xt7rjd4pmp96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pmp96/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_586 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 586 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 586  2014 true xt7rjd4pmp96 section xt7rjd4pmp96 I   la
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UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Acmcuuunz AND Home ecowomcs

 Kenl·ucky's Agricultural lndustry c_
KESIIZZZ"Zfrflf.{iii}?'ft§ii£$i.ii£.'ZZ`"$.i$§.¤ °
Kentucky agriculture is much more than the production of
crops and livestock on farms. In addition to the primary job of _
producing food, fiber, and tobacco products, Kentucky’s agricul-
ture includes the thousands of firms and people who supply our r
farmers with production supplies. The industry of agriculture
also includes the job of processing and distributing farm prod-
ucts after they leave the farms.
This publication attempts to look at agriculture in the broader
aspects by treating all of the areas that comprise Kentucky agri-
culture. '
The total output of agriculture in the United States today
is about 55 percent larger than 20 years ago. This is a phenomenal
growth as a result of technological improvements which have
increased yields per acre and production per animal. In Ken-
tucky the growth has been less spectacular, but Kentucky’s vol-
ume of agricultural production is about 30 percent above the level
of two decades ago. These tremendous increases in farm out- ·
put have been accomplished in the face of a decline of about 33
percent in farm population in the United States since 1940. Farm
output per man-hour has doubled in this period of years.
Sales of farm products from Kentucky farms in 1961 totaled
$636 million. This is more than four times the pre-World War I1
level, but the increase is due to both inflation and to enlarged
physical output. The importance of this more than one-half bil-
lion dollars to the economy of Kentucky can best be understood
by considering the other business activities which it stimulates.
For farmers to have a cash income, they must buy fann sup-
plies such as feed, seed, machinery, lumber, and the like. The
total production expenses of Kentucky farmers in 1961 amounted
to about $412 million. This business supports a large number
of manufacturers, dealers, and industrial workers throughout the
United States. ·
An even more important effect of agriculture upon the econ-
omy of Kentucky is that of processing, storing, distributing, and
transporting farm products after they leave the famn. Tobacco
warehouses. stockyards, milk pasteurizing and bottling plants,

 slaughter houses, tobacco redriers, and the like all depend upon KENTUCKY FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES IN 1961
· f21l`]']] p1'OdLlCtS tO1‘ tll(·)i1` l)l1Si11€SS. Tl1€ VOllllU€ ot SUCll l)llSl11GSS TOTAL FARM PRODUCTION l lyvwm l)I_m]lK_tnm costs
‘ for Kentucky farm products in 1961 amounted to about $1,2 (MFE(Lig':4$El§bli€IRS) “.on_ $412 mnnon in 1$)6l·
billion , .
` _ ;. Protluction expenses
Tl1€S€ l)tlS111€SS€S, Wl`liCl`l 31`C 110t St1`lCtly lt`ll`H111]g l)lIt \Vl1iC11 zlllllllllltvtl tt) (iii t)t‘l`L‘¢‘Ill Oli
deal with farm supplies and farm products, SOH1€til1l€S ure called Fg? cash receipts lrom larming.
A "Ag]'il)[l$i]]€SS,7, When measuring the eCO1l0111iC il11p01`t2lllCe Oli Luz? 8 Repair- J3. Protlnction expenses rt-p-
Kentuckyk agriculture, these too Sllollld be i11Cll1d€d- It WG ildd Limgo or iltig;:,:'§,r; l`<`$*`lll I’lll`¤`llil$<`$ lillllll lllilll}'
together the three Hgures above, they total about S2,237,0()O,()()() Femhzegl 8 E°;;;"“°"’ l}'ll<‘$ ll$lll<‘$$ lll`lll$·
., for   This 1110011161 W&1S 1l€3.1'ly Oll€·l1Llll; RS lUllCl1 HS (116 tOli1ll ‘l- 'l`lll‘ li¥ll`lll $lll)Dl)’ lll(lll$lil`}'
' personal income in Kentucky during 1961. ¤ep.e.......,n *“ "" l"“"*""l l""" "l ““"l""l‘
Inst look mime your- local trading center and see how many .,,,m,,,, 1 9* }»""" ""‘l "‘§"*"l" ‘l""""‘l“ ""
. I . ¤¤¤¤S a‘ ·r it r · 1; .·   ·
’ of the l)llS1l1€SSD1€1] aft': IllO1'€ O1' less Cll1`€Ctly d€]_)€l`ldCl`lt UPON 92 Hm 1 Il ml` _
farmers for their trade. This will give you an idea of the impor- "‘ _l"""_" Wlllllli l"'S""`”"“
. . and larmmg will proliablv be-
, tance of agriculture 11] Kentucky. _ . _ · _
_ _ _ _ come mote mtcitlependent as
Tllé 1'€l?.1t10l]Sll1]_)S l)€lC\V€€D 3.g1IClllLlll`€ Hlld Otl1€l` l)l1SIIlCSSCS Toml production Expenses, ;it;t·it·||]tm·;il tt·t·]mt)lt)p_y tltlypl-
and the relative sizes of the different segments of Agribusiness $412 Million ops and as liarming l>t·t·oint—s
are illustrated in the following charts. O,ngptggggncj$(;$Ss;ggj_S;js¤¤·r'·"·“ '¤·*<"¤·‘<*~· ¤¤¤<>¤‘<· si><·<·i=¤li%<·utiin_5· tlitl
dairying were thc most impor- ll""·‘l"‘:l$ "l illil"""ll'll"’ IS (ll
tant ineome—producing livc- major importance in tht- t·t·on-
Totul Cash Receipts, $636 Million stock enterprises in 1961. ""’Y·
'”'' ` . ·l. li       ·`; * '
I Till' t0tlll \'()lllITl(} ot l)llSlI1CSS ilSS()()liltC(.l \Vltl] l)I'()()(}SSiI1i.[ Llllll (llSlI`illllllII}.[ K(‘I|* , V .· llslltnl .`T( Y, l,`Z`()(rl ,lt( (I, \\/Ill]
LUCKY l-2U`II1 rl)I`()dI1CtS 1l1l(l \Vltl] KCIltllCl(y filflll Sllpply ])I1I`ClItlS(’S   Iltll Il(’L`(‘S$ill`ll;\` Totul V¤l¤¤ Addcdt luhlluu HH hl\( L`] U \\ H lll
A lm-`(ll1lU U) l\CT1tllCl<}·' D00pl<‘. l\lzlI‘ty Kentucky farm coiiiiiitytlitius nrt; transporlctl to $l,189,000,000 lllll)()l'lilll("` iw llllill lllllllllllr
()Ll1(‘I' QITCEIS f()I` [)I`()C(.’SSil1g, l1I`l(.l S\1]`)])lil'S 1)\1I`Cl1tlS(‘(l by li2U`lllCI`S {ITC Il1iII1I|iiiI('lllT('(l lll
()tl1(‘T 2lI`L‘2tS. I'l()\\’(’V(’I', £lgI`lCllltl1I`iIl pl"()(lllL'tS l-TOII1 ()tl1(TI` Sl1It(’S 2lI`C Sl1l])l)(‘(l tt) Kl'II- (I V ` I _. V V _ V _ _
tueky for further processing and the output ol iarm supply I1I1lI1IIlilL'tI|I`<‘T$ in “ lim`? "l "" "`l""i'l"'] PMN HIIIIIIHI mlllml In [II" WIN" lmw Ul tnllmitln
K€¤1tllCl11si11t·ss l'(‘I1lL(‘(I to llgl'l(‘\lILl|l`(‘ has
lwcn l`(‘(lIlll`(‘(I to provitlc I