xt7qz60bwg5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bwg5s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1959 Memorial Coliseum, Lexington (Ky.) athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Men) UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1959-1960) programs players coaches Rupp, Adolph rosters schedules statistics Memorial Coliseum UK vs. Colorado State (December 1, 1959) The Wildcat Tip-Off: Kentucky vs. Colorado State, December 1, 1959 text The Wildcat Tip-Off: Kentucky vs. Colorado State, December 1, 1959 1959 2012 true xt7qz60bwg5s section xt7qz60bwg5s We're Rootin' for you Kentucky Wildcats! The Begley Drug Company Four Stores In Lexington: * 1198 NORTH LIMESTONE * 878 EAST HIGH STREET * 404 SOUTHLAND DRIVE * 68 EASTLAND SHOPPING CENTER SERVING THE BEST IN DRUG STORE NEEDS We Also Serve Central and Eastern Kentucky With Stores In: LONDON RICHMOND SOMERSET MT. ^"tp^i IM<^ DANVILLE SHELBYVILLE CORBIN STANFORD IRVINE McKEE CYNTHIANA WINCHESTER Reliable Drug Service Since 1921 'You're Always Welcome At Begley's" The Wildcat Tipoff Official Kentucky Basketball Program Published by U.K. Athletics Association B. A. SHIVELY, Athletic Director KEN KUHN, Sports Publicity Director U.K. INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Memorial Coliseum December 18-19, 1959 First Night: West Virginia vs. St. Louis7:30 p.m. CDT Kentucky vs. North CarolinaApproximately 9:30 p.m. CDT Second Night: Consolation Game (first night losers)7:30 p.m Championship GameApproximately 9:30 p.m. ALL SEATS $3.00 Memorial Coliseum Ticket Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. COVER_University of Kentucky Coach Adolph Rupp with returning lettermen tor 1959-60 season (left to right)Coach Adolph Rupp, Sid Cohen, Al Robinson, Don Mills, Ned Jennings, Bill Lickert, Bennie Coffman, and Dick Parsons. 18JUi#i 1956 ...Central Kentuckys Leading Department Store! the WILDCAT" an indestructible BUG! Made Possible By a Protective Tanning With iCOTCHGARD Leather Protector Here is the BUC you've been waiting for. Winthrop Buc's in white, grey or smoke, will keep their smart looks longer, and become a lasting friend to your wardrobe. Repels Water Resists Dirt Washes or Brushes Clean ? WHITE BUC 1095 ? SMOKE BUC PURCELL'S SHOE SALON MAIN FLOOR ? GREY BUC PURCELL'S . . . The family shopping store, considers it a great pleasure to serve you and to be able to bring the finest merchandise that can be found to Central Kentucky for your convenient shopping pleasure. So make this your One-Stop Shopping Center . . . "Everything Under One Roof." 320-330 W. Main, Lexington, Ky. Backing the Wildcats GOVERNOR-ELECT BERT COMBS, graduate of the University of Kentucky and long-time supporter of education in the Commonwealth, is well acquainted with athletics on all levels. He received education at Clay County High and Cumberland College before finishing up at UK with a law degree in 1937. He served four and one-half years on the Kentucky Court of Appeals and has been a practicing attorney for more than 20 years. PRESIDENT FRANK DICKEY, who became the University of Kentucky's seventh chief executive in 1956, is an outstanding educator and avid follower of UK sports. With an interest dating back to days as a director of intramurals for a junior high school, Dr. Dickey strongly favors the continuance of University athletics on their present high level and in balance with the institution's academic program. ATHLETIC DIRECTOR BERNIE SHIVELY, a former All America footballer at Illinois, is the guiding hand behind the development of UK as a nationally-respected power in the field of intercollegiate athletics. Serving in a variety of posts at the University since 1927, including terms as coach of football, track and baseball, "Shive" has been Director of Athletics since 1938. WLAP SPORTS NETWORK WTCO Campbellsville WFUL Fulton WFTM Maysville WKYB Paducah WMLF Pineville WSFC Somerset Kentucky s Finest Sports Coverage With Kentucky's Favorite Sports Team in Lexington, presented by Kentucky Utilities Co. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Earl Boardman Wah Wah Jones Coach Adolph Rupp Hear "RUPP REVIEWS" after every game direct from the center of the floor. Exclusively on WLAP Sports Network. WLAP radio . . . dial 630 .. . Kentucky's First Station ADOLPH RUPP 'Coach of the Year' * For nearly three decades, the sports world has watched an amazing record being forged with near perfection out of meager raw material by a colorful figure in the Bluegrass country of Kentucky known familiarly to hundreds of thousands as the "Man in the Brown Suit." He is Adolph Rupp of Kentucky and when the sport of basketball is -mentioned today, a direct chain of thought brings out the name of this maker of champions who holds undisputed rank as the "Nation's Winningest Basketball Coach." The name of Rupp, feared and respected in opponents' hearts and beloved by the millions who have witnessed the remarkable success of his Wildcat cage teams, has become synonymous with the game of basketball. Such unprecedented recognition for the fabulous mentor is only natural since his success in the past 29 years as head man of the fabled Kentucky cage thoroughbreds has been nothing short of phenomental. It would take a book longer than his own technical best-seller, "Championship Basketball," to recite the record completely. Briefly, however, that record includes: An amazing 608 victories out of 714 starts for an unparalleled winning percentage of better than 85 percent against major competition. Selection as the national "Coach of the Year" in 1959 for the second time in his career as he guided an inexperienced group of sophomores to a 24-3 record. The honor was bestowed by United Press International and the Knute Rockne Clubs of America. An unprecedented honor roll of four NCAA Tournament championships picked up by his Wildcats who hold the all-time record of 1 1 appearances in the national classic and can claim more victories in NCAA play (21) than any other team. A nominal world's championship as co-coach of the successful USA entry in the 1948 Olympic Games which included members of Kentucky's NCAA champions. A total of 19 Southeastern Conference titles since the league was organized in 1933. Election to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1959 and previous selection (in 1946) by Helms Athletic Foundation as a member of their exclusive cage Hall of Fame. Election to the Kentucky Hall of Fame (1945), outstanding citizen of Lexington (1949) and twice honorary citizen of the City of New Orleans. Development of more All-Americans (21) and more material for the pro ranks (17) than any other coach. Four Sugar Bowl Tournament championships, a National Invitation Tournament title and four trophies from the first six UK Invitational Tournaments. 7 Quality IS ALWAYS YOUR BEST BUY ANGELUCCI & RINGO MEYER'S KAUFMAN'S BOMANZI GRAVES COX THE QUALITY MEN'S STORES OF LEXINGTON KENTUCKY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1959-60 1959 Dec. 1 Colorado State College .......... Home Dec. 4 U.C.L.A................................. Away Dec. 5 Southern California .............. Away Dec. 12 St. Louis ................................ Away Dec. 14Kansas .................................. Away Dec. 18-19U.K. Invitational Tournament (West Virginia, North Carolina, St. Louis and Kentucky) .... Home Dec. 22 Temple ............................ Louisville Dec. 28 Ohio State ............................ Home 1960 Jan. 2 Georgia Tech ........................ Home Jan. 5 Vanderbilt .............................. Away Jan. 9 Louisiana State ...................... Home Jan. 11 Tulane .................................. Home Jan. 16 Tennessee .............................. Away Jan. 25 Georgia Tech ..........................Away Jan. 27 Georgia .......................... Columbus Jan. 29 Florida .................................... Away Feb. 6 Mississippi ............................ Home Feb. 8 Mississippi State .................... Home Feb. 13 Notre Dame .......................... Home Feb. 16 Vanderbilt ............................ Home Feb. 20 Auburn .................................. Away Feb. 22 Alabama .................... Montgomery Feb. 27 Tennessee .............................. Home Mar. 5 Pittsburgh ............................ Home COLORADO STATE BEARS 9 Seventh Annual UK INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Four national basketball powers, all of whom ranked among the top dozen teams in the country last season with a combined won-lost record of 93-19, will be participants in the seventh annual University of Kentucky Invitational Tournament December 18-19. In addition to the host Wildcats, the defending UKIT champion who finished with a 24-3 mark and second place national-ranking, the 1959 tourney will include NCAA runner-up West Virginia (29-5), North Carolina (20-5) and St. Louis (20-6). Pairings made by UK Athletic Director and Tournament Manager Bernie Shively have slotted Kentucky and the team they whipped for the title last December, West Virginia, in opposite brackets. A classic rematch of the two powers may be in the offing, but the high calibre of the tournament is reflected by the fact that all four participants are being touted for high national honors again this season and any one appears capable of winning. As Shively proud!y puts it: "I believe this 1959 UKIT field to be the strongest ever assembled for a tournament in advance of the NCAA finals." Outstanding fields are nothing new to the UK Invitational, however. In the short space of six years, University of Kentuckya school already internationally respected in basketball circleshas captured the imagination of the cage world with its holiday cage festival that returns big-time basketball to the campus. Increasingly-important national prestige has become attached to the UKIT as reflected by the fact that in the past two years the winner has valuted to the top position in the wire service polls. Furthermore, the UK Invitational ranks far ahead of all other tournaments as the most lucrative in the history of the game. According to UKIT policy, all participating teams share equally in the net proceeds and the payoff each year has been of national-record size. Last year, each of the four teams picked up checks for $13,817.35exceeding by better than $2,000 the previous high dividend paid in 1957. Kentucky's amazing "Fledgling Five" walked off with a fourth UKIT title for Coach Adolph Rupp last December by rolling to a surprise conquest (97-91) of highly-favored West Virginia, who later was to lose the NCAA championship by a single point. Oklahoma State outlasted Ohio State to capture third place. The feat of the Ruppmen was made all the more amazing by virtue of the fact that they measured Ohio State on the first night without the services of two startersforward Bill Lickert and center Don Millsand beat the Mountaineers with Lickert still in the hospital. Previous participants in the UKIT have included La Salle, Utah, Dayton (two appearances each), Minnesota, Illinois, UCLA, Southern California, Duke and Southern Methodist. The outlook for the 1959 renewal promises no letdown in the calibre of basketball seen since the tournament was organized. All four clubs should rank high in the national cage picture. Pre-season selections have pinpointed the host Wildcats and the North Carolina Tar Heels, who meet in the nightcap of the opening tournament session, plus the sharpshooting Mountaineers of West Virginia as teams to watch particularly this season. All three rank in the top five nationally in advance estimates. St. Louis, always a good basketball team, is rated as a darkhorse outfit. 10 HARRY C. LANCASTER Assistant Coach When Harry Lancaster finds a spare moment to reflect on his days as an all-around star athlete at Georgetown (Ky.) Co lege back in the early thirties, he can recall with a degree of dismay how close he came to never pursuing the "round ball" sport that in the days since has earned him a respected position in the basketball world. An All-Conference halfback for three straight years and captain djr-ing his last two seasons, Lancaster's football career almost overshadowed his play on the basketball court. In the cage sport, he was equally successfulwith three All-Conference nominations and two team captaincies to his creditbut considered himself a better football player than eager. Experience, however, proved him a good student and teacher of the sport of basketball as he began his coaching career. Lancaster bosses a promising group of yearling cagers and holds down the position of assistant varsity basketball coach and general right hand man to Adolph Rupp. He was made a full-time assistant by Coach Rupp in 1948. Born in Paris, Ky., Lancaster attended Paris High School, participating for four years in all sports. The UK freshmen, under his guidance, have lost only 13 contests during the past ten seasons. His overall record stands at 91 wins, 13 losses. ^ DRYTEDryIltIning D IZ 1/ JC D LAUNDRY Guarantees cleaner, L V,^ | [Lb l\ Everything washed brighter, and softer in gentle Lux garments. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS Flakes. 6 Convenient Locations Our Newest LocationSouthland Shopping CenterNext to Segeser Drug NOBODY can Launder a Shirt like BECKER I 1 Where Friends Delight To Meet COLORADO STATE CONFERENCERocky Mt. LOCATIONGreeley, Colo. COLORSPurple and Gold ATH. DIR.John Hancock NICKNAMEBears PUBLICISTRalph Johnston COACHJohn W. Bunn (21 Years-Won 268, Lost 225) OUTLOOKBunn's Bears are picked to give Idaho State another bait e for Rocky Mountain Conference honors after finishing second last year. Although information on the club is meager, Colorado Siaie is reported to have its entire starting lineup back and ready for another good season. In their first meeting with UK, Colorado State will be bucking a jinx that has seen the Wildcats undefeated in a season opener since 1926. WE BEST /// BASKETBALL NBA Pro Basketball Exciting, thrilling professional basketball at its best when the country's finest players, including many former Wildcats, match skill in the big games each week. Saturdays & Sundays at 2:15 p.m. BASKETBALL RUPP ^ COACH ADOLPH RUPP in a 30 minute program high-lighting weekly play of the famed Kentucky Wildcats. Program includes parts from actual game film with Rupp's comments. SUN. NIGHTS-6:30 ON* .WLEX-t? CHAML \i } NBC -ABC 12 Colorado State College JOHN W. BUNN Coach JIM HRUSKA Center No. Name Pos. Class Age 3 Jerry Salmans (c) ............................Sr. 21 5 Bob Pratt (f) ...................................Sr. 21 11 Frank Carbajal (g) ........................Sr. 21 12 Leon Johnson (f-c) ..........................Jr. 19 13 Dick Dougherty (f) ........................Sr. 23 14 Al Sherman (f) ...............................Sr. 21 15 Charles Hastings (g) Soph. 19 21 Jim Hruska (c) ................................Sr. 21 22 Jim Blewett (g) ..............................Jr. 20 23 Bob Ruffin (f-g) ........................Soph. 19 24 Roy Betz (f) ....................................Soph. 19 25 Gary Flynn (g) ................................Soph. 19 31 Larry Balman (f) ............................Soph. 19 32 Theo Holland (g) .......... Jr. 24 Wellington Williams (f) Jr. 22 Ht. Wt. Hometown 6'4" 184...................................... Loveland, Colo. 6'2" 190........ .......... Greeley, Colo. 5'9" 160...................................... Greeley, Colo. 6'5" 180 ..................................... Greeley, Colo. 6'5" 200 ..................................... Hammond, Ind. 6'4" 180 ........................................ Denver, Colo. 5'11" 160 ..................................... Anthony, N. M. 6'5" 185 .................................... Sterling, Colo. 5'10" 155............................ Adams City, Colo. 6'3" 170 .................... Colorado Springs, Colo. 6'4" 170 Prospect Valley, Colo. 5'11" 160 ................................... Longmont, Colo. 6'5" 190 Cheyenne Wells, Colo. 6' 165..................................... Greeley, Colo. 6'4" 200 Denver, Colo. COACHJohn W. Bunn (21 YearsWon 268, Lost 225) 13 COLORADO STATE'S SCORECARD BEARS FG FT PF TP 12 Johnson, Leon (f-c) 13 Dougherty, Dick (f) 21 Hruska, Jim (c) 11 Carbajal, Frank (g) 32 Holland, Theo (g) 3 Salmans, Jerry (c) 5 Pratt, Bob (f) 14 Sherman, Al (f) 15 Hastings, Charles (g) 22 Blewett, Jim (g) 23 Ruffin, Bob (f-g) 24 Betz, Roy (f) 25 Flynn, Gary (g) 31 Balman, Larry (f) Williams, Wellington (f) TOTALS (Complete Roster on Page 13) OFFICIALSGEORGE CONLEl 14 KENTUCKY'S SCORECARD WILDCATS FG FT PF TP 20 McDonald, Jim (f) 44 Lickerr, Bill (f-g) 52 Mills, Don (c-f) 30 Coffman, Bennie (g) 50 Parsons, Dick (g) 4 Jennings, Ned (c) 10 Mason, Eddie (g) 12 Robinson, Al (g) 14 Hurd, Harry (f) 22 Cohen, Sid (g) 24 Pursiful, Larry (g) 32 Feldhaus, Allen (c-f) 40 Burchett, Carroll (f-c) 42 Rupp, Herky (f) 54 Roberts, Roy (f) TOTALS (Complete Roster on Page 17) jE CONLEY and BEN EDELEN Curb Service Rain or Shine PARKETTE DRIVE IN No. 1 Northeast Beltline . . On Bypass 25 Phone 4-8723 No. 2 Off Beltline Georgetown Rd. U.S. 25 Phone 2-8617 Also Be Sure to Patronize THE COLONEL'S RESTAURANT _______________________ Main at Midland _______________ 15 WCMI ASHLAND All 1959-60 Basketball Games of th Claude Sullivan brought to you on the STANDARD OIL NETWORK WKCT BOWLING GREEN WCTT WFKY WHOP ^ STANDARD ^ OIL ^ CORBIN FRANKFORT HOPKINSVILLE WmiK WAVE WPAD WPKE " LEXINGTON LOUISVILLE PADUCAH P1KEVILLE OWENSBORO The All New WVLK MORE KENTUCKY COVERAGE THAN ANY OTHER STATION ORIGINATING STATION FOR ALL U. K. BASKETBALL ON THE STANDARD OIL BASKETBALL NETWORK with CLAUDE SULLIVAN DIAL FOR A NEW ADVENTURE IN SPARKLING RADIO WVLK 16 ? J?Y- \ t0 "9ht)Head Coach Adolph Rupp, Dick Parsons, Eddie Mason, Larry Pursiful, Bennie Coffman, Al Robinson Sid Cohen Bill Lickert, and Asst. Coach Harry Lancaster. BACK ROW-Asst. Trainer Sam Pressman, Herky Rupp, Roy Roberts, Harry Hurd Ned Jennings, Don Mills, Allen Feldhaus, Jim McDonald, and Manager Tom Thompson. Not present when picture taken was Carroll Burchett. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ROSTER No. Name Pos. Class Ltrs. Age Ht. 4 Ned Jennings (c) ............................Jr. 1 21 6'9" 10 Eddie Mason (g) ..............................Soph. N 20 5'1V 12 Al Robinson (g) ...........................Jr. 1 21 6'1" 14 Harry Hurd (f) ................................Soph. N 19 6'5" 20 Jim McDonald (f) ..........................Soph. N 19 6'3" 22 Sid Cohen (g) ..................................Sr. 1 26 6'1" 24 Larry Pursiful (g).................Soph. N 19 6'1" 30 Bennie Coffman (g) ........................Sr. 1 22 6' 32 Allen Feldhaus (c-f) ......................Soph. N 19 6'5" 40 Carroll Burchett (f-c) Soph. HO 22 6'4" 42 *Herky Rupp (f) Soph. N 19 6'4" 44 Bill Lickert (f-g) Jr. 1 20 6'3" 50 Dick Parsons (g) ..........Jr. 1 21 5'9" 52 Don Mills (c-f) Sr. 2 22 67" 54 Roy Roberts (f) Soph. N 19 6'4" * Not on scholarship N Freshman numeral Wt. Hometown 200 ................................. Headquarters, Ky 160 ............................... Elizabethtown, Ky 185........................................ Lexington, Ky 195 Forks of Elkhorn, Ky 195........................................ Louisville, Ky 175...................................... Brooklyn, N. Y 165........................................ Four Mile, Ky 173 .............................. Huntington, W. Va 205 ................................... Burlington, Ky 190.............................................. Fuget, Ky 170........................................ Lexington, Ky 185 ....................................... Lexington, Ky 155............................................ Yancey, Ky 185.............................................. Berea, Ky 185............................................ Atlanta, Ga HO Hold out '59 COACHAdolph Rupp (29 YearsWon 608, Lost 10685%) ASSISTANT COACHHarry Lancaster CO-CAPTAINSBill Lickert and Don Mills STUDENT MANAGERTommy Th ompson 17 UK Freshman Roster 1959-60 B W 00 41 10 5 12 43 22 45 30 31 33 13 34 24 40 40 50 51 52 53 55 55 Name Pos. Age Ht. *Ralph Tipton F-G 18 6-2 *Jerry Rump C-F 19 6-7 Mark Crain F 18 6-2 *George Atkins C-F 18 6-6 Bill Pieratt G 18 5-11 Bob Sparkman F 18 6-2 *DickConley G 20 6-1 *Bernie Butts G 18 6-0 *Scotty Baesler G 18 6-0 *Bobby Rice F 18 6-4 *Pat Doyle F-G 18 6-2 B Blue travel uniform * On Scholarship. COACHHarry Lancaster Student ManagersDon Wt. Hometown 170 Memphis, Tenn. 197 Covington, Ky. 190 Pierceton, Ind. 190 Hopkinsville, Ky. 170 Mt. Sterling, Ky. 170 London, Ky. 165 Oil Springs, Ky. 180 N. Miami Beach, Fla. 1 70 Lexington, Ky. 195 Sandy Hook, Ky. 175 Calvert City, Ky. W White home uniform (10 YearsWon 91, Lost 13) James and Hunter Durham High School Central Holy Cross Pierceton Hopkinsville Mt. Sterling London Oil Springs Hialeah Bryan Station Sandy Hook N. Marshall Serving the Bluegrass Area . . . Over 41 Years YOU RWCH ^ Harnett. mens feyt/sra Qua/jUy, shoes f Flawless Construction Solid Comtort Superb Styling BE BETTER FITTED IN BAYNHAM'S "S/ioes of Distinction" 133-135 EAST MAIN ST. LEXINGTON TRANSIT CORP. Avoid "Parking Temper" RIDE THE BUS TO THE GAME Charters For All Occasions Phone 3-0334 18 KENTUCKY WILDCATS Hargett Construction Co. INCORPORATED General Contractors Phone 2-2992 113 Walton Avenue Lexington, Ky. Turf Catering Co. "SERVING 5TOLL FIELD AND MEMORIAL COLISEUM" DELICIOUS HOT DOGS COLD DRINKS POPCORN PEANUTS CIGARETTES CANDY YOUR PATRONAGE KINDLY SOLICITED Contemporary or Early American at its best ESTABLISHED 1893 FREE PARKING AT SIDE DOOR, 425 W. MAIN ST. . . . OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 P.M. 20 I* "No Order Too Small" Sageser Drugs 'Ask Your Doctor 1958-59 KENTUCKY BASKETBALL STATISTICS REGULAR SEASON PLUS NCAA TOURNAMENT (27 Games Won 24, Lost 3) Name Pos. G FG tCox, F.......................................27 188 Lickert, F-G ................................25 126 Coffman, G ................................ 27 110 Mills, C ...................................... 26 87 Parsons, G .................................. 27 81 Cohen, G .................................... 25 66 tSlusher, F .................................. 24 60 Johnson, C-F ............................ 25 30 Jennings, C ................................ 11 12 "; Dardeen, F ................................ 14 12 '"Hughes, G ................................ 9 3 Robinson, G ................................ 9_3 Kentucky Totals .......................... 27 778 Opponent Totals .......................... 27 623 * Includes 70 team rebounds. t Lettermen lost. FGA 464 291 216 218 210 185 171 87 34 29 10 7 PCT. FT .405 .432 .509 .399 .385 .356 .350 .344 .352 .413 .300 .429 109 86 71 101 54 71 45 21 8 2 3 0 FTA 146 1 17 91 122 68 105 55 31 12 7 2 2 PCT. .746 .735 .780 .827 .794 .676 .818 .677 .666 .285 .000 .000 REB. 329 224 62 247 51 74 1 17 1 1 7 38 22 4 6 REB. AV. 12.2 8.9 2.2 9.5 1.9 2.9 4.8 4.6 3.4 1.5 .4 .6 PF 71 68 66 73 69 55 61 27 15 3 4 1 1922 .404 570 758 .751 1361* 50.4 513 1687 .369 491 720 .681 1117 41.3 539 Average Scoring Margin: 14.4 TP 485 338 291 275 216 203 165 81 32 26 2126 1737 AV. 1 7.9 13.5 10.7 10.5 8.0 8.1 6.8 3.2 2.9 1.8 78 64 INDIVIDUAL SINGLE GAME HIGHS Player Opponent Date Number TP Scored Cox Tennessee Feb. 28 38 (FG 17, FT 4) FG Scored Cox Tennessee Feb. 28 17 (FGA 27) FT Scored Cohen Illinois Dec. 30 13 (FTA 14) FT Attempted Cohen Illinois Dec. 30 14 (Made 13) Lickert Vanderbilt Feb. 18 14 (Made 1 1) Rebounds Cox Florida State Dec. 1 24 (By team 68) When the Chips are Down *) and You Must Produce you'd better count on the guy who can deliver the best goods the fastest! There is not a person who has handled printing who has not needed fine engravings in the fastest time possible. Lexington Photo-Engraving Company is geared for "Fast Production . . . Fine Reproduction". We supply newspapers, magazines, and printers throughout Central Kentucky with the finest engravings obtainable anywhere. LEXINGTON PHOTO-ENGRAVERS 223 W. SHORT ST. PHONE 5-5015 21 KENTUCKY WILDCATS Dixie Bell Dairy Company "Quality Dairy Products For Over a Quarter Century" * * ? 315 North Limestone Street LEXINGTON, KY. CROPPER'S 60 Minute Cleaning SAME DAY LAUNDRY Plenty of Parking Space 606 SO. BROADWAY PHONE 4-4454 SUB STATION 529 SOUTH LIMESTONE "CLothes With the Campus Touch..." from MAXSON'S Lexington's Most Progressive Men's and Boys' Wear Store! Open Monday Night to 9! The Lafayette Hotel and Dobhs House, Inc. ANNOUNCING THEIR FABULOUS NEW LUAU An adventure in exotic dining with delicacies from the Polynesian world served in a tropical paradise. Also, the famed Dobbs Houses American foods. Also, visit the "Pub" cocktail lounge and the new Coffee Shop for quick service. 23 Sea Food - Chops - Chicken KENTUCKY CHEERS FOUR BLUES Blue - Blue - Blue - Blue White - White - White - White Team Team Team Team Fight - Fight - Fight - Fight YEA BLUE TEAM FIGHT Yea! Blue team! Fight Yea! White team! Fight Yea! Wildcats! Fight, Fight, Fight! GIVE 'EM THE BLUE (In this yell the crowd is divided into two parts) Give em the Blue! Give 'em the Blue! Give 'em the Blue, Blue, Blue! Give 'em the White! Give 'em the White! Give 'em the White, White, White! (Both groups together) Yea! Wildcats! Fight, Fight! Fight! SPELL KENTUCKY K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y (slow) K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y (a little faster) K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y (fast) Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky SWIMMING POOL TELEPHONES TELEVISION AIR CONDITIONED %**c4 Motel ROBERT LUTES, Owner 1133 WINCHESTER ROADEASTERN CITY LIMITS, U.S. 60 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY PHONE 2-0777 'House of Distinctive jewels, Lexington and Central Kentucky's Leading Jewelers and Silversmiths for 77 Years" namona Jmpot ters I 'ezire/ers. V_-V. 24 Meet Probably the best way to sum up this 6-3 "Jack of All Trades" is to use the reserved words of praise of one nationally-known sports editor: "Lickert is a young man in the preparation for greatness." That's the least you can say about this hometown product whom a lot of people feel already has attained a degree of greatness. He was great enough last season to be accorded "Sophomore of the Year" honor in the Southeastern Conference and picked on the All-Conference team. The experts feel Lickert is one of those rare "natural" ball players. He does everything on the court well and with natural ease. Not the A Wildcat- BILL LICKERTJuniorForward-Guard Lexington, Ky. least of his cage attributes is that he is an exponent of the lost art of defense. Bill usually is assigned to the opponent high scorer and generally turns in an outstanding job on him. He was cited particularly last season for his work in shackling Notre Dame's All-America Tom Hawkins (who could manage only 13 points while Lickert was picking up 24 himself and collecting 17 rebounds) and Auburn's 6-5 All-SEC ace Rex Frederick (limited to five points). Used at both guard and forward last season for a total action time of 881:52 in 25 games (he missed the UKIT with a virus infection). Started all but one game, playing 10 full games. KENTUCKY FRESHMAN BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1959-60 Dec. 1 Lindsey-Wilson Jr. College .......................................... Lexington Jan. 9 Lexington Y.M.C.A............................................. Lexington (UK) Jan. 1 1 Lee's Junior College .................................................... Lexington Jan. 12 Georgetown "B" ........................................................ Georgetown Jan. 15 Vanderbilt Freshmen .................................................... Nashville Jan. 16Tennessee Freshmen ........................ Knoxville Feb. 6 Bethel J unior College .................................................. Lexington Feb. 8 Transylvania JV.................................................. Lexington (UK) Feb. 10 Transylvania JV .................................................. Lexington (TU) Feb. 1 1 Lindsey Wilson Junior College ...................................... Somerset Feb. 13 Ky. Christian College (Grayson) .................................. Lexington Feb. 16 North Central (III.) College .......................................... Lexington Feb. 26 Vanderbilt Freshmen .................................................. Lexington Feb. 27 Tennessee Freshmen .................................................... Lexington (Home games with exception of Feb. 26 game with Vanderbilt Freshmen will be preliminaries to UK varsity games and start at 6:00 p.m. CDT. Vanderbilt game will be single contest starting at 8:00 p.m. CDT.) NicknameKittens COACHHarry Lancaster (10 YearsWon 91, Lost 13) 25 LI I I Marlowe Tire Co., Inc. "Best Service In Bluegrass" PHONE 2-1786 Complete Tire Service ? OFF ROAD TIRES ? PASSENGER ? TRUCK ? FARM Brake Service Batteries Recapping NORTH BROADWAY AT LOUDON SOUTHLAND SPORT SHOP Distributors of Rowlings, Wilson, and Spalding Sporting Goods Adidas Track Shoes Stim-O-Stam Tablets Plenty of Free Parking Space Gene Srokley - In The Southland Shopping Center - Dick Wallace PHONE 7-3977 26 Laundry Dry Cleaning Box Storage DeBoor One Day Service Monday thru Friday No Added Cost 15 Per Cent Discount and Curb Service AT 265 EUCLID AVENUE 880 E. HIGH STREET PHONE 3-0235 PHONE 2-7046 1966 HARRODSBURG PIKE PHONE 5-1488 DOWNTOWN Rear Bus Station PHONE 5-3156 1202 WEST HIGH ST. 939 WINCHESTER ROAD PHONE 2-8775 PHONE 4-2491 JeVtyS There's One Near You LEXINGTON (4) WINCHESTER SHELBYVILLE FRANKFORT DANVILLE MOREHEAD LOUISVILLE (4) BOWLING GREEN OWENSBORO (2) MADISON, IND. NEW ALBANY, IND. HUNTSVILLE, ALA. FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. ABERDEEN, OHIO DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS Golden Fried Chicken Charcoal Steaks The Famous Farboy Sandwich * Dining Room Service * Car Service * Carry Out Service