xt7qz60bzw7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bzw7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1983 1983 1983-10-07 2020 true xt7qz60bzw7m section xt7qz60bzw7m ___—L———_————————-—————__—____—_—__—___.r____~.____.w-__--fi .-.- .. . m”...
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 43 An independent student newspaper serving the University of Kentucky since i894 hum, Q. tub... ' ioai
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I 0 ins cam 31 us on cam us ' « ~ *
7 t lks abo thigher education ” i" "g -. if“
' By EVERE'I'I‘J.MICHELL Ii quality of education in the state in- and possibly dividing the Depart- ‘ q ‘ -. '
. Senior Staff Writer clude competency testing for teach- ment of Human Resources. *' ’ . ' ._
, ers and students and remedial help Among with that. Collins said she ‘ 4 ’ L =5
, Lt. Gov. Martha Layne Collins for problem students. she said. plans to appoint more women and "e’ t ‘ D ‘ , a
‘ told UK students yesterday that “We have one of the highest drop blacks to important positions in her 4‘; ' ' .
their involvement is not only essen- out rates in the whole U .S. and noth- administration. > ' : ‘ . e- - - :- ’ 1:. ”i, '
tial to her gubernatorial campaign, ing to be proud of." she said. “Our “It is important that men and h . ,, , ‘ ' ‘nv,
but to the political process in gener- children dropout at 16, but they liter» women work together because with 's " I 4 ,. _, f "t ’
alas well. ally dropped out in the 4th, 5th. or the complexity of our society. the l ’3’ ‘ _
. 6th grades because they fell behind. legislation and regulatiom we have . ‘ may. , ;
Speaking before a crowd 0f about They couldn‘t keep up with their got to have the best of all view- ‘ ' - i. "‘ w
300. Collins said students have fresh . , .. . .. , , g. , g , _ . _ .4:
ideas andplentyofenergy. peers and they got discourage so pomts. she said. So Ill be havmg . x,» . _1» ‘
they dropped out. women and blacks in my cabinet as . , f _ f | “New
“You are the future, and we need As far as higher education is con- well as qualified men ~ it will be a - K . ‘ - , ’ , ‘ ”Perish
you to be involved. It is important cerned, Collins said she is going to mixture.“ \ ‘\~ A t . l ‘ i. ' ‘
that you understand the issues and promote high technology and re— She added, “I am not looking for ' ., ' k i d , Q g f “t M
that you work hard to be good citi- search especially at UK. any tokenism. I am looking for good ‘ i.. .
dens," she said. “It is tremendous t0 Fielding questions from students working, capable. dedicated. com- . t‘. 7"“ “ .f
. go out and to try to make tough de- before and after the speech, Collins mitted people.“ ’ “‘r i . ’ Q ' ‘
cisions and face the complex issues touched on other issues —- why she Collins said she would leave to the / -\ x . '
' that we have, when you know those declined to debate other opponents Council on Higher Education the re- i . » 8;: a
. decisions are going to affect you and on the campus, plans for cabinet re- sponsibility of making recommenda- ' c . it '
your future and the future 0t your structuring, including more women tions on the proposed UK and UL h f 1 M; "7.. ’
children. So we need your (students) and blacks in her administration, dental schools merger because mak- 1. 'i _ ;
input desperately.” the proposed merger of the UK and ing recommendations on things per- , ' g» »'
Collins also told students that their UL dental schools and the proposed taining to education is why the coun- "' p , .
education was the key t0 the future constitutional admendment to abol- cil was formed. She added it was ~ - ‘ -,
of the state and she has many Plans ish the officeof lieutenant governor. premature for her to make a deci- 4-. m ,, . -
to improve the quality of education Asked about the UK debate, Col- si'on. \ ‘ -
in thestateofKentucky. lins said, “I didn‘t really cancel. Collins disagreed with a proposed "
”I am concerned about education Martha Layne travels all 120 Conn- constitutional amendment to abolish Ill viii-m i. ..
as 1 am about many things. l see ed- ties and I have a lot of official re- the office of lieutenant governor. .
ucation as an investment, not an ex- sponsibilties. Home Speaker Bobby Richardson, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martini l .t\llt' t ulliii~ talk with \ttill Litkwn. l.‘, \t’\l(‘lil.l\ till tlir
penditure," She said. “Because the “I have been acting governor 31- D- Glasgow prefiled the bill to aboi- Student Center Patio. Jackson is a student ill \lduu'll l lam-m.“ \ \thiml
key to the future and Mr our state most 500 days since Governor Brown ish the office Wednesday and is to
and for the nation is a good educa- was elected," she said. “Usually, I be considered by the 1984 General
tion to be able to compete With other am booked two to three montls in Assembly. .
nationsoftheworld.” advance. It’s not a matter of “i think (the office) is extremely u orte rs at er t0 lsten to
Collins said some Of the programs canceling, it’s a matter of working it important.“ she said.
she is trying to implement will have into the schedule." The office of lieutenant governor
more “Put on the elementary and Collins said she is planning some is important because it provides . . ’
secondary educational process than changes in the state government, continuity in case the governor is emocra 1C can 1 a e S Speec
thehighereducation process. such as elevating the tourism and unable to carry out his duties, she
Some the programs to improve the labor departments to cabinet statm said.
. By CAROLYN MOCK would he lilt't‘ to liiiit‘ .i litinit-trmn Harrie-st) said "Martha laym-
ResearCher discovers new compound StaffWriter govt-moi. but I ll] llt‘l’t‘ in “‘1' oh.” damn that \ll' has mind .i.‘ gm-r-r
sht‘luislt>\.t\ lltif lur Uii- \lalll' for ail-iii? fill dais
. . . . . A group of about it!) Martha t'ollins \iwkr .ilwii' lllt‘ illip‘ii‘ (tuning the prim-iii .Illlilllll’slrd
Layne Collins supporters greeted liilit't' til the \uiiiiu iii-tiiilt-x \iilt‘ llUli Hindi-sh ‘ilitl
WIth few Slde effects for eplleptlcs their choice for governor this Fall She \(iltl \llltli'fih iii-ml in lit-mimi- l ., . J ' l-
: . mg‘ ”W __,_ -,__ . with signs and banners as she made lli\'0l\'t‘tl impress )oum-m-s “le’l‘nlgiarrfllil'.#2:"; M h‘" ‘ '
. By ELIZ_ABE'I'HCARAS l f éwl :rtwgeymacropssugagrpgssto tit: Sf:- .hu'l‘vht‘niiillnliiil tit vsupimii him“ ‘ “a“, liall data phrasing ”ah
. StaffWrita‘ 1. . (3:13 er a peec y. soon imugi our ‘ldl‘iiptlls orguiii man, was "n-al supportive ”l (N
i , h a: y. nation is plicnoiiit-ml \iiitl lldHtl l ‘l A ha i ' 1 t ir- '
For the four million Americans ‘ ~ ' _ h”. ~ Flanked on either side by her Sprciiicr, l'K lliilhtllltlf the Fun-m- "f" “we“ mimppu H" n
. . , l . . , . , _, , . ll.ill was mic-mini in the futun- of
who use drugs to control epileptic _.. daughter Maria and several (hi (aunt) l)t intuutu |li.i!lqli.irlit\ ”w ”Wm”. )I'fl m mum-r miumtmn
seizures, side effects can range from a... . « ' Omega members. Collins Shmk A" ““ ”W“ "l ”M“ "”4"" "5 '” .nd nu-niiiiT-ni
hypnotic to sedative. But that may ‘ 1- " 1;)” -, ", , hands and answered the qutstiom 0i lure lt-iuli'rs ill the politit .‘il itf't‘lla'i " g
" change soon. - “ -" 7 those 300 students wanting to know a Sprcitner said ”all had the. (ipptirluiiil) in tall!
Pankaja K. Kadaba, associate ‘ a. ; little bit more about the candidate Among lilt‘ (‘nlliiis \llpplirtt‘l\ 0th with t‘olliits iilll'f lM'r Nil'fl‘tli "shi-
iii-“$501- of medicinal chemistry, ‘ peawv . . Mike Orth, a mechanical engi- could also liml lliiht‘ iiiti-i‘i-stml in stiitiilwqucstiunut accessibility and
has synthesized new anti-convulsant ' é neering sophomore. said he was hearing "Muir itu- lipptlsitinri had to opportunity for the- handicap iii a ,
compounds currently being tested on ‘2 . “here to listen . . , lbecause he had: so), “ wry legitimate concern. Hall said
animals. ' never heard her speak before." A That was lhi- ("use Milli \t-il Harri "Martha layrir- is wry wimtivi-
Kadaba’s hope is that the con a native of Ft. Thomas — Republican 9.5!). an .‘ict-oiintinu junior and .‘in to and siipptiriiw- til lhd' hand
pound __ triazolines _ will be effe'C_ .. . . gubernatorial candidate Jim Bun~ aVidsupportt-r Hi Jim ltuiining mapped ‘u‘litl Annie t‘nitv) t nllim
tive in preventing epileptic seizures " of! i . ning's hometown H ()rth said. “ll “Running i.\ llit‘ mun llir U10 int) ‘ allanWril‘r‘nti
‘ ‘ without causing as many undesired . ‘
effects. . 0 e 0 ‘ 9
She said epilepsy, which is caused ~ . M th I I 'p t t q
by a disorder in the nerve cells of I ’ ' a co e 1 Ion re ulres coura e
the brain, results in seizures when
those cells produce uncontrolled . By MARCIA WII.(‘HER rent-Vt problems \lIIiiliil' to thum- on students Will also rm‘rivr' a what
eletchtric currerilt _“lE'i‘tceESivevfirmg ‘ Reporter the exam arship to Han’ardl'nivenils
in e nervece S in e rain iS con- "So tar, w- liittl' unit into ruin _ . , . , . ,
. sidered responsible for causing con- , " h -_a..._, The possibility of Winning $3.600 mil-rusted in taking ihti i-xmnuhow d M‘frd'mnu,’ 531%?" I K MM”
vulsions and seizures." - . ‘5‘ , and a fellowship to study at Harvard ever, it hasn i received much public :3): as we m Q'uttimwtltltli as
“Probably about one (person) in ".7. ”at ., l is on the line for those competing in ity yt-i, shinny:- said “We usually 0 , _r 333‘"? ”m ye"; w'
1t” has a 59m disorder,“ Dr. , ' ' ' " ” ' ”’9'“? the 44th Annual William Lowell Put- haw sewn or eight students who inn": all acruu W mlion.
JOhn T' SleVin‘ aSSiStant professor ' i ' " ' " “*"‘**‘“““"““"‘“_“'T ' tilt—f; N‘ —, Mm Mathematics Competition. Avi» [akoLhr-vxani (“l _ “1 “”3" M! ’:e MVP m
. ofneurologyandpharmacy.said. . i iism kernelSuff nash Sathaye. mathematics profes- "The ”Mm. competition usuall} Mora in part performance
Many people are reluctant to re- PANKAJA K- KADABA sor, said. attracts about 21m students from 0' l K students m mmpemm to flu
- V931 their Pmblem because Of the across lht‘ l S and ('ariada ‘ ht' dents acrms I” nation h“ been
social implications that stem from Conventional drugs on the market She began working at UK in 1968 The competition involves taking a mi " ‘ WWW dime” 1 test "I“ ll me"
. the disease, Kadaba said. “Because now cause many undesirable effects. as an independent researcher with three-hour exam which covers un— The students “ho [8,", W. “am “l“‘h‘m‘ WW” ‘3'" the cum“.
it is a social stigma, not many peo- including sedation, nausea. liver anticonvulsant drugs. In 1976 she dergraduate mathematics. The test an, “sum“. "mmmm the in! “‘"l {5" Pert‘l’mnnt'e WWW "n
ple talk about their condition, so problems and vomiting. Kadaba began sending compounds to be will be given on Dec. 3 and is de» mathemhgmm ,,, a... ymvmuy PM“
there may be even more in this said tSted; ' ' signed to stimulate a rivalry be- Salhaw‘xlhlwl Titt- dt‘adllne for signing up (or up
country."shesaid. ”It '5 very expensrve 1t you want tween top college mathematics stuv AM, “Mm“ Mi“. W. '.mm m exam is m it Interested students
“Most people are afraid of losing “In 1975 the National institute of to do this yourself. so this free NIH dents in the United States and December mm, “mm W. m can get applications from sathaye In
' control," Slevin said. “During a sei- Health started a screening program screemng progam was a very good Canada.Sathaye said (and dirwiiv mm, the natllml mm 703Pattmm Tower
zure. this happens and they are for anti-convulsant drugs for epilep OPPWtUnltytOI‘ me,"she said. petition Pros-s are awarded to the "We are looking for the qualitia
afraidtoletitbeknown." 5y." Kadaba said, “With a view to She also began applying for a He is coordinating this year's mathen‘iatlt‘s departments of the in of Intellectual courage cleverness, a
He also said epilepsy is a hidden do something positive about _the grant from the NIH to study the competition at UK. In order to pre- stitutiom mm im- mt. winning um knack to solve problems and a good
disability with employment. “Many prevalence of epilepsy. such as find- compounds further. “Getting re- pare students for the cram, Sathaye dents The me my“, ranking pr” mathematical background," h, “’d
companies are ”meta"; to hire ing-betterndrugs than the ones now search grants from the NIH is a Will h°ld weekly "109th this pie receive awards and are named "The titudmt who prism these
thine withepilepsy."hesaid. available. SeeIXX'IOKpagc 2. mmth. During the meetings. he Will Putnam Follows !)nr- of tho-5r- five qualities Ihouldtakelhe exam
m Demonolo ist studies owers of evil ' ' ' “‘
g p : ~
. - . , '_ , _ By DEANNASHELL contindigty and sometliine of its cgm- the end of Medieval history and the i__ v i t
.fig’ .9" m at,“ . Staff Writer mon nominators." Nugent all in beginning of modern history He is '_ ,
- mhumriie's firm hleOOk- _ . also interested in the Reformation. i ; -. ~ ~ I ' '. i ..
muse-Wilma: on While many demonologists study Nusent defined demonio as “any- the religious revolution that also ~ .3 ifla" , ' l
{Dmfiw “w.” Satan. witches and their practices. thing'that defaces in — if human- WWGMntcmtfis. . -- A. _, f '3 4 fi . ' ‘B
, WWW"! It! one professor examines the effects kind is made in the image and lik- The time of the Renaisance was r. _ f, . , ' , .
““33“”! ofevilonpeople's behavior. enessofGod. "the golden 38¢ 0‘ EWW" occult ‘ 7; ' _ , , _'
. . Donald Christopher N ent asso- During the counterculture yeen of and the climax of the Witch craze. ‘ i ‘ . _
_ , _ . , date prom” of ”mg/8 is. man the 19705 when the magical world medium, , .. , i J .,
'2' ‘,’ “W“ °' 9'” concerned with the study of demon- fiflwmm became In His classes are eras-listed raider 3 . ."‘ ’
”Wm” fis- ics in his ndof the .. lewho . ' tie and roll in where I: tu- ‘ . ‘ . ‘7 I‘M- .
- “i m tory a m In The Bowl Demonology and m 8' . . . . 1
“I w. “a; ”in: are doingevii.notpracticingit." Witchcraft. author Hell? All!” chee various mbiects including Re- r, .
*nm‘m Masks of Satan: The Demonic in Kelly said MIC have always gaunt Smut} water: ~ .: f . ' /
.. . . History. Nugent‘s latest book, took blamed “invisible hemp" for the '* “9°“ u." 33““ . ":e*,..’ ~
. isn't?" ' five years of “direct cmmption of problems and ills they are cur °'_‘ mfim‘ "vm re ' .» ’ ' '
energy," he said rim printed by frontedwith. 0°“- ”W ‘ .» - , , ,
Sliced and Ward in m. En- Nugent saidheisinterestedinthe "Religion in the entire [mud in. . ’ .
gland. “invisible beings" that effect M- Sun is M I! my Vi ~
‘ ’ Nugent 'rlid not ever know the vitaials. “i am mac infested in dmhee are finding meta-near ‘/'
We? ”_.,.?":r”o;?»;‘7' . . book had been pom mtil a the kind of spirit that led a Hitler to mmdnmlity."Ni‘ent-id. 3‘ i"
Ww‘ . friend saw an in a Boston liquirhtesixmillimethenIeln mmmnaiandhedwb r
”I M ~, 3‘.“ bookstore, it had been in mm in the real or alleged min at lisbd over It article and emther ‘
a . W‘ ‘ :8" since inawaitimplihcetion. Wfirle."thebookstated. book, gamma... in on A" of on / ,_,--
mxi WM“ .N- "This any is a shady of the de- An mu potent: iii the Uni- adamant, m Colloquy o! Pow ”mm“ “““m‘ ""
Mead; WWW...» . ' manic betweai the perimeter of Le varsity time is“. m specially ay. He in; also written a play titled , , , ‘
o. on” t «.at,_ cifer and Hitler. in an diort to re- www.mmdh- “hie Mysta'y of St. W: A ”(I‘M-D (.. VLGENT
mum. .- :. ..~..u.mm veal its interim ildty. Quentin! telleetuel merrier! that lurid (KindOfiPauiaiPlay"
a g .

 ‘2 - fl. smear Km "Nov. Weber 1. I,”
Stillltbflt “WOW 1 Lebanese prime minister accuses Israel
MIMI" of violating May troop withdrawal accord
, ByEILEEN ALTPQWELL the pullout ml by its partial with- Syria refined. manna, fir its part. sand
1‘ *5». AssociatedPreaswma' drawal of troops from the Chou! and Aley to provide security armaments h south-
Served from 11:30 AM i .. - . . . MountainsSeth. ern Lebanon and within six month- start
. {23 ~ . . .> BEIRUT. ubamn ~ Prime Minista' Sha- t.‘bmm.uu~ relation “an.“
'0 3-00 m t _ ‘- -' fik Wauan accused Israel yesterday of a “Israel has violated this W: by ‘
, " ' .. “flayant violation" of the May 17 troop staging in sudden. wmmwd' which Israel’s partial pullback Sept. 4 to nice
_ ""\.. might scrapthepact. struction that we 8008?“ to avert by M“ has armed various Ilehanae Cristian and
"om 4.45 g I. . In southern Lebanon, meanwhile, an up the negotiations to conclude the accord," Moslem militia faction, precipitated three
.... 2.“ '~ Israeli-backed militia commander switched “chm . weeksofdvilwartanlnfliemmtaim.
' the ignit’ at his sett' 3 off a bomb w‘m °d
-.-. , . ' on ion car. in _ ,
. ' N that killed him and critically wounded his Because of this “flagrant violation of the '1“ “mm W?“ W” W W ,
. , . . . . . _ hacked Druse militias fought to move into
- -. » , Wifeiriatoweringballoffire. agreement, we Will not rule outa recomider the 'tions be’ vacated by the M
" , :j. The victim, Hussein Wahbe, a Shiite Mos- ationoftheaccord,"hesaid. was?“ a :3] a m m“ “a;
V » lem, headed the Israeli-supported militia Wamn added that the Lebanae govern- the hel of Saudi Arabia 33°“ United
known as the National Guard in Adloun, 30 ment has never exchanged ratified treaty States p
* miles south of Beirut. Israeli forces sealed documents with Israel because “we readied ‘
OM B off the town and arrested 40 members of the a stage where we felt the accord would not The cease-fire agreement set in motion
6 4 1’ Shiite Amal militia, which has vowed to pun- yield the fruits wehopeditwould produce.” plans for a truce observation force and a na-
Y ish any collaborator with Israel. The May 17 agreement called for Israel to tional reconciliation conference to debate the
Wanan, in a statement to reporters broad- pull all its forces from Lebanon on the un- future division of power in this nation of 4 '
I cast nationwide, accused Israel of violating derstanding that Syria also would get out. millionpeople. ‘
‘ l
2660 White - New Circle Rd. at Nicholasville Continued "0'" 038° One _
Lexington - 276-4393 very competitive business because all the a patent, Kadaba wrote a patent statement “It takes close to $20 million to do clinical
___.___———_—————-———~—————————— outstanding scientists from the various uni- and submitted it to the UK Research Foun- studies and to market the product," she said.
I t t d . versitiets in the country apply for research $32!“- :JdK; migommitteeea aitongmwti': “We must find a drug company that is will-
suppor .” oa , approv a ‘ to tit on the market. ‘ t now, the
n eres e In a career he ‘d red f rant candidates patent is now before the US. Patent and as}! anxliumyself are in the prmocess of nego-
. . To‘ bCOf‘BI fie tail e: : glicatibn said Sue Trademark Office. She filed the patent in tiating with different companies that are in-
n D 9 mus 5“ ml 3 . PP . a March 1983 and should receive an afftmia- terested.”
1 en 1S I'y a Meadows, NIH public affairs specialist. tion within a year, she said.
. . . . - - In addition to her work at UK Kadaba has
’ “The application is then reViewed by a UK has the rights ‘0 the compound be . . . ' . .
Dental Ap tltllde TCSt peer review group comistirig of non-govem- cause 't mm the prelimmary fees ‘0’ the men 0;? m publicatiom on anti-epileptic '
ment scientists considered to be experts in patent. . . . poun '
Date: Sat. Oct. 8, 1983 their field."Meadowssaid. Km“ 5““ She “"11 me!“ 8 9mm“ . . .
in March 1982. Kadaba received a 3140.000 0‘ “egg? Wm UK 59“: " ”.mmu': “3"“ mm; sympfiu“; ”'1 a
. , , _ , t three f h. pany on amoun recei sen a paper .on r mean: a a mes
Time. 8.30 AM 12.30 PM ”a" f“ year“ ":3: he time period. “It will be very profitable for 0: fimmgquflyw Xx Begoni-
, - When the NIH suggest t ts take out theUniversit c ic mis in o 0. span. I18- 21- -
Place. MN 363 Medical Center . . .. . ,
" W ' ‘ 1 - ' g y .
Fee, $25 (Checks only) New Kernel deSign
O 0
Call 233-6691 Will improve use of .
. . - - - ‘ . ‘ - M. .‘. H '
. . . w ~ 5 graphics and color .
‘ i , . l , ”“5 ‘ i I! w «iii S Readers may notice a number of changes in Monday’s
i ’ ' -~- g Kentucky Kernel as a result of a staff project to make
.. =ffi ' f j s ; the newspaper better organized, easier to read and
. t _. 1’ ‘f $13: more attractive.
m. ..__ RESTAURAN T s ' ' € ._, - Editor-meme: Andrew Oppmann said Monday's xer-
, .,~..- . 3.“ iii _ _. .53.? *2 nel will be the cumulation of several duign changes
- , .- ‘ ‘ 3 ~ . ' E r?" «- ’" *‘ first implemented on Aug. 22. Monday’s changes are the
- \ , “AMA LA KE VIEW PLAZA . w .. ' ’ a” . ' .1 g - (3“ t)” result of work by Oppmann, Production Assistant Dan
.7? 9‘ ‘ . V, I, ’ . '\ ‘i i ‘ 7 £5331: "a“ Clifford and Graphm Editor 08"“ Pierce.
: ; .3): ”y . fl ‘ 2909 Richmond Road $1 _ fig» ‘5‘ ' g .. “We are trying to create a more comistent design for
:44? ‘e‘ L\ .., :3; v. ‘92:» _ . - s. ; “ii " the Kernel," Oppmann said. “Monday’s edition is the
_ ,‘ . g - 269 6332 _ . . ‘ . , . . . .. . . .
.._. ..,_,e- .. - ~ g“ . ‘, ., I, . - t; finalstageof the entire idea.”
. .. ‘ \‘~ . ...- . ~ f. . The principle features of the redesign that will be in-
a ' 4 j ‘ troduoed Manda include an em basis in ca, ‘
FAMOUS GARLIC STICKS rm: ITALIAN nmnsas . .. '* , , ‘ , tography and us: of color, and iii improvgasfiie at”;
, ORIGINAL SICILIAN PAN PIZZA l s, -i' , . ' ganirationwithin the P8981 '
'r‘ " " _ , fr“ Hereisamndownofsomeofthemajorchanges: . ,
' » ' x - The Ker I name late that appears at the of .
. OPEN EVERY DAY FOR LUNCH, DINNER OR CARRY-OUT. . S 33’; c T » .' w w: ‘ w. 3 page i will ble'eredesigrfed. reducing its depth and :pisht- '
— m u ‘ 1y altering the type style the newspaper uses for its
anmo m rms an FOR $1.00 on K 1 . . h. f d ”mum" ‘5 " name. The tail on the letter “n" in Kernel, which droops -
ONE 1‘" PIZZA enne Editor-in-C is An rew Oppmann (center) compares the newspa- down about a half-inch below the name, will be leveled
per s new nameplate, which Will be used starting .Monday, to the one ap- with the rest of the letters. And a new bottom line will
n otter Good Thru 10/ 20/83 At peering in today 5 edition. Also shown are Dan Clifford (right), production allow color to be used when available mar the top of the
2909 Richmond Road Only assistant, and David Pierce. graphics editor. page.
. ,_ . ' ' . - The use of maps, charts, photographs and other
. ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' " . graphic devices will be increased to give readers a
‘ , " ~ quick synopsis and a clearer understanding of the news.
' ‘ _ 9 o Page 2 or the page opposite the editorial page will
0 - h BIKE-A THON 83 serve as the usual spot to look for stories continued
Prices Good T ru
Saturda We SW2 $‘VL‘ A‘V’A SWIG. - There will be an effort made to publish regular fea- ’
i Y. %fi'4]fi 715$ 71.9 74$ tures in a consistent style and, when possible, in the _
‘ same place.
‘0‘ Ms Oct. 8 ATA KAe 94% FM 0 The crossword puzzle will appear beneath Spectrum 1
. . . on page 5 when possible. a
_ ' American Cancer S009W - Graphic elements such as column mug sluts, pull- i
out otss and information ca es will become more .
‘V‘il'er Lowenbrau Come Join Us consqigtentandbeusedmwefreqpiiuntlyl.
'l‘he Kernel nameplate was origins y designed in 1974 i
s 4. 59 s 2 .49 on by a graphics editor from Newsday, a Long Island, N.Y. ‘
news r, and a roved Linda Carries, 1974-75 Ke - 3
12 pk 12 oz. cans 6 pk 12 oz. cans Sunday, October 9‘"! Medfitg’fimmflpsfiid the fiwspaperis 1971-82advilet'. r
1 Nancy Green, firmer UK student publications adviser .
80° Gordon s 6' n $4.99 750 ml at now serving as general manager of Texas Student Pub-
Commonwealth lications at the University of Texas at Austin, said the .
o nameplate’s typeface, De Vinne Ornamented, was com
and an S
e 750 ml Siradium sidered modemistic when it was introduced.
5 b 'I Some of the elements of the Kerncl’s redesign dfu't
9 as on Mountain Wines 1.5 litre '| 1:00 emu-5:00 p.m~. werepbtaineq from the recently revised Kcneucgo New
h bi S'a‘“e‘i°:£$“ii “has“ “is this ..
r n, n, a. an igner r rec
c a Is. Bu '90 ndYI Rose. Rh i “e s 3 099 at the Kappa Alpha Theta House. Press, Miami Herald and the Cincinnati Enquirer’a for-
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 IN! KINYUCKV KIWI Fvldcy. Otto“! 7, ‘90) 3
Itch-y Donavon
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n 5’11“- Game: Auburn Tigers vs. UK Wildcats coming into thta game \Ke will lime our hactt in the “all a : .3 . ' 5‘ é
um mo _ Phcc: Commonwealth Stadium going into i enngton to play it u Ill be :i tough~ hard game " a“ . l
g m5 Kickoff: 7:30 p.m. . . 5 a 5 , ’ _ 5. f
ma with Records: Auburn 3-1; ux 4-0 Probable Starting Lineups A “5 5 5
ie United Coaches: Auburn —— Pat Dye is 17-10 in his third season on - ,5, c g
the Plains and 70434 overall. AUburn i . . 5 g
n motion UK —- Jerry Claiborne is 4-l0-l in his second year at UK and OFFENSE DH‘FNsl 5 F " ’ ’ '5
m . m. 142'86'6 overall. TE 85 Ed West RI' 93 (Jiicnt \ \\ iilmtns 5 g 3 ‘ 5
mad": . Offense: Auburn—wishbone RT 76 Pat Arrington Rl 9t Ben llit‘llldx 5 l ‘ ' b I 1
- UK —- multiple RG 64 Randy Stokes KL. ()1 Dom- Aughnnan ‘5" 5 . , “ 5
.- Defense: Auburn — 5-2 C 52 Ben Tamburello l l 99 Doug Smith 5 " . l
5 UK — wide tackle six LT 78 Steye Wallace l i 96 John ll.lllt‘\ 5 - 5
‘ Series History: Auburn leads l7-5-l, winning last season 18-3. LG 74 Daxid Jordan 1 ii S4 tiregg t an 5 5
Injuries: Auburn: David Jordan. left guard. pulled muscle SE 1 Chris Woods 1 B 42 Jctt Jackson 5 5
. (probable); Jimmie Warren, cornerback, bruised thigh (proba- FB 30 Tommie A366 1 t 2" ”and king 5
0 clinical ble) LH 6 Lionel James l\ it \ ic lit-.islcx
33:23. UK: none QB 14 Randy ('ampell \\ 9 lonnm l’oxtcll J i
In“ the Weather Forecast: Chance of showers, temperatures in the PK3 Al Dtlfiftt‘" Rt 4.‘ Jimmie “anon ' '5
of {'80. high 705 l’ ‘ lcms ( oil‘cti ' ;
it an in- 5 Favorite: Auburn by 7 '/z UK I 1
Players to watch: Auburn —— haltbacks Bo Jackson and Lion- 5 I - l
daba has el James, two contrasting runners who have racked up nearly OFFENSE DEFENSE ! 5‘ ‘ 5 5
epileptic — identical, impressive statistics. Defensive stars include tackles TE 87 Oliver White 1 i- 4’ Stacey lintiell 5 " . t
Ben Thomas and Doug Smith and linebacker Gregg Carr. LT 51 Bob Shurilcll l i ‘9 Jett‘ \‘nnth ] I
_ UK —‘quarterback Randy Jenkins, offensive tackle Don Cor- LG 71 Donald Poms 1 ti ~83 (.ienn Amt-non ' ;
wag; bin. linebacker Kevin McClelland, and punter~safety Paul C 63 Jerry Klein Rt; Rim-1th Martin 5 W 55555 5 N55 5 5
ieww- Calhoun. R061 Ron Bojalad Rl 48(‘ani .iht-hht . 5 , t
21.275 RT 64 Don ('orhin R! 2 Brian \\ llll.lill\ 5 I‘ gathered lr'end
SF 20 Rick Masste l 13 59 John (iilillslt‘} 5
,n “'R 8 Joe Phillips l li 49 ht‘Hll \lc‘( lCllJlltl 5 lfzt ( t: J i'l'\('\ (norm \zriglt‘tnn .t th‘a .llit‘l Lianne .l i‘l 5
t QB 12 Randy Jenkins (B 23 KC”) Baird 5 ilitl ~.i. :. \lctiiotml (i'll'xt'illll \C‘\l('ltl.l\ l'nc tannin fa mi 5
.' FB4I (‘urltochran \ Zol’uult‘alhoun , \H‘: "x M i new lilil.“ tl._uill .tl ‘ Hi li'i {tic l .i.!\ km 5
' . 5" TB 33 George Adams tlil-ttiordon Jackson 5 Min-9' n...:.t: Amino Hanan. to tie tollmwtt l\ the r.: z 5
‘. v.51 K 1 (‘hrisCuudell l’ 26 l’nult .ilhoun ' “ "5 ~‘ "-1 la"l"-i-- l“-i\ YM' ii? the \t'.|\iiil .ll l.‘ Hi .i ll.
' .___.__________J L. . , , . ,.__ .,,_ w, ..,_-- s... .s -. -
Monday’s . _. _ -_-..__ _. .. , __.- ,__~_____ ._ _.__,. .
to e ”was--. .. . . -.
end and .
K Bo Jackson Randy Campbell
”'aaa“ K I B d f E
:21:th Notes: Auburn is ranked seventh in the country in the latest erne oar 0 xperts
tant pm AP poll and are coming off a hard-fought 27-24 win over
5 Florida State last week. UK remains unbeaten with a 26-14 5
“‘53" 3:: win over Tulane two weeks ago. 5
m ‘3 Expected attendence: 58,000 tsellom)
m be in- Coaches‘ quotes: Pat Dye —— “i think Kentucky is the type of
iios.pho- ‘ football team that can beat anyone on it‘s schedule. 1 think “it“! l’fl'li‘N'" IMIWIIHH 1in" “t“m'" “Whit-h" ”'"”""‘""" "W'" ”“m' l
““01“ they can beat anyone in the country if you‘re not ready to . . T““”‘N”"’ \iiiil-“Mt‘mi Hitw \«iw w" \i - i w . '\ hm- IW -=.\t..x-.aw l ix . t . -
. . kernel Board of hperls *2 .‘tt i .w 31 t u. 3;. . p .. i - i t
r 5 play when you go against them. . ,3: M5 (5555 55 \ W5
5e' top of _ ' “l’m not sure that our people know what it‘s like going ““k"'°‘""‘ ’
Idslisht— - up to Lexington to play a football game. but i sure do. i Auburnatl‘lt Auburn Auburn ta ta \uhurn th
s fa- its played there twice when l was at Georgia and it‘s a very hos- Atrium at Mu Mr lim- \il time \.. liH.‘ \ . l in t.” . \.«..
h dim ' tile atmogphere to go into- Alabama all l’tjill Si -\Ilah.Illi.t '\l.tll.llll.t \i.il\.llli:l Turinm .i \5.It‘.lrir.i \‘.Iti.iiv l
mm “ii ioaaaii iaam is ready io via an inspired :v'.‘.‘;'.:::‘.f:.:‘.:..‘:::.':.“'i" 333.1%." 113.3313" :5 ' :t.::."i::'
w d the {OOtball game! it COUId be tragic becuase I think that’s Whal it Vanderbilt ill l‘ltliltlu lltiiitld l luiitln I ii-titln l i 1i l ‘«t'Itl.I l m it
will take to win." Loumille at Miami (Hal \lldllli ill: , \iiann ii In J \lum: vl hi i \tziiw at u . “how it m t \lwuw it . . .
id other Players’ quotes: UK —— tight end Oliver White; “We have to Georgia amle Miv (iuiium Medium (M imam 1,. v
aders 8 execute and play consistently to beat Auburn. Last year we Ml‘fi“‘ip'5"“‘S““”“'”'\“NNV' ‘lt‘~\"~'t"\l \Iiwiwnw \ti . ~ ‘~1 l ~ M" u... ’l' \1» : .
Mt didn’t have any execution We’d hit them with blocks and fall bl“ “1 “MN“. I \l l \l l \l I "" '“W‘m I '5‘
.80 Win ' ’ Michigan at Michigan St \lltlllgdll Michigan \htt ... \t ' .... . ‘l "I“? ‘l "4-" "
ontinued down. We have to keep the ball away from them and keep 5.5555155553505555,“ ”5555555 5,5555,“ “.55, c 5,, 5 . (It in,
the defense Off the field.” Oklahoma at lc\:ia In.» in.» Ir -.. t ... I. -.. in .h' ~ .
1131- fear ’ Auburn —- quarterback Randy Campbell; “Kentucky is a Nehraskui()i|.itiiiiriu\i \vtimth \t-hi...t.. \m. ... . . . mm. I. '- ..,5 ,.
15 in the . much improved football mam over a year ago. That is very WashingmnSt dl\\llllllt_‘ill( allllilillltl \ontiicrnt aiitoinia \ouiherht .rhtomh. \i‘wl‘ii'? « . ~ - i . - .-; ,, 'x-ui'Yrt" i 43-min... . - . - . .
pee 5 evident by their 4-0 record. They have a lot of momentum
its, pull- 5 __________.___._________._.__.___. __ ~ MMH WWW -W—fi-
‘9 mm . “’ o I m Km, [and 2mm" an... Univ-rah «1mm , 101w. x mm, a was...
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