xt7qz60bzx1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bzx1n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1986 1986 1986-11-18 2020 true xt7qz60bzx1n section xt7qz60bzx1n l
t . . \ .
’v Vol. XCI. No. 60 Established 189d ' ' - University at Xentucky. Lexongton. Kentucky independent since 1971 Tuesday, November 18, t986 , '
33“.; .|_ :1.ng . - \ II I“ . I \I . _ _ .1’1VME'; "“tj§§“..t‘7«»' I . . III» 2?}: 72V} r . .
" *'“:'-M. . . L' . ’ _ I .6” ratio 1"“ “ ‘ . i 2. ., ;
0 V“ “V “3: six .‘ = F ‘ 3; l “ “ ’-’- a ‘ "xiiifm’ ‘ '~
II... . . «155.3% $7.: 1 _ 21’ I». ”I . . . . '5; :. _.», I My ,. . . . .
candldate XV“? lag“ . fig" ‘ \- ~ :(‘ ‘8 «23,. . is - .. . . II
- it“ § .. sex in us r _ .-
l_.. . _._ . . . .1 l £iggt‘ \ \ «I I; i‘ I ‘5 I ‘25}, . . . . I . I , I:-
lnt r d .‘ . .’ I/i/A" st.“ .. ‘l/l« . ,
v w ,. ' .. ’ . ‘ * ~‘ ’ “Wk ’1’ fl .. 2 , ~ I , “
e le e 5‘3”? ‘ ». , ‘ ~ "\ ”LIA/ll I I I i; “I _ I [I B} DAN "Abbi-.Rl‘ . _. * .
Cs“ ‘ . ’ _ . v \ nm...’,’{,','(» ”I” 3.8. I I, a Staff Writer ’ aw" ~ ‘ ' 2 1 ' 'I
a} Hus STEWART , , ~ 3. ‘. e" ,2 i - "".~" “I; , ,I . ,3
‘ V ‘ ‘ > ' ‘ ‘ "‘i “’1 t i ’ . '. I . 1‘
hditor-in-( hief \m fa / * - 1'. " l The} come in at a rate of 20,000 a . .I ' 1
SW}. . Q ~ I x '" year Most are street kids with his- . . . .
J‘x‘el’h Burch. dean "f students. :XE-‘T'i; . . . tories of alcoholism. drug abuse and « -. “ . . ,' . '. “
would like to restore credibility to .., m sexualabuse, II I . .» : . I .
:he \‘tCP chancellor for student af— at?" . \ ;~ . 2 ‘ . Forty percent have been knil‘ed or l “ it, ,‘ "
airsot'fice . ' . - , {Viv . .. “h t ‘1 . h‘ ., . . ,1 t . 'tt _ "- . , _ - -
. . -./ tI.3;‘.-:I4.‘.JI '5. . s o _ ost an iuIllt( 0 pi os i u _. . .. . I . . _ .
Burch. one of llW.‘ finalists for the y I! ~ v '. ”if“:- .4 W tion tor money And ”HM (10m 5.”. i.’ f , , - 2 f“. ' .
Vice chancellery. spoke to about 1:3 '- 2;; . 5;; ”‘ I:-:-‘.;I“ ‘ - \".\’t’ ‘ _. , .
student leaders yesterday about the .‘ . Us. *7 " ' ~' fiwrrfifig‘ These are the kids that the mu, . . _ , g 2 .‘m.’ I1
. direction he would like to see the po- . , . \~ . ‘ 7.3;; gm; .- .' . 1 . . ~ Bruce Hitter spoke oi‘ last night be- - ’ .. m g I. . . .II I
- “mm Mk“ g < f' 4 ' . ’23 §2§ 1‘ ‘_ for “$3., . s..;;:.;;§§;‘.;::f 3}.“ fore about 83o people at the _\e\\ man “y ' ‘ ‘ jig ‘I . - , . . .'
~~ . . , ‘ ... a x 21%“ o, .«q , «hymn - a. v .v . _: vs}. .I»e=,r....-._..>..;r:.; ~. ”22., - _ . , i , ,
l “4”“ WU 1” lWl‘ PW” me “5 2‘ .' ;. .‘- I; marge, .f'. L “ 4.3- »I§‘Io; Mf‘f’fifp‘f‘g‘eg :_-§=a§,;ggi§,.f“ ;..f.§.3‘ (‘enter tn the second lecture ot the la. ‘ “.I " p1 .' ‘ , . . ' 1.
candidate tor change. Burch Siltd. :- ‘ “ 3.41:3“ f"377%“‘3Z3“<“"""“”7“? , 2“ Mr; DistitiLZUIshed Smokers Series f": k ‘34» ‘ " . ' .- .
"I‘m not interested in change tor the nuon WILLIAMSON Karen‘s-3U mm”. is mp founder m “mam,” :& p?! ' . j“ A, . w‘ ’ - , . 2' ‘.
“k“ 0‘ change" l’”! h" ”a"! h" ”W“ . . Houst- the international chaii: ot’ ’f " ’$‘ 9?“ .2 ' '5 . I. -3
. man)“ areasthat could beimproyed Joseph Burch, dean 0f students and a “"0““ for fairs. 'OIkS W'th student leaders yesterday dm shelters ior homeless and runaum ’ . l ., l " .' 1 - I‘
Bun-h said it he is appointed to the position of vice chancellor for student of. ingoreception inthe StudentCenter. Wmh' ' . , - - I._ '. -II.
the \‘ice chancellor position he would _ . _ ' “Tin-w imlg ”,1. ”mm...“ M mp ’ _ -, ' - , .
like m macaw 1m. ”th“ and side oi the classroom. he said. Tim think its a diminution in concern to!“ and worked his “a; up through stir ”le”_;{;d”\jélj\ :iuiclilt'tiiid‘out that . I I: “ - . ._
’ ' . . .. . . . . I I . . .. . . . I I . I \ ‘ . . . I, i . ; ‘ »
(”Kimmy ot student ”“1“” m the mam lilk'lllty are only interested in minorities. . . . dtnt affairs to his Hill! at position; 1m street is a brutal parent] ltitter ; . .‘
udmmlm..ition and taculty \\h.it students are doing inside 01 the I think we need to examim “hich he has held tor the last 1. IN ‘,'- ' _ . .
' : .. , , , ,~- .. -. h'n .- I M. _ .. ., . : . i."
Burch said the credibility problem le» . . “h‘ re “9 .drt' he] bald-d ll)’ :I1 k Md” . ,. .l I m the mm “in, Comp into me p“, H” RF ‘ ~ BRl ( l R” H R . . I.» _ i '
hm- I“ m, mm my [l‘t‘t‘t'plltlll (,1 the He said he doesnt know of an} there needs to be a ot of e a t on In seiiing under 1 iesimnt it is \ ”In” “MW TIMI“ mflfippfi m ‘ _. . . . .. . . ,_ .' .‘
olfice Some members oi the student 81‘1““ that awards tacult)‘ for m' the campus" before the merger l> Singletar}. Burch said llt‘ has beet: li'i‘i‘k it. the amt}. \chere "thex~ die "1”" ‘H. merchandise L1: .he - ‘1~ ' I . ' M.
attairs I't'\lt'\\ committee had raised teractmu “‘llh “Udell“. but ”ll complete “WWW” l" l’“ “M“ I” l” “H ”‘1‘” ( rl\ ‘ L . l ‘ ' .\.'t.erim‘" “ " Indusu" i that \ h,” I :' - '. '_
I .. l ‘ -- . --- - " . .. ' the clos re oi the -I t . g . _- "‘ . I p ’.’.v':. stirx .w tittersair. ~ I . ‘
* lht‘tlllt'slllll‘i ”t ( {HMHIH} ' h" miltl “()UId.h(.J.L(MKi #1:“? . . l.’ \‘(BXYKF (d‘flztnbeg gund'nsu‘is' being ( l ‘ tor 51w“ m" "\Ve tll‘e alt-ll» ll) Help will) tilttiti' :ivnph. my. lll ilt‘t‘ lhé‘se “It" 1",4 .' - ' ‘b 'I
ll 5 important l” ‘lllllll'l“lrilll"" lit ”11‘th [0 t o\\ Regen dge . u (‘n t er 0 A ‘ V b. , "1 think l'\'(‘ go! ’he t‘fx'tx'i‘ienre oi liltt‘rlllll‘ll ot the kills who Hitll‘.‘ "' . i . mm ~ ‘ d in t r. ,. I, i . l " '
ollicestohatecoiiiidence in thence “l ”llll‘mlW” enrolled “I 11“ Burch symptomatic Of a greater pmhkm this campus ‘ he said l ‘r;ltt|\'\ tht 'l‘e i‘iiyeii'i'it ilouse ilet IN the VA) A l ' 1‘1“} Hf. w‘f‘.‘ ill): I “ 1 ‘ ' '
chancellor Burch said Through said 'he l'niyersit) needs to do a rIlIackol student use. . ropes. l knoll. the ”WWII TH” Mum cit-mu. tor wood he said ”The til‘XIllM‘l'I.It':I tie} Ismael.“ . .1Ii .
that (‘llltlldt‘ltl‘t‘ \Uitlltl {low the tilllll' lK‘llt'I' it'll l’t‘t'l'Ullmg and should [he administration €10de the bm‘ be the culmination oi m‘. nirm-i .H .l on we is slTUII‘Li' til it otti-n NH" Bu». ,fl ' ”('1’ m “‘1'” I I” ‘ I V 1 . - ~ _. .
t\ i.) ppriorm im- ['llsplinxitiilittgs HI otter help to those students who dent (‘enter on Sunday because ot a ihel’niyersm oi KNEW“; :3ij (Elm: ‘ ‘ n‘” L‘nlo} l‘ .r . . . . . .
thcstudent at ”1'siilllt‘e need it budget crunch — not to save money. ‘ . ~ “II II- . ti '1 “I” III t “tan t'n lt' The“. n ;. 4.!”qu mp: . :- _ . . .“ , . i
. .. . . -. ‘ ’t .i‘e. r; ' e . , . a... .. .. ‘..\ . .. _. - “ ‘ '. -
Students \oiccd concerns Lilli—{Hui llK ill‘“ “““b 1” combat the Bui‘chsaid.]ust to spend less . "The longer 1 st liei'v tiio- "ltt't' ‘ - we‘ 'ltit'ers‘i'tl I 1““ [ihm I : ”'1“:th m i l I ._ ' ‘ ' '
- ... . ‘ - . ~ ~ ‘ x H; ;‘ ‘.. .‘ " ‘ - ‘ ~ni ‘2 t" . . lt.‘.'i w ~ ’ . .
troiii iiiiiiorit} .ittairs To the student lltt.lL.t ”l ll“ l mu 15”} and (on “‘ d'dnl Clo“ ll Id” 1 \‘ ‘.\I "l l loxe ll. m. mm »] “I m.“ :4» “\1.,.: H! ”WW kids are stt'H‘l kids. ( (in; .. . l. M‘ [I ‘V Lil , . . ‘ , “ ,I
t‘ente!‘ and my piissitiilisi, .ii \iii ceiitrate on acti\'ities outside the chasing students away Burch said “mp l “mt m IR. 'lii's .\ up I - ,. » .. . t. o \lltilit 1"1‘ l" \‘u’ .,~~ u, ,1 b” “ "H “ ’“ ‘um’m‘l’ " " . -. , . '- : .
. I . ., II I . i-i . I . I .. ' I . ) . I; j (H l i . ,. . i.ii.._ . , 'Li. Ii. \ ... .i .1: . i. . )|l\ L .‘:‘."' .g“., \Hl‘ (T\'l"' it: . _.II . . , _
dents “Ml“: "l“ ”l "'1" l ”Hm-“ll ‘ ‘l"‘\‘\""'m‘ “ht” students 0m" It m students “ inted m“ pl I“ selectedtodo sti't‘t" kid 2s \tllllt’llllt‘ uliosc "taiiiib the] tho." 2.. 'th mi (dill-s”; I "

' ”“9“ “l" excellence ”‘ ““W‘n‘ll haw lm'l'lmm open we dopen lt' . ‘ . , t .\ 2 'er i'rt disiiiteitrateri‘ around r’l‘lk .. ‘. ' “I (“.5 I it l ' ' .' l ‘
Burch s'i't‘ one on ot alienating . "The “Udem Center '5 dear to my “Mum" U- l‘ll'mg‘l'H1 ‘lt'd'l "’ ‘ U r. . t I . Ti...- ll . -.‘ l\ ~ i t . .zii ."lv “1. H "I“ ‘\ hat ‘1“. ' . ‘ , . ’ "
students“ EMIM‘I “Umb I” Mum“ llie il.,ci.sioii to merge the minori» heaitj“ he said. “I‘d like to see ”,15 dent me at (mm 51““. l muqflo diet. .IIII..Ii.II. Ina: .. .illlllI ti in... “24>: MI _. . war “Ix mous" , ‘. i 3'

ou-rlmlu'd ubiiiii tip to are“ i..- y} "1““ “”"l ““1"”! ““1“” ”Hm“ used a lot " will be on campus 'l’hiirsdiijt Sti. " “ I" ‘f‘l‘ , ti . _ “seiner . .' 'tiere ha» . s. ' < - . I . . ' , _
ult\ student ”twpldm,‘ ”m. (1‘. I a; ll‘“ “‘llmll} “W” made. bl“ “'Ol'k lliirch‘s assoCiation With the line iieiit leaders can talk aitl‘. 'he \i.-.- lIH'I‘IFI ‘:= I“ ‘W'I‘ i‘“ “M” ”l“ outxippw ms tii'tersaid -I . . .I
“ [hepihemun A ‘ I b ””"l‘ "’ l" mm" betore the merger versity goes back 27 years to his chancellor“ candidate troiii _' so to “ "'l ‘l’ “““':I ltzt‘e: mo ttia' t.'l the 2... ~, . , _
. ‘ "I l" ”“1": Rurch “ml “”1“”“95 days asastudent, 3'13 pm, and a i’eci’titior. open to .iil ll“ “""'-'“"" ”WW 1‘7”“ mm” j.i-.i:s he ‘ plum - - ' . '.‘ v .
l‘.l('tlll_\ need to be more inter are not toiuiiiced that a merger is . students \\lll tollou troiii I 13 to ; ”1“?” l‘“"_"‘ ‘1‘” “Ml clothing. iio/ei kids '. \t‘f" house -- ' ; ‘i-i‘ _ ' “
ested 17‘. what slll'lerds .irl- dome out lllt‘ be .' flame to do. he said They Ht' SL’tFK’d 115- 8 FOSIdt’nt ddVIset“ p m m245 Studentt'enter “‘1‘“ "1"” “’l‘ll"'»“"- ""‘VWW » slits ‘ ' t, > .
—-‘m~_-_————*_-——_~Afl__’_: I' _ . 'I ; . .p
3 age a u ces i ,
. _.. ' ki-(31 , . ‘ i 4 I .
f t t dltOI‘ " “ ‘ \ ‘ ’ ' ' '
run 01‘ S a e au ,. _ V . .v x
,‘ r; l “ ' -
it) i.is\l'l . . . . hi the ' dm odpp va 0 Ir a“ m.
gt dent Activities Board and the - . . . Schlafly IS a top~ranking woman ch! in 50:. Tonight will l(‘ adviser
* u F f h ted .
. ovents 0 t is weeklong rally will distnbu - th Re blican National Commit- t ed ‘h
(‘ollegtans for Academic Excellence include the daily showing (1 UK Students are encouraged to send pn e pu . m decreasing Claudia”; The comp et computer s eet
' -- . . ee. . . ~ 3 _
have ““713”?! "“5 week 393‘ T9" football films from 11 am. until 3 personals to football players. The and lows in the mid 30.. To- ragga? Irmfilule (grail)? re
"95599“eek' .m.in n onals will be blished tomor~ The debate will center on such morrow will be so wlili “' 9‘ “0 “l" a ‘ 'C“
p e t nter, pers pu . . . . N W ~ .
.. . eff tt ho th .. H row. . . .. litical subjects as abortion. compa- hm,mm.5°._ Students can pick up their sched-
. It 5 an or 0 5 w some en u- Beat Tennessee banners will be Thursday is deSIgnated Blue- rable worth. nuclear weapons and ules in the Student Center Ballroom
siasm on campus and generate sonic displayed tonight in the (K cafeteri- gamut“; Page 7 the Reagan administration. ' Dec. Band 9.

 . - I I - i l
; ‘ 2 - KENTUCK YKERNEL Tm» November 1‘, 19.
- ‘ . 1V 1 [VIII loos. -- ———1
1 1 Artstdntor
.' .2. WuMlllor
\‘ \ ‘ ‘ AsmslontArIs Editor
. ' ~ ‘ «a . . . Meeww- ~ s
\1 . x . ~. ‘ .1
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~ ‘a H : o O 0 ~ ' ' ”W ‘
1 ‘ , * . . x I"?
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3:1:3 ‘7‘.I".“.'"ll'l ll'.l' - ‘ '1 l » a \ «. ’ l. , I
.~. . . L ~ MOVIE REVIEW Gratmtous characters I8 , . 5 v y a \ . A.
"\f, 5 I 2‘ III , I II . I . 1
_, m tar: .\ .llntntlous but disdp— — are flung at you I'lghl ‘l . ‘ . g _ 1
1. "1%“5‘11\w' M» long ago an ll land called Brown 15 hindered by his neme5ls. and left, returning HOW - S I‘ I ~
'5. 5";- ‘zv't .tI-in‘ .t itttle girl named Ra Brock played villainously well by ' - . .I . ..
$.11. .1; ' t‘l‘Il lie l..lurentlls produced a $40 John Stantoni. and his psychotic and agaln tIO SpOUt . » fl
rl .; flaunt-w w! .l popular 5011. Garth We're never told why near-meaningless \‘ 1 “ ‘
:-‘='..'..u x . . . . . . ~. ‘- ‘ “ '
‘ . ‘ a. .. - ._. ml 9 ‘Alllt'h \\.l5 .1 cl ll- Brown and btanton are enemies It s - Q I _
1 » "s52" ._ .: .: anuzlt .l; I‘Jl.l>lrt‘pht‘ \l'ell tint‘ of several Implied amblgmtles dialogue. . .. 5" \p/ ' Q
- '1'- ‘fij'fi 2 tr ' ,mrr‘; much tronl her lll’Sl thatappearthroughoul "Tal-Pan," — ’ 5 .
I. 1.5.2135“, . .: . t I»: ,l:t.: {71.x pl‘ndllt'lllm ls Brown has two sons as well - one I \ ‘1
’I_'._I.-.T: ‘-' ..,"Ii;'I.I.' _. -~ 5......» by a deceased wife m Scotland who when 30 minutes of the movie lS . . a I .t —
$13.; V-lfi-‘f-J inn: . ttlt- screen xerslon ot is such a goody-two~shoes he spent in Browns bedroom.I ”19 135k . ’
19$}, yII-iI'j »~ l‘ , . llt‘>l xt‘lllng epic squeaks when he walks. and another becomes llnposSIble The tllm lime . ‘. ‘ .
. 1'15...) .- 1' \ Int- .1 .l \ Ill \oble House by a (‘hlnese mistress whom we 5P9!“ in shooting a brutal C‘d-‘lmllon ‘ ‘.
I-I-‘I’, '13... (1:5le , a; ':v : Nth century (‘hlntt learn next to nothing about And 599"? wasnt too great 0‘ an ”“95“ 3' ._ . ‘ ‘9
I,'.I,'I- {~.'f."lI.I' In: ' _\ nwltltarl‘ It..l.\'tt‘l played by then there Is Brown‘s young concu- ment.elther. h II t ‘ - l I
e '. ,- lot-“:- lf \ The Chinese nine Mel-Mel iJoan Chen». who Gratuttous c arat'ters are hung a ”mom“
,' ,. .- {\Ix- . lil‘oxu: and his te'l- comes off with Sparkling lines like you right and lett. returning no“ "m""”"m""”"""""""°'°‘”
I'I'1.3i_I-liIi'I'I'.',I:I’I1-’.‘. . ' _-. lt'f \ I? 1'2. Tllt' prmlnce Ill "That lump of dog meat?” and BEEN“ l0 ISpOUlIllt‘élr-lllflalllIl‘nglICSS John SlOH'OH .left lDiL‘giGl l J) Olld Brin‘ Br(}\~y'\ Po” 0 cothIK—ofed adventure 5'0“! bOSL'tl ."‘
-I-»;I_ »Ig' . _...:.t:g.... .2t‘.l..lll_t}’,l..lll. The acting is hardly Academy dialogue. ”919 “8‘ ”1‘ mm“ 5 “1” (right foreground ole bitten enemies 1" Tot. James Clovell s best-selling novel
‘ 3,131‘1'}: f; .I'I. :zx ”II- Brown pulls Award material. but the scrlpt ISISO tral problem iv the story ls hacked
1...:1 .1; .IvIIxIaIIIII I . :.-~ IIIIII IIIII lil‘itlsh am- weak there‘s not much to work mm down Into too many subplots to (.\'o[- The llllll III“ IIIIIII .l- i.»\ IIIIII I.III IIIIII .tlnl HAHN“. I,I“.I.I,-I\ mum. \Wdh.» h, \l.‘ i IMI. .t-t-o‘l.
I.‘III-' : :21; i . I II . n I Call '> Itlkt‘tfit’l' t)! anyway pl‘m'ldt’adfi't’nl l0untlttllllll moments l‘:\t'iI\ tngt ( .. .. \ttlI‘v {Em ll._\';'.t‘ if you :tnll"l lllt‘ llllll \ llllilt' lllt'llll llit' llllll lltll ‘l \tiu .I. Nth-1'
A ‘14,:11: -< w, _ l’lt- l't’\' Wt WV $10!“ 1> When you adapt a novel as lengthy These are just a ten ot th’ dillt’l‘ Characters or Hot \livl. .. iv . How "i w- :;’t giltil-lIelliIs Elke lll.lllt- [)dllll upullI si't'lllu ll plum- 4n lrIl. i-llm
111557-1115: 5 ., " =""~-I“1 l1"? ‘ “”15”“ us (‘lavells translating it into two ences between a hm mm“. and II or In .lIliru-l sulfi» . W. 113. -; .i .~ m...- 1111111 lxIt-i: tltint- lx-l I.“ In." . . . , x. . »
1i". 1,1 ‘ ‘ E" I hours on film is no easy task. And reallynastyone, ”ml“ 0. ”W \‘l'IR'IW ‘ ”pit": f'v -.. 'wrw'nh 'rmr! krill-rumors li.;-nt~.-.-l.-»:m Rn. ..- R
i x / . .. we.--“ _.__ -7 7.. ”i W. 1 . .. . '
f {VJ-51:1}: Put a ” ‘
I II, BANG into your ‘
I» 111 IiI'-..._ Wednesday Nights!
l’; : Wednesday Evening
I'f’;.I:I.I-'.If~ Fellowship
.' 121-231“; Food. Fun and Bible Study
." ”:I’v‘. 6.00pm.
'. umrsn CAMPUS '
‘,.'£.~.‘1’,-.-’I 4l 2 Rose St. 254- ‘88 MP
5.--”Afr," I . , ‘ , .
., . t rum 1L“
55.1.:‘39-«1'; . t’rtlltlng é; HiSpcchlipy .
51/551. 1 ._ .
_I";'I‘-I,I.‘..I-i I',»I-II;-. ‘ :.:_;. :y .& >:udent—L'-C0pies l O
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9' ,. R77: 1 1 .
1:”. ~: 1: 5:; ~L-Coples l
5113 WEI-i": l
:1-~11_1~g;";'1-.‘ : ’ '1 3‘" :13 x. ".L' t our 1
1 , -. . $11,: l firth 9; Fur
71.1.“,- ' -’.'- 't'hu,ur;lru.1rw"un.r
-_ "‘ 1,“? Au‘- -~ I». a s. .
-. . I93 * » wlf‘ui') :5 ”gam-
","_\'__;‘ .‘xmilaJ‘IJNntrlr I
3"- - pp: -iwtsolo
-- - -
5.3; .9211"- THE WORSHAM 5 r e a s o n s t o o I n 1
I‘ 11/19-11/22 I
.1;_: 1-2" 8 ' cm. :
. is 1‘; l : '
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5.3.1.: t WITH 3
‘ 3
2;;- § 0 f K e n ‘3 U C ky Lt d .
7: .*.-:‘.‘."-12‘ E31”, mu” 5 The Health Plan W’Ith More Than
, 5 350 CHOICES OF puvsicmws ,
I "1-. it -.‘~, Ad , . : Doctors, Hospitals,&Pharmacios... ‘4 - - * ‘ ~ 5 -- ~ ' 5 . .
"13""...‘7'.’ Minion $1.95 - ”II". . x - - . t .
5.}. l4, 3' .‘3; For more Info 2 . - ‘ .. .-. - . . . - . . - -
:II,i"I-I".I.‘:II:I‘.‘,,‘"EIIA can 25742.7 : HealthWise of Kentucky, Ltd. . .i . .
:_f;' I.'I':,I.'E' -—.-.-—.~..__—__.—_ 3-. I y. . . .. . . . .
rI 1?. ;-j_.-I-;II3.';I- I There are no office co-pays, no hospital ~ .~ - - - - -- - - .. ~
.‘IuIzIr-I..~I-§.I'I-.,I."', 30081188, a unique HealthWise program _ ‘ ' . _
l', which offers dental services (both free and at . . .. . .
_..‘I;.I‘:j". reduced member rates). optical service ._ I .
‘II‘leI-IS I‘iI'I-f . discounts, and wellness exercise memberships * ' ‘ 1. . I“
.,' K . L and equipment at big savings to HealthWise A ._. . .
l.-.'- ‘
:5‘ '1." .’ Hf members. '~ , - ,
.-;: :'_o ‘_ . . .-
'.}".lj'-.'v"r'.'1'-‘1-' I Specral Umversnty of Kentucky meetings . ..
' 1953.} have been scheduled to review the health plan | ,_ - , »
i; . l1 -‘~ options available to employees. ‘ I f ,. "
--'i'.;;'? mnmovnuuu wumvmovunun 25 . ,j . .
In}; ',‘~‘-1'.- '.I'- Hospital Auditorium StudentCenter .I I . L I , .
,Ii’r-I, ifs" \ Room ~611 Worsham Theater II . w. . I . _
'.’,-;.- 5'1, '\ IOam.Zp.m.7pm iOam 2pm ._ . I- . . _
VIII! I.'5If‘-I-II ' l in Room ’11 at 7;; rv \x -. . I _t
I; )1!“ '. 's, / wmumvmovum as = v .
,‘13. . .‘-- ' . . « Agriculture Selence Center r“ ‘
' . ’_I.;‘."I' ,‘I:.. - . AuditoriumC ' ‘ ’ 1_ '
,I-IirIIji'II': .‘ N‘ h\‘ 10am,20m ‘ ‘ ‘
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 ' .
j ' ,
KENTUCKYKERNEL Tuesday, Novomba 18, 1905.3 ’ -
a o a . . . . '
U S t h It ”I l to Ir n ttnns, Saul lL‘IJaIe Khorasmm, that M d t r d n b g 1 f d .
’ ° 0 a ar sa es 3 the l'mtetl States must supp!) Heap e la 0 e 168 eln 100 O a m 1 n l Stratlon . .
B.‘ “I‘ll-"ELPVT7H- The spokt'smztlt ulw and the lrav ~th [31111131111 it :Zianizllrran [)0 hi!“ I“ “\l luili\‘l”'l\v‘“\ “l“ '“l'w "‘ ”'"dl'" '~'"' Kt" ”At 'T.. met‘mtmm: {met govern- I I '
. . .. 4. , . , . , , ' . .,
Asswmit‘d PFC» mans pmd eush tor the ttttlttztt'} \up It”; nth“ ,:“"m l ~lmnhnuds‘l 3‘ 'ka :\.\MK‘ldlt‘(l the“ l‘It'lltA-"Hti -\"l-’ ll" l’W- l-d-t't'm‘t' merits ll.\d_~\ rm .e mlld no doubt ' ‘ ’ '
[)llt‘> the) reeen'ed under Reagan's ll 1 ._\’\,‘_L’\ H tit” 1,",l.pedt”, ,‘ldl'llll .len: t, ,m‘. ltd. ,1 ltu-ntmq, ml] mum,” 1., 4m“. hargatns both . W . ,
WASlllNG'I‘UN l’restdent lte'd- order, although netthet the amount Tm, F H no Id” “1m“ ”' l‘tt\'l)tt\ Anglmm I hunt: tnrtm-t hum I»: 't.« \ruw mt, t m tn>t‘('rt‘ldli'l.Y‘plll/ll’ 431d Wane ‘ ‘ ' . .
gun bald yesterday he has "ztbsnlur “(tr the [)l't‘t'lsv \H‘dptttll‘} >ltppllt'tl “N“g" t.mn} 'l‘ert‘) \Mnte thanked ht three \t‘t'\tl} llmtmd .l ta. Wm, mt, A} .. z..m_,.\mvd.“, ()l the " , 1..
1er no plans" to send more arms to ““51“.” (IN-1%..“ “1‘” “*‘T‘m‘ l” “” ”llm‘w“ “It“ ;\lltt‘llt‘dlt lnt'ltlt‘l' llt)>l.|;{t'\ nut )(‘x ate ‘n \‘..T ‘. Hm: p: gm: - ,; 'he H' ehw't'h l MW: mu. 1“,”,an u, do , _ . ‘ ,
lmn, although ltlb spokesman sand The [["]I]1dn\ lung mu- been st‘t'k ”LN“ t.te “m““l human ”9‘” lt‘l'tlu} that Itexu ut wen-t l ,\ ,tt'tm tum-Ht tr!:.u.xu.; 4;" ‘~' w'h ,,v -, . r ,‘H ,,t ~ m ‘ ’ . .
the prestdent's authnrtmttun {or the 111;; d mm.” m ““1th and 5P4“? dtfl‘llt't‘. MM. “Wt-iii“ lld‘l “Ugtmdml cupptnm to [Tum tmtt .tlfittvln‘ttlx met l'lw 1:.m‘ Ht; 4pr .w-t: v: Tthl“ It: - , , » . j , u, ,. " ',
ueapons shlpntt‘tth l('('lllll('£lll} re PM“ fur mm,- l g matte [WWW and “I”! lldll'l‘” _lt‘lt‘djt' "l htt‘ldk’w l“ :t (4,”,p1u-duut I» puma n, “w TNT-thy u w»! n .- .'".'.'I w: rm 4.: v.. 1" f' 1.: ,-
“mmhmt'llt’t‘l equtttent Ul‘tlt'l't'tl and pant tm‘ (lur "‘“Nf ”l 1““le .l’mw' and tntlu uthet t’;t}tll\'t'\ lll |,et>.tt:«m 'mtwut Hut 1.: .-.T-. .tzwt '~ Alt‘t'l. - ,, ~- ,,.. ;" - " f" 3"
,-\.\ he posed tor ptt-tures at the mg the rem“ at the shah ut hum. hut "m" ”l” kldlldl’m‘mp“ \\;.tte ‘ttl(ll'(‘\\t‘tl a t"|l.\t 4w .m' m, 'lm' ; t v, .~' "y_ y '1
; am: a>ketl It there wtultl he more WW.” and MHWKAW Here yak”, nutter at» to he Mtlh'tl through .Il. rvaquwh-ws mm, 1m. hpmopuh 1,, ..- 4,, , AH - n ,' lim .111 m.- .' 1“,. .' _'r;,
l' S arms shtpmettts to Iran ltkt‘ hostage ”mummdl mmltutor. ”d” “i“ m“ l’t'e>lt_\tertattand ltupttxtt‘tturtttw 4th tune: 'he .11: w» ‘, mule mm- ,; v._~, '. '. r’"r lfih'V-I
those he eonttrnted last week utter ”flak” 4M1 that dwwtp [m lmlt right chmce and. thet‘etnt'e. mute wt H‘. dented h‘. he.» been A {00101 the turtlflqufl.‘ :1“ [1‘ H ,. y ‘ -, ~ ‘ > ,’ ‘ '. ,
“Ulllt'lt’u‘ t’Ul’thV‘l l‘t'tN'"-\ ”1 W Ht lut'lltt't .uzm \lnptm-nh, “huh ”WT ‘lt‘lll'~"“l‘- ”Whmmg m" WWI? t’ 5 atlmtntstrutmt, wt mittl he h.Id “49W x: " "w 4..., z N ~ wt 'ttr f ': ,l.‘ 4.. ‘.
(‘t‘t'l l' S lrumahtleulmp “WW” hm mm M.” m1..m1...t tn Itt Itetenstte (filth to Iran must he been \hltllllltfi to and mm the Mth ,W‘, MW M1,)“, f,» them: \ . .v .. "(Ill
We have uhmluteh Ittt plan,» to ”tummy, (-rpdltnllt} Mm mum“, met. lRNAquntedhtmus myth}; (m Rust “n h(,>[‘m.,»,.1,.m(. nmwflb ll\tltt.\_t!t' my, ~ m, t: , ,‘ '2‘ 31““;
‘1” all} \llt'll ”NHL" Human told t'e- the ['ntted Stntw “‘h ll'.‘”l11 m t ,, I, [.1 It ’1 ltl ’l' tttnmttt‘t'ltl the amp \Uhpltp\ pom! utnAml tlu 21». :.t-,— rte-.4. . , \ .".~' 5,: ‘. {.1 :2”va J: .
twt‘lt‘t‘> Nut he \tltl \\ttlll(l he he court, Wm,” .ttnrtc ll! ttttttt'tt‘.t' re ‘ . “than lmgtllllh U t1]: [d~- m-Ukl “V ”I [he mun-t,” 4mm t leurl} ytwtt- t;,:t,..,w,; ,. j'f , :- 5'3," ‘2' f, v.5
ttnng Stx‘t'etdt‘} at Mute ('reurtc‘t‘ lutthns \ktllt tmxtemte ll'.tltt.ttt hunt ""1 m (1‘ ‘ “fa ”Slit ,I‘mm” together to mntthm- tttll '.\‘.)I'k no n‘ttz' _ ,, 7 , ‘t" 'I, ,I
- v . x; -, ;,\, . ~.,,‘
\huny m- .111} ”mm- top tut‘etgn pull er» ”11H ('Ultltllllt‘ m ‘l’ I‘lhlilf- \l‘llttt(t1lg:,)li,. l lll;tll(‘l"»\l1;tlL'tlillt‘,\ttttt uh} \Mttte HI- ». I: " .' . ‘ '.- '..t'\ ' j , , , ,, l: . fvj' ,»'.._-.’»'r., r .‘
It TI11.»\t'll""' {-1 r ,H-rf \Tt‘I ‘ttt‘t'v :‘t'.’ w ‘Etn 3:: t. t‘ , , ,. . : 93"",4 .23; i: 1'.‘ ",3
,.-, \ I \ .v3u"_t‘l ;-- ' , .,.. , z-V' 0.".
'het ‘lrlll\ >lllplltt'lll> hut that the “Wm M lWl'WUl m”: up (mum, IIY‘, “ '” ‘ ”l’m‘” ' m” ‘ “-l’ l” “M,“ {WM .,. new.» mum“ lft(‘«_[1t.tt“{,t',wt‘_ W1 m, t,l»\',,¢‘-> g“; .1 ‘ , ' ;i_ ,3- '1» [~19
thtetltgehee lltt.ll\‘> 1‘ terhntmll} It” ;. wut'etttl t'+-.\t.1m.u_ m gt”. 1“, “Pillxt' \etttlthg more dl'llh tn [mt “WOW dwmmw'mm 1,; r;- d, .m .dm' mm“ etm' f”,- m : ; . , ‘ 1 -\ ,. R1955: 1‘
\llll ttt etteet tH-mttw It L'ul't‘tHl “up“, lttl' 'h.tt he >puke (ml) tttt' ltlIItM'lt mhtflnwrm,,. ,1,.,_,H.[»_,ALT‘,,3 “My j- ‘ ff“v"".."'3't-',~‘.}"_:.§.”l
1H. tune [mm .tttll the not been re .\.\l»\(*4l dhtmt ,. \ttg‘uyxltnp m and mt {Hi the lit-amt: ,ulmttttxtt‘h "'h','3-’.'i.t~"'.". i
,u'tlttlfll lmn \ \tltll).t.\\.'t(lltl H; the l‘ttttetl \tt "’1‘ 3’: lltxt' “1‘4”“ 3.e‘si’rii-‘fgl";"".,"~‘
7. '1‘ )9 "’1"
' ’52-": xri’
.- kw: ‘ ‘».
STUDEN ' 3' 43ft. 5 _ g}:
‘1‘ a TS TAN FOR HALF PRICE. i .. 3,»; H
‘ , v A . V)?- g. s: '4‘ “As ‘ii‘,lj
_ ~ SUN AFTER DARK .‘ 5 . ,7 I ~ '3 _~,,,,,,.,/,, V
.. _, a , 2.;k’, ,‘3 i
' ° ‘ - ' . I , '~ ‘- ’-..~,,:; "
5 nuts $8.50 ,4 t 4-, Hm .. (I. f) fun. ',_z~.,».._,--g.a, ,
U U l . “ .‘V'I'x‘il’ 2“" \‘
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255'8144 ""le 268_1427 ‘1‘” ’ l g