xt7rbn9x3t4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x3t4z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-08-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 21, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 21, 1998 1998 1998-08-21 2020 true xt7rbn9x3t4z section xt7rbn9x3t4z  

.. _.__.__._._ ._ ._ ..



— “W_c

Listen up

Fresh voices

“I like the
freedom of
living in the





August 2], 1998






.- . ., -- _. __.._.,.,.. M--...._..—..




dorms. I
stayed out
until three

in the
my first
night here.”

~ Laine Comley,
undecided freshman.

“The dorms
are very

and large.

The campus

is also very

- Makato Itogo, a
political science freshman.

The Vitals

0 Tuition and fees must
be paid by Wednes-
day. Aug. 26.

O Add/drop starts on
the first day of class-
es. Wednesday, Aug.
26 and runs until
Wednesday. Sept. 2.

0 Last day to drop a
class without receiving
a "W": Wednesday.
Sept. 16.

0 Last day to withdraw
from a class without
receiving an incom-
plete or failing grade:
Wednesday, Oct. 23.

0 To the sophomores.
juniors and seniors
who didn't register
during their priority
registration period
last spring, breathe
easier: You can regis-
ter between Aug. 26
and Sept. 2 but will
be charged a $40
late fee. Students
can pay this fee
when paying their tu-
ition and fees for the

0 All undergraduates
who register during
this period must also
have their adviser
holds lifted before
they can register.
Want more info? Call
the Registrar's Office
at 257-3l6i.



To find out what
classes are still open, go
to http://www.uky.edu/
This site allows students
to access information
about classes using the
class name or course



8.5 6.9

Warm and sunny Sat-
urday, cool tonight. Sun-
day, much the same.



VOL 304 ISSUE 8001


News tips?
Call: 257-1915 or write:




Au revoir, old friend

The ‘old Kernel’





is no longer with us, but our mission hasn’t changed a bit





Four years and hundreds of issues later, the old Kentucky Kernel lies adorned with flowers laid by staff members at a funeral Wednesday morning in Lexington Cemetery.

A time for change: After a summer at the drawing board,
newspaper staff brings new look, new attitude to students

By lat Narran
unny the places you‘re at when you
decide to change a college paper that's
been around for more than a century.

At a Holiday Inn in Cincinnati
last May. i had already managed to
spill coffee and water on my trench
coat while listening to a designer give
us the lowdown on what newspapers.

collegiate and professional. should be

Now. after trying to do in three
months what most papers do in a
year. i say redesigning a college paper
is. to put it bluntly. a pain in the ass.

After about the 50th meeting. you
begin to wonder why you ever agreed
to do it in the first place.

The critical issues abound: why the
Kernel exists, who our audience should

be. the best way to grit on: 'i. '\\.li't’
across and all that other ht‘.l'\.‘ philo
sophir‘nl stuffjournaiists litlx'" 'iniu to
ask other people. but not Illt'l‘.‘\»‘.‘i\ m

Wi‘ didn't Changi- the Kernel in
cause the old look was hoi rid 'l'hot de
sign like this one \\.'l\ in\ igorat
ing And I‘ve got a hunch this ['0
ramped product will, like the last re
design. reconnect the students to their

We didn‘t change it bemuw the
fonts looked prettier than the ones used
last year and every year since ism

We did it for us. but more impor
tantly. for the students.


\t'l- ’l‘n'l \ou :‘i the- troshmzin
who \ ' swing :i illit'iil‘i‘ti pound suit
t.i\t' up tlltii‘lli room on thr top tlooi
vil Maintain i‘ow‘i'. oi _i seasoned grail

iifllt‘ st .idvrzt working on their MBA,

Hr xtlli‘lllW _\oii think the Kernel is
.i LZI‘I' it wiiiw of into Hi if it‘sgiust a rag
\oii pirk up on Monday and throvx in
the bird LéiL’f‘ on Friday

This new look. new attitude and
new othir allows us to i‘i-tlect the cam
pus community. something all papers
should strive for. and after all the self
analysis We went through to make
this product more reader-friendly.

It's been well worth the ride






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06594 our 220 002 5' 4.0 19 1106444 1216914 00720 06 4006001 06338 5‘” :l‘ g
. . . 9 0100914 0300914 00407 cs 537 201 06339 SW 2
The number of available seats 15 noted In the col- 00000 my 570 401 0 30 T 0030914 0000914 01330 cs 035 001 m 3 3:; g:
umn following the section number. An asterisk ('l m Si 25? 38: l; 3.: 3w W004» m 3:; 3:, $ $ 05344 sw 620 202
indicates that the section has five or fewer seats avarl- 00719 114 635 20. 1- 30 1 0000944 0030914 04.71 0147 .1. 001 05350 2* g; :1
able 06077 HEE 779 001 5' 3.0 TBA 01403 E00 391 003 05351 sw 027 202
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ly after the number of available seats have controlled 06710 P1514635 204 93 :3 L mm mm 331:; :28 48667“ $2: W053" 5144 m ‘0‘
~ ~ - 06657 1019 300 001 1 .
enrollment. You must get special permrsuon from 06507 us 5‘0 003 5- 30 M 0330914 0000914 00400 E00 761 001 “”2 g: 720 3
the offering department 1n order to enroll Inacourse 06595 us 510 201 10 :3 1.: 0330914 0600914 :63; Egg 3: $1 053905399 5141 740 ‘0‘
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. . 06574 us 646 201 4' 30 9 0600914 0630914 06129 E09 701 001 05401 sW 741 203
Course sectlons that have the letteermmedlate- 06572 us 5.7 301 e 30 s gooom (1)2009M 30153: 2g 33 $5 m SW 751 202
ly after the numlaer of available seats are reserved for (mom °°”‘ 00077 E05 030 002 M 74 350 001
students in special programs and are not available to 06575 us 676 201 10 134 AM 313;? E: 306 $1
06590 us 690 201 14 30 s 09004M 1130 103 517 1
students who are not part of that program. 06729 144 ‘09 ‘06 6 30 m 0730914 W 01902 H m 00,
06604 MA 193 020 27 20 M 03009M 0500914 00400 EGR 537 201
w 0500914 0700911 02001 ENG 207 001 W
06641 144 4176 001 5' 30 MWF 04009M 04509M 02095 ENG 221 401 .
W 06509 MA 527 001 10 3.0 MM 0200914 0250914 02110 ENG 252 005 00220 AR 300 001 1 30 TwR mm W
06601 MA 641 001 14 30 MWF 09004M 09504M 02134 ENG 270 401 00370 EC 471 002 5. 30 19 W5?“
06655 A-E 545 002 3' 30 TBA 06602 MA 721 001 1‘; :318 $4 02009M 03159M 0001: 5% a a; E 45c 620 001 ,. 30 14w9 021‘00001.14" "W
00050 41E 645 002 2‘ 30 WA 06"“ ”52780 003 . "00m 1215914 “115:7 Em 401 001 00417 AEN 545 001 2' 30 79 0330914 0445914
06741 441 020 001 3' 30 w 02009M 04309M 013752 MNG?“ 004 i ‘0 Iv“ 02009M “509” 02176 ENG “556001 060", 49s 211 002 32 10 0 0200914 0250914
0°57“ ‘50 77° 00‘ " 3° TB‘ 1 20 30 TBA 05992 ENG 720 401 00730 665 309 001 20 30 Mw 0430914 0545914
12545 ANAOOO 001 5' 30 T64 0675‘ ”Ne 53‘ 00' AM “so“ 05885 FAM 552 00‘ 12042 BCH 4010001 59 30 MWF 0400914 0450914
055“ W5“ °°‘ 5' 3° "3‘ 06746 mes” 002 ‘0 30 MM "9.00914 01509M 00274 9414 624 401 00041 010 520 001 0 30 MW 0100914 0150914
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06633 Anc 020 010 25 30 T WOW 0630”” WC‘W °°5 9. ' 50914 02422 9114 66. 401 05710 cr: 599 002 17 30 Mw 0330914 0445914
06052 4106020 011 25 30 TBA 05669 Muc152 003 ' ‘0 MW 0'00?” 0‘ 4M 6 o 002 00979 CE 699 001 7 30 w 1200914 0200914
my, me 25 30 7 “00pm 05306114 06707 M00152 004 12 10 MW 0900414 0950 00522 E 130 9 1200914 1250914
mm m. as so woe 003 :° :2 :2: 22222222222 0 me as om n so
06535 W322 0‘0 2° 3° T 0“pr 0630”” 06705 WP 607 003 0 05624 GEO 455 001 01113 CLS 044 001 11 4.0 mm: 1100414 1150414
0665‘ 490022 011 25 30 TBA 06704 M09 701 003 10 10 :3 06°30 GER 101 004 Mm 01009M 0150914
05523 “cs” ‘°‘ “ 3° m 070°“ WSW 066” NUR 042 50‘ 615' (lg T9 03309M 0420914 02610 GER 202 002 MW 0300‘“ ”5°“
06622 436630 401 ‘2 370 TR 0530?” 06‘5“ 065‘? ”UR 85° °°‘ 1 m 4215p“ 05702 .35.; 729 001 00469 CLS 644 002 17 40 MM 1100414 1150414
06021 491cm 001 37 30 TR 09004M 10304M 06733 PA 671 00‘ 1° 31° MW ‘00 1 MM 0,0015“ 0150914
06051 4910912 203 996 30 T64 06620 94 795 004 19 30 M 04309M 07009M 02620202; 23 :81 32 MM 0200‘,“ m
“722 “039° 20‘ 5° 3° TBA ‘25“ PGYBGO 001 5'1 lg $3: 02630 GLY 111 001 01120 CLS 656 001 0 4.0 MTWR 11004M 1150414
06693 64 762 401 17 30 w 06009M 00309M 06686 PH“ 896 005 2 m 0050914 02031 our 111 002 Mm 01000“ 0150914
‘2537 ”CH5“ °°‘ 5' 3° “W 1000AM ”5"" 06691 PM 2” ‘03 12 50 Lil/v 0600914 0050914 02632 GLY 111 003 WW" W” 0‘50”"
‘25“ BC” 5'2 °°‘ 55 6° T” w 0700914 0050914 02633 GLY 111 004 01319 cs 570 001 32 30 14w9 0200914 0250914
06579 5‘0 ‘92 °°‘ ‘5 ‘0 T W" °7°°PM 19 c 30 T64 02034 GLV 111 006 01392 014T 237 001 5- 30 19 0415914 0530914
065” 3'0 ‘92 °°2 ‘7 ‘0 w W" 07009" 06603 PLS ‘0‘ 003 30 TBA 02635 GLY 111 006 01395 DMT 253 002 1' 50 M 00004M 10504M
06603 010 520 201 4' 30 MW 01009M 02009M 06630 PLS 490 00‘ ’9 GY 111 007 n 0000414 10504“
F 0100914 0300914 06579 9L5 556 00‘ 16 30 MW ‘WOOPM m 322:: le 111 006 T 0900‘” "50‘”
06637 6145701 006 5' 10 TBA 002 ,9 ‘0 113,1 0' 02036 GLY 111 009 01494 Eco 400 003 2' 30 TR 12309M 0145914
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06659 CE ‘82 002 4' 30 WP 09004” 0650414 06665 9L5 697 201 30 30 TBA 1 &: lll 3:; TBA
00604 CE 599 004 10 40 TR 1230?" 0‘45?" 0673’ PS “’6 °°2 5° 3° m WWW". 01243091“ ', “021.2 y 1 013 01764 E05 602 401 14 3.0 n 07309M 09mm
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0656. CLS 074 502 5' 10 TBA 06739 PS 8° ‘ W 00150 144 1009402 05600 1415 202 001 14 3.0 14w9 0200914 0250914
06639 015 395 00‘ 5‘ ‘0 73‘ 06m FT 526 001 56 :8 m can 144 113 000 06110 JOU 531 001 1' 3.0 113 1100414 1215914
“723 comm °‘7 " 3° W WM 0915?” 067“ PT 326 50‘ 30 30 R 07009M 03m M4 113 013 03006 1019 761 002 20 3.0 19 0400914 0515914
06650 cs 222 002 27 3.0 141449 1000414 1050414 00576 soc 773 401 12 3.0 m 1100414 1215914 03294 W 103 003 00525 us 000 001 1., 30 MW 0330914 0445914
00614 es 535 001 15 3.0 Tn 1100414 1215914 06009 591 192 001 5 3.0 w 02009M 0430914 03341 144 2‘3 402 03135 US 024 401 14 9,0 7 m 0900914
057" cs 535 °°2 1‘ 3° W": WM 0350‘“ 06730 SW 776 001 ‘3 14w9 0400914 0450914 05660 144 4036001 03399 144 773 002 20 3.0 M1419 1200914 1250914
06094 cs 655 001 26 3.0 MM 01009M 01509M 06640 STA “76 001 6 33 w 0530914 0920914 03370 W 533 00‘ 03400 ME ,0, 00, 5 10 T 02009M 0250.)“
00673 DMT414 401 5' 3.0 T 00159M 0045914 067“ SW 630 ‘04 15! 5-0 w 0530914 0720914 m 144 537 20‘ 03407 ME ‘01 002 3. ,0 T 02009M 0250.,”
06678 0“" 735 008 ‘0 ‘° “3‘ 06699 SW 6” ‘01 3- 50 w 0600914 07509M 03300 144 054 001 03400 ME 101 003 20 1.0 T 0200914 0250914
°°°°5 Eco ‘57 °°‘ ‘3 3° W 01W" 0‘50?” 0672' SW 740 201 3 '0 T 0530914 0720914 03390 144 715 001 03440 ME 344 001 10 3.0 MM 09004M 09504M
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”57° Eoc543 °°‘ 0 3° F 0400914 0630”” 50 w 0600914 07509M 06433 MGT 441 401 03450 ME 440 001 13 3.0 MM 1100414 1150414
065” EDC “5 °°2 9 3° m 0930‘” WSW 06728 SW 741 206 2? 20 n 06009M 07509M 06436 MGT 712 401 03457 ME 610 001 11 30 TR 0330914 0450914
06639 500 73° 20‘ ‘5 3-0 73" 06715 SW :51 205 9 10 TBA 03324 use 599 002 06435 MGT 700 001 24 3.0 w 02009M 0430914
06532 E095“ °°2 1' 1° TBA 06726 SW 1 203 30 M 04309M 07009M 06042 1405 373 001 03570 MM; 591 001 2' 10 TR 0930414 1045414
06643 509605 401 1' 10 M 05309“ 0900”” 06696 7" 77° 00’ 9 21 NFS 5.5 001 03965 M05 202 001 12 3.0 14w9 11004M 1150414
067“ E05 553 002 5 10 T04 06625 vs 705 001 9 30 TBA 0.2303 14091 731 001 9 T94
00045 £05 601 401 17 30 M 0730““ 1000?” 12352 pay 200 002 03966 M05 203 001 10 3.0 14111149 0900414 0950414
01766 EDS 61° ‘0‘ ‘0 3° If“ 050°” 0330”“ 12531 my 507 001 03979 Mus 302 001 15 3.0 14w9 09004M 0950444
05047 9141 513 001
00605 EDS 769 406 10 0-0 TBA m moo M05 303 001 4' 3.0 141449 0900414 0950414
06740 E 305 201 43 3.0 MW 05009M 0640914 AN ELED R m :3 g; % 04,70 NUR 650 501 .0 2.0 14 0100914 0500914
067“ EE ”5 °°9 “ 3° w": 03009M 035°?“ 1 04620 957 100 402 04171 nun 650 502 9 20 M 0100914 0500914
06000 EN! 527 001 10 3-0 MWF WM 0950?” 05985 “S ‘0‘ 00 m psy 215 .01 04254 Nun 779 001 0 1.0 w 0500914 07009M
00730 946270 001 6 30 MW: 11004M 11504M 05968 MS '0‘ 003 04030 9511 216 005 04202 ~09 792 00, 5 30 w 0200914 05009M
“7°“ ENG “’1 201 ‘I so TBA 0663‘ 2:0 $2 $1 04002 9517 420 001 04263 NUR 600 001 1' 10 704
057°“ ENG‘QGN‘ " 3° “5‘ 06056 00295 PSY 505 001 06060 NUR 046 003 3' 50 M 0400914 0650914
06700 9464466201 4' 30 TBA 00332 406 603 00: m 9517 w 00‘ T64
°°7°‘ 9‘6“” ‘I 3° TBA 00379 454$ 353 $1 00311 soc 299 401 12350 PGY 560 001 17 1.0 9 0300914 mom
06674 FAM 552 401 14 3.0 T 0530914 0000914 0049‘; ANT 1 00‘ 05939 soc 041 001 12525 my 6‘5 00‘ ,5 ,0 1' 09004M 09504”
00601 FR 310 002 15 10 T“ ”30"“ °“5W 0585 T 6; 05093 soc 772 002 00204 PLS 320 001 1' 40 TR 0400914 0515914
06709 99 760 002 5' 3.0 TBA (”52° “N 7° 002 05126 $91 101 022 1' 1230914 0120914
m FSC 6” 001 15 2.0 TH HOOAM HSOAM 0057‘ ARC 523 00: ”'31 SH 10‘ 025 R 123).)” mm
03°97 ‘50“ °°‘ ‘2 3° W m“ 095°” 00576 ABC 830 00 05132 591 101 026 00200 9L5 465 001 12 30 m 11004M 11504M
06607 6504096002 2' 30 MW 04009M 06159M 0647‘ 3:0 $2: 33: 05920 $91 “9 001 T 02009M 03509M
06044 GEO 710 .000 ‘2 3-0 T 120°?“ 09‘5"“ 0°"? 05“. ST4 m 001 12307 PM 521 001 5' 40 MW 0900AM 1050414
06565 GLY 110 003 6 3.0 Mw 01009M 01509M 00799 8'0 304 009 0529,, SW 300 ‘0‘ TBA
F 01009M 015°?" W 8'0 30‘ 003 05309 sw 444 002 04904 ms 646 001 7 30 T 07454M 09254M
06560 on 110 004 6 3.0 Mw 0100914 01509M 05933 8'0 570 00‘ 05310 sw 444 003 w 1200914 1250914
F 010°“ 0‘50?” 00909 CD 659 00‘ 05‘“, SW 515 201 05341 sw 617 201 10 30 M 00009M 00309M
06569 GLY 110 007 1' 30 MW 1100414 1150414 00939 C: 4.11 003
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00390 $147 732 402 3' 30 14 0530914 0000914 00320 4cc 4100 001 5 30 15 0000414 0915414 00509 49C 025 001 45 10 9 0200914 0550914 wr 0000914 0550914
05400 $147 741 403 3' 5.0 w 0530914 0720914 00331 4cc 001 001 15 30 » 02009» 04309» 00570 45c 025 002 22 1o 5 0200914 05509» 00540 411C 0711 201 75 c 50 104
104 00333 ACC 6‘7 40‘ 25 30 M 00009» 0030914 00571 490 025 003 21 10 w 0200914 05509» 00047 49c 070 202 75 c 50 154
06417 SW 751 401 4' 20 R 0531914 0720904 00304 ABC 019 001 19 10 TBA 00572 ABC 025 004 66 10 1 0200914 0550914 00549 ARC 399 001 15 c 30 134
00336 4100 627 401 '7 30 "1 0500914 07159» 00573 49c 025 005 70 10 14 0200914 05509» 00050 4910 901 001 19 c 50 154
00337 ICC 628 001 15 30 TR 1230914 0145914 00023 49c 020 401 14 30 19 0700914 00159» 00551 4910 912 001 40 c 30 104
00330 4700 520 002 30 30 15 0200914 03159» 00575 49C 529 001 101 30 15 1230914 01459» 00552 4110 912 002 50 c 30 154
W 00339 ACC 628 401 12 30 T 00009» 0530914 00022 49c 530 401 42 30 19 05309» 0045914 00053 49c 912 201 14 c 30 104
00340 40c 795 001 20 10 154 05521 49c 532 001 37 30 19 0900414 1030414 00054 4110 912 202 17 c 30 154
00040 405 100 003 5' 30 1 04009» 0530914 00200 Ace 795 002 15 10 104 00570 49c 934 001 39 30 19 0200914 0315914 00051 49C 912 203 990 30 104
00795 405 100 007 1' 3.0 19 0300914 0415914 00351 450 201 001 7 30 17wr 1000414 1050414 00579 4110 050 001 27 30 111 0330914 04459» 00555 4130 953 001 4' c 30 14 0900414 1200914
05790 400 100 005 1' 3.0 MW 0100914 0215914 00220 450 300 001 1' 30 19 03909» 0445914 00550 49c 000 001 43 2o 1 0200914 05509» 00057 490 953 002 15 c 30 15 1130414 12159»
05709 405 100 011 2' 3.0 19 1100414 12159» w 0330914 0500914 00551 ABC 500 002 24 20 w 02009» 05509» 00550 49C 953 003 15 c 30 154
00590 405 100 201 49 20 MW 00309» 0720914 00307 45c 304 001 14 30 14wr 01009» 01509» 00502 49c 950 003 22 20 14 02009» 05509» 00059 4110 953 004 15 c 30 154
00309 445 101 005 3' c 10 W 01009» 02509» 00359 450 309 001 0 30 15 0930414 1045414 00503 49c 000 004 55 20 9 02009» 0550914 00555 4110 953 201 22 C 30 104
00371 405 101 007 11 c 10 14 01009» 0250914 00370 45c 311 001 5 10 14w: 1100414 1150414 00504 45c 000 005 70 20 1 0200914 05509» 00005 49c 903 202 25 c 30 154
05m 405 300 001 17 3.0 19 0930414 1045414 00371 45c 313 001 2' 10 MM 1100414 1150414 00505 49C 001 001 40 40 MW 02009» 0550914 00500 490 903 401 12 c 30 14 07009» 1000914
00991 445 000 001 11 3.0 19 1100414 12159» 05219 4E0 317 001 15 10 »w1= 1100414 11504» 00500 4510 501 002 19 40 141 02009» 05509» 00559 490 953 402 24 c 30 1 0700914 1000914
00419 405 500 002 11 30 14w9 1100414 1150414 00221 450 320 001 7 30 MW: 0900414 0950414 00507 4110 001 003 15 40 11 02009» 0550914 00575 451 191 001 1a 10 F 12009» 12509»
05900 44s 500 003 21 3,0 14w9 1000414 10504111 00293 450 321 001 1' 30 19 1230914 0145914 00550 4110 551 004 23 40 MF 0200914 0550914 00075 451 700 001 5' 17; 154
00079 40 272 002 7 20 14 0100914 0150914 00373 45c 399 001 11 c 10 154 00559 490 501 005 25 40 w 0200914 0550914 00577 4111 750 002 5' 10 154
w 0100914 0240914 00375 AEC 425 001 20 40 14M 0500414 0550414 00590 490 503 001 9 c 50 14 0200914 03409» 00575 491 700 003 5' 10 194
00000 4-£ 395 001 3' c 10 104 W 01009» 0250914 14 03409» 0555914 00579 491 700 004 5' 10 154
00001 4-5 395 002 3' c 1.0 154 00375 450 4410 001 21 30 15 0500914 0515914 WF 0200914 0555914 00547 4911 750 005 5' 10 134
00002 A-E 395 003 3' c 10 104 05292 AEC 4450 001 11 30 »w9 1000414 1050414 00591 45c 053 002 70 c 00 14 02009» 0340914 00503 45c 105 001 3' 30 MW; 1000417 1050414
00003 4.9. 395 004 3' c 10 104 00375 4E0 471 002 5' 30 19 02009» 0315914 14 0340914 0555914 00505 45c 105 003 2' 70 19 09304171 1045414
00004 4-5 395 005 3' c 10 104 00300 45c 531 001 15 30 111 11004» 1215914 W: 02009» 0555914 05273 45c 105 004 5 c 30 154
00005 45 399 001 3' c 10 104 00351 AEC 550 001 7 30 19 09304» 1045414 00592 49c 553 003 79 c 50 14 02009» 0340914 00555 450 120 001 4' 10 W 01009» 0400914
00000 4.5 399 002 3' c 10 154 00352 45c 500 002 20 10 1134 154 14 0340914 0555917 00057 45c 120 002 1- 10 n 0100914 0400914
00007 4-E 399 003 3' c 10 154 00353 450 590 001 11 30 114 04309» 0545914 wr 0200914 0555914 00005 450 120 003 1' 10 1 0100914 04009»
00000 4-E 399 004 3' c 10 104 00304 450 020 001 1- 30 14w: 1100414 1150414 00593 4110 553 004 00 c 00 14 0200914 0340914 05275 45c 120 004 5 10 14 01009» 0400914
00009 A—E 399 005 3' c 10 154 00395 AEC 524 001 22 30 15 1230914 0145917 17 03409» 0555914 00559 45c 300 001 17 50 14w: 0000414 00504»
00507 4-5 515 001 9 30 1 0300914 0500914 00357 45c 025 401 10 30 9 0515914 05459» wr 0200914 05559» TR 10004» 1250914
00090 4-E 545 001 7 30 9 0400914 00309» 00300 450 545 001 13 30 14w9 0200914 02509» 00594 49c 553 005 79 c 50 14 0200914 03409» 00090 45c 301 001 2' 30 14W? 0100914 02509»
00055 A-E 545 002 3' 30 154 00359 450 740 001 12 00 154 171 0340914 05559» 00591 450 309 001 12 20 154
00093 4-5 545 001 4' 3o 9 0400914 05309» 00390 420 749 001 95 00 154 WP 0200914 05559171 00592 '3C 311 001 10 10 14w 0300914 0350914
05550 A-E 045 002 2' 30 154 00391 420 755 001 20 10 154 00595 491: 005 001 42 c 50 1 02009» 0340914 00593 4sc 312 001 17 20 14wr 0300914 0450914
00094 A-E 095 001 3' c 10 154 00392 AEC 759 001 95 00 154 F 03409» 0555914 00095 450 323 001 17 10 154
00095 4-5 595 002 3' c 10 154 00393 450 700 001 999 10 154 MW 02009171 0555917 00595 45c 350 001 7 30 14w9 0900414 0950414
00090 4-5 095 003 3' c 10 154 00394 420 352 001 1' 30 17 04009» 0450917 00595 ARC 555 002 15 c 50 F 02009» 0340914 00597 ASC 354 001 19 30 17w1 1000417 1050414
00097 4-E 095 004 3' c 10 154 154 9 0340917 05559» 00090 450 375 001 14 3o 171w; 1100414 1150414
00090 4-5 595 005 3' c 10 104 00395 420 535 001 11 30 1 0500914 0730917 14w 02009» 0555917 05722 45c 350 201 50 30 154
00099 A-E 745 001 5' 00 154 00390 450 550 001 5' 3o 17w9 0900414 1050417 00597 4110 555 003 14 c 50 F 0200914 03409» 00599 450 352 001 25 30 111 1100414 1150414
05025 4-11 334 001 2' 30 15 0000414 09154» 00397 450 505 001 5' 30 MM 0900417 1050417 F 03409» 0555914 1 0100914 0250914
00114 4.11 399 001 5' c 10 154 00390 450 590 001 1- 30 154 MW 02009» 0555914 00700 45c 395 001 20 20 154
00115 4-H 399 002 5' c 1.0 154 05240 420 570 001 14 30 17 0500914 0730917 00535 490 005 004 '5 c 60 9 0200914 03409171 00701 ASC 3573 001 5 c 10 154
00115 4.11 399 003 5' c 10 154 00400 450 595 001 15 30 154 1 0340914 0555914
00117 4-11 399 004 5' c 10 194 05075 450 779 001 4' 30 154 1777 02009» 0555917 00702 451; 400 .11 17 40 17w: 0900417 09504»
05525 4.11 399 005 3' c 10 104 00402 450 759 001 5' 10 104 00599 49c 555 201 20 c 50 154 1 1200914 0250914
05030 4.11 525 001 5 30 W 02009» 0430914 00403 450 799 1 1' 15 154 00000 491: 555 202 50 c 50 154 00703 450 4030001 1a 30 15 1100414 11504»
00124 4.11 590 001 5' 3.0 154 00404 4511 102 001 11 10 17 0300914 03509171 0051.2 490 550 001 50 c 50 14 04159» 0555914 177 01009171 0250914
00125 411 595 002 4' 30 154 117 0305914 0350914 14 0200914 0415914 00704 450' 4206 001 11 30 19 0930414 1020414
00120 411 590 003 5' 30 154 00405 AEN 103 001 21 20 17 1200914 1250917 w9 02009» 0555917 1 0100914 02509»
00127 71-11 590 004 5' 30 154 17 0700917 0050914 00503 490 905 302 13 c 50 .17 0415914 0555914 00705 45c 4020 301 10 20 9 0300914 0350914
05031 4.11 590 005 4' 30 154 1 0200917 0450917 17 0200914 0415914 1 0300917 0450914
00741 4.11 025 001 3' 30 w 0200914 0430914 00405 4517 202 001 e 20 14w 0100914 0150914 w9 0200914 0555914 00707 450 550 001 15 30 14w9 10004171 10504»
00131 411 740 001 4' 00 154 1 0100917 0150917 00504 490 555 003 15 c 00 17 04159» 0555914 00700 451: 050 001 2' 30 154
00132 4.11 745 002 3' 0.0 154 00407 4511 302 001 12 30 117 1100417 1215917 14 0200914 0415917 00709 45c 530 001 11 40 1 0100917 0150914
00133 4-11 740 003 4' 00 194 W 33009» 0450917 wr 0200914 0555914 1 0200917 0450917
00134 4-11 745 004 5' 00 154 00400 AEN 305 001 30 MW: 0200914 0250917 90505 45c 555 034 20 c 50 14 0415917 0555914 9 0230917 0520914
05532 4-14 740 005 3' 00 154 00255 AEN 340 001 12 40 17w1 0500417 0553417 14 0200914 0415917 00710 45c 552 001 9 40 MW 0300914 0350914
00135 474 750 001 2' c 10 154 104 w9 0200914 0555914 F 0100917 0450914
00135 4+1 750 002 2' c 10 154 00409 4517 400 1 14 70 17 0303914 0350917 was 450 555 221 c 50 154 00711 450 055 001 '7 20 179 0500417 0550414
00137 4.11 700 003 2' c 10 154 00410 AEN 401 001 12 43 17177 0500417 0550417 c0507 490 550 202 4'. c 03 154 00277 45c 555 00' 13 30 14w: 0900417 09504171
00130 4-11 750 004 2' c 10 104 111 0300917 0450917 00503 490 057 001 35 c 53 17w: 02:09» 0500917 00712 450 507 001 3 20 19 1100417 1150414
00139 4.11 750 005 1' 10 154 00411 4511 4C? 001 12 21: 17 0400917 0550917 17w 0500914 0550917 00713 430 505 001 13 23 19 09cm» 09504»
00150 41-5 215 002 1' 30 19 0500414 1150414 00413 AEN 4350 001 21 117 0200917 0250914 :0510 490 557 002 "7 c 67 17w: 02009171 0500917 00714 43c 745 0:1 13 03 154
00151 4-5 255 001 1' 3.0 MW 0000414 1150414 154 171w 0500917 00509171 00715 450 749 001 24 :0 104
00155 45 321 001 3' 30 »w 0000414 1150414 00414 4011 43013 001 3' 30 711 0933417 1045417 00011 491; 057 033 22 c 50 MW: 0200914 0000917
00150 4-5 341 001 5 3.0 MW 02009» 0550914 00415 41:17 450 001 15 10 104 MW 0500914 0550917 00715 459 750 001 2c 13 154
00159 45 350 001 7 3.0 14w 0100914 0450914 00272 49.14 513 001 12 30 1777 1030417 1050414 00012 45c 057 004 20 c 50 14w9 02009.» 0500914
00150 4-5 351 001 2' 3.0 MW 0500414 11504171 71 0100917 0250917 17w 0500914 0550917 00717 45c 759 001 23 00 154
00101 4.5 300 001 3' 30 14w 0100914 0450914 05251 4517 515 001 12 30 111 1000.414 1350417 00513 45c 557 305 20 c 60 17w: 0200917 0500917
00102 45 351 001 5 3.0 MW 0100914 0450917 w 0400917 21550917 14w 0500914 00512917 00715 450 771 00' 13 10 17 02009171 0250914
00153 45 370 001 14 3.0 MW 0000414 1150414 00415 4511 535 001 3' 30 19 1230917 015 917 00515 49c 557 01 20 c e: 154 01.719 ASC 750 001 15 10 194
00104 4-5 370 002 12 30 MW 0100914 0450914 00417 4217 545 001 2' 30 19 0330914 0445914 00017 490 007 202 55 c 50 154
05505 4-5 371 001 4' 30 MW 0100914 0450914 00415 4511 599 001 20 30 MW: 0900414 0950417 00519 490 555 001 50 c 50 17w: 0200914 O600PM 00720 450 751 001 15 10 154
00173 4-s 395 001 5' c 10 154 00422 4517 535 001 4' 30 17w: 0200917 02.0917 WF 0500914 0550917 00721 ASC 7112 001 999 13 154
00174 4.5 395 002 5' c 10 154 05271 4517 545 001 5 30 17w: 0300414 09.7.4» 00520 ARC 550 032 2; c 50 MM 0200917 0500914 00722 45c 753 031 23 10 104
00175 4-s 395 004 4' c 10 104 00423 AEN 053 001 1' 3o 15 09354171 1075417 w: 0500914 0550917
00177 4-s 395 005 1' c 10 154 00429 4511 7 001 7 30 19 0330917 0445917 20321 450 555 033 2: c 50 MWF 0200917 0500917 00723 450 730 001 '5 1: 194
00170 4-5 395 005 4' c 10 154 00430 4517 745 001 15 00 754 1779 0500914 055:9» 00724 450 791 00' '5 154
00179 4.5 395 007 5' c 10 104 00431 4511 749 001 95 00 154 :0022 49c 055 004 2: c 50 14w9 5200917 0500917
00100 4-5 395 000 5' c 1.0 154 00432 4211 750 001 9 10 154 w1= 0500917 0553917 (0725 40c 792 011 e '3 154
00151 4.5 395 009 3' c 10 154 00433 4517 7 001 5 10 154 35023 490 553 3:5 2: c 00 17w9 0200917 0000917
00152 415 395 010 4' c 10 104 00434 AEN 759 001 92 00 154 wr 0500917 5550917 0c725 ASC 793 001 '5 10 154
05510 4-s 395 011 5' 10 154 007135 4517 775 001 7 00 1: 0300917 1.7.520 490 955 2:1 19 c 60 154
00103 4-5 395 001 5' c 30 154 03435 4517 795 00' 10 :0 194 10027 490 303 '22 55 c 50 154 30729 451 191 002 2' 33 17w: 3200917 0250914
00154 4-5 390 002 5' c 30 154 05503 495 111 001 23 10 W 13004» 03529 497; 509 001 32 c 50 17779 0200917 0000917 00731 451 191 4c' 73 30 1771 39009» 07159»
00155 4-5 390 003 5' c 30 154 .7 495 111 002 25 1c 11 0300917 14w 05097 0550917 00734 451 192 002 53 3c 17w: 0200914 0250914
00105 4-5 395 004 5' c 3.0 154 05055 495 113 001 55 10 5 0400917 0537917 5053.: 490 559 0:2 75 c 5' 17w: 0200917 0500917 00735 451 395 or: 5' 1c 104
00157 45 390 005 5' c 30 154 05059 415 211 001 29 10 77 1100417 1152414 1777 0500917 3550917 00737 535 300 001 14 10 F "00417 12509»
00100 4-s 390 000 4' c 30 154 05070 495 211 002 32 10 9 ; 75914 32512917 054.31 49: 559 003 75 c 00 17w9 0200917 0500914 00735 559 309 001 20 30 MW 0430914 0545914
00109 4-5 390 007 5' c 30 154 05071 495 213 001 13 1c 9 0400917 0530917 wv 5500914 29.50917 07.739 54 510 001 20 3: 19 0430917 0545914
00190 45 395 000 5' c 30 154 :5072 495 3'1 001 5 3c 7 0710.917 0537.917 009.3; 49c 55-9 0:74 75 r. 50 17w1' 32:09» 0500917 01:74.: 54 700 00' 15 10 104. 154 154
00191 4-5 390 009 4' c 30 154 00523 495 312 001 5 10 9 0403917 0530917 14w 0500914 0050917 00741 54 743 00' 32 00 104 154 154
00192 45 395 010 5' c 30 154 00552 495 395 001 10 20 104 00533 457: 5:9 27.5 7: c 53 MW: 0200917 0500917 05533 54 '0; 401 17 30 W 05009» 00309»
05511 4-s 390 011 5' 30 154 00550 490 411 001 15 30 1 3400.917 0530917 17w 0500917 0050917 00743 54 755 001 1; 11: '04 154 154
00193 4-5 399 001 5' c 10 104 00051 493 412 001 '5 00 9. 0400917 0530917 00535 450 559 20' 7: c 50 '04 00744 54 739 031 53 so 154 154 154
00194 45 399 002 5' c 10 104 00435 400 352 001 2' 30 17 0400917 0450917 03537 490 059 2:2 70 0 00 194 12041 5014 395 .11 15 3: '94
00195 4-5 399 003 5' c 10 154 754 00033 45C 970 001 7 c 53 17w: 0200914 0500917 12042 5014 100001 53 3:. 17117: 04009» 0450914
00195 45 399 004 5' c 10 154 00439 AGC 395 001 9 10 154 w: 0500914 0550917 '2043 5011 501 001 74 3c 1777: 1.2009» 1250914
00197 4-5 399 005 5' c 10 104 00440 401: 339 001 2' c 10 154 @3640 49c 570 002 75 c 00 17w: 0200914 0500914 17 0400917 04509»
00190 45 399 005 5' c 10 154 05215 AGC 4'7. 001 7 3: 19 2200914 0315917 77: 0000917 0550917 12537 5014 504 313' 5' '2: 1777 1300417 11154»
00199 45 399 007 5' c 10 154 00441 4119 540 001 15 2:1 11 0100914 0250917 0054' 490 57: 7:.3 75 c 50 1777: 02009» 0500914 12044 5014 005 001 4' 40 1719 0500914 00209»
00200 4-s 399 000 5' c 10 154 05345 4175 101 001 23 21: 17w 1100414 1150417 w: 0500917 0050917 12045 5011 511 001 15 3:- 19 0100914 0215914
00201 45 399 009 5' c 10 154 35345 4175 '31 002 25 2: w 0130917 3310914 r4542 49c 57: 354 75 c 5: WW 0200917 3500917 12047 5011 515 01:1 'e 1: w 3400914 0450917
00202 4.5 399 010 5' c 10 1134 05347 4175 1:1 003 22 2: 15 1330417 112:417 wr 0500917 39.50917 12045 5011 540 001 '7 1; 154
05512 4-5 399 011 4' 10 154 05349 4175 2:11 c01 22 20 1777 1000417 7053417 00543 491: 57: or: 75 c 50 147179 0230914 3500917 '2049 0011 749 001 95 0: 154
00204 71-5 510 001 4' 30 19 c1009» 0450917 05350 4173 201 302 27 23 w 303917 133917
00205 4.5 511 001 2' 3o 19 0100917 0450914 0535' 4145 201 003 23 20 79 093:4» 32:40
00205 4.0 520 001 1' 30 MW 05004.14 11.504» 05352 417.3 202 00.1 10 2:. 1777 0339417 0950417
00207 45 521 001 2' 30 MW 0500414 1150414 00353 4145 35' 00' 2:7 3: 19 3717417 11.745417 _ _ w
00200 4-5 530 001 2' 30 19 0500417 1150417 00354 4145 30' 002 25 31; 11» 1230917 3145917
00209 45 540 001 3' 30 15 0500417 150417 00355 4175 30' 003 27 3: 77 23:9» 2300917
00210 4-s 550 001 3' 30 14w 0000417 1150417 00357 4175 341 001 15 3c 1 0934.417 1-30414
00212 4-5 550 001 9 30 19 0100914 0450917 05355 4175 341 002 1: 31: 17 0330917 3500917
00213 4-s 551 001 5 30 19 0100914 0450917 05359 4175 341 003 15 30 77 1200917 0230917
00210 4-8 550 001 10 30 14w 0300914 0450917 05350 4175 350 001 22 10 w 0330917 5530917
154 00351 4175 395 001 48 1o 154 154 154
00219 4-3 610 001 3' 30 TR 01OOPM 045090! 1200C ANA 4‘ 32 VHF OSCNCAV CESCAV
00220 43 511 001 2' 30 19 0100917 0450917 12002 ANA 5' 1: '54
00221 4.5 020 001 2' 30 MW 0500417 1150414 '2033 4174 14 20 154
00222 4.5 521 1 2' 30 MW 0000414 1150417 123:7 41.4 14 w. 171179 357.417
00223 45 530 001 4' 30 154 17779 147.417