xt7rjd4pp429 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pp429/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1948 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1948 Vol.19 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, May 1948 Vol.19 No.7 1948 2019 true xt7rjd4pp429 section xt7rjd4pp429 2% x I ,“’.:IA 5 'I I' ', I , -I II II I ' v II I I II I. I II III I I IIIII III
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‘ ‘1'" “1‘ . “ \Veeklv newspapers in the _L‘ntted btates . I .. , . 79th:?anr.
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:3. ‘J ‘-““‘1:.!‘13 ‘.-. .‘12‘ ,1 i . . 1 2 Z. .- 15"}; I I“? I 1.‘ ‘2. . II Li." . l 3I I313“. 7' IIIIIII .

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if}: 11: 1““ "5‘ 1:1; ‘12 ‘ One-hall of. all taming. in LlIlIiIfiffinleIlU'y 5:; .1 2M5; was if 1g???“ 3‘3““.7‘l3 21' "I.“ 3 1. 1. II the Kent
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"“‘ ‘ “‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - . * wit/5.2; g1 .. " 2 -' 1 1- 2' .2 ‘ .
1I It; “‘ -{-’ .3, 1, areas. he says. 131"“: 25ft 1a., . "7‘95, igII ‘0“ . 122’! "221‘ , : II IIrIivIes on 2
.‘11 ‘32“. ,‘ 1. CrossleV-s statements, 11.; revealed in an .. , ‘-2..1¥?‘Mfi g“. \ @222 5 32¢ III . g? I “,- of type- ..
‘i‘ ‘ "‘ ‘ 1 illustrated tii'o-(tolor. lo-pag‘e brochure on .1 #9: “5,5295%. .c- 53231.2?“ 1 fi‘f' 3“ file; 93 .- . 259;. é . g ,I 183.50 b? sh

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ““ “ ’ “Circum‘O” ““31”“ ““ “ “3““ MW” 2‘? ‘2‘)“ W 3. .292152‘ 1 .1 ’2 g}, :31 1 —. 51TH: for
=3: . 1'. 3 1' I135 ,1 . . , ~. . , .2 -_ . 1 , 2,322 "if“ '3‘31‘3‘727. II; .‘ 5.: . .2 r», 73235:}. "-1.12: M 11:"; . .

E; . . ‘. .‘1‘ 3“: 33:1 pers. llie report has found. aftet .i care . . “’4' “a; ;:f_., f :~.-,‘115'§r‘““ 5‘9.“ flag 3,21 , a, lawn'at S
.322‘ . S ‘1, 1 12 ‘r .111 ,1 , . 5, . . .; . ‘-",“"11‘ :15, . . ,2, I, 1:31" .. ~‘. 5 r 2... . .“i’ . II ‘..... ,- ‘7. II I .

‘3‘: -; 1 3 ‘33“ 3133.121 11 in] study 01 seveial months, that four fifths .‘. i." .. z. .1, 1.x'2"‘.’*-‘:‘5 . . a : "11g; 1‘.» III II I meetmg C
‘3". 3‘. “ ‘133‘. 3“.“ :31; 3 of all weeklIi nenspapti (iiculation is ten . , III IIIIIII 1, 15155;» I .12 , . 5“ . I?«"C“‘ , I.i‘1II.“Ir I BI Wachs

‘2‘; <‘ ‘1 333‘. “3‘ 1‘1 i‘ 12" tered in the communities ol less than 10.000. 1*; .22‘ I 3.2 1 3;. .1 . 11:52:. I ,"‘.~,".’ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘ III Russell DI
‘ii ““ ““ ‘ ““ ““ “ " ' ' ' A h " . 92-131“. ‘7 . 3‘, 1' '2‘ 7111.5": ,1 ' L- ' .1 'r" ...:.;1.-f1,.,',1*_’.j 5" .. . .

‘ 1‘.- ‘1-“‘ 0113‘.“ Of the 8.180 iieeklies .is defined in his 32233233? . , 3. 2- ,III I . .- {“121 1:2,,» PIeSIdem
.-. 1 11 .1: u - . .. . ; . . , . -. . . , . W. , .I . , .
‘ ‘ '13 ‘l -.1. 31‘ Z] study. Cl-osslev shows that /.680 papeis 01 I 3:2“- :1? IIII , . 2 , . ’12?" .- . IIIIIIII I I .}:.Ié,{“ II IIIIIIIII . I (mule rec

123-- : l 3111 “ “12,-, 2 _ . , . W‘1"‘.I§ 3 1; ,I :1 “if“ . II '1’». ,~'-1‘7:.I':3‘.':.5"';,\;» "1.."‘, J :“a” _ 1 . '.

“i “ ““ “"““ “ “‘ 87 5 per cent. were published in non-metio- , . 2 35122;”;3 3“" ‘2‘ ', . 1...... . 1s .:-:.1*.‘-“.‘ III III “‘2ng III . I _; S eakin
.-,- '1 :11“ ‘1‘. ‘,“.. ' ,5 I .I'ia2 5 221‘. . 1, . _,I 1 3- 2 I1 . I . III - .I 1). +2.23" VII... I,

‘55 1‘ “"-“*“E‘ .1“-1 It 1 areas. 0‘ the total. :).460 me pub- E, 2:92 "1“; , If: , . I 5'. _ ‘15-‘31 . II III . III . . .3) III 3
““ ‘ ‘ ‘ “““ “““ ““ P0 ““1 ‘ 0 ' ' l l "(‘0 £1727 1 *1 . .5 ' . ~' -. .1: . ~. ' e 1 1 " ‘15:" 3‘ Promotion
,315 ‘ ‘11:1““.:‘ 311‘ lislied in towns of less than _.:)00 ant ._ . ,2 ‘5,» , o I, 5. ., f I “jg-”I II III IIIIII . . I

.. 5 f
. 1 .11“ 1 s ~ 1 r 000.2}..122 1 . 2 , 3.51., . .1135,- 1.2 ‘.- ,I name 5.

i .‘ 1. ‘ “l5, ,“3‘ E?“ 132‘ ;‘ ZIPPCZIT ll] [owns between _, 100 ant J. - 3.1;,“ ’ I" " .1 '1- , 5" l; .537, if“ 2., . .,11‘é Pany Cint

'1‘“ “1““ “1“-““‘“E "‘“ “ - ‘25,. . 1‘ .. , ‘ 5 , .11 . 2‘55“ 2“ 1,2; -. 23,322.) ‘ 2 , ,

-..- 1 .1.1. 21 M141 1‘ . - ,, . . q -. " ; 5 , [111- . h.- . . . 2%” I ._1. II -Ii‘/. , . .
3:1I‘, 31“ 3““:3 ‘3 Cin-illfltltnl nais l)Ct\\LLI11 l1C\\S[) ipeiIIs s , f .‘ II . 1 2 ., . ; 1 . III: II I I II IIIIIIIII I trends of I
:‘1': ‘l 1,13“ ““‘1‘1““%; 11‘ ' - - 0 those of the “roaring twenties ma) 1": , 1 , , rt 132. 32‘Q'f1‘1f1il.‘.“i.,éi ‘22:“,510’ ' 'i' : ‘

““ “““““““ l‘d‘ ‘ 1' fit ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ *1:f”~'-q‘ ' .1...»:...,-.2;.-1§‘ 12. ~21}, address on
'3‘,- ‘: ‘3 . I“ ‘: . l-‘ - l i ‘1‘ _ '. , . , w . A; ’, " 1‘0 S 1 1 , , . I: ‘3‘"... i." . "13°: . 53,,- gin: 1911 11. ‘. I
f;- 1- . . 3‘1“‘1‘!31““E“‘ return as publishcts attempt to [Ll IIL p I 1 . _ 1, , . I r . . IIIIIIIIIII , C ,5I1I III 3 IOIIbeI an“
. . 1‘11 .11.1.‘1“' . . , ~ .1 - - tlic - . _ . 215.51.; 2&1. wt , _.

:3 31.31 i ‘1‘“ 3‘3““ .‘ iii the face of “Sing costs. but i n as ,I . 2— , . . I III .. IIIIIIIII I -.. Ward. con
1 ‘t : .1...- 111“1,;- , . . . . - . - . . . _ . I t. I . ; I, .

{1:3 1:31 “3 1333 3‘3 “3‘ ‘3“ .3 warning bv N. R. Him .tid. editoi 0‘ th( 3 3 _ .' II . 1‘: IIII IIII IIIIIIII I IIIIII I Iméthe p
'3 ‘1‘ l ‘3 ,-‘ “. “3‘ ‘1» 1 . . ' 1 . _ , . 5 ‘ ‘Ilt n[ LllE :\lll€1‘- I‘ I I ’5' ,i,}' I31. 2'22“ “‘59:“ '. - I‘ I32. I
-.-_; .1‘1 ‘ .‘II‘3iI3 313‘ ‘1‘ Cleveland i\e\\s .inId pieside E II . .. III II : . . _ I I {g III I III .. . IIImIIUCIky s
‘2‘: E‘ “ ‘33“ ‘333 ‘5 ican Society 0‘ t\(f\\’\3J.II‘)Ll ( itois. . I . I I . gr; , I II I I PIIIIIS for I
l“ “ "‘ “I“ “‘ ““ . . . -. ‘ . '- ~- ~ .3. 1:4? ‘ ~::_“( .. . - .
-“- “. ‘ “3‘ “3 #31333 lecture recentl) to students ol the. Unnei 5% . III III . II . I III/the Istau
- t ‘3“.- 13 1.“ 13:; ,‘ sity 0‘ i\Ii¢-liiI._.I1an JOUllltlllsm (IltIXllElIllCllt ’ll, . ,1 _, , IIIII . I i I I.II;H.II.IroId I
“'2‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “3‘1““ ““1“-‘-‘1 \nn Arbor. Revenue from circulation and _I 3 T225155). .‘ . , . . . IIIIIIIIIIIId SI
:._- ,. g .1. ‘1 ‘1“ ‘1‘.“ i . . - 5 ,I, , - 5 ,_ I ‘,‘1-“2‘1¢‘:«'-;‘:; ‘: 2 I II . . 1: I' I_ II
1‘: l.‘1' 1 ‘. “1 ‘3 313“}‘133‘. f‘ advertising has only lIl(IL.h((l 2..) pei(ent I I r‘g :, 31';- III 1. III III I .. IIIIIIIICIOII of
, . .1 .1.‘ 1‘11‘.,: 1 _ . 1, - , . r- ‘3 #152“ .5. . IIII .. IIII 1.- II I I I
’ ' “1‘- ‘ ‘13“‘333‘3‘13‘5 1‘ for the average papei. he said. At piesent . ,. 2 IIi’wfi 3 ,1, .29 “W“ 5. I Cainpfiign
. . 1‘1‘: 11 11 “ .1. l“ .i‘ ; . . . . ., _ 1 221.1,... 3 a 2132.“ II I I
‘1.“1‘ ‘1‘“33““33“!‘ the only eflectivc remedy open to the pub . 1. -. I III I III . IromIIhe I
“1"“ “““I“‘ ““- “‘ “ '2 . . '- ., ' - his advertisiiin' s )ace rates. 'I ". ‘ ‘ _ - 1“ .. i, .
.3 , ‘3, ““ 31331133313333, lishti is to raise . . . ,‘j- 1 IIIIIIIIII “III II What IS beI
"‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘1‘. “‘3““‘“ 1““3 E‘ Howard said. and at the saiiie time u i IIIIIIIIII I IS II forceful
2,:- “l‘ ;1 ‘ 3‘1“‘-.‘13‘l‘:‘11‘11i ‘3 an intensive campaign for the tiitulation in 2% visiting KCI
“ “‘““““ ‘1‘1‘“““‘": . ' " t -- ' iie .

'2' “‘1 .1 ‘1 ‘3“, 3‘3 1‘“ “ ‘1 3 creases needed to iustits Lie i.iise. SoIi . waShIngton

‘ ‘ " ‘ ““ ““ “‘ ‘ . 1- ' ' "l l~velo )iiient tiat I I
‘ ““ ' ‘-‘-1““l“ “ ‘1' 1‘ (Treat nen niethaiiim i e l I II 11 I I
“H “‘ ‘ ““““““‘ h ' " ' ‘ ' Must n Your Cove Trip mgton cam

x 3 1‘33 ‘ 3‘33 ““3‘.‘.‘.‘“ can render the PTUCCS\(‘\ 0‘ 116“ spapei pio- Frozen NIOgOrO, A O C I _ 3
'- ' “““‘ ‘ “‘-‘ “““'.““ “‘ - ' 'llCil )er and ”twat” the return 0‘ —-——————_—_—_——._———-———‘ I 0 . Don

.3 . 3. 313.13. 3 duction ( 1 t H I II IIICIIII MIIII
2‘ ‘ ‘ ““‘““‘ ' - -‘ <- ' ' . ‘ "s. ow- . , 1 . . iour 2
“ ‘ "“ “‘ "“““““““ “ scumumm‘ (“(u‘m‘m‘ ‘J’Emng mtdm you work, and you loaf 0r recuperate, or If you make $25,000 at )831. each 1 topic OIIITII
‘ ' “‘ ‘ “““ 3“ “rd declared. “ desperatelv zieede ‘ pifHe 600 more hours than you labor? worth $10.78. I . Outline pla;
“ “ ‘ ‘ ““ ‘ “‘ ““ “ __"_— ‘__—~__ . , I . I I , l 1121“: eurllf‘ I
. . ‘1 ‘j-‘, ‘3“, -— . \Ve are now prettv close to the working Put douii on pdl)Cl “hat yogd . III 0320 national safi
“ “““‘““ .. ‘ - . x . : . .. ..1. "i eit .2 . .

. ‘33 ““““"“ ‘ A H value of Mme and we get a startling new in the last UVLhL months. DliI III hour 1‘~ Courier J01

“ “““ “““““‘ , ’ 3 , , , . 11m 83‘ .

‘ “1‘ 1“ ‘l'.“‘ 3‘33‘33“ ‘ What IS n our 0‘. the cost 0‘ “‘21816‘ hours so )011 mm) realize ts {fitter or and .fllture
- “1 ' ‘1‘ ‘1‘. 11 1.1 I I I , . I you
‘ ““ “‘“““3“‘ Worth TO YOU? If Von make $1,500 a verir, each hour 18 15 “01111 to you. Tlhen nhIeI éhoursaday,3‘12Rr955-Sports
‘ ‘ “““““‘ ““ “ “ 1* ' ‘ . .. ' . ~ 0 iours tll‘e 1
.. 3.331 1 ““‘l3 ‘3‘3‘3‘3‘ In :1 Wu" there are .9105 days. This means worth is .69. “am: an h0lll,1[W III III ,vaIIIII into dollafi 3 The sessic
; .-‘1‘.1“ 1.33“.“ 3“ I . ." I I I trans ate 6 I II

‘33‘ ‘3 ‘1‘“‘3‘ 11 8 760 hours all told. Do som: figuring. Light If you make $2250 a verir, each hour is ‘Oul C111 I 66 “h“ a IOOIIIII IIIIIIOIII you . 110a of [he a
» “I ‘3‘.1“121‘1"‘ ' . . ' S ' ( - ' ‘ .5 5
‘ ““ “ “‘ ' ' ' ’ r ' 2 am cents ant ,

f, 0311.23 ““1“1“3‘.““3“1 hours a day. 6 days in the neck, JO iieIeks worth $ .97. III .I IIIIIIIIPIIZC I

. , '131 . 43131133333; 13 . . I . I . [YES I _ I III II I
-.‘-.‘ 111 1 33.1113 .11“ 13 in the year (trio necks for mu cation). g If you make $3,000 a year, each hour Is I Hilfiger P0
- ’ 1‘ . ‘ ‘1 v ‘2 31“ ‘3 . I .'. I ——_—_I ____I_____ I
i 1‘. ‘31 3“.“‘ “ vou 2,400 liouis. Deduct 1.0 da) 5. 80 houIrIs0 worth $1.30. __ . II III .1I99mmittee,
“‘1‘ ““1“1.“ ‘ . _ , . . :2.” ,., 1 ~sou .

.3 113‘ ‘33‘-.‘3‘1‘.--‘j31 for hOllClIQS and you have left only 3 If \‘011 nnke $6000 a 3.611. th hour is A pedestrian inuv be wrong, but Wsaml‘daya
-, 1. ‘13‘1;:‘I3iI 1‘ . I . . ,‘ _ , I. . I x y . ~ 1 .
2‘31 “111‘ ‘31311‘13‘ hours for nork. Life consists of three sup worth $9 60 w,” IIIII IIIIIIII IIIII ”With cave Ir
‘ ““ ‘ “““““““ “‘ ‘ ~ ' ’ r work. one ‘~' ‘ - . . ..1, 1 art
““ ““ “““ “‘““‘““ “ medly Clght‘hom Shlfts‘ 0““ f'o - If on nuke '510 000 a war each hour is Kinda looks like we Will havL “ w ' bridge Part
‘31“1‘E““3i‘ ‘3333 for sleep. and one for retreation. Do you ) . 00 _.. IICIICC III (III Piece; I I-prizIes Will I
.11 3-2.“.“,‘.1 A , .. . 3.7.- I . ,. IIIIIIIIII .

33331“ 3““1333“3 knmv that you sleep 000 more honis than iiorth $i Iworst) .fansI
" $ $11“. 1 1““1“‘1‘.‘!‘=Ei‘ IIIIII II 5 ,

.‘ “ “l: l .‘1 21.12““ -. . I I .‘i {:1 I ,

.3 :, “|‘ ‘ 1““ ‘13 1‘" “ . ., . .. ~ . .. -.,.... M “Hwy/111., ”‘55....- 53 .,V.;.r..,_,\7,« 3,555.5, ~‘-’~‘1’“-V’s;'5;{»‘=:«3535‘? 11‘1”"fité§ij9§1i33fiéfié‘2.“32." .1“ .-

- .,‘. .5... 5 . . '. ’V“"MX' W. 5 . gym: ”a; N ,,1 $§"3=5‘$§3§§?fi“}?§’5e§ -5_my'v~~;f§grssegefig: t l
J 1, - ummer e A J JJJ
' J ii J : IJ ‘J‘JJ .
J : 'J‘ J i. J pig 3
' I . . . - r J- J' J J JJJ ii
J Tentative plans have been made for the Frank Smlth Dlrecl’S The Bereo COJJEQE Entertainers JJJ.- J JJJ J J Jr;
J 79th annual mid-summer meeting of the JJJ J JJJJ JJ J‘Jéfi
1‘ Cave, June 4-6. Registration “Ill start a JJJJ J J J §‘
J round 4 o’clock on Friday atternoon, June . J JJJ JJJ JJ JJ J?
J A and will continue during the evening. J 3‘ J . J J J J JJ JJJ it?
J The registration lee has been set at $2.90 . J J, J J J JJ J J JJ JJ til
J Per person which includes the cost of the , J J J J JJ til
J the Kentticky-HOJ)’ Cross and Kentucky- J \1 4‘ 'f ‘ ’ JJJ i JJ J JJJ J;
J Oilel's basketball games, and, it the film ar- 3 J_ JJ J J J J J
J ' rives on time, the story of the development .J.\ ‘ i“ . J J J JJ iii
. , n V“‘\ . \ Jn _ J J ‘ J J; J J. 0..
J of type. Several other interesting films will ~-» \ J . ‘35 (J y) ”H _ J JJ J J J :1th
J " - a" 1 ' : cud‘ -‘ v 1 ‘3"
J also be shown. Fifi . ' ,‘ ' " J J‘ J J J J J JiJJ JJJ:
" . " 1 J ’ .* ’2" ' ‘J ‘ JJ ; JJJ. J._
J The formal program will be held on the M J ‘J J JJJJ J J J J JJJJ é
' . 7' 7' ',f.‘ 25555:: 5,4} t J ‘ J ‘ J J ‘ J‘ t
J Jaw“ at 9:30, Saturday morning: with ‘the JJJ/m" ~ - J .33 j. 2a. _ _ J J J JJ J JJ J JJJJ is:
i meeting called to order by Pmldent “ed . ‘ , , 53??! : iJé J J J ‘:J J JJJ ti?
2‘ ‘ B. Wachs. Invocatron Will be offered by ’7? JJJ, J _ J J J J JJJJJ J
'r t ‘ ' l ': $2.13 t; ‘ . J JJ 1 J J l J
J;‘ I 'Russell Dyche, London Sentinal Echo. Vice- JJ “124132. J J ' J r- J JJ J ; JJ J JJJ: J
J Presrdent James M. “711115 Wlll gixe a report ,Jggngigt _ t ‘ J JJJ J J JJ J J JJJJ T:
v- J on the recent National Editorial Assocration WJJJJJJJ‘JJ J " it ' ' J J . c, JJ JJJ J J JJJ J J JJJJ g“;
‘ Speaking on the topic, Lets Do It the JJ “ ‘ '\\ kfi. J E‘JJ 1J J J JJJIJ 3J3
“" ' ~v J 1*. v J
l", promotional \Vay," Stephen A. Douglas, di- JJJ . _ J J J JJJJ J JJJ E?
J J rector of sales promotion, The Kroger Com— J _ . _ J J JJJ J J JJJJ 5;
J) parry, Cincinnati, will discuss the business JJJ J J JJ J JJJJh'JJ
' ' ‘ i J 1 -‘ J J J . =. J J J I ,
t J trends of today. He Will be followed by an J J _' J J J JJ JJ JJJ JJJ“JJ.%
‘ ( address on the Security Loan Drive. speaker ‘ J J J J J J J JJJ it};
' Jo be announced later. Our own Henry JJ J J JJJ ;. JJJ'bllt
‘ ' ' ' J i ‘ : J‘ ' :7}:
J Ward, Conservation Commissioner, wrll out- J JJ J J J JJJ Jig“,-
] l - u 1 ~ ' - ‘ J J .‘ J J J 'J 3'
3 J line the program for the development Of announced later, will be held around 5:30 to them my xcr) deeeregiet that crrcum JJJJ JJ JJ JJJ JJJJJJE
Li Kentucky State Pa1.ks. He will discuss future P m stances made it lmpOSSlblC [or me to 10m JJJ J J JJ J J JJ-JJJ
- . , . ' ' n i J' J I J 2 J z I
plans for the development at tourist trade The formal banquet will be held at seven them. , : b J-J J J J JJ J JJJJ ‘él:
J in the state. o’clock in the main (JJmng room. I‘ollowmg Door PFIICS “Ill be awarded rt th: .151; ,J J JJ J JJ JJJJ Joli
. J r. . . - . , . .s ' ,~ ‘ J c J J j J J J J J.“
Harold K. Phillips, Association 01 Lasu- the “eats", Frank stJhJ du‘e(j[()r 01 the quct and sorncnirs V 111 he (hit“hUte 1 . ,J J J JJJJJ J JJJéézl
ally and Surety Companies, New York City, Berea College Group. will be master of cer— con'unittee urges every edJitor J0 come ear y J J J J J J JJJ7é2$
- ~ - . ' - ~ - . - . . . . J~ ‘ ~ . a ( rest, recrea- J 5i JJ . J .J J. '
‘hrCCtOT 0f the National nghmtl’ Safety monies and present his musrcrans in a pro- and sta} longD loi three ( )s ) J J j. JJ J JJJJ J “at:
. ,- , . _. J - .. ,- ~ 2 ' -‘ - ‘ J; i J J..
Campaign, will speak on the canipalgh grain ol musrc and dancing. Old-timers \\ ill tiorrJ 111d “1101111330“ J J 1 1’ us will meet J J JJ JJJ JJJ J JJJ; J
. 2 - . . - ~, . " - '. ‘:C( l“.‘.‘ J J,‘ -‘;"J'
J from the natlonal standpomt and (ll-““55 reJOice and take part in a Virginia reel and lhc l\<.ntll(l\,\ W)“; 1 cc to be i v J ” JJJ J J J J. lJt' '-
‘ ~ ~ - - - . ' . , ., r; ‘ 2 _ ).m., )21 JJ J; J JJJv.
J What 15 being done m the other states. He square dances. A evening of music. and fun Saturday ifternoorr it r J] J Prclfident L1w_ __ J JJ JJ J JJJJ "J
J is anorcelul and entertaining speaker and is for all is promised. The musicians mclude announced that 1110“)”ng )} . ¢ J J JJJ J JJJJ J
Visiting KCIItUCk)’ 9“ route t" the state 0f Marjorie Kramer, Violinist, Emmett Graves, rence Hager. JJ» J JJ JJJJ: JJJJJJ JJJ:
J Washington where he inaugurates the “7351" guitarist. and Roy Beard. pianist. Stephen A. Douglas, who appears on our J J J JJJ J JJJJJJJJ J‘i‘l
J ington campaign. The I, .‘y M Azalean will make a special progrflllh 11:15 been director 01 sales P132; 5 J ‘JJJ JJ JJJJ E
_._—— 7" J. .. - ': ‘ ' . '~ rz- ‘ :r srnce . 1‘ J _‘ JJJJ 5:} -:
Col. Don E. Carlton, Headquarters lxen< SJJJP JJJ Cave (my, I‘riday evemngJ lor pass- tron ol the l\1oncr Copipn y1 J- s 165 JJ J JJ JJJJJJJJJJ ‘J‘ 3i
. . . . . . . - J, . , '. ~' - ‘ ‘ ' - ' ' 3 re was eat in .‘a ‘ j J J " ‘ J J ‘ .C
hour" it tricky Mlhtar" DIVER)“: “"111 speak on the engers who might wish to entrain at Louis- Prior to Joining leJrogelJ C J iirnin r J J J :J JJJ JJJJ % JJ 5311'
- 4 J r . JJ , ' . t. 2 -; ’, J. J J JAJJ’JJJIJJ '.'_.~
{Opic of "The Needs Of The Army" and Will J-J‘JJCJ As we go to press, we have been iu- cxecutnc loi Suilt rm 1 ompgrpgy f v t [)5 JJ J J JJ ‘JJJ‘JJJ JJJ ti:
' , . " ' ‘2': L. ‘ 'a- J‘ ‘JJ Plan".
ml outline plans for the promotion 0t our formed that all accommodations are taken the national honor 1;; isrtl in R lour eshJch J J J J JJ JJJJJJJJ JJ .1;
“t” ' ' - - - , J J' '- ‘ - ; “ '- ' ‘ .‘a es ecort w 1‘ J J J J: ,J .J J JJJ
'm "3‘10 national safety. Following hhhz N611 Dalton, at the Cave. However. late arrivals “Ill find lishing I] NC“ ng J J J J JiJJJJ J JJJ [,3
JJ aJJJJJJ Courier Journal, Will (“SCUSS the progress good accommodatiorrs at the Rock Cabin still stant s. _ _ _ s l JJ J J:;JJJJJ JJJ 3;
U ‘ l s ‘. , “ 1 '. . A i- l l ' l -" J 'J H ,"J:’J ' '
‘irm or' and future POSShhhtiCS ”t the Kentucky Camp between the Cave and Caie Cit), or He 15 A member 01 theJCmcranatr a cs J J JJJJJJJJ J it"
riudall Press Sports Fund. in the Dixie lmd Gardner hOECJS 111 (13W Executives Councrl and vrce-presrdent and J JJ JJJJJJJ J J:
{511 M I . - w .‘ , ' .J J 1' 7 J;J 'J :v’.
' ‘ - ~ . r ati Rotary Club. He J J J J JJ
) doiiariJ Ihe session will close With the presenta- City. dnJLttrn of. the ( 11er “J m rotion'il cam J J J J JJJ J :5
How JO” J ho" Of the awards in the newspaper produc- An invitation was extended Governor originated a nunJr)er o p Rr1 ,lnd R0 J J JJ J JJJJJ J J J3;
lion prize contests for 1948 by Secretary— Earle Clements to attend the meeting, but paigns used by Cinrcinriatr otory a J,J JJ JJJ JJJJJJJJ J it:
J . , . . J. , , «J - ; "(ma . ii i ' JJ‘JJJ‘? i‘lt
' Manager Portmann, chairman 0f the prize he sent his regrets stating I shall hate to tar) lnteinrti J I J 1. J Jt Jales J J JJJ JJJJJJJJJ J t;
committee. forego that pleasure as I have another en- Mr. Douglas heads out o trethriges 2947 J J J JZ J JJJJJJJ J 2.5
. 2‘,qu » . H J, - , v ': vill be im- orranizations in the country w 1c in J J JJ JJ‘JJJ;JJ J JJJ
"L W) l Saturday afternoon Will be on your own gagement for that (late “huh \\ 1 $116 1 $746 000 000 His department de- J J J J JJJJJJJJJ J J JJJ
J With cave trips at your convenience and a possible to break or postpone. Although tota t - JJ. J JJ J- .,J mum/es of J J J JJ JJJJJJ J JJJ,
worirlfll bridge partv for the addicts Attractive shall not be able to be present in person, I vclops meetings for top sa es ex h J JJ JJJJ JJJ/7“,
. _ 2 ‘ " ‘ x J - ~ lial his company, who m turn prOJect t 6 same J JJ JJJJ ,J
PhleS Will be awarded the best (and the do hope that you “Ill extend my corc JJ JJJ JJ JJJJJJJJ
‘ .J , , ., . .. J veJ ideas to 23,000 Kro er sales people. He vrsrts J JJ JJ J, f;
; WOT“) fans. A cocktail party, place to be good wishes to all those present and con ) E J J JJJ J JJJ {-
7:153" - ' , ‘ ‘ J‘JJJ l JJJsJ
2", . 2 . “ JJ’JJJJ . ‘_ J
1555,: ‘ J ‘ .
42,»..23- - x _

 1 12;? ' ' - - ; _i I. . i A J : 1' i H 7 i'if’fgif'fiitifffffii’fiéifi?3?i?’iiilfiiféfz'mx:39};3;:Eé:::?f§'§:::;;;i-s-it«;‘a-icgagmgmawmifs.” T.
. : . e
i \
. ., E.-
z , ‘ . Page Two The Kentucky Press May, W48 ' l '
. llllllllllll ‘ 1 M
i 1 I ' Helen Deiss Given What Readers Want Newstand Sales 1
. 1 ‘ KPA Annual Award In Their NEWSPGPGVS BUHd Circulation '1
. l 1 Miss Helen Davenport l)eiss. Lexington. . The l'ollowing findings and conclusions The round tablC (liS(?1155i011 fit the recent i
1 . received the annual Kentucky l’ress Associa- in reader interest surveys conducted and Louisiana convention on the subject of sell-
' 1 1 tion Scholarship .\ward ol' $100 for 1918. presented by Dr. George Gallup ol the ingsingle copies through newsstands brought 1
l ‘ 1 1 She was nominated to the Association by Northwestern University at the recent Con~ out the l'ollowing highlights: 1
1 1 1 111 1 . the Journalism faculty at the university. vention ol~ the American Association oli \Vitli carel'ul promotion. a good “TECHV 1
. . 1 ‘1 . The award, based on scholarship, appti- Schools and Journalism are intCI‘CSllllg- newspaper "1‘” add [1'01” 300 to 600 new 1
l1 1 :1”. tude. and participation in student journal- Here they are: circulation h)" newsstands within a few
1. i‘ 1 istic activities. is awarded annually to a Advertising is l‘ully as important as news months. NEW 521105 may CXCCCd 1.000 in a 1
' 1 11 1 sophomore student. Miss Deiss maintained a in attracting women readers. longer period. 1
' '1 ' 1 scholastic record ol 2.8 during her first two The picture page is the best read page in liven a lairly small weekly newspaper can 1
- -i 1 - years at the university. She has received the paper. ell‘ecitively use as many as l5 or 20 newsstand 1
.1 1 many scholastic honors during the past two Comic strips are amongst the strongest dealers. Only two or three ol these will be in 1
fl . 1 . years: has been active in many student or» circulation features. the town of publication. There will be at l
' ‘ , gani/ations and activities: and is serving as Men do not read serials in newspaper. least one in other villages of the area and
- . 1 news editor of the Kentucky Kernel and usually. but women do. two in 1110 larger 0116i The 11’“ 0f the stands 1
, ' 1i 1 associate editor ol' Vague, literary magazine. Mystery stories do not succeed as serials. Will be spotted in rural areas at crossroads
' 11 l 1 She is a dauhgtcr ol' Mr. and Mrs L. A. Pictures are needed with serials. aiid'they stores. 1
. 11111 1 1 1 Diess and is lh‘ years old. should be photographs. rather than draw- The single copy price should be at least
1 1‘1 : 1 ingg. 6 cents. preferably 7 cents. llut publishers 1
' 1 ' 1 . (lhurch news and uplil't news have practi- with newsstand experience state that a 10 1
1 11 Type Measurements “1111‘. no interest.1 cent price might be successlul. .
1 l ‘ ln everything intended to appeal to wo- Ihe dealer Commission should not exceed .
1 1 ‘ The l'ollowing table lists common printer's men the type “1:15.505 1mm be broken 111). 2 cents. 1
_ 1 l 1 1 1nicasurements in l'ractions ol an inch: \\"omen shy away “.01” solid type even m1)“. New readers obtained lirom newstands do 1 -
' 111 1 1 , l P0111t 1* - - 0135833 than men. Insert a short poem, some (lashes. not cut down the mail subscription list. 1
' :1 1 21111,: 9- l)"ims “VG “2760 indent paragraphs, to avoid heavy appear~ Most publishers said they had no losses'in ‘7
- 1 1 1 . 5 P011115 are 01149 ance. mail subscription whatsoever. 1
l 1 11 l: l3 1"”“15 ”l“ “8299 The theory that the working girl is inter- Alter a little experience. newsstand deal- 1
l1 ‘ 11 1 8 1’0“”5 “1'0 ~ 11066 ested in the social activities of the rich is not ers like to handle your papers each week. 1
1 1 if 1 1“ 1mm“ ”1“ 13833 borne out by surveys. They find it brings customers into their 1
a i: 1‘ . 12 points ”'10 :1613 Radio programmes win considerable in— place of business every week to get the 1
l 1 1 72 points are "996 tercst: they are an essential part ol' the paper. paper. and that they usually buy something 1
. 1 111 . ““15th ”1 type (U' 8" (laiiada. Crossword ptil/les are, losing followers in €180. But th (lCIllCl‘S sometimes have t0 be 1
i 11 >1 1.3 . England) ‘918 both newspapers and magazines. thCdled along at first.
1 1 1 111 ‘ l'lcighl "1.115310“? 1“”15 “ml “1”?!“ 750 (Looking recipes are always good. At the beginning, a new dealer is given 1
11-.1 1 1 3‘ ”C131” ”[1 high “WIS ””451”? 060 Parliamentary and l'oreign political news only five or H) papers per week. When folk 1
l 1 1111.111 1‘ Height 0L ”SHIN" metallurniture -- b‘G’l‘ is not read much. find he handles them, the number increases. 1
" 11.1.11“; 1 - Herght "1 ”381”“ ”"11 lurniture '1’80 Readers’ letters are read more than ecli» Some ol~ our publishers reported dealers
1 : 1 'l'hickness “l ll»point plates 152 torials. handling 150 to 200 copies a week. 1
1 1 ' 1 3 Height ol' blocks [or ll-point plates .759 Audit Bureau ol: (Iirculatioiis‘ give [all
;1 ‘ :1 Thickness of backing ltll‘ ll-point '——.—— credit for newsstand $31051
l1 1 plates -- ~09“ AUTO RESPOHSlblll‘l’ it is a good idea [or the publisher [0111” 1
. 1 : 'l‘hickness ol' Iii-gauge zinc or cop- 1 y vide each dealer with a neat printed sign 1
11 ‘ 1 ‘ per .065 Doli't'dcccivc your sell by believing that ”unhihuing that [he iicwspflper is on salt 1
‘1 1 5 l’apermaker‘s point .001 you are clear of financial responsibility in at his place ol hush”:SS €leh week.
1.1 1 Height ol bases for ltigauge plates .85?) accidents incurred by a salentan»owiied Some publishers handle the transaCtion
1 1 Height of spaces and quads. to 14 automobile. Many employers believe “they with the dealer on a weekly basis. but most 1
1 1: 3 point .800 can’t sue. us. we don't own the car." THIS or them dour the business each month. The 1
:1 i 11:11 Height ol spaces and (iuads. over 1 His R110T BLLR THlt 1Dl;(IlSION OI“ dealer is given credit for unsold copies. Bail
1 1 . -' 1 M ponit .700 THlt COURTS. The United States Sup-1 weather or other special situations occasion 1
1 1 111 11 _______.________ remc Court rules as follows: “ . . . whether ally will cause a drop in total weekly sales.
111 1‘ ‘. 1 Patronize Press Advertisers. the act of the servant be one ol omission or Although this is a rare happening. it is one 1
1 ‘:1 11 11 commission, whether negligent. fraudulent, or the headaches for which no cure has been .-
l 1 11 1 Kroger stores weekly to check on sales pro— or deceitful, or even H ii be an RCLFfPOSS‘ - found. 1
,1 - ' . 1l)lC malleasance, or misconduct, it it be
1 . blems and customer service. 1 . 1] 1 11 l 1.1 1 1 _ .1 __ .___,—
1 1, He served in the AFF. World “112111 1.. at cone in tie course o~ its empoyment. his
1 1‘ ‘1 , the age of 18 years and later was the young» 11111512611 181 resp1on:ifbl1e if; 1“. 1c1vil-iter1 {0 [hf The NBA monthly mat WWI-CC Will Please :-
1 1 1 est infantry oflicer in the Alil“. tint persons. .1. ost c ectnepmtettton is you, and give you service plus. .
-=11 9111 11‘; . 1 He is a lorcit‘ul s maker and illustrates hi automobile liability insurance in which both \1 1 1 1 h“ 11m 5 there'5 .
,1 11 , l s 1 1 1 low tiat t L16 are no ce g
1: 1 :1 1 1 lie 1 111-11 visual (“(1311 His address “1111 be the employee and the employer are named. 1. 1 11 i 1 . . l - vhen he hears .
1 1 acci ss u not 1mg tic customer can tit V
1 3 1 the highlight of the mid-summer meeting. ABC is advertising insurance. the price. _1 ' h
_ ,1 . lltl - , 1
- 01.11. 1131,1111 \ 1 . " ‘ .

 \ w '. ~ ‘3; ‘I 1;. :
‘ ‘3‘“ ‘r‘ H
,‘i' 3 _ ‘3‘ ‘1‘ 3“
i ‘ May, ‘948 The Kentucky Press Page Three “ ‘ ‘ “W“ ‘ _
1 V 1" iI ‘ |E‘ . '
,. . 4 ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ -
‘ ~ I“ “ ‘ ‘ “
“.I ‘9‘ I" i‘
3 recent ' - I ‘ , ‘ ‘
of sell- ‘ g ‘ ‘r .‘
brought ‘ P R t d “ ‘ ‘ 3‘
‘ rogtess epov .... r‘, , “u
weekly ‘ ‘1“ ‘ = " ‘ ‘
00 new ‘ ‘fg‘ ‘ “ i
a few . O ‘5‘ ‘ ‘
‘ Chicken- f— :l‘ omowow 3‘ ‘ l.‘
‘ ‘3: 3 1 1“
‘ 3‘ 1 I' ‘ 3‘
per cm ‘ . “ ‘ ‘ “l ‘
we .
'\\'sstaud ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ l“ ‘
illbeiu ‘ “ :i ‘3‘
11 beat ‘ “ ‘ ‘i‘
1‘3“ and Sixteen thousand chickens which, in the opinion of Dewey H. Ter- “ ‘ ‘ “ '
C‘SW‘IS mohlen, chief of the poultry branch of the United States Department of “‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘ ‘ '
(mum‘s ‘ Agriculture, “will revolutionize the poultry industry within the next five ‘5‘ “ 1“ ‘ ‘
at 161“ ' years," are now being raised in special pens in the State Agricultural Ex- “’ ‘1‘ ‘ ‘
1l)lisllei's ‘ periment Station at Georgetown, Delaware. _ “ .‘ “ ‘ . ‘
“i ‘1 10 ‘ These forty pens are stocked with birds from the nation's top breed- ,‘ “‘1: ‘
, ‘ ers chosen through two years of state and regional competition for partici- . ‘5 “‘ ‘
[amid ‘ pation in the 1948 finals of the national Chicken-Of—Tomorrow contest. ‘J 3‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘