xt7rfj29d19x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj29d19x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1999 1999 1999-02-04 2020 true xt7rfj29d19x section xt7rfj29d19x  

Campus life


I. Is there a curve on

2. Social life, period.

3. What to wear.

4. How many kegs?

5. Is Tolly Ho open?

6. How am I going to
pay for this?

1. Am I going to “hook-
up" tonight?

8. How long till I

9. What day is it?

10. Are there any Ramen
noodles left?

National briefs

Have you

SAN DIEGO - And you

think your job stinks?
One unlucky lifeguard

has been assigned to
guard the smelly,
rotting carcass of a
gray whale that
washed up at Devil's
Cove. Surveillance is
necessary to keep
vandals from
spraying graffiti on
the whale or stealing

the ropes and pulleys

attached to it.

Neighbors to the new
beach occupant are
complaining about
the stench, and
curious tourists are
plugging their noses
to take a gander at
the expired mammal.
The problem is

lifeguards don’t know

what to do with the
30-ton whale. Efforts
to secure the corpse
and pull it out to sea
were stymied when
discovered that
someone had cut off
the tail.

Little prank

AGRA, Kan. A little
graffiti has turned
the north-central

Kansas community of

Agra into Viagra
Town. About two
weeks ago. someone
scaled the water
tower in the
community of 300
and painted a "v "
and an “i "
the town' 5 name,
resulting in “viAgra”
- the impotency
treatment drug.

Residents have found

the vandalism, well,
uplifting. Mayor

Merle Barnes said the

new lettering will

likely stay. ”As far as

I'm concerned, it'll
be there until (the
water tower) gets
painted again. I'm
not going to go up
there and paint it."




More. more

Still looking

The Kernel is looking for
staff writers. Check
the number below.


5.3 2.1

While it rains today

and should rain Saturday,
be thankful that it should

be clear tomorrow.



VOL. 8104



News tips?

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in front of







Following the cash

Somber yet hopeful: State's farmers, politicians sound off
on who will benefit from billion-dollar tobacco settlement

B—y Pat Clem

The somber mood at the Agricultural
Science North Auditorium Tuesday night
was accented by uncertainty, rampant
emotions and a healthy dash of hope.

“We‘re dealing with people‘s lives
here." said Betty Hunt. who attended a
public forum last night along with several
Kentucky farmers and about 62 senators
and congressmen to address the future of
$5 billion coming to Kentucky from the
tobacco settlement.

The senators attending were part of
the Tobacco Task Force. which was creat-
ed as a committee to draw up proposals
on how to spend the money.

Five tobacco companies have agreed
to pay $206 billion to the states. Ken-
tucky‘s share of the money is divided into
two pets.

The first pot. about $3.5 billion, is des-
ignated for health care purposes and
farmer aid, while the second pot of about
$1.5 billion has been allocated for agricul-
tural use.

The money compensates for a 30«per-
cent drop in quotas 7 the amount of to-
bacco that will be bought from the farm-
ers A because of the new cigarette price

One of the task force's flyers estimat-
ed that for every 10 percent increase in

pricing, a 4 percent lower amount of con-
sumption follows.

The controversial topic at the forum
is how much of the settlement will go to
the farmers.

“I think every bit of it ought to go to
the grower." said Ted Hollins. a resident
of Scott County. “There should also be no
taxes on any of the money going out."

Others understood why some of the
money is appropriated for health care.

3 obvious that cigarettes are bad
for people.“ said Harrison County resident
Richard Wade. “So some of the money
does need to go for health care purposes."

One of the other major concerns of
the forum was who will be included when
the second half of the money starts get
ting handed out.

“There’s a division on how to split
that money." said Rep. Pete Worthington
(D-Fleming County).

Four groups of people » farm own-
ers. farm tenants. quota holders and quo-
ta leasers —»- are involved. Many favored
tenants and farm owners receiving all of
the money.

“The way I see it, lease prices will rise
and so leasers will really lose no money."
said Tony Harrington. of Cynthiana.

Many farmers got emotional about
the subject.

“I‘ve raised my three girls on a tobac-


State Sen. Joey Pendleton smiled during a forum at UK attended by several leglslators to discuss Kentucky's share of the tobacco settlement.

co farm," said (‘arl Moore of Mercer
County. "And you all (the government)
are taking away my income."

Others were lighthearted about the

"My daddy taught me about supply
and demand years ago." said Pete R. Dai»
ley of Bourbon County. “I never really lis-
tened to him that well though. otherwise I
wouldn‘t be 111 this mess."

The forum did not resolve anything
in the end, but that was not its intention.

“It (the forum) was for the commit»
tee's benefit. to just let them know all the
different ideas and viewpoints that are
out there." said David Lloyd of Woodford
County. “I don't think (the senators) even
know how it will be done yet." .'

Apparently. the senators agreed.

“There‘s a hundred different opin-

ions." said Rep. Lonnie Napier (R-Madi-
son County). “We've got a lot of things to
work out."






Other parts included in the to-
bacco settlement:

0 Prohibit: youth targeting
in advertising

0 Ban on use of cartoon

characters in advertising

0 Restricted brand name sponsorships of
events with significant youth audiences.

— Source: master tobacco settlement





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Theft an
issue on

Students, administrators try
to dispel myths, encourage
measures to ensure safety



By John P. Boyce


The freshman was excited to get home
from a long day of classes. She walked into
her room on the 17th floor of Blanding Tow.
er. It was the same as she had left it.

She turned on the TV. but it shut off
again. seemingly on its own. She leaned
over and turned it back on. This time the
channels began to change erratically. Little
did she know the next moment would bring
her one step closer to the shock of her life.

She turned. only to find the remote in
the hand of a large man. who was hiding in
her roommate's closet. She screamed and
the man ran away.

Safety might not be a major concern
when deciding on a college. but administra-
tors say it is an issue that should not be
taken lightly. as illustrated by this 1996 in-

"The campus is a safe environment.
but (it) seems secluded from the surround
ing city; and many residents ignore the fact
that crime does occur on campus." said
Tony Ralph. assistant director of Residence
Life. “I don‘t want the residents to worry.
but I wish they would be cautious and
aware of the possibility.“

Stories around campus about scary i11-
cidences do cause some residents to worry.

“I am concerned about my safety.
mainly because we live around a populated
area." said Tara Willson. an allied health
sophomore. “I would like to know how the
residents are protected"

Residence Life and Housing have taken
many steps to ensure student safety. Cam-
eras have been installed at the main en-
trances and fire exits of every residence
hall. Haggin and Donovan halls also have
slide card lock systems, which only permit
students who live there to enter the build-

"1 would like to see all of our residence
halls with card access ability." said Jim
Wims. director of Residence Life. "The
cameras that are located in the residence
halls mainly focus on the entrances.
through which unwanted individuals could

Undeclared freshman Melissa Mon
timer. who lives in Blanding ll. said she
feels safe living in the dorms.

“It‘s very safe." she said. “You have to
sign your guest in and escort them while
they are in the building. its not like people
are walking in off the streets."

Mortimer did say the use of security
can go too far.

“I feel it's overly protective." she said.
“It's ridiculous with the cameras and sign-
ing people in. I feel like l‘m in prison."

Being overly protective is a concern
shared by the residence hall staff.

“We could run into problems when
dealing with surveillance." Wims said. “We

See SAFETY on 4 )>>



Apartment fire has students thinking more safety-conscious

By Lexie Cheatham

Melissa Holloway says she‘ll be a lot
more careful where she puts her cigarettes
out from now on.

The anthropology sophomore. who
lives in Greg Page Apartments. said that
because of last Thursday's fire at the com
plex. she is more aware of where she
smokes now. The fire. caused by a discard-
ed cigarette left two apartments with
$10.000 in damage.

“It's unfortunate that it takes a
tragedy to spark student and administra-
tion awareness." Holloway said.

UK Fire Marshal Garry Beach said
there would be no change in the smoking
policy at Greg Page because no rules were

“It was a freak accident."
“A one-in-a-million shot."

Smoking has been the cause of a few
fires in residence halls over the years. but
the last three or four. many fires on cam-
pus were caused by arson. Arson was also
the cause of the Murray State University
fire. which resulted in the death of one stu-
dent last fall.

Beach indicated false fire alarms. espe-

Beach said.

cially in dorms. might be as large a threat
to students as arson

“It is hard to protect against arson.“
Beach said.

“This is more ofa security issue. Stu-
dents need to accept responsibility. Fire
alarms are not play tools.“

Tony Ralph. assistant director of Res-
idence Life. said the danger of false
alarms exists in the potential for students
to become desensitized to the gravity of
the situation. As a result. they tend to
move slower and increase the risk for

“People don‘t realize how fast they can
get trapped,“ Ralph said. “People start to
ignore fire alarms. It is like crying wolf."

Some students see false alarms and
fire hazards as more of a problem in the
dorms than at Greg Page.

“The fire at Greg Page was very unfor-
tunate. but an isolated incident." said
Veronica Stidham. an integrated strategic
communications senior who lives in Greg

She said she feels safer living at Greg
Page than in Blanding Tower. because fire
hazards are not taken as seriously in the

“In the dorm. a student may decide to

sleep through a fire drill. At Greg Page.
hazards are taken more seriously. Pranks
aren 't often pulled." Stidham said.

Some students think some notice
should be given before fire drills.

“If there are notices in residence halls
alerting students of the possibility of a
drill. in the event of an actual fire. the
alarm would be taken more seriously.“
said undeclared freshman Devin Stewart.
who lives in .Iewell Hall.

Students who do not evacuate the
building during a fire drill are punished.
After the first offense. a student will be ed-
ucated on the importance of evacuating
during a fire drill. Ralph said.

Repeat offenses result in more strict

Students can take part in fire safety
and prevention classes in the dorms. Fire
extinguisher classes are available upon re-
quest. and students can also View training

Those who want to see changes or get
involved can attend firc awareness fo-
rums. but Beach said a forum held at the
Blanding-Kirwan complex last fall had
poor results.

Holloway said most students aren‘t
aware of safety regulations or the forums



O Usellameretardentdecorationsanddo


heaters -



held by the UK Fire Department. ()thers.
she thinks. aren't interested.

“Some students just don't care.“ she
said. “We need more emphasis on fire

Another forum is planned for spring
or early fall. depending on the Weather. of-
ficials said.







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The Low-down

New jail late, costing more

LOUISVILLE —- Jefferson County's new 983-
bed jail will open six months late and cost $5 mil-
lion more than the county planned to spend
when it started the project in 1997.

Judge-Executive Rebecca Jackson’s adminis-
tration confirmed the project + building a state-
of-theart jail out of the skeleton of the old Metro~
politan Sewer District headquarters -— will cost
the county about $22 million.

The new jail is just south of the Hall of Jus-
tice, which contains the main jail. The new jail is
expected to open around Labor Day.

County officials say the higher price tag can
be traced to three key factors:

.6: A decision to move nearly all Corrections
Department administrative offices into the new
jail from leased private offices.

The need to make major changes in the de-
sign of the building’s heating and air condition-
ing systems to accommodate the old structure
and security concerns.

Upgrades to increase security and to take
advantage of technological advances.

“Jails are the most difficult of structures to
build" and also among the costliest, said
Schuyler Olt, Jackson’s chief administrative offi-
cer. *

The Jackson administration essentially in-
herited the jail project from Dave Armstrong,
who was judge-executive before becoming mayor
of Louisville last month.

Shepard's parents speak out

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The parents of
Matthew Shepard. the gay college student beaten
to death last October, say they don’t want his
death used by activists to further any political

“It‘s a very frightening concept as a parent
that your son now becomes a martyr. a public fig-
ure for the world," Judy Shepard told “Dateline
NBC" for a story scheduled to air Friday. “He‘s
just our son."

Some gay advocacy groups have invoked
Shepard‘s case in seeking harsher sentences for
people convicted of crimes involving bias against
the victim. A move to pass hate crimes legisla-
tion in Wyoming was defeated yesterday by a

Shepard was found Oct. 7 beaten with a
handgun and tied to a fence outside the Universi-
ty of Wyoming college town of Laramie. 40 miles
west of Cheyenne. He died five days later in a
Colorado hospital.

Police said he was chosen as a victim in part
because he was gay.

Vanity Fair also reported in its March issue
that Shepard tested HIV-positive at the Fort


to he Inspired
and touched by
other people."


John Glenn
picked Bantam
Books from
among the pub-
lishers courting
him for a mem-
oir. The autobi-
ography is due
out this tall,
Bantam said
yesterday. Bart
Burg, a Bantam
wouldn't dis-
close how much
he'll be paid.


235‘ z, N .1» r g

"hawk; ' 252;" ‘ '


Collins, 0010., hospital where he died. The article
said two Hispanics who fought with suspects
Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney after
Shepard's attack may have come into contact
with Shepard’s blood and have been put on AZT.

40 years tor new sexual attacker

RICHMOND, Va. ‘— A convicted rapist who
was considered a success story for going through
a “chemical castration" was sentenced to 40
years in prison yesterday for a sexual attack on a
5year-old girl.

Joseph Frank Smith was convicted in No
vember of breaking into the girl’s house -— wear-
ing nothing but a cloth covering his face —— and
molesting the girl in her bed in 1993.

DNA evidence folmd at the scene was linked
to Smith this summer after he was arrested in a
peeping Tom case in the Richmond suburbs.

Prosecutors suspect Smith in numerous oth-
er break-ins in which a man entered the homes
of young girls, wearing only a bandanna.

“You have brought this on yourself," Judge
Buford F. Parsons Jr. said in sentencing Smith.
“You have brought a lot of hurt to other people.
You know what you were doing was wrong."

Clinton's chance of running for
Senate about 50-50, official says

ALBANY, NY. — The leader of the state De-
mocratic Party said yesterday there is a 50-50
chance Hillary Rodham Clinton will enter New
York's Senate race next year. ,

Just weeks ago. state party Chairwoman Ju-
dith Hope was saying she did not believe Mrs.
Clinton would run for the seat being vacated by
Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and that the
first lady had asked her several months ago not
to encourage such speculation.

“Now you hear me saying something differ-
ent," Hope said yesterday.

The party leader said after spending time
with the first lady at a $10,000a-person Democra-
tic fund raising event in New York City on Tues—
day night, “it’s my very strong impression that
she has not ruled this out . I’m sharing with
you my impressions that she left with me and I
think with others."

“My best guess is that it’s 5050." Hope said.

Hope refused to say if she had spoken direct-
ly to Mrs. Clinton or close aides to the first lady
in recent days about the situation.

Meanwhile, a recent poll had Mrs. Clinton
leading New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
in a theoretical Senate matchup.

The poll conducted by Quinnipiac College’s
Polling Institute had Mrs. Clinton favored by 51
percent of registered voters to 42 percent for the
Republican mayor with 6 percent undecided.

Giuliani has said he is considering a run.

Much of Mrs. Clinton‘s support came from
women, who favored her over Giuliani 58 percent
to 36 percent. Male voters preferred Giuliani 49
percent to 44 percent.

Compiled from wire reports.



. .fi’k
Him" "”1

Health care
forum held

Large number of graduate students discuss
proposed new health insurance package

By Ill Vuderhefl
cums [once

An open forum yesterday
allowed ‘ graduate students
waiting on .the outcome of
their health coverage to voice
concerns and opinions regard-
ing a proposed health insur-
ance package.

“There was some excellent
interaction between students
and panelists," said Roy
Moore, chairman of the Uni-
versity Senate Council.

The meeting, in the Presi-
dent's Room of the Singletary
Center, lasted two hours, 45
minutes of which was filled by
students, Moore said.

Dr. Spencer Turner, direc-
tor of University Health Ser-
vices, was on hand to educate
students about health insur-
ance. He estimated 70-75 stu-
dents attended the meeting.

Graduate students, who
are funded full time as teach-
ing, research or graduate as-
sistants and fellows. stand to
receive free health benefits un—
der a proposal written by Su-
san Mains, Graduate School
senator for the Student Gov-
ernment Association and a
member of the Senate Council.

Mains’ proposal received
unanimous support from the
University Senate. Mike Niet-
zel, dean of the Graduate
School, will submit a proposal
to President Charles Wething-

ton and the UK Board of
Trustees soon.

Moore said Nietzel has
given the proposal top priority
in the upcoming budget ses-
sions for the fiscal year.

Several issues that re-
ceived attention were dental
insurance. coverage caps and
outpatient coverage, Moore

Many students were wor-
ried that the proposed policy
would not include dental as-
surance, he said, and about
caps limiting the dollar value
of coverage allotted to recipi-
ents of the proposed package.

Outpatient coverage, in
which patients are not hospi-
talized overnight, is becoming
increasingly common, making
comprehensive coverage in
this area important.

Issues like outpatient cov-
erage, Turner said, reflect the
necessity for informed health
benefits decisions.

“When looking at insur-
ance, you ask ‘What can I do to
make this better, to keep it
current,‘" Turner said.

Students got a chance to
learn all about what makes
good health insurance at the
forum, Moore said.

“The students asked a lot
of questions and were able to
find out about the current poli-
cy and what improvements
would be made with the pro-
posed policy.” Moore said.



A story in Monday’s edition misidentified Ernesto Scor-

sone. He is a state senator.

To report an error call the Kernel at 257-1915.



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Involving community

People who care: Students
attend forum on how schools,
community can better interact

By James Ritchie

Make schools safer. Get parents more
involved. Train teachers to handle diverse

Their ideas were varied, but the partic-
ipants in a forum at Lexington Community
College all arrived with the same agenda:
to find ways to improve education in
Fayette County.

About 35 people. many of them stu~
dents. showed up for “Speak Out Lexing-
ton!” on Tuesday. The topic was “How Can
Our Community Be More Connected To
Our Schools?"

“Speak Out Lexington!" is an annual
community conversation sponsored by the
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Govern.
ment. Tuesday‘s session was one of dozens
to be held in Lexington in January and
February; the ideas shared at the forums
are being compiled into a report to be sub-
mitted to Mayor Pam Miller. Fayette Coun—
ty Schools Superintendent Peter Flynn, the
Urban County Council and the school
board. The report will also be made avail—
able to businesses, to community organiza-
tions and to the public.

Each comment made by a participant
was written on poster-sized paper at the
front of the room. The group discussed the
ideas and then voted on ways to get the
Lexington community more involved in
the schools. Organizers said all ideas men-
tioned during the session will be included
in the report.

Another. similar forum will be held at
3:30 pm. Friday in the Taylor Education
Building auditorium at UK.

The forum at LCC involved an interest-
ing cross section of the Lexington commu-
nity. said Randolph Hollingsworth. an LCC



lIOBIE HILER I xmrtsrxrr

Iielly Woodall (left), a public administration graduate student. moderated a forum Tuesday at Lex-

Inoton Community College.

history and women‘s studies professor who
served as recorder at the forum.

“You saw people offering views as stu-
dents, as parents. adults and children,“ she
said. “Many LCC students are playing a va-
riety of roles."

As a community college. Hollingsworth
said. LCC should strive to help get resi-
dents involved in issues that affect Lexing-

“I really feel like this is part of the mis-
sion at LCC." she said.

Kelly Woodall. a public administration
graduate student at UK who moderated the
forum. said such discussions make resi-
dents feel more involved.

“It becomes a community problem
with community solutions." she said.

She is volunteering at three of the to
rums this year.

The forums started in Lexington in

1992. The topic is different each year: Last
year’s was “What's Going on with Young
People in Our Community." Previous
years’ topics have included “How Can We
Heal Racial 830ther Divisions in Our Com-
munity?", “Building Permanent Prosperity
For Our Whole Community“ and “How
Can We All Help Make Our Community‘s
Big Decisions?"

Most Speak Out meetings are orga-
nized by civic clubs. neighborhood associa-
tions, workplaces. schools. churches and
other community organizations. Each ses-
sion is led by a trained volunteer modera.
tor who guides the conversation. A trained
recorder records the comments and pro
pares a brief report.

Helping to bring the Speak Out session
to LCC was the Mandala Movement. a
group whose mission is to encourage diver»
sity and sensitivity on the campus.



Sorority: Get to know new ‘Faces'



Programs: Zeta Phi Beta honoring famous
blacks who made a difference in society

By Chyrlca Banks

Zeta Phi Beta social sorori-
ty wants people to know what
Black History Month is all

Not just the big names, like
Martin Luther King, Jr., but
some of the lesser knowns. like
Zora Neale Hurston.

So. the sorority is sponsor-
ing an event called “Facts and
Faces." This is the first year for
the event. which the sorority
created as a means of honoring
unfamiliar blacks who have
made major contributions.

“We want to show that we
are not always the victim, and
we have overcome and did a
lot," said Lisa Ewing, a nurs-

ing senior.

Ewing said she hopes to get
a good response to the event
from the student body.

Wallis Malone. a sociology
senior. said the numbers of the
organization are small. mak-
ing it harder to sponsor big

“We want to help out by do-
ing a little education." she said.

Each week sorority mem-
bers will hand out strips of pa-
per with information about two
important figures. The infor-
mation will include a picture of
the individual followed by au-
tobiographical information.
One male and one female will
be recognized.

Featured this week are
Zora Neale Hurston. author of

Their Eyes Were Watching God
and James Weldon Johnson.
the man responsible for the an—
them. “Lift Every Voice and

Next week. one of the fig-
ures will be Carter G. Woodson.
the founder of National Negro
History Week, which evolved
into Black History Month.

Ewing said everyone
knows about Martin Luther
King Jr. and Malcolm X.

“We want to give them
some more positive role models
to stimulate their interest in
the past." Ewing said.

Ebony Moore, a psychology
and sociology senior, sees this
event as a good idea that should
be continued throughout the se-

“Everyday there are impor-
tant figures. like who invented
the stoplight. that go unno-
ticed," Moore said.

On Feb. 12, the organiza-

tion will host a party for Head
Start and Micro City govern»
ment children. They plan to
take “Facts and Faces" to them
to spread the word about black

This event is a “starting
point to get people to look into
their history themselves and
not just have it handed to
them." Moore said.

The “Facts anti Faces"
event will continue through the
first week in March. when the
sorority begins Greek Week.
The person who can name the
most facts and faces featured at
the end of the event will receive
a prize.

The prizes will be distrib-
uted at the male pageant to be
held sometime during the week
of March 1-6.

For more information and
details about any Zeta Phi Beta
events. call Wallis Malone at


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EMU rally not enough .. *

Same goes at Duke: Weekend protests over adoption of code
of conduct for athletic apparel dealers doesn't affect decision

By Clay ltlson
tartar. "7

WASHINGTON Concurrent protests
at Georgetown anti Duke universities over
the weekend were not enough to stop the
two from moving closer to signing a contro-
versial code of conduct that