xt7r7s7htk11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r7s7htk11/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1986 1986 1986-12-12 2020 true xt7r7s7htk11 section xt7r7s7htk11 ._ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' l
.l ' 11 .1'» 31.7“" 1' H
C [ Vol. XCI, No.76 , btdbtishodtfll Umvomty 0* Kentucky. Loxmgtqmttontudty . 1 , Manure. 1971 Friday, Oceania-r32. mo '
' Finalist inter ie 5 UK ' p] "
for Vice Chancellery , .l . . ,.
. - ' ’ '.t '1
11.1. , of not gut ty in court ..
1 i. 8‘1' “i \\lH\ . 1 i .1, 1.. V '.VVf_,, '. ,. .
.1. ~‘ The "V" “M'da‘” '0' "9° \ ””311 2r. 3; By BRADCOOPER —-——-—-—-—— 11.1 . 1 .1...” ....,11 1.11, 11;- p ' .1
. 1 ‘1 . i1zi1~a.1iii 11t chancellor '0' Studs,“ affair. “1* ' a 1 3! ’ ASSistantNevt's Editor 1 ‘ 1‘ 1 -1 - ~ 1 '1 -1 1 1 " " I. 1
V come from a variety of back- 1. . .. .2, " ' ‘ AS LlySSES DaV'lS \\'Lt\ :‘V‘V' 1‘11. ‘V‘_V'VVV'_V 'VV‘ 1.. 'V LL *",'V '.. 1 .
y,“ .111 , 3. 1 i\-.111111 111111 | grounds and places. See Page air .1 The former l'K Phys‘ical Plant 01- led out ofthe 1 14 11.1111 3-35} I .'-‘
=11" 13,;{33213'13113’ 2. vision employee who seized the Pe- 1 r , 1 - .1 i '~ 'é " .3117“ '_ '1
53;;3“;,.,.5;;'§1}1 7",; «~ 1 .1 l\|ltlt'i ptays . "1 ,1 terson Service Building Wednesday. COUTII'OOITl alter IllC 211...; .11.o1i11:'111t 1111- 1.1 '11 t' '
r. W [1.11.1111 ”Hum hate piotessoi of «duration and a other hostage. pleaded not guilty to H ; H aw”? 1.1.4; ;1;. 11 .. 1 1.311;,“ 1, ;1 ..1' -_ .'
h ,1”. f1? 3 . '1 tiilt iiieiiiher oi the graduate school related charges yesterday in ShOUICd klll me. :,;,1;111.11 3 1.1-2}. 3 ‘1
‘i __ 11113;} 1 1 1‘ 1 \1‘ matte“ tot l.it‘tlllV\ .it ('tiltii';i(lti>§lgite .1 Fayettet‘ounty District (,‘ourt. 1,11“ p . .11, t 1_,,.11. .., 11; ' "«.'
;192$,T;;,71 ':. “,:-- ,1. ‘ 11 111i :11: tiitieiit .it He l't't't'l\t‘tl m” lult‘llt‘ltlrh de- ’ ‘ l'lysscs S. Darts lll. appearing * 1,114.1. 1 1 11 .~ 1. ft‘ii't' 1-:' ‘21 ,‘ :1 1"?“
511.3371 (11‘: 11 1 ' 1 ti«t““""" 1““ e1 1-1-s Ill psychology and social stud» ‘ : . : lX‘tOI‘C District Judge liebecca ()ver- __ , A , _, ._ , _. . . 1 I ‘ J- :"'=:'.‘.
“1:111", : ‘ ' ' ""‘31‘1‘ 7‘ lht' “11 'es and a iiiastei's in education from JAMIE Kl DIVR street. pleaded "”l guilty to [“0 smelt? [I dpptdttd m ”NW ‘v EN. 1 1' 111 '11. ~1tir',;.7 11p..." :31
M1231; , ,_., s. 1? 1 11.1111- 11.111 in ~ .tittiiie \\..\1..,1,1 “Mhmgmn(”n-”51153 counts of firstdegree assault. two p; i‘; ,; ,. .. ,1}. 1. . . 1 . .J't-t '11. . siir- 1-11' he '. I 1 If”
‘7 - ,. - 1 11:1; 1' .1 io' 111 H.. “1.1..th in, doctorate m edu. student “l9 {hill he deals mm ”3‘ counts of wanton endangerment and Indxhdmfi “i”_",‘ ; “In” '\"".\Hm. .,,11u1._.1_1 km 1111 ,, 11' '1 ,J ’.
'1‘ . l “( --.a t'itllttll from ”recon State I'niversr ”Md he may he 59"" ”5 5"” ”l ”l“ one count of criminal attempted hand‘.”““’ ant “mum d ‘ {mm W. 1 111.1' Ht: 11»: km iii-m tttiiti 1t ho ”1‘ '1‘ "i“L ='1~ S
'53,“ Ef‘fc .1 '.' - ~ '11» 11V 111 M1- lie 11. “black hi” "’1 campus H inui'der m' h} ”WWI“, . . . ; 1... i 1 . '111- 1 ”room -iv 1‘ '11 ” 2" -'1-
51'11‘“ "i" ' -' «cit t1 1“ HM" hudei said his current ioli primar- Bl“ hudei' “HWY” that “‘1' ha” “ 'l‘he lextngton-Fayette t'rban Ill)d\l‘\.l({)k1mw t-hi(t L-h EMlIMI-Llril; 111.1 i1 ‘11 '1..- i-',11;.11r.. 1 Hum “1.1.1,. 1,; V.'VV,."1;
:. '7..:F'.,1ysf.";,ll .L' 4 ' 1 11 1‘. 1:.Hr» tot 3hr t'lllillls wii'kiiiu \tith students 7 (llllt“(‘lll\\'ii)Ul\'|t’\\lllt.1(ll.\t'lpllnt‘ (““1an Response l'ml apprehended ‘: Muffin“ 1‘} dill: 'th(l,<“ hi tl‘ililimdu‘: ' "’ ' "i "" "U" '“1‘ AWL“ 1* ‘111 ' ‘ i s '1‘ 7:76 ’
:1 «*1- '1 , 11"1-111ied W: and ,h(_li,[)l,uhk_lm lV)iseip|ine shoultVl be aiVi "(flucztttltlr Davis. 25. of Lexington. at about 5 :11ng “I” J ( x L} ' ' 1111/1-1 m 1111 1am: ‘1‘ 19:1;1- 1‘ . 1 '1
:14, a; 9.111 . . ; . , ; l)‘ 1g 1r 1 -1 15; " s . 1 . 1 , . , , ;; , z. .1, .1. '1 -i
“4.2.... 11,? I . ; ; . . “11111 “1.“!le hm ‘pltthlelnst lxd. :tullt-nltfsnh‘ill lglll‘ttifltlllt‘llilzlLllt L) -m i nednesday aftet an ”hm“ Public “Mend” “”5“,“ “I‘M“ .W l ”Ill-‘1 “”1 WM “V H "- " 2.: .‘1'2'L
.r'f‘i'TfR’". .1 —“‘ . 1' 1 .1.11 111 wt \ll.‘ 111111111, llt \Llltl 1 . _ .. .1 statttt) entered innocent le'is or. lt‘i'. - he "’ “ ""”““ H‘" “‘1' -‘ "'i " L- ' ’ '
13:71:51 -* ff .. 7 - 1 1 1' t 112111 Mo 1: lktt'tt'tllai’. Kiidei' mentioned the pt ”‘9'“ Police disarmed l)it\'l.\' With a tire y. n P L K '. " -'. ‘ h ' :_ '
,1; 1.1:“: 3.w " V V 1 ‘ iii .1 .1111‘11113, .issii tiist'lplittt‘ .is tlllt' til illt‘ tlspt‘t'ls Ul' \ee “\AI I‘I. “13ch M ' \ Pl. \ 11,1, ‘ ‘ '1 A“? :1"
:1 131.211. 1 1__ -'1 ‘1 '..‘c'r,’
1.>1<“~::1 14:" " 4 1' G O 1 ] 'fy' '22". 1‘7 ti.
“ .1 “lawman: '.'.' . *" I ' ‘..
2‘1“: : 1‘1; V .1 ." ; 1:1; . . V‘:' VtV 4'". ‘ ’1
t . - roups prOVide for .1 1 ,
'2: Mi". "’ V 1 . 1; - 1‘ 1 . ' f
”5133*“ 45;". .’"’1‘ _ ‘ o o ‘ " L
t * late-night studying 1.
't ‘1. ”R 7111‘ ‘ L '2 . ‘- ' ‘
$1,531.14; (51?. '_"';=r§;" .11; .‘ "._ ; 2 3 =1
12:13.17? l 1 ' .. “‘ o . . *‘ ..
we» " ' during finals week
.1" ’1 ‘ . .1 11 ’ .1: \ 3 1 ‘~ '. ; :~ .1 .
1;:ngngfo 11a . 1.11;. .1 3 -_-N . 3:1 A , Li, . . It) i.r:si.tr: \1\\l.Y()\.\' ______________._.. V‘ 1 g
".11; 1... l. ; 3 . . _ «if. €111.19 / 11 1 .1 ; “(WWW " I here should he ; '_ 1 1‘-
"'.;‘.~.1,; .a: ,3“ i" f ' “ *w‘t/ \ ' " , . ' . . ., 1. g ; _; -.
i111 1.; 1‘.."1"'f".~,.1§ 1 . 1v; 1. 1 f ‘1. 3 < fhe liliiary stiideii. ad: latll \ 1.11111 C\ cry 1 lung 0\ Cl' here “, : "1. ‘.
bé; .. ~ 1 . .~ “.11 1 1* r r V 5 mittee and the StudentV Hi'eani/a . . (l 3 x ‘ 1 - ‘_". ; . 3’4 .
1:9" ,, ,i A .fi' f, 1 111 ‘ . _ 1 tions Assembly are lieipinc Tat-L1 Hull ‘IU Lnl‘ llLLL l“ 1. _1 1 '1 ‘11.,
:«ufit’vn? 11- ' g 5"? .1 V . some of the stress out of : :1iis Pl‘L‘lel‘C‘ l'Ol' llllLll\.H ‘ .151; '1 ‘. 1:
'..; "r“;vr'; ‘a‘ft: 4‘. I "I: ' v’ " 3‘ “(Rik ' ' ‘ :- -’ "\ ""1". I l
:4: 3.4“- ”1. J ”11: . ,5“: 3:3 "y; In addition to i‘eeiis.ii l 21: a: 1. ( .‘ndl “ 93‘9“ 1 .. 1‘ . ' ~1
1121.; 1 _ ; g 3,; _ 1i 111' t. ,1 hours stud) 111m 1111 1.11 N11: sin president t .1 -.’. :1
E- 1- 1-3111 . ;_‘ . _ 1t, ._ ‘ ’. how» 1.; '1 .w : 1 - "“9 Lilii‘ai‘y \t'ill he open ti‘tim iiiitlinifiit ‘1 _‘ 1.
imam“; 1. "A; I l; {'51-}? 1” l $4.2; 5 until Tutti a in tliroiiu'iiout liliiii> _ ‘ 1 V1": 1.
:f”:$'f31,5::11«“;1 fi ' _' "\L " 1- ' film. a ' 1 111,5 ~11, 3%; ‘.H‘t‘k to proyide students \\ '3. .1 ;, 31:12. _ -1 't.1 ‘1.;1-. 1,” '.1’ f"
11*:"’ “1. <4 - 1 ‘ 1a 3? ' 1 .. 11 . "o. 3m 11111111.;1ii—11111111 Plitt‘t“">‘lu‘l.‘ 11 s: ’71. ~
’1"; Eli-:"ZEL 1“ 3. . ' .3 “:1;~2:%***"=»;t .13 ;. 1. . . .‘~“ *1" ~. '11- 1 ‘ "ch 1‘14; There \\ill also he att'ess '.11 3111':. 1.1;;11 ._ ., '3 _’ _ ‘. ‘1 Hi. -
13;. {'2' ; 1 ~. \\ ‘ wt“ ' ' V amt-1. "I“ ”tat-1; fiat". ‘ ‘, ”sax. “'5 rooms and the deli aiea " 1 11 g- .1 ' 1
“132“ 3,; 1_ é \ .\ ‘ k; .4' .. ' .’ , ~ his.) ’l‘ltcse saine sel'Hces are twin: "t 11";1-1 .31.;1u 41‘1- - _1_,‘\ 3...,“ 1 1.1 ' :3 ‘3 VI
.. . 3.. "'1. 3 ,I \ x,‘ ; “ ”:3 . . .: ,.",.§ ltltlll)} NHasml 1 ..1_1.11i. [t1t\t.t11.._ . ”.J. 1 . H11 1.- 1 '. 1. 1 V
>11 1': 1 \ :. ; ,: K’ T ,1 __'~.1'-'1‘-1 ‘ ‘.1 2 Room 11th student (enter tlieV .\'ti -ti.ii2t~e '1- mar ‘iw A wire - ‘ 5 , I
“3:2. I’ ' ‘ ~ "11".IN’. .1 - ' ' *1, ‘ dent tii'eant/ations t'entei' uni ltt‘ (1111\t::..11.:1.-.-1 3'; ' ' 1 .1 ”1,1
~ is». j ‘1. . V , 1 ‘ ‘vn ‘ 11"" 1...; \ \r a I «,1 open for 72 hours lK‘LlllllliliL a' hour. "I; ' 1' ’ '; 1 '_ V'i
L412. 1-”. . . . . ‘ , ‘\ ‘ . Sunday [1.11 1111;1~111. 1V”; 3, 1. .1 1 H. 1" ,: , :
715,31; V; V V . . , 2: . 1 1’ . { (uhieles are available toi‘ students 111', l.» :1 1;;1' ”wk”: 1 1 :1 “1111’s ,- "..;' ‘ V";
13‘?“ 11' i ‘g‘ :3 ,1 .ur ' to study lndtt’ldtlilll} and too nice? ”V1? '-11-\ 1 3; '1111 1111'11'1 1'1 1,“, r1 1-,.
V1V . ‘: Riff 1‘3. 1 .1 , V ’V . . 3,5,»; Q" ~ V a»... . ‘5, Hit: rooms will lx‘ open ltii~ tltttse “he \ 1‘1 .,1 ‘\V \ ‘VV' 'n' it \ VVV '.-1‘ '1 "31“,”. . .-' .:
fife. f" T “'1‘; r ' we . ‘ “ant to study in groups. sot l’res‘ '13" , 1 1 Th: 11 : C. ,‘ N, ‘3 , .‘ ’1', 1, .
iv. V"-1,.'.‘1:‘>- . ’ 1 11 ‘ z 4‘1. n I ' dent ('yndi Weaver said 1.1:, 111.11.. ‘T . 3f.) h} ,. ”I. l l _ I: ,1".-
. i. . _ ‘1':"“'?%&. . 1 iiii1i1'1.4.\t'11 ‘1 1l l- .1 1111. it', I. ‘ 71"}.4 '. .-
11“... 1' .~."‘1 ‘ 1 V} ‘1." ' i .1 ‘ '§.§'f 111 ~"itli‘it's lilt‘J: tat 1 111‘! 'tttl ’\ .iii'l 1'", ".V' .r ".~' 4.3:“;
. . _ .; 1. ' "-1“ , k‘. " There are also in typeui'itei‘s my ;.- “11.11 1111,1111)» .71 ’1 ’ ".
. V: :1 1: j: (ll‘itllllltl tables and prime coniput , 1'. V' 5;
1.1;...1-‘ ' _' ' er: the raininis l't‘l.t!fttll\ 1-11ii1::.v“-111e '- -. .1; 1.
1 . -:‘*. 1 ..1 ‘ Inunmunuou KunolStafl _ V. V V _. _' . i h , 1 '
.; 1 -".'.’ ‘2. "There should he e\ei'\thing ”\(‘l’ 'thill Vi;i11i\V tipVVVn: tV111Vsti-Vts\1Vi.iVi.\\ .1 id § .' '. 1"", .1
V. f: Stud V buddies here that students need to prepare UN ‘ H”. L I. L“ \a Ml M’ 1‘ if t 1 '1
7.. 7 4 ' l: ‘ lortinals." Weaver said 'I'hi\ 1s .1 11.1; students can do L, ‘.V ' ".,'1..1"1.‘
1 . 1.9m ele‘tK‘Iatmn1 even then it shouldn't be done be- when final exams can begiven, ombudsman and must be filed as said. :V1j‘~1~,~-:1£’.~.5V.31- :11: 2 agfsg,
_ 3 Home. om ts ;. problem "It‘s cause it‘s against the rules." she Ex officio council member and anindividual complaint. “The University moved UP their 377.; 1" ' '71; '
'. l 11 1: 11: EM twldmu an umbrella said Student Government Association ”1 am very reluctant to cm budget plans. so we moved up the ’- ,1 , -1115.
. - 1 . 1 .1 11,,1 \ltitlt‘ltls heads because .\ memo was sent out by the President Donna Greenwell cumvent the ombudsman in an deadlineror evaluations mm mm mm '4 ' V_' ‘11
' 1‘1 ~ 11211. 1..1\ 11111911111; 1t could .it- academic ombudsman's office to brought the issue before the coun— action like this,"hesaid. plated. Since they are used In salary ‘- ;. ' -- ”clam
'1 I : :h.11 etude he said each department two weeks ago 6” because 0f several inquiries Greenwell said it should not be increases,“Skiba said. 1I”“"‘a““ 7 " “3. Ah“ .'
. t 1 "he" :nstrut-tors. such as informing instructors of the poli- she had received from students. the students‘ responsibility to en- Each department has its own way 51:12., may.“ >43 :11» ' ‘
' L i l""1“"lh hm“ 1"“ tht‘ cy. said (‘harles Byers. academic Greenwell said she received forcearule. of cmducting evaltntiom, but ev- 1W '“Q ' ‘
1 i ' .1 1111'111tl’iesttitlf‘ttls ombudsman several complaints from students “I don‘t really see it as the stu- eryone '5 m the same Km
1 1 N1. 1:11 111 ‘l'n- vet-1111 that This memo was sent in addition who said they had been forced to dents‘ responsibility to go to the policy.
1 i mulltl 'ake it during the reg to a notice sent out at the begin- takeafinalexam this week. ombudsman." she said. ”It‘s up Each P530" in a den-I'M 1 -
‘ 1 ' ; 1. .- :1. .1 hediiled time 1this week! nine, of the semester by the Sen. “This ms put into law last to the senate t0 mace the evaluated by someone who it me C . 1 .. s. Wt_l__“wu ...\
....... ~4~~~ “ 1 in -:i t111.1‘1s week." said lion ate toum‘tl 5 office; said Wilbur year, and it is just as bad this rules." morelwelslmhimwmt 151 ' 112.15,.“ j " K L 'l " 1 fi-
" fi , 1 1 tinttkt'tmu ttri'ft‘ssttt' The t-‘ryc.thc council‘s chairman. year as it was last year.“ she Council member Bradly Canon Evaluators fill out a four-page its“ tit 1" *1 1 .
V 1 1 - 1.411.111.1111 sllltlbtlls taking the "But not everyone reads every- said. referring to the number of (“sag-eat “We are not an en. perfa'mgnce review sheet on each 33.11.3513... "a? .1 . 1
1. L 1 ~ . m-k and next week was thing that comes out (of our of- teachers who fail to heed the reg- {mementbody,“hesaid. employee. After the evaluation has v... .; 1 .
, - 1 11.111. liesaid {11191;“hpsaid, ulation. 1 Weaver rotor-tied by saying, been crammed by the head of the j. ; . , ti ,1
-1 l ; . , Greenwell. along with council department. the ”31‘3“” meets " ' '3 V
.1 . ‘V 1' 1 - '11.“ tacit ilidn t offer to “An instructor planning a test members Cyndi Weaver. SGA SeeCOlJNClL.Pa¢eS with the “ploy” to discuss his G' . .
. _ ., i-
. . \ 1’ V .
\ .
. \ V
' \.

 ' . . \ t

- .".I ' 2 KENTUCKY KERNEL My, m 12, 19”

3 s ' 3 ‘ 3_—- i

' ”~ ‘ 2' ' ~ ' " "a" The follownng are brief profiles of the
'- '. . 7‘ ' tine finalists vying for the position of

‘ ' '. 3 Fl E vncechancellort’or studentat‘fatrs.
' .' " ‘ - -'”~ - " .- ' VI c E c HAN c E LLO R L Stories I» Scoth-rd. manaainit editor
, 33 {,3 3‘ 3, 3 C, . and Jay Blanton. news editor
». s,,-\.,'v : _—#
.3' -,3 x -' _‘;. :3 a, ft . . 3 t'
.- 0th Brooks is Jose h urc .
'3 .t \ j ,‘33 . ,1 PK ,3 333 .-,3,\ 33‘

.33.... '—;3'_3. ,' \.,\: \ ‘33
.s3s.3\‘- 'I‘_s ‘ u. y . 3

”-_ 3e - ; -. .f'. '-. , . . ,- , .\ ”ht, ”t the good he M out of mg wax [in ttir‘tltatt- tot‘ Joseph Burch s biggest advantage One person who knows about . 3‘33
' w. .= guy '\ ”.” . - "‘ ' g ‘ . ‘ . : . " bi est disadvan- rch‘s com tence and hard work *

' " ‘* "‘ i ” ” tn Del tw'tre th . inn ‘Ill sorts of situations - may a 0 '5 95 u pe
"2f '-”-" '~ -‘ Cit" ‘ ' ' '\' \ ' ‘ 'whntt :2") dn' 1. ' echoed 'll'il whthhant .s ‘1' ; tage. is former Vice Chancellor for Stu- t 3
~.; r. 2'. ,. . u t ,3 . , , ‘. I”! i ,: ‘ ‘ t. x t ‘ 't. V ,3. , . - '3
""" Riff?!" - t \ .':,,' t' li‘ti'sun 'ts” add'll'l‘ ttn'tt Brooks ”never refuses ‘ “:3“, Experience. dent Affairs Robert Zumwtnkle. ..
""5"" ""' "' "a ”" ""' ' ' " " 'n 't ' h it it h to sel~ 'l ‘studcn' " 'rtnd lh't' when h" ' ' ,u. Burch, who is currently UK'S act- Zumwmkle, who retired 135‘ sum-

t , ,- tag .i‘ 3- ’ t ..t> 1" t" ‘ , . n, x “ 2' _ . . . ' '

"'2 -'"‘"- "-"" " v. 7‘9"." ' ' A'h' ', Ii .m'g m the wmwht, his ., pmhhtm h.) mil “in 2' , ,w I". nng vnce chancellor for student af- mer, sand that while he was Vice . 3 3

“"' -“‘ "t '-3:.1L;| t , . u-t -‘ ,2 .t, z , . .

.t'3.-f'tx.‘,"3 3' 1:13.37, t-«' I , \‘ ’l'h'ccltl realh ll) \\ UI'K through lht‘ pt‘tililt‘t‘tt Ittl‘ llk‘ ‘ . 3n. 3 M: .91 , . fan‘s. has been at 'UK either as a chancellor, he and Ewell had. 8 ~ 32333,:

t 5-f=t.'”-"~:.“~.~'. "a" ' ’ ""I', ' ‘ 1d Mh‘t. tutktnt -- " . W student or administrator for 27 “congenial and effective working - . ; ,.
4,.‘_,.t "4" .‘3’._ - ‘ l ,,,‘ 5, t " S ‘ =3; '2 . . n K t
2"" l1: \‘: ".- "t1". . . . xxx it: \'t‘ t-dntt'nr of The “He does an outstanding jttlt." "3 years. , relationship: 2 2 .. 2: " ’ ' ‘r
f1{'22'§t;.',:~..“*2,~‘,-,‘)‘”_.;~'; ' ‘ , .,\ \ student sand guru-t \‘harkm the ,m, pres, 3 Burch started as a resndetnt advns- He is 'clearly well-qualified. ;‘ , 3 ‘i 3 3
'l 7-5" K "-'":l.‘>':':"i ' ' ' ' ""lt it"th'at ‘Brooks dent ‘l'Ol‘ student affairs Hc said 7 er at UK and has worked his way UP Zumwtnkle said. ' ’ » .v“' .'

.. " ' .-. ‘- . '. :,,\'2..,~ \f: ,;t1'\. ‘ ~ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ , , , . 2 ,. 2 r 3 z, 3
.13.:333-3.”3-._-.__3.3; "i5“ 2 3 3 333 “3”] “U3 Brook, l‘. wcttoreanm‘tt plans 9; ft. the admnmstrattve ladder. He has SGA Senton \nce Presndent henny J i” ‘3._
flit :.‘-‘.‘2‘,'~gt’,,-. ”” ‘ ‘ ‘ "“M ' ' the-,d‘ harks well him stunt-ms and ' are held his current position as dean of Arington sand he respects Burch for ’3: ,3 3,. . 3 3 -,
:" 'l':':“"'"~':"'”" i In ‘tudtnt "hiiitl'ltNL”l’l\'0\'\‘t‘r\ wcl' “ ' studentsforthelastmyeam handling the dual responstblllti' 0f " 2- at
iT-‘f‘tm 't'gi ; 5,3,»: . ' ( 3u3\ m Deli He described Brmt‘t ,\ we” sttn- .1 3,3, 33% 2 “I think it is an advantage.” dean of students and acting nice . 3 ,

. _ ‘32' :-“_-.;‘t c' "F“ t ; t t \ t' \tt3 x . ‘ ‘” 3_ ~ ' ’ ‘ 3‘13”, a," . ' . . “

., 713.39“: 233’.‘_3“§,32‘,‘. 't H. 3” Slutlt’llh f’at t't‘l‘t‘. nttllltllg lLllSt‘ alittul hint 3: 1 W; m Bald 0f bl, m .t UK. lb chancellor. . ‘3 ‘ ha I ‘33 .4 3 ;

' “"1"“ 1' i"l""'é' ' .h t wanes Brooks ”re'tllV docs t good nob at 1- ~ : sand he has a competent working Burch has dettnotnsttatul t t ie

.' \"." :i.':"" 1‘, ‘n't.= . , 1 mi N‘ u A l A ~ ' ~ ‘ . ' ‘ . . . 3. .‘ - _ ‘ v .‘ 3 3 3 3 _
‘ E“ ".-?'.-~2'.""-‘ I'fi' "‘3‘ ‘Y-v . ._ :ct. ttt-L m tl't‘ student w hat he does." Brumhle said "l’et‘ deu‘mm relationship With h'b Staff. and 1f 5e COtlld halldle both Jhbhn” Atnngton Education law degree. Unnersnt- of
-"'”:tv‘”i"-"‘"“i"*""m {”13“ ' gi'” 'i \U'l son‘tlh” he'sawondettttl nit.“ " t)\ ' V1 ii in ‘ollt’ge student services ad- lected t0 the posntton. there would satd.It“say8810th' hm” kcntttcltn 1966

-, . 3 --,,-.,_ 5,»: 't , »-t. .t .tuu » s. . m _~ ~ : . ‘ \t‘tt‘x‘ ' L -» , -~ 2 “ .
._.,:3,.,3‘3t,3.it.._3.3,33.:.~.,.,3f:;3 ,3 ”3,3 ,l, “3, charged (”mm said Brook ,5 ”\t‘” ”hr 1%”me they,“ state thmwm nnot be that training and transntton Menkhaus, though, believe that Budwlm.3 in ctmwnmx tmwmh m

-‘_ I I ', '.','v unit » ‘ 2‘ ~ - - t ‘ "‘ \* ‘ “' ' " ' . v ' t ’ ' ' ' '

""1 "Jigs-:1"; ,3\ 2'3 “(his . -. ~ ., n Hr t\i\ hp ‘md gnmg k|)t\\\.\ :1 lot til people till Cult] ,9“ time anothet candidate would have BUJ'Ch S largest asset 11% In hls u- Kcttluclt). 196:

"2' t'-',‘.'-_'., ." ’;3,. ‘ " ‘ ‘ 3 3 3 ‘ t ‘ - - _ 7 33 7 ,,,.._. 3A 3373 “A... _“3 3
:."::..2','=113..,13:, 3;?) - , , ' .‘t raid-'1 wittthtm pus” she added that he has (ltlllt a “N3.“ m counseling student personnel togo through. 3 _ . ht penence at UK and, more impor

xxx-H , - , .7 . .. n . i wtrtt ms tit-tween ,, .- .3 ,, - . “In fact. ltn on the Job rig tantly, what he can do wtth that ex- . , , , . _ ,
“Mug-1' 212'“. , ' ‘ ‘~ 1 «ttt' ”990 l" ht dk h“ [h ”N ‘ 2"“ 1‘ ‘l l * thl'tttlihlldltttn. taunt luthtran L nntr .. . .. . . .. . that tttttst l)t‘ t Itlttlll\ lot the \Ice

3.3 .35.“, 23.: '2 sac. 2. , , ,. , , . . . . c d . a ham ma , now. he sand. lmread) togo. penence, 2 3 _

- w 2:. -~ . .t ,, \\- tht \ludtlll attain- epatt t ., w , ,, ,, , , h t

t ’ m .2 h-‘h '- 2 :' Width-13 ‘5 ~““~‘ : \nt .19 — . t . . . t ttanullor A funding hast ts nudtd

it;"""'" """""""""":' ’ " ”‘ ‘ 0th departmt‘nh” ”lih" utit‘.t‘t’.\‘1l\ Ba :ntt it" [1' histon of art Bowdoin J”hh Menkhaus, SGA fine ‘H' 5 “His blSSCSt merit ts the fact that lot. the tin-tnct'tllv depleted center

I...‘ . -~.t7‘-"‘_ . ”Mt”. ‘ - 't‘, ', \ t 3 t ~ ‘ 3 t t 3
fin": "b.4331 .‘...‘.~r ‘t t r ”\t‘l”\ll\ of Del't- Brooks sand he i.» ntttot‘estt-d in as L the“ .396- senator. sand the perception students he‘s verv informed as to how the m s'nnd -

" ' """“ ."' ' i " - h l L l ". ' . v ' .u ‘. .
9,;e»".",-:”._t,‘;f"3't‘,’t'n’-.:'”.'i t. ,. \twwtx said he be sutntng the post of ucc chancellor 3 f , .,, .. , have 0t Burch ma) bewrong. system works here at UK. Menk- ‘ 3 _
t-.2;--3.3.3';;{3.2,3.-‘, ”gag, 'nhtn Yll‘tl the student for student affairs at l‘K twotttsc it bounty "it‘s a good job and a good “I think that the l[general calmpgz haus said. "He can see the broad iThe tttnctttctI ot ltllllttilll} atl"'t?1"'
exit-, 1."- "'15" ' " " ' ' ' i . . .. 2- 1 ~ tie -t t “ has been misled" 3 out urc , '-t [29 due to his long tenure here (on a fairs a so inert s nnttc a .011-
.2 1-.» t. ‘5‘ s . . ‘. 'itsitlt' and outside would he a good Latter tilt \l .\\ too 3 ‘ .2 , , plL u 33 3' 3 _ 33 3
1"";"t:""~’2'~",'1"‘:‘t' ll? . 2 - 'x'tt‘ 'dltt‘t‘ 2‘ comes to sand that at liclawttre. the ”rice pH‘H- And. there are some issues there Student Government Assoctatnon at UK. 3 3 tton. Butch said. It is ttnpottant tltat
if} "if; :"" “r?“ . ' . ' \l‘ltl't""l\ he sand he tdent of student affairs is highl)‘ tat l'hn quite frankly that I can help senator said. Some students may not ”He has the ability to Visualize the the ,httrgct- not be seen as a [my
53"?1" , 3. 73 .2; out; approach over qualified and "t”nn concerned (tut Milli." He said he has had expe— like Burch because of his anOlVC- problems within the student affairs citing of3prottrant: to lilltttttltl} oi
'5”ii"~"i'-"”L='.""'~{"-""“”"" ,. mm tails “that's that lcantnot m0\'t.- upward an} fur ltt‘lln't’ with reorganizatnons of stu- ment3 tn making some unfavorable dnvnsnon attd has many creative d“) othen students. CM”
is", ‘ . . ' ' tlner here." dctnt affairs offices and been 111- decisionssuch as the alcohol POhCM ideas as to how to upgrade the dnvr 3 3 3 3 33
9 fltil”:,f.t_ \‘ttl\,'0(l in minority affairs. two Actually. 3Menkhaus‘ sand. Burch ts stun." 3 3 student affairs at 3t ix is 3whorc 3|
1": .H'.'.t't . _ . it: mk.‘ is ”\er} cot‘r topics currcntl)‘ under scrutiny ill “\‘et‘_\'33WIlllng t0 WOTk With stu— In particular, Burch said the btu— want to be. hutch said [in satis-
4,21“? "57‘2”" '1‘“ 5}". '3'} - »’ :tlt‘l'zt.‘ and that He sand the [K jolt ts at'txtctn=.c t'K dents. dent Center is an obvnous question ftednnstudental airs.

,-',',,',:, 1'.~:2'-.

.'2-"'3.'2”.'."-'\ . . _ ‘m" 2 - .

L‘ ”33"."1"-‘.'-'2 ;”-"-»‘- 0 . 1.5: . : f
t 33.12, .h.'v"" «:‘3‘.'3€;IA J {g g fix 5" r a av .13 A“ l . ..

. . . .v a- -. '5 .~ .
has» 2- ,., .- .

h 'v- -t *efi.‘h’r -‘ v . t

.2 .. 1:3,;1‘ . »_.;.g . J ,_ 3 3
~ .c'vsutr. _ z ' a “ , ' ‘ 0 . ° k
.l, t 33 y 3 , 3 t. ._ 3 3 o o 333,3, .3 3 3, 33. 3
[under <- l ttvnngs on e nser -.

' I .2..',‘..-2 » ,. , . I 2-». t“ t

‘ “ t - .‘ v‘ ,- I I2 2’ l.,- , 2- t ’2 3 . . .. t 33
" "t'-"t"””.5.'-"t’*-',i‘x‘-"L’ 5;} = - ,MW'” .w, , , . . Keith Mtger wears '1 lot of hats” ('u '11 " ' " “t?" 2
gm”.'-:ii‘,::= -’."< Isl-5.?- . = snt' )ot‘tet‘s ‘ ”'W - - . . ‘ f” : "I ” "' ‘ ' ‘ . ’ A _. at} ' ‘, .',"_'” .

2 -~.- I ;,-.,,».,.J.,.. : 'tJl z .. ' .. \lntchcl ltrnngston ts known as a . ('3 “H l v th 1 f‘d' ~ 'on- A.“ , _.
, _,, _ . y . A t . _ epaxs eroeo a \nser.( , _, .~, a ,. . j

" . i) .a , '. ."r ""‘1 . ”' r - ‘ e; , _ , . . . "2 y. . - _ . .; +33. -, ~ p 2. (3
‘”‘"" " ' “ .. ““0115 person. ’ .. . J ’ sultant anvthnng and evervthmg 1%.; ‘ A k .
-'.2 , -",’.I -. f -..,’. .‘.- ,2', 3,4‘» ,, - . -3‘,3 .‘zll\ nzure .’3 V u33 . _ ‘ 3a, 3.3 s; - 3 “ . 3~ . .2 3 ~ _ *3. 3 M 3.-

4,” .' ,.:_‘.-’,._ ‘ ’ . , > * A -. And he applies that seriousness to ‘ - z . - -. .3, and friend of the \‘ear. sand Krista 33.3: it 3.9 ,3 .
.2--.-:*- 1-2:»! » . .; ntttlct. said aye ,3. . . ‘ .- . x . 2 ' 2 » ”- , ., t"

"" "" ' ’ " ”t - is ‘A ” lttttht‘tt‘dUCémun 3 , ‘ . 2 Mooradnan presndent of the t ntver- ».- {tr ~ .

. 2." ' » - ~ t1;‘t't'lt’)r of stu- ‘ - $4: . . . _ - ‘ ‘. , f : . ‘ , . m .. -».

.~-’;‘2"'~.’; -'.”‘. 6.51, ‘ “ . . . ”a“, " ” Ltttngston said he is ”committed ~ , 3. , : sntv of Vermont 5 Student Assocna- 3...». , s,- , ._

.t‘ 1‘63". .' .‘“ 1‘ {fr . - -:"" 1'lli Slat? lm- :33 3‘3 '33»? f . 3 3 . . 3 . y . l' ‘ 3 _ . ‘3” :3 4 , 3 3,3,. . , 333
5 gov-.31 .-,t . t and excnted about working tn pub to . t“ tton. ;‘ .. 33 _

"~"9';""""'"'"”~"”""""-""" .h‘ resident as??? ' education." ' - ’2 " ,- w» 3 ”He shares his weaknesses and 2'“ "‘ at, 3

' " ' "'~ ' ‘ 21‘7". .- ‘ ‘ " "‘ "2"i' \ ~' s ’: 3 m . ~ ' ‘ "it, . ‘ . .. . -~112»:,.;w ,3 My, 3,~.\3.,
433,33 3-,:»:n1.33.g.~3,._2‘_{.33g;3,t3 3 3 33 3333353“! said 3 gs Livingston. who is currentl} dean 4- , s3 ‘ frustrations wnth students. which ° Q: 33% 9:35;,
v"”"'”:""~"”53”""'“' i»~'~"'~ “ " i ‘ " ' ' t -‘ dent life at Ohio State Untver- ' 2 b it - ~~ on r 5 -t “ .”*i<".a.» N
!- é.,. . , , . . .. , ~ ... H «U - ,3 .2 3 has ut up a comm 9 pet. ,. , tame.

“""'"" "'7’" ' ' . ‘ ’ ”mm" 7:5; :it\- would like to bring that com- ‘ ‘ w ~ .. ‘ - : 2 3 W»: ”t"::"tl\s‘>
"fi‘n ‘ . 2 - -‘ 2 . she said. He pronndes direction and . . 22: _~ _ Jess;-

-.'=,: a. 3,‘ -’ tidy. t=- c'tyttjjfi, QtHCFll' ,1. ~ _ , y 3 ‘3 .... ., 3. 3:}: 3,13.

1 ‘ ' ' \‘ '( ' ‘ “ l ' ' 2 2. 2 . t A :9 .»

. A ., . . é. ttnn.nnentantnexcttementtoLK. leadership at the same tttne and _ 3%“. W
,;'-t;=."~.‘s , . - - t rosman. .— , , . .. , . . , . _ _ 3.213;, 3 ._2 _ t.
(33.3.23; .3. .'.23,,-;;..f.3.‘, 3 3 '33 33333 “1mm” 332,123,, 3 ,, tip is ono of fire tnnétltstsftor lnlx s has set a tone m the administration 3.25%,” ”fish? *ééjé
- e -,..~-.'- 1.231“, ‘ ‘ ‘ .t ”-‘f ' - . , w . . , ~ . . . . . , -. . we .3‘2" ‘ . .-

m ,. -. _- ’ «an n. ,. . ' 2 - .. tncechancellorfor stu enta airs. “for making n\ermontn a unnetsnt) . _. _ & ,, $3; 7,
-,..-‘.’.- -'.:=‘,".t‘.’. ~ . . t s ”,t‘ ties't boss 1 “"hfiw ‘: ’4. » . . n- --v~- .

" ””- '- "- ‘ ltrnan Hicks. Ohio State student for students -‘

...._ " '= ,5 " ~‘L‘i - - - -. ' ' . . . .
19,34, (1': ~2 2. ~moor of stu- Education: Doc'ozatc 'n‘ :tn.:,.t:to‘~.. ()ft" government presndcnt. satd Ll" Education Doctorate in higher education, Both Mooradnan. who deals pt‘of'cs- I-Alucatton Doctorate tin \tttdctnn pcrxonntal
{7:3 ;' 3;": t]; t , M ' "‘ttl't\ the Lin", \; ttgl finch)“, New ”“3“th L‘ "er." Professional ”8 college student personnel. Michigan State sionally with the University of \'CI‘- adttnintidt‘aiton. lndtanttl lil‘xt‘l\il\. l‘)“t
'--'""”- ‘Vqlhf‘ - - in»; ' mi one \la . .w mtm' m, on day, \\ ,wornw "(l’lt’hll'l ,the" a lot "but has a Emld l'inversm' 1980 mont dealt ()l students on a regular \lastcn‘s tn counseling and guidance. ltn

”"\\.=,ji.. ‘7 . t.‘ '”‘ -. -’ ’ at. ttn . \-'\n ~ .t \t- y '- t _ ' 3 3 ‘ 3 3 .3 ,. 3 3 3 3 _ 3 ‘

“r- '1 :1”, . . 2~ .. .2 éltt' attic? \Htrk' “.tslttl ctot‘ l hot-ts: '. nib-t Mm“) 0‘ ‘11,]ij 1‘ you htnl‘e the Master‘s in higher education. college stu- beams, and Eric Lipton. the editor of dnana L inncrsnt. 1969 3
‘,,/"‘l' 2' '.. , [0th time l‘ltlillg‘li"l'~ :1. at, a. . h, 0 it 3 751‘“ chord, ”Wk-S 531d ' I pet‘s‘ott' dent personnel, Southern lllinons Lintver- student newspaper, The \erntmtt Bachelor's ntn biologn. Indiana l ntnnctuit,
,3: 2.33;! 3;»,.-’3;\7};;'3t , . ., t"\\t heir? -2 \\a\lttttctt\tt L toxcrxt" 3 Am: :til\ gt‘! along Willihlm verywell. . «3‘3 197} Cynic spoke highly of Misfits 196.34 3 3 3 3 _'33
' "£915 Lilli-'3 ' '2 ~ T vtt‘t' 'Katier gets ttacrwttt'rx m t‘\\_.’t.\i,\;t we. m. .w Lttnnuston said the "princnpal Bachelon's in physical education, Sounh- relationship with the unnvers‘tty s std} . and l don than“ d”) Plath
.3 =7 ts» -,.3.;-3.-,.3-3,.~.,:-,gig; 3_‘ :W, r-s 3mm“. 3mm, t "MN,“ 1%: :httts. of inns academic phtlosoptt} cm tttinonst ”hemtt3 I969 student body. to lcth‘ ttnttl ht. does
I “-2 5,":3‘: .E‘.i‘-,"2'-:j':t4. ' ‘ ', ‘ [hm m h) ‘ , nsoneot "talentdevelopmentf , ,A,A._,._. , , _ ,_-,_-,..,,,,,. , “I think he‘s been \'9[‘\' sucrosst'u] Ho sand Miser has ' taken a mt
'32‘."‘t'_'t3'.".‘-<‘.:/ . , ;t, “Wi‘h'l‘ a with students tn lllt classroom as ;t t "l lal‘lhghh’m lhdl lhrltbt agphte‘ «thio State. Livingston has "tremen- at dealing with students. Lipton nttttl) stinall (illusion 1'1" :tttti:”n3tn it

n._ -‘-_::,.. ' 3.. c;.. t “ _ . . H; , i , ~. .1 , .3 _~ . .. _ , , 3. - - t. , . .. L .3. . i 3 . 1; ~ .
.,3,t3 \(;,.3.,3.3;23:t,3_3 3 ,. ,_ ,U, otttce.‘ law teacher and hell} saah that it tnth staff 'ntnnagcmen tn s u dons amount of contact w'tth stu- said. describing M‘tsen as an easy int: :3: "nufersiti' 33 t] P‘
3:} 4%.?525; z, r: 37,21 , g . 1.:nt- tndtt-tdua] "L‘Unlblnultttl! of experience and watt “Sill {“lhhhhb- it t t dents, he said. Impressions ”t: him person togeallwtth. 3 i t ”(3:11 0 r 5151131311333 330 it d3 m m of 31“
’ r- ‘ ,‘,~-‘;'. ‘ ‘ ., - . ~ . \ . t . ,.v a on is some ting “ o )e , .. . 2 . ~v He sat Niger ,5 very goot a . tse ti .' z '. u .
3.“. s- 3.3:, 3, . 3.3 (atton that Jim has t. a coma l..t.ltlll 3 33 3‘ . are gener