xt7rbn9x1q23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x1q23/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19511019 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1951 1951 2013 true xt7rbn9x1q23 section xt7rbn9x1q23 "he Kentucky Keknei LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1931 VOLUME XLII Valkenberg Says Russia Is Vulnerable SGA Budget Still Unsettled After Long Stormy Session No Decision Made On Kyian Grant; K-Bo- ok Cut 25 In a lengthy meeting, characterised by confusion and stormy discussion, the SGA Monday night: 1. Made no decision on cutting the Kentuckian's budget appropriation. from $650 to bui did cut the $457.50. 2. Decided to study the possibility o: a Campus Chest, to replace the present practice of having numerous campus fund drives. 3. Moved to try' to recover, "tactfully," a $200 appropriation .to the House Presidents Council. 4. Defeated a motion to hire a name banl for the dance after the Tennessee game, and a motion to cancel the dance. Armstrong And Bere Defend Kyian Ker.tucman editor Don Armstrong and business manager Dave Bere told the SGA any 'cut, even a small one. would hurt the Kentuckian a great deal. Armstrong explained the $500 was originally intended for the purpose of publishing junior and senior pictures in the Kentuckian. "At present," Armstrong said, "the $500 represents only about one-thiof the total cost of producing the pages of juniors and seniors. "To cut appropriations for the Kentuckian will cause a difference to show in the format of the Kentuckian. If the money is taken, something will have to come out. Well have to eliminate the junior pictures if we are cut, and most of the junior pictures are already taken." rd - Notice Issued About Tests For Exemption Keys, sophomore men's honorary, held its annual initiation dinner and fall elections Monday night. The dinner was highlighted by the presentation of the Outstanding Freshman award for 1950-5- 1 to Jim Hudson, Sigma Nu, by Dean Carpenter of the College of Commerce. Hudson was selected for his participation in campus activities and scholastic standing. The presentation was followed by a short talk to the new initiates on leadership, scholarship, and campus activities by Dean of Students A. D. Kirwan. Richard Hubbard, Phi Delta The-t- a. was elected president at the elections following the dinner. He succeeds Jess Gardner. The other ''Eligible students who intend to College Qualification Test should apply at once to the nearest Selective Service System local board for an application and bulletin of information," Dr. Lysle Croft, UK Personnel Office' director, announced this week. These applications are for both the and the Russia's red circle of Communistic influence is vulnerable to attack from many angles and therefore she will not attempt to carry on an open, large-scawar. That was the key-noof a series of lectures given by Dr. Samuel Van Valkenburg, director of the Graduate school of geography, Clark University. The lectures were sponsored by the UK Department of Geography. Dr. Van Valkenburg said that most people do not become Communists by clear-cpersonal choice, but because of. economic conditions. It is a question of poverty and misery which controls the lives of the people. In such a fertile field Communism plants its seeds, and there they flourish. World geographers working together could help relieve this situation. Dr. Van Valkenburg believes. They could construct maps of the earth in order to gain a better picture of how idle land areas could be made creative. This Idea has gained favorable comment from the UN. Dr. Van Valkenburg closed his series Wednesday with an illustrated lecture of countries west of the Iron Curtain. April 24. examinations. The applications for the December test must be postmarked not later than midnight. Nov. 5. It will be greatly to the student's advantage to file his application at once, however, regardless of the testing date he selects. The results of the test will be reported to the student's Selective Service local board of jurisdiction for use in considering his deferment as a student. The Selective Service tests will be administered on this campus by the University Personnel Office on both dates. 1952 Clyde Trask Will Play At Dance te By Dick Cherry ut Round Table Will Discuss Parole System move. (Continued on Page 5) officers are Jim Hudson, vice-pre- si dent; John Walker, secretary; and Bill Douglass, treasurer. The announcement of Keys' annual Sadie Hawkins' Day race and dance Nov. 17 was also made at the dinner. The men receiving keys at the initiation were William A. Douglass, John M. Bullock, Jack W. Clark, Conrad E. Hubbard, Gary E. Smith, Sidney N. White, Fred L. Calhoun, Hugh D. Peterson, John W. Walker, Albert J. Asch, James K. Cole. Ken neth J. McGee. Lemuel Worthing- ton, James R. Perry, James P. Hud- son. William I. Klein, George J. Wertheim, John W. Ernest, Calvin M. Short and Paul A. Patrick. "The Round Table," broadcast by WHAS. Louisville, at 10 a.m, Sunday, will feature Darrell Hancock, direc tor of the Division of Probation and Parole for the State of Kentucky Mr. Hancock will lead the talk on the subject, "Is Our Prison Parole System Working Effectively?" Charles Youmans oi tne uouege oi Education is moderator for the program. Others scheduled to take part are Professor Harold Wetzel and James Hughes of the Sociology Department, and Lawrence Nath of the College of Education. John Connors, assistant to Mr. Hancock, will also be a member of the discussion group. "The Round Table." under the direction of Mr. Youmans and the University radio station, is a public service program which has brought to the people of central Kentucky many experts in varied fields of in terest. Mr. Youmans tries to give to the radio public a free discussion of current problems and interests. The program has now been broadcast for more than 10 years. "The Round Table" can be heard from WBKY at in a 8 p.m. Friday, the week following the initial broadcast from Louisville. j LANCES CARNIVAL SPONSORS ARE: (left to right) back row, Lou Toombs. Lambda Chi; Louise Bore, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Jo Hoover, Sigma Chi; Gail Carmichael, Alpha Delta Pi; Hazellen Pace, Chi Omega; Barbara Williams, Delta Zeta; Carmen Figue, Kappa Sigma; Nancy Carol Link. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Jane Bartlett, Phi Delta Theta; Betty Blake, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Lou Ballard, Zeta Beta Tau; third row, Ann Smith, Kappa Delta; Rosemary Tully, Delta Tau Delta: Betty Rosenblath. Alpha Xi Delta; Pat Alves, Kappa Alpha; Shirly Ruby, Tau Alpha Pi; second row, Celia Gorman, Phi Sigma Kappa; Betty Beh-le- n. Delta Delta Delta; Freda Jones, Phi Kappa Tau; Donalda McKay, Zeta Tau Alpha; Shug Gregory. Kappa Alpha Theta; Mary Ann Harnett, Alpha Sigma Phi; Lois Romanowitz. Sigma Nu; first row, Marria McDanieU Alpha Tau Omega; Betty Carol Fryman, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Ruth Bruitenstein, Triangle; Betty Coffey, Alpha Gamma Delta; front, Barbara Baldwin, Alpha Gamma Rho. Checks Cashed Free In Campus Bookstore Checks are now being cashed at the campus bookstore and without charge James E. Morris, the manager, said this week. Cashing checks was discontinued for a while because of the many bad checks the book store received. Mr. Morris said that $600 in bad checks have been taken in this semester. The writers of these checks have ben notified, but only a few of the checks have been redeemed. It was imperative a short time ago to make a ten cents purchase when cashing a check. This was due to the expenses involved In sending checks through the bank. Mr. Morris said that many students took this rule the wrong way, and he removed it. Mr. Morris said if a student has given a bad check to the bookstore, he would appreciate prompt attention towards it. If the book store continues to receive bad checks, it will be forced again to discontinue cashing checks, he added. University To Publish FiveBooksByProfessors Foreign Study Awards Named By Dr. Brigge Announcement of several new foreign - study opportunities for Americans was made this week by Dr. A. E. Bigge, head of the Department of German at the University. The new awards, all for the 1952-5- 3 school year, include 10 scholarships for study in Bavaria, three in Denmark, and one in Cuba. In addition, the Carnegie Corporation is making available $150,000 for an undetermined number of scholarships in countries throughout the The University Press this week announced five books to be published this fall and winter. These books are by authors who are present or former UK faculty members. The covs, ers are illustrated by Janis a member of the UK fine arts faculty. "Moral and Spiritual Values in Education" is by Dr. William C. professor Bower, formerly part-tim- e of sociology at UK. Dr. Bower has been one of the leaders in Kentucky experimentation by educators for a program for the development of moral and spiritual values in Ster-berg- ADMIRING THE TROPHIES to be awarded to ODK tag sale winners and runner ups are Morton Frye, Lambda Chi Alpha; Mary Patterson, Chi Omega; Pat Patterson, Kappa Delta; and Jimmie Lucas, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. world. All the foreign-stud- y grants are being administered through the Institute of International Education and are being offered in the hopes they will improve existing conditions for Americans to study abroad. Eight UK law clubs are preparing Interested persons may obtain information on the awards by con- - their cases this week for the coming tacting Dr. Bigge at the University. sessions of moot court, scheduled to Graduate Fellowship Started For Perspective Professors The Danforth Foundation of St. out financial need may also apply, the in- and if accepted will participate in auguration of a series of Graduate the annual Danforth Foundation Fellowships for college seniors and conference on teaching and the recent graduates who are preparing other activities of the program. Qualifications for candidates are: themselves for a career of teaching, 1. Evidence of superior intellectual either at the college or high school level, and are planning to enter ability in college record. 2. Good record of health and emograduate school in September 1952, for their first year of graduate tional stability. 3. Outgoing personality and the study. President H. L. Donovan has concern for people, essential for sucnamed Dean Frank G. Dickey of cessful teaching. 4. Choice of vocation of teaching the College of Education as the campus officer to work with the as a form of Christian service. 5. Deep religious convictions and Danforth Foundation on the selecgrowing religious perspectives. tion of candidates from UK. Any student wishing further inFellowships will be granted on the basis of need, with amounts varying formation should get in touch with from $500 to $2400. Students with Dean Dickey. evaluation of the manuscript expands many of the allusions. Prof. McCloy Analyzes French Inventions "French Inventions of the Eighteenth Century," by Shelby T. McCloy, professor of history at UK, analyzes the reasons which led to France's inventive activity in the eighteenth century. This book will be ready in February. The University Press has recently published a number of books, now available at the campus bookstore. All of the above titles will be cloth-boun- d. The author shows how the school is a community rich in values andJiyH To Give how the program of emphasis on moral and spiritual values need not conflict with the sectarian religion Of interest to engineering graduaor the doctrine of separation of the tes-to-be is the Civil Service church and state. of This book, by the author of many Commission's announcement open- a other books on the philosophy of ed- new examination. There are convene next Thursday in the audiucation, will be published in Feb- ings in all branches of engineering. 0 torium of the College of Law. Salaries range from $3100 to ruary. The purpose of the annual coma year. Students graduating Richard Prire Is Subject Of Book petitive sessions is to select UK Torch Bearers of Freedom: The within the next six months are eligrepresentatives to attend the regional , Influence of Richard Price on Eignt ible to take the examination. Gradmoot court tournament in St. Louis eenth Century Thought" is by Carl uate students may apply for the in November. B. Cone, associate professor of his- higher grade positions. The Law College has selected two tory at the University. He is now on Those who have received eligible students to represent each club in leave under a Ford Foundation Fel- ratings since January 1 need not the preliminary competition. lowship, studying at Yale University. apply. Their names will appear on Students and their respective clubs Prof. Cone believes that freedom was the new registers. to compete on Thursday, as an- the main idea in the life of Richard nounced by Acting Dean William L. Price. This book is illustrated and Matthews of the College of Law, are will be published in January. William Gentry Jr. anti Mary Os"The University of Kentucky, Orborne, Rutledge Club, vs. Joe Nagle igins and Early Years," by associate and Don Wood, Reed Club; and professor of history James F. HopThe senior men's honorary. Lamp Roark and George Combs, Vin- kins, is now in print. This is a story and Cross, is receiving applications son Club. vs. Robert Shearer and of the University to 1910, and two for membership. Applications are to Shelley Riherd, McReynolds Club. important figures in the Univer- be in the of a letter and may Students and clubs to compete on sity's history, James K. Patterson, be given toform member of the group any Friday are Arthur Purkel and first president, and John B. Bowman, or turned in to Dean Kirwan's ofPoleas Jones, Brandeis Club, vs. one of the founders. fice. Fish-bacCharles Adams and William "Carlyle's Unfinished History of Ballantine said the President Miller Club; and Eugene Hines German Literature," by Hill Shine, letters must Jack be in by Oct. 27. and Fred Coplin, Harlan Club, vs. professor of English bridges Seniors and second semester junat Jack Lowery Jr. and Robert Smith, the gap between many UK the ar- iors are eligible. Applicants must of Lurton Club. ticles written by Carlyle taken from have a 1.5 cumulative standing. AcThe preliminary series will be his unpublished work on German ceptance is based mainly on activMr. Shine's editing nnd ities and campus functions. (Continued on Page 5) i literature. Service Exam For Engineers College Law Clubs Prepare For Moot Court Competition ' Louis. Mo., has announced 30 Groups To Participate In Lances Carnival Tonight le Sophomore Honorary Elects Richard Hubbard take the Dec. 13. 1951 Lecture Series On Geography Opened Monday from going into the hole by going into our own surplus and going into the hole ourselves? We are spending S35C of our surplus this year, and it seems that you could spend some of yours instead of ours." Another 10 minutes was devoted to more discussion about the Kentuc- kian's reserve fund, with no progress toward clearing up the matter. Armstrong did say, however, that Dr. Niel Plummer, head of the Board of Student Publications, had stated it would be impossible for the Kentuckian to use its reserve fund to cover a deficit. Armstrong was asked if a $125 cut would definitely cause the Kentuckian to have to eliminate the junior pictures, or some other section. He replied, "Yes, something definitely have to be cut." Representative Carl Turner immediately challenged Armstrong, "You stated very dogmatically the junior pictures would have to go, but I heard nothing in the statistics you read to substantiate this." Turner moved to appoint a committee to study the situation with members of the Kentuckian staff "so we can see just what we are cutting." Results of the investigation, to be made by President Bob Smith, Secretary Polly Boteler, and Jess Gardner, a member of the Budget Committee, will be presented at the next meeting. Campus Chest Will Be Surveyed The Campus Chest, proposed by representative Evelyn Baker, was discussed. Fred Davis and Miss Baker were appointed to write to colleges and universities who sponsor similar agencies, and to study such a Bere discussed the finances of the Kentuckian, as compared to other yearbooks, and told how the Kentuckian is financed. Bere added, "Two years ago $300 appropriation was expected by the and Kentuckian from the SGA $500 was all it received. This year you are trying to cut us again, after we have already made our budget. we can't wait until two months of school have passed, and then take a cut into account." The question of just what the Kentuckian's reserve fund is, and Just what it is used for was mentioned, but never fully explained. Bere did say that some of the reserve fund went to outfit the new Journalism Building. He also said the reserve fund was used to gain contract advantages, but did not explain to the assembly. "It Would Be A Mediocre Annual" "We could have an anual even if we are cut." Bere told the group. "but it would be a mediocre annual." "We exchange annuals with other schools. If they look at our annual and see only a mediocre one. th?y !" cWHe Kentucky has a mediocre university. "We want a better Kentuckian this year. You want future generations to see an annual for your class that you could be proud of, don't you? But we cant do it without the money." When Armstrong again took the floor, he said the Kentuckian did not desire to make money, but only to break even. He said the Kentuckian would probably go Into debt if the appropriation was cut. SGA representative George Mor gan asked Armstrbng, "In other words, do you want us to keep you NUMBER 5 $10,-00- Honorary Fraternity Taking Applications Ed-wa- rk k. A festival mood will reign tonight when Lances Carnival opens at 7 p.m. on the intramural field. After the Carnival. Clyde Trask's orchestra will play for dancing until 1 a.m. in the SUB Ballroom. Booths from 30 fraternities and soroities are expected, according to Jess Gardner, spokesman for Lances. Each booth will sponsor a candidate for Queen of the Carnival (A complete list of these girls is on the society page.) Miss Mimi Chandler, disc jockey for WVLK; Mayor Tom Mooney; and Dr. Donald L. Weismann, head of the Art department, have been chosen as Judges. The judges will also help choose the winning booth. In preceding Carnivals, the sole basis for winning the booth competition has been volume of sales. This year, originality and quality of the show will be half the basis for judgment. Total volume of sales will be the other judging point Queen Will Be Crowned At Dance The Queen of the Carnival will be crowned during intermission at the dance. The winners and runners up of the booth competition will also receive their trophies then. The trophy for queen is kept by the girl, but the booth trophies rotate from year to year. If one organization wins the prize three times, however, the trophy goes to that organization permanently. The sororities and their booth themes are Alpha Delta Pi. Aquarium; Alpha Gamma Delta, Pirates' Paradise: Alpha Xi Delta. Variety Show: Chi Omega. Dixieland Dance and Floorshow: Delta Delta Delta ts on Broadway: Delta Zeta. Ring a DZ; Kappa Alpha Theta. Hit the Jackpot: Kappa Delta, Kalendar Girl: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Famous Pictures; Tau Alpha Pi, Cotton ' Candy Machine; Zeta Tau Alpha. " Skill Games. The fraternities and their themes are Alpha Gamma Rho, Wet Sponge: Alpha Alpha Sigma Phi. Tau Omega. Gay Nineties Saloon; Delta Chi, Concession Stand; Delta Tan rvlta Olri Mpriirmf Rhnw Kappa Alpha. Showboat: Kappa Sigma, Photography; Lambda Chi Alpha, Western Show; Phi Delta Theta, Horror Show; and Phi Kappa Tau, Dance of Death. Alumni Secretary Lists Homecoming Schedule. .A schedule of the events for Homecoming week-en- d has been released by Miss Helen King, executive secretary of the University Alumni Association. A buffet supper will be held by the Fayette County Alumni Club at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1, at the Lexington Country Club. . A picture of the Texas football game will be shown, with commentary by J. B. Falconer, announcer for WLAP. Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of the University, and Governor Lawrence Wetherby will make short talks. All University of Kentucky alumni may attend this meeting. Friday, Nov. 2, at a banquet in the SUB Ballroom. Registration of all returning alumni will be held in the lobbies of the Lafayette, Phoenix, and Kentuckian Hotels. Memorial Coliseum, and in the SUB from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 2. Following registration, brunch will be served in the SUB Ballroom from 11:30 to Tri-Del- 1:30. football The M i a m came will be at 2 D.m. Followinz the game there will be an open house at Maxwell Place, home of President and Mrs. H- - L. Donovan. A free dance for all graduates and former students of the UniThe dedication of the new Jour versity will be held in the Lafayette nalism Building wiu be at 6 p.m. Hotel Ballroom from 8:30 to 12 p.m. - Par-a-dic- e: New Residence Unit Home Of 33 Coeds By Barbara Hickey UK coeds are living in a new residence unit. Dillard Hall. Located at 270 South Lime, the unit is classified as a house. means, in this instance, that the girls do their own cleaning and dusting, but dine at Jewell Hall. Dillard Hall was bequeathed to UK' by Miss Annie Dillard. who died last year, to be used as a women's residence unit. The large grey structure opened this semester. All but two rooms are occupied by four girls. The other two have only three girls. Most of the rooms also have a connecting bath. Double-DeckBeds Are Used beds Custom made double-deckare an outstanding feature in the rooms. Made of solid cherry or can walnut, each double-deckeasily be converted into twin beds. Maple drawers and desks, and large antique cupboards, left by Miss Dillard, complete the furnishings of the rooms. Rose and blue, the main color scheme, is used throughout the "They happen to be my house. favorite colors, so it worked out very well," Miss Lillian Tate, head resi- dent said. The house is furnished by the women's residence halls, and the utilities are provided by UK. Thirty-thre- e ve er er er Miss Tate said that girls in each room work on a rotating schedule. wnicn includes cleaning the bath and dusting. Girls live at Dillard Hall by choice, rather than by assignment. Both upperclass and lowerclass women are accepted, and the same hours are observed as in other residence halls. A different girl serves as hostess each night, under the supervision of Ross, house president. Jac- queline Shoulders, vice president, is in charge of the rooms, and Jean Childers is in charge of the linen supply. Themes Are Varied Phi Sigma Kappa, Dance and Sideshow: Pi Kappa Alpha. Dixieland Band; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Fun for All; Sigma Nu. Rassling Match; Sigma Phi Epsilon. Shoused Pacific: Tau Kappa Epsilon. Pie Throwing; Triangle. Test Your Strength: Zeta Beta Tau, Take Care of My Little Boy. Sigma Chi will have a booth, but the theme was not available. Phi Sigma Kappa is adding an extra note to their show by offering a Model T.Ford. in running condi-Marttion. as a doorprize. Tickets for the dance are $3 a couple or $1.50 for stags. They may be bought from any member of Lances or from any fraternity or sorority social chairman. They will also be sold at the door. ha j Miss Tate Is Merely Counselor Miss Tate explained that Dillard Dean Holmes Grants Late Permission Hall is actually run by ment, while she acts as counselor, j Dean Holmes has given all dormi-Man- y schools already have semi- - torv an(j sorority girls late permis- cooperative houses, but this is tne Sjon 0r the dance. first at UK, she said. Proceeds, minus expenses from n- A native of Hopkinsville and a graduate of UK. Miss Tate formerly was head resident at Sayre Hall, until it closed after the spring semester. Clifton, the houseman and janitor. who worked for Miss Dillard for 15 years .stayed on at Dillard Hall to tend the furnace, polish the big brass door-knoseen throughout the house, and care for the flowers in the large backyard. "Clifton knows this house better than any of us." Miss Tate stated. both the Carnival and the dance. go into Lances scholarship fund. Last year Lances gave two scholarships worth a total of $700. They hope to be able to increase the amount this year. This will be the sixth consecutive Lances Carnival i Sro"n Snow 111 lytx UUI uic wax uiicmujjuu the scholarship program. The orchestra for tonight consists of 14 instrumentalists and a girl At one time, Rosemary vocalist. Clooney was vocalist for the group. University Officials Tour State To Explain Budget Proposed By President Donovan and The Alumni .Association for the past several weeks has been sending various University officials as representatives to county Alumni Association meetings throughout the state. These meetings are primarily designed to explain President H. L. Donovan's proposed budget and to discuss the club's activities and future plans. Miss Helen King, executive secretary of the Alumni Association, and Dr. Hambleton Tapp, assistant to President Donovan, during the past four weeks have conducted meetings for McCrackcn, Ballard, Carlisle, Graves, Marshall, Fulton, Hickman, Warren, Simpson. Logan, Hopkins, Webster, Trigg. Todd, Lyon, Caldwell, and Christian County Alumni Association Clubs. Dr. Thomas D. Clark, head of the Department of History, and Dr. Tapp have been working with clubs in Perry, Knott, Letcher, Harlan, Pike, Breathitt, and Owsley counties. Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, vice president of the University, and Mr. O. L. McElroy of Eminence w orked" with clubs in Barren, Metcalf, Adair, Russell, Taylor, and Green counties last week. Miss King College of Education, were in Winchester on Tuesday to conduct a meeting with the Clark County Club. Prof. W. L. Matthews, acting dean of the College of Law. and Miss King will work with the clubs in Union, Crittenden, Henderson, Daviess, McLean, Meade, and counties next week. Breckinridge Dr. C. C. Carpenter, dean of the College of Commerce, and Dr. Tapp will work with clubs next week in Rockcastle, Jackson, Laurel. Clay, Dr. Frank G. Dickry, dean of the Whitley, Knox, and Eell Counties. * KENTUCKY THE 'Point Of Honor9 Works Two Ways XT ') iLfe lt " Monday night aloiit the "point SGA memlxTS svmcI won of honor involve! in ni'iic-itheir appropriation to the House no such issue involved. President's Council. We True, SGA had already passed a S150 appropriation for the t not on the surface seem exactly ""cricket" organization and it for them to reconsider and refuse $200 of the money. So SGA has decided to ask the Council if they would consider "return ins" the money. Little need to lx said alxiut how successful this plan will prohahly lx As we said last week it is entirely possible that the Council may le ahle to make good use of the extra money in improving the Conference. We. ourselves are inclined to believe that the conference will not merit tin- - extra 8200. but that if course was and is for SGA to decide, but not before they have complete information as to how the funds will be used. The naiit point to Ik considered here is that SGA in passing the appropriation without finding out if the conference was to be improved so as to merit the money, and worse, without even knowheld last year, did not give ing that the conference had not sirfficient time and effort to this section of the budget. If budget cutting is as necessary as it setins to be, every item of the proposed budget should have leen thoroughly studied liefore any were passed. According to SGA's constitution, the budget does not have to be adopted Ix'fore Nov. 1, so immediate action was not a necessity. The very fact that all the items of the budget have not yet been passed is proof of this. If any amount of careful study had lxen given to the House Presidents' Council's request, SGA would not find themselves in the present embarassing position. They should lxir in mind however that the honesty works two ways. If a point of honor is involved, it is SGA's obligation to the students to find out just how their money is being used. Judges, Lawyers Read UK Journal By Kathy Fryer Do you think a woman should be able to collect damages for burns she received while getting a parma nent at a beauticians' school when she knew the operator was a student? Should Kentucky or Ohio be able to tax barges on the Ohio River? These and countless other problems have been' discussed in the Kentucky Law Journal, a booklet v, rrv -- ii J t and faculty alike contribute to this publication, in which they analyze and present new points of view on court decisions and thorny legal problems of interest to lawyers. Not only do attorneys use the We are glad that the social committee did not see fit to take Journal for reference, but judges freaction on the scheduling of student dances as it had been thought quently cite one of its articles when handing down a decision. By Social Committee they might. Journal Cited In Recent Case The decision seems to us a v ise one as any setting of dance dates by the committee, no matter how impartial it might be, In a case that recently made local headlines, the Court of Appeals in could not help but make some of the organizations feel that they reversing a conviction, referred to an article in the Journal written by had been treated unjustly. Besides that, in assuming that the organizations would Ix? able a student under the' direction of Professor Roy Moreland of the Law to work out the scheduling difficulties themselves, the committee College faculty. This reversal showed some amount of faith in the intelligence and capabilities changed the law on .... something that is done all too seldom on this campus. . . ... i t c rc siSMiTirtiil rniir tn r'mnmirtfv - tsiTli i'ac nucnhrwli , tor it " ot as much importance to tne organizations as to the committee is that the dates of their social affairs conflict with other events as little as possible. The fewer the rules, the lxtter the cooperation" is an old maxim, but it is still true. We don't IxMieve University organizations are the exception that proves that rule. ... L Here We Go Again criminal negligence in Kentucky, in regard- to degree of recklessness re- quired lor conviction lor man slaughter. In addition, a federal court In Arkansas cited an article on a point of sales law written by Professor F. A. Whiteside Jr., faculty advisor for the Journal. Students also have their material cited or reprinted. A recent issue of the Tax Law Review carried an article by Jim Blair on the Treasury Department ruling concerning bene- fits paid to widows of employees as being taxable income. Staff Works Long Hours It is the ambition of every stu- - Here we go with the UK budget again. Maybe it seems like we're devoting a lot of space to the subject and of course we are. But the fact is the budget deserves space. What this budget means to University students should not Ix? underestimated. The budget is not just the concern of the administration and the state legislature. The effect of the failure to pass it will be felt by you, whether you think so or not. Disregarding the 200 facility and staff memljers who will have to be dropped if the increase is not approved, let's look at the situation of the remaining faculty. At the present University salaries, the average University professor's pay check is approximately $100) less than the average at 21 other state supported universities. The associate professors here fair a little lx?tter making only about $250 less than the average for the same 21 universities. Assistant professors and instructors alxmt hold their own in this comparison. A quick look at these figures should be enough to convince most people that the University will have a difficult time attempting to hold its top faculty memlxTS if something is not done to adjust their salaries to the rising cost of living and to the salaries paid at other universities. University students should lie able to see without much trouble that the loss of top University personnel is bound to have some effect on the quality of their education. We believe tin's alone is justification of the space the budget receives. dent in Lafferty-Hal- l to get on the staff of the Journal, but so far only 13 f K lOrt . . 1 . 1. have met the faculty's specifications. After making a h