xt7qz60bzx8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bzx8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1992 1992 1992-09-04 2020 true xt7qz60bzx8r section xt7qz60bzx8r ‘


, ., e m‘qu'wsCA‘ utem‘fl'












Vol. XCV No. 8

Excitement builds as Cats ready


Stadium is
polished and that
field is painted.
The UK football
team’s months
of preparation
tomorrow night
egdnst Central
The Kentucky
Karnel's special
“Football '92,”
is inside today’s






Secret 0 "ense
to be unveiled
against CM U

By John Kelly
Sports Editor



(‘ollege football is all about wins
and losses. right‘.’

Well. not necessarily,

(‘entral Michigmt's llerb Dem.
medi is a little different from your
average football coach. He has
leamed to use effectively what
most coaches in the super-
competitive world of college foot-
ball would consider the least attrac-
tive of three potential outcomes —
the tie.

last year. his Chippewas. who
will visit Commonwealth Stadium
tomorrow night for the team‘s sea-
son opener. ended four games in
that frustrating matmer. ()n a few

See WILDCATS, Back Page

Established 1894




University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

for opening game



Friday. September 4, 1992




GREG FANS Kemp! Staff

Tomorrow night's game against the Central Michigan Chippewas at Commonwealth Stadium marks the beginning of Bill Curry's third season at UK. The Wildcats'
new offense, featuring Pookie Jones at quarterback, is expected to be unveiled. Many believe it will include a triple-option attack.



rates UK

one of 15 best buys


Staff reports


student ratios.

out of 100 public colleges. in 1091



UK is one of the country‘s 15 best buys for out-of—state students.
according to a study by Money magazine.

'lhe maga/ine analyzes colleges across the country each year. rat-
ing them on factors like tuition costs. graduation rates and faculty-to-

llie rating was up considerably frotn 1000. when UK placed 30th
. the mtings for public and private
schools were combined. and UK didn‘t even place in the 'l‘op 101).
UK spokesman Bemie Vondcrheide said.

UK President (‘harles Wcthington said this year's ranking is “a
recognition that we‘re doing some of the right things at UK."

He also said it shows that UK can provide a quality education. de~
spite budget cuts that have slashed $26.7 million during the last two

“The budget cuts have hurt. They have hurt us badly." Wethington
said. “But we are still making progress
versity forward in the right direction."

and are moving this unis



Top 20 Collegiate
“Best Buys”



1. Rice University W
2. New College, University of South Florida
3. University of Washington
4. Hanover Cells?
5. California In ute of Technology
6. Trenton State Cells?
7. Georgia institute of echnology
8. Rutgers Col
9. University of orth Carolina, Chapel Hill
10. New Mex co Tech
11. Illinois, Urbano-Champalygn
12. State University of New ork, Blngharnton
13. Auburn University
14. University of Texas, Austin
15. Unlverslty of Kentucky
16. Northeast Missouri State College
17. Yale University
18. University of Virginia
19. Grove City College
20. Douglass College




Source: MONEY Magazine



Committee reviewing
UK harassment policy



By Kathryn Abney
Contributing Writer


Saying students need to be more
aware of what constitutes sexual ha—
rassment, a committee of Universi-
ty faculty and one student is work-
ing on revising UK's policy against
harassment to make it more under—

“We need to inform and educate
students. faculty and other employ-
ees about what constitutes sexual
harassment and what their rights are
better than has been done in the
past." said Academic Ombudsman
Gretchen l.a(‘iodna. who is on the

Because many students aren't
aware of what constitutes sexual ha-
rassment or are afraid to report it.
“a great deal of sexual harassment
never gets reported because the vic»
tim doesn‘t recognize it is wrong or
illegal. or they are too uncomforta‘
ble and sczued." l.a(iodna said.

Sexual harassment typically is
defined as any unwelcome attention
of a sexual nature from someone in
the workplace or an educational set-
ting. including uuwmited physical
contact. sexual remarks. letters.
phone calls. whistling or insulting

liven if it occurs off campus. la-
(iodna said harassment should still




Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy avoid myths on new album. Flewew.
Page 4.

Three students transform art gallery into virtual reality. Story. Page 5.

DeBoer's top guns give volleyball team exciting possibilities, Story,

Page 6.
Molly Dreisbach waiting to step onto volleyball court and put her 6-foot-1

frame to use for UK. Story, Page 6.

Third party necessary to counter effects of rampant capitalism. Columl'l.

Page 8.

Partly sunny today with a 30 percent chance of showers of thunder-

storms; high near 80. Partly cloudy tonight; high near 65. Partly sunny
tomorrow, high near 85.










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rvnous Jouusrow Kernel ems-u

Students forced to travel
different routes to classes




Staff reports


Walking around construction
sites has bct‘olnc a daily aclnily for
most UK students and faculty.

Because of work on a new civil
engineering complex on (‘entral
Campus. sidewalks have been
blocked off between the (‘enter for
Robotics and Manufacturing Sys-

tems. Anderson Hall. Mc\'cy Hall
and the l’noch .l (irchan Journalism

Ken (‘Ieyidcnce dircttor of l iK’s
Procurement and (’onstiuctiou lit»
vision. said that the construction
has inconvenicm'ed students and fa-
culty. but he said i 'K has made eve»
ry effort to mlucc the hassle

See CONSTRUCT, Back Page




Diversions ................................................................................................ 4

Sports ............................................................ ...................................... 6

Viewpoint ........................................ . ....... .... ............................................. 0

Classifieds .............................................. O
‘ I



. ' t
. '3 | .‘O
U, '1 ~. It, I\
.\.' I ‘
V ‘ n .


By Monica Bryan
Staff Writer


l)r. lalward Luce. chief ol plastic
surgery at the UK (‘ollege of Medi-
cine. was one of seven l’niversity
physicians recently nruned to a list
of the “Best Doctors in America."

The list was compiled from sur-
veys mailed to doctors around the
country. who were asked to rate
their colleagues' abilities

Luce described the honor as
“very cotnplitncntzuy becaUse you
are being recognized as outsuuiding
by your peers » perhaps the great-
est compliment of all."

Although the new title as one of
the best in America is a flattering
gesture. it hasn't had any dramatic
effects on |.uce‘s life. His other po-
sitions. like being past president of
the American Society of Maxillofa-
cial Surgeons and past chairmzui of
the Americiui Board of Plastic Sur-
gery. are much more important to

"Being in these situations and
witnessing how people dedicate
themselves to their specialty." Luce
said. “is most rewarding — along
with my practice in general and
simply coming into work every

2 - Kentucky Kornot, Friday. 80pm 4. 1'02

Plastic surgeon dedicated to teaching


Luce runs the graduate program
in plastic and reconstnictive sur-
gery. That is. he gives training and
education to those students who
have successfully completed medi-
cal school and are enrolled in plas-
tic surgery residency.

'lhe UK Hospital gets the majori-
ty of Luce's attention. However. he
also serves Lexington's Veteran‘s
Affairs hospitals. St. Joseph's.
Good Samaritan and llurnana for
his patients' convenience.

Luce pointed out that his job as
professor of surgery drastically dif-
fers from that in am ordinary teach-
er-student setting. Most of his
teachings are in one-on-one situa-
tions with students in an actual op-
erating room or at a patient‘s bed-
side. rather than in a classroom.

As an instructor. Luce said. his
philosophy of education is based on
two points. He said he believes that
students must first acquire the
knowledge by simply memorizing
the fundamentals. 'lhey must then
utilize that knowledge and apply it
to solve problems.

He places emphasis on positive
feedback and cautions the use of ex-
cessive criticism in teaching. In-
stead. he pushes rewarding stu-

lf Luce could pass to his students
something that he was able to learn
only through experience. it would
be never to miss a chance to gain
knowledge. Luce said he believes
once an opportunity is passed up. it
is forever gone.

He also is a tinn believer that
people can be whatever they desire
to be. as long as they have the drive
to do it.

Luce graduated frotn UK in I965
with the second graduating class of
the (‘ollege of Medicine. He corn-
pleted residencies at Washington
University's Barnes Hospital in St.
louts and the John Hospital in Bal-

Before retuming to UK in 1975.
Luce was an American Cancer fel-
low and surgical fellow at Johns
Hopkins University and at the Uni-
versity of Maryland.

“I always loved UK. even as a
student here. When I left UK for St.
Louis. I knew in the back of my
mind. if l ever had the chance to
come back, I would,“ Luce said.

He said UK's (‘ollege of Medi—
cine may not be appreciated by the
student body as tnuch it should be,
Luce pointed out that when he re—
turned to the University. he crunc
from Johns Hopkins — the “mec-
ca" of medicine. He was tuna/ed.






UK plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Luce. who has been named to a list of the “Best Doctors in
America," enjoys teaching, when he's not performing his duties at UK Hospital.

however. by UK‘s "dynamic lead-
ership and pursuit of excellence."
While lTK‘s medical school al-
ready has national stature. he said
its reputation will grow even
stronger in the next several years
- Luce said he believes UK will
be recognized as having one of the

Poverty in United States reaches 27 -year high


By Tim Bovee
Associated Press


WASHlNG'I‘ON — 'lhe tighten
ing recession dumped more than 2
million Americans into poverty in
199l. the (‘ensus Bureau said yes-

terday. The number of Americans
officially categorized by the gov-
emment as poor reached a 27-year

Last year. during the depths of
the recession. 35.7 million Ameri—
cans were listed as poor. ln 1991.
poor Americans were 14.2 percent

of the population. up from I35 per-
cent the year before.

The government counts people as
poor if their income falls below the
national poverty line, Last year a
family of four earning Sl3.924 was
poor. So was an individual earning
$6.932 or less.


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Americans iii general earned less
in [091 than the year before. The
government said median household
income declined by 3.5 percent. to
$30,126. after adjusting for infla-

Your chances of being poor in-
creased if you:

-Were black or Hispanic.

-Hadn't yet celebrated your l8th

-l.ived outside the suburbs.

~Hailcd from the South.

~l.ived alone.

Women were more likely to be
poor than men. One woman in six
lived in poverty. compared to one
man in eight.

Women are especially vulnera-
ble financially when their marriag-
es break up and they‘re left with
the kids. Seventeen percent of trun-
ilies headed by women are poor.

Graduating troin high school
was the surest way to avoid pover-
ty. said l)ruiiel Weinberg. the (‘en-
sus Bureau's housing and house-
hold economics chief. "Additional
education seems to have the
biggest impact on their later earn-
ings. 'l‘he second thing is to get
married and have the spouse work.
And if you do those two things.
you‘ll be okay,"

'l‘wo poor Americans out of five
age 15 and older worked. But few
er than one m l() held a full-time.
year-round job.

finest medical schools in the coun-

luce said he wants to be a part of
that success. He plans to continue
educating students and helping pa-
tients here.

"As long as our residents are al—
ways questioning. kecping us on
our toes itlld thirsting for knowl-
edge and answers. then l‘ll do more
of the same —- until they take the
tools out of my hands."




CHRIS BRUCE Kenny 'wt'ibutev








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GREG ems w 1..

UK police officer Greg Hall, 27. shows off the department's lat-
est crime weapon. a Schwinn mountain bike.

Handwriting reveals personality


By Steve Olshewsky
Contributing Writer


'l‘he manner in which people
write the letter "t" can reveal tip to
NH separate personality traits. said
lane llritler‘vv'titxl. a master certil‘ied
handwriting: analyst.

lior example. a bar that approach
es brit does not cross the steiri llltlh
cates procrastiiiatiori. she said. A
bar that starts at the stern and con-
tiiiiies out indicates impatience. she

What about a long heavy bar go-
ing completely across.’ She said
that indicates enthusiasm.

Similarly. the slant of the charac-
ters cart indicate things like the pre»
terred style ot‘ interacting with oth»
ers. she said. A slant to the right
suggests responsiveness. “as thoirgli
leaning out to shake hands." l'rider-
wood said. and vertical \vritmg
could be an indication that “the
head rules the heart."

It the slant is to the lelt. it cart
mean the person is timid or with-
drawn when it comes to dealing
witli other people. she said.

Sound .stlly'.’ Handwriting analy-
sis is a serious business that in
sortie states can be used to sere en a
iury or help determine prisoner s
parole eligibility.

‘ UK police hitting the streets
r r“ -_~_; with mountain bike patrols


By Dale Greer
Senior Staff Writer


l'K's latest crime-lighting tool
will give campus police taster re
sponse times and better access to
several buildings. l’olice (‘hict
Wll. Mc(‘omas says

The weapon isn't a high-speed
pursuit cruiser. but it is a unique
form or police tntnsportation
Schwinn mountain bikes

Seven l'K police otlicers \\l|l
gear up and cruise campus on the
bicycles this semester. patrolmg
two areas ol the l'mvcrsity that are
difficult to reach by car

[he areas. South and (‘eiitral
cturipus. "are not readily accessible
with police cars because there are a
lot ol stdcvvalks. so they ate tuore
attuned to bicycles.” Nichollttts

.\outh ('arriptis includes the Kit-
vsan-Blandmg (‘omplev Seaton
(‘eriter arid (‘ommouvvealth Stadi-
um. (‘eritral (‘ampus is bounded by
Washington and l uchd avenues
and Rose aridl unestonc streets

“At the complex." \lct‘omas
said. "the otticer has to stop liis car.
get out. unlock riio locks to open
tlte tgatei and drive bat k llt there on
tlte sidewalk \\ith a bike tic Itlsl
rides in betvieen the holes

l'ridcrwood‘s licensing body.
(irapho. has a code ol ethics that
pt'ei cuts her lr'oni using her skills .is
a casual game A true analysis rcv
quires several samples taken at till
lerertt times and a scteiititic mcas
urement ot each individual stroke to
lorrri a graph determining a single
trait. she said

l'riderviood \vorks prurtaiil'. as a
documents esaiiimci tor attorneys
and the courts (ltlier uses ot hand
\vr‘tlrrig illlitl)\l\ range li'om flit'llll'
mg learning aptitudes and behavior
problems hour the crayon squiggles
ol children to measuring the pain
thresholds and related dosage re
quirements ot medical patients. she

“We're probably saving three to
live tuinutcs with art ot'l‘rcer re-
sponding oti bicycle \erstrs a car."

.\lc(‘otrtas said there will be
least one bike patrol ol'ticer per
slitlt. and the total number ol otti-
cers oti duty during each shtlt will
determine vviach or two campus
sectors the bike patrol ot't'tcer will

Us “in continue to have at least
three cruisers oit the road during
eaclt shut. and otticers also vvtll
continue to walk campus beats.

Mct‘omas said. however. that the
bike patrol has advantages over the
walking beats

“Bicycles Pcr'lttll lltc tillli‘c‘r to
cover an area uiucli. much quicker
and \\llll a greater case than walk~
trig liven it' he gets a radio call arid
he has to go ltltl \ards. he can get
there quicker on bicycle "

Mc('omas said lits ollrccrs were
\ery receptive to the idea ot the
bike patrol 3* percent ot the
lone volunteered lot it btit the
iicvv contingent has yet to survive
it‘s tiist vvmtcr

\llll. only esteptionallv bad
weather vvill pose a problem tor the
two wheeled tliil\k'l\ because “the
otitlits that vie purchased are mild
resistant and WM good quality."
.\h( ‘\‘lll.l\ \.tltl

lluruig summer months. ltc said

traits, analysts say


l'ndervvood also has worked \\ itli
corporations to use handwriting to
screen rob applicants. she said l'he
best part of this personnel tool is
that it is iiiin-dtscruiiiriator‘y
race. religion. appearance and age
cart not be determined by handwrit-
ing samples. she said

lveit sc\ is not conclusive. as
most \\llllltt‘ has botli tnalc arid le-
tiialc aspects. arid "most people
have both male and temale traits."
silt said

llandivritmg analysis. however.
does not otter a conclusive prolile
ot sivtrtc'tiiies personality. said Ha
vid A. Broaddus. executive director

Federal officials push to find homes for Louisiana‘s victims ol‘ Hurricane Andrew


Associated Press


MORGAN (‘l'l'Y. l a. ~ ~ l-ederal
ollicials moved to cut through red
tape yesterday to find homes l‘or
victims of llurricarte Andrew. even
promising to use repossessed
homes from the savings and loan

()l'l‘ictals have l'ound about l.-llll)

tertiporary apartirierits and homes in
l ouisiana. about 400 ol‘ them repos
sessed by government regulators.
said Randy lirbirt. acting assistant
secretary ol' the |)eparurient ol’
Housing zutd llrbzm Development.
Some are tnobile horries to be
trucked in l‘rom Mississippi. lirhin
said. He spoke at a news conl‘erence
in Morgan (‘ity. one or several
southern Louisiana cities devastated



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when Hurricane Andrew hit .\ug

Among the others an Ni public
housing units. pltis lJii lll‘I)

assisted dvvelhiig. though all ol
them had sustained heavy damage.
said Morgan ( 'it_v Mayor ( ‘edttc l a-
| Icur


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Kentucky Kernel, Friday. September 4, 1992 - 3


retires from
Air Force

bike patrol ot'l‘icers “I“ wear shorts
:utd l’olo~type shirts that have “l‘K
l’tlllcc‘“ Ill lttlflc‘ letters across the
back. lit the winter. (ioic lcs trou-
sers will otter protection hour the
cold :uid snow

“It the snovv gets very deep. it
will slow us down." l\lc( ‘omas said.
“but 1 don't see a problem with it 05
percent ol' the tune ll it‘s 35 below.
we may have to suspend it tor three
or four hours. or maybe tor a day
But under normal \veather circum-
stances. they‘ll be out "


By Katherine Mudd
Contributing Writer


Hearing her final national
anthem as a 118. Air Force
ot‘licer. (‘ol Micki King
llogue traded her position as
eonuriander ol the Air l‘oree
Rtl‘l't‘ detachment at UK for

M'VW'I WHW tlk'l‘l‘i'llllk‘lll‘ ci\ iliaii status yesterday alter-
around the country. including those ”m”
in Dayton. Ohio. .tiid at the timer a! mu. y “W “(k ol better

sity ol ('olorado. already ha\e Ulll~
cers on bicy clc. and Met 'omas said
[he \uhlt‘cl lllts hk‘L'll the locus ill
several recent articles Ill protessiou-
al law erilorcemerit iournals

two otltcers approached him last text tor the cer‘einon;v held on
year about startrrtg a similar eltott [hg AdlnlnjstL’HIiin Building
at l'l\'. and Mc(‘omas said the de—
partrrient decided to test it this
spring arid summer.

Alter a successlul trial run. the
bike progr'airi received a boost when
the department was given more than
\l.llt)tl iii cash sci/ed by l'ls' police
in a campus drug bust this suirimer.

lhc money was used to purchase
enough ot the 515‘ hicyc lcs to
make the bike patrol a reality

erriotions ~r— both sadness and

llogue. who had a prepared

words." llogue said.

lawn. decided to “wing it" iti-
stead. She said she “muldn't
leave without a little reriiorsc.

. but l look ltlHMIHI to the
next chapter in my life.
marked with the same krrid ol'
escitcmeiit arid specialtiess as
the old chapter had Ill store
tor me."

She has sched tor 1o y ‘ars
wtth the Air lioice. including
her tenure as cointriander at
the University since Witt). As
professor ol‘ aerospace scienc-
es. Col. James Mosbey from
Moody Air Force Base in
Georgia will replace llogue.

She also is trunoirs for her
gold medal in springboard

llogue was the
ot the l‘illllll\ (‘ouiiselmg Service

He said that medications, alcohol.
disease and utility cart all'ect hand-

llaridvvriting analysis is widely

used and studied lll l.urope and the diving 1“ the N72 Munich
Middle last. bitt. m the l'mted Olympics. A" 1* “V‘h‘m'

. . llo'ue taxis to remain in
States it is ‘\te\vcd \\llll suspicion l‘ p: . ‘
lexmgton with Jim. her hus-

iii the scteiittlrc community because _
‘ band. and their two children.

said Rick

lloy le. a l 'K psychology protessor

it is dillicult to \alidate."






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Morrissey pleases disciples with arsen

Your Arsenal
Sire/Wanier B rt is


By Chris McDavid
Staff Critic


In the beginning. tltere was tlte
Smiths. and the group was good.

How good was tt'.’ So good it per-
rnarierttly chruiged the British music
scene iri 1983. when it inspired a
retolutton among legions ol British
teens weary ol pretty-boy pop

Ilowever. all good thttigs rrttrst
corrre to art ettd. artd after tlte mem»
bers ot the bzmd paned ways in
NM. lead singer Morrissey. a mini
who rriakes the (‘ure‘s Robert
Smith look like a happy camper.
launched a solo ciueer with great



truttare. In doing so. he's butlt a
massive lollowing itt America. the
egg tlte Smiths could rtever crack.

I'hough a brilliant lyricist. Mor-
t'tssey always has had to rely on oth-
ers for his mUstc. and in that area.
Iris three prevtotts solo albtirrts have
come up short. corripared to the
Smiths ttitli ace guittutst .Iolirirty

'Ihis little out. howeter. Moms-
sey has recrttrted a rtew writing part-
rter. guitarist Alain Wliyte. turd the
resulting albttrn. I'ortl' Arte/nil. is
his release front the ghost of tlte


Smiths that has haunted him since
the split

But not quite It sounds as though
Whyte grew tip wttli llre Queen I\
[Mn/on his turntable lhe new sitt-
gle “'lomorrow,” Morrissey's tirst
clip to he played sorrtewhere on
MTV besides "1le Minutes." is
one ot the best singles lltc Sinrtlis
never rriade

lyrically. rtiost ol tlte
sound like a r'ehashrng ot his Usual
topics: bitterness. unrequited Iote.
hopelessness and friends who stab
you ill the back ()ther groups like
the (‘ure turd Sonic Yorttli Irate be-
gttrt to sotittd uninspired arid dated.
bttt Morrissey still sotrrtds as tresh

Ilte reason Morrissey still cart
\y‘l'llc‘ better than artyortc on the
mru‘ket alter Itt years is his blatant
Irotresty. l'or‘ esarriple. “We Hate It


When ()ur I‘riends Become Suc-
cesstul.” the release on a five-track
(‘I) lll;l\l<\lll§_'lte‘ that preceded the
albutri. is taken hour the point or
new ot those left belittrd iii the
wake ot someone trtruriely Morris-
sey t achiet mg stardom.

It’s spiteful. bitter turd incredibly
hilartotts. It's also strikingly hottest.
sounding as though he went otrt aitd
IlllL‘HlL‘Wc‘tI old trtettds who talked
to the tabloids about how much
tltcy Irate llllll tdetinitely riot a rare
recurrence in Britain»

Ilie opening track on the alburrr.
"You‘re (ionna .\'eed Someone on
Your Side." is enough to knock any
loyal Mornssey disciple tthey"rc
rriore than inst tansi off his or her

He decries the .-\niertc;utt/atron
ol (treat Britain on “(ilamorotts
tiltie" attd ”Well I ct Yotr Know."

Hiphoprisy disposes of myths on new album


By Ernest Jasmin
Contrrbutrng Crrtrc


It‘s 1“": lhe rap music industry
has tallerr to the gimmick rappers.
pushing otl sarriplc-lilled alburrrs as
their versions of creativity

liven political rap. whose “prisi-
livity" gained popularity iii the late
'SIls. has becorrre rust rutother gim-
mick irt the hands of greedy. small-
mitided record producers. Quality
has given way to rrtarketability‘.
Message has givett way to image.

Not so with San Francisco‘s I)is-
posable Heroes of Iliphoprisy.

With their debut album. Hy‘poerr-

\\ It (In (irerrrett

thtart. the His-
posable Heroes
establislt them-

scltes as rebels;
not rust rappers
showcasing atti-
trrdc and pseudo-
philosophy. btrt rebels against the
exploited industry itself.

(‘onsider these lyrics from their
newest single. “I"amous rmd Dandy
(lake Amos ‘n‘ Andy)": “We act
out all the stereotypes/’I‘ry to use
them as decoy/And we become
sltiriirig eszunples/t )t’ the system we
seek to destroy/‘(krnse even in the
most radical of groups/You will
find/Hint when yotr stray frorti the


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doctrine You'll
see ltard trrrtes "

lhe song cr‘rtrr
cr/es a media
which is rnarttpti~
l;itr\c ot a stereo
typed black pop
culture and our
seeming willingness to be exploit-
ed. Anyone who's seen the tideo
will ttottce a lett stars who hate
been associated with the “tlator of
the month" club.

Still. the grotrp is best know tor
its rerrrake of "I elevistotr. the Drug
of a Nation." which is like an m-
depth version of Public lznemy's
“She Watch ('hannel lero “

'I‘elet'tsioti got brief airplay oti
“Yo' M'IV Raps." the pnmary
place for showcasing new rap tal-
erit. \‘trll. despite its tutrk/Iup-hop
sound. tts \ll'L‘Itlll*t‘lsc‘ttlhk'ltllh lyr-
ics probably weren't considered
catchy enough Ior an audience
starving to Itear about “dr'rte-bys"
and tap tit alt’tes

'I‘he album begins with “Satanic
Reverses.” which contrasts the
progress of other nations with the
t‘etr'oactrte cortsertatite trend tn
Arnertcari politics,

'Ihe fourth track on the albutrr is

“ the l anguagc of Violence." a dis
tttrbittg look .ll troIcnt trrctttaltty
displayed by .i "lasotr generation "

Iltc litsl sttlt' L'lttls will] "VI-lie
\\trrter ot the I orig Hot Siritttttc‘t’."
arr urictunpromtsmg inquiry into the
rnotrtes behind the l’ersirut (itrlt
War and the war propaganda that
news channels passed as extensive
news cot erage during the conflict.

I‘he second side picks up with the
same intensity. tackling subjects
like entirorinterital policy. the ra-
cism that lead tocalist Michael
l‘rantr etpcrienced growing up bi-
ractally and the policies of "(iotc
I’ete" tn lhe Dead Kennedys-
influenced “( 'alifornia I'ber Alles."

llie Disposable Heroes don‘t
hate the look ot most rap groups
(A bi-ractal black and art ()rietttal
I).l “gangsta" image not included
. is not the norm I And they have
a dtflerent sound. t'l'hey actually
ttse real ortrrrmrerrtx. instead ol
relying on stirttples.t

Rap tans Iooktrrg for an album
that‘s ditterent and provocative
without going too lar astray front
the "reep tuttk" sound should look
to the Disposable Heroes.

With any Itrck. they'll be looking
at the luttrre of political rap.

cotriplaitttttg that "We look to |.o.s
.Artgeles/I-‘or the Izmguage we use/
London is dead?" He calls himself
told his cohons "the last truly Brit-
ish people you will eter ktiow

Morrissey continues to revel iii
the absurd with "You're the Hire
For Me. batty." and the controver-
sial pop gent "'Ihe National Front
Disco." in winch disco becomes a
political movement frorn the view-
potm of a young Pakistani boy.

Another controversy following
Iiiitt is about the track “We'll let
You Know." Marty detractors hate
critter/ed the track for soundirtg al-
most identical to “Ride a White
Swan" by Morrissey‘s childhood
idol l. Rex

Morrissey has begun to play lulls
time with the top-notch rockabilly
battd that toured w ith him last sum-
trier I'his rrtove Itas Icrtt the album



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a] of smooth tracks

a rtrore coliesitc sound that he net-
er could Irate grasped prettously.
when the lineup ot mu