MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESAug. 28, 1902 - page 152

     Called Meeting of August 28th, 1902.

     Called meeting of the Board of Trustees of the A.
& M. College, held at the President's room, on the college
grounds, Lexington, Ky., August 28th, 1902. at twelve
O'clock M.

      Call for Meeting.

      We the undersigned members of the Board of Trustees
of the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Kentucky, hereby
request a called meeting of said Board, to convene in the
city of Lexington, Ky., in the President's room on the
grounds of said college, about the hour 12 o'clock M. on
Shursday the 28th day of August, 1902: for the purpose of
receiving and acting upon the report of Geo. S. Shanklin,
attorney, relative to the title to the Pepper property: to
consider the propriety of consumating the proposed purchase
of the Pepper property for the State in view of the numerous
defects and irregularities pointed out in said report: and
to bake up, consider, and act upon all questions relating
to the location and erection of a girl's dormitory for
the college.

                                   Geo. B. Kinkead,
                                   R. C. Stoll, Trustees
                                   D. F. Frazee.

      In pursuance of the above request, a meeting of the
Board is hereby called to convene at the time and place,
and for the purpose above indicated.

                                   Dh C. Frazee, Secretary.

      Portions of Minutes of Ex. Com. & Brd.

      The minutes of the Executive Committee of the meeting
of June 20th, 1902., with reference to the purchase of the
Pepper property were also read. Also the resolution of the
Board of Trustees at it's June meeting, 1902 on same matter.