xt7r4x54fp2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54fp2w/data/mets.xml  1883  books b02-000000010 English Inter-state Publishing Co.,  : Chicago : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Daviess County (Ky.) History. Daviess County (Ky.) Biography. History of Daviess County, Kentucky, together with sketches of its cities, villages, and townships, educational religious, civil military, and political history, portraits of prominent persons, biographies of representative citizens, and an outline history of Kentucky. text History of Daviess County, Kentucky, together with sketches of its cities, villages, and townships, educational religious, civil military, and political history, portraits of prominent persons, biographies of representative citizens, and an outline history of Kentucky. 1883 2002 true xt7r4x54fp2w section xt7r4x54fp2w 






                   AND AN






  After months of unremitting labor the " History of Daviess
C(.onnty" is ready for our patrons. None can better understand
than those who have assisted us, the difficulties to be met in
the preparation of a work of this kind. Public documents have
been examined, newspaper files have been reviewed, old settlers
and prominent men have been visited for the purpose of making
the record as complete as possible and gaining information of
interest and value to the subscribers. The incompleteness ot
the public records and the convicting statements have tended
to perplex the compilers, but we trust in the main the work
will prove satisfactory. Members of a family often differ as to
the spelling of names, contradict each other's statements as to
the dates of birth. settlement in the county, and nativity; we,
therefore, have tried to give preference to the majority. While
errors must necessarily occur under such circumstances we feel
that we have fulfilled our promises and have given as correct a
record, historically and biographically, as it is possible to obtain.
Whatever may be the verdict of those who do not realize the
extent of our work, and therefore make no allowance for the
many ways in which errors may occur, we feel sure that all
thoughtful and just persons will appreciate our efforts, will
recognize the great public benefit that has been accomplished,
and will value the book as a memorial in the years to come
of the lives and adventures of the early pioneers, of the lives
of men prominent in political and business circles, and  of
individuals less prominent but none the less necessary to the
county's history, that would otherwise have passed into oblivion.
  We tender our thanks to the pioneers, county officials, pastors
of churches, officers of societies and members of the press for



their kind assistance in the collation of data for this history.
Especially are we thankful for the aid given us by those who
have subscribed for the work, ahid trast that the pleasure they
will have as the years go by. in recalling incidents that are
related in its pages, will more than compensate for their untiring
efforts to make it a perfect history of Daviess County.
  For Chapter II., entitled "Bill Smothers," so replete with
reminiscences of early settlement, we are indebted mostly
to the story published by Colonel Thos. S. McCreery, in the
MAonitor several years ago.
                       INTER-STATE PUBLISHING CO.
  Chicago, May, 1883.



                        HISTORY OF KENTUCKY.

Outline History-State Officers-United States Senators-Representatives in Congress-
   Eminent  en from Kentucky-Kentucky School Statistcs-Illiteracy in Kentucky
   -Population-Census of 1880           ............. . ........ .. 17-48

                   HISTORY OF DAVIES4S COUNTY.

             CHAPTER I.
Early Settlement-Early Preachers-Other
  Early Officiale-Miscellaneous Notes-A
  Retrospect ............  ............. 49-62
             CHAPTER II.
Bill Smothers ...............  ......... 63
             CHAPTER 1II.
Life and Times of Robert Triplett ........... 79
             CHAPTER IV.
Organic, Legal and Political-Origin of the
  County and of its Name-Surveys-Political
  Notes - Election Returns-Officials - The
  Courts-Federal Judicial Dietrict-County
  Courts-Bar Association ........... .. 94-111
              CHAPTER V.
Sketches of Public Men ................ 112-157
             CHAPTER VI.
The Ci-;il War-The Skirmish near Owensbcoro
  -The Battle at Sutherland's Hill-The
  Death of Colonel Netter-War Diary Re-
  sumed-Kentucky under Martial Law-
  Owensboro  captured-Owensboro    Taken
  Again-Company A, First Kentucky Cav-
  Olry-Sue 31uinday ............. .... 1.58-178
             CHAPTER VII.
M' terial Progress-Population of Daviess
  County-Census of 1880, in Detail--Agricult-
  ural Census-Daviess County Agricultural
  aud Mechanical Association - Daviess
  County Fair A ssociation-Daviess County
  Farmers' Club-Daviess County Sorgho
  Sugar Company-Importation of Foreign
  Labor-Green River N avigation-Green and
  B irren River Navigation Company-Daviess
  County Gravel Road Companies-Telegraph
  -Railroads-Owensboro  Nashville Rail-
  road-Proposed Railroads ........... 179-196
           CHAPTER VIII.
The  Press-Defanct   Newspapers-Living
Newepapers........       ....... 197-20,
            CHAPTER IX.
Authors and Artists-Song of the Hammock-
A Remarkable Autograph Album...207-222
            CHAPTER X.
ledical-The Owensboro Medical Society-
The Green River Medical Association-The
McDowell Medical Association-The Ken-
tucky Pharmaceutical Association-Physi-
cians of the Past-Present Physicians 223-244

             CHAPTER XI.
Geology of Daviess County-Physical Fpatures
  -Rivers and Creeks-The Soil-Coal-
  Limestone and Sandstone-Otber Mineral, -
  Mineral Springs ...................... 245-262
             CHAPTER XII.
Botany and Zoology-Tall Trees-Low Trees
  -Busbes and Shrubs-Vines-Native Hi rte,
  -Weeds-Zoology-Wild Bees .......- 2683-.4
            CHAPTER XIII.
Meteorology-Diary of Joseph Thomas-Tem-
  perature-Ohio Floods-The Flo.d ol 1883-
  Miscellaneous ..................... 275-94
            CHAPTER XIV.
Miscellaneous - Court-House - Jail - Public
  Square-Poor House-Lost Records--he
  First Will-Milita' y-Capital Punishment-
  Murder of Robert MIcFarland-Murder of
  Willis Fields--Lod Duke-Education-Tem-
  perance-Celebrations-Southern Relief-
  Land League-Archoeology-Daviess Coun-
  tv's Hunters' Club-The First Marriage-
  Marriage Record-First Steamboat Down
  the Ohio-Anecdotal-Distances Along 'le
  Ohio River, from Louisville to Cairo-Dis-
  tances on Green River-Distances by the 0.
   N. R. R.-Post-Offices-Countv Atlas-
  Owensboro Directory and County Gazetteer
             CHAPTER XV.
Owenebori - Morton's Day-Book - Yellow
  Banks, 1818-Owenaboro in 1820-Fragment-
  ary Items-General Progress-Owensboro
  as a City-Owensboro in 1872-Owensbero
  in 1882-Population-Citv Officers-Indus-
  trial and Commercial-First Livery Stables
  -Tobacco Houses-Distilleries-Other En-
  terprises-Banks-Hotels-Oweneboro In-
  dustries in 1880 ..........    321- 358
            CHAPTER XVI.
Owensboro Continued-Educational-Public
Schools-Enrollment and Attendance-Ex.
penses for Two Average Years-Churches
           CHAPTER XVII.
Oweusboco Continued-Benevolent Societies
-Social and Miscellaneous Organization!-
Cemeteries-Public Benevolence-Owens-
boro Postmasters-Brief Mention-Illo-
graphical .........,,,,,,,,,...... 387-50

           CHAPTER XVIII.
Boston Precinct-Whitesville Village-Busi-
nese-Educational-Rellgious- Elections-
Biographical        -5.           554



            CHAPTER XIX.
Curdsville  Precinct - Early  Settlement -
Churches - Curdsville - Delaware - West
Louisville-Possum  Trot-Elections-Bio-
graphical.....           ,      555 590

             CHAPTER XX.
Knottsvllle Precinct-Early Settlement- Post-
offices-Churches-Societies- Knotteville-
Creeks-Elections-Biographical .... 591-630

            CHAPTER XXI.
Lower Town Precinct-Bon Harbor-Elections
-Biographical ....6 . 631457,

            CHAPTER XXII.
Masonville Precinct-Early Incidents-Trib-
bel School-House-Churches -Masonic-
Masonville-Elections-Biographical, 658-71I

           CHAPTER XXIII.
Murray Precinct-Early Settlement-Cburches
-Midls and Factories - Schools - Lewis
Station-Newville-Pleasant Ridge-Elec-
tions-Biographical..        .. 712-725

           CHAPTER XXIV.
Oakford Precinct-Early Settlement-Gris-
Mom'sLanding-Birk City-Charches-Elee-
tions-BiographCl ..ca . ........... 26-7675

            CHAPTER XXV.
Sorghotown Precinct - Elections-Biograph-
ical .  ............................... 776-795
           CHAPTER XXVI.
Upper Town Precinct - Early Settlement-
Distilleries-A Neighborhood Battle-Elec-
tions-Biographical ....... . .....  96-827
           CHAPTER XXVII.
Vanover Precirnct -Early Settlement-Van-
over's Mill-The Ditsu let School-House-
Panther Creek Postoftice-Churchee-E ec-
ttous-Biographical .... ........ 828-8
          CHAPTER XXVIIl.
Yelvington Precinct-Early Settlement-Yel-
vington-Churches-Asa Smeathers-J uhn
Lee-Elections Biographical ...... 849-867
Appendix....                  .... 868-870


  Berry. J. L....                      607
  Bevier, R. S ...... .. ... ........   09.......... 0
  Bransord, BeDjamni ........4 ...... ..1..... 41
  Calhoon, Samuel .779
  Camp, J .mes W .........6...............7. fi3
  Courtney, W. T ...........5 ... 4s
  Day, I-aac E .53.5
  Hale, Caleb .................. .............. 5
  Hale, Josiah .2-23
 Hayden, Geo. S .300
  Hayden, Mrs. Geo. S. ....................3ii1
  Ho.mes, J. M..........           .... 735
  Kimbley, J. F..........               85
  Knox, Wm. R .573

Little, Lucius P....   .........      32
Mlattingly, ueo. D I...........4............ 470
Miller, dames C.............         699
Miller, P. J .  .............  .......  
Monarch, M. V .............3.............. 340
Monarch, Thomas ...... ...... I .    113
Newton, Col. Wm .............82.......... S0
Newton, Mrs. Wm ......... . ............ 821
Osborne, J. R    .       .. ..........423
Rudd, J. C . ......14. .. .............9.. 1
Solomon, J. B........ ......            373
Tennes. Paul .     ..................... 640
Todd, C. .                           265
Triplett, Geo.  .......... 163


Able, Henry...............
A dams, E. G ..............
Allen, A. M...............
Allen, J. F................
Allgood, A. S.............
Allgood, G. A.............
Alms, Albert F...........
Anderson, r. S.........
Armeudt, L. G ............
Arnold, G. M1.............
Atchisol, J. D ............
And, Hillary rI
And, Joseph B............
Aull, Benjamin T         .
Aull, I. A...............
AulI, James...............
Aill, fhos. B ...........
Aull, Wm. T .............
Ayer, A. 0 .............
Baer, Bernhard..........
Bailey, Geo. W.........
Baird, James ..........
LIaker, Wm. P...........
Balee, Abram.............
Balee, J. W................
Barker, R. N .... .........
Barnett D. L..
Baruhili, Jas.M.....
Barnhill, Jeremiah.
Barnhull,Joseph ..........
Barnhill, N. B..........
Barr, John A..............
Barrett, R. C..............
Bartlett, J. A............
Bartlett, S. W............


Baughn, S. C ...........    837
Bell, B. U .  .........8 3
Bel low, WIn .   ....... .. 638
Bennett, I sac.........  7...  8
Bennett, Jae. H.7........    26
Bennntt, S. W............ 27
Berkshire, K. Y .......... 433
Berry, J. I ...........     649
Berry,J. L .... . .......... 607
Berry, Mrs. S. A.   ... 639
Bery, S. T ........ ..... 639
Bery, Thomas ............ 803
Bethel, J )hn R ............ 670
Bethel, T. P ..5.......... , 70
Bevier, Col. R. S .... .... 209
Bihb,  on. G. M -       1...... 314
Birk, Geo. W ............ 85S
Birk, James A ...... ..... 765
Birkheafl, J. F ......... .. 521
Bise, Samuel    ..8.... .... 859
Bishop, J. H ........ ...... 434
Bishop, R. H..          434
Bivens, James S.        837.  7
Blandford, A. P..       570
Blandlord, J. M.    .   727
Blandford, J. R..   .   571
Blandford, T. W..   .  28
Board, Elijah ............ 859
Boswell, Chapman..       571
Boswell, Rev. C. C..     5 71
Boswell, Geo: W...      8.59
Bottenwiser, J. 8..    435
Botts, Benj ........... ....  03
Boulware, C. L..        640
Boulware, M. F ......... . 640

Boulware, W. W    . ........ 435
Bowlds, B. J. ....6... b08
Bowlds, J. D.........   608
Bowlds, L. A   ...........  667
Bowlds, P. J.........   608
Bowlde. Zachariah ........ 609
Boyd, Baker ............... 115
Brausford, Benj ........... 437
Bransford, C. NV ........... 02
Braun, John W .......... . 438
Brisrow, Jasper.....    668
Brodie, Robert ........... 439
B, ooks. Rev. A. J .........  887
Brooks, E   M.............. 439
Brooka, George ............5 26
Brotherton, John.....   439
lBrownD. H.... ....     669
Brown, J. A .....  ......... 803
Brown, J.J .............. 571
Brown, J. P .............. 440
Brown, 0. 0 .............. 727
Bryan, Gabriel ............ 572
Bryan, R. A........     641
Bryant, Ottaway...      669
Bryant, Samuel ...........   6 41
Burdett, P. H ............ W8
Burnett, L  M ............  728
Burnett, W. U ............  440
Burton, Horace .....  ...... 527
Burton, J. A ............    67)
Burton, J. B......  ... 671
Burns, John P ............. 838
Cain C. T ................. 868
Calhoon, Geo. L.. .     78.....  8
Calhoon, Mitchell .........  779



Calhoon, Rev. S ...... ... 779
Calhoon, William .........7 78
Camp, Geo. LI .... .  ...... 672
Camp, J. W ............. 673
Camp, Squire A. ......... 671
Campbeli, J. R ............ 641
Carrico, E. B ............. 572
Carico, Henry ............. 642
Carrico, John T ...........7. ,29
Carpenter, H. F .......... 2'8
Carter, John W ......... . 441
Cary, Chas. M1 ............. 838
Castlen, J. A ............. 609
Castlen, L. P ............ 805
Chambers, S. L ........... 441
Chapman, J. R.......    42.... 4
Chathaim, W. H ........... 442
Childress, T. J ............ 767
CU istian, Charles ......... 5'8
Clark, George   ......... 572
Clark, James E ........... 573
Clark, Joseph A ........... 806
Clark, Peter W ............ 839
Clark, W. E..............b8
Clark, Wm. P ............ 839
Clarke, F. J .............   4 43
C larke. F. W ............. 806
Clarke; Wm. H ............ 443
Clayton, Frank ............ 573
Clayton, F. L ............    444
Cl lyton, J. M ............  57.
Clemnents, A. H ............ 69
Clements, C. O ........... 610
Clements, J. 1   1............ 6i10
Clements, J. T .......3..... 5,3
Cofer, Col. M. H .. .... .. 117
Coffey, G. W ............ 441
Cohen, Wm1. M3.839
Conley, P'. C .............  573
Conway, F. F .............768
Couk, J. H ................ 673
Cook, Samuel..........  673
Cooke, S. C..........   574
Coomes, Ben D .......... 807
Cooines, Hillary F ......... 611
Cooper, H. J......      528
Cottrelll, C. E-.       229
Courtney, J. N ............ 445
Courtney, W. T ........... 445
Cronse. Jacob ............ 611
Cox, George H ...........444
Cox, J. P .   .............. 231)
Crabtree, Colson    ...... 642
Crabtree, Eldred ........ . 642
Crabtree, John ............ 574
Crabtree, Solomon .... ... 840
Crabtree, Wm.      ...... 840
Crane, D. F........ ..... 369
Craycroft, Thos. A ........ 118
Cr;gler, T...........   529
Crinnian, L  A .............7 ,9
Crow, J. G   ............... 7-29
Crumbaugh, S. R ......... 119
Cruae, Jas. B ............ .446
Cruse, Zachariah .......... ,80
Cratcher, B. H   ......... . 446
Cummins, J. F ... .... ... 574
Cundiff, B. T .    ......... -30
Daly, F. M .529
Daniel, I. C.......     80,
Darr, Jacob.            417
Daveiss, Col. Jo. H.     119
t aveiss, Joseph.      6 5
avis, A. A.......          0
Davis, Ainos.731 .
Davis, J. H.........     32
DawsOn, BeD;. T..       448
De'wson, Jas. E .448
Dawson, Rev. W. H.      869
Day, Isaac E......      5.... S30
Dean, John A    .     . 121
Deane, Silas M.         449
Dtlker, J. G..........-      449
Deters, H. F.           385

Devylder, J. F... ........ 450 Hagerman, Gilbert  ... 678
Douihitt, D A........... 612 Hale, Caleb.   .        535
Donthitr, P. E.......... 61' Hale, Josiah    .   .  231
D.-ury,I. G............. 230 Haley, J. H.   .        734
Drury, W. F.............612 Hall, Joseph .   .       576
Dugan, John .      ............ 7Hill, Miner. .         735
Dauncan, Wm. B........... 860 HallRichard    .   .   577
Dunlap, Robert ..........  450 Hambleton, Edwin ..     70
Dunn, Wm. W ............. 530 Hamilton, M. W ..        536
Duval, Seth A ............. 675 Harbin, J. A . .       645
Early, Joel H1 ............. 612 Harl, Thos. H . . .7.......... 57
Edwards, E ........  .... 840 Harl,Thos. L .............. 57,
Eger, Anthony ............. 51 Harralson, B FH ............ 2J4
English, F. P .............. 4.52 Harralson, R. A .    57 7
Elliott, Wm. W.....     810 Harris, Phocia.          679
Ellis, Geo. F .....     124 Harrison, J. G .614
illis, Henry ..     ... 676 Harrison, S. G .679
Ellis, Rev. J. P.....   531 Harrison, S. Il.        462
Ellis, J. W.....        231 Hathway, John C .        861
Ellis, Luther C.    .... 533 Hawes, Ben W., Sr.      862
Ellis, P ,whatan..... .643 Hawes, Ben W., Jr .       862
i Ellis, Walter P.....   643 Haiwes, Richard.        862
Ellis, Wm. T.....       123 Hayden, C. L.578
Erwin, J. H....8. 41 Hayden, Geo. S .               811
Evans, John... ..... .     3 Hayden, H. N .578
Fant, W. H ...      .. 808 Hiaden, J. S..       .... 578
Faulkner, James ..... 841 Hayden, W. J .812
Ferrell, J. H .............  613 Haynes, C. L .............. 536
Ferrel], Michael ........... 643 Haynes. Geo. F .12.5
Field. Capt. Ben  . ...... 808 Haynes, R. E .... ........ 462
Field, B. T.....      .So   Haynes, Samuel........... 680
Fisher, James H ..........4 5:  Hazel, Richard H ......... 615
Floyd, Thos. C ............534 Hazel, Thos. E ............ 615
Foote, Edwin S ........... 454 Hazel, Wm. S ............. 615
I Ford, Dudley .............. 733 Head, B. F ............... 645
Ford, Joshil t G  . .   198 Head, Elisba .............. 616
Fravser, H. J ............. 452 Head, Henry R ......   536
Frederick. J. C .............45:3 Head, James A ......  812
Frey, Robert . ............. 45:3 Head, James F  ..5 78
Falkersn, F. K.    .    .574 Head, John .   ........... 579
Fuqua, J. A ........... . 454 Head, Tnios. B ....... ..... 616
Gabel, Henry M1   ..    45  Head, Wm. B .   ............ 616
Galloway. Z .  ............. 575 lleavrin, J. P .............. 234
Gans, Henry C ............ 455 Hebard, A .  ............... 7.0
Gatewood, Griffin .........6 13 Helm, B. H . ........2..... 126
Gaw, J hn      .    .   ..y 76H elinke, Adolph.       463
Gill, Reuben .  ............. 7.34 Hemingway, Geo. 31. 841
Gilmore, W. S . ............ 789 Hennig, C. E . ............57 9
(lipe, Frederick       ..... 456 Henning, H. E .617
Glenn, David R ............ 57,5 Henning, J. A ............. 617
Glenn, Duke .............. G7s Hewlett, Win. T ........... 735
Glenn, Hiram             76........... ,Hickman J. B  ..H....... 463
Glenn, Logan R  .......... 576 1 lickman W. A .......... 2:
Glenn, John ..............7. 576 Higdon, h'bas. N .....7.... 617
(4lenn, Walker...             iigdoJohn A.........1S
Glenn, Wm. L............. 89 Higdon, R      .   .       6. 46
Goode, Robert F         81..gd....id ch......... H.18
Goodwin, Ed............. 841 Higgin, 3. T .         464
Gordon, Chas. W     .......... 457Hill. Jacob         579
Gordon, Jackson         677.......... 6771ill, John R          81-
Gore, Joseph NV 6........... 614  i ll, William      812
Graham, H. C..........  810 1 1liks, A. S. ...      770
Graves, M. D ..........  4;58 Hindmarch, Mathew    . fi46
Graves, P. S..........  861fl Hite, Benonla.        681
Graves, T. H.       .... 861 Rite, J. F.... ........ 5:i7
Gray,J.        .   .    21  Hite,J.J ............... 681
Gray, Lynch     ..458 Hite Thos. T .                 692
Gregory, Wim. W......... 811 Hoard, Marcus D         162
Griffith, Clinton... .. 868 Hoardi. Wmi. E.           863
Griffith, D. M ............. 459 Hobbel Burr H  . .     235
Griffith, J. T . ............ 454 Hodgkins, 3. H       4i65
Griffith, Wm. R.     .. 124 1 Holmes, Col. J. M  .735
Guenther, Wm. H ......... 459 Holmes, Wm. E.       .. 235
Gnllett.Wni. M .......Win.. 64  4 Ho rn, Wm. T.      S3
Gunther, F. T............ 460 Howard A. G      .   .   53
Gathrie, .1lrs. B. L . ....... 644 Howard, F. M   .. . 84
Gutapfel, Jacob  ..     461i1 oward, Fred.  .       7.1
WHesley, P. J 3.   .......... . :30 Howard, Henry      737
Hafner John          .. 614 j Howard,.l ohnH.a.lohn. 739-
Hagan, li. J .   .      614. Howard, J. W........ . 7.39
Hagan, Geo. W .......... 5351 Howard, S. B .............. 7.38
Hager, Cbas. J......... 461 Howard. S. D   .         740
Hager, H. F.     .      64.t Howard, Thos. J.....    613
Hager, J. F  .  ......... 869 Hunter, H. J .............. 740



Husk, George ...       593
Husk, Wm. J.............. 619
Iglehart. John L ......... 842
Jackson, C. D .... .......12
Jackson, Christopher. - 684
Jackson, Robert H .....    741
Jamison, J. A ............. 646
Johnson, Jas. L ........... 17
Johnson, Poilip T .. .... 236
Johnson, W. H ........     465
Johnson, Wm. H .......... 741
Jolly, (Geo. W ............ 128
Jones, D. D  .          814
Jones, Milton E ........... 539
Jones, Reuben S ....... .. 685
Jones, Wm. H ............ 646
Jones, Wm. J ............ 646
Jonee, Wm. J ...........814
Karn, Jasper B ............ 129
Karn, Wm. H.            540
Kellers, J. C ............ 647
Kelley, Hillery ............ 647
Kelly, Joseph .........    863
Kennady, S.D .........    466
Kennedy, John C....     842
Kerrick, George W ........ 843
Kilgore W. B ............466
Kimbley, J. P ............ 286
King, Thos.  ....6.......8.3S6
Kirk, Jas. A ....... .....  687
Kirk, John L .............. 681,
Kirk, W. R .......      814
Knott, Jas. I.          619
Knott, Leonard.         619
Knox, Wm. R .           540
Kollenberg, Geo. A.     467
Krugar, Wm. J.      .   72
Lacklin, Elijah ......... 688
Lacklin, Fielden ..   .... 689
Lacklin, Philip T.      689
Lambert, 1. W.   ...... 619
Lanmbert, J. R          579
Laimping, Thos. E.      237
Lancaster, RJ  . .      647
Lancaeter N.M.          648
Lanham, 4. W .          69U
Lashbrook, Achilles     690
Laslibrook, J. W.    fl69
Lashbrook, Norris.  t   692
Lasihbrook, S. B.       742
Lea, W. T   .           648
Lee, David F . ..... .... 643
Lehman, Frank L.        620
Lehrbhrg, C. K.         468
Leibfried, Jacob.       815
Lewis, R. t.            693
Linton, Jas P..         80
Litley. (:eo. W ............ 541
Little, Lucius3 P ........... 129
Lloyd, T. W..           742
Lloyd, Thoe. H ............ I542
Lockhart, C. J ............. 238
Lockhart, S. M ............. 238
Long, Jas. B. ............. 815
Long, S W.468
Lossie, Wm.  Co ......... 469
Lostutter, Wm ........... 815
Lucas, W. J .69
Lnmpkin, Lee ............. 2"1
Lyddane. J. A           580
Madducx, Tapley.....    695
,Magruder, D. A         743
Marshall, S. G....  ... I44
Mlarl  , JAS. W ........ .869
Martin, I. T .............  816
MartiD, Thos. D ......6.....  95
Martin, Wm    . ........... 816
IMattingly, Geo. D ....... . 470
Mattinely J. C          4,1
,MattinDly, M. H ........... 6130
M attiiigly,M4  P ............ 471
Mlattingly  M.  S ........... 133
May, Almarian .............44
May, James H.....  . .. 543

May, James M............
May, Junius...............
May, Richard..............
May, William.............
M cAtee, A. J .............
McAtee, T. W.............
McBride, Wm.............
McCain, Alfred............
McCain, Henry H .........
McCarty, James W.
IMcCarty, John    N.........
McCarty, Justin...........
McCarty, W. W...........
McCormick, B3. S ..........
McCormick, Enos.........
McCormick, Francis ......
McCormick, J. K ........
McCreery, Hon. T. C......
McDaniel, Chrysostum.r..
McDaniel, H. nry..........
McDaniel, John..........
McDaniel, John H........
McDaniel, Reason........
McDonald, John........
McFarland, B, W..........
McFarland, Hon. J. ll.....
McGehee, M  F...........
McHenry, J. H, Sr.........
McHenry, J. Hl., Jr........
McJohnson, R. P.........
McLean, L. A..............
Mc PherFou, W. Y .........
Medcalf, Wm.  P.........
Me.rimee, R. A...........
Miller, A    B ..............
Miller, Jas C ..............
Miller, John A ............
Miller, P-J ...............
Miller, Robert.............
Miller, W. F ............
Miller, Wm. L ............
.Millett. E. P............
Mills, Wm. H ............
Milne, Colin R ............
Milton, James .............

M .l 1,. u  .A  
Mobberly, C. I .............
Mobberly, Win. P.........
Monarch, D. A ............
Monar' h, M. l ...........
Monarch, Richnrd.........
Monarch. Thomas.........
Monarch, Tr. J ............
Monarch, W. 11..........
Montgomery, Athanane....
7, oore, J. Z................
Moore, R. G.
Moore, Wm. H.
Moormnan, John...        .
Moredock, J. L......
Moreland, Reuben ......
Alorgan. Gleo. W.
Morris, H. H1.............
Mdorrisoo, J..1........
Moseley, Isaac F ......
Moseley, J. B ........   ....
Moseley, J. J .............
Moseley, J. W .............
Moseley, Merit C........
Muflitt, Wm    .............
Mullican, J. S.  .......
Munday, J. A ..........
Murphy, C. M.............
Nawz, (C. G................
Neel, Geo. W.
Nelson, Mrs. E. 4.
N    eshitt, J H..............
Newman, N. M  ...........
Newson Wm. F   .........
Newton, tCol . Wm........
Noel, Charles T ...........
Nunn, Robert B...........


4; 8
4; 61

O'Bryan, P. E ............ ,37
O'Bryan, J. R ............ 624
O'Flynn, Eugene .......   748
Ogt en, Marcus L ...    480
Ogden, M. L.1 138
Orsburn, H. K.          239
Oreburn. V.            239
Osborne, Dabney T.      582
Osborne, J. R . ..... ..  481
Osborne, s. W ............ 651
Owen, Chas. A .. ......... 748
Owen, Daniel ........ .... 716
Owen, Wm. T ............. 128
Palmer, Thomas .......... 48-2
Parristh, James H . ..... . 483
Pate, M. C ................. b47
Pate. Wim. T .............. 822
Patrick, Robert   .... ... 6r,1
Patterson. James M  .. .  2
Payne, (Geo  D ............. 22
Payne, J. L.     ..     65
Payne, J. T......        5........ 65
Payne, P. F..           823
Payne, S. T..           625
Payne, S. W...   .   .  t
Payne, Thes. 1H.3..    B3
Pendlkton, E. C..       773
Perkinis, W'in. H..      1.29
Perry, John W..         652
Pettit, Thomas S..      Ito9
Pierce, I. N...      .   ,
Porter, John W ........... 483
Pottinger, R. B.    .   483
Pottincer, Wm...        824
PowelS, J. U..          1'9
Priest C. R.    .     .4
Purcebl, F. P...        648
Piirdy, W. -E.     .    775
Queen, J. F.       .    652
Ragsdale, Robert..      548
Ramsey, Ben F..         549
Ray, Jame s...        .702
Read. Philander.      .. 749
Reinhard', J. W.    .   652
Reinbardt, W. F. and Bros. 484
Reno, Lawson ............. 484
 Re)nolds, J. W.        58'
j Reynolds, T     ..........l.5S3
Rhores, Geo. S ............ 651
Rhodes, Gc. W ....... .. 550
Richardson,. B  .... L702
Riddle, Wooden ........... 864
IRiubtxeYer. Loui8 ........6 kg.
Ritcheyv, JeflersOn ......... 626
Robertf. C. C .............. 814
Rtobets, feo ..... ...... 864
Rooberts, Hlnry B ......... 226
Robei Lts, .John ............. 926
Robertson, D. C .......... 846
! Roby. (eo. W ............. fi"6
Rock, 2e,,. P. M. J .........6 .7
Rodman, J. 11 .............    - 5 y
Rodman, It. M ....8........3.: 3
IRodman, W. B ............ i84
Rosc, M-.-H .................792
IRosenthal, Berahardt..... 485
Rors, John C . ........... 485
Rothchild, Joseph .... .... 486
jRowland. G. B ....... ....... 627
IRabhy, C. M  ................. 846
Rndd, Jlmes C.         486
Rudy, Chnrles.0 4
l Pustell, James W  ............. 7.'0
iRtussell, John B ......... 70..  
l Russell. J. D .............. 865
Ryon, P. P ................ 751
Sands, Merit .............. 653
Sawyer. James ............ 4S8
Schenk, Nelson B ......... 885
Schwah, Eugene .......... 48S
Schweikarth, Henry....... 584
Scobee, Rev. Joseph S .... 4F9
Scott, H. W ............... 140
Seiber, John A ............ 239



Shadwick, Ben     j ........... 865
Shaw, Emerson ...       93
Shobe, Andrew ............ 824
Shoemaker, Wm. W ..... 703
Short, William  ........... 816
Shortell, J. D ............ 140
Shouee, James .......... 627
Shultz, Charles ............ 65:3
Simms, Wm  .... .......... 585
Sims, Jamea M    ..       581
Skillman, Gilbert.     7.51
Slack, P.. W .141
Slaughter, Joseph W . 490
Smeathers Harold.      866
Smith, George..     .  490
Smith, Jacob .491
Smith, James E.         f585
Smith, John H ........ ... 491
Smith, Joseph H.       627
Smith, Nicholas   .    492
Smith, Wills     .     6t. . 5,3
SmttL, W.T.             585
Solomon, J. B .373
Sosh, J. N ......... . ,54
Speak, Lewis..        . 6'28
Spencer, Geo. W   .    629
Spilman, Wim. N ..........-6
apringifelld. Wmn. J . 240
Stevens, George.       551
Stiunett, Jame- L       552
Stirman, M. G .141
Stirman, W. D.         492
Stofkton, Joseph P .   55-2  
Stone, Wim. A     .     5l
Stone, Wrn. S.        . 654
Stout, Joseph H ........... 44B3
Stuart, James ... ........ 141
Stnart, W. A .............1 44
Sweeney, Ion. Wm. N... 144
Talbitt, Geo. W.        752
Tatnner, Benjamin . T.773
Taylor, E. P. and R. RI.... 145
Taylor, John .    ........5.... 8-'
Taylor, J. ll ............... 493i
Tayl or,-J. T ............... 7941
Taylor, Joseph ..... 704
Taylor B      .i... .... 5861
Taylor, Thos. R  .. .. 7(;5
Taylor, Wm. F ....    706.
Taylor, Capt. Wm..    7T06

Tennis, Mrs. Christina .... 655
Terrell, Joshua C ......... 494
Tbarp, James     ...K....... 494
Thixton, Charles G ....... 495
Thixton, John....       49-5
Thomas, Charles W ........ 754
Thomas, Joseph .......  ... 146
Thompson, C. F .... ...... 586
Thompson,-J. A ...... .... 586
Thompson, J. T ............    r
Thompson, Leo   ........
Thompson, M. B ..........7.93
Thompson, W. R ..........   587
Thomson, Geo. N.   .   496
Thruston, Alfred ......... 866i
Tichenor, Manley B ....... 825
Toddd, Beverly H ....... .. 496
Todd,    ............... 240
Todd, Col. S.           151
Todd, . P.154
Tompkinzs, A. C ........... 496
Tong, Oscar ............... 656
'Price, 0. S   .      . 794
Triplett, Geo. V  ....... 205.
Triiplett, Geo. W ........... 15t  
Triplett, Phil    .............. 7 1 T
Triplett, J. H ... .......... 825
Triplett, J. H., Jr...      497
Trroutmen, J. P........... 499
Trmnmmell, Josiah ......... 499
Turner. J. R1....     ........ 7541
Tirrnham, Josephus .......9 l6
Tyler, W. B.... ........ 600,
Vanover, James .U ........ 8-i
Vanover, James, Jr   ...... 847
VanoverJeptlli.....,.      847
Vatnover, John S ........   847
Vanover, W. W ............ 848
Vowells, C. W ............ 587
Vowels, Charles.        826i
Walden, S.V ..00
Walker, Jas. R.        7.94
Walker, ',\ m. T ..... ..... 867
Wall, Joseph B ............ 587
Waltrip. 0. R   ......... I 5`8
Wldtrip, John......    588
 Wandlienff, John ........... 501
Ward. Walter .          5 53
Ware, Elins M ..........    826
Ware. James W.          708

Warren, John 0.        588
Wathen, Henry B.       628
' atkins, P. J..       502
Watkins, S. S ............. 242
Wayne, M. N .............. 589
Webber, Simeon D ........ 867
Weber, Martin H .......... 5 2
Weikel, Michael ...........6 56.
Weill, Ernec-t ............. 503
Weir, James......  .   . 207
Weir, John G ............. 503
Welden, James M.  ..  . 589
Wells, Emmet..   ...    887
Wells, Isham............ 554
Wells, J. G.......   .756
Wheeler, William B ......5. 89
Whitehead, J.     t .......... 504
Wile, Sol. ind Sons ....... 504
Wilhite, G. A. R .......... 708
Wilhite, John H ........  .755