xt7qz60bzr09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bzr09/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19110518 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 35, May 18, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 35, May 18, 1911 1911 2015 true xt7qz60bzr09 section xt7qz60bzr09  
.4 .
Y Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., MAY 18, 1911 No. 36  
    A     Each school is to have two men ln Sanders and J. M. Foster ot the Man-
° each event. First will count five •`.ol’n Club.
    """"' points, second will count three points. The concert on Saturdav will be es-
SUW tv Mut HW Old RlV|'• On *h• Relay race to count three points to pecially attractive as the Mandolin
T*`¤¢k Thi! Af*¤'¤°°¤ winning team. Meet to be governed Club, which is a new organization
‘ ._... by A. A. U. rules. Meet to start at here, will appear for the flrst time
The Junior Prom, given Friday ev- CLOSE MEET EXPECTED 4 o’c1ock promptly, no admission. before a Lexington audience. This
ening, May 12, in the dining room of Every member of team requested to club has been practicing under the
the Phoenix Hotel, was one of the ‘*’ be at a meeting of all contestants ln leadership of Mr. Tyler Watts and a
greatest social events at the Univer- This afternoon at 4 o'c1ock the gymnasium immediately before meet. clever number cf selections have been
sity for years. That part ot the lobby "Wildcats" will endeavor to run oi! This will be the last appearance of prepared.
p leading into the hall was curtained from their Crimson rivals and an in- coach Iddings and it is ex aected that The Glee Club under the direction
off by large United States flags and teresting chase is assured. This meet all teams will turn out and show their of Prof. F. L. Wheeler has prepared
  Was filled with tables arranged for will close the track season, and in appreciation of his good work. A the best songs ··sed by college glee
  the convenience of those not dancing spite of adverse conditions coach finer gentleman and friend of State clubs and onlv music of the mes;
it or of all between dances and at in- Iddings has developed a·fairly good will be hard to find. Every one come pleasing nature is to be rendered.
termlssion. The spacious dining hall team. In the hundred yard dash and bring some one. The meet is The soloists for the concert are
was beautifully decorated in the Sen- State will have Kchn and Needy both tree and is held as E1 compliment to Mr. E. H. Smith, tenor and Mr. Ty-
ior and Junior colors, green and who can do the distance in 10 3-5 the visiting Knight Templers. ler Watts, violin. The quartette
white and cardinal and gray, respec- seconds. In the 2:20 yd. run Watkins composed of E. H. Smith. E. L.
tively. and Nadinger will enter, the best ---•-•·•—-—- Becker. H Kohnhorst and V. P.
From the large chandilier in the time that these men have is 25 sec- Licon will render several good songs.
Center to the four Corners of the onds. In the 440 yd. run Johnson and     To all skeptical of the ['niversity,
room were festoons, ln the the two Need will start with a record of 55 '_"_ . .. . this concert should be the means of
class colors, while the sides were Sec0n);1B_ In the half mile the euly FAREWELL cON"E'RT convincing them that -the cellege
draped in the same colors. Above man entered is Strong with a record -——— really has a musical organization of
the entrance were hung a 1911 and of 2 minutes and 13 seconds. In the Musical Clubs To Give Farewell Re- which we might well be proud.
1912 pennant and along the walls, at mile our interests will be taken care cital in College Chapel on Sat- It is earnestly hoped that every
regular intervals, the blue and white or by captain Collins, Hardesty will urday Evening, May 20 one be present in wishing the Glee
——State’s colors, the cardinal and also enter in this race. In the 120 -—- and Mandolin Clubs farewell for the
gray, and the green and white pen- yard clash hurdles, Harrison and ADMISSION 25 CENTS season. The admission has been re-
nants were to be seen. A handsome Chambers will start, each having duced from 50 cents to 25 cents in
Kentucky pennant, with one of 1911 Shown the distance in 15 1.5 seconds The glee and hlandglin clubs have order to be within the reach or en,
on the left and one of 1912 on the May wm do the high jumping for been uhtertuhate in not being able T° th°S° “'h0 wish Y0 SD*“¤d 8 l>l€¤·s·
right, Was suspended between large State with 3, record of 5 ft 4 inches. to give a, home concert earlier in the ant hm"` and three quarters. it is
numerals of the Junior and Senior In the pete vault Shanklin and Bar- year, but circumstances prevented Suggested that théy bring thsif girl
clases, in colored electric light nett are the Blue and White entries. them from doing so. Concerts have to the C°“°°"t· Remember the date-
scheme, one on either side of the the former has a record of 10 ft. 3 been given ih nearly all. other towns May 20- M 8 D- m·· U¤iV€¤'SitY Chaos}-
farther end ot the hall. Here in one inches tc his credit. Shanklin will and it is only just that the University Admlssloil 25 <‘€¤fS·
corner the musicians were hidden else do the broad jumping for State, should have the privilege of hearing j*°‘°‘°*‘"
from view by a screen of plants and he having jumped 19 tt, and 9 ih. in this Spiendtd el-gan1zenen_ A plan |LLUMINATloN.
in the other corner delightful punch practice, Beth Webb and Douglas is on toot to take a trip after the -———
Was served. During intermission the have put the shot over 35 feet and present school year closes, the plan Representative of General Electric
dancers were refreshed by a very shew prospects of increasing this being to advertise the University. It Talk; to Miner; me Mechanics,
t8.St8fUll\1IlCh. distallcé, In thé dlSC\,lS BUSH Bild is iIll’.9I1d9d that HIC UDlV€I`SllY be -——·
A large and appreciative number Johnson hurled the Greek missile advertised in this manner and the Pmf_ A_ M_ wus0n_ professor of
of guests were present and all seemed ever 3, hundred feet. \Vebb and John- trip will be one that Will be Gllj0Y€¤¤uu¢ ewes and vine- Coeds, Hats and Oxiords
~:- "IDEA" ADVERTISERS -:- N0. 157 N. Broadwa . are now bein shown at
We Are Unable to Sell This Space RAILROAD XAR ' S' Freight D" , ,
Because Som, Students AN Too Sch pot, S. Broadway and Christy Sta. J.&M.an€l The Man S Miller and
"lDEA" Advertisers.   &   Shoes   Haig
If We Can "Show" a Merchant That HOME_MADE CAN-DY 140 W` Main Street
You Are Helping Us By Patronlzlng
iZZ.f.`."'$»"“ °°'' AI".? F2.? '!"""$‘..i YRYSH YYYRY DAY
y aper. o e aper l . s,
· I
WE GUARANTEE That “lDEA" Ad- · · ___ __ _,_ __ _ `
vertisers are right. Thgy gen gh, Griffith ® Crowe --·····*;·;‘_—"_" °  
Bc·t Goods at Lowest PI'ICB|. Road   you want HQua1ityN Goods
Their Ada. Patronlze "IDEA" Adv•r· Everything That’s Good ln
tiaera and Give State a Boost. ln articles of toilets atcw alan l
‘ D s B D P R l N T I N G candy that ••the girl" will en- j
071 l` 6 (1 T 0716 ‘ L
"*‘ "*"' j""'” 140 South Limestone l°Yv trade with ua-
Bettcr Bc a Knac/cer F·r·***·= Phone mx CADEN DRUG CO
Lexington, · - Kentucky N. W. Cor. Hain & Lime.

 e   _ THE IDEA
lll   Gmlgs TOURNAMENT. amlnuuons by days in the order of ANOTHER ('I,['B
. n A Penny Saved .....-- the hours len which the classes recite --- I
· Mrs. Stout Extends a Favor to Male HOL berng ¥0ll0W*¤*l- Ull lh€ €0¤1U‘¤·¤`Y Not. long ago there was orgamzed
I; a Pgnpy Mad; Students and Asks One in Re- all afte~moon classes will he examined by the Repuhlitan boys of the l’ni—
* tum. Monday. the fourth hour classes Tues— versity an 0* near Club whlvh has
· ———-— dal} Ulf! third l10¤¤` €l88S€S \V€dKl6$· since then been holdinv enthusiastic
. We mn mw ou many mam ~
l   y. P The Nmth Annual Gymnastlc Tour- day. Mid S0 0¤, 8ll conflicts being and highly interesting meetings. The
by sellmg you
· ‘? _ nament or the young women of the held 0V€¤‘ for the l88£ dll? of €X8·mi¤8· purpose of the club is not to discount-
  State University will be held on Sat- tions, $8t\1¤`d¤·Y· enance any other candidate, but simp-
·       urday afternoon, May 20th, at three This is rather an unfortunate ar- ly to endorse the principles of Judge
" o’clock. Lieutenant James Lindgren, rangement for some of the Freshmen 0'Rear both as a man and as a pol-
" . C0. ,5* graduate Ol the Royal Central Gym. enginers who will be held here till lrlcal leader.
I __ nastic institute of Stggkhglme sweden, the last for a first or second hour As young men in college, the mem-
" sind, ,/· will address the audience on "The 018855. Whéll Uléy could otherwise be bers realize that they cannot render
Medical Feature of Gymn0stlcs," and off 8 GGY OP S0 SOOHGP. The new their country the proper service un-
    pmygssor A_ S_ Mackenzie, head or order of exams. may, perhaps, be of less they are familial- with the prob-
7 ·   the Ejuglish Department of the Uni- advantage to a few of the students, lems of to-day, governmental, polit-
versily of Kentucky, will speak but it 9.lSO DMS 8. premium on 8.ft€I°· ical and otherwise, and it is for the
`   briefly on Myne Sacred Dance in L1;- noon work, which a great number of purpose of giving themselves this
ennmm and Arty Following the pg- students do not have at all, by giv- needed familiarity that the have
    njapks of the lattere fhg students in ine examinations in it first. As joined in forming the O`Rear Club,
AT COST Greek dress wm give at program nf many students at least, who have af- feeling confident that as a man of
........ Classic dances Hmshmg with that of temoon work, also have third and strong. sterling quamies Judge
Annie, Laurie, compose,] by the Dip. fourth hour classes as there are those (Yltear cannot be surpassed in the
The Qut Hot Chu-o[ate in ecmn who do not have the afternoon State. All hail the O`Rea1· Club.
the   The Medical Society of Lexington, (*]**5595* but whe hal'? to stay One day n
y the Ministerial Association, the heads later for Ulf? €X3T¤i¤¤Tl0¤S» Whllé 0¤lY Invitatjeen; {O nn ,.e__ en
....... of Departments, and the women of B {QW in th? eftemeen Week are af' "Whnt is1i1·· 1·;».r   chi: new pom.
the city are cordially invited to be f‘?`°“‘d Om? “'aY OV the °lll€¥` bY the ical lmfty Yl¤·*l   V-lli·Yl¥§ zlhout?"
4 ° present. No gentleman will be new 0¥`d€¥‘ of €X9-mS- Then Why a asked the s¢·¤·#··s·¤:- M  1=ar~
    0. charged sammanre. The ree for sreet n¤¤¤be¤‘ should be ineonveniene- "' "°"" "“"" "·`4 " `i`*"*’ “"S Cay-
women is 25 cents, Pd for no apparent reason ls not clear- €¤¤'i‘· "l"" l ""f"'   _" l‘ f=" be like
· f Y ¤:,s,1·fn, ¤,·x•]·_ h ·’ ·
P/1•n¢154 Your Nearut ‘Drug Store it is always a matter of keen re- l" e1‘id<‘¤f to €V€¥'Y0¤€- Alt0E€l»h6¥' ;§;]5i§e.;;0te__nI,1,_\ M e. “enxTn_e;:§Dgg:
  regret t0 The Director O? this Devaft- mls Seems to be rather en ‘mf°"t“n‘ or snubmng snrr—r»1>orl;·· I
ment that all young men in the Uni. ate arangement which possibly might .
...__._..—..j. .; versitv are not present at this dem- have been lmP*`0"€d uT’0¤ lf thi? €0Y¤·
0nstra|tiOn· It was especially true at mittee had considered its disadvan-  
the last tournament when Lieutenant tagés- H0W€‘V€¥`· this ls W6 order for
    & C0. Llngren ofl Sweden, now of Louis- the Yea]? S0 we can OUIY maké U19 P I   F R E E
villee, Said with Emphasis that the best of it and trust the committee FROM
. I°°°°rp°"'t°d work done by our young women was may give Us Some other Pl¤¤ next A N Y D E F E 
the most brilliant exhibition of sclen- lem`- Thatrs what you get when you
wm d, your Society and gom- tiflc movement that he had ever seen D ’—;°'•'°i*" buy from
in this c0umry_ on’t fail to attend Glee and Man- , , _
mcucemcut Invitations and Pre- Because of the limited space in our d°"" club c°"'¤°"* ln C°ll°9° Saw"      
g8.llB!°y,   is impossible to make day at 8 °’cI0ck·· Admission   cents  
grams but". than °th°”° many comfortable, but the Physical
Director of women extends a most "'_‘_"‘°**_‘*-’   I  
N0. 152 West Main Street cordial invitation to all Seniors who ENTERTAINMENT OF Y W C A
Lexington, KL d°M’;;t ggi? atskssmgglnixchm AND y_ M_ c_ A_ wants your picture since you lsft
· g° °t .._ home-—So does your
c0m·t€sy’ and requests that young The entertainment iven b the
  gentlemen whom she has met socially Yeung Womens end gYeuu yMen,e SWEETHEART
` wm Speak to har mst on the campus' Christian Associations on lait Satur-
It is not pleasant to pass and repass _ CALL AT
    without recognizing persons whom day evening in the Y` M` C` A` Room' Y °
was a delightful event that was much H   y   d
B,,b,_,,. Sho 2E°r§`;Z.'.3?“CZ‘;‘l.L‘1r§§.’L?I2‘y°.§‘§...Z.`Z’$Z   oyed ·~ »   <»»··~-¤ or ·»»·— "'“ "’ S " '°
P and Patterson Hall girls. Time after and let him help you make mother
, , that a woman speak msg but M"' time these two students’ organiza- happy and also help you to win
The only flrst class shop ln Lcxxngton Stout calls attention to the fact that ti
,— ons have demonstrated the fact that your
Yale Pompadouraspeclalty. she lives in every part of the four- they cm succeed in whatever they
B. FOTSCH, Proprietor teentn Judicial district. um she is nnnenene Thee me eeeeeeee BEST GIRL
supposed not only to have a speaking ` with some of those
acquaintance with everybody in joint programs and have rendered
Frankfort G r 9 D Versailles ed frequently and each attempt has    
THE_ ’ 8 ’ been crowned with the greatest suc- SP0¢l|l !'|·l·•| to |¥¤'i€¤Y·|·
-— and Paris, but ln those counties as eee. W
Wei!. not to mention Lexington people O` S  
and the University girls n aturday evening the Y. M. C.
n ° A. Room was beautifully decorated e
‘ ° ° ' with pennants and the hosts and host-
• T EXAMlNATl0N$ BEGIN M0NDAY» esses did everything ln their power   ·
n MAY 22- to render it a very pleasant social
B *··· hour to all those esent. This as
Away. the t show' Fm" Tut F°r tm Y°"‘ naturally the lastprentertalnmentwof V
l nW°·Y' th' S*m° Pri"- The Committg-9—_g; Examinations °‘° ’°"* ’°' tm “°h°°‘ y°"· b“‘ °“ Evans  
7 ‘ · wlllbe ead t tt dth fl t A
l L uways mean. Hwy. Good` hee "°l'°“°d that ***6 "““°l“" will next rallrandytooalzasnn partikerir (lll:   ` '
ORN 0U·l'•·T81k9d···· begin next Monday and continue dur- gracious hoepimmn        
Never O‘I1.¢d0D6. ing the enum week' The Omar in —..--...•.__.. All work First Class and Guzlranteetl
. W ich O16 various classes 00mB in the Don‘t fail to attend Glee and Man- Give me a cull.
3 show. Dm1y"`3°00’ 730* 9‘00‘ schedule is somewhat dlsarriillged. dolln Club Concert in Colle e Satur- 213 1-2 EAST MAIN STREET
TRY T0 GET IN. the usual custom of holding tm °x· dav at 8 c’cIo¢-k.. Admission 25 cents Near o toffice

"'E 'DEA ENGRAVING ————"“°"‘“ "‘°"’l““  
Published evexy Thursday by the student body of State University of Kentucky, Wl
for the benefit of the students, the faculty and alumnae of that
In·{|tuu0n_   ~- QF — _
THE IDEA is the official newspaper of the University, and is imued wekly   >
during the college year. Its chief Object is to give the college news of Kentucky. `Q//AQ'      
In addition thereto it gives items of interest concerlng other universities and ' Bild fQY` vantage during the summer, so that vi-ig BEST Mu$icA|_ gggANi;A·rigN 7HE COLLEGE MA~N,S STORE ·
the refreshing experiences of travel m we may give ourselves the needed IN THE STATE
foreign lands. If we imagine that the and well-earned rest and that We may Chu. L. Stn¤», *9s - - - Mm".,
staid proi`essors——as we see them, un- be more ready for work next year. ‘ -
f<>l‘fu¤&t€>lN sometimes to OUP VGYY The coming commencement is of ·
great embarressment and chagrin- much greater importance, however, to      
are always the same no matter what our seniors than to any one else, for  
the circumstances, and think that to them it is the last of their under-     _
they never relax themselves in real, graduate work. The greater part of    
\\‘hOl(*S0mQ enjoyment of things O(h€I‘ them will gt) gut from here perhaps & _ .    ·
than stupid and dry text·b00ks, then never to return. They will seek their  g _TiT' l   _ _TT_.    4 ,  
we are indeed much mistaken. In separate walks of life, in the profes- it  _   V*'
fact, the professors: when they are sional, business or literary world, and `   ,__: _      
loosed from the restraint of the class- will put to test the faculties they      
room, show at times characteristics have been cultivating here. Some of      
almost entirely human; but enough- thrm may continue with their higher .    
we wish tor them the realization of education and so better fit themselves ’
their greatest antieipations for a hap- for life, while others will see fit to
py summer. begin at once on their llfe’s work.  %   for the Genuine
Of the students as a whole, it is But no matter what they may do, the
manifest that they heartily welcome end of their college career must rep- ../ _j_ _,,
the approach of vaeation. They feel resent an important turning point in -—-—-
the momentarily repressive influence the lives of all, They will hence- P E E R   .
of nine nionths‘ hard work in college forth meet with new conditions in             B   I
trim) they.; ioni; to be tgutlonee Ignore strange and uucerlaill Sl11`¥‘<>\1¤di¤g‘3· O h Under Fayette National Bank
rom unter tw gaze 0 tie tas mas- They will be required to take life
ter and free from study, to roam the more seriously and put into it their       8   4
bypaths of their own dear hills or real, earnest selves. For a long tim€ 118 N°"h Lim°°t°°° Finest Hair Cutting and Shaving
follow the countless bends of some of they have looked forward t0 this New Phona 2274 Parlor in the City
Kentuekys woodland streams. To commencement and, now that it is L€Xi¤8l0¤. KY
be out in the open under the elear. upon them, they must all strive to
blue sky, to plunge into the hlaek, realize the seriousness of it all and  
green woods or to wander aeross the what it really means to them in the Rocco GRELLN D"`°°t°"
fields deeked with sweet-seented elov- future, W- I-- WAIT; M°"'*9"'        
er-sethis is the fond desire of the ` ` l
weary students. They yearn to leave New Phone 1912    
for a time the work of the sehool in ‘ u---— Everything firgyglgrgg to eng °
the hot, dusty eity and go baek to the Don't fail to attend Glee and Man- C°*mpb“u'Hag°rman Guls F1‘BDCh Drip COEGG; OySlS€1‘S 8Dy
quiet ntzolas and the shady lanes. dnlln Club Concert in College Satur- G° t° th. Style 8t u m0m6Dt’S I10l3lC8. T118 I
baek to the supreme enioyment of clay at 8 o’cIock.. Admission 25 cents only firgt,-g]3,gg Lunch Counter in
these simple pleasures. Vaeatlou,   the South Gnd Of the city. Open
with all its freedom, with the i·eerea· day an;1ni"ht· l
tion that it brings and the home as— Don’t fail to attend Glee and Man- s° should an tho State b0ys—Alwa'y· U I
»¤ot·imioiis, means niueh. Perhaps doiln Club Concert in College Satur- · good Show' W' S'   L
some of the students will not be left day at 8 g’gIgck,_ Admission 25 cent; ADMISSION 5 CENTS. COPABT Mill Mid Bolivar

 .. THE IDEA 5
    phone Slstem for Train illspatch-
3 • lng between Ludlow and Danville,
——-——— by J. I3. Sanders.
Tne Senlera in tue Mt=¤¤¤··l¤¤¤ De' Winding and Testing of a I). C. Motor,
r partinent will celebrate their annu- by _t_ A_ Needy-
* Rl plttllltt on Friday, May 26. Al‘I'8.Ilg€- Duty 1`cstlng of 8 600,000 Gallon Hol_
I IIIGIIIS 8.l‘€ complete 1’0I‘ 8. l8.1‘g€ t1ID0 ly pumping lcnglng at tho lllant of
011 [IIB b8.IlkS of the K€I1tllCl(y RIVGT, the Lexlngtcn Lydraullc Coq by J_  
where the swalns, both old and young, M_ [Poster and H_ [lee Moore. I M   M  
I rev enley tne beautiful aeenery er une A Theoretical and Experimental Stu- . — _
{ terra rene“’n· dy of a I.3 K. W. Polyphase Alter-
I The party will be accompanied by notor_ or F_- ·t—_ Mttoo  
tne faeullty tf tne Meillagseal Depar; Relation between Percent Co. in Flue
ment· W 0 are ae n Y arrange Gas and Boiler Elilclenc , by A. B. FOR
_ _ for a day of pleasure antl)merrl)ment, Has"-ell, A_ B_ phtstorly and _t_ J_      
‘ which will long be remem ered y the Paltz atrick-
Senior Mechanicals and their friends. A Stupdy of tttomtoottoo, by B_ M_    
Smart and S· 0 Ebbert i‘jtltac$i::`:cl’n;HsEur::E::snsS;t?i$I; (QF
Ml`. E. M. Ch3.I`ldl€l`, of Pllll8·d€lDhla» Expgrimgntlng on the Strength of _ , , l t ‘ ‘· ‘ l
ses at the fourth hour Monday, on the L_ Day_ Our European connections are such that we atc enabled to off;
Bankers and Engineers relation to Hoottng, Ltghttog and Dooom ot tt you chebest urvicetorduty free importation; on
Work- Ml`- Chandler net tml? dwelt Power Plant for State University of °°:°°°`e°°°°°h°° °° °h°l°w°'°°'l°°’
allen the relatlen ef the englneera te Kentucky, by G. C. Mills and M. A. AU21lyUC3l Balances and Weights
the bankers, but also showed that the tatovototm ONE OF OUR LEADING SPECIALTIES
¤¤el¤e<->r ¤ll¤¤l¤ Design and Construction of o s K. w. . .
to the Finance than to Design. rrmnstormm-_ by _y_ A_ Boyd. . EST°B -1651
....... An Investigation of Fire Streams and ‘ z03év%}{g`Rl-E2? -AvE`
Vlsltors' Day. Fire Protection, by P. R. (Tassiday.
The Faculty of the College of Mech- The Theoretical and Experimental -u
anical and Electrical Engineering of The Theerefleal and Experimental
the State University of Kentucky re- Study of a 5 H. P. Two Phase In-
quests the honor of your presence at fll1OilOll MOTO?. by Jno. Campbell.
the annual open day for the inspection ——————-—•—•-•—;—
of the work in Mechanical and Elec- ?°"’t fa" t° att°"_d GI°° and Ma"'
,,,tC,.t Engt,.€€m.g_ Thursday, M., tg, ¤·>··¤ ¤l¤¤ °¤¤<==r* ·¤ _¤<;•l·=¤·= S¤*¤·‘- _”*"_*——·_—1i·—··———·········
. 191;, t,..t..»€..,. the hours of not and dar at 8 ¤'¤l¤¢l<· A~ ¤F ¤r·=·¤¤¤S   SIIIIS II°0lll $16.50 to $40. I
L. E. Nollau, M. E., ASSlSt8!’lt PI’0f€S· "'l`hc Stro]lers" which by now is I I
SOP of Drawing. the best known organization in the *i** I
-—-— state when it comes to amateur the-
Instructors and Laboratory atricals, will hold their annual bus-                
Assistants. iness meeting in the gyninnsiuin cn I . l`}
Joseph Dickey, Iuswuctor Of Foundry Saturday at tgt, rr m_ Tho ourrroso I All the Latest Sll21p€S and Shades F0? Spflllg  
ooo tporgo Shoo of this meeting will be to wind up all  
A. L. Wilhoite, B. lll. E., Instructor in the business er the Year? to dleellee il
Broom Lo_borotory_ plans for the future and to perfect I        
J. S_ Hormo, B M_ E_’ Instructor to the organization. The election of of- ‘!l
stontn nngtnootnng. ll<‘e¤‘¤ of the <=<>¤¤l¤s rear will also I 145 East Main Street Opposite Union Station *lI
*r. ir. Hudgins, n. M. rz., Instructor in lake Place- and ****5 will be lhe ***0Sf  
rCl€(_ll_i(_a1 Engineering. inlpoytant Dart Of the lngtatingr    
J. _t_ Curtis, B_ M_ Eq tostruotor in is hoped that an efficient corps of of- __
· ·t-ogttngs ot hiaterial Laboratory. ficers will be selected as were in of- ""
I John Dicker, Instructor in Shop Work. nee uurtng the vast eeaeett
Gordon Thurman, Assistant in Experi~ mrne Str¤l*erS" Wlll be Wlthellt A   N E     M    
mental Laboratory the services of many who did good
4 J_ v_ Baxter., Engtooor and Aostotoot work for this new dramatic society,
to Work Shoo but there are those who can take
their places and no fear for the fu- gg H
SENIOR THESISES· ture need be felt along this line. It          
Study of Emotonoy ot "I\[afrath0“°’ is urged that all who took part ln _
Plant, by Theo. Slade, V. L. Down- l*r<>W¤ el Hal"'al`d ellll tlleee Wlhe Under Diroottott of
· log, and tV_ A_ t_urtoy_ had any thing whatever to do with
I Street Rottwa. totttotono ·t~t,St_ by R_ it be present at this meeting:. Mr.
Q S_ tvobbl Cl to Dont; ood tV_ (v_ .I. Il. Sanders will present his report        
I t,ortooo_ and it is urged that all "StroIlers" be
An rzxttot-inietttnl stntly or tito nt-at 0** l*****d- no **0* l’<*¤=€‘f ll*<* ll***<‘· For the Guild of Church of the Good Shepherd