xt7r4x54fv0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54fv0g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18690310 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1869-03-jun10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1869-03-jun10. 1869 2011 true xt7r4x54fv0g section xt7r4x54fv0g 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky June 9, 1869.

Meeting of
June In.

Henry J. Gaker of Lexington, Ky. Thaddeus Gayman of Zollersville,
Pa., Culler M. Lincoln, of Plattsburg, Mo. C. Fleming Rogers, of
Lexington, Ky., Wm. P. Talbut, of Lexingion, Ky. Llewellyn P. Tariton,
Jr., of Fayette, Co. Ky., J. Willis Sebree of Franklin Co. Ky.,
J. S. Wortham Breckenridge Co. Ky., and W. L. Yerkis of Danville,
Ky.$   On motion the Board adjourned till tomorrow at 8 A. M.
                          Thursday Morning, June 10, 1869.
     The Board met at 8- A. M. Present Curators Joseph Wasson, G.
W. Elley, A. H. Bowman, Joseph Smith, W. L. Williams, R. C. -Licketts,
Z. F. Smith, J. P. Tarbitt, John Shackelford, Jr., Jas. L. Cald.
well, Jno Aug. Williams, Joseph Woolfolk, D. 1? Goodloe, Enos
Campbell, L. B. Wilkes.

Com. on
Col. of Law.



Duties of
Co. defined

     After Prayer offered by Curator W. L. Williams the Standing
Committee on the College of Latw were allowed further time to pre-
pare their report.
     The Committee on Music, through Curator W. L. Williams, prey
sented the following report. "We recommend that a School of Music
be established, in which shall be taught vocal and Instrumental
Music, thorough Bass and Composition."
     On motion this report was adopted.
     The Committee appointed to define the duties of the various
Standing Committees, made the following report&
     The undersigned Committee appointed to define the duties of
Standing Committees report, That it shall be the duty of each
Committee to investigate the condition of the School allotted to
it and consider the recommendations of the Regent and presiding
officer, and report to this Board what charnes or impromements
are necessary for the good of the Institution.
                     Signed, Joseph Smith, Chairman
                             Joseph Wasson
                             J. P. Tarbitt.

Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 10, 1869.

Report of
the 0oM.
on the f arm

     The Committee on the Farm through their Chairman Curator
Woolfolk, submitted the following Report.
     The Committee on the Yarm respectfully submit as their report
that they examined the farm, crops, fencing, stock, &c., and pro-
nounce the crops well cultivated and promising except a few acres
planted in sorghum, rhich has not yet come up.
     The fencing is generally in good order, and the whole appear-
ance and conditiof of the farm much improved since last year.
     The stock upon the farm, consisting of cattle, horses, mules
and hogs, all look well.


June 10, 1869.

     Some very important and valuable improvements have been made
during the past year in the way of buildings, drains, well from
which abundant supply of water for all purposes is obtained to
all of which your attention has been called by the Regent in his
     Mr. Dean, the present, Superintendant, appears to be very
efficient in that capacity, and his crops, indicate judgement and
     The clover fields look fine, and will yield a large quantity
of hay which will be ready for the mower in a few days.
     The income from the farm and expenses for conducting it are
shown by the account current of Maj. E. D. Luxton, who keeps the
accounts connected with the same.
                Signed Joseph S. Woolfolk, Chairman
                       A. H. Bowman
                       Andrew Steele

Comm ittee
on the

Com. on
revision of
the Statutes

Prov i ding
in suits.

School in
the A. & M.

     On motion of Curator 3. B. Bowman it was ordered that a
Standing Committee on the Academy be appointed. This Committee
is as follows; Curators Gratz, Wilkes and Wasson.
     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman, i t was resolved that a
Committee of five be appointed to report at the next annual meet-
ing of the Board whether the organic and statutory laws of the
University need revision or amendment, and in mhat particulars,
if any.
     The Chair appointed urator J. B. Bowman, Steele, Joseph
Smith, G. W. Elley and Jno. Ago. I. lliams.
     On motion of Curator Caldwell it was resolved, That the Exe-
cutive Committee of this Board be authorised to obtain when neces-
sary, such security as may be required in the prosecution or de-
fence of any suit by or against this Board, and in order to do so
the said Committee is authorised to place in the hands of such
security as indemnity.
     /162/ (This resolution should be placed on next page a-ter
Curator Caldwell's report.)
     to him against loss, a reasonable and fair amount of the
Stocks owned by the University, or such assets of the University
as may be legally used in that way.
     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved, That the
Executive Committee be authorised, if they find it practicable to
organize the Commercial School of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College, and to charge the necessary fees for its support.
     Curator Caldwell presented the following.



  Report of
  the Com. on
  Securi ties
  on bond &c.

  High School
  in the
  place of the

  use of the
grounds of

 five minute

 leave of ab-
 sence to Prof.

 Curators T. N.
 Allen & R. R.
 Sloan excused

 Curator Lytle
andBigger elec-

     The undersigned Committee to whom      refJrred the question
of devising some means of which security can be given by this
Board upon finds that may be -necessary to be executed in suits
by and against this Board, have had the same under advisement and
beg leave to report, That in the opinion of your Committee it is
necessary that the Board should authorise the Executive   ommittee,
the Regent of the University, or some other agent of the FBoerd, to
obtain if it can be done, security upon such bond or bonds as may
at any time be necessary to secure the rights of this University
under the advise of the legal adviser of the University, and that
the Board authorise such agent to place in the hands of such se-
curity, as imdemnity to him against loss, a reasonable and fair
amount of the stocks orned by this University, or such assets of
the University as may be legally used in this way.
                            J. L. Caldwell, Chairman
                            J. S. Woolfolk
                            J. B. Bowman
     On motion this report was adopted, and the following resolu-
tion, offered by Curator Caldwell passed: (See bottom of preceding
     On motion of Curatr Campbell it was resolved that the Standing
Committee on the Academy be instructed to consult with the city
authorities in view of getting them to extublish a graded high
School, to take the place of the Ac ademy of the University.
     Curator Elley presented the following:
     Resolved, that at no time shall the Executive Committee grant
the use of any grounds belonging to Kentucky University for any
fairs, or other purposes not directly connected with the objects
of the University.
     This resolution has, on motion, referred to the Committee
on revising to organic s'tatutory law of the University.  /163/
     On motion of Curator Campbell all addresses to the Board.
were limited to a duration of five minutes.
     On motion of Curator Shackelford, Jr. it was resolved, That
in view of the ill health of Prest. R. Millig'on, he be granted
leave of absence from his official duties for six months, with
out suspension of salary, and that the Executive Committee be
authorized to make such provisions as may be necessary to fill
his chair during his absence.
     Curator Thos. M. Allen, and i. P. Sloan having furnished by
letter satisfactory reasons for their absence from this, and from
the last annual meeting of the Board, on motion, these reasons
were declared sufficient, and the ir seats not thereby vacant.
     On motion, the rules were suspender and D. Y. Lyttle of Clay
Co. Ky., and Judge J. It. Bigger of Paducah, Ky. were elected
Curators of this University.



June 10, 1869

Thanks to
Curator Yost.

Thanks to
John Henry

  & Chicago
  Acad. Sciences.

  Thanks &c..
  to Regent

Revc,6rt of the
joint Cor. on
Finance and
new Profs.

     On motion of Curator TMrritt it was resolved, That a Commit-
tee of three be appointed to draft resolutions expressive of our
thanks and gratitude to Curator Yost for his magnificient contri-
bution to Kentucky University. The Chair appointed Curators Tar-
bitt, Goodloe and. Woolfolk.
     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolve. That the
thanks of this Board be presented to John Henry, Esq., of Missouri
for his recent generous donation of books to the library of the
     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved, That the
thanks of this Board are hereby tendered the Smithsonian Institu-
tion and to the Chicago Academy of Sciences for valuable donations
made by them to the Museum of Natural History in Kentucky University,
     On motion of Curator Campbell it was resolved, That the Cura-
tors of Kentucky University express their heart felt thanks and
admiration to Regent Bowman for the manner in which he has conduc-
ted the arduous and intricate interests of the University, and
also their deep sympathy with him in his labor of love.

                 Kentucky University
           Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1869.

     The Joint Committee on Finance and New Professors for the
University beg leave to report as follows:
     1. That Isaac Errett be recommended as a suitable person for
thaPresidency of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, and that
he is hereby nominated for that position.
     2. That J. S. Lamar be recommended for the Professorship of
Mental and Moral Science i# the University and that he discharge
the duties of Prof. W. T. Moore in the Bible College until the
latter can assume the labors of his chair.
     3. That A. DeSoto be recommended for the Professorship of
Modern Languages in the Agricultural and Mechanical College, pro-
videa the financial condition of the University will admit of it.
                      Signed Z. P. Smith, Chairman
                             A. H. Bowman
                             D. S. Goodloe
                             Joseph Smith
                             Jno. Shackelford
                             Benj. Gratz.
     A vote having been taken upon each of these recommendations,
they were all unanimously adopted.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 3. PI. M


             L $

Afternoon Session, June JC, 1869.

June 10,

& election
of officeits

Report of
the Com. to
the differen-
ces between
Prest. Pickett
and his Col-

     The Board met at 3-4 P. M. Present Curators B. M. Bishop
(Chairman) J. B. Bowman, Ben;. Gratz, Andrew Steele, Joseph
Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. 'F. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H.
Bowman, Joseph Smith, W. L. Williams, J. P. Tarbitt, Jno. Aug.
Williams, L. B. Wilkes.
     The Committee on Nominations through their Chairman Joseph
Smith submitted the following report!
     For President - R. M. Bishop
     '  Secretary    Joseph Wasson
     t  Treasurer    J. B. Bowman
     " Executive Committee, Joseph Woolfolk, Benj. Gratz,
Joseph Wasson, and Joseph Smith


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1869.

     The election, conducted by ballot, resulted in the choice
of all the nominees of the Committee.
     Curator Jno. Aug. Williams presented the following report:
     To the Hon. The Board of Curators Kentucky University
     Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of difference
between Prof. J. D. Pickett, Pending officer of the Agricultural
and Mechanical College and the Faculty of the same as set forth
in the letter of Prof. Pickett addressed April 7, 1869 to the
Executive Committee, beg leave to report:
     They found, after a full conference with all the parties,
that the Presiding officer had predicated his official complaint
against his colleagues on a strict construction of the law of
arrest as found in the second edition of the Rules and Regula-
tions of the School of Tactics for the government of Cadets, and
on the belief that the ssme had been enacted by the Board, and
were thereby binding on the Faculty.
     It appearing, however, to the satisfaction of the Professor
that the Faculty had full discretion in the premises, he withdrew
the declaration contained in his letter of the 7th April to the
effect that the Faculty had not properly seconded his efforts to
preserve the laws and maintain the discipline of the Institution.
The written declaration of Prof. Pickett is hereby enclosed, and
made a part of this report, all of which is respectfully submitted.
                    Signed Jno. Aug. Williams, Chairman
                           IBenj. Gretz
                           W. L. Williams.


June 10, 1869

     Professor Pickett's Statementl

of Pres.

Thanks to
D. A. Sayre.

tion to
E. D. Luxton

D. A. Cal d-
er Supt.
Mech. Depart-

Thanks to
L. S. Lamar

Expenses of
the some

     In vies of the statement (that the Regulations had not been
approved by the Exec. Committee) of Ex. Prest. Williams, in re-
gard to the publication of the second edition of the Military
Regulations of the A.& M. College, and specially with reference to
the lJ;o     aret, I do, hereby, withdraw my declaration, ex-
pressed in my resignation to the effect that the Faculty did not
second my efforts in preserving the lass of the Institution and
in maintaining its discipline. But, I am still of opinion, that
the Faculty was not sufficiently decided in its action to meet
the case .
     On motion it was resolved, That the thanks of this Board be
tendered to the Executive Committee for the faithful and satis-
factory performance of their ardicus duties during the past year;
     /16b/ On motion it was resolved, That the thanks of the
Curators of Kentucky University be cordially extended to Mr. D. A.
Sayre for his very liberal donation of a foundation upon the
Ashland grounds.
     Curator Joseph Smith presented the folloring:
     Inasmuch as Maj. E. D. Luxton has faithfully performed the
duty- of Secretary to J. B. Bowman and to the Agricultural and
Mechanical Department and also for the last half of the session
has faithfully performed the duties of Military Commandant, and
inasmuch as his labors extend during the whole year, therefore,
resolved, That the Treasurer pay him $1500 for last year's service,
and that his Salary shall be continued for the coming year at
the same rate, and also to have use of the house now occupied by
     This resolution was adop]ted.
     On motion of Curator Joseph Smith it was resolved, That D. A.
Calder be appointed Superintendant of the Mechanical Department of
Department of the Agricultural and Mechanical Collece, and that
the Regent arrange with him for his services on such terms as may
be agreed on.

     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it ve.s resolved, That the
thanks of this Board are hereby tendered Elder J. S. Lamar for his
able, eloquent, and appropriate address to the undergraduates of
the University, and that we request a copy of the same for publi-
cation in the papers.
     Resolved also, That the Treasurer is hereby authorised to
defray the traveling expenses of Elder Lamar to and from Lexington.


June 10, 1869

E.D. Luston
Prof. Mili-
tary tactics

Session of
Law College

Prof. Patter-

Prof. Pickett

School of
the Meeh.
Arts, and
Practi cal
Agri cul ture

of laborers
artizand & c.

Exec. Com.
has power
to pay out

     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved, That
Major E. D. Luxton be hereby appointed Prof. of Military Tactics
in the A. & M. College until the close of the next session
     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved, That
hereafter the Christmas holiday in al11 departments of the Uni-
versity shall be limited to one day, namely, the 25th December.
     On motion the determination of the time for the beginning
and ending of the sessions of the Law College the next year be
referred to the Executive Committee. /167/

     On motion it was resolved, That if Professor Patterson can
be spared from the A. & M. College, his request to organize a
class on Comparative Philology be granted.
     On motion of Curator John Aug. Williams it was resolved,
That a Committee be appointed to wait on Prof. Pickett, state
the embarassment of the Board, ascertain his status, and report
to the Executive Committee of the Board.
     The Chair appointed Curators Jno. Auug. Williams and G. W.
     On motion of Curator Jno. Aug. Williams, it was rezolved,
That the School of the Mechanical Arts ani the School of Prac-
tical Agriculture be, and the same are hereby established, as
Schools of the A. & M. College, and that the plan and details
of these Schools be referred to the Committee on the revision
of the statutes in connection with the Regent, with instructions
to perfect the same, and report at as early day as possible to
the Executive Committee, so that the Committee may be able to
place these Departments in charge of the proper officers and
employees without delay.
     On motion of Curator Jno. Aug. Williams it was resolved,
That the Executive Committee be authorized and directed to en-
gage laborers, artizans, employees, superintendents, tutors,
adjunct professors, and professors, as in their judgement may
be necessary to carry on successfully the Institution during
the year, and the funds or resources of the Institution may
     On motion of Curator Jno. Aug. Williams it was resolved,
That, according to a proper interpretation of the organic laws,
the Executive Committee has power to pay out money througb its
Chairman on its own appropriation, provided it be made during
the recess of the Board.

11 66


June 10, 13G69

Di ni ng
Hall &

Relation of
the Military
School to
the A.&M'

Meeting of
June 11,

Thanks to
Cura tor

Mechani cal.
Depar tm ent

     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved,
That the Executive Committee be authorised to erect at Wood.
lands a suitable Dining Hall, and also Laboratories for the
Professors of Chemistry and Nat. History, if the means can
be provided by the Treasurer.
     On motion of Curator Jno. Aug. Williams, the Committee o n
 revising the organic and statutory laws were charged with the
 duty of defining the precise relation which the Military School
in the Agricultural and Mechanical College sustains to said College.
      /178/   On motion of Curator Joseph Smith  it was resolved,
 That the law as found on page 65th of the Catalugue requiri4g
 each occupant of a dormitory to deposit the sum of ten dollars
 as security against damages to the buildings be repeated, and
 that hereafter every such occupant shall be required to pay five
 dollars per session for rent of room.
      On motion of Curator Joseph Smith it was resolved, That
 this Board tender their sincere thanks to the President for the
 BoardI and to the assistant Secretary for the faithful and effi-
 cient performance of their duties.
     On motion the Pending Officer, Curator R. M. Bishop, was
excused1 fros catny farther attendance on the sessions of the
Board at this annual meeting.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow. at 3 A. i.

                Morrison Chapel, June 11, 1869

      The Board met at    A. M.   Present Curators J. B. Bowman,
Benj. Gratz, Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, .0. S. Goodloe, G. W.
Elley, J. S. Woolfolk  A  H. Bowman, Joseph Smith, J. P. Tarbitt,
Jno. Aug. Williams, J.-B'. Wilkes.
     After prayer by Curator Elley, Curator Steele was appointed
Prest. pro ten. Curator J. P. Tarbitt offered the following;
      1st. Resolved, That this Board takes great pleasure in
 tendering to Curator G. W. N. Yost its grateful thanks for his
 very generous donation to Ky. University.
      2nd. Resolved, That the Curators and friends of the Univer.
 sity feel a very high appreciation of this benefaction, so timely
 that it seems providential, as they have thereby enabled to organize
 and put in operation the MechanicEal Department of the A. &. M.
 College, so indispensable to its success, and they take the oppor-
 tu*ity to express to him the hope that the blessings of Providence
 may attend him in his efforts to do good, and that he may fully
 realize that "Bread. cast upon the waters will returh after many
 days."             J. P  Tarbitt, Chairman
                   D0. S. Goodloe
                   J. S. Woolfolk