xt7qz60bwv3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bwv3p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19450615  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 15, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 15, 1945 1945 2013 true xt7qz60bwv3p section xt7qz60bwv3p The Kentucky Kernel





Vandenbosch Will Address
Convocation On Tuesday

Graduates Hear Hamilton
At 78th Commencement
Judge Makes Plea
For Lasting Peace


15, J945

Special Roundtables

Death Claims
Dr. Gallaway

Federal Judge Elwood Hamilton
told the 338 graduates, including
those of the 1944 summer school,
Funeral services for Dr. William
and the 4000 persons attending the
78th annual commencement exer- Francis Gallaway, Jr, 42, professor
cises, held on Stoll Field June 1, of English at the University for
today seem 19 years, were
that circumstances
held Saturday at the
more favorable than at any time In
past for the establishment of Mil ward mortuary chapel with Dr
Robert W. Miles, pastor of the First
an enduring peace.
Presbyterian church, officiating.
blood of young men of our
country has sanctified the lands of The body was taken to Savannah,
all the earth," he declared. "Their Ga, for burial.
bodies lie eternally sleeping on the
Dr. Gallaway, wno died suddenly
floor of every sea and the broken of a heart attack Friday, June 8,
wings of their planes dot every was appointed to the University
mountain top around the world. English faculty in 1925.
They had a rendezvous with death
National recognition as a scholar
which they gloriously kept in the came
to Dr. Gallaway with his
hope that their sacrifices would not
book. "Reason, Rule and Revolt In
be in vain. We who take the torch English
Classicism." He was writing
fallen from their lifeless hands
field of 18th Century literahave rendezvous with life. We must in the the time of his death.
keep our covenant with the dead." ture at
Dr. Gallaway was born May 23,
President Herman L. Donovan,
who presided at the exercises, sa- 1903, a son of William Francis and
luted the graduating seniors as the Valesca Riley Gallaway. He reclass in the his- ceived his bachelor of arts degree
from Davidson College in 1924, his
tory of the University.
Univermaster's degree from
Prof. Ezra L. Oillis, former Uni- sity Michigan in 1925,the a docof
versity registrar who has been a
tor of philosophy degree from the
member of the faculty for 40 years,
University of Michigan in 1930. He
was cited for "meritorious services
is a native of Savannah, Ga.
to the University."
Dr. Gallaway held membership
Honorary degrees were conferred
on Mrs. Margaret Toorhies Haggln, in the Modern Language Associadonor of a trust fund in honor of tion; Facsimile Text Society; Phi
her late husband James B. Haggin, Beta Kappa, national scholastic
copper magnate; honorary; Omicron. Delta Kappa;
Dr. William H. McAdams, professor and Sigma Upsilon. He was a memof chemical engineering at the Mas- ber of the Presbyterian church.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
sachusetts Institute of Technology;
and EH Lilly, Indianapolis chemist. Margaret Taylor Gallaway, and two
A fourth honorary degree will be
conferred on Don Whitehead, former University student now an AsDr. Anderson Named
sociated Press war correspondent,
when he returns to this country.
Acting Sociology Head
The academic procession entered
the stadium while the University pit C. Arnold Anderson, for the
the classiband played "Under the Double fication months chief of section
and population
Eagle." Two rows of American flags,
statiscarried by 50 members of the ASTR the division of research and
at the national headquarters
unit, formed an aisle for the pro- tics selective service
in Washington,
cession. Other flags flanked the of
prostage on which Allied flags flew. has been appointed associate
flag hung in fessor of sociology and acting head
The University service
the department.
the center of the stage, while the of Previously
he was visiting lecentire grouping was topped by a turer
in sociology at Harvard Unihuge American flag.
versity; for several years, sociologist at Iowa State College; and
instructor at Harvard.
He received his Ph.D. degree from
the University of Minnesota, from
which he was graduated. He also
attended the Harvard graduate
school on a Social Science Research
Council fellowship and did research
in Heidelberg, Germany, in the
Baptist students will meet each summer of 1933.
Wednesday at 6:30 on the balcony
Dr. Anderson has published sevof the Union building for Vesper eral articles on assortative mating,
services. Vespers will be followed
the impact of war on community
by prayer meeting at one of the life, rationing, agrarianism in poliBaptist churches and an hour of tics, and the problem of war guilt
Hilld Youth Group will leave
Mrs. Anderson, known professionSunday at 1 pm. from the front ally as Mary Jean Bowman, is a
gymnasium for recent author of an economics text,
door of the Alumni
the picnic.
She will come to Lexington in the
Prayer meeting, sponsored each fall, after completing a study of
day at 12:30 at the Union by the the Chinese standard of living for
Baptist Student Union, is open to the International Labor office.



all denominations.

Student I'nion board will sponsor Lightning Strikes
a dance Saturday night, June 23, Engineering Building
on Jewell hall roof.
Lightning struck a corner of the
Art and Sciences tea will be
given by President and Mrs. Dono- Engineering
van at Maxwell Place from 4 till 6 afternoon, dislodging several bricks
and blowing fuses in nearby boxes.
p.m. Thursday.

Also Scheduled

Medals Given
To Seniors

Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
the political science department,
recently returned from the San
Francisco conference, where he repThe Algernon Sydney Sullivan resented the United States State.
Department, will be the speaker at
award, established at the Univerthe first summer convocation, at
sity in 1925 by the New York Southern Society and presented annually 10 a.m., Tuesday, June 19, in MeFRANCES JEWELL McVfcV
to the most outstanding man and morial hall.
Wednesday- and Friday, following
woman of the graduating class, was
the convocation, roundtable discus
conferred on Scott Reed of Lexington and Virginia Baskett of Casper, sions will be held from 4 to 5 p.m.,
Wyo., at commencement exercises.
in which prominent persons will
The award established by the discuss the conference with Dr.
society to be given to the Vandenbosch. These will be held in
, same
Funeral services will be held for most outstanding citizen or tne the Music room of the Union or
Mrs. Frances Jewell McVey, wife of commonwealth went to Joshua Bur- on the lawn depending on the
Dr. Frank LeRond McVey, president gess Everett, Maysville, chairman of weather.
(Continued on Page Two)
emeritus of the University, at 3:30 the Kentucky State Board of
this afternoon at the First Presby- Welfare.
terian church. Dr. Robert W. Miles
Miss Baskett, a mathematics maofficiating. Interment will be in the jor, was a member of Phi Mu Epsi-loLexington cemetery.
mathematics honorary; Mortar
Mrs. McVey died at 9:32 WednesBoard, senior women's leadership
day night at the McVey home on fraternity; Phi Beta Kappa, scholShady Lane, after an illness of astic honorary. She was also listed
Baccalaureate services for the
several months.
in Who's Who Among Students in
Frances Jewell McVey, only American Universities and Colleges, graduating class of May were held
27, with
at Memorial Hall,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa and a member of Delta Delta Delta. Bishop
William Turner Watkins of
Jewell, was born near Wilmore in
Scott Reed, graduate from the the
MethJessamine county. She attended College of Law, was a member of the odist Louisville asarea of the
the speaker.
Sayre College, Lexington; Baldwin Philosophy club, member of the
The baccalaureate procession
College, near Philadelphia; Vassar, constitutional revision committee of
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; and Columbia the Student Government Associa- formed at 3:30 pm. and proceeded
to Memorial hall where Mrs. Lela
University, where she received her tion, chairman of the SGA judiciary
W. Cullls presented an organ premasters degree in 1918.
committee, member of the student lude and processional. .
She was a member of the English standards committee of the SOA,
faculty at the University from 1915 and group discussion leader of the presided at Herman L. Donovan
the services and the
to 1921, when she became Dean of YMCA.
Rev. Walker D. Shearer, pastor of
1923 she married Frank
Women. In
of the Grace Baptist church offered the
He was
LeRond McVey.
Kentucky Law Journal and was a invocation and benediction.
Mrs. McVey was active in many member of the Student Bar Asso- University Choristers,
under the difields. Her educational activities ciation and of the Order of the rection of Miss Mildred Lewis, sang
included membership in the Adult Coif. He was listed in Who's Who
and Mr. Shearer gave a Scripture
Education committee of the Ken Among Students in American Uni- reading.
Commission, the versities and Colleges.
tucky Education
The topic xf Bishop Watkins'
presidency of the Kentucky branch
sermon was, "The Formula of Sucof the American Association of Unicess."
versity Women, a position on the
National Board of the Alliance for
One of the most beloved
Guidance of Rural Youth, and,
who ever graced the
membership on the Lexington Board
campus of the University, FranShe was an Alumnae
of Education.
ces Jewell McVey, died Wednesmember of the Vassar Board of
day night at 9:32. As a mark of
Trustees, her trusteeship
respect to this very lovely lady
in 1934.
whose service, loyalty and deIn 1938 Mrs. McVey received the
votion to the University have
Algerson Sydney Sullivan Medalmeant so much to this institulion for meritorious service to the
By Shirley Meister and J. T.
tion, we are adjourning all civilCommonwealth of Kentucky.
ian classes at 12:30 p.m. Friday,
Question: What was the most exto her educational
In addition
and closing offices for the afterciting thing that happened to yon
activities, Mrs. McVey was a charter
noon. Classes will resume work
last week when the civilians were
member of the Lexington, Junior
Saturday morning.
League; president of the Kentucky
Pvt. Joe Temriero, AST: I be7;
a Circle
district, YWCA,
came the proud father of
leader of the Woman's Auxiliary of
Pvt. Bad Fraxee, AST: Not getthe Frist Presbyterian church; a
ting restricted on Saturday night.
member of the Board of Trustees of Registration Count
Pvt. Roy Larry Schlein, AST:
the Frontier Nursing Association; a
Some one called me "Roy Larry."
member of the University Women's Reaches 988 Total
Pvt. Marvin Green, AST: We saw
Registration for the summer sesClub and of the Woman's Club of
Central Kentucky; the founder of sion at the University, in all col- some grass that almost looked blue.
Pvt. Norman Asher, AST: NothAlma Magna Mater; and organizer leges, reached 988 yesterday. Students may register until 5 p.m. ing, what could have happened
of the Campus Club.
Mrs. McVey was presented an Monday, June 18. Monday is also with all the raw material lacking?
Pvt. Lon Ferer, AST: A girl
honorary Dr. of Laws degree at the last day a student may enter
passed by the barracks.
in 1940, the last a University class.

Mrs. McVey Rites
To Be Held Today


Bishop Watkins

Speaks At Service







commencement which Dr. McVey
attended as active president of the
The Progressive Farmer award to
the outstanding woman of the year
in Kentucky went to Mrs. McVey in
1943. This award is based upon the
woman as a "homemaker, womanly
woman, and one whom others respect and lore."
Mrs. McVey recently compiled a
volume of Dr. McVey's addresses,
which was published under the title
The University A Place A Spirit.
This volume is dedicated to the
students, past and future, of the
(Continued on Page Four)


Mrs. Elizabeth Rumsdorf, Lexington, and Miss Wilimina Gramse,
of the WAC,
registered as the first two women
under the GI Bill of Rights.
The enrollment this summer is
running ahead of the total for last

Attention Students
All students interested in
working on The Kernel during
the summer quarter are requested to attend a meeting at
3 p.m., Monday, June 18, in the
Kernel News room.

Pvt. Harvey Hellering, AST: I
discovered that women are not
everything 2 beer.
Pvt. Jay Tenser, AST: I got
wound up at the Main Spring.
Pvt. Bill Easton, AST: I changed
from women to horses and had better luck (S28.00 worth on Hoop, Jr.).
Pvt. Dave Herman, AST: I got a
letter saying, to wit, "Hello Handsome!'
Pvt. Joe Riciochet, AST: Was
second man in a four stage hotfoot.
Pvts. Chock Martin and Happy
Wright, AST: Joined the bachelors
Pvt Mickey Schechter: Got
shipped to the South Pacific.


Page Two


uxter um Act at





Lmnctaa Board ot Osmman

Kentucky Prtoa AaaoatUon
National editorial awortattnn


I N om Quutcr




i.to on


Managing Editor
June Baker
Catherine Coman
Associate Editor
Peggy Watkins. . Business Manager

Shirley Meister, Adele Denman, Jimmy
Woods, Billie Fischer, Dick Lowe,
Tommy Gish.

National Advertising Senrice.lK.





Willi 0a

s4 ao mot mtceumrUf nfleet





Bettye M. Hint

M. T.


f eptaioiu
emUm optatoa o TheeKtrmrnU wrtUrt


Congratulations to those students who have returned to the
University to enter the fourth quarter of the 1944-4- 5 school year.
The summer quarter is no longer considered a "summer school."
It is an opportunity for students to complete their education in
the shortest time possible, so that they may take their places in
the post-wa- r
By attending the University under the quarter system, the
college education
student is enabled to complete a full four-yea- r
in a much shorter time. He is then prepared to adapt himself to
the reconstruction problems which shall arise when the nation
is returned to peace.
This University is only one of the many educational institutions throughout the nation which has adopted this plan. Not
only does the average student benefit by it, but also the returning
veteran who desires to complete, as rapidly as possible, the edubefore the
cation which he may have started several years ago
United States became involved in war.
The University congratulates and welcomes the men and
women who are attending the University during the summer
world with a wholequarter, preparing to enter the post-wa- r
hearted desire to fill their individual places in restoring the
country to lasting peace.

Maj. Stanley M. (Pug) Bach, former University football player, arrived in Lexington June 1 after
serving three years in the European
Theater of Operations.
Major Bach left Leipzig, Germany, May 2 and sailed from
France on V-- E Day. He expects
to be sent to the South Pacific
after a period of training In the
United States.
While at the University, he majored in journalism, and was a halfback on the varsity football squad
for three years and a member of
the baseball team.
Major Bach is the son of Mrs.
J. W. Combs of Quicksand. His
wife, Mrs. Tommie Carr Bach, and
son, William M. Bach, reside in

Candiff Drawing
Given Journalists
A 13x19 frame? drawing by Milton Caniff, noted American cartoonist, has been presented to the
Department of Journalism by the
Lexington Herald-Leade- r.
drawing shows a wounded press
photographer being carried from the
battlelines. As he passes another
photographer the wounded man remarks. "I don't envy you goin' up
to replace me, Jake That sun Just

plays hell with your emulsion."

Sorority Entertains
With Annual Tea
Zeta Tau Alpha social sorority
entertained with its annual Hawaiian tea from 4 pjn. Sunday,
May 27 in honor of a group of high

school seniors.
The bouse was decorated to resemble an Hawaiian plantation and


to set three broken necks and six
legs. Patients are expected to live

Pvt. Burt Kreindel told us he was
going to make an analysis on the
effects of alcohol using himself as
an experiment. We took this with
a grain of wood, and nearly collapsed when we saw Burt in the
library taking out a book titled
"The History of Beverages."
We were aware that the draft
boards were really having a hard
time filling their quotas but we
aan realized now Daa me suua-wetion was until Marian Yates re- ceived a sharp notice, from the
ti,,mm.'. rn. tt
"ne nadnt
askm her
moved to the business office which
is in another old classroom and TeBlsterea- - Marian, in case you
that old classroom is now a typing didn' know- - 18 one of our cutest
room which we have yet to find i coeds-thI
classroom we mean.

By Shirley Meister
The summer quarter really promclasses,
ises great things
the girls wearing their hair In pigtails, and warm weather maybe.
Things really started out in a
confusing way when we began looking for the Journalism department.
After searching through McVey
hall for twenty minutes we finally
went to Dr. Plummer's office and
found our old classroom, then we
to our old rlassronm and


Former UK Student
Home From Europe
After Three Years

15. 1945


The Kentucky Kernel

Friday, June






Members of the Wednesday round
table panel include Mary Garner,
a University law student; Dr. Jesse
Herrmann, Second
church; Prof. Robert G. Lunde, of
the University history department,
and Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood,
Chancellor of Transylvania College.
The Friday panel will include:
Scott Reed, University Law graduate; and Dr. W. Scott Hall, professor of History at Transylvania
These panel discussions will be
led by Dr. Vandenbosch.

the hostesses wore native Hawaiian
costumes. The tea table was arranged with candles and flowers on
a background of Hawaiian grasses.
souvenir leis were presented to
the guests.
Roberta Ratchford was in charge
or the arrangements.








fate JGudwduancL Jahrrv Januti&A
Ptva Grand PrlzM Both for Man and Woman








Kentucky District Prizes Men
Kentucky District Prizes Women
Three Indiana District Prizes Men
Three Indiana District Prizes Women

century Italian artist. The fellowships for $1300 are awarded to
women scholars for projects in ad-

Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, president of the University, will preside
at the convocation. All University
classes will be dismissed for the




versity Women.
A former instructor in art at
Skidmore College, Saratoga, N. Y.,
Miss Bush now studies at Columbia
university, where she will analyze
the work of Martolo de redi, 14th

(Continued from Page One)

A Memorial Day service, addressed by CoL W. O. Johnson, com-- i
mandant of the University military
department, was held at the north
gate of the campus May 30.
The service was sponsored by the
Kentucky chapter of American War
Mothers. Participating In the service were Bart N. Peak, Mrs. L. J.
Horlacher, Mrs. G. A. Maxedon, Mrs.
Virgil McClure, Mrs. S. A. Glass,
Mrs. Mary Moran, Mrs. Carrie B.
Carr, Miss Loraine Huck, S. J.
Amato, Clyde L. Stockings and
George Kendall.
Mrs. Maude South McCarty was
in charge of arrangements assisted
by Mrs. Mae E. Brittain, Mrs. Hannah Thornton and Mrs. L. J.

The ASTs say there are a lot of Journolism Office
new welcome faces on the campus Moved In McVev
and they even appreciate the old
The office of the Department of office of The Kernel A new office
students after last week. It seems
that there were nothing but men Journalism has been moved from for The Kernel has been opened
around and after one girl passed 64 McVey hall to 55 McVey hall, at 50 McVey hall, opposite the comthe barracks, the dispensary had the former quarters of the business posing room.

Miss Lucille E. Bush, a graduate
of the University, has been awarded
one of 12 fellowships given annually
by the American Association of Uni-




Lucille E. Bush
Granted Fellowship

vanced research.
Miss Bush is the daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. R. E. Bush, Mt. Sterling.


Johnson Addresses
Memorial Service



Twenty-seve- n



questionnaires for both men and women have been set up for this
year's Home and Farm Improvement Campaign. Copies of these questionnaires
can be obtained by writing to: The Home and Farm Improvement Campaign, The
The Louisville Times, Radio Station WHAS, Louisville 2. Ky.



The 1945 Home and Farm Improvement Campaign, with separate awards for men and women. Is
open to the following (provided they have not been cash winners in the 1944 Campaign) :
Any farm owner who operates his own farm, any tenant farmer who operates a farm on a rental

share-cro- p

basis and any farm woman.

Entrants must reside in the state of Kentucky or In the following
Bartholomew, Brown, Clark, Crawford,
Jennings, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe,


In Southern


Daviess, Decatur. Dubois, Floyd, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson,
Orange, Perry, Scott, Spencer, Switzerland, Washington.

Fill out in detail your Home and Farm Improvement
Campaign questionnaires.
Your report Is to
cover the period of progress on your farm and in your home from lanuary I to December 31, 1 945.
The period from November
5 to December 3 1 can be estimated.

Copies of the questionnaires
provement Campaign, The

for men and women can be obtained by writing Home and Farm
and The Louisville Times, Louisville 2, Kentucky.



Winners in the Campaign will be announced no later than Daoamber 1 5. Awards will be presented
the grand prize winners at the 1945 Home and Farm Improvement Campaign Luncheon in Louisville.
The Committee of udges will be announced
farm leaders. Their decision is final.

at a later date and will be composed of


Additional information can be obtained from: your County Extension Agent, County Farm Bureau,
Home Demonstration Agent, Vocational Agricultural Teacher, Farm Security Supervisor.

Send your report not later than November 15 to The Home end Farm Improvement
paign, co The Courier-Journa- l,
The Louisville Time, Radio Station WHAS, LauuviU


compete again


latt or


yr QJwarl



I, Ky.

* vspy


Friday, June 15, 1945




Miss Margaret Julia Wharton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Craycroft Wharton, Lexington, became the bride of First Lieut. Donald Joseph Hillenmeyer, of Albany,
Ga., son of Mrs. Walter W. Hillenmeyer and the late Mr. Hillenmeyer
of Lexington, at 11 ajn. May 26 at
nuptial high mass at St. Peter's
Catholic church. Rt. Rev. Herbert
P. Hillenmeyer, uncle of the bride-


Miss Margaret Skinner, Arts and
Sciences sophomore from Lexington, received the Alpha Gamma
Delta cup for the outstanding freshman, and the Mortar Board cup for
the highest freshman standing. She
is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta
Social sorority, Alpha Lambda Delta, Cwens, SuKy, the Kentuckian
staff, Pitkin club, Phi Beta, and


Miss Edith Dinsmore Conant.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
M. Conant, Lexington, will be mar
ried July 26 to Arthur Austin
Brown, Hartford, Conn., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Carroll Brown. Washing

ton, D. C.
The wedding will be solemnized
at Camp Mary 11, Wolfeboro, N. H.
Miss Conant is a graduate of the
University where she was a mem
ber of Chi Omega social sorority.




Miss Gladys

Miss Mary Mason Taylor, daugh-





, .wi

urn, x,







Just as Margaret is outstanding
on the campus so will these ration
free Summertime Casuals be outstanding with you.



daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
Kennedy of Stanford, N. C, became the bride of CpL Owen C.
Rouse Jr., on June 1 in Stanford
CpL Rouse Is trie son of Mr. and

ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyon Switzer
of Georgetown, became the bride
of Louis John Jubanowsky, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jubanowsky,
Vaux Hall, N. J at 2:30 pjn. June 4
at the home of the bride to George-


'. &'y.-





Mrs. Owen C. Rouse Sr. of Midway.
The bridegroom attended the University where he was a member of
Sigma Chi fraternity.


The bride received a B. S. degree
In home economics at the University where she was a member of
Chi Omega social sorority, and Phi
Upsilon Omicron, honorary home
economics society. She completed
her internship in dietetics at Grasslands hospital to Valhalla, N. Y.
Mr. Jubanowsky received a B. S.
degree to chemistry from Georgetown college where he was a member of Kappa Alpha social

Delta Zero
Honors Pledges
The new pledges of Delta Zeta
social sorority
were entertained
with a luncheon May 26 at the Lafayette hotel by the alumnae of
the sorority.
Following the luncheon, pledge
services were held at the home of
Mrs. Any Anderson, 305 Euclid


The wedding of Miss Margaret
Lucille Jones, daughter of Chaplain Hillel Youth Group
and Mrs. Fred P. Jones, formerly of Elects Meister Leoder
Lexington, and CpL George L. Cun
Hillel Youth Group has elected
ningham, United States Marine Shirley Meister president for the
Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. George summer quarter.
Cunningham, Cynthiana, took place
Other officers elected were Pvt.
May 22 at Hendricks Field, Sebring, Irving Spar,
Fla. The bride's father officiated Lee Fleishman, secretary, and Rita
at the ceremony.
Faye Kravitz, treasurer.
The bridegroom was a Junior at
Plans were made at the meeting
the University prior to entering the for a picnic to be held at Castle-woo- d
Marine Corps.
park on June 17.


of Kappa Alpha

Ind. Arts, Science, Coaches. Others
Formal pledge services were held for California, New York, Michigan
at 7:30 pm. at the home of Mrs. and elsewhere. $2800 to $3000 freA. E. Evans. Miss Willie D. John- quently offered. Enroll Free. Cline
son, Nashville, Tenn, district pres- Teachers' Agency, East Lansing,
ident of the sorority, attended the Mich.





versity chapter

P age Three

Margaret Skinner Keeps In Step With
Youth in Summertime Casuals

groom, officiated.
The bride attended the University where she was
of Kappa Kappa Gamma social
sorority and business manager of
The Kernel.
The bridegroom attended the
University where he was a pledge
of Phi Delta Theta social fraternity.
He returned last fall from the
Operations where he served 13
months with the 14th Air Force.
The couple will make their home
In Albany where the bridegroom is
China-Burma-Ind- ia

Kappa Alpha Theta


Frances Warnel Murphy,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Honors Pledges
Murphy, Clinton, and James DonThe Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae
aldson Bostic, son of Mr. and Mrs.
with a
F. D. Bostic, Lexington, were mar- association
ried at 5:30 p.m. June 3 at the luncheon May 26 in honor of the
Alpha Xi Delta sorority house. pledges of the newly organized Uni
Rev. William Walker, pastor of the
Felix Memorial Baptist church.
officiated at the services.
Miss Joan Barnett, Parkersburg,
W. Va., was the bride's only atten
dant. Gene Marlowe, Lexington,
served as best man.
The bride is a student at the Uni
versity where she is a member of
Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Mr. Bostic is a student at the University
where he is a member of Sigma Chi




if U

Dixie Dealer



to 3.95

... of course! Just what
you want for summer. . .
Iinette or pigskin leather...


azy cream y



with those rugged wear teste J
plastic soles!



Near You



g&Mitchell , Baker. Smith



Page Four

McVey Rites
(Continued from Page One)
Besides her husband, Mrs. McVey
is survived by a stepson, Frank L.
McVey Jr, and two stepdaughters,
Mrs. James E. Morris and Mrs.
Harry B. Til ton, all of Lexington;
two brothers, John B. Jewell of
Lexington and Robert B. Jewell of
Wilmore; and the following nieces
and nephews: Asa Jewell and John
Jewell Jr, Franklin, Term.; Charles
W. Jewell, Columbia, Tenn.; Mrs.
John L. Davis, Lexington, and Mary
Frances Jewell, Wilmore.

Donovans To Give

Tea For Members
Of A&S College

Dance To Be Held
On Jewell Roof

President and Mrs. Herman L.
The first University dance for the
Donovan will entertain students, summer term will
be held on Jewell
faculty, and staff members of the
hall roof if it doesn't rain, if it
Arts and Sciences college Thursday, does, in the lounge of
the Union-Satur- day,
June 21, at tea at Maxwell Place
June 23, rrom 9 to 12 p.m.
from 4 to 6 pjn.
The Kentucky Knights will play.
This is the first of four teas
Subsequent dances depend upon
honoring the students, faculty and the attendance at this, Mrs. Dorothy
staff members of the University. On Evans, social director, announced.
Thursday, June 28, they will enter- The summer schedule of dances will
tain the Commerce and Engineering be made out after this dance, and
colleges; on July S the Law and the frequency of the following
To Alpha 33 Delta Betty
Education colleges, and on July 12 dances will be determined by the
Lexington; Gloria V. Hen- the Agriculture College and the attendance at this.
derson, Dallas, Oa.
Graduate School.
Admission will be seventy-fiv- e
To Kappa Alpha Theta
Each tea is scheduled from 4 to
Shirley Crabb, Rowletts, Ky.; Helen
6 p.m, at Maxwell Place.
Davis, Paris; Mary Jane Dorsey,
Horse Cave; Ann Garst, Lexington;
Blough To Speak Today
Mary Frances Helmick, Covington;
Charlotte Knapp, Lexington; Mil- Dr. and Mrs. Scherago
In Education Building
dred Long, Georgetown; Margie Give Annual Party
University students and faculty
Mattmiller, Lexington; Marilyn
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Scherago en- members will have an opportunity
Mitchell, Columbus, Ohio; Kathleen
Poor, Lexington; Jean Spicer, Lex- tertained with their annual party to discuss taxation with one of the
ington; Wanda Shupert, Warsaw, at the barn at Castlewood park, on nation's top authorities when Roy
Ky.; Marjorie Sulzer, Lexington; May 30 In honor of the staff, grad- Blough, assistant to the Secretary
uate students and seniors of the of the Treasury, addresses a UniveBetty Tevis, Richmond; Janet
meeting this morning
Department of Bacteriology.
Ft. Mitchell. Covington.
in the Education building, according
to James W. Martin, director of the
bureau of business research.
The meeting, at 11:00 am., will
place emphasis upon postwar taxation. Personal taxation will also be
Dr. Blough represents the Secretary of the Treasury in negotiations
with Congressional committees and
individual leaders.

Wal-lingfo- rd.


Friday, June

15, 1945

Recreation Courses Offered

recreation courses, of- fered during each summer session
by the Department of Physical Education, are open to regularly enrolled students.
The courses include archery, badminton, social dancing, tennis, and
The activities, taught by Misses
Ethel Smith and Ann Lankford and

the men's athletic staff, are designed primarily for those who wish
to acquire certain skills and teaching techniques in the respective
sports as well as provide enjoyable
recreational activities for the summer quarter.
The schedule of courses is as

6 MW, Men's Gym

Badminton 6


Gym Annex

T-T- h,

Social Dancing
T-T- h,

Volleyball (men)
Men's Gym


8 MWF, Men's

Gym Annex
12-- 1 :30

Baptist Students
Meet Wednesday
For Vespers
The Baptist students will meet
each Wednesday evening at 6:15
o'clock at the Union building for
Vesper services, according to Mary
Elizabeth Mason, arts and sciences
senior, acting president of the BSU
for the summer quarter.
The vesper services and business
meeting will be followed by" the
group's attending prayer meeting at
one of the four nearby Baptist
churches. A fellowship hour