xt7r4x54jd8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54jd8j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 2007 2007 2007-02-12 2020 true xt7r4x54jd8j section xt7r4x54jd8j WWW. KYKERNEL. ( ()M



.. 2007





oyees arrested" in UK theft case

By Juliann Vachon

gvachoiidkykeinet coin

Three lormer emplo}ees \\ ere ar-
rested on l'elon} charges lirrda) thell.
morning lolloxtrng a littlll‘illlttnlll inr
\estrgation that i'e\ealed more tltan
$40.00“ in missing inventor} from
the UK Stores departntent. said act~
mg UK Police (‘hiel Joe Monroe.

Stel‘on (‘arierz former assistant di-
rector ol~ Stores. \\ as arrested at his
Lexington home at 10 um. on
charges ol tampering \xith e\ idence.

Stac) (‘rtissle). lormer assistant
director ol housing. ttrrited hersell'
into police at 10:10 am. on charges


of recenrng stolert propert}

Mark Renl’ro. l‘ormer director ol'
Stores. also turned himsell into po-
lree at ll am. and u as charged \\ith

All three were released on bond
l‘rom the Layette (‘ounty Detention
Center Frrda). L‘rossle) and Renl‘ro's
bail Vsas $5.000. (‘atei"s was $3,000,

Renl'r'o. (‘rossle) and (‘arter ha\e
been suspended without pay since the
end ol‘ September.
eeived an anonymoUs tip on Sept. 33
that prompted an rmestrgation and a

told the Kernel in an Oct 4 article.
Although the three were auare ol


puter' l1 ard is are .
L'K police re.


Renl’ro‘s home. Monroe The

\\ hat \\ as going on.
“iiidnidual actions"
\wrkiiig together.
Ben (‘rutchen associate \ice presi.
dent tor Auxrlar)
(Hersees LiK Stores.
"(‘arter knew what \\ as going on
and was destroying e\idence"
lrce “ould not l‘ind rt. Monroe said. and
The missing in\entor_\ included com;
soft“ are.
and TVs. among other items, sortie of
which were recmered at Renl‘ro‘s

stolen lor personal Use and was not
being sold. Monroe said.

the} “ere coin
and not
said Monroe and

Senrces. ll\Cl\ the purchases.

50 p0-
transportation ol

appeared to be

residence halls,


Junior illiil’tl Prime" Braille»; 5' es :ias'tL

UK's poor 3-point, free-throw
shooting hinders comeback

By Jonathan Smith

ismithfikykérnel r out

So much \xent right Mr l'K on

['K held No.1 Honda to a sea-
son»lo\s point total. lt \rrtirall} elrma
rnated the Gators ad\antages in the
loo post and outside. The (‘ats
lorced .-\l Horlord and .loakrm Noah

(sun loss in lront or a Riipp Arena
t'et‘ttl‘tl et‘t)“ Ll Ul‘ 24.465.

The loss “as the (‘.its‘ lilth
straight to the delentlrng national
c.himpions lloridi t ‘1 ll) Hi is
the lrrst Southeastern (onleitiice
team to heat l'K the
times since Tennessee tlrd it lroi‘ri
l‘)75 a",

c llll\Ck till\t'

to the bench \\Illl loul trouble and
sullocated ll ‘ point ace l.ee
Hurnphre). \tter

()n the sui'lace. it appeared \‘o
lb' l'K did rust about e\er}thrng it
could to beat the topAranked (iators.

l:\cept score

"I thought \\e did some things (‘ats
“ell tonight other than shooting the
ball." said head coach Tubb} Smith.
"We iust couldn‘t make a shot "

l'K couldn't muster enough m.
lense to upset the top-ranked (iators
.as cold shooting throughout the
game plagued the team. The (’ats
shot 38.1 percent lor the game in a


l'ree throxs

l‘.\en \\itli the poor shooting.
l'lx' t lh’rti. ‘ 1Sl:('i had .i tharite to
urn in the lirial minute

t\\o ('ore\ lli‘eisei lree
lllrtt\\s \\ rth 2!» li setonds lelt pushed
lead to (Lil <4.
Braille} single handedl} manulae
lured a lurious comel‘aek lor the



Hradle) hit a long i pointer. and
alter a l‘lorrda tuino\ei. hit another
Kapornter to pull the ('ats to M hit
\xrth lh’ 4 seconds lelt

Alter Brew er and Hradle) traded
s. Bradle) l‘orced another
Gator turnmer on a long rnbounds
attempt \s ith 9.7 seconds left.

oll the trout ol the rim.

With the hall loi one liiial shot.
Braille) drihbled around the “ point game The) old} hit three
are belor'e loreing rip a desperation
shot around mo delenders that hit

Bradley 's liiial miss lrom 1 point

”dis s 5516‘ Wis

_ H. n4 ._
. i . ml‘

range \s as l‘K's 2-nd attempt ol the

Braille} said he thought that the
la“ ol axerages Wiuld e\entua|l}
take ell‘ect

€99 Basketball

Two inducted into Gatton Hall of Fame

Emily Convert

etoovet‘ig‘kykmriel i'o'r

l‘\\o l’K alum in\ol\ed in non prolrt orga
nr/alrons touted the (iatton (‘ollege ol Husr
ness and lieonomre‘s Hall ol Lame lirrda).

Marian F. (iurnn and (ierald R. Beniamrn
are both UK graduate and make tip the 14th
class of inductees into the college s Hall ol

“Induction into the (iatton Hall ol Fame
has become a prestigious honor for our busi-
ness school alumni." said Deuinathan Sudhar»

’ l

slian. dean ol the (iatton (‘ollege "Mr Ben
iairiin and Mrs (iurnn are most deser\riig o
this recognition

"They represent integritj. and hard \iork in
the business \sorld and in the greater tommu
nil) in \\l1l\'ll the) lite." he said.

Heniamin is the managing tilltKl'W and
head ol in\estment banking “llll ,\'a\rgant
(‘aprtal Adusors. l.l.('. an NASD brokerage

Benjamin came to l'K on a lull-tuition mu»
sic scholarship. and earned a bachelor‘s degree
in accounting tn W79, He co~founded (‘asas. a


national restririturrng. merger and acquisition
adxisoix liiiii in 3111)“ Heniamin \lllTL'llll\
ser\es on the boards ol numerous non piolit

”l have de\eloped a real appretration tor
the strides tthisi unnersrt} has made not rust
athleticall}~ but academiciill} as “ell.” Hen
iamin said

"I enioyed some ol the best times or m_\
lrle therei." he said “The good education
seried me “ell "

(iurnn. a l.ours\ille name. holds a bacher

See cotton :" {MOP 3

UK Stores streamlines purchase
orders for drl‘l‘erent unnersit} depart-
ments b) placing orders l'or items,
Stores then bills departments and de

L'K Stores has 20 ernplo)ees

Renl'ro's Job responsibilities in
eluded merseerng ordering. shipping
said, ('arter \\orked under
Reiilro oxerseeing the Stores ware
house and ensuring materials were
recened and distributed properly.

(‘rossley was in charge of interior
design for campus ltotising. which my

eluded designing and purchasing l‘or

Monroe and (‘ruteher declined to
comment on the speerl‘ies ol the case
or ho“ the crimes took place Mon-
roe did sa) that the unneisrt) is rm~
plementing He“ guidelines to main»
tarn accountabrlrt) “lll‘llll depart-

“ll )ou don't ha\e good checks
artd balances in place. things can slip
through the cracks and go unnoticed
like this did." Monroe said

(‘rossle) in” be arraigned toda)
at l pm. in liasette Count) District
(‘ourt Renlro and (‘arter M“ be ar-
rargiied Wednesda} at l p in also in
l‘a)ette ('ount) District Court

BOT votes
to negotiate
real estate

Health care—related
property may include
Samaritan Hospital

Beruliann Vachon
iacrioaékyteiae: (cm

The l‘l's Hoard ol Tl'usl'c‘e‘s \oted unam
niousl_\ to pursue the purchase ol real estate
related to [K Health (Irrek e\pansion, at a
special BUT meeting Saiuida} altemoon

Details ol the transaction are being a rth

l K spokesperson .la\ Hlaiiton said the
"delicate negotiations" \szil be pr:\ate until
delinrtne terms are teaehed hecause Plll‘lle
discussion ot the transaction tould lllll‘.l\.l
the \alue ol the property

Saturdat 's BUT meeting \\ as held one
da} alter the iriii\ei'sit) Hospital (‘oiiiniittee
and the l:\eeuti\e (ommittec held meetings
"to dcltherate on the lutirre attiuisrtion or
sale ol real propem "

l ni\ersrt\ o t itrals retentl} determined
the tr.rnsa._tro!i is ill l'ls's lit-st :nterests. at
cording to a Board ol li‘trstees statement

l'ilteen oli It! board nieiiihers delibeia'ed
in pi‘i\.i!e loi‘ .iliiiiist l's\tl lll"!l’s incline \iititi:

Real Estate . : 5

Staff rallies
against increase
in health care

By Emily Hunkler

Ny._‘p'~. IA...

\lore thaii *l' t linen and retired l K
stalteis protested \hrlllEk“ i. health care hei‘t
lrts outside the Student ( enter or l i‘ida\

lilie stall members ioined l K ('olleue De
mtkrals tieitt Iltt‘ HIT le‘c‘xll Irk'd lt‘ \Iilc t‘ ltlls-
tiatroris in er the changes. \shich isril raise he
cost ol the heneltts tor retirees \\ ho ha\ e piil in
letter \ears or senile uoikrng at the unnersr

"\\e were all made promises \\ hen tie
were hired in that. \\ith l.‘ \ears ol sen ice to
l'ls'. use would h.i\e paidrup retiree health
care." I'K stall member Terr} Olson said “l
iust trope and pra} the adiitrr‘irstratron \\ ill hear
our cries and needs tor these promises to be
kept to our emploiees "

On Jan ". It!” the Retiree Health Heire-
lrts ('onimittee tRHlK‘i began delrlwiations on
how to reuse the current health are plan lor
retired l'K stall

The current plan allims a single retiree to
pa\ a $21 a month healtheare premium il the}
ha\ e met the Rule ol "‘ meaning his or her
age and the number ol \ears the_\ “orked at
[K total at least "Q. \srth a minimum ol l5
_\ears ol ser\ it e

The neu plan. “huh \Hll go into el‘lect
Jul} l.requrres employees to pa) a higher per-
centage ol their premium depending on their
age and years ot seniee

ll a retiree is )oiinger than M and sened

See Rally on page 3

Mm 257-1915; W 2572872

'- "



3553:,“ Monday. Febuiari,1.?_...20fl,

uvaku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution






























.» i v
i, . 1m . . my .

t.t k

W all”. Wi-m s to stash (may "wife ‘2)
at 'lllll‘l the more you appreciate what you
day's rating '0 is the tars/est oar [7 xi,‘ ‘ riot r; my m to at:
S a" b‘ l"r‘ ‘7'” "‘7 1‘13“ 1‘ 1'- “ . is T’W“ ' .3' Ai‘il yi‘o' ltlflsldfilll‘e, tit Course, in (lllS
”11”” 1" ' " . wit :- v‘s il"tl 'ririre ways to sell gunk

UR a a
Cancer (June 22 ~ July 22) liniay l'llS is the payoff for work you've al-
mregcape: , is on 8 Cunt riur- With your pri‘ ready done You get extra for wait
"at" that ii weed that will MFPI) yttl; Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
:‘isy .iuri'ia t': My a"; you ‘3 sleet) Today is an 8 , The farther you go,
. , , "‘ \i t c
iv L1 Kl”? b‘dfk , Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is left hark hnine The more you study
,rg »yj ,.‘,V ‘vw ~yys Usw ‘ . ii
0 g“ ‘ ‘ ‘Md M“ ‘ "M ‘ it" 6 lini'i‘um to fasten \ti'ltl at 'lcl'lle, the farther you li be able
v mpnv yr 7‘ [74,;th w _ ., . \
m9. “’5‘ ( 7‘1”” ‘9 J . H r '_. , rot. a) air as Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan.19) lu-
Aries (March 2‘ " AW” 19); “‘1‘” : Has no tut V‘Hl're, "art as day .s a 7 - Recycling is good for
.n is . ‘ry , K r
W“ “‘m ’* ‘ i ya. tav a'id age It is also good for your
‘ ’l ‘1’" Virgo (Aug. 23 —~ Sept. 22) ifittt‘. l'tnl'lx,‘53 and your personal pocket
Taurus MW" 20 ‘ May 203 “17‘?“ arms 1 ~. atrium; its is a Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) lo




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