xt7rbn9x1891 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x1891/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1897011 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1897-01-jun1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1897-01-jun1. 1897 2011 true xt7rbn9x1891 section xt7rbn9x1891 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1, 1897 - page 101 The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, met in regular session in the Presidents room in the College Building at 1 P. M. on Tuesday, June 1, 1897. Present: Mr. Boswell, Flournoy, Gathright, Gooding, Green, Hines, Hobson, Kennedy, Matthews, Patterson, Spurr, Todd, In the absence of the Governor of the Commonwealth, Mr. Gathright the last elected chairman called. the Board to order. Mr. Gathright was then elected chairman, protempore. On motion the regular order of business was suspended. The minutes of the last meeting of the Board were then read and approved. The minutes of the Executive Committee since the last meeting were then read and referred to the Committee on the Minutes of the Executive Committee. Messrs. James, Buell, Peak and Riddell entered at 1:40 P. M. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1, 1897 - page 102 The Chairman then announced the names of the following gentlemen as members of the standing Committees indicated. viz: Committee on Presidentts Report. Messrs. Flournoy, Spurr, and Buell. Finance Messrs. Todd, James, and Riddell. Appropriations - -. Messrs. Hines, Green, and Flournoy. Building and Grounds Messrs. Riddell, Spurr, and Gooding. Experiment Station Messrs. Peak, Todd, and Green. Salaries Messrs. Hobson, Gooding, and James. Internal Expansion Messrs. Matthews, Hobson, and Peak. Military Instruction & College Discipline. Messrs. Buell, Boswell, and Hines. Minutes of the Executive Committee. - Messrs. Boswell, Kennedy, MAatthews. MINXUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1, 1897 - page 102-103 The minutes of the faculty were then read. Prof. White came before the Board to state the case of Miss Clara B. Gunn, Miss A. T. Atkins, and John T. Haley, candidates for graduation. Miss Gunn had been often tardy and absent but had a passing mark. Miss Atkins and Mr. Haley had been sick and had not finished their work. The sense of the Board was that Miss Gunn should be graduated, and that degrees be conferred on Miss Atkins and Mr. Haley after the completion of their work. On motion ordered " that hereafter when any student fails to make his examinations on account of sickness or any other unavoidable cause the Board direct that the faculty may recommend such student for the degree asked for when he has fulfilled the requirements relating to examinations. Provided that such applicant submit himself for final examination within a reasonable time after recovery, on the removal of the cause. The minutes of the Board of Control were read and referred to the committee on the Experiment Station. The President read his annual Report which was referred to the Committee on the President's Report. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1. 1897 - page 103-104 The annual " Budget- " ( estimates for deportments) was referred to the Committee on appropriations. The Reports of the Business Agent and Treasurer were referred to the Committee on Finance without reading. General Buell read the report of the Committee on Internal Expansion, which was to be taken up on special order at 10 A. M. June 2. Adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. June 2. The Board of Trustees met in the Presidentfs room in the College building at 9 A. Ml. June 2, 1897. Present: J. T. Gathright, Chairman Boswell, Buell, Green, Hines, Hobson, Kennedy, Matthews, Patterson, Peak, On motion of Mr. Green ordered that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to draft suitable resolutions in memory of Dr. R. J. Spurr. Chairman appointed Mr. Green, President Patterson and General Buell. On motion ordered that authority be given to the President to confer upon the following students the degrees indicated respectively in connection with their names. Missing report(s)