xt7rjd4pp62d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pp62d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1980 1980 1980-02-12 2020 true xt7rjd4pp62d section xt7rjd4pp62d By JA('KI Rl'l)|) ttonal charge tor the wiring would probably be added to problem. "It really depends ontheeonstructiontechniques. matter oi taking it to the rooms but theti it will become
('opy Idttot students‘ room and board costs. accordingio Jean Lindley, he said. (an extra) charge,“
! ’ ‘ -~ ~‘ Key said uniyersity cam uses are very‘ com lex. “Hrst. . ,
. Lk difLLlOt oi housing. , .. . ' ' . .p . t. b _ ' . .. p_ . He added that |ele( able oiitcials plan on returning this
I he chance ior students to base indiyidual dorm rooms I here would be no way 1 K could really aiiord to wire you hayeto get to the butldingatid ca It placement depends summer with a iirst dr'iit design oi underground P'Ill1\\’i\\
. . . 2 - - n . . » ’ t t t
' ~ . .. . ‘ - - ~ . v - ' - ) i too s. she said. “lhe cost would be on location oi utility' raceway's and shalts. be said, .. . . <
wired iot cablt I \ is not expected in the near iuturc ii it indiyidual dIi rn nt i _ ._ I I , I . b , h' b I i ( able is another yearaway.()t course. it w t” bedowniown
is to occur at all. according to Physical Plant Director Jim prohibitiye. HC reierred 10 ll“5 comp CK") in 6mg! t num sf 0 beiore it comes to [K .. he “Id
' .. . .. - . y ' ‘ , ., , _ , . u s ‘ n . , i . ‘ ‘ ‘ '
Wessels. When asked ii higher costs could aiiect the llniyersity s parking lots and sidewalks that acablc line may haye to run
. . ..,. . - »_. - - .. . , ,. . .. ., . l . ..'. . .~. . . ., ., .
Ie|e(‘able. awarded 1 esington's lirst cable I\ iranchise enrollment. I.indley said oyerall inilation could bea iac~ through as well as the extreme amount oi cables that [K has spectiicd that thLlc should be litHHctlttatl tahlc
tn October. is presetttly tollowitig I'K‘s original proposal to tor in the enrollment numbers. already exist on campUs ior other purposes. All cables must be placed underground. accoiding to
wire ottly the commons areas and lobbies oi campUs resi- “As tar as wiring indiyidual dorm rooms. our policy is IeIe( ablt stillsldls mst With I nlurstt) uttILtaIs and “nub.
dence halls. not to do it unless we haye the complete consent oi‘the l‘ni- Physical Plant engineers last week to work out details con- Iele( able has asked tor a “master plan or map oi the
lhe company ‘s plans. according to the proposal. Include yersity." said .lim Key. operations manager oi |ele(‘able cerning the construction oi the underground system. campus showing the location oi all gas. water atid sewer
the expansion 0t l‘K‘s existing telecommunications system (‘orp.. ”t Nori'olk. y';,_ “We discussed dorms (only) in terms oi the commons lines. along with other underground channels.
by interconnecting llts’ classrooms. administration build— lelet‘able seryes seyeral other uniyersities and colleges areas. but we are not closingthe door oi iuture extension." I)eyelopmg a master plan could pose a problem. Iioyy~
irigs and the commons areas and lobbies oi' campus resi— including Auburn l'ntyersity. Illitiois State and (‘olumbus said Roger Koonce. oi UK instructional resources, eyer.accordingto \\ essels. lhe plans lorold plumbing lines
dence Italls yia an ll—milc underground circuit system. College. as well as numeroUs technical institutes. “It (the cable) gets to the commons. it is then possible to prior to I949 were lost in a tire that destroyed the Setytcc
Any adjustments made beyond the original proposal will “We are not in dorm rooms as such in any oi those."Key get I0 indiyidual rooms It there Is condun (conducting Blllldlng- I’I’l) engineers d0 ”0" km)“ where ”WW l”It“
be oi eytra cost to the l‘ntyersity. \‘v'essels said. It. in the said. pipe or channel)." he added. actually be. which may cause a problem when the cable
ititurc. dorm rooms would be yyired ior cable I V. an addi- Ile added that high—rise dorms may pose a particular wiring Wessels agreed. "Once we wire the commons. it is Just a company commences underground construction,
\‘ol. l..\'\ll. \o. I04 Kc l e] l'nlversity of Kentucky
Tuesday. lebruary I2. ”80 Lexington. Kentucky
an Independent student newspaper
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, 2/ . _ ' By ( INI)‘ Mc(.|‘.l. proposal restricting the tittie a student
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’ .j,'..'.“.‘;";'y"// .3 - ' : ., ’I’szgm’22’2/flfl/2 , Ihe I my ersity' Senate yesterday conclusion oi the academic term in
2’1”," IIII_:_..I'.,-; 1. .I . ' . ””,”,”/:':€/2//Z/2/E:;7§:/7/2/IIZI ,, lCflChCrS it) ”fit” I" \t udcnh tn “Tltlng HOVVCVCI'. [he proptygul 11ll0\\s the
'31::‘1'12'2' '1'.;:i";:::;:;:;:‘2:':"i:"."'.r; . . ' . -' . . ' y". _.;{2:‘ ”2,22 - . , x ,_ .
22,222, ‘ ' - . “"M’Q/ “hm“ the "all”? 0‘ i1 WUN‘ ”W "”‘hl‘d‘mm ‘0 “9‘” “'““”“'°‘
«ae/jggggx-r-I . _ . a. 1'. ~ ”3 ~ .- ”Mazuwlw/MM/J éfiW/éfi content. the actiy tttes to be eyaluated brought aiter the 165 limitation pet iod
_ ~ 2- . . . g .I - . s / e . . . .
. ' - . ' . . , _, ,. - . . if". . ' -- ”MO/2’ and the grading procedures. ii the ombudsman beliey cs extreme
W2”- -- ,_ ....,.v . . :v'a‘7‘%’%/2’2’72 lhe proposal also states that stu- hardship such as illness. or serious
,W // '4‘ , ' ' -' ,, ,. _
“ .. 7/ 2;” .. . 2 . . .. .. .. dents haye the rigltt to expect the itnanCtal or personal problems caused
' ’2 .g 7 .:I _ . . . , . "’ , ’ course to "correspond generally to the the delay. lhe ombudsman may also
2 ‘i " 1,254/4,7/1! 25/2“ ”’22 222,2’ d””.'p.‘“‘” .”‘ ”l“ ““""" ”W”? “l “g“? “7 “W I“ “mm“ ” hm“ '
“é " w ~ "l 3% 99/54/6224, my” “2/24, ’/ "”3322:'12}???,2”Hi”2vtQw/Q’fizfifit‘f’fle/ the l ”1‘9 ”m- P1111195 ”1 the dISPUW “11““ l” PWWCd ‘
’ ' “'22! 5")12/“52133'jgr’: ”””';Irvu.;’II-;.2I,I;‘I;2.I:':~’-:~ '42: ‘ "Vizfizi/w , . ‘ .' I'f'_-"’"'I‘,III,.I . «.2 ,2‘2, I',/M .I‘III,-,/gI;/I:;;g; II 5,7,2, 2 I- I ’I-‘I/ II 3"..1""’l"”75"...",‘51/r’¢'2'2,’14;-’~l’::: ' _ I I ‘ I
‘ \I\ ~ Igfgg’ ”'3’“ .' W ”k w . . 3324”“ ,;/,2,2m/I2.;;2/ . .17 Ombudsman Jean I’iyal said she I’iyal iay'ored the proposal because
-, t ,t III ' iIIIJI-K‘I‘e-Y'I . .- ' ”/23 ' . ' -.IIIIIII< 2 ""221": ;:"‘."' . , _"’":17 .I.I -.-’-I' I . I . .. I I II I I I
. ' / . ... 2 watt " ‘- wk 2- , iayored the in writing proposal she thinks it Will iorce students to
/ wfiéMmegw/y a 2 because it will beneiit both students bring complaints to the ombudsman
I,,._, , .. W, n, if»: 2- .W I .- ‘ ‘
“Mr 2 I. Mr _2' and teachers. when something cart still be done
i 2 ‘ M “ I 00 many timesat the beginniiigot something about it "
we“-.. . - i the semester. students write down “Alter a year it's almost impossible
incorrect iniormation about the to resolye some grieyances." I’iyal
' 8 w t \t Kl Bl( course when the teacher says it aloud." said She cited a tremendous turncy ct
' mm“ m" I’tyal said, I think the in writing tn iaculty members as one oi the tea—
I “Ckered out proposal will help make things clearer sons why complaints are diiliculi to
and less ambiguous tor the students.“ resolye when brought to her oyer a
Amidst teytbooks. tennis shoes and down 'acket. this student takes a snoore the semester is barely a month old. the work load is causing many studentsto I’iy'al said she thinks the my mu] ycar alter the mbtem antes,
J . . u 'c , , I p - .
in between classes in the Student (‘enter (ireat Hall yesterday. Izy‘en though burn the midnight Oil. will also make appeals casterto resolye Arts & Sciences Senator Rusty Ash .
. . becausethe nature oithe course willbe crait said the proposal would be oi ' .
' - I . in writing. In many appeals brought beneiit to students because it may
- I Erma” and econom’sa now hopefill beiore the ombudsman. I’iyal said. it is make teachers keep old tests ior more
- ra I n a I n merely the teacher‘s yyord against the than one semester. Ashcrait also '
‘ I n l - student‘s. iayored the proposal because he said it
,’ embargo Wlll keep losses at minimum I’iy'al poitited out the proposal was would make students bring complaints
‘ , - “in no way a legal contract. but rather to the ombudsman iii time to haye .
By KEVIN ()SBOI'RN according to Newsweek. Horace lurner. who owns a 500- “the president took aim at the Rus— a iriendlyagreement between teachers something done about them. 'I
Repiirlct How‘eyer. Riggins said that since acre iarm in Hart County. told The Mans withadouble-barreled shotgun. and students." In other action. the [bounty
Argentina has announced the sale oi'S ('ourier-Jom‘tial that the rising costs but he hit the American iarmers The proposal also states that stu- Senate passed a proposal saying at
When I’i'cstdent (‘atter announced million tons oi corn to Russia. the oi planting grain haye had a deyastat- instead " dents should be iniortned by the first least two members oi any committee
. a I'l—tnilhon ton grain embargo against Soyiets “will not haye to slaughter all ing impact. but said he belieyes the Howeyer. Secretary oi Agriculture or second class period when absences iormed to review an educational unit
. the Soyiet l'nton last month. it the cattle." He said this situation may government will ease the economic Bob Bergland insists that the Carter or late papers weigh heayily in deter- or to search for a new administtaiiye
initially touched oii many tears among leaye open the possibilities oi' iiiture pinch he‘s feeling. program oi' price supports and loan mining the grades. officer for a college. school Ol’ depart—
‘ area iatmers. but those apprehensions graiti markets ior American iarmers. ..| i l lik th I.“ I i th r' II guarantees should shield {urnycrsi'rom I’iyal said nearly 40 percent oi all ment. must beclected iaculiy member .
. . . . . ee 'e e ' e e ice . - . , -
seem to haye subsided since iarmers \et. accordtngto economists iii the . ' E .. p . ..p. scrlOUs losses. Bergland also expects appeals brought to the ombudsman oi the unit.
. 2 . . . there to hall-way normal. he said. Ii . . t 2 . . _ . . . . , .
hay e been assured that the administra— l .S. Department oi Agriculture. the ”I“ d )n‘t they—‘II olla sc the farm .. lhdldbOUt mlllltm 10'“ 0‘ li-S- grain CUM‘CT“ borderline grades “hICh MC ”W CICCHU" mu“ h“ ‘UPCIH‘C‘I I“
I . I . . ( I s - C - I u u 2 I . ,. , I . . . s -
~ tton wilt keep their losses to a embargo comes at a time when iarm ' ' p will iind its way to Moscow because oiten determined by late papers and the Senate council iii the case oi col-
. minimum. income seems headed downward.eyen Allan (irant. president oi the Amcr- Soviet allies buy it and then sell it absentees. lege. and by the dean in the case oi a
. I)t, Steye Riggins. assistant exten- without a new dip in grain prices. ican I‘arm Federation. declared that straight to the Russians. lhe l’niyerstty Senatealso passed a school or department.
ston protcssor in the Department oi bcs‘ullsc t'arming costs are rising. 'I he
. Health and I‘Cttnttmtcs and also the cctttmmlst‘ Pmts‘s‘lcd that iarm
grain-marketing specialist at l K. said income VWUId drop by a much as 22
that the price oi grain is "about where percent irom the $32 billion earned in H Id h I t h th t t I t t t tI t t
s! ' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ i L‘ In 'IIIAI IOIIil 5| Ud I In. n) III IC 0U IIII ' I illl\
it was beiore the embargo. l979. and the prediction yyas made L (I ”w” l 3 mm ”upon“ miny 0 V3 0m 3 i l l l U U
haye become neryous oyer yarious administration political contest
.. beiore the embargo was announced 'ocal
Ile said that ii iarmers do not panic l)r Wil on H )uri t . economies and announcements. that he hopes to cut
.. . s t tan. ey ct s o , .. ' . . .
now. the situation should remain sta— . . E l I In F \YI'TTF ('(Il‘N’T\ “(“001 _ int -nient the payroll 5 percent in the next ityc months altnost world .
blt ”t It“, ”Id h belt y \ th n Pt‘oiessor tn agriculture Policy at I Is. ’ I ‘ ' h ill II- . WP“ ‘- ‘ entirely through ammo"
; c‘ee,ece . ' ' ' ' ' "
III III; in I th lHn III trailit stressed that the( arterannounccment f'”) [I‘m‘ hull t “III bl) tr a tIontinIgtncy plIan tIoIIr a s()\ ”.1 IROOPS IN AM) AROl NI) kahiil are
t t t. t- 2. ees .. . ,“n _. .
pp . ‘ ‘ l‘ ‘ should be more accurately described m" l d) 3“ m 3‘ “MN 0 0“" dung 3‘ “m ”3 nation keeping a low protile but the grip oi their occupation
which ( arter announced last month .. - ~ .. '. tiiel prices and the possibility oi reduced luelsupplies. \ h' . h
y II yy k i th 1 as a grain curtailment. 3m“- Russia lhe plin rtporttdly calls i )r lcngtheningtht school on ‘ ig dm‘ldn ls “g l'
st or oease esiee/e III 2 ~ .. ‘4 ‘ i ‘ ' “ .. . .. . . .. . ~. .. .
I II ‘I ‘ will still be recetying x miiiion tons oi an t“ 90 mmmmmmdm , thmugh ,, ht 45mm ATT()R.\I~.\ cum/st. stMAMts R. ( or 5mm thousand MW and I N (tum-"Hiyflmns
. \\ .. . .. ‘. . a. _ . ' . . . , - .. . . . H. '- " s» . ‘2
Mm“ ll‘ year. . grain as speCIiied in a I976 agreement I , I . I . s . I.I-.TTI said yesterday in Washington he belieycs the Art installtd as adyisers in goyttnmtnt depart-
'\Cc‘ttldltt , to Dr Kurtis I' H'tryey . utcs ior hlt‘ldtl’gdl’ttn pupils and by ll- minutes ior all . - . \ ii' , , I i h' | . \1 . .
' 1‘ ' ' ‘ " between the two countries. te'ichers I‘Bls undercoyer bribery tnyestigation will go no "1km“ 1‘ n i’ 'Ud U l t “WWW” . ”IND ‘d'tl
,t.,.»t., .).. . _ . ,_ . ‘ ' ._ . .t ...., “"“ it; i '
asst citttt pit itsst r in the I cpartmcnt Ilourtgan said that "it \ not a simple lhe I‘ayettc (‘ounty school system has ”“000 pup- iurther m ( ongrtss than th,~ tight members already they are helping us tiirn \ighintst itt into i lIIli
oi I cottottttcs. the price supports .. ' ' ' implicated socialist country.
thing to say‘ whether or not the grain its. two-thirds oi whom ride buses and pays a whole . ‘ K' h I | . ‘I \ h' b“ .
“““ld guarantee that the goyernment , -. . . .. SI . 'I , » ,' , ( iytlettt also deiended the H” against suggestions ‘I “ nternationa ‘ ”I'm” M “4m“- “ mayor
cutback is iair to American iarmers or \dlt Wm “I F” 8d IO" 0' tidmllnt IONS Wd‘ c, -t It' . b' . 'th h“ t t (it . ii ht-
would purchase surplus amounts oi . . at) , , l . .. 'b ot entrapment in its tnyesttgattye methods. which ~“"~ "1““) d” d“- “l A" .\ ra K H lg U
. . not. He satdthat train prices haye held 1" “N5 l‘" 82““ my ”“5 >th “I” fun A WI . . . yt . . . . . ,
. .. . . . b | d i 4 - 4 . . . . plants. eltcoptcr gunships and troop transports tak
Kr‘l'll- or II WK“ ”I grain It” below d .. $450 000 or doublewh'tt it was about Its m tnthsa o " mm we “‘3‘? O agents posing "3 "pm“mdm“ ”l
Ittlrly' stable. and added that had the ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ g ' Arab inyes' us ing priority oyer ciyilian aircrait
certain leyel. the goyernmeitt would ' - . he said. ' *“ '~ '
tl i th Iii president not taken any action. prlt‘t‘s Helicopters in groups oi three or tour take oil regu-
Pd.‘ It rmcl ‘ " creme would haye dropped. state PRESIDENT ( ARTLR. the ytctor iii Maines larly ior patrol iItghts met the surrounding moutr
l'stng between $25 and $3 billion “In the short run iarmers won‘t be Democratic presidential contest. won't eyen consider tains where anti-communist guerrillas are belieyed to
irom the l S Ireastiry. the (‘arter hurt too much.“ he said. but added GOVERNOR JOHN Y. BROWN JR. tune a pep changing his no—campaign policy until there is a break be preparing a spring oiiensiye against the Russians
administration “I” btty up [04 million that “depending on market conditions talk yesterday to almost [[000 state employees m an in the Iehran hostage situation his spokesman said At least six Western reporters were reiused admis-
tons ol wheat to be used tor l'oreign there could be some bad eiiects." unprecedented gathering at the I‘rankiort Sports yesterday sion when they landed at the capitals airport on Sun
d Ih h. b' i d H uri an said me it n i (‘enter Sen. l-dward M Kennedy‘s allies said the chal— day Ihose stillthere were harrassedandwarnedtheti
' , ‘ ‘ ' ' ) ' .' ( (I 0 0 L' (I ' _ Vi - i
"I t ”‘ bl”: anot 9' 'l ll“ 8"" th ‘ g i th I I: n p Id b Ihe new goyernor receiyed heayy‘applausewhen he lengeriorthe Democratic presidentialnominatton did yisas would not be renewed
1‘“\ or t . ' ~ . ‘ e oyernmen in e u ure wou e . - ‘ _ . ~, . . . , .
" d h "”mtr‘ “h‘nI @I‘I‘“ II iid diy rsion r) m h b said. “I m" be yery' sensitiye to w'hatcyer pay raise or so well in losing that (artcr will haye to Icaye the h
. . . . ' ' " I‘ ( ' ' ' . ' s. . . -
announce l at ”“m'ld buy m" ”In p 3 P gra w ere —\ pay incentive we can make ayailahle to state WIN“? ”0““ and fideaIS" act.yely want Or
tons oi grain. WWW” “"‘Uld be mild I“ dtyen land. employees." But White House press secretary .lody Powell said
Most oi the grain was scheduled to which is nomially used ior corn or But he ma nntspcctiy In his specchorquestton-and- the presidentprobably willnot campaignin person tor GENERALLY (HEAR AND (0”) 'l'()l).»\\.
become iodder I'or Soytet cattle. and wheat production. into other crops. answer session that followed. whether he intends the New Hampshire presidentialprtmary electionthat lhe highs w1l|bearound 30andthelowstonighttnthe
administration oi‘iicialscxpect that the thus decreasing corn and wheat supp— merely to retain the annuai 5 percent general pay will he held tw0 weeks from today. He said (‘arter's low teens. Sunny and a little warmer tomorrow. A
SmICts will be torced toslaughtertheir lies and keeping their prices at higher raises or perhaps increase them. dcetsion not to go onthc roadto seek yotes is based on chance oi snow in the east on Ihllhday‘
liyestock sooner than expected. WWI-V —_——————.—————-———-———————-——-—-—————
~ I

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
limo; III ( hlt'f M". Green him Mm,“ Thom“ “I“ John (1., Gary Lenders
Jay l-‘osutt Bob ('oehrdne /_,,,,,,‘,,,,,,,(.,,, lulu”, 81mm til/tor Uln’tlur 0/ Phulugraphi
( an “illis 4tHMlU/k’ I‘ll/UL! Paul Mann
Managing rr/r/or ('indy Md?” Slit Turban ”'5'" Rich-rd David Maynard
chltl Rudd ‘l\\l,\lu’ll 4\1\1I\'Iam Spam lelor ”'0’“ Marlin!"
H“ Human! (“l’I l-‘l""" IJIIt‘IIuIIUHt'IlI li/iIor
editorialsétco meats
’ m (um/mi lt/iIirI
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c- - ie ies in an 8, Letters to the Editor
- » . ; lVl/ / b rt 0’ g
'l ' .i .i ' H ow soon the for at one_way tiCket optionthere is nothingto discuss.“()h Wow! Maybe l do have a soul!
.‘ 1 ,. . really”? Read on. May'bethereis realpurpose and mean—
'1 f ' ()\ er the years He made many ene- ‘l o begin with. it eyolution is going ing in life and I‘m notjust some “freak
' 4. _ 1 mies by spc‘dlslnll my mind amt being to be taught as an accepted tact. then accident of nature." Maybe myances-
, ‘ ' '- 3) ‘l.\Rl\' KOOPMAN would ettectiyely grant to the iritelli- yicied ol an espionage-oriented ”ml“, too blunt I‘m about to male a tew why' use phrases like “scents to be the tors were not apes but were human
. _ ' 14"”“ll ““1 lhcmm “‘ l‘m‘ch ‘“ my 0" could '1 M a student “ml-“nil more erieriiies. \ll ol the anti— most plausible explanation“ and beings! Maybe. just maybe there is 1
. . 1 ~ _ lsri't [I surprising that one 0, the predecessors)agcltclcsdltc legalability abroad. or a returning [mace ( orps registration people are leltoyers trom "thought to hay'e been deriyed l‘rom something else to discuss besides evo-
‘ Wilding Wish" it” “Hi “till“ ”1 ”ls 1" Wm” ll“. p‘l‘mlc‘ ( ”mlmmnml yolunteer. ()r p‘l“lbl-\ ” m'ghl b“ the (ills. \\ c are iii a totally new era hy'bridi/ation," It sounds like you are lution in my science class!
‘_ _ ._ l mm] States. William 0 Douglas. “gills as llllLiIPI'L‘IL'tl by the Supreme someone who’lias links with the ( om- “(My People are beginning to reali/e not \cry‘ sure of the “facts,“
: ' ' - should slip away. while many of the ('t‘lm muntst party ler'hJP‘ 3”” “mm be that war could come at any time and Eyolutionary theory states that Joe Arnold
' ‘: Psertlv who his actions detended liaye mm“ CM” Senator M“ arthy (“CU“- we must always be prepared tor it. higher forms or life eyolyed from Business Administration senior
.1 __ . »‘ 4. not men reali/ed m. hm 1m ”1‘ I . n k, me. gl mean Senator lluddlestoni. (”“11ch ”k1 \ietnam “at “m lower. much simpler forms. let‘sturn 1
. 1 ‘ . straight—torward Wilt‘llfllll.‘ and hl‘ paSS/Ve 8 ac leldml (MIC? hm already. ‘0le nothing more than a waste ol Ameri— our physics and chemistry bookstothc The KentuckyKerrie/welcomes
_' I ‘PUCI-‘l ”bllll.‘ l“ “ml“ml ”10‘1”" h“ “1mm” ot 1h” “'9“?“‘1'“S“l‘”'"”- can ll\L's_ we must not oyerreact by Second Law of Thermodynamics. all contributions from the UK
'. 1 , problems “till Ih'.‘ lflls'tli til L‘L‘llitln ——_———_——— 1h; bl“ ”150 pt‘tthlblls i pitld “SC 0’ c‘ntttlclllnlllt: all tlllllittl') uclnity or Simple systems never CVOlH: naturally community for publication on [he
. ' 1' ‘1 constitutional guarantees contributed lh‘ hill ds‘itl‘v “I‘ll ”‘9 rechar‘tct' "l American—based ”pun“? clergymen lL‘iltlll'tc's‘s l he Sm iet l'nion has a into coniplex systems. but changes go editorial and Opinion pages.
i. - lieayrly to such causes as the righi to the ('entral Intelligence Agency. the t” educators 1“ "CM”: ‘0’ loreign long-standing commitment to spread in exactly the oppositcdircction:com- Letters. opinions and commen-
. , . .1, . tree ”‘de assembly and “comma,“ l-ederal Bureau “l. linesilgdllon and intelligence operations. (Associated communismthroughout theworld. So ple.\’ sy'stemsalway'stendtodcgencrate taries must be typed and triple-
protection against unreasonable Ilts‘ ”s‘lC'N‘ lntelligence Ngency. “‘ Pm“ lath 9‘ |9X())l()nc “cm‘ ""9“” tar. tliey‘ye been pretty successtul. We into simple systems! spacedf and must include the
. . ‘ search. contession in the absence ot well as others lhe bill is being spon- to acknowledge that such practices must m. prepared to dclcnd our inter- I will again ask the question Craig writer‘s signature. address and
, . i 5 , legal counsel. poll tayes. and the sored by our’own Senator \Valtcr l)ee must have been and or are policy in “by our ””ch and eyen our home- Meek (Kernel. Dec 4) “5.de “Where phone number. UK students
Cum.“ modern innoyations. \Wh M lluddleston. and xiiisdrtrttedtritiptrn these agencressand that the senators land. 1“ paintul m it mil} be. are the missing links?" In a recent should include their year and
. 1 « __, .1 \sire~t;rppirtg. haye had on the indiyrd- intendcd concerning fienator Hud— wbo dralted this legislation are aware sometimes “a” hayc m be tought. debate at Palomar (0”ch in Califor— major and University employees
_ ‘ ,‘ “Jib “til“ ‘0 Pm'ds'.‘ d""‘””“ “‘an ”n ”l'l'mr} ”gmru‘ 0‘ the” WINK-5' , , \o. citi/er‘is i‘on‘t haw to die for nia between creationists and eyolu- should list their position and
. ._ ‘ Many would contend that .lustrce tron) by lluddleston‘c subcommittee. lhere is one comtorting thought tn MUCH“ m \hm‘ ”M.” hm. and PM” tionists. l)r. Duane (iish le‘ department.
_ .' -_ Douglas was a leader in a \\0r-ltl~\\ldt.' lhe bill allows intelligence agencies. the lentencres the new charter would ”mm lint that cur/en must be “1”ng creation) predicted that ey'olutionists The Kernel may condense or
. 1' . trend toward Increasing the indiyidu‘ altar obtaining ”court orders trom a pt‘tnldc‘. lt could be expedient in the m WU“. (.m/“h not willing to sene would haye to resort to Archaeop- reject contributions and frequent
,. 11 - A“ sum] liberties" and "human “secret ccourt to employ such apprehension and comiction ot sortie dorr!‘ descrke m lr\e m \merica. terVX. an extinct bird with supposed writers may be limited. Editors
. rightsf‘r-itrni: President('ttrtu\ttirc1e- nlk-[lltldN as opening mail. wrre— o)l ottt wayward congressmen. lhe It the di'alt startsarid you‘re unwil- reptilian features) as practically the resery‘ethe right toedit forcorrect
. . . . . ‘IM ml PHI“ toward international"human tapping. and‘btrrglary against Anus“; l resident and ( ongress are correct in nine to go when called. I‘ll pay your only candidate tor an eyolutionary spelling. grammar and clarity.
. . ‘ .5 , rights during the past tew years, can cur/ens ii ihc\ are lsnownsprc-s. their position that a new charter lot In“ tareto get \outothc bus terminal transition. lhey did. ‘2”.ng that no and may delete libelous
‘. l _- i 1 llieie are others. howeyer. who leel while also going the President the these agencies is necessary. howeyer. w you can catch a northbound bus amount ot quoting could erase the statements,
- ' _= that they would be trimmed the same “til“ ‘0 ”id” 4‘” ”“Wllgdlltm on it”) perhaps ”‘9 current ‘Cm‘m 'f a “me heading tor lol'nlllt). But show some reptilian-like character of some ot'the i . . i . y _ .
_ . high standards tor "human rights" in \mer'ican abroad. ls rt concenable hasty in relerence to peoples rights W‘PL‘U tor yeterans and ”mm“ ot bones. However. noamountot’eyolu- . (ontributions should be delt— .
, ‘ ”‘1‘ WWW) that PWWlCDI “in” that “ man ‘“ larnrlair “”h the law as l “5' Justice Douglas. m)“ ql'm‘l} talleri soldiers by asking lor'a one-way tionary' rhetoric seemed to erase the yered to Room ”4 Journalism,
' , i 7" . seems intent oristressinglor the Soyiet Senator HUddlCWH‘I CUUld unrnten» they “"1!” ticket. Please don‘t come back. eyiderice ol lullvdeyeloped leathers linlverSIty 0‘ Kentucky. Lexmg-
' . r mori and 1m» lhird “mm [0 these tionally lease a phrase as \ague and , (no scale-leather transition). lully “ms KY- 40506'
'1 H .1'1 1 '. pwpk. H H mummy 1L... ”hm mmund. sloppy tts1-klltiysn spy: in a law as sig- Marlt Koopman is a graduate student Randall [“22th Au deyeloped wings (m) leg-wing transi- For legal reasons. contributors 1
z-f 1 trig that the President would suport a nilicant as this orie'.’ Vi hat is a known at l K. HIS column appears every B & l“. sophomore tion). an extremely robust lurcula must present a UK lD before {he
' . . ' hill wrisntli in the WW" “his“ *W " “i““ms‘imc “h” hi" W" “m1 We’d“ E l - ? (wishbone. tound only in birds). and Kernel will be able to accept the
' :7 . V0 Utlon asymmetric feathers characteristic of material.
H .1 y ' F‘F Wayne ll. l)ayis (Kernel. Jan. 24) strong lly'ersl
> : - ' Chemistry StUdent 0 ers theory giyestwo possible explanationslorthe Perhaps the most positive outcome Letters:
‘ . origin ot lite and its diyersity. l)ayis ol the debate was the agreement of Should be 30 lines orlessand no '
"’3'; I . . . states. "li'ither it was created by a both parties that both creation and more than 200 words. They
1 . " ' supernatural lorce or it arose as a eyolution deserve to be treated in ShOUld concern particular issues.
‘, 3' .- explain/”g bland cafeteria fOOd rcstilt ol tltc natural forces ol the uni~ science classrooms. in the interests ol concerns or events relevant to the ‘
.y \crse operating on the matter which both good science and good llK community.
I. l ' ', By LARRY GREEN ces ol the polysaccharidc llar‘riscalled lollowing dinner-time scenario II] the comprises ”i” planet. l'nder the ill“ “1‘”an
.. i 5, tood ll.ll\L'\ llresc "Potatoes" .ir‘c kitchens ol‘thc cafeterias l-ood llalces
'1'. 11 [I surely eyery l rmersity ot Kentucky totally bland lating them is like eat- are renioyed trom the 35 ]h_ buxcs in
1i ' ' student has had the pleasure ol partals— irig wet saw drist lhe mashed potatoes which they are packaged. l-spandiigcn ' 1
1- : .ngol the tareottcred at thetood lacrlr— are in reality only tasteless tiller. is squee/ed out of the old I emon Joy " \ '\_‘ , . - “.
I . .1» _. 1., ties on campus Marry diners haye \uclear magnetic resonance. inir'ared bottles in which it is stored. lhe two / .‘pnkm‘l
.‘ 1‘: 11‘: aondered where the l'niyersity and mass spectroscopic studies con~ chemicals are mixed and small i/fi,v,\1/:_¢L-"f\_"w "fl-“1%
' 'il obtains such true rtic.its_ scgctablcs. ducted on caletcr'ia tood support my amounts ol tlayor'ing are added / 1/54,?” ' "'<'”"1‘
. ‘ 1' breads anddesscrts lhadalwaystheo- hypothesisthat it isall madcltomlood (except. ol course. tor mashed pota- 1,4 1‘ , it",
«I ._ »- med that the iood was prepared trout llaltes 10051) lhe mixture is shaped into the ' ,1 A\ \‘i'l
' .12 ' llit‘\pL‘ll\l\L'. duality supplies llow~ “—— lorm (it the lood lor which it is '58:.‘3? w ‘
1 f. :ner recent \tlt‘llllllL' inyestigation has - - designed tomrmic. lhenthcmixtur'c is ‘ _‘~- "9
.I ' ‘ “1'“! ”W '1“ “m“ hell?“ Opln/On scryed, No heating is met needed 31;?) ”‘ ~0 . U
V ', .1‘. cl 1' lit the Hen-riiber. N") issue ot’!‘he When the “lood” ts eaten. lht‘ “Pill“ \S“
; 5 .1 fl '4' Journal of( rechoslmakian Dietetics. —-———-—-————-— dogen trayels to the stomach. lher'e. \ }.\_.-
y , _. " l.tll\ llarrisot ltrishrnillcrl niyersity. In liiither studies on l'niyersity the high acrdity' triggers the obseryed 1 " ' 1 A:
_ ' f , 31, illustrates the synthesis ol a sale but tood. my colleagues. \lelanic Miller weight increase (also known as “lhe . .1
. 1, '1" llt1l11t‘tlihlL‘ tooil substance lhe sub— and James \olaii. l’re-\1.l).. and l Fxpandogen l Meet") lhe stomach is ‘ (‘31 f, \
.~" .-'. " , J slattct’. which he called "lood llaltes." hayc detected the presence ot another rapidly tilled and lmally becomes 9 /o° 1'.
_ . is coriiposed mainly ot long chain pol» molecule in addition to loud llakes. oyerstulled. " 1 1 \
’ ,. -1’ .2 .1 isaccharidcs. similar to cellulose. l‘or lfsrng column chromatography and lhe [ispandogen l‘llect olten leay es .1 ‘1, _\ 1 ' t \
.1 Hi 1‘ _'1} rise ll‘. tood. only water and llayorrngs electrophoresis. we ha\c identil'icd thls the diner with the feeling that he cans ‘i r .1" in quY.‘\\“\‘. . \\
f - i 1 are added t