xt7r222r829q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r829q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-09-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1974 1974 1974-09-20 2020 true xt7r222r829q section xt7r222r829q Vol. [XVI No. 32
Fridav. September 20.1974



an independent student newspaper


University of Kentucky
Lexington. Ky. 40506

GenTel's proposed rate increases would
cost University additional $157,000

lty KAY ('tH'TE
Kernel Staff Writer

General Telephone of Kentucky's
ttlenTelt proposed rate increase. if
approved. will cost the l'niversity (‘entrex
System an extra 8157.000 per year in
service charges. said George Ruschell.
assistant vice president for business

Another utility increase affecting the
l’niversity is the Kentucky Utilities (KL?)
rate hike which went into effect May 14.
The new rates represent a 13 per cent
increase in l'K's electricity bill. and are
under appeal Wllh the state Public Service
(‘ominission tPS(‘t. said A. I-‘ Humphries.
director of the PSC engineering section

DOR Mth)R\' R ESIDENTS. whose 2.500
lines comprise about half the Univeristy
telephones. will have to pay their share of
the increase. Ruschell said.

Proposed increases for dormitory
telephones will total 378.000. or $17 per
.tudent per year. Ruschell said. Because
he housing and dining system is self-
supporting and does not receive state
funding. residence hall students will have
to absorb the higher costs themselves

"Logically we would simply increase
dormitory rates by $17 next year. but
that‘s just one increase we‘ll have to take
into consideration when determining what
the cost will be." Ruschell said.

THE PRESENT (ienTel rate for
dormitory telephones is $6.40 per month
and the proposed figure is $8.83. an
increase of $2 ~13.

(ienTel‘s telephone rate increase does
not include higher connection and moving
charges. Ruschell said. He added the
l'niversity spends a lot of money changing
and installing administrative telephones.

l'niversity administrative telephone
rates are set up on a “big user" basis
rates decrease as the number of telephone
lities used increases. Rucshell said

THE PRESENT rate for the first 200
telephones used is $11.75 per month. $4.35

llolt. chief of staff of the
Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. spoke to about 100
persons in the Student (‘enter
Thursday night.

Pat M.

less than the proposed $16.10. The next 400
lines will cost the University $2.45 per
month. a $1.95 increase troin the present

The next 400 phones cost $8.50 per
month now and will increase $1.30 to $9.80.
Any amount over 1.000 telephones —- the
lowest rate (lenTel offers— will rise from
$6.25 to $7.55. an increase of $1.30.

Service connection and moving charges
w ill rise from about $8 to $18 depending on
the service needed. according to proposed
(ien'l‘el figures.

"\\ E‘\‘E BEEN antiCipating some
increase.” Ruschell said. "After all.
tlchcl applied for the increase two years
ago "

(len'l‘el listed rising costs for labor.
materials and capital as reasons for the
rate hike. according to their proposal.
w hich is now being considered by the PSC

PS(‘ will probably make a decision on
the case in late November. after listening
to consumer complaints. Humphries said,

“It takes six to seven months for a
utilities company to process a rate
increase proposal and even after we make
our decision. the company can appeal it."
be added

UNE (‘ENTRAL complaint from
consumeis is (ienTel's lack of service. but
l'K has had few problems. "As far as the
l‘niversity is concerned. we've always had
good service." Ruschell said.

‘I think they «(lenTelt have a legitimate
request for an increase," Rushell said.
“They question is just how much should
they receive."

(lenTel has not had any
increase since 1958. said E. E.
tien'l‘el president


RPS MAY rate hike increased the
l'niversity's electricity bill for this fiscal
year by $358300 from $1,442.20) to
8.800.000. Ruschell said.

This increase. however. is on appeal by
both KI' and consumers who have

(‘ontinued on page 16


(per month)

316.10 “2.45

(per month)


(per month)

3 4.35

Approximate Total
monthly increases


Annual increase 8157.000


General Telephone Proposed Rate Increases

l'niversity of Kentucky Centrex System


First 200 Next 400 Next 400

+ (‘omputed for 11 months in the year because of
reduced summer rates.


Over 1,000

3 9.80 3 7.55

3 8.50 3 6.25

81.30 3 2-43

83.400 36.800

Monthly increase 313,000+



Four UK students arrested
on drug-related charges

Managing Editor

l-‘our l’niversity students were among 21
adults arrested Wednesday and Thursday
by local and federal narcotics agents on
various dnig-related charges.

The series of arrests is the result of a
yearlong undercover investigation into
the manufacture. interstate
transportation. saleand use of drugs in the
Lexington area. according to a release
from Lexington‘s Metro police Thursday.

against them are: Edwin Lee Moran. 20.
2315 Harmdsburg Rd. Apt. 61. freshman.
two counts of trafficking in marijuana. one
count possession of marijuana for use;
Robert Blair Poe. 20. 10 Dixie Ct.

Relations may improve between

U.S. and Cuban


United States and Cuba may be
converging in efforts to normalize
relations. according to Pat M. Holt. chief
of staff of the Senate Foreign Relations

Holt spoke to about 100 persons in the
Student Center Thursday night. His
speech was sponsored by the Patterson
School of Diplomacy.

IIE \‘ISITED Cuba from .lune 29 to July
8 on a fact—finding mission for the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee. It was the
first visit by any senior representative of
any part of the U.S. Government to
Castro‘s (‘uba s'mce 1956.

Holt 's visit was reluctantly authorized
by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on a
request from Sen. .l. W, Fulbright (D-
Ark). chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations (‘ommittee Previous
secretaries of state had rejected similar


“(.‘ubans give one the impression that
they would welcome a trend to normalize

relations with the U.S..“ Holt said. He
pointed out that he didn't know how long
the normalization process would take.

HOLT SAIDa change in (‘uban and U.S.
policy has support in the Senate.

The Soviet Union would probably favor
better relations between the U.S. and
Cuba. he said. But the Soviets are not
naive enough to think normalizing
relations with (‘uba would establish
grounds for US. aid. he added.

In his hour-long speech Holt told of his
discussions with (‘uban government
officials and the country‘s people.

IIE SMI) there has been a psychological
and economic change in (‘uba and there is
growing self-confidence among the

The average (‘uban now works a 44-hour

week plus another 30 hours for the
(‘ontintied en page Hi

sophomore. two counts of trafficking in
marijuana. one count of trafficking in a
schedule ll substance, one count
possession of marijuana; Sachiko Tanako.
21. 2315 Harrodsburg Rd. Apt. 61. one
count of trafficking in marijuana; and
Robert David Wilson. 22. 215 Ridgeway
l)r.. junior. one count possession of
cocaine. one count possession of

There are still 25 outstanding warrants
for persons charged with selling drugs to
undercover officers. ()ver 3100.000 worth
of thugs and marijuana have been seized
by local and federal narcotics agents,
Some juveniles were a mong those arrested
but officials declined to tell how many.

According to the release. the “roundup
of known drug users and pushers" begar
Monday night when Metro and federal
drug enforcement officers intercepted
about $10,000 in marijuana in Bowling
(ireen. The release stated the drugs were
destined for distribution in the Lexington

TIIE BOWLING Green arrests followed
another investigation which began last
week after approximately $46000 of speed
(crystal methadrine) was seized when it
was sold and delivered to an undercover
agent on Versailles Road. the release

Three persons from Ohio were arrested
in that incident. Metro police said. and the
ensuing arrests in Bowling Green forced
officials to make the concluding arrests.

“The arrests that followed in Bowling
(lreen forced the issue in Lexington and
officers were faced with a situation where
arrests had to be made for cases involving
circles of persons directly and indirectly
connected with interstate transportation
of controlled substances.“ the police
statement said.

In addition to the local arrests and
warrants. charges are expected to be filed
against persons transporting drugs to
Lexington from states as far away as




Ford's accuracy debatable

There is a term used by journalists called
"institutional bias." It refers to the power
of public officials to control what is printed
and broadcast because of their positions as
the most visible spokesmen in any public
controversy. Their statements are usually
the first to be printed and the most
prominently displayed. regardless of their


A good example of this power to get
statements about the extent of flooding in
Powell County after the recent heavy rains.

in the Sept. 51h issue of the Lexington
Leader he is quoted as saying “The water
has been up and down twice in the past
week. More than 6.000 acres were under
water yesterday; 5.400 acres are still under
water today. Damage to crops will exceed

headlines is Gov.

Survey tUSGSl figures for Aug. 31st and
Sept. 4th. the dates when the river reached
its highest points for that week. set the high
water marks at 13.85 and 12.77 feet above
normal. The USGS considers the river to be
at flood stage when the water flow reaches
5,000 cubic feet per second at a hieght of
about 14.8 feet above normal.

In the Environmental Impact Statement


3500.000. Such things as this are why I came normal.

out in favor of the dam —and I am attacked

for it."

The accuracy of Gov. Ford’s figures is. to
say the least. debatable. L'. S. Geological



prepared by the Army Corps of Engineers
on the Red River Lake project, it is tated
that a flood stage of 23.2 feet above normal
would be reduced by approximately 6.5 feet
if the dam was built. "with 6,700 acres less
land inundated.”

At 23.3 feet. nearly 7,500 acres of land
would be covered. A simple subtraction of
6.700 from 7.500 and 6.5 feet from 23.2 feet
leaves 800 acres flooded at 16.7 feet above

What all of these figures show is that

Ford's figures of “6.000 acres under



Letters to the editor

'If you pay for it, it's real'

While reading a homework
assignment I noticed that the
author kept making the
distinction between college life
and real life. I looked up. What is
he trying to say”. A wave of
Insecurity passed over me as l
trantically searched through my
nurse for my cancelled tuition
check. After all. Mama always
said. “If you paid for it. it‘s real."
Funny how these old adages
surface just when you need them.

There it was. right behind my
extra packets of Sweet and Low.
ltog-eared and slightly tear-
s-tained. my tuition check smiled
back at me. gently reassuring me
that whatever else college life
might be. it was realenough to be
expensive. A deep sigh of relief
escaped me as I settled back to
my books.

lhadn't read a paragraph when
an emotional discussion broke
out at the library table next to
me. A serious guy. with a deeply
turrowed brow and a hint of
facial hair was about to cry.
“()1in 14 people showed up at the
SG meeting. President
Singletary's speech to freshmen
was ca [led off for lack of interest.
There is no one to lead.” Another
tried to calm him. "I saw a
couple who missed the meeting.
they were trying to throw
something together about
amnesty or the (iorge or
something. I told them not to
miss any more meetings or they
would have plenty of free time "

l was afraid I was becoming
conspicuous as I had read the
same page five times. I quit
eavesdropping. quietly gathered
my books and left the library.
The fresh. damp air reminded me
of summer. I was invigorated, I
grabbed a campus newspaper
from the circulation cart. boldly.
arid strolled over the McLean
Stadiutn. There at the curb l
brushed away the concrete dust.
threw my books down and sat
right there. What freedom?

I opened the newspaper.
skipping campus news. national
and state news and began
reading the Letters to the editor.
\hhh. this was real life. college
life. ltebates on every side. Real
Issues and answers. Stories about
pickets. Mama was right. You
tlet what you pay for.

|.. Hitter


Bus shelters

The problem of bus shelters for
t‘tilllltllltt‘l‘S is one I think the
l niversity should re~consider on
its schedule of priorities for
Improvements. Obviously. the
shelters are needed because of
the rain. The lirst week of this
settiester is an excellent example
of waiting for buses in the rain.

Also. the intervals between
buses are sometimes as much as
to mtntttes lf buses operated as

water." when the water had crested at 13.8
feet above normal. is sheer nonsense. We
can only conclude that Gov. Ford is either
relying on some very poor sources for his

or he is deliberately

misleading the voters.

Undoubtedly, many people will accept
Gov. Ford's estimates without question.
The nature of his office gives his words a
weight that is hand to counter.

If the Red River Dam project needs such
as grossly inflated flood
damage estimates. then we can only say.
that such things as this are why we come
out against the darn.

scheduled. on intervals of 10
minutes.slanding without shelter
would be considerably easier to
tolerate. Finally. with the large
number of commuters. the buses
till tip fast. therefore. many have
to wait for another bus. Bus
shelters for commuters are not a
critical problem. but It is one that
affects many people daily.
Douglas .\. Ford
t5til .\le\andria llr.

Profit satire

I read with delight the satire in
the issue of Tuesday. 17
September. lp. :it on corporate
profits. The presentation of the
“Free Hitterprise-American
Business" system was
fascinating in its omission of any
discussion of tax structures.
government subsidization and
the inefficiency of all those
businesses now folding tmost of
which grew up on the luxury of
the 1960's».

Surely the author‘s name.
”Pliil Shewtnaker." is a pen-
tiame for a disenchanted faculty
member in Business
Administration, who is out to
ridicule the “Free Enterprise”
myth that students still bring
with them to college. My

Bruce S. Eastwood
.\.s.sociate Professor
More letters on page :i


.A‘ I f
I- .






Ford needs to put
new life in economy

Hy \l('l|til.\.\' \ t)\ IItll-‘l‘\l \\

\\ \Slll\t.'l‘tl\ _., .lt-t‘ry Ford
is not the first man to call an
“economic summit meeting "
'l‘liat honor tails to Herbert
Hoover. who did ‘o in his
capacity of
('ommerceto pull the country out
of the ltt2tt»:1l
President Harding addressed the
confen'nce and. ntstead of taking
its advice. practiced a little "old
time religion" that is. he did
nothing and business turned
good shortly thereafter of its owti

That was the last time. and
Harding's was the last
administration to act on the
proposition that the best thing
y 011 could dolor the economy is to
leave it alone. Hoover. despite
the reputation for doing nothing
that the Democrats stuck ltiiii
with. favored a large public
employment program and an
inflationary policy of expanding
the money supply to get the
chickens rolling off the assembly
lines and into the stew pots

St‘t'l‘etdt‘y tit


EIGHT YEARS later. as a
President faced with a worse
economic collapse. he put these
and a number of other ideas.
later attributed to Roosevelt and
the New Deal. into practice with
results that the older segment of
our population can tell you about.

A defense can be made for
Herbert Hoover and the policies
that he and the other men of the
'20s and '30s pursued. They were
based on what seemed the best
ideas of the times, and because
they‘d never been tried. who
could say for sure they wouldn‘t

But now. even conceding that
Hoover. engineer. administrator.
businessman and economist that
he was. knows more about the
subject dead than Ford does
alive. the current President
might still be observant enough


to \lll'lllk back from the kitid of
ecoiioiiitc thinking that has kept
its osciiiatmg between boom and
bits! for in years Instead.
littweyt't’. tlits t‘tttttt't‘etit'e
winch will be more like l-‘oi‘d‘s
first ltuma than any summit
will be dominated by the same
economists and businessman
whose advice and wisdom have
gotten its where we are

The front page of the New York
Times says the conference will
represent almost the “entire
spectrum" of American eco»
nomic thought. but it's not so The
difference between John Kenneth
Galbraith and Milton Friedman
isn't front A to 7. but from A to B.
and that's as wide a gap as will be
turning tip in Washington,

LIKE llooVFR. Friedman
believes you can call forth
prosperity by tinkering with the
money supply. arid that makes
him not a conservative but a
"right wing Keynesian." to quote
Walter Grinder. the thorough-
gotng. New Right. conservative
economist at Rutgers t7niveristy.
who was not invited, It is just as
well for the complicity of the
complacent that he wasn't.
because Professor Grinder would
have torn tip the turf,

Not only would he have pointed
otit that to balance the budget in
public. while continuing to inflate
the money supply in the quiet of
the Federal Reserve Board. is a
charade. he also undoubtedly
would have said that the decades
of governmental intervention in
our economy has produced a vast
system of what he calls ”lttill‘

By malinvestments he means
the putting of billions upon
billions of dollars into plants.
machinery and enterprises which
would go bankrupt if forced to
face a free market, but which are

(‘ontinued on pageft



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Selfish politicians
with little integrity
cause U.S. corruption


I find Margaret Week’s indictment of
“Capitalism" in the September 18 Kernel a
rather curious statement. To me it seems
to be characterized by analytical folderol
in laying the causes of “corruption” at the
feet of capitalism, and failure to provide a
defensible alternative to the problems
she cites.

First, she puts the blame in the wrong
place. “Capitalism" is not a political
system; it is an economic one, in which the
means of production are owned privately.
There are no necessary correlations
between the type of economic system and
the type of political system. One may
have, for instance. democratic socialism
or monarchic socialism (socialism being
the type of economic system in which the
means of production are owned by the
state). and even monarchic capitalism,
within bounds.

THIS IS an important point. Whatever
our woes are, they are due to our political
system, and not our economic system.
Thus, the “corruption" in the U. S. is due
to men putting personal gain above
integrity. This trait is not unique to the
l'.S.. and thus Ms. Weeks‘ charges are
illegitimate. Otherwise, the “corruption"
is due to an inherent reaction of any
responsive policy, and this also is not
unique to the U. S.

I hold the theory that government
responds to organized interests, interests
that resemble “clout" in the minds of men
who make policy, and do not respond to

Letters to the editor

unorganized interests, those without
“clout”. This theory seems logical, and is
rationally (and I think, superbly)
explained in Murray Edelman’s The
Symbolic Uses of Politics. The distinction
then, is not “rich” vs. “poor"; it is
“organized" vs. “unorganized”. Thus, the
“capitalist class”, as Ms. Weeks terms it
—whatever that may be —gets political
favors merely because it has organized
clout. No more. “Capitalism" and its evils
are simply not the issue here.

If what Ms. Weeks is charging were true,
then the poor, the non-“capitalist” class,
would never score significant gains in our
policy. Frankly, this is baloney. Note the
massive political and economic gains
made by the labor movement, a
phenomenon populated by lower~class
and lower middle-class economic status
people. This despite the direct opposition
of the capitalists. Note the Supreme
Court’s decision in 1954 to integrate our
schools, and subsequent moves in that
direction; note the series of Warren Court
decisions in favor of the rights of the
criminally accused; note the recent state
court decisions to make public education
finance more equitably distributed.

MS. WEEKS herself proves my point
when she states: “even the capitalist class
was unable to suppress the massive
movement against the war...The Duke
family‘s millions, the courts, company gun
thugs and state police were unable to keep
the miners from winning all of their just

demands...against the unity and fighting
spirit of the American people they are
actually weaklings...” Ah-hah! In other
words, the political system successfully
responded when made to do so by an
organized, viable interest. And notice the
channels the U. S. leaves open for this
victory: the free media, unconstipated
social mobility, and active interest group
lobbying (not bribing;studies have found,
despite recent and atypical spectacular
examples in the executive branch, bribes
to legislators are altogether rare). Please
let the state-controlled Soviet Pravda
speak for the defense here. Would it be
allowed to? The link between capitalism
and our troubles certainly is not made
clear in Ms. Weeks’ statement.


relied on massive printing of money to
solve all economic problems;

(2) “Allende’s ideologically-motivated
policy of intensification of the class
struggle, which was more effective in
solidifying middle and lower middle-class
opposition than in broadening his worker
and peasant support;

(3) “An Allende administration policy of
circumventing the law through legal
“loopholes" or non-enforcement of its
provisions —a policy which was opposed
by the Congress and a majority of the

(4) “Complicity in the stockpiling of
arms by leftist groups, the discovery of
which finally moved the Chilean armed
forces to act.”


'Government responds to organized interests,

interests that resemble ‘clout' in the minds of

men who make policy



Now to launch the offensive: Ms. Weeks
certainly offers us no non-“capitalist”
system by which we may model our policy.
If this is the case, I claim she is guilty of
Utopianism, and we should be left to labor
as best we can with what we have.

Her only explicitly stated example is
Chile, the “model of socialism through the
ballot box”. This is amusing. Far from
being the cause of U. S. and CIA
intervention, the Chilean coup was brought
about by Mr. Allende’s policies. Paul
Sigmund, Director of Graduate Studies
and Professor of Politics at Princeton,
reported in January, 1974, the main
reasons for Allende’s overthrow:

(1) “eventual runaway inflation (323 per
cent between July 1972 and July 1973)
caused not by lack of foreign assistance
but by a domestic economic policy —which

WHAT A MODEL! And as for other
communist-ideology based nations, say
the People’s Republic of China and the
USSR as the major examples —I prefer
the four deaths at Kent State and the
violence on other campuses, however
detestable the outcomes were to me, to the
massacre in the Sinic and Soviet purges of
past decades, the sudden “disappearance”
of national leaders (e. g., China’s Lin
Piao), and the active suppression of
intellectual dissidents as witnessed in

No, there are major flaws in the U. S.
political and economic systems, perhaps.
But a more cogent attack needs to be made
before we may discover the road to viable


Gil Skillman is an economics

It's getting harder to support Gov. Ford

It is becoming increasingly
difficult for any clear—thinking
Democrat to support Governor
Wendell Ford's candidacy. With
his foot firmly lodged in his

as were on the street, not the
sidewalk. l was riding on the a
proper side of the street, and was
hit by another bicyclcist using the
wrong side of the street.


to the

manipulation necessary to make
conservatism. comparable, say.
best efforts of William
Buckley. For example, take the


economic 'l‘ricky. no‘.’

are actually making.

But even better is his citing of
31 million stockholders as proof

truthfully to be sure, since he has
tactfully neglected to mention the
three tenths of one percent of the
US. population who own 58 per
cent of the corporate wealth.



mouth, Ford tthrough his
supporters) is now refusing to
debate his opponent. Senator
(‘ook, because of Ford's need “to
meet citizens on an individual

Could it be that our beloved
Governor is afraid of the
dynamic and witty Marlowe
('ook'.’ Perhaps Mr. Nick Carter,
of the UK Ford for Senator group,
knowling or unknowingly
summed it up best when he said,
“It «the ham issue) is extremely
emotional and anybody that
attends will already have made
up their minds m probably
against it.“ It appears the
Governor is afraid of the truth.

Kathy Brothers
Political Science
Honors Program


Poor editorial

.'\.\ one ol the unfortunate
participants in last Saturday's
bicycle accident, I wotild like to
protest your editorial in
'I‘liiiisday‘s "Kernel." We were
not playing ”Dodge-Enf" Both of

While I agree with the need for
bikepaths. more courtesy. and
better enforcement of rules
tafter all. if the law had been
applied here. my bicycle,
ambulance bill. and hospital bill
would probably have been paid
lor) I cannot appreciate your
shallow attempt to make
humorous a very serious

By naming it “Dodge-Em."
you have implied that bicyclists
are playing a game with
pedestrians. I do not know of any
case where a bicyclist
intentionally ran down a
pedestrian in game-fashion. I
also will not condone your use of
an irrelevant street accident to
illustrate your very necessary
plea for bike paths.

William A. Burkett

Sh rewd tactics

Phil Shewiiiaker‘s article Ill
'l‘iwsday‘s Kernel apologizmg tor
corporate profits is a classic
example of the shrewd statistical

way he quotes “actual industry-
wide profits" as a percentage of
sales. instead of as a percentage
of investment, which might give
us some idea of how much the

Economy needs new

(‘ontinued from page 2
bankrupting us because we are
constantly propping them up.

ALTHOUGH THE most publi-
ized means of providing such
subsidies are loans to companies
like Lockheed. far more of this
inflationary sort of money is
concentrated to such uses
through the operations of the
Federal Reserve System. You
can be sure, though. without the
presence of a Grinder or a
Murray Rothbard or any of the
other New Right economists,
there will be no structural
analysis of our sickened and
poisoned banking system.

The Secretary of the Treasury
will be able to continue to slink
off. as he recently did. to secret
meetings with the heads of

that "profits. contrary to popular
opinion. are diversified in their

"We are not talking about fat
cats.“ he writes. somewhat

foreign central banking systems
to enter into who knows what kind
of horrendous agreements. while
we are given Jerry Ford on
television playing 20 questions
with 20 professors rounded up by
Nelson Rockefeller's talent
scouts from the softest centers of
American erudition.

There will be no Grinder there
to tell him such heresies as the
interest rates are not yet high
enough, that “We have to go back
to gold...the people‘s only real
check on inflation.“ or that if the
present system of government
intervention continues we will
move from “political capitalism"
across a “tenuous line into an era
of economic fascism...l don't
mean hobnailed boots, but. such
increasing centralization that the
interventions are no longer solely
for business but for the state

Someone has indeed “done a
great propaganda job," and I
think it's obvious who it was.

Kenneth Ashby


itself. even though the state
apparatus is largely manned by

IT WAS EXACTLY this vision
which made Hoover. after
racking up record peace-time
budget deficits and practicing
economic intervention on a then
unheard of scale. draw back in
his last months in the White
House. Hoover. unlike Ford, did
not throw the burden of the
consequences of his acts on his
Creator, but tried to think them
through for himself. Ford does
not. and he won‘t have Professor
Grinder there to help him.


Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features









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University Senate Council

Course-Program Actions, effective: Fall, I974


The Senate Council circulates for your approval the following curricular
actions listed below. Objections will be accepted from University Senator
and faculty members and must be receiveived within ten days of rece it of
this notice to the appropriate Council designated below. All other
requirements for offering the courses or programs as approved below must

be met.



New Course:

PT 805

Functional Anatomy I (2)

Astudyof thefunctional aspects of the neixomusculoskeletal
systems, including the principles of the rmvement analysis
of muscles and joint action in activities and skills Emphasis
is on normal function.

Prerequisite. Acceptance into the Physical Thereapy
curriculum and concurrent with ANA BlivGross Anatomy.
Course Change:

PT 806

Functional Anatomy (Kinesiology) (3,

(Change in title, credits description and prerequisite.)
Change to:

PT 806

Functional Anatomy ll (2)

Continuation of PT 805 With emphasis placed at abna'mal
functions due to physical disability disturbances in na'mal
motion patterns.

Prereq: PT 805

Effective datefor bath the above (purses: Spring, W75



sw 444

Field Instruction (6-8)

(Change in prerequisite, description aid laboratory hours)
Change to :

sw 444

Field Instruction (6-!)

Diversified field irstruction, mder faculty direction, in a
wioe variety ofsettings. Students will have experiences that
utilize social work practiceskills with individuals and group