xt7r4x54j94j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54j94j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1977 1977 1977-11-15 2020 true xt7r4x54j94j section xt7r4x54j94j Volume LXIX. Number 63
Tuesday, November IS, 1977

A discussion over pornography anti laws
affecting it was taped for broadcast over
Kentcuky I-Iducatioiial Television in
Lexington last night. Magazine publisher
Larry Elvnt (third from left]. of obscenity



Jeri nne Wehnes
trial fame. and Louisville Alderman David
Banks lsecoiid from Ieftl were in frequent
disagreement about obscenity and what it
means in modern society.




(in independent student newspaper



Publisher, councilman argue

Flynt sparks obscenity debate

Kernel Staff Writer

The national dispute over obscenity
came to a local television studio last

Larry Flynt, publisher of Ilustler
magazine, and Louisville Alderman
David Banks argued the legality of
“adult" magazines, and laws that restrict

Flynt said he feels the difference bet-
ween the illegality of certain sex acts and
publishing pictures and accounts of them
isn't adequately recognized by anti-
pornography forces.

Flynt said zoning practices which
restrict the physical area where adult
bookstores and moviehouses may locate
are unconstitutional. He added that he
hopes his magazine will be indicted in
Lexington, which recently passed an
obscenity ordinance.

Banks, however, who has sponsored
several ordinances in Louisville which

have zoned such businesses, replied that
his ordinances are designed to protect
property rights. Additionally, they are to
keep minors from having access to por~
nographic material.

Both men appeared last night on
Kentucky Educational Television‘s
Kentucky New program. A half-hour of
debate was broadcast last night. At 7:30
tonight, on channel 46, audience questions
fran last night will be shown.

Banks asked Flynt about publishing
pictures of child molesting.

“I wouldn‘t publish it," replied Flynt.
“Personally, it's obscene. You‘re con-
fusing the (criminal) act and publication.
If someone takes a picture of a bank
robbery they‘ve committed no crime. We
need to concentrate on the crime itself,
not publication of photos.“

Banks then asked, “Is it someone's
rigit to take pictures of child molesting?"

Flynt replied that it was not, because
the person taking the pictures is wit~
nCSSlng a crime without reporting it.

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

However, Flynt added, if someone should
first the picture they should have the right
to publish it.

Flynt, who agreed pornography laws
are needed to protect children, also
labeled Hustler as “the most offensive
magazine in the world. That makes it the
most important, because freedom is most
important when you offend someone "

Society needs to be rehabilitated, said
Flynt, expecially in regard to how
children are raised, before the market for
sex, as well as drugs, is depleted. Said
Flynt, "Children need love and affection
to develop. We need more men in the
home." He added that this love need not
have to come from a parent, but from
virtually any conscientious adult.

In regard to zoning, Banks pointed out
that Louisville‘s "adult" zone, with its
heavy concentration of pornographic
moviehouses and bookstores, has the
city‘s highest crime rate.

("initinued on page ll




Itlltil'lltl‘l a full-credit course in consumer

education tor graduation from Kentucky high
schools. the attorney general‘s Consumer Ad-
\rsory ('ouncil recommended yesterday

Support for a it‘andatory course in consumer
education from Philip Thompson,
president of the Kentucky (‘hamber of Com<
merce. and from Mack Morgan, a lobbyist for
the Kentucky Retail Fereration.

The council also recommended a bill to protect
consumers from getting ripped off by unfair
contracts for membership in buying clubs, social
clubs dance clubs or health clubs.

('ii I71 (‘

their in st ready access to the main road since
the April floods. a highway official said

A delegation of about 15 made a third trip to
Frankfort last week to plead for a new bridge.
The residents are impatient because with the
bridge gone, the only way to and from their
house-trailer lots is along a railroad right~of~
way. where they must steer a precarious course
between the tracks and an embankment sloping
off toward the river.

announcing plans to experiment with a four~day
week and subsidized bus fares for city em»

Sixtyvthrec employees of the Civil Service and
Personnel departments Will work Tuesday
through Friday. to hours a day, during the five-
week experiment

Mayor Sloan: said in other cities, four-day
weeks have led to increased efficiency.


(‘ONSIDHRING A TRIP by Secretary of State
('yrus R. Vance to the Middle East in January if

Sets goal for jobs

a Geneva conference cannot be convened this

I'ndei‘ consideration as well, otficials said
yesterday, are meetings next month in Europe
between Vance and Arab and Israeli foreign
i‘iinisters in an effort to promote peace talks.

Meanwhile, in another development, the State
Department rejected a Palestinian proposal that
the I'iiited Nations Security Council endorse a
statement recognizing “legitimate rights" of the

\‘ICGOTIATING TEAM may walk out of the coal
contract talks this week unless significant
progress is made

l'MW President Arnold Miller said yesterday,
he is no longer optimistic that a long coal strike
can be avoided this winter. The current three-
yeai‘ pact expires Dec. 6%.

Miller said one of the biggest obstacles in the
negotiations is a union demand for a limited
right to strike He said it is the only way to make
labor and management settle grievances.


HI-ZGL'LAH l-‘IItI-ZM I-1.\' went on strike yesterday
for more pay. But a hastily trained force of
soldiers and volunteers using outdated equipt-
ment seemed to cope well With the first day‘s

No fire deaths were reported during the first
day of the unprecendentcdi but legal—
iiationwide strike. which began at 9 am. amd
shows no prospect ot a quick end.

The strike posed the toughest challenge to date
to the Labor government's three-year-old
campaign to hold pay raises down to 10 percent.
The firefighters are demanding a 30 percent


SI'NNY .\.\'I) MILD today With a high in the
low 605. Increasing cloudiness and cooler tonight
with a low in the low 40s. There will be a chance
of showers tomorrow with a high in the low 605.

('ompiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Service dispatches

Carter announces support


for Humphrey-Hawkins bill

AP Staff Writer

President Carter formally threw
his support today behind the
Humphrey-Hawkins bill that would
set a 1983 unemployment rate of 4
percent as a national goal without
mandating specific programs to
combat joblessness.

“This is an ambitious objective
and one that may prove very dif-
fiuilt to achieve, but setting our
sights high challenges us to do our
best," Carter said in a statement
'ssued at the White House.

The administration’s support for
the Full Employment and Balanced
Growth Act of 1977, the Humphrey-
Hawkins bill, culminates
negotiations that began in June for a
policy aimed at reducing unem.
ployment. The legislation is named
after Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D-
Minn, and Rep. Augustus Hawkins,
DCalif., its original sponsors.

The bill, according to Carter‘s
statement, commits the federal

government to achieving full em-
ployment while remaining com-
mitted to achieving “reasonable
price stability."

The four percent unemployment
rate translates to a rate of three
percent for all adults in the work
force The October jobless rate was 7

The bill would also:

—Establish a framework for
economic policy decisions, with the
administration sending to Congress
its gials for employment, unem-
ployment, production and income
over a fiveyear period;
-Recognize that “special govern-
ment efforts“ are needed to fight
high unemployment “but that
primary emphasis should be placed
on expanding job opportunities in
the p'ivate sector;"

—Recognize that monetary and
fiscal policies, rather than govem-
ment control of private production,
wages and prices must be used to

achieve full employment and price

Unemployment has shown little
fluctuation in recent months and
little response to government

An earlier version of the bill was
much more controversial because it
mandated specific government
programs to attain the lower
unemployment goal.

Carter said last year during the
presidential campaign that he
supported the bill‘s concept, but he

never endorsed the actual

Although the compromise
legislation offers no specific

programs to provide jobs, it makes
some important changes in the way
government plans economic

It recommends that the president
consider several programs for
fighting unemployment, including
public works projects and revenue
sharing. It also recommends that he
consider regional policies to reduce

(‘mtiiued on page 3

Speaks to class

Sloane evaluates term,
hints at political future

Being mayor ofa middlesized city
is the most exciting elective office in
town, said Louisville Mayor Harvey
Sloane yesterday, whose term will
end in two weeks.

Must of that excitement stems
frun the problems that Louisville
shares with many American cities,
said Sloane, who spoke before
Political Science 574, a course in
state government.

Sloane, widely expected to be a
candidate for Governor or Lt.
Governor, said he had decided what
his plans were, but that they would
not be announced until next year.

The most important problem
facing Louisville, as with other main
cities, said Sloane, is financing.
Because of industries moving away
from the central city, Louisville’s
tax base has declined and the city
must struggle to raise funds to pay
for costs.

Many businesses leave the city's
core because of traffic and zoning
problems, said Sloane, along with
lack of space and higher crime
rates But it is important for a city to
maintain a growing and attractive
downtown area. he said.

“If downtown isn't viable, there
are going to be many, many
problems," said Sloane. The
downtown area has an important
value for an entire metropolitan
area as a symbolic and cultural
center. he said.

New structures in Louisville's
downtown area, such as the new
convention center and riverfront
projects, can help business in the
city, said Sloane. The use of low-
interest Industrial Revenue bonds is
another way to spur development,
he added.

Louisville business has begun to
work with government and with
neiglborhoods to achieve better
development, and now realizes it has
“a stake in what the community
looks like," said Sloane.

Since his first year in office,
Sloane said he had been faced with
unexpected problems from the first
year of his term. Strikes, court-
(rdered busing, sewer construction
and a diastrous tornado were all
among the unforeseen troubles.

Other problems that Sloane
mentioned were the same ills
besetting most American cities.

The biggest physical problem, he
said was the shortage of housing.
“The loss of housing is detrimental
not only in human terms, but in an
economic sense," as tax revenue
declines when people leave the city,
he said.



His government had made some
headway in rehabilitation efforts
with government loans, said Sloan,
but an estimated $250 million was
needed to deal with these problems.

In another area, the tran~
sportation situation has improved
because of the transit company’s
conversion from a private to a public
firm, funded by an occupational tax.
The bus system, said Sloane, is now
a “viable alternative" for senior
citizens and those without other

Asked about the state Supreme
Court‘s decision eliminating home
rule, Sloane said he disagreed with
the decision, as it created a lack in
authority. Jefferson County, he said,
was left with 21 ordinances it could
not aiforce.

“Counties should have home rule,
but they shouldn't supersede
municipal authority," he said,
addiig that the issue would be a
good topic for a constitutional

Sloane was asked whether he had
been effective in helping the

Jeanne “chm".

University of Louisville obtain
additional binding from the state
legislature, an action cited by
Lexington Mayor-elect James
Amato during his campaign. Amato
has pledged to try and exert similar
influence in Frankfort on UK's

“That‘s really paying me a
compliment," said Sloane, “but I
don't think that’s the best ap-

The system of obtaining tunding
through Council on Higher
Education recommendations was
fair, he said, and although it was
obviois that mayors and special-
interest groups would campaign for
more money for their towns, that
was not the best method.

Sloan was asked whether his
support of a referendum calling for a
constitutional convention—soundly
defeated last week—would hurt his
political future. “It really wasn‘t a
very high-visibility issue," he said,
(hubting the effect. “It doesn't have
a great effect on statewide politics.”


Student tickets will be
distributed to students with
validated [B's and activity
cards today from 9 am. to noon
on the right front side of the

Remaining student tickets will



he sold as guest tickets to
students with validated [0‘5 and
activity cards from noon until 4
pm. today at the left front
windows of the Coliseum.

No student may purchase

more than one guest ticket.
Guest tickets cost $4 cash. Any
student who has not previously
received a student ticket may
pick it up at these times, said T.
Lynn Williamson, assistant dean
of students.






I'Allior In 1 MN
Kine Halllnger

‘lmmxlng l-idltur
Dirk (iaorlel

nth-um Editor
it r Kemp


Are the protests in vain?

The Shah of Iran is no

Last wet-k wlxei' i"»-iri.‘crs of the campus
then were shouting
imit'her. down with the
snail " a (.Leniile» -.;lli‘~€ilillill,‘l(‘ intelligence
replied. ‘ l have tartan-.1, against the guy. What

Iranian Students .\.se-.‘

"The Shat: is :r laws!»

did the Shah c‘tt‘i tit“ ' r :7~e-‘
l’rohabl} nothu in;
tin lhe otirc“

'r' ll‘zltt‘." the; .‘m‘s


li't‘ciliili. "l ‘PU’V’? tLiiit‘l.

lire illill- null try awful-I tlris because he
_. . ' 'ant, a concept which
. -'l"i,‘ln'l'~'€ leadership. So

~'cw\ tir‘llizlf‘l 21.

ilL' ll‘rll‘h‘~ i~ com: 1:;

use-.5 izzrrmw' ~- ’i 'l - ;.?:" lo lz'an. In fact,The

all. \hair filoharnmed Riza
nothing to aid democracy or

stable. Most

Shah once told Italian journalist Oriana l‘allacr,
"I believe in God and that I’ve been chosen by
God to perform a task." . .
Such a philosophy has resulted in a relatively
"stable" Iranian government. It should be

of the opponentsfltens of

thousands—have been thrown in jail. These



unfortunates dared to called the regime
“repressive,” so they have suffered the con-

Torture has become a way of life for some of
the political prisoners in Iran and 111 (no error)
other countries.

A United Nations panel found in 1972 “gross


violations of human rights" in Iran. One year
later LS. News 8; World Report said that "about
71) Iranians have been executed for subversion in
the last several months.“

The Shah's secret police, the SAVAK, has been
known to use electric shock, beatings, sexual
assaults, and to perrrrit near~drownings (“the
wet submarine"), near suffocation in plastic
bags 'the dry sulnnarine") sharp blows to the
ears (“the telephone“ and stetching the nerve:
to cause paralysis i“the hook").

Iranian students, at UK and other campuses.
think that the Carter administration should
apply leverage on the Shah to free the political
prisoners. lly any humanitarian standards.
people who are jailed for political beliefs should
be freed. but that‘s not likely in Iran.

First. the Unrttd States conducts several
billion dollars worth of economic and military
trade with Iran each year U .S. busrncssmen are
using their clout to insure that trade is not lost.

Second. Iran 1s of such vital importance to the
ITS. as an energy source that Washington would
ignore the existence of atrocities to assure
m-eiving fuel. Iran is the world‘s number two oil
exporter and the Persian tiulf area has about 53
percent of the known oil reserves.

Finally, even if Carter wanted to crackdown on
Iran by suspending trade. that action would
probably have a :rrrniscule effect because the
regime is self-sufficient

'l‘hese realities haven‘t deterred the Iranian
students. though. 'I‘heir hope in helping the
prisoners lies in mobilizing public opinion with a
constant barrage publications and demon-

Mm Ldllur
\umlrrm I lur ham

\ssoclutc Ldlwr
“at it Mitchell

Suit Artist
\Mlllan; Fuxirte


thief Phuwlnpher
Iilll thhl

(‘opy hdilorn

Judith Egon-m

Spells kdltor I,yr~ll' Funk
David III'rhllls “on, l‘oarre
Phil Rullo‘dflr

his Editor


reedom fighter


‘ I“. m“ "'l


strations to arouse media coverage.

In short. they stage events for the press—a
practice which upsets some journalists. No media
type likes to be told what to print or broadcast.

But the issue here is not what rs or isn’t news,
but instead, securing the release of people who
spoke their minds.

The world that George Orwell envisoned in
lull, a world in which faceless potentates, aided
by technology, crush doubters or opponents of
“group think“ seems close.

It might be closer if groups like the Iranian
Students Association didn't strrrugle for the idea
that all men are erdowcd with certain
unalienable rights.

Let me tell you about my father...



'li- '- '2 ‘1 .1 ~ ~‘-.rf-

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:i» "t‘ r 'm him
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il s r' M .l

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nirni't" It was great

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the passing winter days in
I m ington were virtually ins
til“il‘l,lll‘~llill‘.l(.‘. They slid one into
'lze other lll such a way that. when
tilt". sin laced in the memory. they
.iu'i- Jl> one. Day piled upon day.
.rrll tlu mainlla envelope in his desk
drawer grew fatter.







%* chades

l ’§ nufin

ile made a habit of standing by the
t lizrwllllilll liurlding steps after his
r. :rr'nnrg class on Monday, Wed-
' -.i..;.’ and lriday. and he saw the
an. two girls there frequently.



lie could not be sure if his
rdv'l't'lll'S‘S of it wasn't simply
“«l;_.l‘.lcni'd but it seemed to him
".nr “iv had lugun to hear the one
«silk about l.».-r lather more often.

\‘r Had and I ever do is fight,"
.i- ’ ~-..n 'I dread going home for
I si’ :ll‘lltls. i don't know if I can
mini llil‘ti' weeks at home with

«in days. til course. she didn‘t
r'rLl: and: lli'l father.but he always
1:4» men to see if she would. One day,
l‘t pitched as she walked away, and
her: oer-riled to follow her. Nine-
- luck at .\lc\'cy Hall. he found
ni «he went there every morning.
llir name was Ellen...he heard
iriiirltlilf‘ ~;ry it one day.

Letters to the

ll. liarr. “- Tl lie: "! «Illl‘ifil‘ or
1:: writ»; 1; Suit."

l have 111.? "l\l\"(l trailing
's‘a‘. "it, 10"? 1 '~ »t \‘i'eul
”stints Iu l Imimrl i 9"" \x-rt‘d -:‘
noise we 3". oral!"

\sorit who he. ‘il'll'éliri‘l .rsna'ly
ineffectively. will. the .vrllr‘.i-an1r‘;’
census in this «:a‘e. l intro-l «our
issay a partrtularl, {V‘I‘HMWIVC
attempt ‘o [mm out the con
tradictor'.‘ if”ltit‘.'l(jl‘.'\ or often
presmt in any .r'temp; r4:- --unlrol the
thought and behavior e: {AllUlIA in a
tree secrety

I especially enjoyed your -.rrbtle
emphasis on the role that irrcdonv of
expression and lit-hauler pl'r' . it.


in? «it Any vibrant and intellectually
alert community. Perhaps your
remarks wrll have a salutary im-
_lh' l.

11. any case I considered your
essay one of the most interesting I
rave encountered in the Kernel in
mm- years and I look forward to
reading more of your work.

Michael H. Harris
Professor. Library Science

Ethnic food

This is a notice to all Jews,
Mos lenrs or anyone else who cannot
val {Ink for religious or any other


As the semester grew nearer its
crIi and the envelope was sealed and
another one begun, he began
following her around. trying to hear
smtdies of her conversations. He
wanted to know her. to talk to her
He wanted to tell her.

She was growing more and more
distressed about the impending
hdiday break: her father‘s phone
callswere “horrid," he disapproved
of everything she did "just to he
hateful," he refused to send her
money for new clothes. declined to
finame a trip to the Bahamas for
spring break. said it "wasn't
proper“ for her to accompany her
boyfriend to New Orleans for the
Srgar Bowl Festival. She didn't
kmw. she said. how she had lived
through the last two years at home.
“I hate him.” she decided one day.

One afternoon he decided not to
write his father a letter; he wrote
ore to her instead. a long, thoughtful
one. “We‘ve never met," he began.
“lutit's not important. I wish you‘d
let me tell you a story...“ When he
had finished, he meticulously copied
a poem out of one of his books on a
pdce of stationary and clipped it to
the letter. Scaling the envelope
carefully, he wrote her name on It.

The next day was Friday. the last
full day of classes. and he was sure
sic would be there. He waited after
his morning class. smoking by the
steps After a while. he guessed that
sir: wasn't coming; perhaps she'd
missed her morning class. He
jogged to Mchy and looked for her
there. He walked through the
hiking several times. looking in


I have discovered the Dolly
Madison cakes and pies are made
with lard as shortening. l have
requtsted the food services to
replace them with a brand which
contains only vegetable shortening.

But until they do, please be aware
of ”is in your selection of these
snacks, either at the campus grills
or in the grocery.

Steve Goldstein
Architecture junior

Letters policy

Letters and comments should he

addressed to the Editorial Editor.
I” Journalism Building. University
of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky.


classr‘oorrrs for her She wasn‘t to be
round. them

('ltt\>‘t‘.\, ended and finals came and
wml ll" didn‘t see her. He looked
for her again In January. sometimes
by the t‘la:~>.ioorrr Building.
soirietimes hf. Tile'i'ey, sorrietimcs in
the Student (‘t-iltcr‘. lit‘ saved the
letter in hopes lll lintiing her. it la). in
lll\ top desk drawer next to two
surlul manilla t m (lupus and a third
which grew by days.

The poem be copied again and
mailed to the school paper; it she
i'tllltltr‘l read his letter. at least she
might soil the poem ”I the [viper it
said enough. 'lt‘ drought. he hoped
they'd pr'irrt :‘

The Second Sleep
lrom “fathers and Sons" by James
lli' key

’I he reared up tearing of metal
ll here a glassed-irr lilCL‘ leapt and

(tried. too much curled. he was

, broke.
srtl‘ pill},

liul to bini tt war. something rise.

in a chair too srrrall tor into. a
rustliss chair An animal
'l‘lirl held no place tor his arnm‘;

In It is \lt‘t‘l) he grew legs to replace

\E the time he sclllcd away

»\ gentle man lookul upon him
.ml their walked out of the house

.‘ind started his evergreen car.

'I‘tr'rit'ic impact. nont his.
Kil lul him three blocks to the north

In hr second sleep the boy heard

clash. a shock of
result ing antlers.

Into the mating season.

\lll slept on, deeper and deeper

.\s his lather lil‘lrngly strained
.\nd carried him to the next room.

The nevi room tilled with women:
his nostrils

I’lai'ui. his eyes grew wide

And shot with blood under eyelids

how lowered in strife. be stamped
lnlhe laurel thicket. a heard of does

’l‘remhlrng around him. Into the

Il‘r; rival faded like rain.
llc stared around wildly, head down.

In the undying green. they woke

(‘liurles Mario is a journalism
squiomore. His column. which is
"first about people I've met." ap-
pia rs l'\ cry Iuesday.


our Clh‘i’llllllti,
, hdhldfi US

on... r

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who“ ”iwmimwwwfi34s-gn «wig. svfm' r n “.21 «Amer .2 ‘45“: M:










Stearns panel

wants action
to aid miners

Members of the l'K
iexington Stearns Strike
Deirtiise Corrirriittee lashed
out verbally at Blue Diamond
(‘oal ()0, Governor Carroll,
the State Police and UK
Board of Trustees Chairman
William B. Sturgill at a press
conference yesterday at

The press conference was
held at the Student Center to
announce a Nov. 18 benefit
concert at Memorial Hall for
the striking miners at
Stearns. However, the con-
cert was discussed only

Five members of the
committee who were present
read a short statement
concerning the strike and
called for public support.

A release issued by the

t'ttlltlil:iit‘i- said the Blue
iiiari-ond i'oai t‘o had failed
to luzrgazri iii good fazth with
the miners and accused
"state troopers under the
t‘UIlilli.l!‘.li ot (Dov ('arroll‘s
office of LI raking the peace in
htcarris" and "singling out
>Il‘lkr‘ leader's ior especially
vicious beating. '

'I‘Iii- \tltIt'IL" Hilt‘i‘dIlSi
Alliance. which has
represcritzitives on the
committee issued a press
release of its own iii conv
junction with the conference.
The rcietise contained :i !:st of
derriaiids for action in the

'Ihtse int iudeti, removal of
the troopers ii'orii Stearns.
release o‘ .l riiiricrs I;iiit‘d iii
miintctioii \iith incidents on
the picket lines. rerrimal of

llai assnie iit and unfair abuse
by mine oper rat0rs,

(harles \bner. Ky.

.liidge J. B. Johnson from
jurisdiction in the matter and
"'establishrrient ot a board of
inquiry to investigate
goiernirient action in

Margaret Roach.

state police and the
(int ei'iioi"s office were denounced at a press
coiiln'ence called yesterday by the Steanis
Defense (‘oiiiiiiittee. From left are
American Federation of

of coal miners

State. t‘ounty

ir-pr'tseriting the American
I“t(I(I‘itiIt)lI of :s‘tate, (Tounty
anti Municipal bliripltiy't't‘s
i.\l“.\lt‘.\ll<2i at IIK. attempted
to link Sturgill to the con-
ti‘ ov trsy .

"L‘K employees have had

Flynt stirs obscenity debate

(‘mtinued from front page

"These areas attract more
vice," explained Flynt.
“That‘s why you shouldn‘t
zone. First it‘s books, them
it‘s rimps.“

Banks said that his work in
Laiisville hasn‘t been cen~
teredtoward defining what is
obscene. “We’re trying to
give the bluecollar people the
same rights the upper class
enjoys by of the law of
economics.“ Businesses
which deal in pornography
are more likely to be
estatiished in less affluent
city neighborhoods than in
suburbs, he said.

Banks was asked if a
decis’on to restrict Flynt‘s
publishing would be a blow
against freedom of ex-
pression in general.

“I‘m not certain I'd go so
far as to ban Hustler,"
replied Banks. “1 do think
some pictures in it are ob
scene and should be


the rights of the citizen who
doesn't it ant to \ iew nudity to
drugstores and other business
establishments whose
business is not primarily
selling pornographv X';I)tlltf
goin." l~ lynt trcplied“ sthc
person s rtigh who owns the
store. to seil what he wants.”

Flynt was also asked if he
felt that juries who decide
obscenity cases adequately

reflect community stain:-
dards ‘01 course not." said
Flynt. Almost in unison,
Banks replied. "tif course.“

th': asked what he
theacltt alternatives to jury
trails might be, i"ij.'nt flatly

replied that there should be
no obscenity laws at all.

At least twice throughout
the evening Banks claimed
that I’lyrii‘s view of law is not
in step with the reality of the
legal process.

At a press conference after
the show, Flynt said. “i wish

say Hustler is trash. 1 can
show you clippings where the
same thing was said about

Flynt continued, “Many
civil liberties are in jeopardy
because of the Nixon
appointed (Supremei Court.
if he‘s not fit to be president.
why are they (Nixon ap
printeesi fit to serve on the
court? '

A lexington minister asked
I“I_\!li if he was aware of the
position the Bible took
regarding pornography,
which the minister said is

strictly negative

Flynt replied that he was
aware of the Bible‘s position
but said it was a matter of
interpretation. “You have
everything from ltev. Moon
to the Pope. Billy Graham is
somdiwere in the middle.
They can‘t agree on anything
but sexual repression." Flynt
said are must simply try to be
the most fair.

Banks then asked if Flynt
was trying to live fairly or
makeSlu million. “My profits
are $20 million, not $10
mill ion, “ replied Flynt.

Carter gives support to
Humphrey-Hawkins bill

(‘uitinued l‘rom front page

unemployment among
specific groups or within
depressed areas; youth
employment programs; job
training and counseling, and


described as public service
jobs created only after an
official finding that all other
means of reaching the
unemployment goals are
insufficient. They could only
be created with separate


itchy Lui‘urt

and Municipal Employees

|.\l~‘S('\l|‘I l; Margaret Roach. UK Employees
.\l"S('.\II‘I Urgaii'

iling (‘iiiiiiiiittee; Joe Kelley

lliottom |. Lexington Young Socialist Alliance
and Bronson Itolier of the strike committee.

their rights trampled on by
the Board of Trustees, which
is headed by William
Sturgjll." she said, “and he is
one of the largst coal
operators in the state."

St urgill was out of town and
muld not be reached for

’llie benefit concert for the
mind's will be Nov. 18 at 8
pm. at Memorial Hall. The
mricer't will feature local
bluegrass. country and folk
musicians. Tickets are
available for $2.

Greek swimmers
compete in meet

Sigma Pi fraternity held its
fourth annual “ Sink or
Swim“ Sunday night at the
Memorial Coliseum pool

Alpha Delta Pi sorority won
the all-sorority swim meet for
the third year in a row and the
Delta Zeta sorority won the
spirit award.

The swim meet is a com-
bination of both skill and fun.
There were several events
that are not standard in a

Alpha Delta Pi won six out
of nine events, with a total of
77 points for the night. Tri
Delta was second with 63
points, and Delta Zeta was
third with 41 points.

“Overall, I'd say that the

charge of the meet

The winners of the events
are as follows
an medley relay- Alpha Delta
Pi (Buchart, Bishop, Potts,

50 free— Tri Delta (Sharm

.30 inner tube

.30 breast stroke- Alpha Delta
Pi iSusie Bishop)

100 t—shirt relay— Alpha Delta
Pi «Clark, Smith, Nutini,

25 butterfly Alpha Delta Pi
iArny I’ottsi
mystery event- Tri Delta
30 backstroke Alpha Delta Pi

Mary Ann Bucharti

I’ll tree relay- Alpha Delta Pi

Tri Delta tI.iz


meet went fairly well,“ said ‘I‘olts, (raven. Walther.
Don Churney, who was in Bishop


Moors before Columbia 5



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To satisfy the General Studies Requirement

in Humanities (Area V)

Ger ‘lél ' Survey German Literature In Translation: Binger

Survey of Russian Literature from its beginning through the 19th
century2Anderson, R.

Russian Literature of the 20th Century: Janecek. G.
SeminarSpecial Topics: Chekh0v
Survey of Spanish Literature from th