' D' rE—actor
1 * Have emails or websites J
' GLSO Board: MACT .............................859358-8335
GLSO Pridc Center *(Bill) .........859-253-3233 PFLAG Louisville * ...............502-329-0229
GLSO Board * (Mary) ......859-266-5904 Rainbow League’k..................859—420-6398
Discussion Group (Bill) ..............859-253-3233 SisterSound (Patti)..................859-806-0243
P GLSO News (Mary) .,.859-266-5904 24hr. Crisis Line ........l-800—928-8000
Subscriptions...... .,.....859-253—3233 24 hr. Teen Crisis Line .......l-800-999-9999
Speakers’ Bureau (Mary)...........859-266-5904 Religious Groups:
Student Groups:* Interweave (Unitarian-Mary) ..859-266-5904
Bcrea College ACE (Ryan) ........859-985-3633 Integrity (EpiSCOpal-David) ....859-396-9691
Centre Collcgc (BGLA (Mykol)) .859-238-5332 Lexington Friends (Quakers) ...859-254-3319
Morehead State Univ. (Ned) ...606-783-2294 Jubilee Fellowship (Rev. Cori)*. 859-421-5859
OUTsource (UK) .................859-323-33l2 MCC Paducah (Rev. Lillian) ...270-443-3339
'3 WW Email & Website Addresses:
Jessamine County . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 859-885-4l49 GLSO Pres_ . . _ .. .N_,mmycrone@insightbb,com
Lexington. Fayette County .-- ~~~--859-288-2437 GLSO/Pride Center Website:. . . .. www. g/so. org
1 Woodl‘ord County .............859-873-454l Pride Center Email...../exingtong1s0@yahoo.c0m
U.K. Adolescent Medicine ..........859-323—5643 Bluegrass Women‘sNetwork
HIV / AIDS Info/Services: Thebluegrasswomensnetworkowner@yahoogroups.com
AVOL (AIDS Volunteers, Inc.)* ..859-225-3000 Lexington Fairness................www.lexfair.org
t8 Lexington Health Dept. ”....859-288—2437 Lexington Pnde Festival..........)tww.lexpride.com
HIV/AIDS Legal Project ...........502-584-1254 Email..----.--.-----leXPrlde@gmall~com
Cumberland Region (SEKY—Pat) Lyons Leather/Levi Club .....www.lexlyons.0rg
.........,.606-864-3776 AVOL...........................www.avolky.0rg
to ...........888-425-7282 Moonshine Bears ofKY (Jim)
Lexington S.’l‘.O.P. Program (.lel‘l') ........www.moonshinebears.com
_mg59_254_3469 ext.230 OUTsource .....szzsanmatsubara@yahoo.com
0 Louisville Region ...................502-574-Ol()l PFLAG Louisville _ .
Northern Kentucky Region ...... . . 859-34 1 -4264 ~----pflag/0ulswlle@yah00.com
Movcable Feast Lex,. (Terry) ......859-252-2867 [gal-”hm" League... --~--’710"ga”@’"0rganfi3’-com
. TiansKentucky . . . . . . . TransKenmclg/@gmail. com
W lubilee Fellowshi
-4 Alcoholics Anonymous (Ron) .....859—948-0434 ‘ P H f h. . d t t
Al-Anon / Al-Teen (Office) .........859—277-1877 KY P . F Ra’fe 10:: 5 ”6%; s ”2”"ij
Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S. (Morris) .....859-225-9169 agd“ or“ ’ p‘ g‘" 0 “W m
Council for Peace & Justice .........859—255-6999
8 Fairness ol‘Louisvillc ................502-893-0788 GLSO News Deadline
)0 Social Services (Formerly First Link)..........2l1
lnternat. Gay Bowling (Stcvc) .....859-276-3058 March 15
Lexington Fairness *........ ,......859-951—4450 -
'0 Lex. Human Rights Comm. ........859-252—4931 Send articles and ads to
ch. insight Group (Dana) .........859-230-2428 marycrone@insightbb.com
Lexington Pride Festival *..........859-253-3233
31 Lyons Leather/Levi Cluh (Paul) * contaCt # 859 2655904
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