xt7r222r844w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r844w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1988 1988 1988-02-16 2020 true xt7r222r844w section xt7r222r844w  






David Lee Roth’s new album is simply
horrible. SEE PAGE 3.





UK prepares to face
Tennessee. SEE PAGE 2.


Tomorrow: Cloudy, rain likely






Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. No. 109


em 1894


independent since 1971

Tuesday, February 1 6, 1 988


irwan to go co-ed this fall

News Editor

Kirwan Tower will be a partially
coeducational residence hall begin-
ning this fall.

In an attempt to meet growing fe-
male requests for co-ed housing, UK
is going to create a coed unit in Kir—
wan Tower (which is currently an
all male hall), said Bob Clay, acting
director of residence life.

At least the first eight floors of
Kirwan Tower will be co-ed, leaving
all men in the rest of the building.

There could be more co-ed floors,
depending upon the number of appli—
cations for coed housing next fall,
Clay said.

The eight or more floors will alter-
nate as to their gender classifies
tion, Clay said.

only sophomores and above are
considered for coed housing.

Clay said that UK is making this
move because more women request-
ed campus housing than men last
year and UK expects that situation
to remain the same this year.

By the first day of classes last
fall. 3,898 men and 4,389 women
(8,827 total) had applied for 5,327
available spaces. After 2,231 appli-
cants canceled, 365 applicants re-
mained on the waiting list, said
Penny Cox, director of UK Housing.

Of those on the waiting list, 228

were female and 137 were males,
Cox said.

After the dust of applicant
cancellations and placements had
cleared “we had about 100 too many
male spaces and too too few female
spaces," Clay said.

So to remedy the situation, Clay
said that Residence Life and UK
Housing decided to take away about
100 male spaces and give them to fe-
males. The only question was where,
Clay said.

Originally the University had con-
sidered three tentative locations —
Holmes Hall. Haggin Hall, and Kir-
wan Tower. Haggin and Holmes
were ruled out as possibilities leav-
ing only Kirwan Tower, Clay said.

“Haggin has 32 outside doors and
from a safety aspect we decided
against that," Clay said.

Holmes, which would have been
made totally co-ed, was ruled out
because of the fact that quality
housing would have been taken
away from a lot of freshmen men
that “wouldn’t find another hall as
desirable," Clay said.

Kirwan was found to be the most
feasible because it ”gives us the
ability to meet 100 percent of our co~
ed demand," Clay said.

“Our big requests . . .
ed housing," Cox said.

“What should happen is that the
waiting list (in the falll should be

See KIRWAN, Page 7

are for co-


MARK ZEROFr Karel Sta”

Contributing Writer

Ever had a potential date ask you
to “say something sexy to me in
your best Buckwheat voice?"

Neither had Wade Mitchell until
last night when he played the UK
Student Activities Board‘s version of
the Dating Game.

Mitchell, along with two other
bachelors, was trying to convince


the lovely bachelorette that he
would be the most fun, or at least
most interesting. on a date.

“I saw the ad in the Kernel and
felt spontaneous that day, so I decid-
ed to give it a try. It was a lot of
fun,“ Mitchell said. “I think I lost
it," he added, “when I told her that
shooting rats at the junkyard would
beafun firstdate."

Elaine Munson (top) laughs at an answer given to her last night in answer. but Payne laughed last as he won the date with the bache-
the SAB Dating Game. Wade Mitchell (right) laughs at Brian Payne’s loretteinthethird game.

SAB’s dating game held
in front of large crowd

The Dating Game, hosted by I’-

See DATING. Page 7



MARK (EMF/Kernel Staff


Jesse Jackson Jr. to appear on campus

volunteer for the Jackson ‘88 Cam-
paign,“ Dunn said.

Staff Writer

The Rev. Jesse Jackson can’t visit
UK, but his son can.

Jesse Jackson Jr. will arrive in
central Kentucky tomorrow morning
to hit cities in the state his father
misses, said Linda Brown, commu-
nications and press director of the
Jackson ‘88 Campaign.

Jackson will speak at 4 pm. to-
morrow in 206 Student Center said
Mary Dunn, 6th congressional dis-
trict office staff assisant of the Jack-
son Kentucky ’88 Campaign.

Jackson, a graduate of North Car-
olina A & T, is the youth and student
coordinator for the Southern region,
Brown said.

Brown said Jackson may speak to
an area high school. Following that
he will speak at Kentucky State Uni-
versity at 2 pm.

“He was invited by Kentucky
State; he is a surrogate speaker for
the campaign.“ Brown said.

cern the “importance of helm in-

volved and the effect the presidency
can have on the south.“ she said.

“We received a call over the
weekend that Jesse Jackson Jr.
would be speaking at Kentucky
State and University of Kentucky,“
Dunn said.

“Kentucky is one of 15 Southern
region states Jesse Jackson Jr. will

Martin Luther

Staff Writer

Coretta Scott King, wife of slain
civil rights activist Martin Luther
King Jr., will speak at 8 tonight in
the Student Center Ballroom.

King is the President and Chief
Executive Officer of the Martin Lu-
ther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent
Social Change in Atlanta. The Cen-
ter was established Jan. 15. m
(the first birthday observed after
King's assassination) in memory of
King's civil rlghts legacy.

The Center is the basis for King‘s

visit," Brown said. “His next stop is

The speeches will be very infor-
mal, Dunn said. He is a college-age

Jackson's Kentucky supporters
Wlll have the opportunity to hear the


Male applicants
(2,525 available)

applied for




Total student

Female applicants
(2,802 available)

applied toV
4,389 Spaces










on waiting













Jl‘. waiting














' .- "ol urea“ .

Student advocates
to meet with Gov.

Staff Writer

ln 3 press confercncc promoting
today‘s rally for higher t‘dut‘itllilll.
Student (iovernnicnt Assttt‘ltilllill
Senator at Large David Botkiiis vie
tended a personal invitation to l,o\
Wallace Wilkinson to meet with the
students on the steps ot the (‘apitoi

But he wasa little late

David llolton, the student iiicinlw'
of the (‘ouncil on Higher Education
and chairman of the Student \dvo
cates for Higher Educatw rw
ceived confirmation of an titltl . om-
with Wilkinson Saturday afternoon

“The march was organized by the
Student Advocates lor Higher littd
cation. planned by this group of rill
dents with careful thought about
how the day can be best handled to
give the best message to the govt-r
nor," Holton said.

“David had no business inviting
the governor to meet with the stu-
dents on the steps of lllt‘ t‘apitol '
Holton said. “He ‘BtllklllS‘ \von't tic
anywherc near the governor]

Getting this audience with the gov
ernor has been in the making our
months, said (.‘yndi \M-avcr. S(;.-\

Botkins~ personal imitation was
a typically irrational move oi
David to manipulatc the press."
Weaver said. "It may have seemed
like a good idea to David tB()tkins‘
at the time (during llit' press confer—
ence) to invite the governor to speak
to the students." chvcr \‘tild.


Botkins said that whcn he made
the comments, he was unaware that

it closed meeting had l)t“'il arranged
with the governor

"It was a secrt-t arrivigi-iiicnt
(‘yndi didn‘t even know and i had no
idea." liotkins Sitlfl “ll we go hack
in time. I would ncvci had said llm'
it i had known "

The eight slalc lllll‘!t‘l"\!l) studwizt
presidents and llolton will meet with
the governor at 4 p m today in a
closed setting They will meet with
the gmcrnol‘ for l3 lllllllllt‘> to pro
llllll a resolution they have

“The rmlution calls tor the corn
nionuculth to provide l)t'llt'l‘ funding
for higtiercduciition. ilol'oii said

llolton said the resolution cm;
phasircs low tulition. maintaining
di‘t't‘s's to higher education. on lll‘
t‘l‘ii\(’ in student linuncial aid pro
grams and an increase in academic

"I knew we had an audience with
tlic governor on Saturday." llolton
said. “1 told all the student prcsr
dents that I could contact, but the}
were all aware we had requested till
audience to meet With us in the (‘zi-
pilol "

'l knew David llolton was trying
to t 'tllllt‘lll an audience with the gov-
ernor but it was lcnzitivc.” Weaver

trlorc the lllt‘t‘lllitl. lllitl‘t'llt‘l‘.\ will
;i\i.\t'llll)lt‘ for the march at Second
Street cast of the t'apitiil Avenue
The niiu‘ch begins at ".2 p m and will
proccdo south on (‘zipital Avenue to
the State Capitol. A student program
will follow there

A mil; ill the l‘apital Pia/n llud-
goon that (enter Arena will follow

Sec 8"“ DENIS. l’ngc ’


IFC hands down rulings
on alcohol violations

Staff Writer

The lnterfratcrnity (‘ouncil‘s Judie
cial Board has revoked the right of
one fraternity to vote in lFt‘ meet
ings and issued warnings to two
other fraternities cited for minor al~
cohol violations during dry rush


In a meeting last Wednesday. the
judicial board determined the fate of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Sigma ('hi
and Sigma Pi, all cited in January.

Sigma Alpha Epsuon was reported
for consuming alcohol in the chap»
ter‘s parking lot and Sigma (‘hi and

person who feels comfortable speak- Democratic hopeful himself later Sigma Pi for having C‘mcealed 31C“

ing to his peer group.

“Jesse Jackson Jr. will hit the
southern political forum trying to
urge students to get involved and

this month.

“Rev. Jesse Jackson will speak in
Louisville within the next two
weeks," Brown said.

hol present in their houses. During
dry rush. fraternities are restricted
from serving or possessing alcohol
in their houses.

The judical board which acts as
the officiating \‘Olt't' ot the lFt‘. the
governing body of all fraternities ~
discovered the Violations during ran»
dom checks of fraternity rush par-

The fivemember committee dc?
cided that SAI‘I‘s violation "war
ranted a loss of vote in the lFt‘
meetings.” explained Mike Johnson.
chairman of the JudiCial Board
During the remainder of the semcs~
ter. SAE "won't be allowed to take
any formal action on any ll“(‘ propo

SAE President Mark Fulcher said
he thinks the punishment is fair and
should serve as a lesson for other
chapters. “We were happy with the
decision and thought it was one to be
used as a model for the rest of the

Sec ALCOHOL. Page 4

King’s wife, Coretta, to speak to students at UK tonight

continuation of her husband's dream
toinsurehuman rights.

One point of her husband‘s
movement that King emphasizes is
the economic injustice of poverty.

”There can be little hope for
peace and for steady progress on
human rights around the world if
hundreds of millions of people are
condemned to live out their lives on
the very «he of survival," said a

The Freedom Hall Complex en-
compasses Freedom Walkway.
Freedom Plaza, the Chapel of All
Faitts, the King Library and Ar-
chives, a Meet“ auditorium, an in-
ternational conference and cultural
center with multi-lingual translation
facilities, offices. exhibit halls, semi-
nar rooms, a gift shop, and a cafete-

King cochairs the NI Employ-
ment Action Council, an umbrella
organization that represents over
100 national organizations that is
dedicated to providing employment
topeoplewith appmprlatewages.

ln [”1 Kim was elected Chairper-

son of the Martin Luther King Jr,
Federal Holiday Commission. estab-
lished by Congress in an effort to leo
galize King‘s birthday as a national

King has been involved in advo
cating international peace and jus-
tice throughout the world.

in 1957. she _ along with her late
husband — went to Ghana to cele-
brate the country‘s independence
and she accompanied him to Nor-
way in 1964 when he received the
Nobel Peace Prize. She addressed a
peace rally in Germany and she was
the first woman to preach at a statu-
tory service at St. Paul's Cathedral

in London

During the fall session of the 1977
l' N. General Assembly, she was ap-
pointed as a public delegate in
which she helped develop relations
with Third World nations

King's visit to UK is sponsored by
the Student Government Associa-
tion. the Student Activities Board,
and the Office of Minority Affairs.

“I chose King to come and speak
at UK because i feel she epitomizes
civil rights,“ Christy Bradford. SGA
speaker's bureau chairperson said.
“i don‘t believe there is a more ap
propriate speaker to represent black
history month."


 2 — Kentwtry Kernel. TueedeyJeenierytedeel


Cats facing ‘crunch time’ in conference race

Sports Editor

A 37th Southeastern Conference
championship is dangling in front of
the Kentucky basketball team. The
t‘ats have picked up the scent. Now,
the question is will they take the
haitand run.

“Right now. it's crunch time." UK
senior guard Ed Davender said.
“It's time when you can see what
championship teams are made of.“

What they are usually made of is
one tough hide. Kentucky will need
Just that if it wants to hold onto its
precarious one-game conference

The 18-3 Wildcats embark on a
road trip this week that will take
them to Tennessee and Florida.
There‘s no place to hide.

"This is the most important week
of our season if we want to win the
conference.” senior center Rob Lock

“It‘s a team View. This is a big
week for us. II we can win these

next two games. it would really put
the pressure on Florida and Vandy.“

“This week will be a very tough
week for us." UK coach Eddie Sut-
ton said. “1 just think you got to
play those games one at a time. lf
you look ahead to somebody else,
you’re very capable of getting

The road this week may be dark.
but the good news for the Cats is
they control their fate. Only five
SEC games remain. Florida. Van-
derbilt and LSU all trail UK by one
game in the loss column.

“We're not chasing anyone,
they‘re chasing us," Davender said.
“The pressure is on them. We‘re
ahead and that's what‘s important.“

“I told the squad this morning. as
long as you continue to win. nobody
can catch you." Sutton said.

Ay. there‘s the rub. That advice is
a lot easier said than done Espe-
cially in Knoxville. Tenn.

Throw out UK‘s 83455 thumping of
Tennessee earlier this season at
Rupp Arena. That means nothing

Use the

when Kentucky
travels to the Vol-
unteer’s home.
Check the history
of the series.

On just two oc-
casiom in the past
15 years have the
Wildcats escaped
Knoxville with a
victory. One was
1978 when they
won their last na-
tional champion—
ship. The other
was 1986 when
they went 324.

Good teams. :'

Bad teams. Under SS
dogs. Favorites. A _. '
variety of Volun- a 'ama
teer clubs have in» ' '

vited UK to town and sent the Cats
home muttering in disgust.

“I don't believe in jinxes.“ Sutton
said. “But I was surprised at the re-
cord that it was so one sided in
favor of Tennessee. "

Kentucky Kernel's


to shoo before running
all over town!



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.L'f-37-f9 7713.1-“13 .

The orange house of horrors for
Kentucky has been Stokely Arena.
No more. The Vols have moved out
of their cramped home and into the
25,000 seat Thompson-801mg Assem-
bly Center and Arena. Leaving Sto-

kely is fine with the Cats.

“That’s where all the mystique
was," Lock said. “You used to go
into Tennessee before and say we’re
going to have to play extremely

The crowd may double in the new
Volunteer gym, but Sutton believes
the vastness will dampen the hostili-
ty. He knows. Sutton’s often referred
to UK‘s similar home at Rupp Arena
as possessing a “country club atmo

“I’d rather play in the new
arena,” Sutton said. “Anytime you
move into a larger arena, you don't
have quite the home court advan-

If UK does manage a rare victory
in Knoxville, the path gets no
smoother this weekend. Florida
awaits. The same Gators who stuck
it to the Cats at Rupp. 58-56. Their
den is no picnic either.

“1 believe Florida is a very tough
place to play." Sutton said. “Their
fans are right on top of you. They’re
very vocal and very enthusiastic."

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

But that is Saturday. Tennessee is
“We will concern all our efforts on
the University of Tennessee." Sutton
said. “We’re not even thinking about
the Gators. We won't even consider
Florida until Thursday.”

That theme has been drummed
into the Cats’ skulls.

“It‘s a must win for us,” lock
said. “Every game from now on is a
must win for us. If we stub our toe
once, we’re back to where we were
a few weeks ago."

“We’re going into it with the atti-
tude that we have to win every
game to win the conference out-
right," senior forward Winston Ben-
nett said.

It sounds so simple. Just win. But
the Cats know the road to another
title will not be that easy. They’re
just glad they decide the path they

“It‘s nice to be in control of our
own destiny," Lock said. ”We don’t
have to rely on anybody."



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Sky dive

David Lee Roth’s latest LP, ‘Skyscraper,’ hits rock bottom

Staff Critic

David Lee Roth
Warner Bros. Records

I don’t know if this is an exact
quote, but right after David Lee
Roth decided he’d had enough of
Van Halen (a wise career move if
there ever was one). Eddie Van
Halen said that Roth was more of a





screamer than a singer and incapa~
ble of coming down off that egoma-
niacal cloud and shutting up.

Well ol‘ Ed has pretty much pro-
ven himself a prophet. because on
Skyscraper. another one of Diamond
Dave's stupid solo efforts, Roth
never lowers his voice from that
raspy cackle that we've all come to
know and hate. At its best, this
album is the most annoying piece of
trash since Falco last graced our
radio dials.

The music here is standard com~
puterized feedback neo-metal — not
good or bad or exciting — just there.
As for the lyrics, to say they‘re
inane or banal or just plain moronic
would be a compliment. They‘re
worse than that. When Roth spits

“I‘d wait for her parade/ While
she's out doin‘ Yankee Doodle/
Thought I had it made/ But the
gravy train was late as usual." one
has to wonder if . while making Skys-
craper, Roth had been sniffing air-
plane glue or something.

My personal favorite stupidity is
“Hot Dog And A Shake" in which
Dave quips, “I see ya shake and
shimmy/ Cross the burger shop
floor/ I never seen a woman m0ve
so slow/ I’m dyin‘/ French fryin‘/
By the seat of my pants . . Is this
guy a lyrical magician or what?

To give Roth a little credit, no.
body knows how self-centered and
jerkish he is more than Roth him-
self. And he does have a sense of
humor about it all. Too bad I
couldn‘t connect on his comedy

Skyscraper is, to put it simply.
horrible. There‘s nothing even remo-
tely original or catchy here. It‘s only
February. but this one gets my vote
as worst major label (Warner Bros!
release of the year —— any year.

Kentucky Kernel. Tueedey, February 16.1988 — 3



UK creative writing contest
now accepting manuscripts

Staff reports

March 14 is the deadline for UK
undergraduates to submit manu—
scripts to the annual Dantzler
Fiction and Farquhar Poetry
competitions, sponsored by the
Department of English.

A cash prize of $100 is offered
to the winner in each category.

The rules for submission are as

Fiction should be neatly typed
double-space, with author‘s name
and address clearly indicated on
the story. Short stories or ex-
cerpts from longer works may be
submitted to a maximum length
of 20 typed pages.

Poetry submissions are limited
to 10 pages per indivrdual. These
pages may include one or two
longer poems or several shorter
poems. with the poems them-
selves dictating the typing for-
mat. The poet‘s name and ad»
dress must be clearly indicated
on the manuscript.

Photocopied manuscripts are
acceptable as no manuscripts
will be returned.

The contest is open to presently
enrolled UK undergraduates

The winner of each contest will
be published, with the author‘s
consent, in the 1988 edition of Still
Life. the literary supplement to
the Kentucky Kernel. Students
are also encouraged to submit
their work to Still Life at the
same time they submit to the
Dantzler-Farquhar contests.

Results of the contests will be
announced in mid-April. The
awards will be formally pre-
sented in late April at the Depart
ment of English's annual Awards

Entries should be addressed to:
Professor Gurney Norman
[)antzler—F‘arquhar Administrator
Department of English
1215 Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky
Lexington. KY 40506-0027




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Erik Reece
Arts Editor

Beatles slowly
mending ties

Associated Press

LONDON — Relations among the
three surviving Beatles have llll-
proved but Paul McCartney is "too
moody" to allow any joint perfor-
mances to take place. George Harri-
son said yesterday.

"Our relationship is quite good but
there's no reunion of any Beatles.”
he told reporters after returning
from Los Angeles. “We have been
having dinner together We are
friends now. the first time we have
been this close for a long time. But
it doesn't mean to say that we are
going to make another group or any-

Harrison has had hits recently in
Britain and the United States. Mc-
Cartney also has had a successful
solo career but Ringo Starr hasn‘t,

On his feelings toward McCartney.
Harrison said: "I am more friendly
with other musicians. Paul is a hit
too moody for me. Anyway there
will never be a Beatles concert be-
cause there's only three of them


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2 I’.M. March to Capitol. Assemble on Second Street,
east of the Capitol. March will go up Capitol Avenue to
the Capitol steps where there will be a short program.
Sponsored by Student Advocates — but faculty and staff
are urged to participate.

3 P.M. Rally at the Dudgeon Civic Center Arena. The
colorful bands, cheerleaders, student entertainment from
Kentucky colleges and universities will precede remarks

from higher education representatives — students.

parents, faculty.

Sponsored by

Kentucky Advocates For Higher Education


 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Tueedey. February 16.10“

Sen. says officials
had to favor budget

Associated Press

A charge by state Sen. Michael
Moloney that state officials have
been ordered to say they back Gov.
Wallace Wilkinson's proposed bud—
get has brought strong denials from
the administration.

Moloney, appearing Sunday on
WLEX-TV 's “Your Government,“
said state officials were told to limit
budget criticism when appearing be-
fore the Senate Appropriations and
Revenue Committee, of which he is

Jack Foster, secretary of the Edu-
cation and Humanties Cabinet, said
in an interview Sunday that while he
did have a staff meeting with the
heads of three agencies in his cab-
inet. he did not make that directive.

“What I denied is what Moloney
accused me of . . . telling the people
that they were not to be honest in
their testimony.“ Foster said.

Moloney said the agency heads
from Foster's cabinet had told him
that Foster said “they were not to
criticize the governor's budget, and
they were to say that they could get

The Lexington Democrat, who
made similar charges last week,
said he had discussed the matter
wrth both Foster and Budget Direc-
tor Kevin Hable.

Moloney said Sunday “Jack ac-
knowledged that they had had that
meeting, and Kevin said: ‘Look, it‘s
our budget. We told these people
they work for the executive branch
and yes, they were to support the
budget.‘ "

Moloney said that often happens
at the beginning of an administra-
tion. but added, “What concerns me
so much is that Jack Foster, when
asked about that. denied it hap-
pened. and the governor‘s press sec-
retary denied it happened. and they
both know it happened.“

After Moloney made the charge
last week. Foster told The Courier.
Journal that "every governor ex-
pects loyalty. but we‘ve not told any-
one to lie or hide information from
the legislature."

Wilkinson‘s press secretary. Doug
Alexander, said during an interview
that he denied what he considered a
“blanket” charge by Moloney “that
cabinet secretaries had been told not
to criticize the budget. “

liable said during an interview,
”What I suspect Secretary Foster
said was that the budget being pre-
sented to the legislature was not the
requests of the agencies but was the
governor's executive-branch budget
and that the agency heads

should testify from that perspective
as officers of the executive branch.

“I think that’s a very close para-
phrase of what I said to Senator Mo-
loney," Hable said.

He said that if Moloney took that
as confirmation that agency heads
had been told to limit their crit-
icism, “then he misunderstood what
I said.“

“Several people from the exec-
utive branch have outlined . . . those
needs that they consider legitimate
which will not be met or fully satis-
fied with the limited about of money
we had available,” Hable said.

However, Moloney said Sunday. “I
was concerned with two cabinet sec-
retaries saying one thing to me and
then denying that they said it when
they were asked about it. ”

Moloney also says that two cab-
inet secretaries and Alexander kno-
wingly made incorrect statements to
reporters last week.

Moloney said Human Resources
Secretary Harry Cowherd told him
that Medicaid Commissioner Hughes
Walker “had been fired because the
governor‘s office had called and told
him (Cowherd) to fire him.

“Then when the press asked him
about the confirmation (of the
story), he said that wasn't true, and
he had not told me that.

“Now, that, I think, is very ama-
teurish on both Secretary Foster's
part and Secretary Cowherd’s part,
and I hope they stop that because all
it‘s doing is damaging the
relationship between the General
Assembly and the administration,“
Moloney said.

In the original Courier-Journal
story about Walker's departure,
Cowherd said through a spokesman
that Wilkinson had not sought the
resignation, but that they both had
someone better in mind for the job.

The spokesman, Brad Hughes,
said Sunday night that Cowherd
“doesn‘t think he told Moloney the
governor‘s office asked for the fir~
ing. but he's not certain."

Moloney said it would be helpful
for him and Wilkinson to discuss the
budget as he said he has done with
every other governor at this point in
the legislative session since he be-
came the budget committee‘ 5 chair-
man 10 years ago.

He said he hadn‘t had a conversa-
tion with Wilkinson since 1985, when
he declined to support him in last
year's race for governor.




Gary from Bluegrass Towing Co. cranks up a building yesterday afternoon. Cars towed from
Celica illegally parked behind the Journalism campus are taken behind Memorial Coliseum.


MARK MOE/Kernel Stall



EKU president facing complaints

Associated Press

RICHMOND, Ky. ~ Some faculty
members at Eastern Kentucky Uni-
versity are lodging complaints
against President H. Hanly Funder-
burk similar to those voiced before
he resigned from Auburn.

Those professors who are openly
critical of Funderburk say he is a
poor administrator who does not re-
late well to faculty members or
those outside a close circle of
trusted advisers.

They have also criticized how he
spends the university’s money and
the difference between faculty and
administrator‘s salaries. They also
say he punishes those who are crit-
ical of him.

“It's an imperial presidency,"
said Charles Nelson, a professor of

Kathleen Hill, a professor of Span-

ish and Portuguese, said she did not.

think Funderburk had done anything
to “correct some of the ills he inher-

In short. said art professor Phil
Harris, the situation at Eastern
“sounds like Auburn all over

Funderburk, an Alabama native,
was president of Auburn from 1980
to 1983, when he left the school amid
a storm of controversy.

He took the reins at Easern in
1985, just as the 5&year-old plant
physiologist was considering leaving
the education field.

But Funderburk has