Number 5LA October 2, 1987 [6ra'\ -* C A L E N D A R October 2 Mahatma Ghandi, 1869 —— 1948, Indian leader, assassinated January 30, 1948. October 4 Damon Runyon, 1884 -- 1946, American ‘ newspaper man and author. _ October 6 Jenny Lind, 1820 —— 1887, Swedish opera - singer, called the "Swedish Nightingale." October 7 James Whitcomb Riley, 1853? —— 1916, American "Hoosier" poet. Thomas James Wise, 1859 -— 1937, English bibliophile and forger. October 9 Gallery Series: "The Horse in Renaissance Literature" : Lecture and slide presentation : Dr. Joan Hartwig, Department of English. October 11 Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884 —- 1962, "First Lady of the World", and wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. October 12 Columbus Day [traditional and observed]. October 13 Molly Pitcher, 1754 —— 1832, heroine of the American Revolution. October 16 Gallery Series: Piano Recital : Patricia Montgomery, School of Music. Next Green Bean: Friday, October 16, 1987. Deadline for inclusion: Friday, October 9, 1987. Production Staff: Editor/typist —— Bonnie Jean Cox; Typist/proofreader -— Carol Ranta; Printer —— Cecil Madison. Im Newsletter of the Umversnty 1 1 of Kentucky Lnbrarnes