xt7r222r8398 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r8398/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1982 1982 1982-12-10 2020 true xt7r222r8398 section xt7r222r8398 “.1 . l a
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“ "alight"
fa” Chrlstmas wishes
1-)ér What do you want most for Christmas
this year” Some of the more prominnnt
ave-um - \ wrshes on campus are recorded on page
A527,: 9
Vol. LXXXV, No. 86 Friday, December IO, 1932 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky
institute . . I _I
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FrunAeeoduedPIeeemu I eéirwgpgw t:3:._::-.:'£F"Zf:3:'?-"7s.t $1
is”? "" 3".19 at? ~25 '1
ditt- "w" ". .“-. .4 4’ 5‘45“.“ 3-3 I I '
Mayer tried to buy TNT in Hazard “fit stages it. attests/ii I. R ea 90 n P U S h es SYS *9
e. ; ' - or; >~.i:' _;, .,.'
., “Jaw-,3 iii-fl ~35: Iggjzgge;..;..;-.a::;,.;».;.;;;.=‘::ea '3' b . d .
‘ HAZARD — Norman D. Mayer. the man who threatened to ...II s" it $1.53" 5a,; " at Rep U I lCCl n I“ n er
blow up the Washington Monument, tried to buy a truck- 393:?) ii" I“ 15%,}: 3:“. I
load of «two Imite here last May. state police Capt. James 5:4“; I " :J gartfflgegfihis f' '
Gray said yesterday. Mayer was questioned May 28 after a I2, - I‘ '2. 3% :riiiiss’tire,.‘i-I.:ifg+i§i . By FRED s. HOFFMAN
. .. ,. .r it}? ” »--grrt-:‘:"f rig-sear 4': . APMil' W '
tip from an anonymous caller, and was told he was not $965; gag . :I‘wé’ggfvggf s ltary nter
properly authorized to buy explosives. ' filth . gear; § ‘f. «315,33;

State Police Detective James Caudill. who interviewed one?“ 415:7 “t ‘i . ——~——~——._—___
Mover' in M01: said immdov that it;- WOS Pam" "*0 m0" “$9 - .'-..;_ § .263"5_=-'25;f*5:;.:—.‘L: 1 WASHINGTON — President Reagan took his fight for the MX
he talked to was the 68-year-old Miami Beach handyman gt) yr: 33% 73‘. nah-‘ ’ missiles directly to the Senate Republicans last night and told
who was killed by a police bullet Wednesday at the Wash- , g; :3; fig? 3 “,3 ' them the bill:I defeatsoonuld sgenihithe wrong message at the
. Man 9 about '0 rs :- .IjI‘ 3 g: I t": ‘--:t;.;:';i,i;;é;3;;~§kg}; wrong timeto enew Vlet lea r p."

"‘9?" umenthr'aye: h.“ 1“ ”“23: he id hou . . flax; m " oéawh“; I _ “If we expect the Soviets to take our arms control proposals
w" threats '° onae , “P “w” so W g: ij’ II it??? 23;“; *’ seriorsly. we met act seriomly with the choices we make,"
packed at fhebaseoftheobelisk. 32,: 534%}; yogi jg.~ g Reagan said.

. “. after h. 99'.“ not N? buy any ex 1;;‘;; my ,, figs“ He made his remarks in a prepared speech at a dimer for
plosives in the area. Caudtll said. Police did not obtain antiviral, II Republican senators at the Library of Congress, in what 3P-
criminal records on Mayer, who had two prior felony convi- “xgfi’fgttixzafi pl pear ed to be the opening gun in a campaign for public support in
citions, until after he had been released. " ‘3’" ,.._ .. the fight to get production funds for the missile restored by the

3; 347?”: 1415'“;- ; -;~ a 3 it's/1:, I'In Senate.
If? $3 H" {I’f'i'ui} ' Earlier Reagan said the Joint Chiefs of Staff agreed to sup-
Chryeler, workers reach mt g: i 3"»:3 ii‘i““*‘::;tfi€tfe:~zi -, ‘ port his decision for basing the new nuclear-tipped Mx missile in
55;. : j I‘M gh- III gnaw“ a “dense pack," even though three of the five chiefs opposed the
HIGHLAND PARK. Midi. -- Chrysler Corp. and the auto y" :1“ “:31? L=.~;ir5;§r}1’5f..:“‘:-T¢7'Tzi; ~. plan.
' «Lien: ’ "39% “7" ‘5? '2‘. ' Larry

workers union reached tentative agreement yesterday on g 9.7 r .' 7“ .1 :? 30th White House spokesman . Speakes and WW”
. . m .- I.;,Ip;.II « g ”I”; spokesman Henry Catto said the disclosure that a majority of
an immediate wage increase that paves the way for an end $12; p4,». I £6ng I 'e. I joint chiefs had counseled against “dense pack" would not

to a five-week-old Canadian strike and the signing of a new it; 3;} ' »-.'.— 7. (erg-ash thwart eventual approval in Congress.
contract for U.S. workers. ,3; ' in?“ ,3“; Speakes, saying the administration would work to block any

United IAute Workers union President Douglas A. Fraser ;~ . a, 1’4” 7, amendment to the IMX plain in theISenate. said the Joint Chiefs

said at a news conference that he was optimistic that the J It; . eyes “were Ilglamurgms InIthelIrIerzlcgomtlorIIedof Utremréeed at: intethelr
offer is?» of; 9:234 «Ix: suppor or 11118816." pom ou Sena vo .ex-

85'0“) ”‘5' Chm”. "mm "W“ accept fl" ”"' ' ' ‘ _....e'::;;~iiees?‘::.; pected soon, would deal with whether to build the missile. and

but refused to detail terms ofthe agreement. Agreement g “a (ff? ‘fhts‘r‘r . was not onthebasing plan,

on the Canadian W had ‘been announced yesterday 51’: "“3 “WI 3 *;«?Jf7a"Ii‘ He indicated the president was likely to make a public appeal

morning in Toronto. and top negotiators immediately flew ~13?" "“T as“ fortheMXinhisweekly radioaddress tothenation tomorrow.

back to Detroit to complete the U.S. talks. 4;“ W 1! 1’? dthe afternoon, Reagan called a reporter, saying he would

About 4,600 U.S. Chrysler workers were laid off because 31'2“” -' *9} " *5 “ conslIer other Ibasmg proposals. Some 30 proposals have been

. til-g... .I ~ _ .. :6 . exammedand discarded overtheyears.
of ports shortages from the Canadian strike, and they prob- 455-5 “~11; “a ‘ ’ . . . . .
ably will return two or three days after Canadian plants re. . g t”? igl‘rih {CI} 4, Earlier 1" the week, the House reJOjctedI nearly 31 billion
i . d Tho M' Ch . . i dent .551; (-1 .’ {3.3-3.1} fl», - sought by Reagan for production of the first five of an eventual
“"3" “"31" °"' ’9' mos 'M’r' '75 er vtce ”I” “t -_.:i}?f§r :3 335:} f t 100 MX missiles. Many who cast the “no" votes expressed reser-
of industrial relations. Chrysler escaped bankruptcy in 1980 . r 3‘. 1‘ $31.73; ‘3‘ ‘ , vations about the basing plan, which calls for bunching all the
with the help of loan guarantees from the U.S. and Canadi- vi" f"? ~§k¢fiviff '. ; missiles in an areaof Wyoming.
an governments and with union concessions that froze . F: 'J‘; it“? thgx‘rf .. . . The Home did approve. however, $2.5 billion for research and
was“ 0'1979lmls. . .; ,. wiser =3: hogs. . . development of the MX, close to the 9.45 billion approved by the
I.Ij»'f~'I. I. 2 5:2“; Igi‘hgz‘ $35.. I . l I ?‘ Senate Appropriations Committee,
;Z;£.5:;2i::ra "‘2' - we ‘37:] I j Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. assistant Senate Republican
"m m to My M09 my I "ft-5:2“ 3:31", ding” I. ‘ i ‘ . leader and chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee on de-
"fife-1 '5 r51 4' .«":";*".e I? ’ ,3 ' 1;; fense. predicted the MX funds would not win unrestricted appro-
VIASHINIOION -— The House voted yesterday to forbid the ~~ sit-e I his" 'II, - I: . . " val.
Justice Department from spending money for litigation that 1%.}: “I 5» 3‘4» _ - i, .. .- I Mme signs I see are that if the production money is to be 8P-
would require the forced busing of students to schools out- .IlgILf-{I IIWI“ i-‘Iei‘ .;‘ ~; 1 * “ ‘ proved, it willbefenced,“Stevens told reporters.
sidetheir neighborhoods. h h d MCIWVIWK-m's'a“ Sen. Ernest F. Hollings, D-S.C.. has said he will offer an

3 243-151 members attached may am.ndm.ny go a 9 amendment barring the administration from spending any

b'll' y . i * the J t' St ' arid T e s a ow knows money to build MX missiles until Congress has approved the ba-
t tan appropriaton measure or us ice, ae The doors to the Patterson Office Tower and the Classroom Building singplan.

Commerce dOPOTlMOMS. the “d."ll C097" and "'0’“ are seen as an endless stuggle to many who use them because of Stevens said the “fence" of whichhespoke mightbe the H01-

agencies for the fiscal year that began Oct. l. despite argu~ their heavyness. In this graphic photo, a student enters the tower as lings amendment or something else, such as a deadline for Con-

ments by the bill's manager. Rep. Neal Smith. D~lowa, that the late afternoon sun points the floor with shadows. gross todisapprove the basing mode.

the provision could mean that the legislation would not be-

come law because of opposition in the Senate. I I I .

Smith also contended that the measure. similar to one I radltlons o rlstmas Show var'ety
Collins pushed through the House last year, was not needed
because the Reagan administration already has a policy ized the promise of life in winter-
agoinst seeking court-ordered busing for racial integration BYCURT ANDERSON . . .I time. according toDawson's book.
of schools. Staff Writer ;’~ f I To the north. in the ancient Saxon

The Senate passed on anti-busing measure of its own. , ‘7 IMlIVi‘ch. Egds now kaFmaS mac: 3nd

- - ~ - —____,___ f " _- .,f. x Es . , . rmany. 3 WI er ce ra ion
but the two houses never got the provtston tn the some bill. I'h II "‘="-=5~°;*.f h; nyI _ known as “Juletide” (m oderni zed to

A I Christmas in America is a time of e *I 'iifi‘? :31 ;II;’I ‘ofi Yuletide) was observed near the end

"nan-3c mm M familiesofworship.offestivities. . . '. 'rfz. ‘ Hi". of December.
y In this country, Christmas brings ..: 4;: ». Wkly“:- Dawson‘s book states that “the
. people together who never see each . y - fl ’ ‘ I:i."'"gig._ people strung bonds of holly over
SAN m’ m’ " 5". Bowen, 30' hospitalized l” WM" other. and it makes nearly everyone . _ wig; .. .IJ/e t _ -' #1.": “' their homes as symbols of everlast-
apmrod to b- a stroke Nov. 26. may have been poison-d just a little happier with life. We rel- "aw-a )f z _ 1-5 13.3. mg lite, they drank beer or mead to
by a capsule of Anocin-3 that had been laced with cyanide, ish our traditions: the tree, the gifts. . I gm % x ' 55"‘151? .' I. " t;_'i-’I honor the gut and offered gifts to
u ~ I ’d the bigdinners. \..I, . f . ’ ifhfifitu those thatwereespecially poor.“
stateo icla ssat yesterday. . . . w/ r in; ., ,,
Doct All those traditions — where did ' -..'€'~’\‘»‘.' Cultures all Over the world held
are diagnosed a stroke, according to a police report, ., . . . . «I kyle.- . . . .
. they come from. While religiom Slg~ , . 7,... Winter festivals. including the
_ her husband. took the capsule: to his doctor. who Pond nificance is a big part of Christmas. ' Iraqflxj; Chinese. the Incas and Europeans.
them on to the state Department Of Health for analysis. other traditions survive from other ,5. I , ”m5- It is from old Europe that many of
Wednesday the state reported that at least one of the cap- sources. I _ ' 1.1;?" 2-2;“ I the traditions of Clu‘istmas in the
soles remaining in the bottle, and possibly two others. had a: fihoficm:ziérefigengtni I t ,5, c. . « #69} xwfi gagged suites have come, Damel
' w ‘ ~ . ”bi?" " . ‘ l"; . . » 1 ~ .
been laced with cyanide. . hard to come by. according to pro . f ‘r -‘I .I. .931. 3, '-_ . " >4 ‘ “It‘s perfectly valid to say that,
"‘0 5°" 1°” NOW! “I‘d "‘0 WOW" Md 500" Polwmd fessorofhistory ER. Daniel. v4 n1 9;; . ‘3‘ , ' ' becauseofourheritage.“hesaid.
by cyanide, but authorities said they were not certain of “My own feeling is that there is no r ' . .tfg— ‘4 an 2-. ' Gift-giving is one of these tradi—
this. Thecapsules come from lot No. F229. way to pin down when he was born." , A _ ‘ 1» tiom. While it can be said that the
Daniel said. “Nobody was in any [)0 l " fl. m : gold. frankincense and myrrh
sition to know when Christ was born. I ‘ w - ' f7: ,-_ X / brought by the wise men in the goo.
\ The most accurate of the gospels. ‘; "igf - ’ ~‘_ 3;. tht/ pels are one root of the gift-giving
/ that of Mark. doesn‘t even mention ' . . L' 7 ‘ tradition, the tradition is found in
I \ thebirth." _7~—_ V 1—— ' l.lmM"ILD/lelnel5‘all many cultures. What about the
History shows that in the fourth fronted with the task of making be- lts Association. writes, ”There is greatest giver of all in popular leg-
WEAT l — century AD. the bishop of Rome. lievel-s out of large numbers of pea- some probability that Dec. 25 was end: Santa Clara?
Julius I. after “strict inquiries on ple" in its early yeals. Daniel said. chosen in order to substitute the pu- As the name suggests. Old Saint
. / \ the subject.“ decided Dec. 25 “tel “The leaders of the church realized rifled joy of a Christian festival for Nick is of Germanic origin. Accord-
lowed the best authenticated tradi- that they could do nothing more the licenseofRoman Saturnalia." ing to Hamilton College. N.Y.. pro-
tion" concerning thedate of Christ's than wean people away from the Saturnalia was characterized by lessor of anthropology Earl W.
Meetly sunny and warmer tedey wlth a high In the birth. older religions." wild celebration. huge dimers and a Count. in his book 4000 Years of
log]... However, many believe that part Festivals such as the Roman Sa< night when servants supplanted Christmas. the legend stems from
' m.” laud" lenl'h percent chance of the reason Dec. 25 was chosen as turnalia, a celebration of the sun‘s their masters and were allowed the life of Saint Nicholas. who lived
' ‘ "In” h c I | ' "tn-n3“. “ the date of the nativity stems from reaching winter solstice and the power over them. Much of this can inthefourth century AD.
m . the church's need to “baptize" the promise of its return to summer be seen today in our New Year's Saint Nicholas' exploits are re-
leln Ike” team '0th e M.“ l" the II“ '. winter pagan festivals, according to strength, were held in antiquity on Eve celebrations. In addition. the corded throughout Europe. He was
W“. Daniel. or about Dec. 25. Historian W F Romans decorated their homes with the protector of men at sea and of
“The Christian Church was con- Dawson. in his book Christmas and holly and mistletoe. which symbol- SeeI'IADlTIONJ’ageO

mel ,
It" Motion Albino-rm John MINI-i loom W. m Uni t. l.“- J... VIII“... MCIW “
Editor in (Net News Editor Arte Editor Sports Editor Special Probe" Editor Photo Editor Graphite Editor
Monoglngidiior Idllo'rolfdrlor AumomAm Editor AuinaniSpornEdnor Spociol'ropecuAumom Chid'horogmpher Copy Desi- that l;
. I ,3:
I t
. 3i
“Have yourself a merry little Christmas, One would be hard-pressed to discount the "WI/[,ZI/Il/I’YZW/ ' ”’W‘- L" ":-
Let your heart be bright, parallels between the Christmas of 1932 and \ \. I “)5, 5/ ". ' I\\C ‘l, ;
From nowon, the Christmas of 1982. The depression the All)... I ‘l I??? 75\\ ,",‘f :I
Our troubles will be out Of sight.” world’s economy is currently suffering has - .;. h g? {4%. a ’O l" S f
“Have YourselfA Merry Little Christmas" been acknowledged by nearly all except the l (,r‘.’ ' %%GY\ \ 3/; I ;
By Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane politicians. Hundreds queue up days before a: “r ' _ €13; ft, 71,44ng: _: ‘_
employment offices open applications for a g l‘ r ‘39} ' g ‘-I 7’}(,’/\'T . Z/ ,1, i".- 7:3":
“we have no desire, Heaven knows, to handful of jobs. 15;: ‘ .l \ / . I {'51)}: V/ ,/ 1' y Io
make anyone needlessly gloomy at this sea- Fully 11 million people have been idled by $3, Mi \. " .7 ., ///?//////////” x "’ '_'_., .g...‘ fa;
. _ . . =i . \ - ’ l ' ‘ l , ‘ $5:
son of holiday cheer, and we suggest that a record number of busmess failures and =3. t, . — . a, / . I, l m . .. E
any reader who thinks that things are Just cutbacks. America is incapable of caring for ‘ E / III {III I," . ,y/ E2 . t ’8 .._
fine and dandy should skip this paragraph. its senior citizens, who live in constant fear a % , m try/W, / 5:51". f’. "A
For ourselves, we must admit that as we of losing their sole means of income. Nation- %‘ III I 1 r W?
survey the state of affairs, we shouldn’t be al pride and morale is nearing an all-time ¢/ = - J is 3 l‘ ‘l .,
at all surprised if Santa Claus, after a simi- low. 7%‘ . W3 , f r‘ f" ' U: ;'
lar survey, were to turn around, go back to And in the halls of the world’s govem- ///. I if if“. ‘g, I a? _ ’ I ,I g
the North Pole, lock himself into his ments, swords are clanging with increasing . ._ % . " ‘h‘p , Q.) £5;
workshop and indulge in a good cry. For who frequency, The race to Outdo one another in g O .1 % ' "I- lit, 1%,. . y f
- - - n . . . ‘ -. . ' 23.5.33 .
can bemerry ina world like this? the nuclear extinction of the planet lS chok- ‘ =*i%:;;;-a:., ”/E %Q “7-“ {a Q.
Although the preVious statement could ing the citizens of the world’s largest coun- , . ., I I /i I . if", ’1-
have been written or spoken by any of our try and motivating citizens of the world’s I: * l I %* “I! I , I ,," 6; ‘7
contemporaries, it was actually written 50 richest country to mobilize by the millions I; I II IIl r//////(/% 0" ‘1 emails” {if ' .'
years 380 this Christmas by the editors of against their leaders — and in the case of ,,‘l I , . ' ' “\u,f§§é‘h III ' “’ .ll' ,'
The New Republic. . . one man, to threaten destruction of the mon- I!“ . 1' III; II 51:, _ " ”.37!” . _ It} fits». yawn/fl pl . ‘ , MI E
At that‘tlme. 35 million peOple were out of ument dedicated tothefather ofthecountry. "I: ‘ {HI WI , ,I'li‘l.""",l,’.‘,'ui'.,,~.\' ,¢.€‘/’I44134//(;*°i ‘ritall '
work in the industrialized countries;Isome During this feast of feasts commemorating II I II g I «‘tl":tll"l'§ I‘I' lI‘t’él/ M17374 .1' {I I j ”I, , ,
were starving; some had actually dled 0f the birth of the Messiah, while millions I“ n I' %/ ~ ' l' l: “.M V“.I”5‘~t'/’/'/7/H’7"ur ' III?
. . . . . . . . II . % {IlII ,l “to ml-i ‘ ' ////r'u.\l"‘ '/ . I‘
starvation. The Depresswn was only pre- strive in vain to fulfill the Wishes of their I, ll’ W e .Z ,. I , III ninth.) éI/I/ inf." III! ~ I
dicted to be over; the various business in- loved ones and the world alike, it is worth I I. 1 II %% Ill It'll I w r; III")! I , It? I, 5 H.
dices revealed merely seasonal rises. Bitter noting that New Republic editorial. “Clear- - {<5} ? , ‘l III II, ,I I! It I, fir" I III , J, 3" if ' i5 ‘ w
feelings were surfacing on both sides of the ly,” it said, “the only man who can say ‘l {3"}? 1’ II I ll I l' ?/".IIIIlIIIl.‘. l‘ , , W I I’;.i__‘ II
Atlantic and the Pacific; and the danger of ‘Merry Christmas!’ wholeheartedly is one ..),i@{ fl" l' I i ,~.ll ‘I. I: , I " ,I r l‘ iiiil'l
armed conflict somewhere in the world who has spent the last few years in bed with «bl ' in! ‘ ' ‘ ’ 'j'E-E
loomed larger and larger. the covers pulled over him.”
The quest for Christmas spirit and ' th W' d C 't
The party last Friday night was a good It was then and there that I decided to Southside station - I can’t remember the a Christmas tree with candles and crystal But you'll never hear that from a true
one: for a few hours, a few friends gathered makethepilgrimage. call letters — that plays Chi-town blues ex- ornaments, a group of children played in a Chicagoan. Michigan Avenue may have the
in their hosts' downtown apartment, talking clusively, hilt tonoavail. snowy street — 10 windows held lovingly de- corner on haute couture, but the city’s heart
and laughing whilethebeer flowed freely. . I was almost 400 miles from home, hung tailed scenes. still beats in the Loop, somewhere under
As Is “tool In thls season, the conversation John, my arts editor, has traveled farther over and nearly broke. And I couldn’t even I. Magnin, too, had gone allout in its win- MarshallField’s andtheBlackhawk.
eventually turned to Christmas - after all, than I ever expect to. He's seen Paris, Lon- play the blues. My spirit was slipping fast dow dressing, as had Lord & Taylor at the Disk was falling as we turned the comer
It was a Christmas party. even if the outside don, Barcelona and the countryside of Eu- whenthepromisedlandloomed ahead. Hancock Center. But Nieman-Marcus, un- from Wabash Avenue. As we strolled by the
temperature was 70 degreee. rope. To him — even more than me — the That skyline — the Sears Tower, a black- fortunately, was still under construction — l towering Christmas tree near the river,
“—— small-town atmosphere of Lexington is sti- horned giant thristing through the clouds; had wanted to see the customized his-and- State Street hustled with activity. Music
fling. the Standard Oil building like a white pillar hers Rolls Royces. played and the banners on lampposts de-
M A few weeks ago, in the midst of a drunk- to heaven; the Hancock Tower lost in the I settled instead for an unnerving trip to claring “Christmas in Chicago” swayed in
en weekend, I suggested —- more in jest fog. You can have New York —- Chicago Images Lounge on the 96th floor of the Han- the wind. Colored liyits festooned every
than not — that we get away to a real city, does it for me. cock Center, ascending at eight feet per sec- storefront, and bell-ringing Santas stood on
. STEIDEN ifonly foradiiy. ond in an elevator that shook as though it every street corner. A policeman on horse-
“After all,” I said, “Chicago's only about . were contemplating a plunge to the third back was surrounded byaknot of children.
——__._§_~ 375 miles.” The Grant Park garage always scares the sub‘basement. . EVER Scrooge would have been over-
The consensus was that Lexington’s Yule- We laughed and parted company. But hell out of me. Somewhere in its dank bo- But the viewwas tantrum the extraordl- whelmedbythehollday spirit.
tide spirit leaves something to be desired. somewhere in the back of both of clir minds, wels, I am convinced, lurks a minotaur — nary constellation 0f elty llBhtS that had In front of Marshall Field’s, thousands
Sure, there‘s a Christmas tree in Triangle the idea lingered. John mentioned it in pass- half man, half bull — lounging in a jet black mesmerized me on my last ViSlt to the Sec- lined the sidewalk to view what was billed
Park and. over Thanksgiving, there was a ing several times, saying he would go when- Continentalinwaitof innocent tom-ists. 0nd City’s highest bar. Clouds envelopedIthe as the best Christmas display in Chicago,
Christmas parade on Main Street for the everlwas ready. But no monsters were in evidence as we hlllldills except on the northeast side, and the tiny shops packed with electronic
first time in almost 40 years. The city even 1n the wee hours of Saturday morning, I joined the party in progress on Michigan cleared by Prevailing winch off the lake. knick-knacks were doing a booming busi-
put Christmas lights on the saplings lining was. Avenue. 'I‘hetables werejammed. ness -— John found a tape recorder he
thesidewalks. . Car horns played and bag-toters danced to We survived the equally harrowing trip to wanted selling for half the price he would
But where are the downtown window dis- . the rhythm of the traffic lights, Up the the lobby, ears popping all the way, and re- have paid in Lexington and shook the
plays? The crowds of shoppers? The street [awoke at 10 am, laying in the front seat street, a traffic cap blew an elaborate riff Joinedthecrowdsonthestreet. . clerk’s hand in appreciation.
vendors hawking holly and bunting? of the car parked at a truck stop somewhere on his whistle. As we resumed our stI'Oll down the Mlle. Numbed by the cold, we dodged into a de-
Even at Christmas time, downtown Lex- north of Indianapolis. John was sacked out Across the liver that flows backwards, it became obvious we had ignored the all- partment store to admire the hand-tailored
ington is dark and silent, like a city intheback. the sidewalls were jammed with depart- important change of latitude 1n the sponla- suits and Stetson hats. l was fantaslzlns
blacked-out in anticipation of bombs that The keys were on the seat beside me. Chi- merit-store denizens. l bowed in the direc- neity of our departure. lwas weanns only a about a bottle offss Bordeaux when I no
neverfall. cago beckoned, as did the responsibilities I tion of the Sun-Times building and prayed to wmdbreaker. John a light sweater, appro need the time — it would be allnost 5 am.
It made me homesick for a city about 100 left behind. Royko; we touched the piece of Stonehenge priate for the weather we had left behind. Sunday when we reached bemoan. and
miles north of here. Every year at about For a few moments I hesitated, then embedded in the face of the Tribune build- BUt 1" Chicago, snow threatened. hOth 0f ‘5 were beginning to feel 8 blt guilty
this time, the city’s heart overflows with started the car and pulled out of the parking ing. We dodged into the marble palace of Wa- about runmng off on what should have been
Christmas decorations and shoppers, and lot. No minutes later, we were back on 1- Is ped at no tan d to b a of tertower Place to warm and were drawn awork-filled weekend. .
the department stores compete against one 65. Heading north. the 83mm”: "$335 Saturdauyaftgglggon into its dozen floors of first-class empori- We dashed out the door, intending to
another with elaborate, animated displays. b t the Sunda bull edit'oy er aly ums. . sprint back to the garage, when l was dis-
The utility company gets into the act, too, 0 u d o t Aft: (1.03 f r1 J: w e l The mall had been invaded by a multl- tracted by something I hadn't seen in years
setting up a massive model train display in Gary, 1nd,, on the eastern edge of Chi- reached" "th r gm?) ° b 't :19” . t- tildes of shoppers — not a square inch was — a sidewalk stand selling cappucino and
its lobby. €880, is among the Earth's bleakest land- ace in {linemen in mg“ kerwitlipt‘l’ie left untrod as thousands lined up to ascend hotchestnuts.
The spirit is contagiors. Even as a child scapes. Giant steel mills new empty line "8 y y ,p°° the escalators or ride one of the three dan- , ,
. . - _ . . . v _ . , other. Butthevendorwouldn tlet go. i l 'ded l A few minutes later, l stood on the Side-
Who hated shopping mm. 1 used to ant": either 81* 0f the highway. The horizon IS a gem y over 08de glass-SI e ”3”” walk 8i i the wen-u] coffee and watch-
ipate the trek downtown with widecyed ea- forest of smokcsmcks, but the sky, usually “Make sure you got your billfold back in .After a few hours, mod of queuing up and . “fligtfim? I was out $50
gemess (“Do we go downtown today?"). To redwith smokeandash, was merely gray. your pocket first,” he admonished. “If you flghtllls the CFOWd. l dressed John, kicking cudld and tired Batman“; hadn’t di ’
me, it was like being invited to a citywide Istubbed out my cigarette, frowning; this drop it in this crowd, somebody’ll grab it andscreammsbackoutontothesndewalk. pointed me Deg “e a" we?” of the 5:;
party. depression scene wasn’t exactly bolster-ii; beforeyoucanturnaroundtopickitup." llefore we left. we had one last place to st the 3". mg“ iritlivedon y
The conversation turned to other matters, my Christmas mood. I began to wonder if Thereafter, I checked my back pocket VlSlt- pa ’ p ’
so I excmed myself. stepping outside for a Chicago would be celebrati the holida with resularlty- ' e -
moment to listen ‘0 the city. Midnight Fri- afterall. n8 ys . Some people say State Street has gone figmithzfdgbfigfiretztflfim' I could see
day,I and all was Sllent. If the planes were Gary passed quickly, and soon we were We joined the crowd gaping at Saks’ Vic- downhill in the past few years — that its ‘
coming, they could have been heard miles weaving through the traffic on the Skyway. torian Christmas panorama: dancers sa- former glory has been superseded by the 3'” 5’91“" ‘3 '1 l°“"'“""" ’°"‘°" “”1
away. I had John search the radio dial for a little shayed in a bay window, a family decorated Mile. Kernel editor-in-Chlef- if
B d — f ' I ' ’ h ' ' "
are om ram glr s to exams, It s everyw are In life
Bore, boring, bored! bored lately. - If you find yourself doing at least self, “I did some silly things, but it A typical Sunday morning usually Fortunately, I have tickets to the If
Few thlnss are worse or more You can usually tell when you are one of these things, chances are you was all worth it forthegirllloved." is filled with boredom. I generally next basketball game. This weekend :-
common than boredom. Boredom bored If you find VOW" dome are bored. If you find yourself doing All this self-reflection only gets wake up at 10 a.m., sometimes my not be as boring as isual. i;
really seems to strike its nughtlest someofthIefollowlng: I . two or more of the above items, you me really down and out. And when later, depending upon what time I Thanks, Joe Hall, you know how to t,
————_ 0 'hirmng the teleVision set to can count yourself off as a lost I’m depressed, I get even more arrived home the night before. After break a student's bout with bore- ‘1_
channel i3Iond watclunIg thesItatlc. cause. bored! A real catch-n. lying in bed for about an hour or so, dom! —
,3, 0 Coming the half lOthleS 0n Probably, one of the worst side ef- And now we’re about to enter fi- I lazily take a shower, get dressed Scott Wilhoii is a journalism and 1
3”" your arms- . fects of boredom is depression. [get nals. Finals ought to be eliminated and get something toeat. telecommunications sophomore and
WILHOIT a Reading the Spring semester very depressed when I get bored, simply because they are boring. i This usually takes me up to aKernelstaffwriterandcolumriist. 1
‘ class schedule catalog from cover to With "“th to do, my mind begins mean, just look at the way the around noon, and then my problem
—‘—h cover. I I I I to reflect back on past girlfriends exams have been given over the begins, There is nothing todoafterl People submmlng letters to
. . 0 Watching highlights of Jerrys and imagomppig times. pestfewyeais. finish lunch. Nothing is on TV. Noth- the Kentucky Kora-l should ad-
blowI agaiiistIcollege students. With crewmeetion. I lbegin to wonder why i did some Every semester, students begin to ing is happening on campus, And drue their «:1an: typod and '
nothing on this earth happonmg. ho - Reading columns on how boring of the thim I did, all in the name of worry about final exams. Every se- nothingisgoingonin Lexington! “vile-waned to tho odltorlol «—
redom sets in. And I have been boredomis. love. “Yeah," I would think to my- master, students spend hours we I wish there was some way to "or o! "4 Journ-llun lulldlne — 3
® - n paring for the tests. Every semes- eliminate Sundays. Oh, i guess UK.l-ulnelon.xy.aosoe-ooe2.
DRABBLE by Kevm F090 ter, students buy their little blue they're not too bad once in a while, letter! should be limited to ‘
l . l . books, pencils and pens. And every but Sundays seem to come every 250 we"! 0' to“ and Opinions '
HEREOAO. ITS A MALT“ WINK. lTS MAW mill "MM a GNU year,studentsfretovertheresults. week! And every Sunday, 1 get M“ h "Mn“ mm "a“ 0'
1 idealist) lT larcefmlrl, "A was. . ,H
Fl fill it STRWRRIE ,. r . How bonngcanyouget.. bondalloveragaln. lou-
N,‘ ,, "N5“ - ‘ - 5 f , . Nothing ever changes! Why not l have tried doing homework on Wrioen mun include ”loll
( r ,, $3 1 _ . CW I. cancel exams for the sake of break- Sundays. But doing homework when new. our-u». telephone
' t '0, . _ 3 ing the monotony! Why not say the you are bored gets really boring numbers and their mien, cloni-
_ g, 95$ ‘ hell with finals, President Sin- fast. Reading is even worse. Worth tie-lions or connecolon with on.
,p ' V \g ;" v 'I \ .l gletery! Come on, let’s be original, onepegegetewfullyrepetitiom. lndontlflo-flon will 5. and.“
- \. B r \r‘t ;! t F v» ; not boring! Well, this column is getting pretty and verified More pubilcono...
A I ‘ 6535-129? @ \‘ Boredom also seems at its worse boring. I’m getting bored jut wrlt- the Kernel reserve. oh. min
I I - M ‘4 z,” ’ = whenitcomesonSund-y. ing aboutboredom. to «in too .remr. an", .M
4” Sundays are always boring. Noth- Bore, boriiu, boredom! Yep, that length and to eliminate libero...
. ; oru2wmrb-rursm-n mr. g . ingeverhappensonSundays! jut aboutsaysitall! mien-l.

 j _ g , "mummmura-a
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 m 1., I“?
.. it is a ren- ' ‘ 3 3% '
: . landscape- Ram?" - ' ‘ :. "l: .. @235
. roughl mnee and the grandeur 0f hrs tSUb dering of figures m 3. hndsgzzt: r u v r ' ' ‘t 9 V A I '
has 'been captured m/ attzuwioi jects. Actually. he 5‘39"“ ‘0 cap m brilliantly lit: 5° mmfiyfis tonal O“ '5' " I 9! 9 1
M“ S‘"g°'$"g°m 'ue pms mm“ b'°g-r?t}yn:rsmxer Sc" mmka' some of the m by the 'F’ddifizi‘flfitosee." 38‘0““ ~ " ' V
Carter Ratcllff/Abbe“ ' by Carter Ratcm’ o Retel