xt7r7s7hr23w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r7s7hr23w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1939052 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-05-jun2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-05-jun2. 1939 2011 true xt7r7s7hr23w section xt7r7s7hr23w 



    Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, June 2, 1939.

     The regular June meeting of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentucky, was continued from June 1, 1939, and held Friday, June
2, 1939, in the President's Offices   The members of the Board
present were Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairmawn of the Board; Judge
Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee; H. S. Cleve-
land, Judge John Cooper, Marshall Barnes, Harper Gatton, Louis Hil-
lenmeyer, Lee Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, James Park, H1. P.
Hobson and J. C. Newcomb; twelve members being present.   President
F. L. McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were present.

     1. Anproval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of April
4, 1939, were approved as published.

     2, Executive Committee and Board Officers Elected.

     The Chairman stated that selection of an Executive Committee
and election of officers of the Board for the ensuing year was a
designated order of business for the June meeting of the Board.  Ho
asked for nominations for the respective positions.

     Thereupon, after nomination and second, the following were
unanimously elected:

     Judge Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees
and Chairman of the Executive Committee; other members of the Execu-
tive Committee, James Park, H. S. Cleveland, R. P. Hobson -and Lee
Kirkpatrick; John Skain, Treasurer of the University, and D. H,
Peak, Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

     3. President's Quarterly Report.

     The President made his regular quarterly report which, on mo-
tion a-id second, was accepted and ordered recorded in the minutes.
It is copied as follows:


                     REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT

                           June 2, 1939


     In a recent report made by the Division of Teacher Training ant
Certification in the State Department of Education, the director,



Dr. R. E. Jaggers, has set forth some interesting figures regard-
ing the attendance of students during the year l%97-38.   In this
report there is a table in which the University is shown as hav-
ing 4741 full time and part time campus students enrolled. West-
ern State Teachers College is shown with ,771; Eastern State
Teachers College, with 1,912; Muhrray, with 1,026; and Morehead,
with 1p02.   The total enrollment of these five Institutions is
12,452,   Mr. Jaggers' report sets forth also the enrollment in
private four-year colleges for the same period.   These figures,
not including the University of Louisville, bring their total to
5,188.   The number of students enrolled in private junior col-
leges is 1,857, making the total enrollment of college students
19,497.   The University of Louisville did not give roll by college
levels, but total roll in that institution was 1,843.

     The figures given above do not include what are called "off
campus enrollments."   Many of these institutions carry on corres-
pondence courses and extension classes.   The University of Ken-
tucky had 1,015 such enrollments; Vtestern, 1,167; Eastern, 994;
Lbrehead, 120; Murray, 155.   The private four year colleges had
extension enrollments of 574.   There is still another figure
which is brought into enrollments -- what is known as ca-um.pus
schools,   This enrollment was 978 in the University; at Western
285; at Mlurray, 199; at Morehead, 204; at Eastern, 155; a total of
1821.   The enrollment  in training schools in private four year
colleges for the twelve institutions appearing in the table was
4,198.   If all of these student relationships are taken into con-
sideration, the University had 7,734 enrollments in the various
schools and extension activities.


     In the legislative session 1936 there was appropriated for
the general maintenance of the University for the biennium the sum
of 8660,000.   In the session of 1938 the legislature appropriated
for the same purpose $775,000.   Thiose amounts are not specifically
for given items -- the designation in the budget is "for mainten-
ance of the colleges."

     According to the University records, there was paid in the
academic year of 1936 for salaries in the colleges, not including
those paid for administration and the department of Buildings and
Grounds, the surm of $767,400.  For the year 1937-38 for salaries
in the field of instruction, there was paid the sum of $904,640.
It will be seen, therefore, that the University has paid in sal-
aries for instructional purposes a sum larger than that received
from the State for general maintenance.

     In 1937 sixty-five persons received an increase in pay over
that given them in 1936 in the sum of $8,257.50.    In 1938,91 per-
sons received Increases in salary over that received in 1937,
amounting to $28,848,    In 1939, 78 persons received increases in
salary over that received in 1938, amounting to   21l,210.


     This salary increase was made in the lower brackets of in-
struction.   It Is9 also interesting to note the number of assis-
tants employed in the various departments during the past three
years.   In 1937 there were 65 assistants, 9 of whom received
$200; 4, $300; 24, $400; 24, $500; 4, $2600.  In 1938 the same
number of assistants were employed, but distributed differently --
2 received $200; 4, $300; 22, $400; 31, $500; 6k $600.    In 1939,
67 assistants were employed -- 6 at $200; 6 at o300; 17 at 8400;
31 at $500; 7 at $600.   In addition, there were student assistants
in the Library and College of Engineering who received Wl3,600 in
1938, and will. receive $13,000 in 1939-40. These figures are giv-
en for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the Board and
the various readers of this report the way in which salaries of
members of the staff have been handled.

     A salary out was made in 1932-33 cand this reduction has never
been restored.   However, it is only fair to say that the reduction
made at that time was,on the whole, smaller than was made in many
institutions.   At the present time the University of Wisconsin is
undergoing considerable 'difficulty in the matter of retaining its
previous appropriations.   The College of the City of New York has
recently had a considerable reduction, amounting, according to the
press, to 20% in salary cuts.    I am presenting this report because
of various comments made at different times upon the action of the
University and the failure of its administration to provide ade-
quate salaries to meet the rising costs of living in the community.
The facts are that the country is in a period of depression and
has been for eight years.    It is difficult to forecast the future,
but undoubtedly, with increasing demands now being made for old-age
pensions and other security procedure, education will have to con-
tend with a new series of forces for the money that is available
for educational purposes.


     From time to time attention has been called to the work going
on under a grant made by the Carnegie Corporation for the study of
community music in this State.    The Corporation provided $10,000
for a period of one year.   We are now in the second year, end I
am informed that the money will be ravailable for a third year for
the continuance of the work and final report on the work that has
been done.   The first year was devoted to a study of the music sit-
uation here on the campus of the University: how was the Department
organized -- what were its strength and weaknesses -- how did it
meet the needs of the studunts -- what were its objectives and
gloals -- how could it meet the demands maLl6 upon it for teachers
of music in the public schools? A good many conferences and meet-
ings have been held during the past two years, and now a specific
recommendation can be made relative to the reorganization of the
Department of Misic in the University of Kentucky.    The new organ-
ization provides for better coordination of courses, more careful
supervision of students, and the extension of functions of the
Department to include some work out in the State.    There will be
recommended at this meeting some changes in the budget, and the



appointment  of Dr. Alexander Capurso aC Executive Director of the
Department, and the continuance of Professor Lampert as Head,   In
past years the applied music has been provided by instructors em-
ployed on the fee basis.   The proposal for next year is to place
instructors on a salary basis and the University to charge a fee
for applied music.  Out of all this it is hoped that we may have
more effective instruction in applied music and better direction
of it.

     During this year Professor van de Wall has extended the work
on the campus and in the State and he has found considerable in-
terest in community music.   Many of the groups need some assistance,
and it is hoped there will come to them voluntary leadership that
will be effective and bring a new interest in music in the commun-
ity.   In this connection it may be said that the Department of
Music hopes to inspire those who work in the Department, so that
they will carry a real enthusiasm back into the community in
which they will live, and in that way may aid in providing  emotion-
al outlet.


     Five years ago the young women of the Junior League or Lexing-
ton became interested in child guidance.   They felt that there
was a distinct need for a service of this kind in this community
and that something should be done to provide it.   To that end they
have appropriated from the funds which they have raised from year
to year, a sum of $2,000 annually.   This fine service has been
going on now under the auspices of the Junior League for the past
five years.   The department of Psychology of the University of
Kentucky has been asked to sponsor the Work with the Junior League.
Dr. Graham B. Dimmick was appointed director of this service, Dur-
ing these years the Child Guidance Service has served a considerable
number of agencies, and has been particularly helpful in solving
a number of difficult and important problems.   In the five years
beginning September 1934 the service has dealt with 1058 cases. In
the past eight months the Service has had 177 cases referred to it,
and of this number 124 were given careful consideration and exam-
ination.   This by no means covers all the work that has been done.
Most of these cases have come from Lexington and Fayette County.

     In his report the Director of the Service states that it is
not reasonable to suppose that the Junior League will assume all
the expense indefinitely.   It is now recommended that an executive
committee be appointed, one of whom shall be a representative of
the University of Kentucky,   The University is asked if it cannot
support the Service to the extent of $1,000 with the League provid-
ing the remainder of the sum.   There is reason why the University
may very well do this -- it gives the Department of Psychology an
opportunity the equal of which is not to be found south of the
Mason and Dixon Line.   A good many pgradun.te students have come to
the University for the purpose of receiving instruction and train-
ing under the Child Guidance Service.   It has been a great help
in providing important and adequate training in that field.




     A good deal of legislation has been enacted by Congress aid by
the states dealing with social Latters.    In addition, the State
of Kentucky is endeavoring to reorganize its welfare work and
bring into that work a larger number of trained gwsons. The Uni-
versity is being asked for recommendations for positions of this
sort, and they can not be adequately filled without some training.
For a number of years the Univorsity has attumoted to mokc pro-
vision for the preparation of workers in the field of social work.
However, it has been found that if the University is to retain its
accrediting in that field, it is necessary to do something very
different about it.   The Department of Social Work was authorized
by the Board of Trustees and instruction begun in that field last
September.   To receive accrediting by the Association of Schools
of Social Work a field laboratory must be provided.   To that end
arrangements have been made with the County Judge of Clark County
and other officers of Clark County, to set up a labhratory where
students at the University may get actual case work and supervision
of the social Drograia.  It is fortunate that so sympathetic an
officer as Judge Lindsey is willing and anxious to provide ef-
fective and adequate training for young people seeking experience
in social work.   As a matter of fact, the University is under an
obligation to provide well-trained persons who can fill these posi-
t ions, as well as to provide employment for students in such


     The Department of University Extension has been called on now
for a number of years for help in the fields of visual instruction.
High schools are very anxious that an adequate film library shall
be established at the University of .Kentucky, the schools, of course,
paying for the costs of transportation.    It is rather interesting
to observe the way in which this service has been received.    The

increase in the number of films in 1936-37 over the previous year
was 117% and the increase in 1937-38 was 307%.    Thi's year from
July to January the increase has been 924.    According to the report
of the Department the total attendance upon the reels shown in
January to Decerfber 1938 was 75,263.   The budget of this year
carries $1000 for the purchase of further equipment for the Depart-
ment,   The Department, however, is askingr that the funds which
come in from rentalw of films be used to reT)urchasc films that be-
come worn out and no longer satisfactory for distribution.

     These matters which I have been discussing up to the present
point hayc been extra-curricular activities, but they indicate the
extent to which the University is called upon from time to time
to meet the needs and hopes of the people of the State,




     It is impossible to go into the many activities of the Uni-
versity on the campus itself, but in the remaining space !w ant to
call attention to the last building program.   The Biological Sci-
ences Building is fairly on its way toward completion and probably
may be put down as about 6-% completed.   Since the Board met in
April an application was made to the PWA for an increase in funds
for the Home Economics Building, and by using the $60,000 avail-
able for the purchase of scientific equipment due July 1, it will
be possible to complete the building as originally planned.    When
this building is erected the University will have completed its
present building program.   It might be well to rest, take stock
and try to adjust departments, students and faculty to the changes
brought about by new construction.


     The expenditure of the Haggin Funds has been under discussion
and the hope for the plans now formulated is that they shall be
sound and effective.   It will be recalled that provision was made
for the payment of fellowships and scholarships in the Graduate
School, which is an annual charge. Provision was made also for
the building and remodeling of the radio station and studios located
here at the University.   Some money wras set up to carry out a
study of the statutes of the State of Kentucky to provide for the
publication of various books, pamphlets and papers of a scientific
or literary nature, and bring to the University campus speo"kers
distinguished in the arts and sciences.    Some progress has been
made in all those matters, and an editorial board has been set up
and a sub-committee appointed consisting of Dean Wiest, Dean Funk-
housor and Professor Farquhar.    The President as a menber of all
committees will also have a place in the activities of this edi-
torial group, and not only to pass upon manuscripts, but oalso pro-
vide satisfactory format, paper and the like, so that the books
will be a credit to the author and to the University.

     4. Financial RE2orts.

     The Business Agent presented financial reports for the months
of March and April, 1939.   After the President made statements
from the reports; the reports being cumulative, the April report
was ordered recorded in the minutes.    It is copied as follows:



Statement of Income and Expenditures
       Month of April 1939




to Dote

General Fund Income
Federal Appro.-Mrrill-
 Vocational Ed. Board
 State Appro.-Summer School
 Special Agr. Appro.
 State Appro.-General        5'
 Bldg. Revenue Bond & Op.
   eration Fund
 State Appro.-Repairs to
 Federal Appro.-Bankhead-
 Student Fees                2(
 Student Fees - Sum. Sch.
 Student Fees - U.H.S.
 Student Fees-El. Tr. Sch.
 Student Foes-UnivExten.
 Misc, Receipts
 Men's Dormitories
 Library Equip.-Appro.
 Sci. and Lab. Equip.-Appro.
 Engineering Equipment-Appro.
 Interest on Peabody Endowment
               Total        1

26 ,115.46
L8,000. 00
77, 513.99



33, 617. 59
13,67 5.20
49, 794. 13
42,544. 32

' 2,990. 61

  Instruction                 742,833.51
  Admin., Expense and Daint.  313,295.73
  Additions and Betterments   102,346.74
              Total         1,l158475.98
  Excess of Income over Ex-
  pefiditures                 84 514 63

Patterson Hall Income
  Miscellaneous Receipts
  Room Rent - Summer School

  Additions and Betterments
  Excess of Income over Ex-


-- 38~,531.18


            42, 750 00
 3,682.62   29,798.08
 2,,000.00  20,000.00
 70,894.70  643,4408.69

 1,096.10   64,670.60


 6 ,33.44   33,205,78
 3,279 51  208,866593
    (4. 50 ) 63,550 D 09
    44-5. 00  10,225.00
    360.00    7,280.00
    793.57   13,147.70
    417.55    7,356.72
    197.00    1,8452 65
 1   161.2 5  ).18  5417.45
 3,023.54   16,698.74
 2,066.05   51,860.18
 7, 550. 12  50,0941. 44
 _ 50000   __ - 000

87,138.46 829,971.97
26,181.07  339,4716.80
1S,310 62  114.6b7 .36
_125,630.15 1,284,106.13

(2_199a.20) 62@520343

12,901.05   6 2,77 7 02
 1 2.,9 C1.0_65_ -64,713.3z2

 6,01I..82  41,701.02

             44. 18 54 3, 00

  _ F369.23  20-1170,g_


General Fund Income           1,294,802.88
General Fund Expenditures     1119?,007p16
Excess of General Fund Income
     over Expenditures           97,795.72
 Excess of Expend. over Receipts
     for General Ledger accounts(63,698.22)
 Accounts Payable                (9,302,96)
 Excess of Receipts over Ex-
     penditures for the fiscal
     year to date -General
     Fund                        24,794.54
 Excess of Receipts over Ex-
     penditures for the fiscal
     year to date-General Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1938-General
  Cash in Bank April 30, 1959-
      General Fund


116,537.00  1,411,359.88
131,641.97  1.328,649.13

(15,104,97)   822,690.75

21,818.56    (41,879.56)
___________    (9,302.96)

   6,715 59 _   31,08.13




Experiment Station Income
Hatch-Federal Appro.
Milk and Butter-Cash Rec.
Beef Cattle Sales
Dairy Cattle Sales
Sheep Sales
Swine Sales
Poultry Sales
Farm Produce Sales
Horticultural Sales
  Seed Test
  Seed Inspection
  23i. scellaneous
  Fertilizer - Fees
  Public Service - St. Appro.
  Public Service - MiscRec,
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees
  Adams - Federal Appro.
  Serum - Sales
Serum - Virus Sales
Serum - Supply Sales
Horticultural Appropriation
State Appropriation
Creamery - License Fees
Cremnery - Testers Licenses
Creamery - Glassware Tested
Rolinc 0 - State Appro.
Robinson - Misc, Receipts
West Ky. - State Appro,
West Ky, - Misc. Rec.
Purnell - Federal Appro,
Bankhead-Jones-Federal Appro.
Nursery Inspection-State Appro.
Nursery Insnection - Fees

28, 738. 25
 51, 80X5. 08
34,013.56 66

  162, 83

    58. 50
   122, 67

    29. 67
    2 44., 63

70 987 . 39

 3,293. 58
    69. S5
 2,339. 536
   453. 55
3,107. 92
1 i35.00



Additions and Betterments
 Excess of Income over Ex-
 Accounts Payable
 Excess of Exrenditures over
   Rec. for General Ledger
   Excess of Receipts over Ex-
   Excess of Receipts over Ex-
   penditures for the fiscal
   year to date - Experiment
   Cash in Bank July 1, 1938
   Experiment Station
   Cash in Bank April 30, 1939 -
   Experiment Station

Extension Division Income
  Federal Bankhead-Jones
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Supplementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  County and Other


  Excess of Income over Expend.

Excess of Income over Expend.
  for the fiscal year to date
  Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1938 -
  Extension Division
Cash in Bank April 30, 1939 -
  Extension Division

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
           Total Receipts

  Student Notes
  General Ledger accounts
           Total Expend.

  3.2,07 . 30

33,8i52. 02


283,270 25      4,042,79    32O,,0

54,745.41     36,9441.60  91,690.01
(8,853.98)                (8,8853.98)

(20,8s8.801      (828     (

2 5 ,032 .3   3G, 586X32  61. 618. 95


                            31, 519.75_


405,170. 68               405,170.68
148,308.76                 148,308.76
13,272.77                  13,9272.77
36,800.97                  36,800.97
89,744.11    10,277.415  100,021,56
                3,289.98   18,814.59
708,821.90     13,567.43   72,389.533

529,604.52     61,875.54- 591,480.06

179,217.38    (48.308.11) 130,909.27



-133 f597i38

2.,854. 59



4,195,39         929.43    5 |124.82

     177.75         250.19      427.94
   1,050,00         100.00    1,150.00
   10,500.00  __              10,500.00
   11,727,75  _      350      12-07194



Excess of Expend. over Receipts (7.532.36)      579.24   (6,953.12)

Excess of Expend. over Receipts
for the fiscal year to date -

Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1938 -
Trust Fund
Cash in Bank April 30, 1939

- Trust




General Fund Income
Experiment Station Income
Extension Division Income
  Trust Fund Income

  General Fund Expenditures
  Experiment Station Expend.
  Extension Division Expend.
  Trust Fund Expenditures

    1. 340. 80

116, 537. 00
70, 937. 39
13,567. 3
    277. 37


2,347. 91.24  201,369, 19  2.5 49.350.43

1,197,007.16  131,641.97  1,3203649.13
  208,270.25   34',042.79   322,313.04
  529,6041.52  61,075sL54   591,430.06
      177.75      250.19        427.94

Excess of Income over Expendi-
  tures                       332,921.56
Excess of Expend. over
  Rcceipts for General Ledger
  accounts                     95,057.02
Accounts Payable              (18,156. 94)
Student Loan Fund Notes         1.804.59

Excess of Receipts over Expend.
for the fiscal year to date -
Combined Fund                2


(2P, 441.30)




306, 40.26

(18,156. *9)
  2.356. 65


Excess of Receipts over Expend.
for the fiscal year to date -
Combined Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand April 30, 1939 -
Combined Fund




                Abstract of item shown on Staterment
                of Income and Expenditures, as "Ex-
                cess of Expenditures over Receipts
                for General Ledger accounts $73,596.74"'t

                                    Debit             Credit

     Accounts Receivable          67,956.23

     Sundry Accounts               5, 6 10. 51
                                  73, 506.74

     5. Report on Maxwell Place

     Mrs. Frances Jewell MIcVey's report on Maxwell Place was received,
the members of the Board expressing appreciation for the splandid
report,   Record of the report in the minutes was deferred to Sentem-
ber, 1939, meeting of the Board of Trustees.

    6. L. S. O'Bannon Committee - Continued.

    Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Kirkpatrick, members of the Committee ap-
pointed to interview Professor L. S. O'Bannon relative to contents
of his communication to members of the Board of Trustees, and to re-
port at this (June) meeting of the Board, stated that the Committee
had not formulated a report.   Therefore, it was deemed advisable to
continue the Committee with the understanding that a meeting thereof
be held with as little delay as possible and report prepared.    The
Committee was instructed to notify the Chairman of the Board of Trus-
tees as soon as the report is ready.   When the report is ready,
the Chairman will call a meeting of the Board of Trustees for consid-
oration and action thereon.

     7. Carnegie CorlDoration - Community Music Study,

     President McVey presented the following communications from the
Carnegie Corporation:

                       CARNEGIE CORPORATION
                           of New York
                           New York
      Office of the President               April 27, 1939

           President Frank L. McVey
           University of Kentucky
           Lexington, Kentucky

           Dear President McVey:
                          Thank you for your good letter of
           April 22 about the Community Music Study.    We



        too have been very well satisfied with the
        progress shown, and I an ready to recommend
        a third and final grant of $10,000 when our
        Executive Committee meets late in M-ay.

                            Sincerely yours

                                    (Signed) F. D. Keppel

                    CARNEGIE CORPORATION
                        of New York
                        New York

    Office of the Secretary
                                           May 25, 1939

        Prosident Frank L. McVoy
        University of Kentucky
        Lexington, Ky.

        Dear President McVey:

                        I am glad to be a'ble to tell you that,
        at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Corpora-
        tion held May 23, the following resolution was adopt-

             RESOLVED, That, frora the balance available
             for appropriation, the sum of ten thousand
             dollars (5lO,OO) be, and it hereby is, ap-
             propriated to the UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY,
             as a final grant in support of the community
             music study, previously aided under Resolu-
             tion X 1778.

                        Our Treasurer is being authorized to
         make payment of this amount on or about June 5, 1939.

                                 Sincerely yours,

                                 (Signed) Robert M. Lester

     On motion and second the gift was accepted and President McVey
was requested to express for the Board of Trustees appreciation
for this and former appropriations,



    8. Haggin Fund.

    President Movey presented a commauni.cation from the Bank of
New York relative to amount of Haggin Fund ready for distribution.
It was ordered recorded in the minutes, and it is copied as fol-

                       BANK OF NEW YORK

                                    May 24, 1939

     1Mr. Fran* L. McVey, President
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear br. McVey:

                       Under a deed of trust dated July 14,
    1938, Mbs. Margaret Voorhies Haggin created a trust
    with William M. Haupt, James W. Gerard and our Bank as
    trustees, in memory of her late husband, James Ben Ali
    Haggin, for the purpose of providing an income for your
    institution and for others.

                       At present vie have income on hand
    amounting to $10,486.34, available for distribution.
    Your 50% interest amounts to $5,245.17 and we are very
    pleased to enclose our check for this amount dragn to
    the order of the University of Kentucky,   May we re-
    quest that you sign and return the attached receipt.

                                Yours very truly

                                  (Signed) A. T. Allin
                                            Assistant Secretary

     9, Purchase of Tools from C. H. Anderson.

     President McVey filed copy of letter written to C. H. Anderson,
as follows:



                                     Inlay 30, 1939

    Professor C. H. Anderson
    University of Kentucky

    My dear Professor Anderson:

         In the minutes of the Board of Trustees for Sep-
    tember, 1937, appear two letters, one addressed to me
    by Dean Graham stating that it is desirable for the Uni-
    versity to purchase the equipment that he had brought
    together and that it might be possible to pay for this
    out of PWA funds.   He approves in this letter the pur-
    chase of the equipment.   Another letter appears in the
    minutes under date of July 8, 1937, enumerating the
    various tools and instruments which you have and will
    sell to the University.   The amount is $2,658.    Upon
    receipt of these communications the Board voted that
    the purchase of the tools named in the above communica-
    tion was approved and payment was ordered made from
    PWA funds, payment of which was su'bJect to the approval
    of the PWA director of the state.

          In view of the fact that the PWA authorities did
    not approve of this expenditure, it will be necessary
    for the University to make some other arrangement for
    the payment of it, and I will present the matter to
    the Board at its next meeting.    You may be sure that
    payment will be made.

                              Very truly yours,

                                   (Signed) Frank L. McVey
                                            President of the

     This purchase of the equipment is considered proper and ad-
visable, but on account of insufficient funds in this year's
budget, on notion and se