xt7rjd4pkq6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pkq6g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19330623 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1933-06-jun23-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1933-06-jun23-ec. 1933 2011 true xt7rjd4pkq6g section xt7rjd4pkq6g Minutes of Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, June 23, 1933, The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Un- iversity of Kentucky met in President McVey's office at the Uni- Versity of Kentucky June 23, 1933, at 10:30 a.m. The members of the Committee present were Judge R. C. Stoll, Chairman; James Park, Joe B. Andrews and R. G. Gordon. Presidcnt Frank L. McVey and Secretary Do H. Peal: were also present. 1. Minutes Approved. The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of March 20, 1933 were approved as published. 2. Financial Report. The financial report for May was received and ordered recorded in the Minutes. It reads as follows: to be EXHIBIT "B" Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of May 1933 Previously Reported Current Month Fiscal Year To Date General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750,00 Special Agri. Appro, 21,909.18 Vocation Education Board 16,720.80 Bureau of Mineral & Topo- graphic Survey - Mis- cellaneous Receipts 882.82 Bureau of Mineral & Top. Survey - State Appro, 3,539.52 State Tax 587,996,78 Int, on Endorment Bonds 8,644950 Int. on Liberty Loan Bonds 1,700.00 Student Fees 186,830,49 Student Fees - Sum.Sch, 14,415.54 Student Fees U. SESS 8,145,05 Student Fees - El' Tr.Sch. 7,377.25 Student Fees Un, Exten. 24,074,97 42, 750,00 21,90 .18 1,999.25 18,720.05 882,82 58,573.97 1,612.82 990s 00 1,00.00 858.83 31539.52 646,570.75 8,644.50 1,700.00 188,443,31 14,415,54 9,135 05 7, 477.25 24,933.80 2. Miscellaneous Receipts 19,321.0 Rentals 2,153086 State Appro. - Library Book Stacks 7,019.95 Men's Dormitories 11,098.44 Total 964.380_84 425094 19,547.03 309.86 2,463.72 7,019.95 75475 . 11,102 ,136 __ 64,946.42 1-,089,32666 Expenditures Instruction Adm. Exp. and Maint. Additions and Better. Total Excess of Income over Ex- penditures Patterson Hall Income Board Miscellaneous Receipts Room Rent - Summer Sch,_ Total Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Total. Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 681,933.33 210,330.35 16,755.10 909.018. 78 55.361.46 36,161,66 172.64 1,271.50 37,605.80 26,604.59 2.080.12 28.684- 71: 67,802.86 16,595.29 268 37 84,666.52 (19.720.10) 749,736.19 226,925.64 17,023.47 993,685. 30 35,641.36 352,50 36,514.16 41,10 213.74 t 1,271, 50 393,60 37,999 40 3,327.62 29,932,21 32.62 32, 0801 123 337,62 32 012, 33-- (2,934,02), 5,987.07 General Fund Income 1,001 General Fund Expend. 937 Excess of General Fund Income over Expendi- tures 64 Accounts Payable liqui- dated Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for General Ledger Accounts Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund 7 Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 General Fund Cash in Bank May 31, 1933 - General Fund L,986.04 7.70A -49 65,340.02 1,067,326.06 87.994.14 1.025.697.63 :,282.55 (22,654.12) 41,628.43 S,999,09) (111.90) (4,110.99) 5,002.54 (17,009.03) (4,006.49) (39.775.05) 33, 510.95 (12,274,36) \ _ , . 8, 9_21 MI A_:t_ . . . W. . . 33,510,95 3$286000 3. Experiment Station Income Hatch - Federal Appro. 15,000,00 Milk and Butter - Cash Receipts 7,786,88 Beef Cattle Sales 831.42 Dairy Cattle Sales 346,00 Sheep Sales 408.91 Swine Sales 466,91 Poultry Sales 1,296.24 Farm Produce Sales 1,576.79 Horticultural Sales 304,32 Seed Test 544 44 Seed Inspection 18,569,89 Rentals 3,421.70 Miscellaneous 612.12 Fertilizer - Fees 15,772t25 Public Service - State Appro. 15,419,16 Public Service - Misc, Receipts 18,14 Feeding Stuffs - Fees 27,613,86 Adams Federal Appro. 15,000 00 Serum Sales 1,139.57 Serum - Virus Sales 70,92 Serum - Live Stock 45.70 Serum - Supply Sales 116,45 Serum - Misc. Receipts 60.00 State Appropriation 41,339, 54 Creamery - License Fees 4,535.50 Creamery - Testerd Lic. 1,480.00 Creamery - Glassware Tested 304.43 Robinson - State Appro, 10,082.11 Robinson - Misc. Receipts 3,634.73 West Ky. - State Appro. 10,662,3,4 West Ky. - 1!isc. Rec. 4,134.16 Purnell - Federal Appro. 602000,00 Nursery Inspection - Fees 1,530,30 Blood Test 912,75 Total 265,037.53 266.77 31,25 633.44 1,833.33 15,000.00 8, 053.65 831.42 346.00 408.91 466.91 1,296.24 1,576.79 304,32 575,69 19,203933 3,421.70 6.12.12 15,772.25 17,252.49 18.14 630.75 28,244,61 15,000,00 1,139,57 70.92 45.70 116,45 60.00 3,006.69 44,346.23 4,535.50 1,480.00 304,43 1,377.01 11,459.12 3,634.73 1,393.46 12,055.80 4,134.16 60,000,00 1,530e30 *________ 912.75 9,172.70 -274,210.23 Expenditures Expense 23: Additions and Better, Total 23; Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 3 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for General Ledger accounts Excess of Receipts over Expenditures 2 It 157 98 22, 7599 56 PIs3 252, 36 ----4870 38 3,410,34 233246,94 i1627,19 (14,074.24) 7., 081. Ii) _( 6,386, 99 ) 34,546.0 (20,461.23) 253,917,54 2,739.74 256,657.28 17,552.95 (13,468,10) 4,084 85 _ 4- Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 - Experiment Station Cash in Bank May 31, 1933 - Experiment Station 4,084.85 (5,383.43) (1, 298.ssL Extension Division Income Federal Smith Lever Federal Add. Co-op. Federal Supplementary Federal Capper-Ketcham State Smith-Lever County and Other Total Expenditures Expense 148,308.76 31,000.00 53, 091.04 36,800.98 108,835,79 2,117 88 380,154.45 307, 660.66 148, 308.76 31,000.00 53, 09nl. 04 36, 800,98 4,190.28 113,)026.07 127 86 2,245.74 4,318 14 384,472.59 33,014.11 340, 674. 71 Excess of Income over Expendi- tures 72. 493-85 (P28. 695 97') 43.797.88 Excess of Income over Expendi- tures for the fiscal year to date - Extension Division Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 - Extension Division Cansh in Bank May 31, 1933 - Extension Division Trust Fund Income Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Total Receipts 874 99 2,033.23 2,908.22 Expenditures Expense Student Notes Total Excess of Expenditures over Receipts 428. 30 2,584.75 3. 013. 05 41.'00 270. 50 469.30 2,855.25 311 50 3, 324;55 119D9. 69 ) (304., 52 ) (104.83) Excess of Expenditures over lTe- ceipts for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank May 31, 1933 - Trust Fund 43, 797.88 7, 737, 68 51, 535, 56- 969.15 2,050.88 3.020.03 94,16 1765 111.81 (304. 52) 1, 308,58 1, 004.06_ v , _ _ . _ . , 5. Summary General Fund Income Experiment Station Income Extension Division Income Trust Fund Income Total General Fund Expenditures Experiment Station Expend. Extension Div. Expenditures Trust Fund Expenditures Total Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 1,001,986.04 265,037.53 380,154,45 874.99 1,648,053,01 937,703.49 233,410-34 307,660.60 428.30 1.479.202.73 168,850.28 65,340.02 9,172 70 4,318,14 94.16 78,925.02 87,994.14 23, 246.94 33,014. 11 41.00 144,296.19 (65,371.17) 1,067,326.06 274,210. 23 384,472,59 969.15 1,726,978;03 1,025,697.63 256,657.28 340,674.71 4691 302 9 1.623.498.92 103)470.11 Accounts Payable liquidated Excess of Expenditures over Re- ceipts for General Ledger accounts Student Loan Fund - Notes (3,999.09) (111.90) (4,110.99) 5,921. 43 (23,396.02) (551 52) (252.85) (17,474.59) (804.37) Excess of Receipts over Expendi- tures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 170,221.10 (89,131.94) 81,089.16 Excess of Receipts over Expendi- tures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 81,089.16 Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,1932 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand May 31, 1933 - Combined Fund (6,611, 53 74,477.63 Abstract of item shown on statement of Income and Expenditures as "Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the General Ledger accounts- $17,474.59" Debit Credit Accounts Receivable 12,182.27 Insurance Paid in Advance 537.84 Sundry Accounts Surplus 6,658.52 4,413,00 24, 133, 11 6 658 52 E F t4 t - - - 6. 3. Allowance on Back Salaries It appearing that, including the collection of Hill Tax and Inheritance tax by the Auditor of Public Accounts for the month of June 1933, the receipts for the year 1932-1933 will probably exceed the expenditures; and it further appearing that the Attorney General has given an opinion that excess of income over expenditures for the fiscal year may be applied to unpaid salaries for the year 1931-1932, it was ordered that distribution be made on the unpaid salariew for the year 1931-1932, not exceeding in total the excess of income over expenditures for the year 1932-1933, such distribution to be made as funds are available for that purpose. 4, Student Fees and Refunds The following schedule of changes in student fees and refunds of fees was adopted: Fees for Regular Students per Semester (Residents of Kentucky) *Registra. Incidental tion Fee Fee Total All colleges except Law ...... $5.00 $42.00 $47. 00 College of Law .,............... 5.00 45.00 50,00 (Non-residents) In all colleges (in addition to other fees) ................ 13.00 Part-time Students (Residents of Kentucky) Undergraduate ............ 5.00 3.00 per credit houi Graduate 5. . .o 4.00 4.0 (Non-residents) Undergraduate ............. 5.00 4.00 Graduate . ........... 5,00 5, 00 Auditors In lecture and recitation courses .......... 2.00 1.00 " " In studio and laboratory courses ... .... 2.00 3.00 " " *The registration bee is payable each semester by all students and is not returnable, 7. REFUNDS The registration fee is not refunded. Students who withdraw from the University after the first week may receive refunds on in- cidental fees as follows: Second week ...75 Third week *.5.. Fourth week ..... 3O Fifth week ...... 2o Sixth week ...... 1 5. Student Grants in Aid Committee President MeVey repor'ted the selection of a committee on Grants in Aid of Students. The committee consists of Dr. J. S. Chambers, Enoch Grehan, M. E. Ligon, W. D. Funkhouser, Major B. E. Brewer, B. L. Pribble, and T. T. Jones. On motion and second, the selection of the committee was approved. 6. Report on Group Insurance The annual report of the Committee on Group Insurance was pre" sented and a copy was ordered placed on file, The Group Insurance Committee suggested that some plan be adopted so that the insurance group may include the entire staff of the University, President MoVey was authorized to mail to each membeT of the staff a letter in substance as follows: June 26, 1933 To Members of the University Staff: Several years ago the University began the custom, when a member of the staff died, of paying to the wife or heirs one-half of the deceased's salary. Thuis custom will no longer be followed. In its place the group in- surance is expected to provide for the immediate expense incident to the death of a member of the staff. In con- sequence, the University would appreciate the cooperation of staff members in advancing the interests of t he in- surance group. (Signed) FRANK L. MoVey President of the University He was further authorized to give like information to each new employee at the time of employment. 8. 7, Federal Appropriations President McVey stated that newspapers were reporting a change of plan by Director of the Federal Budget as to payment of Morrill- Nelson, Hatch, Adams, Purnell and Smith-Lever funds. A roduc tion of at least twenty-five per cent had been proposed but that order was temporarily suspended. Up to the date of this meeting the Uni- versity had received no notice of action by the Director of the Budget, 8, Bdet_ Approved The budget for the year 1933-1934 was presented by President McVey and, on motion and second, it was duly approved. The Chair- man of the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees were authorized to sign the budget, and the following en- dorsement was made on the copy of the budget presented for that purpose; Budget accepted as basis of expenditures for the year 1933-34 and provisions for income and expenditures approved. (signed) (Signed) Richard C. Stoll Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee D. H. Peak Secretary of the Board of Trus- tees June 23, 1933 9. Tablet on Patterson Hall President MoVey presented the following letter from C. N, Han- ning, President of the Security Trust Company. June 14, 1933 Dr. Frank L. MoVey, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Dr. McVey; The 29th clause of the will of Prof. Walter K. Pat- terson reads as follows: 9. "Because I obtained for the University of Ken- tucky from the General Assembly of the Common- wealth of Kentucky the appropriations for the purchase of the ground and the erection thereon of the building known as Patterson Hall' and because at considerable outlay to myself I se- cured to the University of Kentucky by purchase the grounds on which 'Patterson Hall' is located, thereby guaranteeing the title to said property, and because free of cost to the University I sup- ervised the erection of the said 'Patterson Hall', the laying out of the grounds, the building of the roads, a-nd the planting of trees and shrubbery, I direct my Executor to have a commemorative tablet with an appropriate inscription placed on rPatter- son Hall' provided this request is approved and authorized by the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity of Kentucky. I suggest a plain bronze tab- let such as the one recently placed on the ':James Kennedy Patterson Memorial Home' on the campus of the University of Kentucky." I am wondering whether it is agreeable to the Board of Trustees of the University to have the suggested tablet placed on Patterson Hall. If so, I should be very glad to have you revise or entirely rewrite the inscription which I submit be- low, namely: IN MEMORY OF WALTER KENNEDY PATTERSON 1845 - 1932 Whose efforts and help in the purchase of the ground, the erection of Patterson Hall, and the landscaping and planting, are gratefully acknowledged by means of this tablet erected by author- ity of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Cordially yours, (Signed) C. N. Manning President, Security Trust Company On motion duly passed the Executor of the Walter K. Patterson Estate was authorized to proceed with the erection of t he tablet under the terms of the will and the inscription suggested by Mr. Manning was approved. 10. 10. Cost of Electric Service President MoVey presented a statement and tabulation of the cost of. electric service made by M. J. Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, accompanied by the suggestion that some- thing be done toward securing a better rate. The committee recom- mended that the question be taken up with Mr. Reed of the Lexing- ton Utilities Company. 11. Government Plan of Construction President McVey reported progress on his investigation of gov- ernment financing of construction. He was authorized to make fur- ther investigations especially as to refinancing the ren's Dormi- tories. 12. Education Commission The State Educational CommiAssion has been considering the matter of control over state educational institutions. The pro- posal before the Commission suggests the creation of a board of fifteen to have supervision over curricula as related to institu- tions and over budgets when presented to the State Budget Com- mission. Each institution was to be represented by a member of the Board of Trustees and the president. In the case of t he Un- iversity there were to be two members of the board, the president and the dean of the College of Education. The State Board of Ed- ucation was to have a representation of three, making a membership of fifteen. In making up his report President McVey stated he had asked the Commission to give the University a representation of five, reducing the Board of Education to a representation of two, the other institutions to have the same representation as above. The comnittee instructed the President to continue to press for a representation of five on the Board. 13. Selection of Member of Executive Committee A vacancy existing in the membership of t he Executive Comsmit- tee by reason of the expiration of the term of office of Mlr. E. B. Webb as trustee of the University of Kentucky; on motion, duly seconded, Mr. C. 0. Graves was selected to fill the vacancy and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees was directed to notify Mr. Graves of the selection. 14. Interest on Bank Balances The following notice was received from the First National Bank and trust Company, the depository of University funds: June 21, 1933 TO OUR DEPOSITORS: In accordance with provisions of the Bank- ing Act of 1933, the Federal Reserve Act has been amended to the effect that no bank which is a nember of the Federal Reserve System may pay interest on demand deposits. We quote below an excerpt from Section 11 (b) of the new Act: "No member bank shall, directly or indirectly by any device whatsoever, pay any interest on any deposit which is payable on demand." We, therefore, are obliged to discontinue the payment of interest on demand deposit balances, effec- tive on and after June 16th, 1933. Should you wish to place all or a portion of your balance in a time deposit account, we shall be pleased to pay interest on such an account or accounts sub- ject, however, to rules and regulations that will be pre- scribed from time to time by the Federal Reserve Board, Yours very truly, (Signed) FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPAN5 Order incorporated in minutes and no further action taken. 15. Bureau of Mineral and Toposgraphic Survey Statements tQ- proved The Business Agent presented a statement of expense in the Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey as follows: June 23, 1933 BUREAU OF MINERAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (COLLECTIONS) University Post Office Postage $22.89 Railway Express Agency Express 3,29 The statement was approved by the Executive Committee and or- dered to be submitted to the Auditor of Public Accounts for payment. 12 q 12. 16. Authorized to Borrow Money On motion duly seconded the following order was passed: Authority to borrow during the fiscal year 1933-1934 for the. purpose of paying salaries, bills approved and due and current op- erating expenses, a sum not to exceed $100,000.00 is hereby grant- ed, the notes to be signed by the Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee and the Business Agent or by the President of t he University of Kentucky and the Business Agent. 17, Interest on Federal Funds The following communication was received from the Commissioner of Education: June 5, 1933 To Presidents and Basiness Managers. Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. Your attention is called to a decision by the Comp- troller General of the United States dated January 16, 1933, in regard to interest accruing upon Morrill-Nelson appropriations, an excerpt from which follows: I have to advise that the interest accruing upon all such funds (Second Morrill Act of August 30, 1890 - 26 Stat. 417; and Nelson Amendment of March 4, 1907 - 34 Stat. 1281) - is interest accruing to the United States and should be cov- ered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts." Further rulings dated March 22, 1933, provide that: 1, The effective date of this ruling is January 16, 1933, 2. Interest accrued January 16 to June 30, 1933, inclusive, must be accounted for and covered into the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year, June 30, and thereafter, accrued inter- est shall be accounted for at the close, June 30, of each fiscal year. 3. Morrill-Nelson funds must he kept in a deposit account separate from all other funds. 13. 4. The person duly designated to receive the funds from the Federal Government is responsible for the accounting of such interest as may be credited to the deposit account by the bank in which the deposit account is maintained. Checks coveting interest accrued from January 16 to June 30, 1933, should be mailed with the annual reports and will be forwarded by me to the Treasurer of the United States to be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous re- ceipts. Very respectfully yours, (Signed) Wm. John Cooper Commissioner of Education The same ruling applies to Federal Smith-Lever funds and the H{atch, the Adans and the Purnell Funds, 18. Library Stacks Bill Approved The following bill presented by the Superintendent of Build- ings and Grounds for the erection of Library Stacks was approved and ordered certified to the Auditor of Public Accounts for pay- ment; June 22, 1933 To furnish all Labor and Materials necessary to complete the installation of three tiers of book-stacks in New Library Building. The work is classified as follows: 1, Caftage and Drayage from University Siding to Building ................................. $ 40,00 2, Installing and erecting all steel supports and bookshelving ., ... 365,00 3, Manufacturing and setting concrete slab flooring, 3200 sq. Et, ..................... 862.0 4, Installing all electric conduit and wiring for power anid light ...,,.,, 880.00 5, Painting all exposed metal work on stacks ex- cept shelving .574 00 6, Waxing and polishing all concrete slab floor- ing.. 48.00 -V26,9,00 14. 19. Authorized to Sell State Warrants The Business Agent reported that he was able to sell state warrants on hand at 91 to 01E per cent and accrued interest. The sale of the warrants at best price obtainable was authorized. 20, Appointments and Other Staff Changes. Appointments: Dr. T., T. Jones, Dean of Men, to succeed C. R. Melcher, salary $1400.00, payable on twelve months basis. Lyle B. Croft, Assistant Dean of }en, salary $2100.00 payable on a twelve months basis. Robert Broh Kahn graduate assistant in Bacteriology for the year 1933-34, salary 820000. Miss Susan Miller, Librarian of t he Henry Clay Sligh School, part-time instructor in Library Science. Miss Lucy Gragg, Librarian oft he University Training School Library, part-time instructor in Library Science. D. B1 Palmeter, graduate assistant in Mathematics for year 1933-34, salary $300.00. Lee P. Hutchtson, graduate assistant in Mathematics, for year 1933-34, salary $300.00, Andrew Ferrille' giaduate assistant in Mathematics for year 1933-34, salary $300.00, Leonard Miller, instructor in the Department of Physical Education, for the year 1933-34, taking the place of John Campbell, named in the Minutes of the Board of Trustees of June 1, 1933. Reappointment s: Miss 1iary Cole Holloway, half-time secretary in the Department of English, for the year 1933-34, salary $400.00 Stewart Barney, technician in the Department of Bacteriology for the year 1933-34, salary $27.00 per month for twelve months. Jack Todd, technician in the Department of Bacteriology, for year 1933-34, salary t;23.00 per month for twelve months, 15. 32ooks Hamilton, technician in the Department of Hygiene and Public Healthfor the year 1933-34. Miss Mildred Semmons, acting head of the Department of Library Science, for the year 1933-34, ranking as assistant professor, Miss Margaret I. King, part-time instructor in Library Science, for the year 1933-34, Miss Sallie Pence, instructor in Mathematics, for the year 1933-34, Miss Dorothy Rominger, assistant in Physics for the year 1933- 34, salary $840.00, payable on a twelve months basis. E. G. Trimble, assistant professor in Political Science, for the year 1933-34, Miss Sue Layton, student assistant in charge of Carnegie Art Library, for the year 1933-34, salary $40000 Leaves of Absence: Dr. W. W. Dimock was granted a leave of absence of twenty six days following the end of his annual vacation: to wit, August 15, 1933. The purpose is for travel and study in Europe, Jo 0. Jones, professor in the Department of Political Science, was granted a leave of absence for the year 1933-34 on half pay. On motion, the Committee adjourned. D. H. Peak Secretary, Board of Trus- tees