xt7rfj299g9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj299g9j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19670721 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-07-jul21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-07-jul21-ec. 1967 2011 true xt7rfj299g9j section xt7rfj299g9j 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the E:: ecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, Friday, July 21, 1967

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met at 1:30 p.m. , Eastern Standard Time, in the Board Room of the
Administration Building on the campus of the University with the following members
present: Mr. Robert Hiilenmeyer, Dr. Harry Denham, and Mr. Smith Broadbent.
Dr. Angelucci was unable to attend. In addition to the members of the Executive
Committee the following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mrs.
Rexford Blazer, Mr. Henry Besuden, Mr. Richard Cooper, and non-voting faculty
member, Dr. Stephen Diachun. President Oswald, Vice Presidents Albright,
Willard, Kerley, Creech, and Johnson, and Provost Cochran represented the ad-
ministration and members of the various news media were present.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer presided in the absence of Dr. Angelucci and ap-
pointed Dr. Harry Denham as acting secretary. The meeting was called to order
and, following a report by the acting secretary that a quorum was present, Mr.
Hillenmeyer declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:35

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion, seconded, and so ordered the reading of the Minutes of the May
2, 1967 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were
approved as published.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       Copies of the President's Report were before those present and Dr. Oswald
called particular attention to the summer enrollment figure of 5, 400, including the
community colleges; the establishment of an Office of Development Services to aid
small businesses; the financial statement of the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation which showed the receipt of over $2, 000, 000 in awards for the period
from May 24 through July 10, 1967; and the summer orientation program for new
students and their parents.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer reported that President Oswald had been awarded an honor-
ary degree by the University of California at Davis on June 14, 1967. He thenordered
the report accepted and filed.



       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Since the members of the Executive Committee had received copies of PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, in advance and since the items contained in it
were of a routine nature, President Oswald indicated that he would be glad to answer
any questions but had no special comments.

       Mr. Kerley called attention to page 8 of the Finanicial Statement indicating
that the negative balances shown in the report represented grants from University
related agencies. Funds to cover this were invested and it was deemed desirable to
draw interest for as long a period as possible. The money will be realized before
the close of the fiscal year.

       On motion duly mrade, seconded, and so ordered, PR 2, Recommendations of
the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the
Minutes of the July 21, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer suggested the members take a few moments to review the
items in PR 3. He then called on Dr. Oswald for his comments.

       Dr. Oswald said he wished to call attention to item VI which recommended the
appointment of Dr. Robert W. Rudd as Chairman of the Department of Agricultural
Economics, effective August 1, 1967, and of Dr. J. William Hollingsworth as
Chairman of the Department of Medicine, effective July 1, 1968. He explained that
Dr. Aubrev Brown had been reappointed as Chairman of the Department of Agricultur-
al Economics in July 1965 for another term that would normally continue until 1971;
however, Dr. Brown recently recommended that a replacement be identified and
appointed. The members of the faculty of the Department of Agricultural Economics
as well as the administrators of the College of Agriculture strongly endorse the ap-
pointment of Dr. Rudd as Dr. Brown's successor. Dr. Rudd has demonstrated
outstanding administrative ability while serving as acting dean of the College of Com-
merce during 1964-65 and Dr. Oswald concurred wholeheartedly in the recommendation
that he be named Chairman of the Department of Agricultural Economics for a six year

       Dr. Willard was asked to comment on Dr. Hollingsworth's appointment. He
indicated that a search committee had been seeking a replacement for Dr. Pellegrino
since his resignation in August 1966. Many candidates were screened and it was the
consensus of the screening committee, the Faculty Council of the College of Medicine,
and the administrative staff of the University that Dr. J. William Hollingsworth,
presently with the School of Medicine of Yale University, was the best possible se-
lection. Dr. Willard explained that Yale University had granted Dr, Hollingsworth
a sabbatical leave during the academic year 1967-68 prior to the time the University

I -



of Kentucky had discussed with him the possibility of coming to this institution. Dr.
Hollingsworth felt that he was so committed to the year's leave at Oxford University
that his consideration of the University position was dependent upon his being allowed
to go through with it without financial obligation to the University of Kentucky. Dr.
Willard indicated his pleasure in endorsing the recommendation of the Faculty
Council of the College of Medicine.

       Dr. Oswald said he concurred in all Dr. Willard had said about Dr.
Hollingsworth and added that he wished to make a verbal recommendation of an ap-
pointment which had come to him just prior to the meeting--that Dr. E. M. Trew
be named Assistant Director of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and
Associate Extension Professor with tenure at a salary above the $15, 000 level.

       The members of the Executive Committee asked President Oswald to confer
to Dr. Aubrey Brown an expression of their appreciation for his contributions as
Chairman of the Department of Agricultural Economics and also as a non-voting
member of the Board of Trustees. On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Dr.
Denham, and so ordered PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President,
with the addition of the appointment of Dr. E. M. Trew as recommended by Dr.
Oswald, was approved as a whole and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the July
21, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       F. Preliminary Development Plan, Jefferson Community College,
Approved in Principle (PR 4)

       Copies of the Preliminary Development Plan for the Jefferson Community
College had been mailed to members of the Executive Committee and the Board of
Trustees prior to the meeting. Mr. Kerley indicated that the plan had been pre-
sented to the Board ot Trustees of the University of Louisville, the City-County
Planning Commission of Louisville, the Urban Renewal Committee. and the
Advisory Board of the Jefferson Community College and had received approval from
all these groups. The plan provides for a projected enrollment of 6, 000 students
and for a total square footage of 650, 000 to 700, 000.

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Broadbent, and so ordered ap-
proval 'inprincipled' was given to the Jefferson Community College Preliminary
Development Plan with the understanding that the plan will be periodically revised
as the program requirements of the College become more fully expressed. (See
PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. 1967-68 Budget Revisions Authorized (PR 5)

       Dr. Albright commented that the revisions as outlined in PR 5 were necessi-
tated because either the budgets for the programs had not been received at the time



the original 1967-68 budget was submitted in April or a change in program has been
subsequently indicated.

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried the 1967-68 budget revisions as
recommended in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       H. Resolution Relating to the Community College at Hazard (PR 6)

       Dr. Oswald recognized Mr. William Sturgill, President of the Hazard Inde-
pendent College Foundation, Mr. M. K. Eblen, President of the Hazard Coal
Company, Mr. Lewis A. Hopper, Executive Director of the Hazard Independent
College Foundation, and members of the news media from the Hazard area who were
present at the meeting.

       In a review of prior actions of the Board of Trustees relating to the establish-
ment of the Hazard Community College, the President noted that on May 3, 1966 the
Board took action "to locate its tenth community college in Perry County in the
vicinity of Hazard. " On September 20, 1966, the Board took the following actions:
(1) designated the area generally known as the Black Gold Mining Camp as the lo-
cation of the college; (2) authorized the President to determine the specific site in
the Black Gold Mining Camp area; and (3) authorized the President to cause the
appointment of an architect and the development of plans and specifications for the
new facility when the site was definitely determined. On January 20, 1967 the Board
of Trustees in approving the University's long-range capital program for the com-
munity colleges approved $1, 200, 000, less federal grants available for that purpose,
for the Hazard Community College. These actions were all contingent upon the
fulfillment of certain conditions by the Hazard Independent College Foundation.

       The University has now determined that the initial site should be comprised
of approximately 70 acres--50 acres from the Black Gold Mining Camp area and 20
acres from the property known as the Evans site; it has appointed the firm of
McLoney and Tune, Architects; and it has indicated the need for the acquisition of
property presently leased to the Hazard Golf Club for the long-range development
of the college. On July 31, 1967 a $464, 794 grant proposal will be submitted to help
finance the cost of the college.

       The Hazard Foundation for its part has raised $134, 264; has purchased 16. 13
acres of land comprising a major portion of the "Evans site" and has conveyed the
deed to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of the University of
Kentucky; has made a similar conveyance of 53. 18 acres comprising the "Black Gold
site", a gift of the Hazard Coal Corporation; and has provided assurances that the
other conditions such as housing, utilities, capping of gas wells, etc. will be fulfilled.
In spite of the progress made to date, the Hazard Independent College Foundation .,
has not been able to acquire a small parcel of land, without which the initial phase


cannot be started. Because of problems in site, as a possible solution, Dr. Oswald
said he had received two letters--one from the Hazard Board of Education indicating
the availability of the Lower Broadway School Building for a temporary facility for
the college and the other from Mr. Sturgill advising that the Hazard Independent
College Foundation would do the necessary repair work, under the direction of the
University, at the Foundation's expense, to make the Lower Broadway School Building
ready and usable in keeping with University standards by the fall of 1968.

       With this background, Dr. Oswald recommended the adoption of the Resolution
set forth as PR 6, a copy of which was before each member and which is included at'
the end of the Minutes. The adoption of the Resolution would permit the University to
take the necessary steps to acquire the needed land and to expedite the opening of the
college in temporary quarters by September 1968 provided suitable facilities can be
made available by the community.

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Broadbent, and so ordered the
Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky Relating to the Community College at Hazard, Kentucky, was adopted and a
copy of the Resolution ordered made a part of the official record of the meeting of
July 21, 1967. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Following adoption of the Resolution, Mr. Sturgill expressed appreciation to
the Board and to Dr. Oswald for "getting us on the road again". He regretted that
obstacles have been encountered which delay the beginning 'of the initial phase but
was pleased that things were as far along as they are and said that the possibility of
an opening in temporary quarters in the fall of 1968 was encouraging.

       I. University Officials Authorized to Prepare Offer to Purchase Maine
Chance Farm

       President Oswald said that the next item of business was a recommendation
that the appropriate University officials be authorized and directed to take the neces-
sary actions, in conjunction with The University of Kentucky Research Foundation,
to cause the development of an offer for the purchase of Maine Chance Farm.

       As background, Dr. Oswald explained that the Maine Chance Farm was being
offered for sale by the executors of the Elizabeth Arden Graham estate at an asking
price of $2, 500, 000 for the approximately 720 acres located in Fayette County,
Kentucky. The property known as Maine Chance Farm, is bounded on three sides by
the Spindletop and Coldstream farms owned by the University of Kentucky. The
purchase of the farm would be in the best interests of the University for the following

       1. It would permit expansion of present programs of the University
            and the development of new programs.



      2. It would provide needed land for agricultural use, agricultural
           research, including an Equine Research Center.

      3. It would protect the present investment and programs of the
           University of Kentucky and the University of Kentucky Research
           Foundation in Coldstream Farm and Spindletop Farm.

      Dr. Oswald emphasized that it would be implicit that no state tax funds
would be used to back up any offer that the University or the Foundation might
make and no funds would be used which would interfere with on-going operation
and capital programs of the University.

      After some discussion, Mr. Smith Broadbent made this motion, "That
the appropriate officials of the University be authorized and directed to take the
necessary actions, in conjunction with the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation, to cause. the development of an offer for the purchase by the said
Foundation and/or the UniverEity of certain property located in Fayette County,
Kentucky, and known as Maine Chance Farm--the offer to be based upon appraisals
at fair market value. It is understood no state tax funds will be used for the
purchase nor will the purchase interfere with on-going operation and capital
programs. " Mr. Broadbent's motion was seconded by Dr. Denham and, with the
tacit approval of the members of the Board of Trustees present, it was so ordered
by Mr. Hillenmeyer.

       J. Mr. Henry Besuden Welcomed to the Board of Trustees

       Mr. Hillenmeyer recognized the presence of Mr. Henry Besuden who was
attending his first meeting since being appointed a member of the Board of Trustees
by Governor Breathitt to complete the term of Dr. Hershell Murray. Mr. Besuden
thanked Mr. Hillen'meyer and said he looked forward to his term of service on the
University of Kentucky Board of Trustees.

       K. Meeting Adjourned

       Mr. Hillenmeyer, having first determined there was no further business to
come before the meeting, entertained a motion for adjournment. The motion was
made, seconded, and so ordered and the meeting officially adjourned at 2:45 o'clock.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      Harry C. Denham, Acting Secretary
                                      Executive Committee, Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, and PR 6 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of
the July 21, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky.



                           July 21, 1967


     Enrollment for the University Summer Session totals 5,420
students on all University campuses. Included are 2,617 under-
graduates and 1,404 graduate students on the Lexington campus,
1.349 in the nine community colleges, and 50 students in the
extension program.

     Enrollment at the community colleges includes: Ashland,
303! Elizabrethtown, 113- Vt. Kno::, 260; Henderson, 81;
Hopkinsville, 54; Northern at Covington, 275  Prestonsburg,
145; Somerset, 75, and Southeast.at Cumberland, 43. A year
ago, 3,962 were enrolled in classes on the Lexington campus
and 1,346 in the community colleges.


     Twenty Kentucky high school juniors are enrolled in t e
University Summer Session and taking college level courses
for credit.  This is the first year they have been permitted
to take any course open to collage freshmen, Richard Stof r,
assistant dean of admissions, said. "The high school juniors
are classified the same as any first semester freshman."

     The high school students are not obligated to enter t'ie
University following high school graduation, Stofer explained.
They are selected on the basis of performance during th`ir
first three years of high school and their scores on college
entrance examinations. "All course work successfully com-
pleted will transfer as college credit to any college or uni--
versity the student decides to enter upon completion of hicer
school; he added.

     Particioants in the program are: Shelia Lynn Bently, Green-
ville; GregorV Tqilson Carver, Scottsville; Pamela Gail Childers,
Belcher; Henry Morris Chilton, Albany; Michael Louis Cook,
Fort Thomas; Janet Ruth Dailey, Highland Heights; Frank Selby
Evans, Albany; William Halla Evans, North Middletown; John
Charles Heaherlin, Paris; Carrie Elizabeth Hester, Lexington;
Ronald Melvin McFarland, Monticello; Jane 1cCorkle Smith, Stone,
and William David Smith and George Gibson Stuart, both of


- 2 -


     A group of 31 Peace Corps trainees of the University are
living on a farm about 20 miles from Lexington, where they are
conducting a poultry project. The corpsmen will be at the farm
until tomorrow. The farm is leased by the University from
William A. Cleveland at Keene, near the Woodford-Jessamine
counties line.

     Similar in scope and design to a project in poultry devel-
opment and applied nutrition they will initiate for the State
of Madhya Pradesh, India, it is composed of 23 men and eight
women volunteers, plus six Indian nationals. They have been
living in a large remodeled tobacco barn on the 213-acre farm.
The nationals have served on the training staff. The University
has trained about 150 Peace Corps volunteers since June, 1966,
and is the fourth group to be trained under the direction of
Dr. George H. Gadbois Jr., project director, who has been assisted
by about 25 faculty members.

     Volunteers train for six weeks on the campus and seven
weeks in the country to which they are assigned.   Most of the
volunteers have been sent to India. In the past, groups have
been sent to Wayne and Pulaski counties to learn farming first
hand, working with local farmers.


     University students helped their classmates with scholar-
ships totaling $62,342 during the last school year, James
Ingle, Office of Student Financial Aid administrator, said.
In addition to 145 scholarships provided by the money, two
campus groups--Student Government and the Little Kentucky
Derby--provided funds for 47 loans totaling $4,000.

     Ingle said funds came from seven organizations, plus
profits from campus vending machines, the campus book store,
and other student-related sources. Contributing to the scholar-
ship fund were Links, Dramatic Arts Fund, Student Center Board,
Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council, Centennial Class,
and a dormitory fund. Selections for scholarships are made
by a University committee under Ingle's direction.



     Small businesses in two areas of the state, through a new
agency at the University, can now take advantage of modern
management techniques which have been proven in industry. An
extension program designed to provide technical assistance to
small business in the Big Sandy and East Lake Cumberland areas
is being offered through the Office of Development Services
of the College of Business and Economics, with the cooperation
of the Kentucky Department of Commerce.

     Dean Charles F. Haywood said H. K. Charlesworth is
director of the new program, which has as a major goal the
strengthening and training of local management resources.
"Lack of sufficient, effective management skill is an impor-
tant problem impeding Kentucky's economic growth," Dean Hay-
wood said. "There are pressing needs for professional and
technical assistance in management counseling and training for
foremen and other supervisory people in small and medium-sized
manufacturing operations." He said projects to be undertaken
will not only have local and immediate impact, but will yield
results which will be useful in the further development of the
programs of the Kentucky Department of Commerce.

     Charlesworth said the office will provide professional ad-
vice and consultation to small firms that cannot afford such
service, "to help them attain their goal of profit and growth."
The office will work through the area development specialist
and the University area extension director for a specific
region. After experience is gained in the Big Sandy and East
Lake Cumberland areas, services will be extended to other parts
of the state. Any small business firm may ask for technical
assistance, with Small Business Administration definitions
serving as guidelines, Charlesworth said.

     The director said a small business firm seeking assist-
ance under the program should contact the area resource
development specialist of the Cooperative Extension Service
in that area. An initial visit to the firm will then be made by
a general management consultant who is a staff member of the
Office of Development Services. He will work with the owner
or manager to determine the major problems confronting the
firm, and arrange for such special consultants that are needed
to suggest a workable solution to particular problems. The
Economic Development Administration has contributed $134,253
to the cost of the program, with the University's contribution
bringing the budget to more than $150,000. Dean Haywood said
one of the attributes of the UK approach to development would
be the bringing of the full resources of the University to
bear on the problems of economic development in the state in
conjunction with plans of the state Department of Commerce.

- 3 -


4 -


     Seven Universitv students have heen awarded U. S. Air Force
Scholarshins, Brig. Gen. Donald F. Blake; commandant of Air Uni-
versityfs Air Force D.OTC, Maxw7ell AFD, Ala., has announced.  The
majority of the grants went to cadets entering the third year
of the four-year POTC program.  James R. Woosley Jr., Richards-,
ville, was the only senior to win a scholarship, which covers
tuition, laboratory exoenses, and fees and textbooks, plus $50
a month during t'he tenure of the grant.  The others, all-juniors,
are Glen Stuart Peace, Pineville; JohnW. Rutledge, Allensville;
David E. 1B. Strohm, Ft. Thomas; Mack H. Hunter Jr., Winchester.
Dwight David Colson, Corinth, and Joseph L. Lindsey, Utica, Ky.


     Draining a swamplard and the laying of a pipeline enabled
62 students at Southeast Communitv College at Cumberland to con-
tinue their studies.  Girls at the college worked as secretarial
aides, typists and library assistants.  Money for the work-
study Program was Drovided by thne federal government and the
University, through its various fund sources.


     WHAS Crusade for Children scholarships have been awarded 14
Lexington special education teachers who are studying this summer
at the Universitv. Dr. Albert S. Levy, coordinator of special
education, said the teachers and their fields are:   Mrs. Jo Anne
Friefeld, perceptually handicapped; Mrs. Ollie Bissmeyer Jr., Mrs.
Ellen Creech, Mrs. Margaret Cutshaw, Miss Nancy Fitch, Mrs. Craig
Fredrickson, and MIrs. Virginia Albanese, educable mentally re--
tarded. BMrs. Sarah Davis, and 'Mrs. Marilyn Sturgill, instructional
materials; Mirs. Sue Adkins and Mtiss Edith Bogie, trainable mentally
retarded; Miss Kathleen Wall, orthopedically handicapped; Bernard A.
Goetz and Mrs. Caroline Lookifssky, supervising teachers.


     A 17-year-old Louisville high school student has an eight-
week work-study visit underwav to the dental research laboratories
of the Medical Center. Kathy Ryan, a senior this fall at Academy
of Our Lady of Iercy, is the third Junior Dental Scientist Award
winner in the University program.   She earned the right t parti-
cipate in the traineeship by winning the dental division of the
Kentucky High School Science Fair last April. Miss Ryan is working
on a research project in oral surgery. Her science fair exhibit
demonstrated "the enzyme content of saliva.    Other sponsors   are
American Dental Association, Warner-Lambert Company, and General
Electric Company.


                                - 5 -


     Seven foreign affairs specialists will present research
studies and take part in a five-week seminar on foreign policy
and development at the University, July 31-August 25. The
seminar also features 13 graduate students, nine of them in
the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce,
sponsors of the seminar. Each student will present a paper.

     The seven senior seminar members are Prof. Benjamin
Higgins, Department of Economics, University of Texas! Prof.
Gayle Ness, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan;
Prof. Carey McWilliams Jr., Department of Government, Oberlin
College; Prof. Henry Bienen, Department of Politics, Princeton
University; Prof. Lloyd Jensen, UK Department of Political
Science; Prof. Ivo Feierabend, Department of Political Science,
San Diego State College, and Prof. Rupert Emerson, Department
of Government, Harvard University. The graduate students are
William Gunther, James Middleton, Richard Bieker, Albert
Eldridge, Georges N. Nzongola, Mars. Janice H. Averitt, Miss
Kathryn Shelton, Brady Deaton, David Simon, Miss Alice Svec,
Robert Atkins, and Taesung Ju'hn, all of the University,
and Neal Samors, University of Wisconsin.

     Prof. Higgins, a former fiscal advisor to the governments
of Lebanon, Libya, the Philippines, and Indonesia, will present
a study on "Foreign Policy and Economic Development." Prof.
Ness, whose paper is on foreign policy and social change is
the author of "Bureaucracy and Rural Development in Malaysia.'
Prof. McWilliams, the son of a long-time editor of the
"Nation," will present his paper on "Foreign Policy and
Political Development." Prof. Bienen will present a study on
"Foreign Policy, the Military, and Development," and will
attend the seminar directly from Africa. The title of Prof.
Jensen's study is "The Differing Levels of National Develop-
ment: Do They Shape the System of Inter-state Relations?" Prof.
Feierabend's paper is entitled: "The Level of National Develop-
ment: Does It Limit the Range of Foreign Policies Open to a

     Prof. Emerson, author of 'The United States and Africa,"
will come directly from Morocco to the seminar. Before turning
to Africa as his study area, Prof. Emerson was a ranking
authority on Southeast Asia. Isis study is entitled "What Are
the Opportunities and Limitations Stemming from the Level of
Development of the Countries Which the United States Seeks to
Influence?" All the papers will be distributed to the parti-
cipants ahead of time and will be discussed at the seminar
sessions, 9 a.m. to 12 noon Tuesday through Friday in Room 309
of the UK Student Center.  Dr. Richard Butwell, director of the
Patterson School, will preside.


- 6 -


     "Newsoamers in a One-Ownership City  was discussed June
13 by Fred B. lachs, general manager of the Lexington Herald-
Leader Co., during a three-week workshop at the University for
teachers who use newspapers in their classrooms. The workshop,
sponsored by the School of Communications, featured several
other newsmen. It was directed by Dr. Robert K. Thorp, asso-
ciate professor of journalism, and Mrs. Lanelle Woods, of the
Fayette County Schools. Albert Dix, publisher of the Frankfort
State Journal, spoke on the publisher's responsibilities and
problems, following Wachs' talk. Dr. Thorp discussed "freedom
and responsibility."

     Other speakers during thle workshop were Prof. J. A. Mc-
Cauley, associate professor of journalism! William Hanna, city
editor of the Lexington Leader; Robert Fain, wire editor of the
Lexington Leader; Mrs. Norma Eckdahl, Department of Public Re--
lations; Allan Trout, Frankfort Bureau, The Courier-Journal;
Fred Luigart, Bluegrass Bureau, The Courier-Journal, and Randall
Fields, editor, The Richmond Daily Register. Tommy Preston,
publisher, The Cynthiana Democrat; Dr. Willis Sutton, associate
professor of sociology; Mrs. Alberta Atkinson and Dr. Harry Barnard,
College of Education; Dr. Maurice Hatch, director, freshman English:
Dr. Niel Plummer, professor of journalism, Dr. William Withington,
associate professor of geography; William Whitmore, College of
Business and Economics; Edward Moores, advertising director,
Lexington Herald-Leader Co., Dr. Ben R. Gossick, professor of
physics, and Dr. A. J. Beeler, curriculum director, Louisville
Puhlic Schools.


     A Freedom Shrine, consisting of 28 authentic reproductions
of historically famous American documents, and set up as a per-
manent exhibit, has been donated to the University Library by
the Exchange Club of South Lexington. The Shrine, with docu-
ments ranging from the Mayflower Compact to the Instrument of
Surrender in the Pacific at the close of World War II, was ac-
cepted for the University by Dr. Glenwood Creech, vice president,
University Relations, in a recent ceremony in the East Reading
Room of the library. Making the presentation were William E.
Darragh III, vice president, Kentucky-Indiana Division of Ex-
change Clubs, and member of the South Lexington Club, and
John II. Hardwick, club president. Also accepting for the
University was Harold D. Gordon, associate director of libraries.

     All the historical papers in the collection are exact
photographic reproductions of the originals. Each document is
permanently mounted on an individual wood--grained plaque and
protected by plastic.




     Architectural and historical facts of many of Kentucky's
notable buildings are being catalogued for preservation in a
statewide research program being conducted by the School of
Architecture. Initiated by Governor Breathitt and coordinated
by the Kentucky Heritage Commission, the project concentrates
on such historic struct