xt7qz60bzw38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bzw38/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1980 1980 1980-01-31 2020 true xt7qz60bzw38 section xt7qz60bzw38 I
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. ., .. , ‘1 it). 5.".3 , /. Yesterday ‘5 snow may have dis-
if f P ,. it ‘it‘ ,3 if?» . couraged motorists. but some
. t t P”: uPPPtPPPPP: -; t‘ ,PP.P . . . P i» * * members of the Sigma Chi frater-
‘ . .,. . 1’5” . that ,P Ill . .t ;/ '.. nity took advantage of the white
. t . t a 'IW y; ». 7P . ‘ .' , it 1/, ‘ stuffand braved thecold enthusias-
P _ , .. P a P . .“7. ,. .P tically and went cross-country ski-
., '9‘ «w. > 6-. r €53; ing near the (ireg Page Stadium
" “:-- I View Apartments.
, ,. ,, W...» -, .. .t. . I.‘ we»; ._ . m . . ' ’ .
. , ' ' ' - .. By Davrd Maynard
' ‘ t“
KEN I UCKY Singletary places faculty
' b I I .
.. on pro atton, retains
. . . I I
‘izitiizfttzttztz Communications college
Thursday. January 11' I980 an independent student newspaper
w m ,
By DEBBIE MCDANIEI. back burner." Singletary said "If you
Fditor can't. we're oint to insist that vou
'69 UK law SChOOI graduate hate each othger (in your own time." '
UK President ()tis Singletary told Drennon. appointed July I. will
I the College of Communications' 20 keep his position during the probation
C monwea/th Attorne tel/S 0f 0b ressures full-time faculty members yesterday period. Singletary said. lewis Coch- P
0] J I that he will followan evaluation com- ran. vice president for academic
mittee's unanimous recommendation affairs. told the faculty members that
to retain the college's structure and Drennon must submitaformal report
By RI'TH RAGLAND argumg cases while they were waiting Roberts said a major standard for a huffing-related death of her I0-y'ear- organization. of the faculty‘s progress to the presi-
Staff wiiier in the holdoier. "If you raised your prosecutor‘s office to meet is that of old son last fall. However. he is placing the faculty dent‘s office at least twice a year.
. 5 mice a little bit and said. Judge 1 “whether the poor black guy is going Roberts'office is an elected one and on a “two to three year probationary Singletary said l'K‘s founders
“Criminals are pretty dumb." says object to that.‘they‘d (the defendants) to betreated the same asthe rich white he said he is rtinning for office every period" because of the infighting “didn't create this Ifniversity to be a
Commonwealth's Attornei ltll‘H think you were the greatest 13“)” in guy." day. He said he believes one of his which led him to appoint the eight- stage on whichyou people can playout
Roberts. the world.“ Roberts said. He 8an that the pressurea prosecu- duties is to replace fear with know‘l- member committeePin September At your biases or whatever they are.“
, But before long. “I had had astom- ,P . PP edge in educating the public about the end of the period. if the faculty He read a paragraph fromthe com-
Roberts. who along with live tull- , 'h full 0P le al aid cases .. Roberts torfaceSisnotthatofawm-Iossrecord crime. His office has programsin bur- members have worked to ether hewill mittee's re on which said “T heori 1-
time assistants are responsible (or AL . .. P g P P ‘ P‘ .. P ' but the constant scrutinization of P, . . . _ . . . . . g P p . ‘ P g . ~
_ said. mam: mmmdlgamdu seemed . . . . .~ . glary and rapc prevention and works recommend searching fora permanent nal decrsion mad e by the
- prosecuting felony cases in i-ayette t P, .. P. jUdgCS.JUl‘ICS. police and victims as to w' h h l" , h' h , ._ . . . . . . P - I- .
ogivethesamedefense ofhaving been P P -. P . it t c po ice. teac ing t em new dean. if there is no improvement. he administration. on the .ecommenda
County. spokc yesterday on the pres— .. , . , P whetherthc prosecutor is prepared (or P h . .. . . . . . . . . . . ‘ f . .
. P standing on d street corner when . .. . P . P . P .ec ntqucs of imestigation said he Willgotothe Board ofTrustecs tion of the Senate. I.) set up a College
sures “I being a WOWCW” ‘0 (he 5”“ wmwnc pulled u and offe d h the trial. H you goinand ”5 towinga Even with all the ressures he faces with a recommendation to dismantle of Communications was reasonable
‘ . . it 1 xi, F) U . , , p re I ema trial the word spreads prettvqurcklv.“ . . . . p. . ' .
dent 8‘" “wt” “m ‘ “n k r in color I \ for SH). h .. 'd - - Roberts said his Piob is one he intends the college. and appropriate and that recent inter- .
. A (969 graduateoll K‘s law school. Roberts. 36. said that when he e 3‘“ ' to keep. "There isn‘t a day that I dread Singletary met with the college‘s nal difficulties were not caused by the '
Roberts began his legal career volun- switched to being a prosecuting attor- In Answering a question posed by getting up in the morning. because I faculty on the Ibth floor of the I’atter- organizational arrangement of the
- teeringto handle legalaid casessuclias my hc ittund that there were “a lot of one of the students in the audience. love it (the_iob)". he said. “When you son Office Tower. Sitting atopthe long College but by philosophical and per-
housing. bankruptcy and tllHthC. dedzcaicd Poltec officers and \lt’llms Roberts alsodefended his PI’USCLUtIUII cart nail a drug pusher or murderer table which seatsthe members ofl K's sonal conflicts."
Heclaims defendants begaiicoming who needed representation just as of the Lexington woman facing a who is smart. that becomes very Board of Trustees. he faced the three "I would like to be proven wrong
to himas clients after overheating him badly as the criminal did,“ Charge of reckless homicide in the satisfying.“ rows of silent faculty members. alter— this time so I can be proven right the
. . . nately gripping the table‘s edge and first time (when he advocated estab~
. gesturing broadly as he explained the Iishing the college)." Singletary said
H0 1 1/” rice ' reasoning behind his decision. The committee's other recommen~
‘ . "I was probably the most optimistic dations were '
' _ I ' . _ _ one of all when I talked aboutcreating I’changing the college‘s name to
Professors tell of Cambodia’s continumg famine political unrest tie..ii.g..~t...g.....,..d ”F’“""°" W (one mm at -.
I the committee‘s recommendation that ( ommunications;
' "the college should continuetoexistas Vincluding as academic units of
' By WALTER PAGE president ot the National Lawyers "In recent weeks. there has been e\i- in an effort to halt Communist aggres~ a separate entity. with its current pro- the college the school of Journalism. .
'P 2 Sign wnm (iuild. said "It has been alleged that dence of improvement." said Ulack. ston." lilack said. adding. “Our inter- grams“ is “vastly different from the the departmentofcommunication and ‘
‘ they killed three million people." “To tell the truth. very few people tention. of course. was disastrous for view l carried in the riot-so-recent a new department of telecommunica-
While Americans complain about I'cw children survived. Malnutri- know what is going on there." said us to an extent. but for Kampuchea past." he said. tions (which is now a sequence in the . '
' the rising cost of food. Kampucheans tion. starvation. and loss of parents Sean Boonpracong. computer science especially.“ ”The basic problem in front of meis department of communication);
cry about the rising cost of hunger claimed ‘dn entire generation. graduate student from Thailand. at In an effort to quell guerrilla war- what possible excuse do I have for Vdeveloping the school of your-
death. l’i‘CbldCttt Jimmy Carter calls the neighbor country to Kampuchea. fare in Viet Nam. the US. bombed proposing to continue‘.‘“he said.“l\e nalism's advertising sequence and .
Attd While Amt‘mtm‘ CUml‘l'dm ‘lluatl‘m “a tragedy 0t genocidal “Nobody can go there besides some Cambodia from I969 to I973. been very troubled for about two seeking accreditation for it as soon as
about the lits‘lt' 0t WNW” “Um RU‘W- Pfttpf’rllomr" officials." “In I970. while we were in Nam. the weeks now. I see nothing to lead me to possible:
. China. and Viet Nam. Kampucueiins “It‘s hard to get a feel of_iust how “The situation in Thailand isn‘t as L18, invaded Cambodia. ousting Prc- believe that things are going to get i/rctainingthe programsin speech
_' cry as they watch prL‘CIOtls rice rot in bad the situation is. People have been bad as you'd think. In Cambodia. mier Sihanouk and putting in U.S.- better." and communications in the depart-
the sweltering heat on the wrong side dying by the scoresthereforyears.and however. it's a different world.“ he backed Lon Nol." [flack said, The college‘s students expressed a ment of communication;
. of the Mekong river continue to die.“ Quigley said. said. “Viet Nam has recovered. Kampu- strong preference to maintain the col— Vthat the recommended telecom-
‘ An estimated 200.000 Kainpu~ lfnited Nations Secretary General Perhaps the most astonishing point. chea is still suffering. U.S. bombing lege; combined with recommendations munications department should con—
cheans known as Cambodiansuntil Kurt Waldheim said he believes it is“a Boonpracong said, is that the political ruined 80 to 90 percentoftheiragricul- from Acting Dean Herbert Drennon sist of a program in electronic media
the Khmer Rouge took power :n 1975 natural tragedy. the PYOPOFUOHS 0i and social turmoil has beer. going on ture. and therefore. almost the entire and the committee. he said he was which includes radio but not a broad-
‘ die every month. and h3\~-‘ ht‘l‘n It” WhtCh may hit“ “0 parallel in for years. economy." Quigley said. “It takes “persuaded that I‘m not goingtoabol cast iournalism sequence;
months. history." “Theirs is a very old civilization. about l00 man-hours to refill a bomb ish the college.“ i/placing the graduate programs
. ln I975. the population was csti- However. Quigley. a legal observer going back thousands of years." Qui~ crater. which may be 20 to 30 feet deep Tensions in the college were “aggra- (MA in communications and the
. mated at 8.5 million people. survivors of the in ahtlt’nlla trials of Pol Pot and gley said. “with a number ofdifferent and even wider." he added. vated by administrative folk at differ- recently approved Phi) in communi-
ofyears ofcivil war strife. By I979.thc Icng Sary for genocide in August I978. cultures and people vying for power." Anti-American sentiment is very ent levels." he said.addingthat it wasa cations) under the dean‘s supervision; .
' best estimates were 4.5 million people, said he believes there isa comparison. “After World War II. with the high there.“said Quigley. who went to “faculty problem" rather than one of rand adding some. but not all. of '
“The Khmer Rouge l-rench for "It‘s like the Holocaust of World vacuum of power. there has been a Viet Naminlate |978.andto Kampu- conflict between adminiStrators. the tenure-track faculty beforethe fall
' Cambodian Communist deposed War II. The trial lattended was com- situation of instability worldwide. chea in August I979. Former Dean Ramona Rush. who semester.
1-00 NOI in I975 P01 POL 8 Chinese» parable ‘0 the -’CM trying Hitler after which hit parts of Southeast Asia “Duringthe bombing, about KOper- held that position since the college‘s Singletary lifted the freeze on nine
backed Communist. then took over. World War II. The evidence is all hard.“ Boonpracong. an associate of cent of the people moved into the cit- creationin I976. resigned in Mayafter faculty p0sitions. and said a search
, and tht‘ name 0t tht‘ COUNT.“ “35 there; "5 undeniable.“ he said Ulack's. said. ies. so hardly any food was being faculty memberssenta letter to Single- should begin to fill some of thc pOSl-
changed 10 KflmPUChca-"Wd RIChard "The." (PM Pm and lens 530) were “The French moved into Southeast grown." Quigley said. taryexpressing their doubtin herabili- tions. Cochran said the $88,000 set
L'lack. a L'K geography professorand convicted and sentenced to death. It is ASia in the mid-l8005. Things didn‘t “The Pol Pot regime was disastrous ties. She said she was "fed up with aside for salaries was probably not
chairman ofthe Asia Council. agroup highly unlikely the sentence will ever go well, and in I953. they were . destruction of the intelligentsia trying to put togethera viable College enough to fund the chairman position
OICOHCCmCd liK Ptt’lf-‘tttrt- bt‘ carried Out. hOWCVCr.“ expelled.as Cambodia gaineditsinde~ that is, killing everyone with a high of Communications.“ in the communication department. If
.Iohn Quigley. Ohm State l ”M“ The situation hah changed With a pendence." Ulack said. schooleducation or above.Cities were “I would urge you to put theselittle not. the faculty might have to choose
sity law professor and former me new regime assuming power recently. “The Americans filled the vacuum Continued on page 7 petty hostilities away; put them on 8 Continued on page 7
Oda! tcrday. and his estranged wife was charged with murder. state A WINTER STORM that left Southern California mired istan or face a refusal by the [bum States to take part in the
police said. in mud and some Western states buried undcrknee-deep snow competition.
state Mrs. Leona Canada was released from thc Jessamine pushcdtntolhc nation‘smid-sectionyesterdayspreadingtrea-
County jail after posting 3 520.000 bond. at Jall spokesman cherous ice into Dixie. wor'd
KENTl'CIfi l-lI)l'(’ATl0NAI. TELEVISION OFFI- said. Hundreds of schools closed, lights went out. and cars .
“AL" 53'“ yesterday the) “0W 8 PrOPO‘Cd CUthCk 0f ftd- Robert Muse, public affairs officeratthe state police postin slammed together as the stormthat produced Utah‘s heaviest "”le FOREIGN MINISTF'R- “”3““ h} the dams
eral funds \hlll be offset by increased private contributions Richmond. said the M-ycar-old Canada was killed shortly snowfall in SIX years pUSth imo the Midwest. The storm |¢ft Canad'an I'CSCUC 0f SIX Amencans ”apped m Tehran'
' KET executive director Leonard Press said in an interview after ft am. by a .38-caliber bullet wound to the chest. behind l8 inches of snow in Salt Lake City and smothered declared yesterday he expects the L‘ S, Embassy hostages to
that Prestdent Carter's proposed federal budget could mean ' Flagstaff. Am. under 25 inches. ' Stiff" {0" Canada's “duplicity .. .. P
KET '05“ UP ‘9 550000” “I the money It otherwise might nation In Southern California. mud was I0 feet deep on one street “1‘ estimated 50 “"938“ “m9“ probably w" now be
have received in San 3",“,de and the overflow from a dam in neighbor- treated more harshly I-oreign Minister Sadegh (rhotbladeh
l‘nless Congress can be persuaded to restore some of the . "‘8 Tijuana. Mexrco floodcd parts of San Diego. said. and the responSibility will be Canada 5. .
funds. the Kentucky network may receive only about I million WHAT IS MORE PROFITABLE an 0" company 0" 3 Speaking tIt a Tehran "CW5 conference. (thotbladeh
in fcderal funds in the nut (“cat Pm" about the same televiSion network? Mobil Corporation seysanetwork isand denounced the secret Canadian operation asa"flagrantviola-
amount as this year. Press said It made a tClCViStOn commercral saying 50- The networks say THE CARTER ADMINISTRATION wants to make sure tion" of international law and warned that retribution ond
KET received'about $5.5 million from the state for the cur~ they Wt” “0t run the commercial. American athletescan show their skills. but does notwantthe be exacted from the Canadians sooner or later.
rent fiscal year. "I think “'5 CCttSOtShlP.' MObtl CXCCUtIVC “a president United States to be the site of an alternative to the Moscow
The problem IS that Kit needs 37 million to sit) million Herbert Schmem said yesterday “I dont think their motita- OIvmiiic Games. a consmsiomt Pmt “’35 t0“ "Slim“ weather
ust to tree the s stem is tin h v . ' tion is to censor. but that is the result.“ Nelson Ledsky. de ut 'aSSISIM'It secretary of state orcon- ,
J P .\ PC” 3 at I e same 1‘ Cl Pm“ Wd The networks said the decision to reject the ad was based on gressional relations. spaid). “We want our athletes to be able to PARTLY SUNNY but cold today With 3 f?" “WW nurnes
long-standing poltcres against airing commercials on contro- compete. They have worked very hard. often for years. to per- possible. Highs today in the upper teem to mid 20s. Clearand
CLAUDE cums. A CONTROVERSIAL (oar. versialpublic issuesand had nothingtodowiththediscussion rm their skills.” bittertvcotdtonilh‘w'm'°“"_°'“5"'°‘”"°‘°5"’°V.°'
operator who became a millionaire for the third time during of their profits NBC also challenged the relevance of the But he also said the administration is determined that the Sunny but cold tomorrow with highsinthe upperleensto mid
the eastern Kentucky coal boom. was shot to death early yes- comparison. Soviet Union must withdraw its military forces from Afghan- 20!.

 K KY 02ch McDaniel
Hm" In (W Mull (:mn Kim Aubrey riiomu (‘Iuk John “I! G"! “W“ l
' Jay Foam lob Cochran: tnlerrurnmem hm”, Spoils Iz'drlor Drmior of Photography F
('uy Willis 4311““!!! Mum: Paul Mann
"Undxlllx Mum Clndy McGee Sail Tlll’lln Brian Rlekcrd DIV“ Maynard
Judd a.“ gut-W", Assn/um Spam Edilur Photo Mohair"
. . t Steve ”“5" L5. 00"“ ("’P" Elmo” Ifnirrmmmenl It'dilm
editorialsfiicommen S
. I I .
‘ Courier-Journal U K s Metcalf should ave consu te wrt stu ents
- One ofthe main purposes of the lktUTlltlllSlil profes- e\.picss their beliefs. arguments. dissatisfaction and that voted last year to voice its opposition to a shown a little more ObJCCUVll)’ andIa little less sensa-
. . sion. and the newspaper business on tit. ti htti.” ls to .ometrrrres even support. resumption of selective service registration. He went tronalism in writingthe story.ITo think that one I» or
present the public an ObjCCll\L‘. readable protli: l t“ tlie same light. elected officials should try their on to say that the greateststudentconcern aboutdraft inthis caseton students opinions werethe basrs for I
which comes as close to truth tit possmlt; hm “I know what their constituency desires and registration is the potential impact on career plans. the whole Universrty is preposterous.
. . I And this product should be informative. L‘llllg'lll'.” httthtm It h their duty as elected officials. Unfortu- tlIléichtili‘rnhegsh: nfi:flft;thgg;t:fo:::hizlhdlgihzl“: If nothing else. Metcalf and the Courier-Journal
ing and thought provoking It should leave nttsltttr rarely. it does not always happen this way. 5 . . ‘ . . . . . . . p . p should have consulted Wllh all student leaders or l
. , , I . attitude about the draft as well as concern about the initiated a public opinion survey to see howthe major-
unturned , loo often. the elected official thinksImore in terms potential impact on career plans. itv of students at UK felt.
Manyjournalists and newspaperstake tirrd: lll their of self interests. and not what s good for the whole. ”0‘“.er Metcalf could have shown a little more ' .
~ ability ‘0 d0 50- lii yesterday's Louisville ('ourr't'r-Journal. Mark interest in getting student opinion beyondjusttalking f' Ang If ithc SIUdtSmSI seemed to agIZeeI in the WZOIC‘
However. when ”I” does not occur . h ,.tt,.t ly‘I;t \letcalf. llK‘s Student (iovernment president. said to some members ofthe student senate and his frater- ine. . l" I not. I en a gross error as een ma e.
antlv pointed out as it well should he lf‘Lli :s win ~rrost l'K students he talked to felt "poSlllVC'I' about my brothers. . . Opinions Belong on the editorial page. not on the
the editorial page exits: it allows people the r .i’rt to the draft. although he was part of a student legislature furthermore. the (miner-Journal should have news page. .
' 5
~ ' . ~ . Hr.» satire! r’"\<\7~7 .
' ~ _ «(5/ . ‘i. 1-"i',..’"’"'..ie'?‘?" \‘t‘
~ 0 nee s nawe ge , “ts ,
. .I . V . \If III I 'a‘ I . . r : 'mWN -..:,.,.« ‘I \rdtfi, ”it ‘-.,\
. . 33f . If”), § / , .. “t 3,ff‘;i‘t"f" t.~'\
' " 3‘ Rl-ZBl-Z('(‘A KIMBAIJ. ”Math; she and .lctf should get riothin. I could last picture him in line b with”; . Igw V " 3‘ U’f é ":th '
.: ' togetlr.: :or a stick out." Marie said at McDonald‘s saying. "Hamburger .._ In’I' ;/ I3- ' I {’1' , \‘I'f {Witt Ii")
l was sitting withthe morning paper "I “CV-“i"“1“"SU/Wlk‘llwlrllmlh“ ”L Ci” .' _ ? . M. " ' ‘I " h .. W " -';.\,'§"I.; 5f
' . and a few cockroaches at the kitchen bathroirr: “Really." h” ”‘Hd‘ "” 5'“ wanna sf» «35": ~?' ' ‘ fl ' ‘ ' - . ,' flight: ”95"“?
'I ' table. I read some headlines.the com~ Marie yelled back. “(ioody goody know. Sune‘sIgonna study and I‘M ...« gift} ‘. v t . ’ ‘. ‘2 .
' . res. and then got to Section T. l iving E’UlYldltth" and ”WW“ ”1" blldt gonna memori/e ”HI-5 “”19 baby." t' . ’2 ' , I‘. . ~. ,.;‘I y '3" ‘i II II,’ 37:22.: “if
._ Today “A debatable subiect." l Sti/re walked h} wearing a towel He showed us a test with the answers Kw 'IIjII‘II . ' 1;...5 “2'3"???" we "’7? at]; .
. _ thought when my roommate Marie round her bod and one wrapped marked inred. lgotalesttamorraina I! 'iI W” 6"" a?” It?“ I: "1’
groaned her “3} into the room. around her head turban style. class Ive been to.Imaybe three times. ' ‘l ' I? .. h V; it”: i I..s
, . "l5 there really his uIt“ MlCllCthlr' “Mung" SllL‘ silld. “I Wish you‘d slaIrf Blll “filth me EICC ll. ll S CilsyIlO piljsal . ..( ,, \si ,‘ .i'; II IIfIiI‘t , (:53 I ’
. ' ' she asked. as she plopped into the cleaning your pubes out of the drain this school ll ya got connections. HIe y‘t'? . ' . . It“; ii‘l' .' I\- {g '
5 chair next to me We read the ’lr‘nret alter you take a shower " wtis playing imaginary drums on his . if: 32"?» . e ,- ,‘xll, #106 f'
. . . together for a while and aboutclev en - - . [high and nodding his head tip and '€§ ." "9" '1'" xi"??? " .. 93‘?
. "' ‘ ' ' ' o‘clock Susan. thethird Stooge._iorned @ down .. . _ 2% " 3' I'M; xii") “fo? 7' . iii-fifth
‘ . its at the table She's not the kind of GM 1 ““d‘ ”1‘” ‘ “h“! I “E" to ”C" A 52’. It /%”“’i" .1 “ ' with??? i
' * girl you‘d can cute as a bah} bun m 'Pc ' T ”U" W” “‘ “WW” 2:73;. ’i i)“; l
I. . . begin with. but this day she looked L a; Sunc pinched his ass and said. gs if {i 2"; mtg-:1». I3 1. he}; I;
. . . ' especially naUseating. Her mascara “\h ho needs knowledge‘.’"and .leff sort ‘ ‘t‘t .t, ,;_" " . . ' ' . ht: ~ ; i;
. i had made it down to her cheekhones v, \ “l “Ckk‘d her out the door. . . ' "t . , .. .' ff ti: 'I' "*7 5
. I . . overnight and she had a big brown " \ “Damn. he‘s got her on his team." ' , their, fit! ’ , itfi m E}
. 4 . hicke) on her neck. She told Marie Marie said. "without a paddle." ' -. ' "' ‘6‘" f'“":'i~“" " '5' 1'2”" 9
, I and me all about Jeff. the ape-like_lock “Yes Miss Homemaker." Marie rep- "\lhat'shshrt crehkh"I | saidh
_ who had lanted tt on her the t ht lied She continued on with her verbal " 'ep. e‘s pro a e got er there 1 - l I
. ' .' . before. p n g slaughter too. You know. I‘d never say anything CircumStances ”at new '
.. - ' “lid drink hlS bath “SHUT". ShC “DIdytIUhcc (11nd) lilSl night“c;lr- It) SU/lt‘ about ll. but thTC‘S SOHTC- ’ I
. . . t moaned. and Marie and | wrinkled up ing that tailored wool suit'.’She looked thing really ”WP: about that guy." snow WO nd er I m so enurbed ’
,' " '. our noses and stuckoutourtonguesin ridiculous. She came UP 10 me and I 5““1‘ “YMh- He“ a latent
‘ I I . complete disgust. went through the same old routine \ilmPer."
- '. “He kisses."Susancontinued. "well. about how's school going. “hill have I lh" phone rang ”1”“ or four “m“ .
‘ ' I ' kind of rough. reallv. Sort of uses his been doing. where do i “Wk? “(KL and Marie PleCd up lh“ receher.
' , '- e ' mat/L almost. 1 doht know how tt, whata bore. 1 hen shclold me she was “Hello?" she said. Her voice went up lexington has its first snow of the —_———'—— perfectly intact hairdo. The sleek
.' ‘ . explain it; tt sort of hurt. but it st,” of going to the Sigma Purka ball. some an octave and she fluttered her eye- semester. but ldo riot havethespiritof leather boots with threeinch heelsthat '
. .' - felt good." fraternity dance. or something. with a lashes. "()h. HI Leslie. Yeah? I‘d like a child as I look out at the blanket of 88/, broadwater Glamour advertises have also been
. j - _ I. Marie called her a masochist. but of guy who kisses like a fish. 'I Hl-[N' she to. but I have a million tests next week White. Quite to the contrary. I feel like y reported as the cause for the unusual
, -' i I' - course sum didn't km,“ the rrreanrng asked me what in the world :.he could and I haven‘t cracked a book all wee- a victim and picture “fender benders“ number of coeds "resting“ on campus
, - ~ I ‘ '. of the word, "Just hccamc he PM.“ wear! Who do I look like. Diane von kend. Su/ic went to the library with and my dragging a small pillow ———————— steps and sidewalks.
. ' ' . High) and all." she said. FUHWanS‘i““0““ h51“‘10ld her 10 Jenni felt a la” “'50” invitation com- around aftera “"1!"st that resulted white flakes. I once had the nervewreckingupica-
: , II , “Rugby P1350” l-‘Al lHl~lR wear some scales. And did she tell you ing on and mouthed the words “I‘M in a broken tailbone. There are picture postcards in many sure" of seeing how other metropoli-
‘ - 1' DEAD." said Marie. about her new job that she iust loves?" .\'()l H ltRF." emphatically. New Englanders may feel at home. of our region's stores of gently rolling tan and ruralareas handle these yearly
I III I Suzie left the roont. A minute later “Yeah. a dcntalassistant." I said. uh “No. SHF'S not here either, Well. and students from the deep south may land with stately trees and handsome “circumstances .. During the fall of
' . ,. . .hc reappeared with a couple of WWII. llglllgs_u thanks for calling.“ Marie hung upthe be excited about the flurries. but thOse horses. How many of these have any 1977 I left Chicago with snowas high
. and a ra/or heading straight for the "I 316th reeeal interested and found phone and pranccd around the room of US from Kentucky know better. We “white" laying around‘.’ Anyone who as the cars and the O'Hare airport
. . ' , bathroom tor some R and R. out who the dentist wastt) make surel with a hand on her hip. “I know well will not get enough snow to ski and has looked foranapartmentinthe stu- closed one of the few times in its his-
. , ' " . “(iucss she‘s gonna use up allthe hot “CH-"E“ ”WW- lcan WC me 0"“ going “'1‘ 5h“ called and 'l ““5"" I" be maybe not enough to close the SChOO'S dent price range knows that the Lex- toryand made it through asleet storm
:. . I '. . water." Marie said. in to get my teeth cleaned or some- neighborly. She wants to get in Bar- dow'n.I (Although it does not take ington market does not throw in a in Indianapolis onlv to cross the
. I . ‘ Wetraded sections of the pup” and thing. She‘dtumpattheclrancetostah net's pants. Ask anybody. Ask Bar~ much in the Commonwealth of Ken- functionalfireplace and handyelectric bridge from Jefferso'nville lnd to
. '. , I I; took turns ltgtttng up tt, boil whet- me with those tools.“ ner. for that matter.“ 'Ihen she tucky. lIhave overheard my grade stove to prepare hot“toddies“orchoc— Louisville and hear reporis of'l-64
I I .'- -. . water. lhrce cups late we‘d both We heard someone knocking atthe announced. “I‘m going over to his schoolneighborsfiguringinsnowdays olatc without leaving off the utility being closed to Lexington
.. .I ' ' I . caught a caffeine bun and our chatter door and I yelled. “Friend or foe?" place right now. Beforethat little bitch when counting up their (‘hristmasand bill. or carpet. '
.' . was onfull force, Marie wasdescrihing because I didn't feel like getting up. calls him up to go see some X-rated Turkey D3): vacation time.) i would 8150 like to know iilhf win— My mother said that I used ‘0 10W
-. I- I Anna Malone‘s aims at the [venous .leffstuck his bigfathead inthe back mmic and gets him all hot and but— I had originally planned to com- ter wonderland scenesin Vermontand to sled asachild. lam notsurethatmy
. ‘ ' night‘s party door like he owned the place. "Hi tered." She got out a pocket mirror mentonthedraftand hadapileofarti- Michigan are framed to cut out any perspective toward snow changed
. . ' ' ' ‘. . “Reeeal tight icans. l was dying to girls.“ He raised his voice like he was and did some last minute primping. Gifts on the President‘s recent address hint of gray slushy streets? Ordothey completely when I got my driver‘s
’ . I ‘. ' ask her how long it took herto get mt.) on the held about to attack. “HEY. lhen. staring awkwardly at her chest. and statistical reports on veterans. but actually have snow removal equip- license and had to battle the elements
', them." She paused and concentrated Suzie. let‘s (i()." slac aghch “Is my bra even?" quickly put them in the drawer while ment there that scrapes the streets to get w'hereverlwanted to go. ltreally
' . '. ' for a second “lt wouldn‘t be to had ll Su1iccamc running into thcrooml “What?" listening tothe morning radio weather while local residents lace up their hit when I could no longer afford to ‘
'.I'.‘ ."I - i she had a fat a“ ‘~ bet she hadn‘t moved that t‘agt Sin“. "()nt- side always wilts first" reports. Nothing like an overly cheer- skates. hand over their Metro token. stay home and play in it. or take the ’
I ,.I , II ‘i. “What I hate It the “I” hcr “PS are her last high school fire drill. [knew if ldidn’t kick herout. she‘d ful disc jockey telling you that “the or deal another hand ofcardsdepend- day off. and l knew the fashion editor
‘. I' It ,I . i always chapped.“|said “ltthere‘s one “Where are you two headed in such never make it to Barney's, “Face it. city‘s road crews are doing the best ing on their age and stage in life'.’ at Glamour would not mistake the
("i . .’ . [hmg I hate to my ”.5 chapped hp» a huff?" I asked. Marie.“ I said. as I pushed her out the they can under the (‘ircumstanccs."lt I will more closely scrutinize the green plastic duck boots and extra
, . .5 (iod ‘1) mouth hurts iust thinking "I ibmry StudyI study.“ Jeri said, door. “you don‘t have much to wilt." rs about time that someone realized cover girls on Glamour magazine in weight around the waist from long -
tI f_ ' it about it " He was smackinng his gum ninety to that these “(‘IRCUMS’l‘ANCES“did next January‘s ISSUC. I did not see underwear as a child with extra gear.
. '. ' - '. I Rebecca Kimball is t. journalism not occur for the first time with the anyone on li'K's campus with color
' , -'. .I .' . t senior. Her column will appear every bli/lard of I977. And while they‘re at coordinated boots. coat. hat. and Sally Broadwater is: UK graduate
"- .. I If other Thursday. rt.the other mythsthatgo withthetiny gloves with unsmudged mascara. or and I part time student.
n « - LBHBI'S pOIIC y The 7/70 0' ' I ' '
~ i'ai USE/7 poun S It ammer S IT I 88 39am
r .I I 'I the Mmmtt Km It \I t I . H h . . . . . By JAMES GRIFFIN ————-—-————— thanjmerf‘ hadfifallen again- That'sIhow lpictured
J . i, . 1‘ ec‘ me“ a contri ”“0"“ “”m ”k I K mm the assailant. and lknew that wed have totravel
I I I I , .I It munity for publication on the editorial and opinion pages The “funeral"was onlva couple weeks ago. back . , far from the immediate area to even begin to find
, II .I , II lhe Acme/may condense or reject contributions. and frequent writers when everyone was supposed to be returning to opinion evidence of its having fallen. The swath it cuts is
- ' , . , may be limited. Editors reservethe right to edit for correclspelltng. gram- school for'the spring term. ‘I hey all came back. wide. theimprintof its head immense. and the han-
. . ,' ”‘3" and clarity. and may dd?” libelous statements. except for one. No. the Doughboy didn‘t die. but dle 50 long that ll must becontrollcd by some force
. . . I ( ontrrbutions should be delivered to Room lld Journalism. l'nlvers'ity the way he vanished from Lexington he may as well stronger than science would have me believe is cap-
. ,1 of Kentucky. Lettington. IKy. 40506. have. I figured that the he,“ time our group of in the haste of hisdeparture. 'lheexit he‘d made left able of existing. Nevertheless, we