graphs pf the
To pr-vent the charge .f pMmrtisanhipij the writer has given the title of Gov-
ernor to alt in J. enttiky vho hmm-,. op to iate, claimed It. The Republicans do not
like time title pplie d to Mlr. B-ekhamu. mmmr the Democrats Its appliatilon to Mr.
Taylor. 1-ut bi giving It to bNdh. the !s,- i rem.uis neutral.
Willia-u (umluel. t)mmr:'t. entered the famous Louisville Mlusic Hl.l Convention
June 21Mt. vjth lie smnai - est umnuber of vot-s, and ID seven days. by what Is con-
sidereld ti. rem -,rkmlmls- ninipulahtio in IIImdern political mnethods. received the
umom'mmalimm bf governor
Willi.,,. S Taylor. itpulim:muu. r ivd n u anaJnimous non-inatloo at the Lexington
Cotiventim. two weis l ater
The" began a maunpa go of d e....... atioo., allegatol, charge of fraud anid falsehood.
that s ia m evolve mb a partisaln bhltr-d -mnd bitterness never before equaled. The
l-ress m Erulneky lost alt sen-se f digmidty mr decency and lent itself to wild In-
-etyim- aumi cruel aInd imfianming ies.
Etni-'la-is Iri,,m'ipnlI platform waI his ennity to the Lousville & as0hville Railroad
onmai my. wvimiri he -iebs-m o f discrinmimmatiomm Tnylor s was agan:st the t1oebel lmW. la imi ftug that it gave to its :mntlm r too great a po-er for fraud.
Time rl-tm-llmii was 1mel Nmmvmls 1-r 'lm. witl expecttion of riot. atimil charge and
s-ommmmt-r mImhrgi-. The military was ealimi- mmit tum Louisville. Upou th-- facee of the re-
mins, Tavimur was eleetem t iny 2.253 pllmr-lity.
Time 1.m-e tl -n iomi:siommulem-ilei le uilmer 9. that Its pow-ers were purely minls-
t-rimlm tmnl - uwarml the cirtiti-te .,f e tmtlm 1m Taylor.
J..uuunry .-.1 Gs-1imm lum-gaim hi a.utest before tIme Legislatur,-. alleging fraumd at the
aI!s rie Im.imm.m..rl. ta mv- m misbl.rr.. ble am1I v:mmrloge over their plonemits by reason
o f immvl umgummi :imJ-rity iii lhme --dmuus m mmml Sm"mate.
In tbi- mmi-ailthl mm th , Idit rumm-ss. hat :l mi the absurdest Imartisajshlp increased
daily: botb ades e-memi to I-m mmiI '--cii "f Ji-tim- ' III right: I.'ti i.l...l.... t ihmij -
selve8s diregardin_ everything but vi -tmiry ait any cost
The legislative con-test .oni..itte wmm' ivmrwlmeinigiv Ileumm' i :i'mm. mf rae
as p-Judjeed aa their asa-biUt-s .-d mim 1 mrs:mrics I timimimmy mii Ivl u-mm a little
onsidered by either party.
Janury 29th. the eviden -e a is e..i.phltid. January 30th. ti.. ..i.i.i.iitti'.- ininileml
to make Goebtl governor; that 1ily he -I. Gbut. mv-rn-or Taylmr immnmi'illttcl mlYlemi
the entire State nilltlia to Frminikf.mrt. pr-iciimi d i-d sIIIrrc- ti'i- nii . amljminrmn'ml the
egislature to Iondon. a Rtepuilla .... ...ini..i ity.
A reign of terror threats of rtii' rmv'ithm. mltaik ..n ..militia. kidi Iappi.,iig of
legislators. ete.. nere rampi--C.
Wednesday. January 31st, the Denmoermtm Legisimhti-re. Iiliiiiiig t Imaic mimit lii
-esal.n In the Capital HMtAl. delearm- l I Ai giivrmimr. ai a iFriday.
Fhbrnary 2d. and Goebel waa agtiul n lmrdil go ernrw ad wanw a-irni in hry Chief
Justlce Hazelrigg. Saturiay. Felruiry I. lI.i lied. ,miid l.imlntcuant- ernr -tikha
was aworn In as go-ernor.
Tbe Republican legilalture mi' t 1in i.-'ilmii miil Itie tmd icith mrmlt retmiacid tlm gum. G om-
-ral Jobn B. Castlemman a mis mm , limmitmm It mmii' aidjiM;itit x,-ii,.iAl ihi II gmn
forming a new vmilltla.
A peace confereni' helil lin DI.iilstille Flitrhiiry Itil. .ilt ihoerimir T; re-
fuaed to endorse It.
February 8tb. 41-vermmmr CoGml-1.0 wmmo iwmri.l lii Frmmimkfirt: m1 .i...iii.. i t mistinig
9100.000 nil be i re-tel to his wme-iiry.
Rewara8 aggregating 980.000 1 N-,n ,.fm-rn-l fur the- ....l.r . dimimmim f tih i.sit-
sin., and anne t-enty fimnimoc leti - rca mir trslug tm alu it.
February 9th Democratic LLgilmi.tmir int iIn LouisvileI' imirt il---mam.
Fcbrmary 12tb. injunction -kalme by ex-l-ovmrnir W. i. BrtmlebY. 1ii time FeiAl-rml
Courts. to restrain allegeM pr-iA mtp f Iltstimiii i, , ...,.iaimmu .mi. ltmjmilmimbau
minor cundidates.
The prcaent sit-iation is mit eMtir-ly imliql - 1i tIlmilt d Simitmum hltmiry. itie.i1e
aland In 1844. South -ndmlima mimil t.mmm'immmi1i. tibm a-iemitis-. Ii: l Stiet.- mlitial
troubles rery sImilar. lint lIn time liitter mimily ams th risis mia grm'mt -i Is, K,-,it,.iky.
The ba of lIfte in t ousisana aims mImmi-m grt-r. liit -immr trimmil-les mire ,mi-t ym-t mt aim etM1i.
Fo.r great aIassinatlomis hav - miiirrml In thl momi-mtry. I'rm .Airahmibai
Lincoln and Janes A. Ciarielld. ( artir timirrisolm. mimimymir mt ihl :mgmi mi W'1ililIaum
G-oebel governor. The last tavo -er- t-r imhti-eIl remmamma.
E -
0., s
3 sog C
C C.
iSKENTUC-KY CAPITOL. Of Kent-cky marble. The cross In the lower
right h;nd corner shows where Goebel fell. Several tragedies have oc-
cu.rrd In this htrcbuilding.
DETAIL OF Louisville Legion ready to receive instructions on event
of attack by the Franklin County sheriff and posse of 500 mounted and
armed men, which was threatened
. e
00 = -
C. 00
COMPANY MILITIA jest receiving orders to bhase the Legislature
and prevent its meting in the opera house, 10:20 a. m., January 31st.
It dashed at top speed througb the streets and beat the legilator. The
citizens were badly scared by the unusual sighL
THE OPERA IIOT'SE nt 10:2 n. mi.. -eeriped by troops nil Idny of
J.inii:iry 31st to pr.v'n t the .-lgi:Itore oioting there. A clash with the
custodian of the building and his imun was narruwly averted.
- : I j i d 11
FROM THE OPERA HOUSE Trimble called the legislators to the
Court Hou.e; another comp.ny of militia started after them. It was a
v oledrfni sight; side by side ran d w-ma-ers and troops down the
middle of the street. The soldiers bat. with the ex-eptlin of the three
who are rnniing In the door. Time 10:34 a. m., January 31st: troops just
arriving at Court H ouse.
FROM COURT IHOUSE. the legislators, tired of runIng, walked
to the Capital Hotel. only to find troops there. Because Ge-bel wais ly-
Ing in the hotel, the soldiers made no demonstration, but General
Collier notified Trimble any attempt to meet In there would he followed
by arrest. Guards were stationed Inside to report any movement. The
wsindow over the door is In Goeel's death chamber. The bullet holes In
second window On ground Door is from the Colson-Seott battle.
FOUR H1OUR' after the shooting of Goebel. Capitol grounds oceu-
pled by portion of State militia and Lexington gattling guL The first
-ildinpg to the right 1i the executive billding. It Is the last windo to
the left on the second floor that the shots are said to have been fired
DRESS PARADE OF 1,960 troops, Col. Mengel, of Louisville. com-
manding. In the back ground is executive buildlig. First window to
right on first floor is in Governor Taylor's office.
SIGHUTING a gattling gun In Capitol grounds on a building suspected
of containing Democratic abarpsbooters.
THE rXECCtTIVE MANIATON wan built In 1799 and It is .ild to 1b
baluti-d, as two governors bat .edied In It.
D. LI.IAMit. of Le-Ingt.n, al.
........ pts, .af the famous Rtough
Riders of the Spanish War
of Garrard County. Ky.. - an -
olonel of the Civl Wer. in whicb
he was shot through the body.
STATE AIRSENAI.. Io "ew of Impendlng e-il Io r in Kentacky, It Is
-uiId 3.500 rifles, an 175.000 nrtrl dze are stored here. It s featred that the
t)emocrats will try to capture munitIons In event of war,
, P
P 53
.0 .
Fs E
THE LEGISLATU-IRE makiog Its fanal attempt to meet In State House.
It was preveuted by a line of bayonet. TIme, 5. p. In.. February 1.
Thereafter It is said to have net setretla in thie Capital Hotel.
tatoes out of commissary building, built In rear of general office bullding.
BlIVOVAC BY THE LEAST of the aetos In Kentnek,'s
dr-na. They know only the orders of their captalns and little realize
that they -tnye ma ted the most Important chapter of American history
w ithln reeent years.