rl II ~ I i I I I Iow IO COI'ltI'OI ks are I I Is into .. GARDEN INSEC I S E; By W. A. pact RECEIVEE . AUG 5 — 1947 I ·l , ·urse TABLE OF CONTENTEXPERIMENT I * LIBRAFN . Page Page " _ i 5 Mexican bean beetle .............................. 3 Corn ear worm .............,...................... 6 Potato insects ........................................ 3 European corn borer ...,.,...............,.... 6 I ' ` \ ` Cabbage worms .................................... 4 Onion thrips .................................`......i. 6 ' Striped cucumber beetle ......r............. 4 Cutworms .......................................,........ 7 A Squash bug ............_.,__,,______,..________,,_____, 4 Grasshoppers .................................,........ 7 `_ \ Squash vine borer .......,..._........,_........ 5 Flea beetles ...,........................................ 7 A ' Harlequin cabbage bug ..............._.._..... 5 Aphids or plant lice ............................ 8 · I Blister beetles _,.,,_________________,_,,____________ 5 How to make bordeaux mixture ...... 8 I I l en plate V e tied. I ` . uld be Circular 435 _ walls. I ` ./ ‘ UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY I une,194T ‘ iiéfumli College of Agriculture and Home Economics l ui . . . . . . ~ ACS _ . Agrncullural Exiensnon Dnvnsnon { 10M-6+ Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Director