xt7r222r8147 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r8147/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 2003 Vol.74 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 2003 Vol.74 No.4 2003 2019 true xt7r222r8147 section xt7r222r8147 I , y - U?“li‘f§RSlTY OF KENTUCKY HER/ARES
' ’5 r” ,9 I r I”: ate. 3:3... r N
Z I“ f ’ , ‘k , “k .- II: it I F (UK) LEX 405 8 7 ,
Volume 74 Number 4 - A ril 2003 - Published b Kentuck Press Association/Kentuck Press ”ridce
C C ‘
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Bringing the war home for readers at? April
By DANA EHLSCHIDE 7 , , wws , & Notes
News Bureau Director ’ -
When the first bombs were CE ,
dropped on Iraq on March 19, there ‘ ‘ Last Call for Lang’s ‘ _
I was little doubt what daily newspa— , 7 - Fairy Tale Project .
pers across the state, the country and W _ WWW... M" if? Because of the success of
the world would budget for their :2; " KP AIS ”Luke in a Real] Bi
front page the f011°Wihg day and “age.” I. _ . . Pickle” and ”Noodles lelakgs a
weeks to come. Although community g , _ , , Boo Boo" projects, we're making
weekly newspapers rarely report :2* <5:a"-::;:M "q I»; 1.5,: ,. , available 12 Andrew Lang’ 5 Fairy
Papers have begun sear‘hmg for local “ . a . $4. with H] Ford’s ori inal 19th
angles to this history-making event ' i g ‘ hitfijl I Century'illustratiori 4
takli:ng place htalf a WOT-’1 aria}; . d , . a”? W The prOjeCt includes a total of
als called tg duty or those with loved ’ «giggly "' :7 21 Chapters. Some Of the fairy '
- - IA. WE- at.“ ate/Wrwhttw fate I tales are one chapter, others are,
ones in the Gulf region seems to be ; vgg , imibgz‘egée’éfiffjngfwggr {4- .' u to five This 'ves on 21 '
the most Popular story angle for ,H é a with}? =55. w, . l V’ :' 'wleeks of storiesgtlo ublish that 1'
weeklies across the Commonwealth. , f I ' . , ' l ' 'i l I ‘ will ' hit 'th P d,
The Sentinel-Echo in London has V .9 ~ 12:3 ' "WI 1 ”913% ers, ,. _
focused their front-page stories on £8133: Maggi-rakes f 1'
local individuals, some of whom are 5 If? 7 series 1 111' «es an. I, - L f
. . . , excellent teaching guide, by Lisa a
prominent Citizens, who have been M , sax. thatcari be shared with , .
called to active duty. “Schools in / 6m marketin area ' ' ,
s ”We have alsolocalized Homeland ‘Ihé/teacl'uizg guide‘is fongnatted , ,
Yeas“? prgparatlon'sgzs well :5 tuft The Sentinel-News in Shelbyville used this photo supplied by Shelby Countian Capt. {7:50 You can mdude‘the Stonesyo.“
128 S are news PIC res an s ories Gary D. Harrison to help localize actions in the Middle East in their newspaper. The I, Plan {01139 In whatever Order you v
supplied by our parent company, photo is of a Marine helicopter, a CH-46E Sea Knight, taking off from a USS Boxer plank) publish them, ‘ ‘ '
CNHI," said Dale Morton of the amphibious ship located off the coast of Kuwait. This ship was part of a seven ship The series willbe [made airaile
Sentinel-Echo. armada that sailed from San Diego in January. abletoyciu onAaCDWith the text
After the start Of the conflict, the ”The story focused on how the par- ed that they began collecting local 31‘8“lgsstonezgl[Ichapitersyéhe _
Spencer Magnet found a different ents are coping with the extensive comments from around the county tiff uStraciil‘OnSan ~ df fe 5m y gm e , ,
angle 0“ Whleh to report — the parents coverage now that the conflict has soon after the war started for their or tea; ers 13‘ p yormat. " a :
0f soldiers. A story in the fiTSt edition started,” said John Shindlebower of next edition. Ifyournewspaper ,15 interested '1 '
, after the start of the war was about the Spencer Magnet. ”We plan to pull together family maprqectthatwfllget 3.10.1138er ., I I
_ two families who have sons in Iraq Jessica Bratcher, managing editor readers mvogfiifimg tha ’
_ and Kuwait. , at the McLean County News, report- See WAR on Page 10 1:33? aper, , . 7 ’e .e f , 1 f
, 8W Lang Fwy Tales Walk ,
' K t k t. l d f ' ' abxew rottaf'thefbllomngcostst“ , :
en [10 y 113 we re ease r0111 capthlty WeekIyNewspapers (those , y .
masheduptosumsper week) .
A week after witnesses reported her from the hotel, according to a _ » ,v ’ 2 ”$75 ' 3; j f ‘ , ’ ,
seeing Louisville native Molly Newsday reporter. ‘ ' r: , ’wlyNewSpapers, Under f, , ,
Bingham, a 34—year—old photographer, Earlier, the Bingham family 3 at; wfiCirculauonufifiOfi :.’
escorted from her hotel by Iraqi received conflicting reports of her . . é _ ix, :nilyNewapapersZSfiOlto i
authorities, she and three other jour— whereabouts. One report from the US. i ' ‘L fiestas; , .3
nalists were released from captivity. State Department had her crossing into "‘“‘ ' y if & ;’DailyNewspaperS;0VeT50,000 .
Bingham, a former official photog- Jordan and another from a peace group ’P Crrailation~$200 ,L. 5 .
rapher for Vice-President Al Gore, said she had arrived in Syria. Bingham It}, Theseratasareuptoéflper- , .
arrived in Baghdad on March 17. Eight and the other journalists have now 3%, @Mpffflierateyouwauldpay
days later, Iraqi authorities searched been released into Jordan. Photographer Molly Bin gham was defiyfflrtbefightstopw .
her room at the Palestine Hotel, Newsday reporter Matthew released by Iraqis after a week in captivi- tfaefigseeflfivifimragefih I
bagged up her belongings and escorted See RELEASED on Page 5 ty. (AP photo) 22§,,”%3”«fl/o,$

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press,Apri| 2003
Kentucky people 3 er ' th w T
, p p S III e ne S h
Haynes joins Gra son cations includin Ar
, ts Across .
COUI‘I N -G y Kentucky, Angel? on Earth and Advocate-Messenger to human servrces. She moved to ,
GI It}; EWS' daiettef Gui d ep 0 st s. SPOHSOI‘ ’Rally on the Carrollton two years ago. h ‘11]; _V€ h
oria aynes 101ne t esta fof the Previousl , she b k ea msu
Grayson County News-Gazette as edi- B Hlf'yn-es graduated ffom Square 2003, for ChristianyChurdhalflgmce: olgeeper insurance r
tor in February. rec mrldge County ngh SChOOl in The Advocate-Messenger, Kentucky Social Insurance. and others
Haynes had previously worked as a 11579 :nieélrned an A, A. at Danville’s local newspaper, will SpOn- next reforn
reporter at e Meade County 1za et town Community College, sor ”Rally on the Square 2003” on - - the rocess
Messenger and The Breckinridge She later completed a BA. in journal- April 26 at Constitution State Historic Taylor named advertlsmg VE/hile Ij
County Herald-News. Her freelance ism at St. Mary of the Woods Women’s Site‘ manager 0f KentuCky estin AKel
work has appeared 11‘ numerous Publi- College near Terre Haute, Ind. (The political candidates Will debate Standard grlea 0% arm
a . u ” lx. \: .
Th V t , aILaergganEStlons Old style from Candy Taylor has been named EEK/61‘ hapr
, _ l< _ , , , j . dvertisin mana er of th K tu k 5" 7"“ ill l
-—--—-- ' e ’ , ’ ’ - , Democratlc and Re ubllcan cand'- a .g g e en C y L . 9+} 0 e-
' , en uC . y ' res S —"'""'—' , dates for secretary of srfate treasurer1 Standard in Bardstown. She began her mom for if
Th K ‘ ’ " L , ' _ ’ ' , ' auditor, commissioner of agriculture new dutles at the tri-weekly newspa- setup.
pugfigfimbfigmgg _ : Ignistrict 11 — Glenn Gray, Manchester I ' attorney general lieutenant governor perspln March 17‘ Biils he“
, ess x ‘ , , , , r: , ' . _
Assam/Kama, Pres. 59mm , mm , , , - y . - , and governor expected to give mg re;liifi‘fiiiiiiinflyni‘inaiiemS to We
PmOdlcals ClaSSPOSmgaisPaidat 1’ , ' DiStrict 12-DaVid'Iiiomberq’ 1' 'fso ’ . 5 brief speeches. M'l't N idea (woul
Frankfort, KY. 40601.5ubsc1iptionpficeis ' 'Cammtmweaidi 10am} " 'mt ’ ’ Ceirloii‘ry ' eysiapers'lif North ""0 davs 9
$8 1, ear.Postmaster:Se , , , ,_ [.y,,__g / , y ~ , mam ac sonv1 esinceJul " ‘
adgreesi‘pito'lheKentucky gag/631161339; j: , DlstrlCtlB~TomCaudfll I , , _ . _ , Meade County Messenger 2002. Prior to that, she was a recrlliit- $095?) but
Consumaianearrankm K¥.'40601;<562)14 megawatt , , . “'3'“ "5‘9" _, 1 N IE program profiled mom specialist for Management throughth
2233821 , . ,r . If: .537 l: ,i :5; ,/ The Newspaper in Education ro— Recruiters in Emerald Isle from April I’m not
Offl , / g ,\ p , J _ [A ,. , . , if, ,1 FVL.1Dish'JCt14~TeresaScenters,Bereaij-gn° 3 gram at the Meade County Messgn 1999 untll September 2000. Her neWS- means. Bul
Kathi“ P1- , f ,, . _ 7.51» 17,5 ,1 p, , . , was profile (:1 in both the D b ger paper background includes sales direc- improve t}
“'9’ “Aswan” ’ State-,etriierarg’e‘ ' n 1 f‘ ~ ' 2002 NIE Information Serviggrplubrli torforFreEdom communications 3 maybe eve
P’FS‘dent‘Shmn Twine“ La ” ’ 1': Tony MaddoxMaddzgnvmeeiaesseaa 5 “9n and_SPr1ng 2003 Publisher’s geEkIYiilgwsPaRer and weekly mlh- srons as at
, , , , ,, , , ,. , ,g , rypu llcatloanavelock N
Wmchestersgn , _ _ ,, g o Patti CiarkiQwefithrNBWSHeraId , Circulation Reference. five years She 1 d -C. for For tho:
, _ _ ; i V, /- I, 1 ,. ,. ,, .31, /_ Th _ . wasaso ana vertisin ; 1 .

— . momomeeihnzoam ”‘Hye‘xenmd‘yNWE’a Messeenggiegaggoggaged director of two dam... and a weekly g 2:313:32
meneAdvmmanger - :7} 452131vame 3F§3§?i.4ii Sandra Stone Newspaper in Edifiggon Eulltary publication for Freedom 0one for ‘tt
‘ “ , , _ , I, f , : ’ " ' . NeWSEdltOflalDlVlsln-effM goo: . ’ ewspapers of New Mexico for four 53 .
Vice Premdent—Dawd Thombeay, ,_ / _ , Richmond Regime-c ’97 f I, ,?¥¢li“§‘dr ' : figggmtorfim fill: Meade county years and a real 95'3“ SPQCiaI'St for the r oe meetmg
SomerSefCommonwealflflom ” * _ _, g , = j 1:, , . , 0 the ngnggg’s as O tamed sponsors for Post Tribune in Gary, Ind. for two :nough pri
Treasurer- Charli l? 3 , , ‘ 1“ , \' AdvefhsngiVIsron—CherylMagerS, :,3 :I Offerinwtw 1118W?papers each week, years. fees. These

. - e 0‘33““ ~ , , : CentralKentuckyNewsloumal r v stew; g. 0 eve 5 ° SponsorShIP bers of the
FFmFavolflbeg/s .7 , ' , , f ‘ , 2:5 is f ' , (it ,. ”V” ; , , depending on the size 0f the Class” N bl 11 'he same c
i ' . ' ’ ' ,0 _ -’ 9 common: 1' -Kriss ”1mg '1' L; 7 room. The subscri tions are tin ews a 81' 1.1 iS er L
fast Premdent-Dave Eldridge): ,y I: 1, ' ' “mmfier‘allsdgrfeadéf 59 “31’: ,' ,gfj’ through the sumnier by the tceiirdherueCl named) chaufber 0f 'jhémoers‘
{ ” ,nélofi , I, *7 I, . ' K wit: 0 ' ~ ' selecting students to receive the mail- . The cor
Board ofDirecti rots-7 C j ASSOGatESDlVISlon-ChfiFelfl-im , delivered paper at home. commerce PreSldent 'hrough th
a shictlAhceRouseMurraYIedgandemUhhhesi , . The Meade County Messenger hasa Patti M- Clark Publisher of The Weboutr‘
Titties , , . , _ ,_ £08413}ka , E Circulation of 6,000. Laura Dutschke News-Herald in Owenton has :imony on
, V V ,, - - , ,, ‘3‘? ,; om-gzoghilfifihm'm 3: , sales, keeps the programinmind ' assumed the presidency of the Owen action. Wt
D'_ f “2‘ l ed Dill, 5, ,_ DawsonSpnngs , Greene, [pity/Dmsmy :"L’j (I , g L: ; omsvfli e I, when she is visiting customers, and County Chamber of Commerce. of benefit.
Progress, _ ,, _ y f, ,0 f g; Kenmdkypressmumm ,i, f :, ’3 Stone 1(iredfits her with the past year’s Clark served as Vice president for worth the
4 . ’ ,y_ , f a; _ :, DaVidTeThompsomExecutive/Diréctor‘,['77'5 growt .T epaper devotes a full pa e two years of the newly reorganized , t‘ d
Distr‘ztit‘?) ~Donn Warmer, Hancock ’ , » '[i , BOWGHOWM,Contr011er p _ each week to student writings, careegr group and stepped into the president’s ac 10n an
Clan . , ; _ , , , g _ EfiéeflmMMMf 531%,]: 1 , r_ ,1 corner feature, Barbara’ 3 blue pen cor— role in December. She will hold the
. . ' 'g’ “ .’ '~ ,’ ; ., ;_ 17669 CCSDirector ,:,':l;r‘;f*’l ner, and h ' ffi
2mg; Cher, , eromnmm ,_ ; meek/«Ema missiassaazsityam ° 5 “”° Ad
‘ ‘ , _ p _ , '; p, I, 'B , . .. ,, susmg the news a er in their
District 5_ Ron FilldnsJresscom. ,1 i / d native of Henry County, and Just across the Ohio River. some of y
EDlsm’ ctl0~Edmund Shelby, Beattyville There ism) space of Puritfilation in the e 3:; ulatIeG of Henry County High . Sharon graduated from Trimble 1 week. The
nterpnse , ; ; , , , , a: 'mailaddressy , ,/ / - ., r, , 0'0: nkade hasabackgroundm S ning. Forl
_ _ , ;‘ , - , , , ' , ’ ' ; adrrumstrative management and ee PEOPLE on Page 11‘ responder
_ I We’ll reso

 The Kentucky Press, April 2003 — Page 3 ij
VS The next reform should be legislati e reform
We’ve had education reform and 92, statements was tucked away on page bills today so let’s make it quick,” is a
eeper health insurance reform. Malpractice On Second 245 of a 283-page document. Some standard explanation. :
insurance reform was tried this session : "tr even questioned my integrity when I As this past session wound down,
and others call for tax reform. But the Thought 34‘” told them what was in the bill. bills were called without any discus- ’5'
next reform should be one to change , It’s my understanding that sion as the chairmen sought to get
in g the process. Legislative reform. By David T Thom son 44% Congress doesn’t have a committee more bills out and before the chamber. '. 7
While I’d like to go as far as sug- KP A Executive Dirge“), = . meeting for two hours, with 15 or 20 You could compare it to making ', .
gesting Kentucky voters reconsider the t bills to consider. In our present sausage. No one knows what’s in i ""
idea of annual sessions (it ShOUld have be re-file d in January when the session Kentucky structure, committee meet- there, no one needs to know, so live ?f
(1 never happened) and return to the be ins ings are like an assembly line. With it anyway. i .
ucky every other year structure, there is gAnd that leads to the same process Don’t get mewrong, Gongressional Reform the process somehow.
an her room for improvement in the present 7 . . . members Wlll still try to find a bill Make the interim committees more ,;
Ispa- set up. O_V er again — committee meetings, tes- movin throu h the rocess and tack res onsive. Give them authoritv'to "
. . timon discusswns on the bill and a g g p p . . . ;
Bills have been introduced to return 3” _ , on some amendment that hasn’t had take action on bills. Give them time to i
'ertis— 4 vote to send it to their chamber for . . fi . . . , 4
us to those (30 days every two years , , , , discussmn. conSider fully what the legislation -.
: idea (would Kentucky voters consider CEnSideration, or ‘deCidmg then and You can see the belt-line in action means and does. If it means a cmnpli- "
[y two days every 60 years as the joke. t elgitiskfllietifizrliin session reall ro- most every day during our legislative cated bill gets two full hours of hear— ',
ruit- $095?) b1“ you never see them movmg d . 7 g . , 1?: p session. The chairman calls a bill to be ing so be it. But we’re talking laws ‘
through the process. ' uctive. 11:1 some reépeCts’ 1t ““3 _t be heard and before the sponsor can sit at here, laws that affect our lives, our
April I’m not a legislative expert by any If a comm“? isass1gned a speCific the table, a motion has been made, sec- businesses, and as they all want to say 'J
iews- means. But I see one thing that would task for the interim. BL” m most ways’ onded and a vote taken. If you’re — the future of all Kentuckians. if
; direc- improve the process and WhO knows, It S not. They know that whatever bllls lucky, you might get one real good If interim committees can’t wield i
s, a maybe even shorten the regular ses- they hear about _m the interim, W111 discussion on a bill during any two- power, then change the session
nili- ' sions as at present. only come back in an off1c1al form after hour committee meeting. But typically, process. Call the General Assembly
C. for For those not familiar with the leg- January. there’s little or no discussion, no exam- into session, take a two-week hiatus {a
fishig l islative process, the end of the 2003 So why “Qt move to Congress’ injng. That’s the assembly line the pre- and let committees meet, then recall ,
'kly i session doesn’t mean the legislature is way? AS a lobbyist, I envy what I sent legislative structure has. the General Assembly to act only on 5;
lfb: l gone for the rest of the year. They will know about the Congress process. Bills And as the end of the session nears, those bills which have survived the
fomr the 1 be meeting through the rest of year, are scheduled for hearings and for the line is put a full throttle. (Want to process. Take another two week hiatus
,0 l though primarily as interim commit— mark “25- Time 18 taken by the com- compare it to something: Just think of and have more bills processed through "e“
I tees. These committees include mem— mittee to hear as much testimony as the I Love Lucy episode where she’s the system. fl ' l
: bers of the House and Senate sitting on possible, t0 get ideas for ways t0 employed by a candy-making compa- Maybe we should try the Tennessee I
l the same committee in the reSpective improve bills, and especially to give ny- Within minutes, she’s stuffing legislature approach. All bills have to
chambers. members time to read the legislation. candy everywhere she can.) be filed by the first day of the session. .
The committees meet monthly Read the legislation? What a great The committees, after all, have to Period. And on Tuesday of one week, '
‘ through the interim and hear testimo- ideal Too many times, legislators vote get some bills before the full chamber committees post all bills that will be .
13 my about proposed bills as well as tes- to pass a bill without having any and very few bills get the hearing they heard the following week. That gives '
’ timony on ideas for bills or legislative knowledge of what the bill does. The deserve before the committee. all sides a chance to get ready and ,
wen action. While the background might be state’s budget bill in the 2003 session is And even when there might be (“8- nothing, well very seldom, gets
of benefit, overall the effort is not a prime example. I’m still trying to cussion, the present structure leads to pushed through at the last minute. 3
t for worth the time. They take no final find the first House member who chairmen giving both sides limited As it is at present, it does not work. I:
fignt’s action and any bill they consider has to knew language about school financial times to discuss a bill. "We have other Not even smoothly.
Add t t d t ddtht
' l If the ad staff did not receive a new _ »~. information on file for your newspa- remains current so that we know who
rate and data sheet from your newspa- Advertising '4‘ per, the best way to find out is to go is SAU and who is WEB. ,1:
per at the end of 2002 then recently you ahead and drop us a new rate card in Another thank you to newspapers i’
1e d ‘ should have received another form to lbs— 3% the mail. We can compare that to the that continue to refer clients to us. The 'f_ ‘v
and update and mail back to us. This is the e , 5 _ rates on file and schedule ads properly. best compliment that I can receive is 3
ising , official form that we use to make sure By Teresa Revlett ' Also if you are planning a second when one of our members tells a client
that ad rates and circulation informa- KPS DWCW’ ofSules quarter rate increase now is the time to that we can help them with a stateWIde
'ho tion are correct in our computer. ' r Em“ let us know. Otherwise we may find quote. That’s why we are here and as
ering Thank you so much to the newspa— out that a rate is wrong after an ad has always we should be conSidered an
all as 5 pers that responded so promptly to my When a client requests information been scheduled. extenSion of our newspapers’ sales 7
1d. ; mailed request. It was amazing that it is our policy to turn that information For those of you who are switching staff. ;
' ,' some of you got back to me within a around and quote the request within to the 50-inch web, be sure and drop us Have a profitable spring.
1e week. That is so helpful with our plan— 24 hours. Quotes can be turned around a note about that fact too. We always Remember, call (502-227-7992) or email
ning. For the rest of you who have not in a matter of minutes if all of our have available two different size ads me at trevlett@kypress.com with rate, ; ‘_
ge 11 responded, we are waiting patiently! information is current in the computer. for the ones that we schedule but it is circulation and size changes. Or just §
it We’ll resort to calling you shortly. If you are not sure that we have current imperative that our information call me - I’d love to hear from you.
,l - i
i .1
l I
‘ ;'. . ___ i#:_=:.§f—=———‘—_—:fi ' J

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press,April 2003 .
If 1 1d l'k lotter t'ckets ]
As usual, I was we’d have some- about ham radio operators. Recently, we are hurting ourselves. Readers do I
in a hurry. A5 I Oh B The thing, wouldn’t ham operators provided two-way notice our mistakes — particularly 1
approached the ’ y g, ” ' we? But why can’t radio communications for space shut- many of our most devoted readers. . I
cash register at Way $.ng we motivate our tle-debris search teams in Texas. As a Grammar was really emphasized
the corner conve— __.________. 4 <8 readers to stand in result, a number of hard news and fea— when they were in school and they b,
nience store, it long lines waiting ture stories were written about the know it well. Readers notice when we = 01
appeared I would By David Greer -: to buy our prod- ham operators, what they do and how get its and it’s mixed up in the paper. e(
be stuck in line KPA Mg'llbertsemw” , ; ucts? Well, some of they do it. Readers notice when we incorrectly a1
awhile. In front mac or I us do but sadly that In several stories, the radio hobby- make a word plural by adding ’3 when te
of me was a is the exception ists interviewed talked in technical only ”3” is needed. Readers notice
bearded senior in a worn baseball cap rather than the rule. lingo and jargon that was indecipher- when we mix up there, their and . 0‘
— buying one of every scratch-off game I won’t bore you with a long list of able to most laymen. That shouldn’t they’re. They notice when we confuse tl
the Kentucky Lottery has to offer. reasons why papers don’t sell like lot- happen. Reporters and editors ought patience for patients. Or when we at
From his clothing, one might surmise tery tickets. That would be — as the to say, ”Wait a minute. If I don’t don’t know the different between your 1‘
the man — who resembled an older king of clichés says — preaching to the understand this, how will my readers and you’re. Such mistakes erode our = '
version of Fidel Castro — should have choir. But let me plead my case for a understand?" credibility. I've seen readership sur-
kept his money instead of handing it couple of editorial content enhance- “Back up and explain this again in veys in which readers say that if we e«
to the state lottery. ments that would help us all sell more plain language.” make simple grammar errors in the V‘
I doubt if there was anything newspapers. Some of the stories that run in large paper, then how can we be trusted to 9‘
unique about that scene — it’s probably Writing and grammar. metro papers did a fairly good job in get other things in the paper — like 1'
repeated many times a day at most That’s it. Writing and grammar. avoiding the techno-lingo disease. facts — correct? II
every lottery outlet in the state. For Nothing too difficult or fancy. Just Same for some of the stories that That’s a tough one to answer. P
me, it’s not a moral issue. If people writing stories so readers can under— appeared on national web sites. But I All this was emphasized to me ‘ t(
want to play the lottery, have at it — stand them. That means having the saw several stories in smaller papers in recently when I met a man who lives ‘ 1]
but I hate standing in lines. courage to tell our sources, “I don’t which readers must have been won— elsewhere in Kentucky. We began * 11
As I shifted from one foot to the understand what you are telling me. dering to themselves, ”What does that making small talk. He didn’t know i
other and back again, my thoughts Please explain it again in plain lan- mean? I don’t understand this." You what I did for living or myrback- . r:
wandered back to the days more than guage so my readers will understand.” know what often happens if we’re ground as a journalist, but he told me t1
15 years ago when I managed a weekly Too often, that doesn't happen and reading something we don’t under- about how he and his wife retired a c
in southwest Indiana. Readers would stories get into our papers that make stand? We stop. couple years ago and moved to ‘ C
. line up in the office on Wednesday about as much sense as Mandarin In coaching other ham operators Kentucky. They love it here, he said. 5.4
afternoons to buy papers the moment Chinese makes to most of us who around the country in how to deal Somehow the subject of newspapers a
they came from the printing plant. don’t speak it. with journalists when interviewed came up. Again, I didn’t tell him I 1
Many were subscribers and would get Let me give you an example. I am a about our radio activities, I always worked in the field but he told me how - d
another copy in the mail the next day shortwave radio hobbyist. As a mem- stress that they should speak in plain his wife loves to read newspapers but 1
but still they couldn’t wait to hand us ber of the Public Relations Committee language and leave the lingo and jar- was quite disappointed in the local C
their 50 cents several hours early just for the ARRL, the national organiza- gon for radio conversations with other paper because she found 11 grammati— ‘ V
to catch up on the local news. tion for ham radio operators, I regular- ham operators in Australia or some cal errors on the front page one day. F
What if newspapers were in as 1y see newspaper clippings from exotic island in the Indian Ocean. ’ Ouch. That hurts. Readers do b
much demand as lottery tickets? Wow, around the nation with stories written Grammar is the other area where notice.
First Amendment suffers little dama e durin session 1
g g . I
By KIM GREENE W p on the press’ and the public’s right to study methods for enhancing the safe- Kentucky State Police to establish a I
KPA General Counsel I“ ' know. Thanks to all KPA member ty of records related to homeland secu— system of alerting the public to child D
Dinsmore 8: Shohl p 22.: "xa, newspapers who helped out with calls rity. The sponsors of HCR 56 recog- abductions in the hope of a swift
David Thompson and letters to your legislators and edi— nized the importance of the press’ role recovery of the child. This is an s
and David Greer have “" *1 j torials. We are clearly most effective in an endeavor like this and wrote the admirable bill. When it was first pro-
started breathing nor- «a when your legislators hear from m! Kentucky Press Association in as a posed, however, it contained language _
mally again. So have , .. .. a This year brought a whiff of fresh member of the task force. The bill that suggested that members of the E
Ashley Pack, Kenyon ‘ . air to the process. There were actually made it through the House and almost news media were mandated to operate
Meyer and I. This was 3 two bills that affirmatively recognized through the Senate, but was assigned the system in conjunction with the C1
the KPA’s ”team” dur— the role of the news media. House Bill back to committee at the last minute. State Police. That raises some legal .
ing the 2003 legislative session. We’re 513, sponsored by Rep. Derrick The remainder of the 18 bills we issues and, I’m sure, some practical M.
all glad it’s over. And we’re especially Graham of Frankfort, would have were actively following were not as issues. Happily, we were able to con— M'
glad that the press and the public got required local elected officials to par- friendly. Fortunately, most of them Vince the bill’s sponsors to modify the SP
through this session with minimal ticipate in training sessions about their also got waylaid in the system, at least language. Now, it is the Kentucky ta]
damage to First Amendment and obligations under the Open Records for this session. Only four that con- Press Association and the Kentucky
access rights. and Open Meetings Laws. What a cemed us have been passed into law. Broadcasters Association which will 10‘
It took a lot of hard work and a lot great idea! Unfortunately, the bill did And two of those were neutralized by ”cooperate” with the State Police’s to}
of good luck to get to this point. The not move at all. We should all encour- language changes before they were efforts to issue the alerts. There’s no hit
legislators never cease to amaze with age Rep. Graham to introduce it again passed. mandatory language about individual
the ways they can conjure up to limit next year. Bills that Passed newspapers. :2
access to court records or agency House Concurrent Resolution 56 House Bill 36: This bill creates an
records or otherwise imposed burdens would have established a task force to "Amber alert” system. It requires the See AMENDMENT on Page 8 M

 The Kentucky Press, April 2003 - Page 5 j

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Murra- S t R l t h —:

; Deaths WWW ena e eso 11 ion onors ;
'1 Hopkinsville High School in 1929 . ,

. and later earned is bachelor’s degree H 11 f F d t ‘1,

1 Journallsm Hall Of in journalism in 1933 from the a 0 ame In “C ee ,

. Fame member dies Ulnivgrcslity 0f Kerzitucky, Whlffe 1: th Senate Resolution No. 142 in the newspaper industry in .

Martha Purdon Comer a mem— a so 1 post-gra uate wor ltd 0 Sponsored by Sen. Daniel Kentucky; in 1987, she was awarded
ber of the Kentucky Journlalism Hall l‘j‘W and agricultur e. After gra ua- Mongiardo, Walter Blevins Jr. and the Edwards M. Templin Award for j
of Fame and a Maysvill e newspaper tion he became advertismg 19311.38” Johnny Ray Turner Outstanding Community Service, an .

. . for B.F. Avery &: Sons 1n Louisv111e. rd t d 11 _ ,1
editor for more than 40 years, died . awa presen e annua y to a news ;
at a nursing and rehabilitation cen- He then served as field representa- A RESOLUTION adjourning the paper person exhibiting outstanding ;

1 ter in Maysville. She was 96. tive for the A.S.C. and West Senate in honor of Louise Hatrnaker community service to the community ,1 ’
- - Kentuck Production Credit upon bein inducted into the he or she serves and b whose news- -;
Corner was inducted into the hall y g y .
. . Association for two years before Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame. paper is involved in efforts to make ' 7
of fame in 1995. She had worked at _ ‘ , . . . . ,
. . bein called to active duty m 1941, WHEREAS, it seems appropriate that community a better place in
the Daily Independent Since gradu- g . . . . .
, f M .11 H' h S h 1 , McGaughey received his commis- for this honorable body to recognize which to live and work; and she also is 2
r 2113213 rom aysv1 e 1g C 00 1“ sion as lieutenant through the special Kentuckians