xt7rbn9x3t16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x3t16/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-11-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1994 1994 1994-11-02 2020 true xt7rbn9x3t16 section xt7rbn9x3t16  









By Perry Brothers

News Editor

Miscommunication with the mayor’s office led to
an hourlong wait for about a dozen representatives of
UK’s black community.

The group went to Lexington Mayor Pam
Miller’s office yesterday to express their concern

'94-95 tuition
may rise $80

By Thomas McIntosh
Staff Writer


.l a... -.‘~_-.u

A Council on Higher Education official said yester-
day that the CHE’s proposed tuition increase will be
less than 9 percent, as the council previously claimed.

“The recommended increase for resident and
undergraduates is 3.7 percent or about 40 dollars a
semester,” said Ken Walker. CHE deputy executive
director of financial affairs.

Even though the estimate falls far below the
rumored estimate on campus of9 percent, Alan Aja,
coordinator of today's walkout in protest of the
increase, said the 3.7 increase will not effect the
protest. ,

“Our focus has not changed. There was an 11.2
percent increase last year, and a proposed 3.7 percent
increase this year. Nearly 15 percent in two years,
that’s a lot,” Aja said.

Aja said the rally, scheduled for 11:30 a.m. in the
Student Center cafeteria, mainly will target the fact
that CHE has raised tuition the past several years and
what the effects of those increases are.

Freshmen Representative Council member
Michele Glasnovic, who will speak today, is con—
cerned about where the extra tuition money goes.

“I’ve looked at their budget, and it said that money
is being spent on institutional support,” she said. “We
need a definition of what the money is being used

SGA President Benny Ray Bailey said the CHE has
the power to raise tuition whenever it feels like it,
which can hurt some UK programs.

“lfyou raise tuition every year, there is no way we
can match with financial aid (for needy students),”
Bailey said.

Allison Crabtree, SGA Governmental Affairs
chairwoman, said the CHE should only raise tuition
every other year.

“We want a law that limits tuition increases to
every other year," Crabtree said.

Crabtree give have a short speech today emphasiz-
ing Register Once, a national campaign that makes it
easier for college students to vote.

“Register Once is involved in getting Generation
X, 18- to 30—year olds, involved in the political pro-
cess,” Crabtree said.

Aja said Crabtree’s speech will tie in with the rally
because of his determination to have students regis—
tered to vote for legislators who can voice their opin~
ion about tuition increases.

“It’s (legislators’) job to listen to us,” Aja said.

‘ Walker said tuition increases are set by an analysis
of the projected per capita income in Kentucky and a
comparison of tuition rates at benchmark institutions,
including University of North Carolina, The Ohio
State University and University of Houston.

“Twice since 1990, there has been a review of the
policy,” Walker said, “and the conclusion is that a
change is not needed.”


'Wla ..




mars cmsr Kernel staff
"ME I!) IN.“ Political science seniors Shelli Freeland and Eddie Atchley and ken to get these people here.”

sociology senior Heather Watson wait to present their list to lWiller.



about the shootin death of Antonio Sullivan, which
sparked a series ofgracial disturbances.

Martin Luther Kinng. Cultural Center Director
Gerald Coleman said he made an appointment to see
Miller by telephone last week, but Julius Berry, the
mayor’s administrative aide who received Coleman’s
phone call, said he thought the group simply wanted
to drop off a statement, not actually speak with

“I was under the impression
that (Coleman) had a list of things
he wanted the mayor to see,” Berry
said. “My understanding was that
she would respond later after she
had a chance to review (the list).”

Surprised, but undeterred by
initial disappointment, the group
decided to remain in the office
lobby until Miller could see them.

“As taxpayers, voters and stu—
dents, we have a right to see the
mayor,” s eech therapy freshman
Neftali Adims said.

Berry reviewed the mayor’s
scheduled and arranged a 15—
minute meeting for the group.

“I was disappointed that it had
to be rescheduled,” biology fresh-
man KelleeJames said. “There are
classes that had to be missed and
commitments that had to be bro-

She said UK’s Black Student



WINDS AN” STRESS Christopher

Par/cening will bring his classical style to the

Singletary Center tomorrow night.


‘ Students take message to Miller


WEATHHI Mostly sunny

today, high near 6 5,- partly
cloudy tonight, low in the 40:;
party sunny tomorrow, high 65.


Union has short-term and long—term plans to make
sure that the black community’s grievances are not
forgotten, but she declined to expand on these plans.

The meeting, which was closed to the press, lasted
about 35 minutes and ended because Miller had
other commitments, but Coleman said another
meeting will be scheduled.

“We were very clear with the mayor,” Coleman
said, “about the seriousness of this problem and the
seriousness of the underlying causes of this problem
in terms of education opportunities and employment
and economic development and other things that
lead to this type ofu rising.”

Later yesterday aIEernoon, Coleman addressed the
Lexington-Fayette County Urban Government

“The sleeping dragon that was at the University of
Kentucky has awakened," he said, “and we will be
monitoring you."

He said the campus committee will study
“intensely everything the council does in response to
(the Sullivan case) and then
take those results to the


community.” lflszde
Coleman advised the V
council to take action.
“If you do not take lead— PmfiS-VOC-myx
ership,” he said, “these prob— 1715 740a!

lems are going to explode in
your face . \Ve’re going
to end up with an L.A.
We’re going to end up a
Miami or a Detroit.”

comments were
misquotes. See

story, page 8.





“' . .e



mil WM Kernel (.‘annflmtor

PBEPMIIG to "All Avi Weitzman, SGA executive director of academic affairs, paints a sign for today ’s walkout

on campus in the Student Center cafeteria.




November 2, I 994
. Classifieds 7 W

Comic 2 Sports 3
Crossword 7 lr'lezvpoint 5








14 die in crash
near Caribbean island

MEXICO CITY —— A helicopter with 14 people
on board, mostly American tourists, crashed yester-
day in the Caribbean off the island of Cozumel.

Police duty Sgt. Juan Bautist Huitzil said the
helicopter crashed into the sea about three miles
from the airport with two crew members and 12
passengers on board.

“The passengers were all foreign tourists, Amer-
icans,” he said. Rescue crews retrieved 11 bodies
quickly but three were still missing, he added.

Neither Huitzil nor an airport officer had details
on the identities of those on board. The officer,
who refused to give his name, said the crash
occurred about 4:30 p.m. EST.

POIIB'S ”00k becoming best SEIIGI'

VATICAN CITY — Pope John Paul II’s book,
“Crossing the Threshold of Hope,” has become a
best seller in Italy — thanks in no small measure to
the promotional savvy of top church officials.

In public, the pope has yet to say a word about
his book. But Roman Catholic cardinals have
plugged it, attracting hundreds of VIPs for glittery

ook receptions.

And Vittorio Missori, the journalist who collab—
orated with John Paul on the book, is fast gaining
celebrity status.


NATION NAACP lacing financial problems

BALTIMORE — The NAACP is laying off
most ofits 100 employees because ofa $3.5 million
deficit it blames on former executive director Ben-
jamin Chavis, a board member said yesterday.

Many of the staffers are planning to work with-
out pay, so the nation’s oldest civil rights group
won’t shut down, said the board member, Joseph
Madison, a Washington radio personality.

Chavis was ousted in August after it was dis-
closed that he had agreed, without the board’s
knowledge, to pay $332,000 in NAACP money to
settle sexual discrimination allegations brought by
a former employee.

Farming WWII IIIISIHIGII by plane Cl‘flfll

ROSELAVVN, Ind. — A farming community
settling into the slow rhythms of winter was jolted
by the crash ofa commuter plane that hurtled from
leaden skies into a harvested field.

“\Ve’ll remember it all our lives," said 17—year-
old Kevin Rainford, who lives in nearby Lake Vil-
lage. “It’s just such a little town, and so many

All 64 passengers and four crew members on
board American Eagle’s Flight 4184 streaked to the
tround Monday and slammed into the barren soy-
Iiean field in northwest Indiana en route to Chica-
go from Indianapolis.

White House gunman reluses evaluation

\VASHINGTON —— The man accused of
shooting at the \Vhite House refused to go on with
a cursory pre—trial mental evaluation yesterday
after his attorney began filing motions trying to
stop it.

Prosecutors suggested the evaluation would he
completed this morning and would be available for
the scheduled preliminary hearing later in the day.

Leigh Kenny, the public defender for Francisco
Martin Duran, filed an emergency motion to US.
Magistrate Deborah Robinson asking to delay the
exam until after the preliminary hearing. After
Robinson denied the motion, Kenny immediately
appealed to ChiefJud e John Garrett Penn of the
US. District Court, w 0 also denied it.



AUGUSTA, Ga. — A judge dismissed a traffic
charge against the Godfather of Soul yesterday
after a bicyclist who was hit by James Brown's car
agreed to accept damages instead.

The amount was not disclosed.

John Nixon, 42, was knocked to
the pavement in the Aug. 28 acci-
dent. He refused medical treat—

Brown, 61, was to have appeared
in court on a charge of failure to
yield the right ofway. ButJudge
Carl Brown Jr. announced the
charge was dropped in favor of a
settlement. Brown spent two years in prison in
South Carolina after taking police on an auto



Compiled from wire repom.





By Scott Drake
Contributing W’riter

At one point in the Institute for
the Healing of Racism’s forum last
night, a student asked how he
could begin to understand
African-Americans when he had
never even met one.

Gerald Coleman, interim direc-
tor of the Martin Luther King
Cultural Center, answered him by
standing up, shaking his hand and
saying, You’ve met one now.”

The attitude was one of under-
standing and cooperation at the
meeting, which encouraged sever—
al participants to speak their


minds about racism in the nation
and at UK.

The purpose of the Institute is
to bring together people and “help
them understant racism,” said
Masha Vossugh, a family studies
senior and co~coordinator of the
national institute.

“We want to create an environ—

.. c . . whim-Wham A..- .. ~-


Night talk on racism

ment where people can discuss
racism without being threatened.”

The meeting began with Vos-
sugh’s reading the mission of the
group stating that “the Institute
recognizes that racism is, above all
else, a social and spiritual disease,
a disease woven into the moral and
spiritual fiber of society.”


The institute wishes to raise
peo le‘s understandin of the
pro Iem through open iscussions
and speakers.

The meeting was attended by
about 50 students and several fac~
ulty members.

After Vossugh read the state-
ment, she asked that everyone
introduce themselves and tell why
the were there.

This drew a variety of respons—
es. from not understanding the
definition of racism ro invitations


to spend one day with a person
from the other race.

“It has been necessary for me
my entire life to understand not
only my culture, but also (the rest
of American) culture,” Coleman

“That’s the only way for me to

Librarian Michael Razeeq, said
the forum was “very positive, very
educational and raised a lot of
peo Ie's awareness.

“ r was an excellent berinnimr.”



j .








2 Wednesday, November 2, 1994, 1(me rem:

By Jennifer Smith
Staff Writer

en the learning community.
“(UK) has a vast learning bureaucracy,” he said.


Members of the UK faculty had mixed reactions
last night to their first taste of Chancellor Robert
Hemenway’s new agenda for the Lexington Campus.
In his first of four University town meetings,
Hemenway introduced his new five-point agenda.

It outlines his ideas and goals for improving UK.
Hemenway said the agenda from the past five

years has had both successes and failures.

“I think the Lexington Campus Agenda has served

us well,” he said.

“But I think it is time to move on. I think it is time
to move on and think about what we want the next

five years to be like.”

The first point of Hemenway’s plan is to strength-

“But do we have a learning community?”

sits in a chair.

He said administrators and faculty are very good at
“measuring down to the minute how long a student

“We are good at measuring seat time. That does

not make us a productive place, though.”

He proposed a gradual restructuring of the course
and credit system, as well as spending $1 million a

year on increased learning technology.

Also, he proposed that the University go to a three

semester, or year-round program.

He said this approach would make classes more
available to students.

Faculty members said problems are not necessarily

caused by scheduling or lack of technology.

“We are drowning in students



"no“ “one. .4
(wtmd hoe-ab. Gib-1



7.00 pm.
Seay Auditorium

UK Office of Environment Health and Safety
Q Kentucky Division of Waste Management
'———- will hold a

Public information Meeting

Hazardous Waste Storage Facility
proposed by the
University of Kentucky

Thursday, November 10,1994

College of Agriculture
Adjacent to the Ag. Science Bldg. - North
University Campus
(Parking available in W.P. Garrigus Bldg. lot;
entrance off Cooper Dr.)


permit application.

The purpose of this informal meeting is to provide
information on the hazardous waste permit process and
facility design, and to allow open discussion, quesion and
comments on the university's permit application. The
proposed facility is to be located between Cooper Dr.,
University Dr. and Hospital Dr. on the UK campus. All
comments will be considered as the division reviews the


Sun. 2 - 10 pm.

The permit application of this hazardous waste
regulations and a list of persons who can answer
questions are located in the College of Agriculture Library
located in Room N24, Ag/Science North, Mon. - Th. 8
a.m.-11 p.m., Fri. 8 am. - 4.30 p.m., Sat. 1-5 pm. and



The meeting facility is accessible to persons with
disabilities. If an interpreter or other auxiliary aid
or service is needed, contact Dr. Harry Enoch's
office at (606) 257-3241 by Monday, November 7.



and are terribly understaffed,”
instructor Keith McAdam said.
Chemistry professor Carolyn
Brock said the lack of a strong
learning community is not neces-

By Nick Rhoton
Staff Writer

Tina Harri's developed a men—
torship program last spring to help
black students better adjust to uni‘
versity life.

But UK doesn’t seem very
interested, Harris said.

Her program to help African-
American students adjust to uni—
versity life was first created in a
class paper.

Harris, who is a communica-
tions doctoral student, said the
program, which required a gradu-
ate student to coordinate it on a
campus, has not been enacted at
UK because of a lack of money for
both “salary and program fund—

Harris estimated a cost of
$45,000 a year for “three salaries
and office equipment” to run the

Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway said

By David Turner
Staff Writer

Greeks need to break away
from typical greek stereotypes,
Mitch Crane, a former Circuit
Court judge and an honorary








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member of Sigma Phi E silon
social fraternity, said last nig t.

The Crane’s lecture, sponsored
by Sigma Phi and the Interfrater—
nity Council, focused upon the
necessity of risk management and
on the res onsibility of greeks to
“look out or one another.”

Crane is an eight—year veteran
lecturer, who speaks to greek
organizations around the country.

“I realized through my experi-
ence as a trial Ia er and as a
judge that many 0 the terrible
things associated with greeks were
acts of stupidity and not of intent,”

Sherman's Alley by gibbs ’N’ 'Voigt

sarily a faculty problem, but a student and adminis-

trative problem.

“I want to know what the administrators are doing
to encourage students to do their jobs,” Brock said.

Hemenway told Brock he sees
responsibility between faculty, staff
and students.

His second step is to affirm UK
research and apply and obtain more
land grants.

“(In research) we are a part of the
major leagues of the American uni—
versities,” he said.

jeremy Wood, an English senior
who attended the meeting, warned

an increase in faculty research would hinder Hemen-
way’s original goal to strengthen the learning corn-


“They are great researchers, but they're not good

teachers,” Wood said.

“You have a great deal ofclasses that are so incred—
ibly boring that students don’t even want to go.”

Hemenway disagreed, saying

Lack of money, sponsor bum idea

her program has never been pro-
posed officially to UK’s adminis-

“I remember hearing some—
thing about her program, but we
don’t recall any specific proposal
for such a program,” Hemenway

Hemenway introduces new plan at town meeting

researcher does not automatically make someone a
bad instructor.

it as a mutual

ate programs.




“I do not believe and I will not accept that if you're
committed as a scholar, you’re a poor teacher.”

In his proposal Hemenway also suggested a con-
tinued emphasis on getting quality students at UK.

He said by the year 2000 he would like to see the
freshman class have 175 National Merit Scholars and
higher standardiud test scores.

He said he would also like to see a 1 percent
enrollment increase in the graduate and undergradu—

The fourth goal is to improve the international
awareness and curriculum at the University.

His final point was to develop University’s values.
This includes an increased tolerance and respect for

“Overall, (the meeting) made me feel pretty

good," Hemenway said.

“There were a lot of questions, and that shows

being a good

Affairs for seven or eight years.

“We have a freshman summer
program that connects students
with faculty,” she said. “We bring
students who will be first years in
the fall in for a program during
the summer.”

Byars said this program will

She also said, “Most



“W t literature says that

e are opeqhq pairing students with

any program a faculty increases stu—
makes things better dent retention ”
for UK students. We '

also understand we mar“ open to - Yvette Turner,

. director of Student
need to help African- ””7 Program ~ . -

. ' Support Servrces for
American students that makes - - - ~ ,-

. . _ Minority Affairs, said a
through the critical flung; betterfin' pilot pro Tram that
final/$3“ , UKStudentS.” pairs blac students
, e arefpyitng :0 V with black faculty has
increase e or s o ,

'd h l Robert Hemenway I"? “tasted- . .
provr e more e P . This program is in
and su ort t( stu— Cb‘mello'fi’nb" ‘ i i r’

- PP ’ ~ ' its first semester,
(I n Lexington Campus .

ents. Turner said.
Lauretta Byars, Harris’ program




vice chancellor for

Minority Affairs, said a similar
program has been in action
through the Office for Minority

Crane said.
He said he sees his


does not, however, aim

to pair students and faculty of the
same race.

“Interracial pairing of mentors

He told a story of a young man
getting beaten to



role as one of educa' death during a haz—
tion and guidance. ing episode.
He said he wants to h . Also, he talked
lead fraternities away about an 18-year-old
from dCStI'UCFlVC What do people see female freshman
Eriiiltiiajgdrhgrcrimg on TV? They see Evhofvrvas raped at her
toward a more aware you getting drunk rsttxnsggt'uty P335
and responsible state they 5'93 you get- died of alcohol poi-
"f 31nd. , d tingHCkfi‘om soning during a
n.2irsr":2‘a'::- ....g......... ........... l...
I l I.“ g. e they seeyou [1473- at a fraternity house,
era rea -life stories to . l ,, h 'd '
make his point about mg at“ Ofsex' e if} i
the responsibilities " h ‘ 0 (1)36“ 0U}
and the “stupidity” Mitch Crane t era will “die I
of the greek system. Former (.‘irmit Court you ran as ong
Some examples of judge you dld not drink
this “stupidity” often yourself to death,
Crane, referring to

leads to prejudice by
other students, Crane said.

the negative attention harbored by

interest. What I hope we started today is a dialogue
that will get people to think what they want the next
five years to be about."


and protégés will aim to increase
cultural sensitivity," Harris said in
the spring.

Harris said she would attempt
to coordinate the program herself
but is currently occupied with her
dissertation on interracial dating.

She said she doesn’t why the
program hasn’t gotten off the
ground yet.

“There are lots of possibilities,”
Harris said.

“There may not be enough
funds; faculty members may not
think they have the time. Some
people feel it favors one race over

“The main goal is to retain the
number of African-Americans and
encourage them to graduate, and
at the same time provide them
with networks and ways to be
exposed to people in positions of
power,” Harris said in March.

She said she hopes to begin the
program at the university where
she will teach in the future.

“Wherever I am,” Harris said,
“is where the program will be.”


these true stories. People base
their assumptions of greek stu-
dents on stories such as this, he

Television and the media por-
tray 2 negative image of greek life
based upon the excesses of a few
misguided individuals, he said.

“What do people see on TV?”
Crane asked. “They see you get-
ting drunk, they see you getting
sick from being drunk and they see
you having lots of sex.”

Crane said he thinks fraternities
have moved a long way from those

The truth of the matter, he
said, is greeks spend less than five
percent of their time “partying” ——
the rest being dedicated to the
concepts of “brotherhood,” “loy-
alty” and “character.”

3un 3or The Dull






How goes the free-lance
writer business?

Not too bad.
I‘m working on a line of
T—5hirt slogans for

really boring people.












Man. that shirt '9 dull.





r Thank you.

Someore has :0 reach
:he dull consumer. And I think
thee bumper sticker does i2.











Post-baccalaureate students:

Post-baccalaureate students who are applying to
a degree or certification program should
Advance Register Nov. 1-18 for the spring
semester even if an admission decision has not
yet been made. Failure to advance register will
result in a nonrefundable $40 fee during late
registration, which starts Jan. 11, the first day of‘





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JAMES cmsr am: my

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.0 ..~...~_-..-. r, ,. .

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Cats and Cardinals
to renew rivalry

By Doc Purcell
Senior Staff Writer

When UK and the University
of Louisville face off in athletic
competition, the atmosphere sur-
rounding the event is always com-
petitive and fierce. It never really
matters what sport is being played.

So expect an aura of intensity
tonight at Memorial Coliseum
when the \Vildcat volleyball team
meets intrastate foe Louisville at

The Cats enter the meeting
hungry for a victory. After an
impressive mid—season run in
which the squad had tallied a 7-3
mark in Southeastern Conference
meetings, UK has fallen on hard

In a brief road stint last week-
end, the Wildcats lost to a pair of
SEC opponents, first to Florida on
Friday night and then to South
Carolina on Sunday afternoon,
lowering UK’s record to 10-14
overall and 7—5 in league play.

So with a short sabbatical from
the rigors of conference play and a
huge rivalry about to get under
way, there seems no better time
for the Cats to seek redemption.

Still, no one promised things
would be easy.

The Cardinals come to town
sporting a glittery 21-4 record on


Different but not sexist

For some reason, I’ve heard
quite a lot lately about inequali—
ties toward women in smrts. I
feel I must express my feelings on
some of the claims.

Simply put —— women’s sports,
in general, aren’t nearly as excit-
ing or interesting as men’s sports.
I know that has been a rough
concept for many to swallow, but
it is true. And I
think many stu—
dents agree with
that assertion.

\Vhy is this

Men, compar-
' atively, are
stronger, faster


and can leap

Trent higher than
KIIIIOIIBS women when
runoff”; they participate
room- in athletic activi-

y ties. This may
explain Why

men's sporting events outstrip
women‘s in attendance year after
year. It is not a matter of society’s
oppressing women, but rather a
matter ofpeoplc’s differing inter-

To give an example, when I go
to a Wildcats basketball game,
the most exciting moments
always tend to be the thunderous,
house-rocking dunks that bring
Rupp Arena fans to a roar.

How many dunks do you see
in a women’s basketball game?

You would think that there
would be a huge market for
women’s sports considering that
women comprise about 52 per—
cent of our country's population.
Maybe many of them, like me,
just like men’s sports better.
Nothing more, and nothing less.

I am not suggesting that
women are poor athletes, or that

they cannot excel in sports, but
they simply do not provide the
type of excitement and fast-
paced, in-your face action that I
am looking for in a basketball
game, or that sells tickets.
There’s nothing sexist about it.

Perhaps this jealousy and envy
toward men is the source of'the
move by many gender feminists
(not the ones interested in equali-
ty) to decry unequal funding of
men’s sports programs, and the
constant assault on team nick—
names that some deem sexist.

The short answer to why
women do not, and should not,
receive an equal amount of fund—
ing is because they do not ro-
duce the revenue and do not ave
a fan base that is comparable to
men’s sports.

Maybe the reason, as many
would suggest, is because they are
not romoted or as well or fund—
ed t e same as men’s programs.
Regardless, do you really think
that the women’s teams, if funded
equally, could pack the stands
with wild, screaming fans the way
the men's team do? I think not. I
challenge anyone to prove other-
wise at the collegiate level.

So now we come to the obvi-
ous sexism that manifests itself in
the nicknames given to sports
teams. UK’s men’s basketball
team is called the “Wildcats,"
while the women’s basketball
team is referred to as the “Lady

The question for me then
becomes, has the Lady Kats label
for the women’s basketball team
had any significant oppressive
effect on the players on the team
or the number of people who
decide to attend the games? I will
admit that the name does not
carry with it the same intimidat-
ing aura that “Wildcats” does,

but a lot of other college basket—
ball teams have very lame nick—

Take for example the Texas
Christian Horned Frogs. VVowl
That certainly does inspire fear.
Or maybe Rick Pitino’s old team,
the Providence Friars. Now, I
don’t know about you, but the
image of a holy man dribbling a
basketball certainly is not intimi-
dating. Yet, these teams have no
problem attracting fans.

One of the nicknames I am
rather fond of is the Ore ron
Ducks. Anyone who gets firetfup
over the “Quack Attack” simply
could not be accused of skipping
out on the women’s teams
because the names aren‘t as

Nicknames like the “Lady
Kats” aren’t necessarily sexist —
just different. I don’t think that it
connotes in any way that women
are somehow lesser human
beings than men.

It is simply drawing a con-
trast. Anyone who denies the fact
that women are inherently differ—
ent than men is confused about
basic sexuality.

So we see that the argument
over team nicknames is merely a
wedge issue when considering the
overall picture.

I, believe it or not, am not
opposed to changing the name of
the women's teams to match that
of the men’s if people so wish.
But for those who really want to
do that, I have only one question:
Are the so-called barriers
between men and women some—
how torn down just because the
name of the team was altered?

I really don’t think people care
or that it would matter one way
or another.

Editorial Editor Trent Knack/er it it

political science .rmior.






citing Fl _ .
IiaEihedral Ceilings
Close to UK! ll
Sand Volleybal .


00' Plans!


WItlI A Report Card
Lllto Thls, Who
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The Green





. . . - .-. w». -tm-Wpormm .,. n‘nw't o». ' "

the year and stand at an unscathed
5—0 in Metro Conference meet—
ings. The Cards’ strength is a
tenacious defensive attack that has
recorded a monstrous l3 shut-outs
this season.

The squad enters their annual
battle with the \Vildcats' led by
Tina Naehr, who has collected
384 kills and 180 digs on the year.
Naehr has been aided this season
by Dee Singleton, who has pitched
in 236 kills and a team—high 353

The (Iats will
counter that attack
with a duo that
harbors some
statistics of their

Like they've
done for much of
the season, junior outside hitter
Molly Dreisbach and senior out—
side hitter Melody Sobczak con—
tinue to carry the Cats.

Dreisbach has garnered 368
kills and 258 digs this year, while
Sobczak has contributed 267 kills
and 253 digs.

In past meeting the \Vildcats
and Cardinals rivalry has been a
lopsided one.

The Cats hold an impressive
23—5 edge in the series.


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imam-y Kernel, Wednesday, November 2, 1994 I

SPORTSbytes . g“. _
Cuest ticket distribution delayed

Guest tickets for the UK basketball team’s exhibition games against ,
Athletes in Action and the Lithuanian National Team will not go on sale I
today, Director of Administrative Services R