xt7r7s7htj3n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r7s7htj3n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1980 1980 1980-03-11 2020 true xt7r7s7htj3n section xt7r7s7htj3n Vol. LXXII, No. ”4 K 2 r E l l'niversity of Kentucky
fund”, March I I. I980 an independent student newspaper ”Wilton. Kmlu“)
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ids-99w: 11-9.;3’ Mair. .9 9v, M9 '9 9‘ ' waif“ 9’,.<§T
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T f‘, siti£59s of? - ”if-’3’ 53”" hag: «pg ' ' t. T T T T . ,. ", 9:" T?“- T” ‘. ,3
a d b h a d H C/ _- . 3,,“ 3;’_;T”I_;9""-, f‘efifi-TT 3" k .T 3-3.. 329"“: . 3 3‘ 331! i it: 3 3;”Ts $43G? ‘zfigjj . ”(if (TTTTT
Ken Kurtz, mastermm 6’ In 6an ay . » tr ' is » ,tt " a9
. . . . . . I . _ E'T at». ”T T" 91* : ,3. ‘9 3" it, ‘99. 5 "T a”; »_. ’13.: '32 3' (”fig T y?" 3921.” .3 . .. ' ,.
Invest/gat/on, just/fies WK Y7 s reporting ethics , 9- 3 . ,o __ 3 . . ~- 3 .9 ,3,, 3
:3 9. _ ,, $9.999,- 9. '. 9 2!, ' .3: ".3, ' .3 ,., . ' -. .. 4’; ,5” a,
By THOMAS CLARK The original plan called for Young film footage that could be stockpiled T '9 ~ _ '2”; ‘ T T T“- " 3,. . 9“ . 3?; _;" . T .' = “”99 T‘il' 9‘,:..f_9~,
Entertainment Editor to spend two weeks attending classes for use in the eventual reports. Henry 3 x 3 r ‘93 ":- Ti' :9 .” T ,. '1' 9T " _- ' T 9T
at Henry Clay. during which time she Clay was used as the focal point for 33 3, 3' TVTGTT ' " . T .1... 59* 9 3 ’" Ti __ . T9 »
Ken Kurtz new director of would playthe role ofan ordinary high coverage of National Education and , . 7} 1" - , a five-*9 T ”IT T '9 ' T T96
WKYT~TV and designer of the sta- school student. Kurtz said five dcter- National School Lunch weeks. with 3"”? 9_ f T ”.339 3, 9 .M 9- , T, ,-
tion's investigation of Henry Clay minations were made before Young additional footage shot to illustrate .iv‘ 92ft" ' , g“: 3 3 ”it”? "'99": . (.33. "4}” '3), .
High School. said yesterday he was registered for classes. Young‘s report. ,sTt‘h t';,; 85,“ 9' 3,. . 3 T T To
surprised at the Fayette County Young would use her legalname. Kurtz said Young‘s notes indicated 33 ' 3 " 3,5 #39, r“ .’ .J. fiiiT 1' t v. ”9‘
School Board‘s reaction to the report. (Kunz said this would be easy since five problems to focus on: absentee- {’3‘ ”J ’I 9 6
“We expected a little jumping up Young had used her maiden name. ism. disipline. drugs. racial tensions T79,“ ' ’ a of“ -- 9 3
and down. but ldidn‘t think they‘d get Luney. on the radio.) and teaching. These five areas eventu- ,Ti ' .3 ”We; r T 3 . .
. legalistic,“ Kurtz told a Writing for - She would usea friend‘s address ally becamethe maiiltopics of the five- ,§ 'T .533 I 93 3% gfl
Mass Media class while answering since Young‘s own home was outside day series. ’ 3M - , 3 _ / 9 i T ‘ 3’9 '99
questions. the Henry Claydistrict. After reviewing the material. the W; WWW K .. . -. TW
Kurtz added that comments on the She would sayshe wasa transfer decision was made to put additional 9* 3‘ ,_ . . ‘ WM3 _ % v»?! T" ' T 9
. series received at the station are run- from an lndiana high school since. work into the series including two 7’? ' 1973,33; Ti”? TTT :93“? T 'Tfi
ning about four to one in favor of the KurtI said. they figured it would take or three high school principalstocom- , .. imifii‘g ”3w“ 9,: ' A; 9%; 29.5-.1;:ag;//~/ 3.3», a ' 9
series. “The vast majority have been two weeks to trace it. ment on the findings. One principal . . . . ,9 . at“ ” if __ 3 . 33. 3;, _ to.“ ,
from parents and teachers." he said. She would give as much factual refused to be interviewed. Kurtz said. 3m 33mg, "
In the fall, Kultr. said. he had information as she could. including and another was out of town. leaving 1“?” ,, '0“, a, .
received about l0 letters and phone the required vaccinations. although only Bill Hurt. principal at Henry Photos by BENJIE VAN HOOK/KernelStaff
calls form various people complaining she did give a false birthdate. Clay. to be interviewed.
about some problems in the school lfshe ever felt shewasin physical Kurtz said the questions asked of : , .. it!
‘ 3 system.“Almost every complaint men- danger. she would leave immediately. Hurt in the interview. conducted by 3.” I 3 , T} f; T T
. tioned Henry Clay by name.“ he said. For various reasons. Kurt] said. Kurtz. were drawn up using Young's 3,” i, _ ' N 3 ‘ ' kg 33.. -
To investigate the rumors. KurtI Young ended up staying at the school information. But Hurt was not told of “ 3 V \ f
. assigned reporter Karen Young. anew for almost a month. attending classes Young‘s undercover operation at the 99 t t T‘ J is, \23 . .... ,
addition to his staff who had covered as well as skipping them and taking interview. although his comments in ' I. T \ T. .“TT‘ TESL:
3 the school board for radio station notes when she could. Each night. the interview were interspliced with - TT‘, 9: " - g T ,5“
WVLK,to go undercovcrand enroll as Young would transcribe between one Young‘s televised report. ‘ ,3 T, ,? «few ° 5: .. .é
a student in the school. The reasoning and two pages of notes about the day. This procedure drew some criticism . T' “ 9 - 3 _ 3, “ ‘97,; :3,
for actually going into the school. he later in the assignment. Kurtz said from the school board and Kurt7 said a 9. ‘95,:th 9,, 3‘5 “w.
said. was “to try to determinethetruth Young carried a 35mm camera and a the point is "valid. My fear was that he S I f 3 ,3- ,gf‘TW,».t§. __.._39T.§93'3I,”-’ :3
i or falsity" of the rumors. tape recorder. although neither pro- would refuse to see us. The questions pr'ng ever 3T3”, “to, 3 ST" ,
Besides not having spent any time vided any material eventually used in would not have changed 1 if he had xvi, §T§t§§t$, T " .3 ”33',” - .1 3
on camera. “Karen is young. youthful the series. . known of the Young piece). I thinkthe l \Mfsogw o, - 3
looking and had school board expe- While Young was attending school. series is better because of (the Hurt . . d UK d , ‘ «,‘f TTT‘“ ' “'3: TT“ 9
rience. so this was the time to do it." KurtI said the station used every interview)." Spring has sprung an stu ents t&,sw“TvTvTTT*. ' t " .. 3, ..3 T 9'...‘.’ 9*? .t ..
Kurt? said. opportunity to get into the school to Continued on page 3 are "km: advantage or "3° warmer ”gefgwmu fi‘T‘T‘T 9' 3 3 a 3
weather. However, spring fever 33.....~w~ Q“: r. : _: 3:3 9 3_&e§-~9~'§*§9 ._ 3 .
I , ' ' hasn‘t lured two UK students,above. aw M "<99 " g I “its‘
Unrversrty Senate approves proposal .. .» as. .- 3 ; .. -- = 3 . ,
sophomore Julie Clayton. ' “ 2 9
. l a . l . foreground, apd Stacie Brown. 3 . ”T ~ :9: g -. T ' ' T
w - MIDIMIZIng common exam conflicts - - . .
. 9 ' Blanding I. To the right, softball
T season started with a smash as three 3 , of“
. . . . . . . UK students scramble to retrieve a 9‘9 .. -
By CINDY McGEE requrement that no student can enter serious of which is conflicts with other homerun ball, which was hit into a _. 3 s! -
. (‘onv Editor afl“ ”‘6 fir“ S‘Udent has ”6f" activities. Whim include Other courses. light in the Complex courtyard. .. ._ . .- -.;w ‘
9 9 Ombudsman Jean Pival, who was a extracurricular pursuits and Kevin Ward, business administra- t 3_ , “News, 3.33.,59333;
. The University Senate yesterday member of the committee which sug- employment. tion sophomore, gets 3' boost from .. Vt“, 3 ,3 3
approveda proposal WhiCh minimizes gested ”‘8 proposal. said the math Also‘ the mmmmecTs ”CPO” chemical engineering sophomore T . \aT TTTTTT,TT
_ common examination conflicts. depar'mem already employs this “Pressed “mm" ”‘8‘ the “me “be" David Garner. left. and Alan . ":29 T ' T 1 TT
. Common examinations. many of method of giving common ated by giving examinations outside Atherton business sophomore. ‘ WW' _ 3;,” . , _3 3 ~_ 3
3 '_ which are scheduled in the evening. examinations. the regular class periods may be used right. ' . 3,33 9} t - u . .
. 3 allow several classes ofaspecific sub- A final alternative is to give two “to pack additional material into a w 37:" T ,3 . New“ evas 3
3 ject to meet and take departmental examinations at “widely disparate course.“Thereportsaidexpandingthe 9- . 9 ‘ .
tests together, such as English [013 times." but not the morning after the content of a course infringes upon \ 3:
Calculus ”3 or Chemistry ”0, to evening examination. other courses and other activities. «\TNR ” 3
. ' ' name a few. The proposal states that each in other action, University Senate \§,§“ 9
The Proposal provides three alter- department in the University must chairman Joseph Kt'islov announced TTTQ T T
. natives for administering common adopt at least one of the alternatives that chemistry professor William 3km
‘ examinations. The first alternative foradministeringacommonexamina- Wagner willsucceed English professor “,W
~ 3 provides a prime time (daytime) sec- tion. Alternative arrangements can be Michael Adelstein as faculty member " T ,3,, .
. . tion that would not be involved in chosen, however. if they are approved on the UK Board of Trustees begin-
common examinations. This section by the dean ofthe COINS?» ning JUI)’ l. .. » .. ..
_3 . could be used by a student for com- The proposals were made byacom- Krislov also announced that bio- 7
mon examinations when he has a mittee appointed in September I979 chemistry professor George Schwert . '
conflict. by the Senate Council. will serve as chairman of the Univer- 3 __ .. _
3 Another alternative extends each The committee‘s report to the Uni- sity Senate.and animalscience profes- ._ T , Rom“ _ ,«o 3
examinaton over a time block withthe VCTSity Senate noted several PTObiemS 5‘” James Kemp Wi” SCTVC as secretary 5's“ »“ inwsTTTi‘TT'TT‘aTTT "T m » .
with common examinations. the most beginning ”it? fall semester. T T ' T T T T T T T T
~ 9 Two UK staffers d ' ' ' f' h '
0 a Cafeterlas sewing is , rice . .
' t ' building since a March |979 accident. _ . .
. afles 6" on local puglliTclmals said the release would not pose any dangertothe to dramatlze cambOd'an pllg ht
ED McMAHON. Johnny Carson‘s sidekick on NBC‘s The purging process involves an airlock that leads to the '
80d0my Charges Tonighl Show. will be the grand marshal Saturday for interior ofthe containment building. Operators said it will By JAY HAMBURG man. you could eat both meals if you
, Lexmgton's first St Patrick‘s Day Parade. McMahon could take about three days to remove a trace of radioactive Staff Writer wanted.
con5ider it a working'vacatlon With friends. He is co'mlngto krypton from the 9-by~l2 air lock so a team of workers can Reiman said he could not assess the
By DALE c. MORTON ”K PM?“ ”“8”“ " '5 Pa" 0' ”‘e “"de WWW-V “9‘9" " "P- To dramatize the plight of Cambo~ cost ofthe fish and rice until after the '
Staff Wm" celebration of Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. and his wife, Phyllis Id . T - 1
George. WOf dlan refugees. two ounces of fish and a mea , . 3 . 3
. 3 . Side dish of rice WI“ be the only dinner SC: representatives Wlii be in each of
UK P0"cc ”TCS‘Fd a UK PFOfCSSOT nation WHEN ABDEL WHMD "ed the 5‘1"" tan.“ and served tonight from one line in the the cafeterias to accept contributions
andastaffmemberln the old Fine Arts slams '30:."de ms half“ Afghan "Hag: ivcmhmg was cafeterias of Blazer. Donovan.andthe to be turned over to the Red Cross.
Budding and charged them with FORTY-EIGHT IRANIAN mugging, jailed am, a "Rm?! 0:10“ was ”it To bury :hc dcad' Commons. Donations can also be earmarked
' fourth-degree sodomy Friday. noisy demonstration on a college campus. were arraigned Th: faiinnflcigrrzgoncafifinrgéas of Shim," hun The meal is pan of Cambodian “Cambodian Relief Fund"and sent to
Lowell Eberwein. 48. UK professor yesterday on charges of trespassing and resisting a police refuge” most of them gwomm and children 83" p53 Recognition Day which was estab- the American Red Cross. I450 New-
, ofcurriculum and instruction. and UK OHICCY- 85 they mmlnmd 8 hung" Sirlkf for a fourthday. condition. who reached safety in Pakistan yesterday after a lished through the efforts of 80 Fresh- town Pike, lexington. 405l l.
staffmember Keith Thurman. 24. were The “men“ “3”" ‘th 3" ”’9'"; held as pom?“ five-day trek through the snow—covered mountains of man Senator Debbie Early with the Cambodian Recognition Day
t arrested at 4:50 pm. in a restroom on ”mm” “id "med mm” as mnbm'm‘ ”or n" how"! eastern Afghanistan. support of Student Government and includes an informal panel dlSCUSSiOU
the third floor ofthe building. accord- OTTO American ”Toms” 8” The US Embassy '" Tchm“ the Asian Council . an informal in room 245 of the Student Center
‘ "l8 ‘0 police "CONS LoTliTsTiiiTliTiileJiTiTi:eT::iiT 23:2: ThurTfay-TTETTSLTTOTTTTSTT COLOMBIATS GOVERNMENT pl°d3°d "0‘ ‘0 "5‘ group ofabout l2 UK professors who from 2:30-3:30 this afternoon. The ~»
John Ketron, arresting officer. 5 h b y .Tmons mm an ”TmpTTT a ”or“ To ind "‘T occupam" 0” The Dominica".R°p"b“° teach courses related to Asia. ancl consists of Early and two
. u . peec y lh‘ 0‘5“" Shin” ambassador ‘0 the United Embass lfthelives ofthe hosta esthcrcwercnotlnda 4 . . 9 p ' 9 '
responded to complaintsfrompeople Nmiom, y 3 . nger. “ [he idea is to partake ofthls food members of the Asran (ouncrl ,
inthatarea,"UK Safety DirectorTom buttheyappearcd yesterday tobelaylngthegroundwork for d l' h f b . h' A . G l P f R” h d
3 . 3 an attack if one deemed necessary. an rea lzc t at or Cam odians t is ssociate eo ogy ro essor to at
Padgett said, 3 ‘SEN. BARRY f-OIDWATER says former President Sums that had been open n“, the embassy were closed would be a gourmet meal smce they Ulak and Assocrate Political Selencc
:3,, ..
tutc 5'0 l00 '“A , 'l Nixon who resigned me Presidcnc in I974 museofm and The Associated Press. who had rented temporarily If you see your friend eating roast ' The idea ofthe discussion is not to
. as. person3lsgu1 ty. . . Watergate scandal "hurt the Re hi P rt d h h abandoned apartments in thearea.wereordered by policeto beef, you might realize that we com- raise money. but to raise awareness.
when he engages in dewato sexual America ,Goldm'm aid on onpgnggo It“? in}; dun be out by yesterday morning. plain too much that we can‘t buy an Gadbois said. He added that although
intercourse wrth another person ofthe my“ ' T m” an TT h extra dress when others don‘t have Cambodia seems like a very small
same 5‘1 3 . went er enough to eat.”she added. country. very far away. “we should
Clizdxmrzigemiggynh degree Is a mi: orsaxroas or rm; criteria) Three Mile lrs GONNA IE mostly cloudy today and cooler with Director of Food Services Allen realize that we an allcollcatzucs in the
~ . Island nuclear power plant began purging a tiny amount of temperatures in the mid ‘03. It will be warmer tomorrow Reiman said the fish and me will be human enterprise."
The two men were arraigned yester- radioactive gasintothe atmosphere yesterday/J preliminary with some clearing and temperatures reaching into the low prepared in addition tothe usual food. Gadbois said money sent to the
day, Their case was continued until step to the first human visit inside the contaminated reactor 50:. Students have the option of choosing Cambodian Relief Fund will support
Apr” 9' “ ' p.m. either meal. And according to Rei- Continued on page 3
_--— AA—-- “ "“ ‘_- —

 KENMKY Debbie McDaniel
Mitt" tn ( lite! Mark Green Kiln Aubrey Thom-I (‘Iarl John (by (Lu) Landon
.lny l-‘osutt Bob ('ochrane Entertainment Editor .S'liom hilt/or DIMIUI at Photographi
(‘Iry Willis 4H!“ iute hittim Paul Mann
Managing hiliior (ind) McGee S. 1'. Robinson Brian Rielterd David Maynard .
Jacki Rudd 4t.\l.tldnl Aim/um SP0”) Editor Photo Manager
. Steve Muse) Lisa Douurd (it/H Miran hhlcrmlnmrnt Editor
editaoials & COWI’ts ('ampui Lduor Hiram] Mum
. W/mex computer system falls to pr0per/y warn U. S. of enemy attack .
. . A team of government auditors has concluded that the Wimpex system. A network ofcoding and decod- ters broke down for over two hours. according to the ton and its military commands. the Soviets could per-
the Pentagon's purchase of the World Wide Military ing devices. ultra-sophisticated sensors and process- same spokesman. “It was aggravating." he said. “but form any number of maneuvers. And the White
. Command and Control system, called Wimex. which ing machines connect the system. nobody got killed, nobody lost his head."- Isn‘t that House would not know intimetotransport personnel.
is supposed to warn the president ofan enemy attack Why did Bradley have to go over his bosses‘heads? great? But what about the next crisis? How many weapons. supplies and aircraft to the area under
or international crisis breaks down under pressure. Why didn‘t they admit that purchasing the computer Americans could lose their lives because the govern- attack.
The Soviets probably got a big laugh out of yester- system would not ensure that the Pentagon would ment boughtacomputer system which was considered Whoever decided to install the computer l0 years
day‘s Associated Press article. Suchinefficiencyinthe know aboutinternationalcrises?0rdidn‘tthey know? a bargain when it was installed nearly l0 years ago? _ago made a dangerous mistake by not installing a
' nation‘s Defense Department is not only embarrass- The answers tothese and otherquestions are probably Why are we buying bargains for the Defense backup system to safeguard against power fluctationS.
. . ing and inexcusable but dangerous. buried forever in the Defense Department's classified Department? The Soviets could invadeacountry. send us an airmail
An electronic engineer who helped test the compu- files. Computers crash when the power load becomes too present of nuclear bombs and the world as we know it
ter network during its development tried to warn the The Pentagon has spent SI billion trying to make strong or fluctuates in intensity. The security of our could end while Defense Department officials are
‘ White House about its unreliability. Engineer John H. Wimex work while they could have spent the money country could be at stake. yet the government does not busy fretting over why the computer warning system
Bradley went over his bosses‘ heads to report the buyingadeoentcomputersystem.Wimex hasfailed in install “uninterruptible” power supplies to guard crashed.
“problem.“ at least two critical situations. according to the audi~ against power outages or momentary fluctuations. With the situation as it is in Iran and Afghanistan, it
What was his reward for pointing out that the tors. Sources say the computer system crashed during Wimex. one ofthe most vital computer systemsin our is imperative that the United States have a proper
White House Shouldn‘t depend on Wimex to inform the combined Navy. Marine Corps and Air Force country. is not protected. lfit goes down.communica- computer warning system. The manufacturer saysthe
the president about an enemyattack? Bradley says he operation in l975 to free the crew of the American tion to military commands is cut off and valuable system could be modified to improve its performance.
' - was fired. merchant ship Mayaguez after it was captured off seconds are lost. The government should modify it or buya new sys-
. ‘ According to the Associated Press. even the manu- Cambodia. In the past. the Joint Chiefs of Staff have lost con- tern. Where America‘s security is at stake. the govern-
' facturer agrees the system doesn't work very well. A Pentagon spokesman says the computers per- tact withtheir crisisteam for morethan an hour. What ment should spare no expense. With the world in a
_ The 35 Honeywell 6000-series computers at military formed adequately. nightmare lies ahead? state of turmoil. it simply makes no sense to take any
bases and in underground vaults at 27 sites make up in another unidentified crisis. however. the compu- During 60 minutes of blackout between Washing- chances. '
. i The Kentucky Kernel welcomes all contributions from triple-spaced. and must include the writer‘s signature. 1/ t It i “ 7. I \I” i / ‘ 7' KS: “\
V ' the [1K community for publication on the editorial and address and phone number. l‘K students should include .’ ' "—~ A. . i [T WAS ’t' i
. . ‘ opinion pages. theiryearand majorand University employeesshouldlist l l w£ \ “Hem . ' '. ACT-BAP '. i i / .
' l‘or legal reasons contributors must present a UK ID their position and department. _ /, Tmm'” ii i i ' h l ,
._ before the Kernel \M“ be able to accept the material. Letters: WD' HQ.“ m.» . t RifllCAL ti \ \9' , .
‘ (itthtrthUtIOhS >h0Uid be dt’h‘md ‘0 Room ' “”0"" Should be 30 lines or less and no morethanlevaords. ‘t' 8W “ ‘ ' I l l . j i i\ TRICK ,‘ ' ‘. q
-. nalism. l'niversity 0' Kentucky. Lexington, Ky. 40506- They should concern particular issues.conccrns orevcnts \ m ' h [53" l l i \‘\ \ m. \ I
. ' letters. opinions and commentaries must bet3ped and relevant ‘0 the l'K community. lit~> . _ _ , ’fih‘: /t\ l l t x. T «‘stt ,t' , .; ). // f“
. ’ ~ 1 .
t. I At/r: //“ V 1i/’/
° ~ ‘ NRA’ i '- .. a“. at v ' gs l /
s overzea ous OppOSltlon to gun .. . at -t i, t , .
. .l/ a» o' ‘ at? .o. l: to». . .
. s ‘ ‘\\- - v t .
. _ I I I I I 1'. ‘ “a; or m . “ ’ .2“. “ _ (it. “ti/t2». oil
, egis ation absurd, counterproductive '1‘ tr: >7” ,,
_ . l _ ’f ‘- 4 . "— .
' ‘ By JAMES GRIFFIN necessary. In tact. the only guns pro- those guns not intended for sport or V i \s 5 tMthb v
, . tected by the constitution are those national defense. ”ha? mm I’D m 51:54 :74‘\:<. (l "' i “ “E t
' Handguns do,” killpeople. peo- contributing to the defense of the Overzealous opposition to all gun m 3‘?" " ‘tli RUNNH‘E qt ‘ 94.. ‘ MAN’s ‘
, we kill people. nation. It is hard to imagine gun regis- legislation is absurd and counterpro- DAYA RQPUBUCAN i ”’8 i. t i [SSH ' . i ii
. , . Machine guns don't kill people. tration keeping us from repelling a ductive. The time will come when the “Numb 1‘\\\\; t SAP". 1‘ l \ "" Rim-“€33...
' ‘ " people kill people. Russian invasion or Saturday Night case for controls on certain guns will D 8” "e“ I: / 1i}: /, {Ks} ;s . *fl ’,
. . Bombs don't kill people. people Specials being any match for a tank. become so overwhelmingthat the law- “all. As ,‘Létfi'I—L'i ll], If” t g, . ‘ t c ‘7 L257
' [at] people. —‘_—'—'—'——‘_ makers now underthe influence ofthe MT lpw". l’l’V / " ' l fa " gg ».
. Nuclear weapons don't kill peo- . . NRA Wi” be forced to act. When the " . g // ‘0 fl
. _, p19, MOP/6’ It,” people. grlmn NRA complains. all that will be heard ~§ r _‘ ")5" t} . ' It ' \fi- . A
. . is the whimper ofaspoiled child crying “ ‘ 1 4 ‘ 'M qty, [6“ \\
. ,, “A gun is a precision piece of wolf. V. \ .__\_W9fi§\' pic» k 4/
- machinery withoutamind orWillofits —--————_— . . _ _ _ _ 3k) )" {hf é‘trx ; ' 1“ Q! {Sgt/43)
' ' own.“ a read" wrote recently. “Guns It is no coincidence that handguns James ('"mn Is in Speech junior. “'5 i \V m— .‘wmsfi 1’ 91F}
‘ ' , » , don't kt” PCOPiC. PEOPLE KILL were used in more than half of last column appears every Tuesday. ”Mi“ ‘1‘“ i " hi ”my
_‘ . . ’ - , PEOPLE." This brought to mind the year‘s murders. Nor is it unusualthata I ‘
i. ' . . above hSt OiPt'ecttS'Oh machinery.each serious assault with a gun is five times “me to take stOCk
, incapable 0t ktihhg people 0“ ”5 0Wh- as likely to cause death as with a knife.
, . Presumably. there ShOUid benoregu- or that a handgun robbery is four . . l . . I
‘ ‘ ““0" “registration of any of them times as iikeiyio result in deaihas any 9,7,0, praises CT I 170/2 98 aspects 0 CO age life
1 Z . Many people oppose any govern- other weapon. I
I . mentaction remotely relating to SUHS. These statistics are not surprising
.. - unless it buys more guns. A good because there are few reasons forown- By l.0l'lS (;. S('HI~:RZ|{R lrom 4 till ll pm. (midnight during to Debbie Yow-Nance. Joe B. Hall. Don‘t bother callingthem to rcportan
, . . ' number of them belong to the ing a handgun outside of wanting a intramuralst for student recreation. and Fletcher Carr for their amazing accident on acold. snowynight. They
- .- , National Rifle Association (NRA). a portable device for killing or maiming ()ii the basis that I am a graduating l'hey don't tell you. however. that accomplishments and class programs. misplace emergency calls when the .
. . political lobby with lots of members another human being. The handgun senior. I feel obligated to let on to the classes run until 4zl5. and later. and No better exist anywhere. shifts change. Just call the Metro
. y . ' and a huge bank account which as opposed to the rifle or shotgun, is general student body how I feel about that intramurals start at 5 pm. Praise to the Kernel for its services Police. Although they “’0 hit“? their
. ' r attracts politicians likeamagnet.Thcy made to be fired at people. And rather college life. The only thing that may lhe vvorst part is whenlainaskedtc to the student body. True. the staff is problems. you are htUCh more apt to ‘
. read hunting and gun magazines that than protect ourcountry. they kill our qualify me is that I am a Computer show my ll) everytime I arrive just tc sometimes not professional. however. get qUIck results. i
-, . . . urge them to let him know they sup- countrymen. Selence major and have learned to enter and see that a number of the the Kernel is not intended to compete Finally. shame on those of you who .
. port the NRA. lmagincaworld without handguns look atthings objectivelyand logically people there are not students and with The Courier-Journal and are against the draft. You reap the
.‘ ' The result is awellorganized.vocal The Criminalstalkingthe streets witha and maybe I will get lucky and blatantly admit it. And don't let them lxiitt'ivt'lle Times. They do compete benefits OithiS country.living hereand
. t . i , minority that resembles a majority: rifle or shotgun would be laughed at. enlighten a few minds, [6” you m go In Alumni (iym. With The Lexington Herald and vowing your opinion that you feel the
, ' - ‘ . . they are powerful. influence election then arrested. The domestic quarrel First onthe agenda. I never was able lntramurals are there also. as well as leatlertvetry well though. For whatthe draft IS immotal. but asked to defend
. . ~ .. OUtcome5.decidethefateofimportant that involved a knife would not be as to get a parking sticker for my car, ————-——— Kernel isintended. l leelthe staffdoes lt.’ Hell. thatsan IhVflSlon 0i your
. - . . legislation. and generally get their dangerous, for studies show that PCO‘ Every morning I had to. arrive on an excellenttob. Remember. they are personal htC- iJStCh. the only'reason
, . i. . . way. ple who know each other might pull campus(| have never lived in adorrn.) . - students. like everyone else here. and I you have a PCTSOhtti hie '5 that
. . . . '. Too bad the NRA isn‘t the ERA. the trigger ofa pistol in an emotional an hour early and battle fora parking Opinion don‘t pretend to say I am of somebody 83W theirs for yours
-‘ . V. h All too often the NRA ignores the outburst. but do not continue knifing 5pm on Ruse l.a_ne.Columbia.and the professional quality. Y“ already. You havent been asked to
i. .V : . t welfare of the nation in an effort to or beating each other once they realize other. surounding areas. For the Praise to Lextran for the superb fight yet.tust t0 “38'5“" that you are
' . ; . ‘. protect the limited interests of its what they have done. Achild playing benefit ofthe rest ofthe student body. ———‘—f—— transportation service. wof course. tfhglhic- Don t worryth‘ough. ”we get
- 2' .‘ ' ~. members. with a gun would find a rifle or shot- who “kc me. do "0F "nd ',1 worth m" “WW3“ and Ron 4 basketball some students complain because they mm a war. you wont be asked to
. . - t. :> For example. the FBI developed a gun too big and heavy to self-inflict a tune to 5n out half the mght 0 get a practice. A friendly reminder. dont have to wait for. IO‘m-inutes or longer. register. it wtll be too late then. The
. . . ‘. . system for tagging gunpowder when wound. sticker. we 5t.” want a sticker. A plan Iyourtday around some physmal but the bus semce is intended to serve Ruskies wont ask you if you want to
-‘. } . j manufactured so the remains of an In such a world there would be no lottery based on. the same reamng as activity. The Seatton ( enter has the. the students who have to ride more fight when they come marching down
._ ,. , .; exploded bomb can be traced to the handguns to keep handy for self the basketball ticket lottery seems a righttochangethtelradvertlsed"open than a block. The complaining riders your street; they ll shoot you. right
. . _. - . - gunpowder purchaser. This would be defense. But this would be an advan- good idea to me. . hours at anytime. espeCIally to are those who are too laly to walkta there. ”t cold hiOOd- NOt i8” you say.
. t an Invaluable tool for stopping terror- tage. Police reports show more peo le Alw‘ while we are at It. how abouta accommodate anyone but the block to class. or those who wait till neither 15 hit . _
i . ht. , '. ists and mad bombers.nottheoutdoor are killed and injured by their 0:“ tuition payment lottery. Class students. Your-schedule had best be the Tast mmute to try to catch a bus.l . lit-Sh ht” "0t forgotten. '5 the
.' ‘t ,- f g ' sportsmen or gun collectors. Butalaw weapons in their hands or their BSStghmeot lotteries. a lottery tor iiexrhle. theirs is. _ . . cantstanda person who is dependably Student (rovernment. i always SilVC
'. . .' -. .- needed to be passed to bring the FBI‘s attacker's than are killed or in’ured in getting served at the Student ( cntcn Regarding some of the fantastic late. . the best for last.and the good ole boys
fl' -. . plan about. and the NRA lobbied selfdefense J and the hestseatatthemovieslottery. professors we have at this Universny. Also, praise to the student who maktng fools of themselves. the
t ‘. , .. . _ against the bill. arguing thatthis isjust Opponents of gun control are th I never liked standing in long lines for “C {”9 truly hiCSSCd- i have met "90' knocked over the cash register in the administration and worst 0i all.thc
., i. . t another form of gun control. and most vocal supporters of draft n he the things !want.tust givethem to me few incompetenttprofessors here. but Student Center. People today are students. cannot be overlooked. lhe .
. ' ' . would eventually lead to taking guns tration and no one would uestiongtlh- now. Hell. i "t prlvileged. I want they are here. Some teach calculus afraid to stand up fortheirrights.and Student Government IS a well-known
. . i. ,- away from people. need to register automol‘iiles Cl: instant satisfaction. , , classes and do not know the six trig for what seems logically correct. 10k6 9" this campus. and ShOUid he I
, . For years lawmakers have tried in radios We license automob'lc dor . . Also. I have a bone to pick with functions and have to look them up in Forget thered tape. gettothe problem redesigned or eliminated. It is a waste
- « vaintoban“Saturday Night Specials” we ought to license un owl "VHS. (ampus Recreation Oh so many the textbook. lhis is not a new or and solve it. _ . oftime.tmoney.and energy.Qtisneeds .
. A. (black market guns). crude. homc- know the in“ blge and “"5 50:: times. .' would like a little physical foreign lA. but an older professor Shame on Fran CurCi for his to ftCP In andtcorrect the Situation.
. ,' . made weapons with the sole purpose enough t3, handling “h s rfeslponSI e recreation to chlm the nerves. And | who should know better. Of course. football program. You have run up'the ‘30. now We had mytsay. The
. of killing people. The NRA opposed Registration wouIgd c any venture to the seam" ( enterto play a the math department is blessed With middle three times straight. now it is limit/"90’ 0" the Who's '5 .a great
. the law asthe initial restriction on the used in a crime to be hit edit gun little basketball. But. oh no. the some rather senile professors who can time to punt. I know itmustbehardto thSt'tUttOh 0t higher education and
. . constitutional right to bear arms owner Plus 'f . | trace to its basketball courts are almost always never understandthe question asked control over l00 students. especially research. I'll remember my years at
. . . which will lead to more restrictions, can be reti agtun ishostorsto en. it reserved for .anythmg but MSkc‘han'. of them. These situations should be when youdont havealodgetocontain UK Wllh a. smile and knowledge
. and eventually the loss of their guns.‘ Police sh cutme \h‘en‘ recovered. Sometimes. it is to lake plcturcs or corrected. and they will. when the, them. Do som