xt7rbn9x3r9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x3r9s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1983 1983 1983-04-20 2020 true xt7rbn9x3r9s section xt7rbn9x3r9s g n» \ H
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y:_ .zo‘; " 3-_ *’ Nodreemgenleforletun
’1'; 3‘15, "u‘ ~ I
= .. .3 flit V”??? The Bat Cats built 0 shown lead against
. k :1; fi; ‘ ' .1» w. Louisville yesterday at Shively Field. The
.. *Ifl‘kgfl'.‘ 6 '_‘ Cardinals recovered. however to pull -... __1_‘
_ \ $.1- £3,» /' ‘3'“ q outalO-B win See paged
s, ‘ if .

Vol. Lxxxv, No. 155 Wednesday, April 20, I983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexmgton Kentucky
Feared Beirut deaths
include 16 Amer'ca

. . __., 1.: ; . U.S. officials confirm CIA analyst
. 4. f‘f-‘L’ . ' 1W. _ f' ”1". "IA-gap, . .
. y . ,. y , ' ' - , ’ ’7? v“ among casualties of embassy bombing
. ‘ 3;?.f.‘ . ..:, ' ; 14M 0E.» 3%"- > a. ‘ - ‘ " ———.-— The privately owned Central News
, 1 $‘t{€l;-’1ljgéigfi: . r‘ . ‘ - 1‘ ’ From sum and AP Reports Agency said the bombing was an at-
~ . sf.” $37,:g‘ . $31 . .. ywfi ’ . .1 tempt to kill US presidential envoy
*it‘uwtu . ' ‘ . 4333;,6: 735.3.2F. ' M“? ’"""""""‘W“"‘ Philip C. Habib and his aSSistant
.. e3 ~ . BEIRU’I‘, Manon .Ai». search- Momsmaper.
_,; -. .~;- '- :' fid§* ~ . r‘ -; gig; I r‘ ’ ”‘33?“ ”:t;.~___ ers recovered six more bodies from It quoted unnamed government 0f.
' ”' ' . 2333*... the bomb—shattered U.S. Embassy ficia]s as saying Habib and Draper
. W yesterday and continued their yim had been scheduled to be at the em.
, ,_ ' ‘ ‘ . , t (35k. With at 1935‘ 47 people believed bassy when the bomb exploded at
«it killed in the worst attack ever on a 1:05 pm, but were delayed by talks
I 7" . . 2": U.S.facility here. with Lebanese leaders at the presi-
« l _ ,. . .’ viii“;- . There were 24 confirmed deaths dential palace in suburban Baabda
’ ? .. 3* ' s. ;. may _ .. _ .j. ’ 7 33335;» and 23 people missing and presumed U.S. Embassy officials were not
' * '“ i i... ‘ 33». “switl‘fir 5’. ~ «‘_: dead. _ available for comment on that re-
. ’ .. v» ‘ , “N w ,. ‘*"iji,;__i.';§g.j;_ J . _, _ .~ Embassy spokesman John Reid port
"‘ a; win-c: i ate-..: 1* ”5' r: ’d ‘ght Americans w r confirm- ' . . ,
t H... __,. guns ..e 3M?» at 3 sai el . e e ‘ ‘ Habib went to the embassy at
' ‘ i ” MM" ”v,t ~ 3‘ ed dead and Elghl others missmg midday yesterday and later flew to
‘ from the massive explosion at hihCh' Israel. He did not attend yesterday‘s
‘ . time Monday. seSSIOI‘l of the US ~Israeli-Lebanese
p ‘h ? Among the confirmed dead was talks on troop withdrawals from
\ Robert Clayton Ames,l the CIAS Lebanon. but Draper did. After the
x N93? East and_South A513" analyst. meeting at Netanya. Israel. Draper
_ ..:-‘5‘ offiCials said in Washington in a said the bombing “just makes us
' '1‘ tr. “3, " rare C359 0f naming a CIA agent more determined to press on“ for an
? t..- l . Who “'0’.de abroad. agreement}
_ ., s ' t '4'? ’ . -, ? ,’ 1 No clear picture 9X15“ 0" how the After Reid's announcement. work-
. '1‘ ~ "2 \ ~ ;“ .: . 3,; \c, . ,, attack “'45 carried QUL bl" ”105‘ ac- ers recovered six more badly muti-
». / ‘.~' .~ ' " ~' >\ 1' M counts said a terrorist-drove an ex- lated M5 and pans» of bodjfi
A. , , W t" ' 3.5.”, ., ‘7 . ., _ / ‘ .. ‘ , _ I l g .. ‘ ’; ‘ ploswes-Iaden vehicle into the com- from the destroyed embassy cafete.
.: 5.“. ; , 9* "I: 3 . 3 ". " ,3 “1.1.3.; I (/3; '_,; , y _ ..i if pound and perishedin the blast na. but it was not clear how that af-
. . i.o.vneioou/x.misiau 'I‘en Lebanese embassy employ- fectedthecasualtycount,
TWII'gh' figure ees. Visa applicants and ViSItors Police 531d 120 people were
were confirmed dead. while 20 0th- wounded in the explosmn. including
Despite the cool weather, Susan Sweeney, a sophomore at gins'on south campus a good place to sit and relax as the 48:15,] ‘ficrfimmffst'gf‘“gglgnsifi'bag: ”megillgsswere hauled from be.
Tates Creek High, found the hillSide where the parcourse be. daylight dwmdled away yesterday. Visitor of unknown nationality. he neath chunks of masonrv and con
said. crete left in huge piles by the bomb
I - I I They were wrapped in plastic sheets
and taken away in ambulances
Medicare rule worries Med Center officials
WEDNESDAY facade. collapsed all seven floors in
the central section and caused
Fm AWN reports W those services." Franklin said. “Hospitals techniques and other advanced procedures heavy damage to the two wings
~Senior StaffWriter‘ will really compete for the patients in fa- “would never have been gone into“ be- A squad of Marines raised the
vorable groups." I C h cause. under the new plan. the hospital Will stars and stripes at sunrise yester—
Because t e Medica ,enter treats t e want to move patients through treatment day on a {la 19 that esca the
court says TM' may reaps“ " ‘ ‘ “ ""' "“""'“"”“~‘_‘ sickest people, it stands to bear the brunt as quickly and efficiently as possible to blast. and suEBiovors returned???) the
of undesirable patients, he said. save money, scene where they watched the

WASHINGTON — The government can A “9“" ”prospective reimbursement" ”A teaching hOSPhhl has to be m f'i ‘9‘ Of “Many COStSi SUCh as acquiring new tech- search and recounted their night-
allow Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island nu_ plan recentlyapprovedby the federal gov- businesses .to continue our misswn.” nology, will be less available to us because mare

, h f' t ernment to limit grow1ng Medicare .costs Franklin said. “We must re-evaluate most of the lack of a cost incentive." Franklin A fanatic Lebanese Shiite group
clear power Pl°m '° r°°Pen w" 0‘” 'rs will be more of a burden than a relief to ofourprograms." said. "Resource restraint is the crucial called Moslem Holy War claimed re-
welghlng whether "‘0' WOUld mentally 'n' hospitals, most members of the UK Medi- Another problem with the plan is that it word in the plan." sponsibilitv. Two other unknown
iure nearby residents fearful of a recurring calCenter Boardof Supervisors agree. makes no allowance for the severity of indi- Other insurance plans. such as Blue groups also said they had bombed
accident, the Supreme Court ruled yesiep The plan. termed by Pete Franklin. chief vidual illnesses, he said. Sicker patients Cross/Blue Shield and many commercial the embassy. but police blamed the
day financ1al officer at the Medical Center. may cost the hospital more. but they Will plans, will likely adopt the DRG concept if Shiites

' , . . . “the most radical change in the Medicare receive only the flat rate for the DRG they it proves successful for Medicare. Franklin In Tehran. Foreign Minister Ali
' I" 0 9'0 deCISIOn, "‘3’ C99” SOld‘ potential program to occur since it was imple- areclassified in. said. Also on the horizon is the possibility Kabra \‘elayiati was quoted by the
psychological harm '0 deVIdUOIS '5 "0' 0d' merited." is based on the concept of “diag— “You can be classified into a DRG. and that physicians will be paid according to official news agency as denying any

dressed by a federal law requiring the gov- nosis-related groups,“ or DRGs. you can have one of the worst cases of that the DRG category in which their specialties involvement by Iran.

ernment to examine environmental ques- Federal legislation has used a formula diagnosis," Franklin said. "AS a tertiary fall.hesaid. _ Police said two Witnesses reported

tions when itlicenses nuclear reactors. developed by Yale UniverSity‘s medical hospital. we get the worst cases in any ”We're trying‘to get ahead of the game" separately that a man wearing a

.. . h f th t ' , school to outline 367 separate DRGS. Each group. It‘s very difficult for a tertiary hos- as far as planning for the‘prospective re- black leather jacket raced a black
- We "“"k ' a context °. e s a U e category is composed of a different set of pita] todeal with this kind of proposal." imbursement plan. Franklin said. “(‘om- pickup truck into the embassy drive
shows that Congress W05 talking ObOU' the related illnesses that form the yardsticks Franklin said the Medical Center is cur~ pared to many institutions. we‘re tar way moments before the explosmn
physical environment — the world around Medicare will use toreimbursehospitals. rently overhauling its accounting and pa- ahead.“ Lebanese authorities said the vehi—
us, so to speak," said Justice William H. If a Medicare patient is treated for a tient records systems to deal with the new Dr. John S. Thompson. department of etc was loaded with between 330 and
. Rehnquist. "If a harm does not have a suffi- heart problem. his or her case .Wlll be plan, which will be phased in over a three- medicine chair, said the new plan will cre- 500 pounds of explosives.

. tl ’ t' t th h . | ._ placed in one of the heart categories. and year period. _ ate more problems for the Medical Center Jamil Kantara. president of L'K‘s
cien y c °se connec '0" ° e pnysma enw the hospital Will be paid according to the “I'll give you a ballpark estimate: We thanever before. Lebanese Students Association. said
fonmen' ('he law) does "0‘ OPP'Y- rates set for that category by the new legis- will have to spend $250,000 to convert this “We're going to think our problem with the responmble party may not be

The ruling means that the Nuclear Regula- lation. hospital tothenew DRG system,“he said. Medicaid was just a vignette when the un- who they claim
tory Commission may perm" the undo- “We'it'p1 only Steen (Lne orbitwo pit‘ogratrns Mgdr‘? .Kay Claws)? deanng:1i the College (ll desciirabylpedpatients start pfiuaigg in." dhe "There are a lot of grottlgs who
~ . . across 9 coun ry w ere s sys em as icine. sai new care pan w1 sai . icare tients wi ome un 9- say they are Moslem when 6\ are
maged Unit I reactor 9' Three Mlle “land to been even marginally successful," Frank- limit medical advances as hospitals be- sirable.” pa rebut led by Christians“ he’sald
. resume °P°'°"°"5 w"h°”' C°"5'de“"9 ”‘9 lin saidataboard meeting yesterday. comeincreasinglydollar-conscious. Fr nkl' ‘d the l y” th Kantara 531d he believes that those
POSSlblY °"*l°'Y 5‘ COUld cause i" ”‘9 com- Some board members are worried that. “It will be a minus in the area of pro- 5am: kllllréssgl roblegnznftrr] thecal‘lfsd‘ ,6; responsible may be trying to portray
munity. as some categories of care become more gress in medicine," he said. “Innovation C nt r that ind‘pnt tients ca ed .n'f; the incident as a Civil rather than
‘ desirable than others. hospitals will be will not come about. If innovation saved e ‘e ige pa us 1 e foreignconflict,
. . . forced to re-evaluate the types of care they ' dollars. itwould.“ pas ' Kantara said he believes the mo-
t 'ncomer spending on the "80 provide. Frank Butler, the Medical Center's hospi- "Hospitals will say ‘If you're really sick. tives for such terrorist actions may
“There will be a great lack of certain tal director. said programs such as bone- go over there: if you‘re just a little Sick. be to "discourage American initia-

In an upbeat sign for the economy, the types of services as hospitals discontinue marrow transplants, open-heart surgery come on in.‘ "hesaid. lives in Lebanon "

Commerce Department yesterday said

Americans' personal income rose 0.6 per- l

Ioane proposals arm at student support

fall, and that personal consumption spend-

ing increased 0'4 Pm?"- , W about their chances inthejob market. "Kentucky is now ranked Slst as far as cord on economic development.” Lynch

R°b°"' Ortner, Ch'el °C°h°m's' 0' "‘9 ‘ Re rter “i work with the private sector to cre- the allotment of federal research funds said. “Proof of this are his accomplish-
Commerce Department, said he was por'iC- p0 ate jobs. and I plan tocreate 150.000 jobs go." Lynch said. "Harvey  .445 .
. \ '
W/ -flWUAt-— W M/
quality of Wildcat program imam/5W > t we W' «/ /
/.: Ara/1576M s ._-:- s. e; .. .. . .
It can't be said that it is "all over.“ but UL has been drooling for a good home-and- (fit/70 (/56, ./_ U L.\ fiM/IWU
there is a good chance that the shouting may home for years. so it is entirely likely it will "sfhmkv . W 6 t1”,
dim. be willing to make UK a reasonable offer. mm W h" ,. .. . "
Now that the Athletics Association has Any further resistance by Hall would border (5,, / / ; ‘
. - v . . ' b0 ' ‘ ' \b //V .. ,/,.4 fl”;
asked Athletics Director (liff Hagan and on msu rdinatlon. and if UL Coach Denny «a . Vb ) W, . (‘Afi/
Coach Joe Hall to negotiate an annual game Crum stays true to form. he will keep a line 930:“- WWW/V an,” / ‘ . W”
with the University of Louisville — by a solid open to the news media in case Of some 011- o" " ' --
majority of 12 to six — there is very little foreseen delay in negotiations. , ., my
left to sav. The news media. for their part. will keep / film. ’1 (we ‘ .5? l

The shouting has been prolific and colorful their meg-aphones handy. fl“ ‘/ , I’ ”,J ft. \\ l
up to this point. It began as the NCAA tour- There Is no way a regular-season game ’2; ., / \ r. at /
nament opened and UK—L‘L fans began their could ever recapture the magic of the real ’79. .' . . 0‘ , 'i-jll" I 1% ' 1
yearly idle dreaming about a matchup. Slow- “dream game.“ and the figures quoted by . 5 f {7 // 6.9,? MP, , E
ly. tantalizingly. the dream became a reali- some fans as assured income from the series ' = I /. (7 , « / 171g Dry ‘5.) a 1
ty. The game itself turned out to be an event are clearly fantasies. Playing one state a ' . . ”y v. ' , fili , .‘ {p
unequaled in decades and then the fans school Wlll also open the door to playing oth- "' '- , w" 7. . /// g i
started thinking about waiting another 24 ers. which could only serve to burden a pro- 9 C 5.3“». ‘;‘ \ .y . '1’ / / } ,///// Z 3
years. gram of UK squality. . [Ml ‘ ‘/..;‘f, , , //// 7/ , yr

The shouting increased. However. if and when the game is sched- , , _ 7+7? ,/ ' KIM .

Gov. John Y. Brown recommended the uled. the University will not close down. The / «27.4 1. ® . :3 1.
game be made an annual affair. The Board Med Center will go on saving lives. and the V7 ‘1“? t i ; I'm: .1” ; . 1|
of Trustees mulled the idea and then tossed Student Center will go on selling pizzas. / 7 ,. "‘41:; {42% // _ _' '
it to the Athletics Association. the only force It was a somewhat agitated President Otis i)- . / I: ‘7 / ”If 3,, t; l
short of Hall himself who could order such a Singletary who made the most important . .1‘27’ / t ,r , ' 4 I “I l
thing. pointabout this busmess. / //;'/ .4 4 . t.’ “m, ;._‘._‘- i

' . u . ‘ ' . - > , ./i/ ' :{AEEJx-g'

Meanwhile. the newspapers were havmg a I think one of the most deplorable feel- r "P’ . f; 0': I?» - , 7% m5; l
field day. Letters appeared regularly in The ings‘ I know . . . " Singletary said. "is that “Afijfart, , : -* ,‘ / ' p:’”% .._- _:.1/ -
Courier-Journal and the Herald-Leader. the idea of a basketball game could generate .l‘ ’50:, M 1m; ;% fiM}
along with various comments by sports col- more concern. involvement, passion. when in w-..» am [/1421 6 f " -
umnists and finallv editorials callin for a fact it ha ns not to be one of the serious I ‘ W. . ‘

~ g bl fth' L" .t dth' U' W
game. pI‘O .ems 0 IS lfllVEl‘Sl y —- an IS [11- »
And. as the shouting peaked. the Athletics verSity has some serious problems."
Association acted. Perha 5 now we can et down to them.
W >
. ,2 four years‘.‘ ing from such an intellectual event. In 1964. Planned Parenthood the Senate the chemistry faculty

Representatives . Coach Rupp established a tradi- The Kentucky General Assembly‘s In appreciation stated. "An abortion kills the life of fought hard to permit the discarding ‘

tion that in these modern times is first item of business should demand a baby after it has begun.” On the of one exam grade in lieu of make»

Once again I disagree strongly only a myth. i.e whoever coaches at an annual contest between these altar of convenience the history of upexams.

enough with an action of the Student L'K is the premier coach in Ken- schools. This issue must not be ig~ We would like to take this opportu- Auschwitz is repeated. but the p0i- ()ur surveys show the students
Government Assomation Student tucky. Certainly the coaching during nored. Perhaps a special session nity to thank all of our friends and soning and dismembering of unborn were overwhelmingly in favor of .
Senate to bring it to your notice the second half of the L’K—L' of L should be called. History depart- supporters whose efforts guaranteed babies is a much more cruel. peace» this. No student senator spoke on the .
And once again. part of my dissatis- game when L'K failed to respond to merit chairmen Thompson and Flatt our victory in the SGA elections. ful method of killing You see. the issue The Senate did not agree to 2
faction comes from the way it was the fullcourt press) was probably should be ordered immediately to The campaign was truly a “team heart of a fetus begins to beat three this interpretation. and therefore the '
done. the deciding factor in the game. Frankfort. Kentuckians havea right effort.“ combining the talents and weeks after conception: the baby department does give make~up

On April 18. the Senate passed a l' of L has been known for years to know why these schools do not en- efforts of people from every seg- will recoil from a pin prick or a loud exams for legitimate excuses. Cer» ~
proposal to allot $450 for a “year for its press. yet the Big Blue froze gage in historical debate. hirther— mentofcampuslife. noise at nine weeks; the body is tainly illness is a legitimate excuse.
end conference " This is identical to in their tracks as if they had no idea more. Phi Alpha Theta coaches We're very much looking forward complete and functioning at 11 All that is asked is that it be docu-
the one last vear except that one I" of L would do such a thing. And Seager and Hanrahan should be to working with these and other stu- weeks. merited, No permission to take a
was for $233 'and showed detailed let's not talk about the overtime. forced to put their best team for- dents in order to forge a new direc- I am proud to be a pro-life friend make-up exam has been denied
itemization Please forgive me for passmg on ward. tion for SGA next year. of the unborn. handicapped and el- when the student has been ill

The “year end conference“ last such rumors. but there are many The llarvards. Yales and Oxfords Special thanks are in order for derly. who along with millions of Both of these errors in fact could
vear was no more than a party for true. faithful. committed L'K fans anxiouslyawaitsuchacontest. Lynn Spoonamore and Reed White. other "passionate Americans" will have been avoided with a simple
individuals assocmted with SGA. Al- myself included who feel Coach Sensmg agreement by fellow Ken- Steering Committee co-chairs; Dave not rest until all innocent human be. phone call to the director of general
though reworded and rearranged. (Tum to be the best coach in the tuckians. I have taken the liberty to Perry. campaign manager; Tim ings are safe in our beloved Ameri- chemistry.
the three stated purposes for this state And how many annual games make a few proposals to speed the O‘Mera. campaign coordinator; the ca. The Supreme Court unjustly con-
year's "conference" is the same as would it take for this to become ap- Legislature along. iObviously they 30 men and women who comprised demned the unborn to death. They William K. Plucknett
those for last year parent toallfans“. have nothing better todo.) the Bradford-Freudenberg Steering were wrong in 1857 and they were Director of generalchemistry

My biggest complaint lies with the It may be that the Athletics Asso- Be it proposed: Committee; and to the many people wrong in 1973.
way the proposal was handled Im- Ciation acted too quickly in renewing 1. The Phi Alpha Theta history so- who worked hard at the polls and on That 1973 decision must be over- Editor's note A correction of the
mediately after a perfunctory pre» Coach Hall's contract. cieties of Morehead State and UK early mornings hanging posters. We come as the Dred Scott 1837 decision error about Freudonberg was run on
sentation by the proposals sponsor. Certainly next year should be a engage annually in debates. lectures truly owe the victory toall of them. was. The Supreme Court‘s legaliza» this page March 31. Dr Pluchnett’s
Senator at Large Katy Banahan. banner year for UK fans. because and seminars relating to US. Ken- We‘d also like to commend John tion of abortion did not make it claim ofan error in the April 11 edir
Vice President David Bradford rec- we do not have the best players in tucky and world history. Davenport. John Miller. Cheryl right. The legalization of euthanaSia torial about chemistry- makeup poli-
ognized Senator at Large John Mill- the country But one must accept 2. An arena seating 100.000 people Hardcastle and Jack Dulworth for will not be right either. but it will be cies is upheld by the chemistry dee
er.who moved toclose debate. the fact that even Guy Lewis was be built in a neutral spot. preferably their clean, hard-fought campaigns. a reality if those who value human partment‘s written policies. despite

Despite my objection. the Senate able to get in the way of his team Sherburne. Fleming County. or We wish them all the best in the fu- life equally with a glob of dough sue. student claims iothe contrary.
voted overwhelmingly to close de- winning the NCAAchampionship Bourbon County During the off sea» ture. ceed in persuading the Supreme
bate as well so as to pass the propo- son. it could be used by the Pitts- ' Court as the pro-abortionists did. Free SpeeCh .
sal Senator at Large John Burress Thomas L. McKnight burgh Steelers or Boston Celtics. David Bradford
and I requested that the minutes Fourth-year medicalstudent 3. The governor and family be re SGA preSldent-elect Michelle Mullins . .
show our oppOSition to the proposal quired to attend the annual event. L'ndecided freshman Do you know; that the Kernel is a

A fundamental prinCipIe of good , , alternating sides after materials Tim Freudenberg unique paper. Almost all other
government is willingness to listen HISlorICOI abuses surrounding 1865 have been pre- SGA vice president-elect Edl . l neWSpaperS are vehemently Opposed
to both Sides of an issue before make sented The first family should be I orla errors to anything resembling an attack 0"
ing a decision. Because there was no . impartial as to choice of clothing I _ . IhPl‘II‘St Amendment _
chance to raise questions about the HOW long will Kentuckians-permit andcommeiits NO res eCl' This is to correct two recent fac- In the guest opinion of April 18. -
proposal on the Senate {100,3 1 raise the continued abuse? The Phl Alpha 4‘ KET teleVision network film the p tual errors in recent Kernel editori- you gave a favored spot to an article
them on theeditorialpage, Theta history 5008‘“ 0’ LR and annual event and a copy be stored .. ~ g _ .. 815» . ' _ whose title contained the . phrase

IQ u proper for the Senate to 3p. Morehead State continue to ignore with the Librarv of Congress. Wash- Jeff {Nicolas “Fruitless whining In the March 30 editorial backing “rape of mind." Since physical ha-
pm‘pna... SGA funds to throw a 98th 0th” They refuse to attend ington ' is aperfect exampleof 59011181” l.a- the candidacy of David Bradford rassment must always have been a ,
partv for itself0 Where will the conventions read papers or debate 5. Legislators attend the event. but manism. the “religion" (the SU‘ and Tim Freudenberg in the Student crime. the only thing the new law 0" ‘
funds come from“ salient issues at the same confer- that referees be appointed to pre- preme Court has solruledl that tea- Government Association presi- sexual harassment could have added

The I'niverSitv's appropriation m ““995 vent financial lobbying on behalf of ches there are‘no' rights or wrongs dential/vice presidential race it was would be an abridgement of free
SGA" Student activitv {995° Or my Representatives shun monthly winning schools. and that each indiVidual 15 his own stated. “Also. as a member of the speech. Last semester. you had a
funds that SGA generates bv virtue meetings and boycott annual ban- Miscellaneous suggestions in- God subject to no authority and University Senate. he (Freuden- whole series of nauseating special
of its poSition as the official rep quets Only at regional or national clude: new uniforms for winners; haVing no respect for the dignity berg) was instrumental in resolving. articles on the subject. so I can only
resentative of the students“ conventions of Phi Alpha Theta have victorious teams keeping the micro and intrinSic value of every human in the students‘ favor. a conflict be- assume you are strongly in favor of

' ‘ they been forced to debate the phone and lectern. free bus service life. tween student and faculty members such action . g

Vincent Yeh frontier thesis. argue the causes to and from matches for studentS; One could be tempted to pass over chemistry make-up exam poli- My point is this. If you accept the

Physics doctoralcandidate of the (.lVIl War. or decide who is and police protection against scalp- “F‘ruitlesswhining” off as tongue-in- cies. thus correcting a serious injus- principle that making someone feel
(iraduateSchooi Senator “‘“a'” ”med '“ Dam‘" 300"” ing. It would be nice for national Tv cheek until we remember the pro— nee.” bad. in and of itself. ought to be a
grave . coverage if coaches Seager and abortionist physicians who wrote in And in the April 11 editorial it was crime. then all rights are forfeited.

tuTl‘tm stalemate is LUIEOUS' Ken- Hanrahan shake hands before. dur- the tCealifornia Medical Journal. Sep- stated. “Another disturbing aspect However you emotionalize the issue.

c y is osmg a ric eritage as in and after the debate and bin tem r 1970. “The very considerable of today‘s tSenatel meeting is the the essence of your argument is that

Reluctant to play well as big bucks! Books could be hagnds for "Mv Old Kentchkv semantic gymnastics (word twist~ omission from the agenda of the if you don‘t like what someone says.

written. articles sold Hardbacks. Home" ' ' ingl which are required to ratio- chemistry makeup exams issue. their mouths should be stopped by

Heresy” Maybe But these printed paperbacks. cassettes. tapes. video. Since legislators are elected offi- nalize abortion as anything but tak- For the past few months students law.
words only reflect what I've heard pictures. albums. and memorabilia cials. immediate action is de- ing a life would he ludicrous if they have fought to win the right to If you think I lack compassmn for
so often Since the L'K-I. of 1. game escape enterprismg entrepreneurs. manded. If this legislation is suc- were not often put forth under socia— make-up chemistry exams missed victims of this verbal “rape.“ you're
and that IS. “UK has the best hair Time. Newsweek. Fortune mag- cessful. perhaps another arena could Ilyimpeccableauspices.” for legitimate reasons (the current right. That kind of compassion
lplayers in the state. but I.’ of I, has alines await new social. economic, be built at Wedonia and the winning We mist then face the fact that system does not even allow for med- would. if followed to its logical con-
the best coach." political and religious interpreta- team take on Maysvdle Community there are those who value human icalabsencest." clusion. make a prison of the whole

Could this possibly be one of the tions Exclusive TV and radio cover- College. life no more than a glob of sticky Both of these observations are world.
reasons Coach Hall has been so re age could provoke the highest bid. dough. Remember “globs of cells." completely false. It doesn't take a ,
luctant to play a team that has been der Kentuckians deserve the Chuck Perry “blood clot." etc. . . . to describe the genius to see they contradict each Douglas Forbes ‘
to the Final Four three of the last souvenir hats. pins and cups r