Best Copy Available DIP " 1 The Kentucky Kernel YGL. XL KENTUCKY LEXINGTON. KY.. MARCH 15, 1921 Semi-Week- ly DEBATERS MEET GINGINNATIANS FRIDAY 111 GLEE CLU6 PROGRAM STROLLERS PUTTING! OH IN FINISHING TOUCHES TO CHAPEL Play. IS Engagement for University for Friday Night SCHOOL QUINTET WINS Men Arranged Johnson, Chism and Fielder to Affirm the Subject of Strong Cast With Final Rehearsals For Annual Immigration MIKESELL Return TRAIN! FRANKFORT COACH TENTATIVE DATE Large Number of Students March 31 and April 1 Time and Friends Expected Comedy May Be Given Kentucky will debate the University By Frances Marsh1 The Men's Gleo Club will givo a concert at Frankfort, Friday evening, March 18. Eighteen men will particl pate, including members of the Unl' versity Quartotto and the Saxophone Sextotto, which is rapidly gaining In popularity. A very successful concert was given In Frankfort last season, and this pro gram is a return engagement. The Glee Club has been working faithfully and a number of attractive songs have been learned. A successful and en joyablo trip is expected. No. 25 Tuesday-Frida- y STATE CHAMPIONSHIP KENTUCKY HEADS ALL COLLEGES IN MEET AT LOUISVILLE ARMORY i Louisville Boys Take Finals University Track Team NosFrom Strong Union Acaded Out of First Place By emy Team, 32 to 12 Cincy "Y," 17 to 16 MONTICELLO IS GOOD HELD SATURDAY NIGHT First and Second Champion ship Cups Awarded Wildcats Meet Loomis, of . Chicago, Lomtfe, Princeton Manual Training High School of Louisville, won the Kentucky High kibate Is on, the immigration question School basketball tournament, SaturThe University of Kentucky track In strained silences all the cost stop day afternoon, by defeating Union team finished second in which is uppermost in the minds of whispering ito listen and stare criti WEDNESDAY, MARCH the annual College Academy, of Barboursvllle, any American statesman today. Carnival of Athletics held under the cally. The errkig Stroller speaks the Kentucky, represented by R. T. BEGINNING flE HOLIDAYS 32 to 12. Manual virtually won the auspices of the Louisville Amateur honors when she defeated the strong Johnson, William Chism and L. C. line; the phrase or the word, again Montlcello team, 21 to 19, Saturday AJthletlc Federation at the Louisville Filder, will uphold the affirmative and again, until the stage manager Is Armory lest Saturday ft night. He of the question. Prof. W. H. Mlke- - satisfied. No nervewrackfcig tedium Student Allowed Five Day at 9:00 o'clock. The In the finals, Union fought hard in Wildcats were nosed out of first place M1I is coach of the Kentucky team. of repetition is spared and anything Vacation; First Time in ; Cincinnati will be represented by J. but the first half, it ending 12 o 11 in by the Cincinnati Y. M. History of University C. A. team the strict business of rehearsals U'"jW. Dalaell, H. E. Metzger and H. G. Manual's favor, but in the second which scored 17 points to Kentucky's is frowned upon for the play comes half was completely unable to pene.Gardner., Doctor McVey will preside ENDS MARCH 29. t at the debate. The ludeea are: Suner-- I first, even .before the attractions of a trate Manual's five man defense and 16. Centre College finished third with was forced to resort to lone shots a score of 13 points. ,itendent J. Hv Risley, president of basketball tournament or a perform i For the first time in the history of which were hurried and inaccurate The showing of the Kentucky team the K. E. A., Dr. B. J. Bush, Second alnce of "Irene." For a month "Crlch-ton- " the University of Kentucky the stu Manual played a fast and aggressive Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Frank was excellent, considering that this te king. dents and faculty are to be given an game throughout and deserved to win. K Duncan; ' THE PLAY I am forced into "caps" Easter vacation. The vacation will Baer, at forward and GiugUano, at was the first meet of the year and by my enthusiasm is already good, last from Wednesday, March 23, to guard,, starred for the Crimsons and that some of the best athletes in the Interesting debate and students are although a Stroller will groan invari- Tuesday, March 29. Dunbar, forward, played best fbr country were entered In the meet. Kntucky placed in three events and ably "Oh, Its rotten." Interpret if The penalty as stated in the Univer Union. chestra will furnish the music. sity Handbook of Rules will be Inflict s The were played Satur captured the college relay with ease. you are he, this despair as real art ed in case of absences from classes day morning and 10:00 o'clock PERKINSON KENTUCKY realizing its limitations, expressing a immediately preceedlng and following In the first at 9:00 Manual won over In the 60 yard hurdles Warren Clare, game A. A. E noble humility. DELEGATE "The Admirabla. this vacation unless, In such instances, Montlcello, a strong favorite at the of the Kentucky team, holder of the 1921 offering of the a satisfactory excuse is presented to start, 21 to 19, Jn a hard fought and S. I. A. A. record forced Frank Loomis, Crichton'the Doctor McVey Addresses Members of exciting game. In the 10:00 o'clock of the Chicago Athletic Club, holder of organization, will surpass easily all the Discipline Committee. Kentucky Chapter on Professional game Union smothered Plkesville to the Olympic record, to exert himself past Stroller plays. Though the high Duties the tune of 43 to 12. The odd game of to the utmost. merit of .Stroller plays has long been CINCINNATI GIRLS The finish was most the series was played at 9:00 o'clock DEFEAT KENTUCKY Friday night, 'Montlcello triumphing spectacular, and the judges decided P. M. Perkinson. civil engineer, and recognized; each year the critics com president- - of the student chapter of QUINTET, 16 to 6 that Loomis had won by inches. Don, Continued on Page 3. or jungi ? tne 'American Association Xourie, the Allmerican quarterback Continued on Page 2 Kentucky Schedule Ended in Game to represent Ken - seers, was selected from Princeton, finished third in this Thursday Night in Cincinnati tucky at the national convention of MRS. BRECKINRIDGE .the, organization at Buffalo. The elec CHI BEATS KAPPA IN event. The Kittens ended their 1921 basket Dave Thornton, took place Thursday evening at the half FIRST SORORITY GAME mile in the S. I. A.winner of last year ball season' in Cincinnati, Thursday Dicker Hall. Perkinson is prominent Chicago Dean Assists A. meet Miss King in night, inVhis., department and in 'the Univer with a defeat at the hands of annexed that event without difficulty, Cataloging Valuable Volume the University of Cincinnati quintet, Uniyersity "Lodges" Stage Desperate se sity, having not only organized the in the fast time of 2:05 In the one despite a game fight on the. part of the Al A. E., but also the Triangle Engl- Struggle, Ending With 12 to 11 The library of Mrs. Desha Breckin mile handicap R. L. Porter finished a jjKaeering Fraternity. Kentuckians, the score being 16 to 6. ridge, bequeathed to the University, is Score. close second to Dewey Kimball, the Cincinnati gained an early lead and Jf VDoctor HcVey addressed the meet- now being cataloged by Miss King and the Kentucky girls were never able iylBg on the duty of the engineering Centre College star. prepared for use. Mrs. Breckinridge, to overhaul them. Composing .the jrofesslon in the present world prob- - who was In one of the hardest fought and The college relay was easily dispublic life of her active in team lems NbW :V ,was of reconstruction. His speech state, since the beginning of this con- Kentucky forwards"; were Young and most exciting girls' basket ball games posed of by the Kentucky outfit comCromwell, Porter and Jame ever staged on the local court, the 'followed by refreshments and a tury, had collected the original drafts posed of Wilhelm, Thornton, Boyd and smoker. About- sixty members were and pamphlets of all the important son, centers; Henry and Morris, guards; Booth and Black, substitutes. Chi Omega quintet defeated the Kap Snider. Coach Bucheit was Very well S present. spcial legislation since 1900. pa Kappa Gamma five, Wednesday pleased with the showing made by the1 c, ky Miss Sopliia Nesbitt, dean of wom FRENCH PROFESSOR ENTERTAINS night, by the score of 12 to 11. The Kentucky boys and iwith such a start JOURNALISTS TO BANQUET Mli en of Chicago University, who has game was close throughout and the the prospects are very bright for a ' ROMANCE LANGUAGE CLUB 'itt.'Henrv Watterson chanter nf Alnha been in Lexington collecting material The Romance Language Club was outcome was in doubt until the final championship Breckinridge, biography of Mrs. track team for 1921. 'Vft?Delta Sigma will entertain with a ban- - for a entertained with a most delightful ' quet at 'the Lafayette hotel, Thurs prepared the library for disposal. The program, Monday evening, in the moment of play. ay night, March 17. The eleven ac collection is a valuable addition to Little Theatre, when Prof. Hubert de iThe Chi Omega team had a lead of CHORAL CLUB TO MEET department of Jtiye members of the chapter and sev- books available for the All membersof "Robin Hood" are. Waeganaere, Lexington, sang a num iseveral points all during the game sociology and kindred sciences. .f eral alumni will be present. ber of French His pro untill the lasit few moments of play members of the newly organized choral & The active members arer Hernuon gram was composed of charming se when the Kappa's obtained a lead of club. This club meets every Wed V Tirana nmnrv Vfavtay THIIov1 Tinnon Alpha Tau Omega to lections, varying fx;om the pathos one :Donald Dinning, Fred Augsburg, Ro- Entertain With Dance expressed in French lyrics to the light, most polnt,(tonly to be overcome by a nesday in Professor Lampert's music sensational goal caged by a Chi room at 3:40. All members are urged ijioya, ueraiu V,Brc 'ituiuio, airy songs which were equally as j , Griffin, Emmett Swlsshelm, Burton BMAnnuol Affair One of the Outstand beautiful.' Professor de Waeganaere Om'ega, and the game was over. Mar to be present Wednesday, March 16, was ably accompanied at the piano garet Smith and Lucy Kavanaughi car- as important matters are to be dis ing Events of Social Calendar. by Mary Elizabeth Lyons, and the pro ried off the honors for the victors, cussed. If-SIG ALPHS HQNOR FOUNDERS The Nu Ma chapter of Alpha Tau gram proved to be one of the most in who were also the challengers, and C. C. 'ANDERSON, President teresting of the year. The rendition Henrietta Rogers played . 'Founders' Day of Sigma Alpha Epsl- - Omega fraternity will entertain" with of the stellar de la Lune" was excep "Auij Ion was observed with a banquet in their annual dance on Wednesday TARGET EXPERTS TO BE role for the Kappa quintette, ttonally fine. pnvaio aining room or tne iaiayette evening, March 23, from 8 until 12, SELECTED Last night the Alpha XI Delta and hotel last Wednesday night, from 8:00 The target contest team, consisting In the Phoenix Hotel ball room, which PAULINE HOGG TO BE MARRIED Alpha Gamma Delta teams locked UHtll 10:00 o'clock. Fifty-livcovers of ten men, will bo selected this week TO C. V. COWGILL TUESDAY horns in the second game of the inter- - to enter in tho target contest were laid for the active members of will be decorated in blue and gold, of Tonth Miss Paulino Hogg, of Versailles, (sorority series. The winner of this Corps Area, beginning March 21. Kentucky Epsilon chapter, the pledges, the fraternity colors, and lighted by V'tke f ratters in urbe, and visitors. Fro- - the electric shield of the fraternity. of Kentucky men have refreshman in the JOoUego of Arts and conltest will ho matched with the win mm- "UBor 'Thompson II. Bryant acted as The chkporon'es will bo: President Sciences, before leaving school last ner of the Kappa Delta-Ch- i Omega sponded splendily for practico and V&astmaster for the occasion, and and Mrs. F. L. McVey, Dean and Mrs. Friday, announced to her friends that game, which is to take place within seem to have a good clianco to win. Many responses were given. C. 'R. Melchor, Doan Josephine Sim- - her marriage to O. V. CowgUl, of the week. TAU BETA PI DANCE FRIDA rail, Judge and Mrs. W. fT. Lafferty, Leingtion, would take place Tuesday, The line-up- : Tau Beta Pi honorary Engineering l PHI ALPHA DELTA INITIATES Kappa fraternity, will ontortaln with Its an Position 'Phi Alpha Delta Law fraternity, held Dr, and Mrs. W. D. Funkhouser, Mr. March 15, and the news came as a Chi ' . Jjutlationfor thoir nine pledges, Tuoa- - and Mrs. Bart Peak, Mrs. Paul teurpiiso to her friends. Rogers (7) nual dance at the Phoenix Hotol, FriMr. Cowglll, Rlpy (4) day evening, March 18. iay March Dowinfng (2) Hb1 rStte eveniug, After 8, at the LaFay - Blazer, Miss Crane, Miss Berkeley, a former student of Transylvania, is Rlpy (4) Hotel. the initiation sup- Professor , Asbury and Mrs. Harlacher, Pro engaged in the wholesale, notion and Jackson mem-th- e r was served to the forty-livSENIOR DUES The young people Kavanaugh (4) Cromwell (2) Initiates being the . honor fessor and Mrs, Nollow, Miss Margaret candy business, All Seniors are requested to pay will make their homo in Lexington. McLaughlin and Mrs. C. J, Smith. Harrison .Simmons J their class duos boforo April 1. JCHMtS. of Cincinnati In chapel TFrlday evoking, March 18, at 8:00 o'clock. The "Try it again," testily. 23, I semi-final- Tp 'y, mm mm tion mm Ml mm -' - - r : ,s mm . ismmi " t fok-song- p nu. in 'ir in e mm IP am e *