xt7rbn9x226g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x226g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1966 journals kaes_bulletins_195 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.195. text Bulletin n.195. 1966 2014 true xt7rbn9x226g section xt7rbn9x226g Commercml Feeds 111
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Regulatory Bulletin 195
University of Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station

Bruce Poundstone, Director
**Robert Mathews, Asst. Adm. & Chief Inspector I
Glynn E. Williamson, Feed Registrar
J.M. Fernandez, Auditor
W.M. Routt Neville Ilulette Joe B. Brown
E.G. Vanderpool Ben W. Cox Claude Hensley
M.M. Davis S.D. Whitehead
Valva Midkiff J.A. Shrader Barbara Anderson
J.'l`. Adair Dewey H. Newman, Jr. Norma Holbrook
Paul R. Caudlll John Ellis Robert N. Price
Richard Westmoreland Sue Witt
Introduction and Feed Monitoring l*rogr£¤n.. ...... .... 3
Estimated Tonnage of Feed Sold in 1966 .... . ......... l•
Companies with Feed Registered in 1966 ......... . .... 5
Average Composition of More Common Feedstuffs ....... ll
Miscellaneous Samples Analyzed ln l9h7-1966 ......... U
Urea in Feeds. ..... .. ......................... . ..... V+
Changes in Product Names ................... ... ...... L5
How to Label Feeds Containing Antibiotics ........ ... l6
Type A Label. ..... . ......................... . ...... . l7
How to Label Feeds Containing Drugs ...... ... ....... Y 18
Type B Label ......................... . .......... .... l‘J
Table l - Report of Official Samples Analyzed l966.. 20
Table 2 - Samples Classified as "Not Passed" ........ 26
¢'< Created by Board of Trustees July 15, 1966.
='="¤Retlred August l, 1966.

This bulletin contains the results of inspection and analysis of
commercial feeds sold in Kentucky during the calendar year of 1966,
and other information helpful to those interested in this field.
During 1966, 3,006 official samples of feed were secured by
inspectors. 2,528 or BQZ of these passed inspection and
. analysis satisfactorily. During 1965, 3,396 official samples
were secured and 2,867 or 852 of these were passed.
The total estimated tonnage of commercial feeds distributed in
Kentucky for 1966 was 58&,l77 tons. In 1965, the tonnage was
531,901 tons.
On July 15, 1966 the Executive Co mittee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky established a Division of Regulatory
Services to administer Regulatory Agencies of the Kentucky Agri-
cultural Experiment Station. These seven agencies are as follows:
Creamery License Section, Feed Control Section, Fertilizer Control
Section, Pesticides Control Section, Seed Control Section, Soil
Testing Section and Nursery License and Inspection Section. By
consolidating all these sections under one division, the same
inspectors can work on all conmodities while in an area. 1L
will cut down greatly on duplication of travel and make for a
much more efficient operation. The new division is under the
direction of Mr. Bruce Poundstone, who has been in charge of Feed,
Fertilizer, Pesticides and Soil testing for some time. The Feed
Control Section is looking forward to being of greater service
to the feed manufacturers and consumers.
All feeds sold in Kentucky must be registered with the Feed Control
Section. Registration forms are available upon request. There is
no charge for registration. Once registered they continue in effect
until re—registration is called for. Most companies keep all regis-
trations current by cancelling feeds no longer manufactured and by
adding new feeds. Inspectors are constantly in the field checking
with dealers to assist them with their records and feed manufacturing
practices. Inspectors examine labeling and sample feed. Samples are
analyzed in the chemical laboratory. Samples that do not come up to
the guaranteed analysis are listed in an annual feed bulletin published
by the Section. Those companies having seriouslv deficient fund
samples are advised bv letter regarding thc deficicncv and on
occasions when the situation is serious, stop sale notices wav hc
issued until tlc deficiency can be corrected. lecd inspection
and analysis is becoming more and more complicated. The Feed Fontrol
Program protects the ieedcr bs requiri~g proper labeling, adcuuatc
purpose statements, precautions and warnings where nccessarv and
checking cnntcnts of feeds with the guarantees. Manufacturers aid
dealers are thus enabled to no business on an orderly and cuuitawle

 1, Comercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1966
Mixed Feed   ‘
Calf Feed 6,186 Y
Cattle Feed 3l,8i•6
Dairy Feed 105,688 l V
Dug 6 Cat Feed 15,698
Horse 6 Mule Feed 15,463
Mineral Feed 7,934 .
Pig ét Hog Feed 120,840
Poultry Mashes 133,12Zo l
Rabbit Feed l,9£•2
Scratch Feed 6,581 .
Sheep Feed 380
Stock Feed 2,l!•9 `
'1'urkey Mashes 5,!•77
Miscellaneous Mixed Feed 15,502
Straight Materials  
Alfalfa Products 2,632
Animal Products 3,838
liarlcy Products 131
Brewers Products 663
Corn Products 27,583 i
Cottonseed Products 11,787
Distillers Products Zo,550
Linsecd éi Flax Products 186
Mulusses 15,117
Oat Products 2,234
Soybean Products 17,315
Wheat Products 23,531
Miscellaneous Products 5,820
Auburn Mills, Inc., Auburn, Ky. !•220B Cleveland Milling Company, Cleveland, '1`enn.
Aylor B Meyer Co., Aurora, Ind. !•700l 37311
Bagdad Roller Mills, Bagdad, Ky. 40003 Climax Mills, Shelbyville, Ky. i•00o5
Barker Moore B Mein Co., Inc., Lebanon, Clinton Corn Processing Co., Clinton, Iowa
Pa. l70£•2 52733
Bardwell Milling Co., Isardwell, Ky. l•2U23 Clinton Milling Co., Clinton, liy. /,3ogi
Barton Distilling Co., Bardstown, Ky. /+000A 11. C. Cole Milling Co., Chester, Ill. 02713
Baughman Milling Co., Stanlord, Ky. AULBO Colonial Stores, Inc. Atlanta, Ca. 30302
Bay State Milling Co., Leavenworth, Kan.o60/•B Colorado Milling B lilvvator, Denver, Colo.
Bay State Milling Co., Winona, Minn. 55987 80201
Beacon Div. International Milling Co., Columbian Hog B Cattle Powder, llanaas City, Mo.
Kansas City, Mo. 60116 6£•l29
James B. Beam Distilling Co., Clermont, llv. Community Milling Company, Irvington, Ky./·0l/40
L»0ll0 Community Feed Mill, Belton, liy. /4232/»
B. A. Bernard B Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. Continental Chinchillas, Im., l.ouisvil1··, lly.
0810b 1402lA
Best Foods B Farm Supplies, Oakdale, Pa. 15071 Consolidated Mills, Int., Blisslield, Mich.
Bi—County Farm Bureau Co-op. , Florence, liy. 39228
bl0b2 Cooperative Mills, llaltivnort, Maryland 21201
Big Four Feed B Implement Co., Stottsvillt-, liy. Corn Products Co., Slow York, I, T. 10022
Z•216i• Loslly-1Iodgc·s Milling Co., birminghnzrl Ala. 35201
Big Star Products Co., Atlanta, Ca. 30302 Crofton-Duncan, Inc., lIzn¤lt·rsv»n, 1';.·. /I2/420
Birmingham Milling Company, Benton, l»'j.·. L2025 Crescent Holler Mills, Inc., ’lny1»~r::vi11· ,  
Blenda Liie, Inc., Green lslv, Minn. 55338 z.no7l
Blue Barn Dog Food Co., flew Albany, Ind. Custom l`t·<·<1 Mills, Morgan1'i¢~1d, Vy. Gl"/17
67150 llarling Z. Cn., i.1.it:ng~ , l1li:1’l:» *l0v.'r’·

 6 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1966
Darling 6 Company, Cincinnati, Ohio 452l5 Folsomdale Milling Co., Boaz, Ky. 42027
Darling 6 Company, Reading Ohio 45215 Foremost Dairies, Inc., San Francisco, Cal
Dawes Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Ill. 60632 94lll
Dearborn Mills, Aurora, Ind. 47001 Fort Negley Mills, Nashville, Tenn. 37203
Decatur Cotton Oil Co., Decatur, Ala. 35601 Fortune Feed Mills, Lebanon, Tenn. 37087
Delphos Soya, Delphos, Ohio 45833 Foster Canning, Inc., Napoleon, Ohio 43545
Delta 0il Mill, Inc., Jonestown, Miss.38639 Francis Nholesale Co., Prestonburg, Ky. 41653
Delta Rice, Inc., Hollandale, Miss. 38748 R. T. French Manufacturers, Rochester, N.Y.
Diamond Crystal Salt Co., St. Clair, Mich. 14609
48079 Frosty Moro Meats, Clarksville, Tenn. 37041
Diamond Laboratories, Des Moines, Iowa 50303 Henry Fruechtenicht Co., Inc., Louisville, Ky.
Diamond V Mills, Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 40202
52407 Fruen Milling Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 55403
W. C. Dicken C Son, Mentor, Ky. 41060 Fuhrer-Ford Mill Co., Inc., Mt. Vernon, Ind.
Dixie Mills Co., E. St. Louis, Ill. 62202 47620
Dixie Portland Flour Mills, Arkansas City, Gallatin Co.Farm Supply, Warsaw, Ky. 41095
Kansas 67005 Garrard Farm Service, Lancaster, Ky. 40444
Dixie Portland Flour Mills, Chattanooga, Garrard Mills, Lancaster, Ky. 40444
Tenn. 37401 J. 1. Gates Milling Co., Columbus, Ohio 43222
Dixie Portland Flour Mills, Memphis, Tenn. General Foods Corp.Corn Mill, Kankakee, lll
38101 60901
Doane Feed Products Co., Joplin, Mo. 64801 General Foods Corp. Gaines, White Plains, N.Y.
Dog Life Packlng Co., Chicago, Ill. 60603 10605
Duncan-McFarland Farm Service, Lawrenceburg, General Distributing Co., National Stockyards,
Ky. 40342 Ill. 62071
Dunnington Milling Co., Monticello, Ky. 42633 General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. 55440
Durant Milling Co., Durant, Okla. 74701 General Packing Co., Waynesville, Ohio 45068
Dyersburg 0il Mill Co., Dyersburg, Tenn.38024 Germantown Milling Co., Germantown, Ky. 41044
Early 6 Daniel Co., lnc., Cincinnati, Ohio Gethsemani Farms, Trappist, Ky. 40073
45203 Gilster Milling Co., Chester, lll. 62233
Early 6 Daniel Co., Lebanon, Tenn. 37087 Glenmore Distilleries Co., Louisville, Ky.
Early K Daniel Co., Troy, Ohio 45373 40202
Eckhart Milling Co., Chicago, 111.60607 Glenmore Distilleries Co., Owensboro, Ky.
Emge Packing Co., Inc., Ft. Branch, Ind.47533 42301
F.L. Enmert Co., Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 Gold Seal Products Co., Birmingham, Ala.35203
John W. Eshelman & Sons, Lancaster,Pa. 17604 Goldenrod Oil Meal Sales Co., Memphis, Tenn.
Evans Milling Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 38101
John Ewing Cn., LaSalle, Col. 80645 Good-Life Chemicals, Inc., Effingham, Ill.
Fahro, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia 30318 62401
Fabro of Georgia, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.30318 W. R. Grace 6 Co., Decatur, Ill. 62526 .
Famous Feed Mills, Nashville, Tenn. 37201 W. R. Grace Agri. Products Div., Atlantic,
Farm Bureau Milling Co., Hanmond, Ind. 46320 Iowa 50022
Farm Service Center, Inc., Beaver Dam, Ky. Grain Processing Corp., Muscatine, Iowa 52761 .
42320 Grant Co. Farm Supply, Dry Ridge, Ky. 41035
Farm Services, Inc., Glasgow, Kentucky 42141 Grayson Milling Co., Grayson, Ky. 41143
0scar Farmer S Sons, Louisville, Ky. 40203 The Great A 6 P Tea Co., Inc., Brockport, N.Y.
Farmers Feed Mill, Lexington, Ky. 40508 14420
Farmers Feed Store, Central City, Ky. 42330 Great Lakes Pet Food Co., Hammond, Ind. 43625
Farmers Friend Mineral Co., Napoleon, Ohio Green Co. Milling Co., Greensburg, Ky. 42743
43545 Green Valley Farm Supply Inc., Island, Ky.
Farmers S Merchants Milling, Brooksville, 42350
Kv. 41004 Griffin Fertilizer Co., Butler, Ky. 41006
Farmers Service Center, Beaver Dam, Ky.423Z0 Griffin Packing Co., Danville, Ky. 40422
Farmers Supply of Ohio Co., Inc., Beaver Gulf Oil Corp., Chem. Dept., Sturgis, Ky.42459
Dam, Ky. 42320 Guthrie Farm Service, Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330
Famwers Supply Co., Springfield, Ky. 40069 Guthrie Feed Mill, Guthrie, Ky. 40330
Farmers Supply K Produce Co., Monticello, Earl Hale 6 Son, Jasper, Ohio 45642
Ky. 42nlJ Hales 6 Hunter Co., Chicago, Ill, 60606
Farmers Tankage Fo., Henderson, Ky. 42420 Hardin Co. Milling Co., Elizabethtown, Ky.4270l
Firmington Sweet Feed Mill, Farmington, Ky. Hardin Feed Mill, Hardin, Ky. 42048
42040 Hardy Salt Co., St. Louis, Mo. 63166
J H. Feddors, [nc., Covington, Ky. 41014 Harlan Farmers Supply Co., Harlan, Ky. 40831
Feed Service Corp., Proto, Meh. o8333 Harpeth Mills, Hashville, Tenn. 37203
Ferguson Brothers Food Mill, Albany, Ky. Hartz Mountain Products, New York, N.Y.10003
42402 Harvest Brand, Inc, Pittsburg, Kansas 66762
Fernoau Grain Fo., Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 T. J. Haycrsft Sales L Service, Leitchfield,
Field Packing Fo., Inc., 0wonsboro, Kv.42301 Ky. 42754
“i~cn Packing. Y. Vincennes, Ind. 47501 Haydon Mill S Grain Co., Springfield, Ky. 40069
jistwlr PJckin; Fo., Louisville, Ku, 4020l Hnvncs Milling Co., Inc., Portland, Ind. 47371
Fish Mail Fo., Morgan City, Ln. 70380 Havnie Products inc., Baltimore, Md. 21230
"lvistbrawv 0istilliwn Corp., tmvnsboro, Ky. Heaven Hill Distilleries, Bardstown. Ky. 40004
·Si0l hr. Hein; Co., Bloominqhurg, Ohio 43106
Tlrygyg LJF»rJinr{sg_ {“C__ ypJr1,L;C_ ;_(_ *r. Hein; Co., Eashington Court House, Ohio
Southern Cotton Oil Co., New Urleans, La. Supreme Mills, Glasgow, K). !•2l¢¢1
70112 Surewill Mfi;. Co., Farmington, Ky. ·Q20/+0
Southern Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, '1`enn. D. B. Sutherland a. Sons, Bloomfield, liy. Jollllllo
'l810!¢ Sweet 1`eed Mills, Int., Bowling Creen, Ky. /•11101
So. States Bardstown Coop., Bardstown, Ky. Swift ti Co., 1’et 1`ood, Chicago, Ill. l~llli0’•
i•000!l Swift 5. Co., 1-'eed Mill, Mt-mphis, '1`i-nn. 'lHl¤l1’
So. States Boyle Coop., Danville, Ky. i•Ui•22 Swift é. Co., oil l·lill, I-lecipliis, ‘l`enn 3>il1!•
So. States Campbellsville Coop., Syracuse Dchydrated Products, Syi·:.cusi·, Ind. "*
Camphellsville, Ky. i•27]B 50507
So. States Carlisle Coop., Carlisle, Ky. 'I`. C 11. Feed Service, l.ehai1ou, l—lj.. »'»lllJ'l'£
i•03ll Tahor Feed Mill, (tolumhia, li;. ll272B
So. States 1·`ran1¤.fort Coop., Frankfort, Ky. Taylor County Feed Co., Campliellsiville, l'j.·.
` !•00Ol Li27l8
So. States Ceorgetown Coop., Georgetown, Ky. Teater é. Czissity, Fiitliolasvillv, Ky. /40350
hU32i• '1`eklad, Inc., Monmouth, 111. ol!•li2
So. States Clasgow Coop., Glasgow, i(j.·. /•2]!»1 Tennessee 1'armers Cooperative, I.a\'eri;ni·, ‘l`•~nn.
So. States Hardin Coop., lilizaliethtown, l'y. 37086 V
i•270l lorry Lee Products, St. Paul, Minn. 5'i10>
So. States Henderson (Loup., Henderson, Ky. Iliompson J. Nash, Inc., Shelhyvillt, liy. .Qrr0l/i
!•2¢•2O ‘ii.o¤—li¤·ii mi., inc., i·lEi;~iiesvii1t~, oliio lisowa
So. States Hopkinsville Coop., lloplcinsville, ’l`Inirmlmds Coal J. Feed Co., Murray, Kg:. /•20/1
Ky. !»22l•0 '1`opel1:1?h¤l1l$:;es Co., 1.ii;oni¤·r, Ind. !di7h/
So. States Latlrange Coop., LaGrange, 1.*,. Zir. '1‘o;.·mai*er ljnterprises, i'itlant;i, Cie. '11l'51B
40031. Tree city specialties, l;i·eeiisl»ii¤;, Ind. rliimrn
So. States Iiehanon Coop., Lebanon, lly. /+0033 '1'renton Oil Mill Co., '1`reuton, Tenn. 'lB'lH'i
_ So. States Leittlifield Coop., Leitchfield, ’l`ri—/associates, Int., ‘-liiuieapolis, llinn. 'i‘i·',l1‘l
Ky. !•275Q '1'ri-Count;. 1`aml Supply, Cnrliin, liv. 00701
So. States London Coop., London, l»1;.·. /U17/·1 'l'i·i-Stale Ziplasses Co., Inc., l{.ishvillt·, ‘l¢·nn.
So. States Madisonville Coop., Madisonville, 37213
Ky. !•2b3l ll1ti·a»l.ife l.a1ioratories, Inc., St. Louis, 111.
So. States Morganfield Coop., !·1ori;anfield, 02201
Ky. A2437 riiien tit. Crain co., :;tui·i·ii;. ily. /iz/UM
So. States (lwenton Loop., fmenton, l'··. !¢(lr55‘! Fuioi. Exiles r,.ii·p,, t,o1umliu:;, Ind. 677411
So. States Richmond Coop., l»ll1
Southern Benderiag Co., 5liel1i.·ville, ‘leu;i. Vets lip; ol l·tr1» =·»»~ll;; ti., lmitaigo, lll, lilllilll
37160 tit-i'.-`.·.‘.i,, im,. inn 2.*i·i»t3—, ‘lti... Ylilliri
Sowell Brothers Feed Mill, fierulean, l‘j.. '.’ita 1*1-is tairpiiiwit ion, I'.li`i::o~i, his. ‘>’l7lll
¤2Zl5 ‘.‘it:iuiuei-:.1 l*i~»d»;tts lo., 1'¤~ri’i, 111. till-wi
hoodford Spears 6. Sous. Paris.   L'>`;’il '.'.1;ittos. l..i}ii·r.itori~.s, S` rap r.: , Ind. Mihiif

 10 Comercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1966
Vylactos Laboratories, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa Martha White Mills of W. Va., Huntington,
50313 w, va, 25706
wm-nm-S pam Supply, Somgrsec, Ky_ 425gl Whitewater Flour Mills, Whitewater, Kan.
water Valley mu, wana Valley, Ky. L2085 67154 - ·
wntkans xworxucrs co., inc., wmona, Mum. Whirner C¤·, B¤w1ing Green, Ky- #2101
55957 Whiz Pet Food Co., Seattle, Wash. 98ll!·
Watkins Products Co., Inc., Memphis, Tenn. R· L- Wiles