prof. T. T. Jones; Starts Tomorrow "Not that we know anything more Frankfort, Prof. May K. Duncan, Love at stake on the about the mind as such and intrin- and Prof. W. W. Jennings; Shelby-vill- e, turn of a cardl sically than we ever did," says Dr. Prof. J. E. Adams, and Prof. pur- May K. Duncan; Ashland, Prof. R. White, "but that for practical A mighty star in a story you thought no poses of therapy, for example, the P. Meacham: Louisville, Prof. W. D. one would dare telll distinction has been found In recent Funkhouser, and Dr. A. W. Kelley; years to have less and less value, and Carlisle, Prof. E. L. Hall. so, to use a biological term, we have SHAKESPEARE USED LESS . come to think of the organlsm-as-a-whoWORDS THAN AMERICANS and to deal with It therapoint of view. peutically from that The average American, whose "Taking this aspect of the question into consideration, therefore, it everyday conversation sometimes would seem that when we are deal- seems confined to a few stable ing with a disorder of an individual bromides, really knows four times as Shakespeare used. A Paramount It may easily be solely a question many words as of "Hamlet" wa