xt7rfj29d42g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj29d42g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1937-02-22 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 22, 1937 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 22, 1937 1937 1937-02-22 2020 true xt7rfj29d42g section xt7rfj29d42g ‘, , » . '17- 1:4 <7“- -"~-. -~ "- .‘7',."‘1‘ \r « '~~,-‘ ,, ~ 1- v“ ~v~ r\ ,- - nrvm til ‘3 T. o; T115, ULllVdnwll‘ :) 54.1113 - FlufiiiUg-LHY '-’ lslo/ (‘11_' ,. M “ A ., . , . , , . ., ,: llw-x -‘— ~ ».».,~ «- - .3,— 1- -, ,»_. v -‘ y . - » . A 7‘ - . L‘ , ‘V‘ .. ‘ .1. LJ v.4]. -: L»; :31 L- f S€3l-rl,c'« :Abl: 1.1L tine? LB‘Ct-Lljg.‘ f{’_)e);il Oi LLL: VCZ)’ 11,811, I. {)i;¢L"-‘Y n w H- n_ w“ . j :3»- _ .. , H :corunTJ HM, :" ”Lu3‘U ncfinr UvCGLAth. Tue minutes of JanuaJV lb and «ac. _., _..>.L,* “A .- . . ‘J , w‘ w. E34. 8 ,I. L cu). .'1_.L{Z. ('lLJiI .I’O V") L. .3 Ta“ rw - A L J J. ’ u’JhLuAJ. L W: U .Jll 1“ 0w courses no Olin so in New Course -‘- .,- 1' _?._>: ‘ '1‘.” fai‘nj - r 41 6 _ 5‘ r \, fi_ an . Iv Home conimics om, Dietetics loi Nuxses. Tapes cfufiltsg PresreQuisite: , .- f. A. .. ., -_ P, 7 ~11 .. h a- (7 Aug o JmL/ mm: ‘~ ‘1‘; S .1. O .l of}; u .. rrv .1 . —- a": : a . A ’ 4- - ' '. ‘- — J. x.‘ . " , ' n: giruose oi unis DHlbc; 15 b0 Mqu stuuenus iact ir.tormation on “v.1” - .,'...+- ...... J- H.- . .. . ~-- - l;‘_/.Ll:ld.L lLLglleulqii, UD ‘5in iJ .L‘lJlC L 'L'3S Of Sleurl-Lt: J- uUd. 31 CLI‘cnl' 'Jll; t3 ve an appreciation 3: too imoortance of good nutrition, both in relatiou to maintenance of heeltn and to “:covcry ii_; illoes ; to 1 1 food that is well prepareu (’1’; J: a i an attitute hat I cogniz s and gives due conSiCe atirn to all tn3 actors necessary if: good nutrition. The crurse incluaes : stuiy of fool and its ielation to energ production by the bony, g“ovtn ff Lew tissues in t :0 body, and regulation of body processes. Ouuer factors studies are tne Ifelation of good preparetion of food to good utilization and the re ela ti on of good serving of foo; to e005 utilization. College of Education Education 81 m Analysis of Learning Difficulties 'n Industrial Education. This course has teen planned to meet tie needs of teachers of vocational " of industrial education. An analjsis will be made 5*i‘jects in the field of tee learning ciffiCulties encounterefi in becm chin* trade :nd relo teo subject cou33scs and 2e ediml measures will be studied. 1,CA¢v. College of Canine rce Change in Course g‘ Conimerce 2028— Seminar. Three credits a semester to Commerce ED‘ to f, Seminar. One Credit a semester. advisers to stulent organizations as given furt'ier Crnside Dean of Women stated tnst she had presented this report to the Yemen's .1. Self Governing Association as regueSUen by t; 13 Senate, The Jomun's The repert of the commi tee apoointed to outline 3 org:—n lization has eskec for non" specific i J . that were to deposit money With tne busincs agent. The Senate r949ryg¢ s report to the committee with tne request tnet tnev discuss this 0 ni‘or ‘zzlmtion as t' 3r With the business agent, hr. Peak, and “resent another recommendation 715 c1; “w vim W N._‘._._,_,_,L.,_:1cL—. W ,..i__. 3-..: .s—«z: (U c+ , J ;’ ‘l 1 O 1* . cf‘ :J C U) (D :3 Cl‘ D C.) in r . A ' ' . . A: cue .Mmst Ina» E v 4' 9 J: J ...L '1 f .. ..,T ,_ ,3 P..L..,“, .L‘ ‘ ' ’ .. ‘ .L. .L . ., ILLMLAC {4ng1 “v or 1. (31. r.‘_-v.,.,n0 L.) _‘_ t) {J u. (01er L; S, D e Lit l l 3. (43:1 v0 tall-Cu 4.. - K ,. .,. .2 —"- .. r‘ I »‘ " A >4 , 4‘ —~" I j . - -~ I v. - ' on ‘ CCItPLA- SLQL- JL.US Wt.) Shift? 4.; Chane/£51“ 1.3.1. .L l“ CBI'TgmlIl ’ t3 subjectc. On motion of the Benet f' red by the President to your e and Training of Students. Tie C nmittae invited the President and tne dorms of the colleges interestem, the Leeu of Women ‘ and the Dean of hen to meet with it for conglderation of t 1 After listening to variaus sugfi tee wishes to reCommend that an experiment of this g 9 approved 03 unLertaken tmis semeSUer under the on of Mr. Lysle Croft, to sue lament tne work in n i i L eling and guifiance vhich he Has been Gerrying on the e s « n The Rules Committee presented a recommendation C!nwerning the i an th} the University. Al‘er general ‘ \ “ adeise ’3; l Liscussien the Senate votei to table the motion, ‘1 Secretary _.,—_.-.. _ A;u’__.-‘