xt7rjd4pp630 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pp630/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-07-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 03, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 03, 1980 1980 1980-07-03 2020 true xt7rjd4pp630 section xt7rjd4pp630 v ' . .
yoi. LXXII. No. I62 Ker n 21 University 0' I‘d-tuck!
Thursday. July 3. I980 an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky
Increase of 11.4 Percent /

UK Bud et a roved =~
By ANNE CHARLES economic trends continue. Singletary " 35:... .
l ditor In chief said. . '% zi’iée..’.;..::.;.;-.v. .. 5}
'l'he UK aycrage salary would have ' ~ ,
(ieneral funding at UK will increase fallen $2572 below the benchmarks if egggéiiie _
S l 8,9 million for IOXO-X l. with SM mil- some action had not been taken. he said. ' W’ .. - ”1””
lion of that amount going into faculty L'K must compete with the Lexington ”” "
and staff salaries and benefits. l'K l’res- work force as well as other universities 5.! ”fig!-
idcnt ()tis Singletary announced at the for workers. Singletary said. UK staff gagging W
June 27 Board ()li ll rustecs meeting. 'l ht.‘ prcgcntl)‘ is paid a salary that is 87 pgr- ghavgg'fl ' ' "4"”- __ . an: .
1 budget. as well as sexeral other items. cent oi the average Lexington worker. ;' l .. ”‘3‘, ..- W“
was apprmcd by board members at the lhe new budget will bring staff to g,” . a, ‘5“ . " " 51:. , ” .
meeting. within approximately 94 percent of the “Eigi. ' 5‘ 5.. ‘ 4' W
L ”W ““31 hUdilt‘l tor the Wish—WM Lexington labor market in two years. ” I, 'i'1p.“ ~ ‘ its“
fiscal year will be $2757 million. an Singletary told the Board that this is Aggfii’ihéh, : lg: ‘
Increase ol ”,4 percent mer that ol "the largest (operating) budget ever put . "H if "it; i
[OW-.WXO State appropriations will in iront oi you a reflection of some ;. " “My”
comprise about 50 percent ot the growth and some inflation."
- budget with the remainder oi funding In other action. the Board approyed ' .
coming lroni tuition and tees. lcdcral the appointment of Art (iallahcr. pres- " My. ~... ,9: .,
appropriations. gills and grants. and cm dean oi the College ol Arts and ’é- \
Income trom endowments. :nwstments. Sciences. as the replacement for Lewis ' .
auxiliary \L‘chcs and the l‘K Medical W. Cochran. vice president of Aca- . .
('entcr. dcmic Al'iairs. Cochran. who has held
“lhis budget is basically a salary his current post for the past It) years.
budget." \llld Singletary. “which will retire June 30. l98l.
addresses our long-standing salary (iallaher's appointmcnt was
problems In a realistic manner." addressed at the June meeting sothat he «-
lhc inerage faculty salary at UK is could work with Cochran this year and
presently Sl635 below comparable become lamilar with the operations of
benchmark Institutions. but should {all the Academic Attairs ()lllCC.
behind only $950 this year if present continued on page 4 \
Photo by 1.0. VanHoose
Cha Iain Hubbell to retire' SW°“°' s"°'t°'
p I Despite the sweltering temperatures, a UK student found the energy to engage In
. a hot game of volleyball at Seaton Center Tuesday. -
tak 51' In th sabbatical
9 X on After five-year absence
3 MARY c. noun Since his a ointment to St. Augus- F U K d t -
Stiff Writer tine‘s in I967,ml-lubbell has seen many ormer ean re urns!
changes on the campus and in his con- -
ult‘s been a tremendous experience. gregation. “When I came here, under- takes Medlcal center post
it’s kept me youn5... kept me on my grads composed the entire ‘
theological toes," said the Rev. William congregation. Now we have the whole ‘ . .
K. Hubbcll. spectrum of freshmen through Dono- Jack Hall. who has been on specnil the cabinet. Under Gov. John ‘Y. Brown
For I 3 years. Hubbell has served as van scholars, and even people from out assignmentto the state government in Jr.,_ Hall was the governors special
Vicar of St. Augustine's Chapel and in the community." he said. Frankfort Since I974, Will return to UK. assistant and acting secretary ofthe arts .
chaplain to Episcopal students at the 'Hall has been appomted assrstant and education cabinet. ‘
University. He has been granted a six- Hubbell has also seen great changes Vice president of the UK Medical Cen- As assistant Vice president of the
months‘sabbatical which will terminate in the attitudes of UK students. When ter. Previously, he held positions at UK Medical Center. Hall Will be in charge
with his retirement fromthe active min- he arrived at St. Augustine‘s in I966, stu- that included assistant vice president for of the administration of the Medical '
istry in December I980. dents attended services more regularly. student affairs, dean of students, acting Center non-academic support comm.
Hubbcll‘s association with the Uni- He said. “In the late 605. students deve- dean of men and director of men‘s resi- “Jack Hall wrll bnng to our central
vchity goes back to the l930‘s when he loped a disaffection for social institu- . dcncc halls. He had been with the Uni-i Medical Center administrative team a
was a script writer for WBKY -~ UK‘s tions such as the church, and we haven‘t versny since I960. high [level of executive management
student-operated radio station. In 19%, ever quite overcome that." “It Will be good to haven man of Jack experience as well as extensive knowl-
he enrolled at UK a“ 30-year-old fresh- Hall‘s caliber back on campus again. edge of the state of Kentucky and the
titan majoring in sociology. After grad- Hubbcll‘s linal Sunday at St. Augus- We 3’9 PTOU“ 0‘ the contribution he "9°.“ and expectations 0' m “tum"
uatc work at Chapel Hill. he returned to tinc’s was June 29. but retirement from made to state government and we know The problems presented by the come
Lexington and attended the Lexington active campus ministry does not mark he willcontinuc ‘O'SCI'VC 0“} Uanefll‘y plcxtty ‘0‘ the. Medical Cent? 03":
Theological Seminary. where he taught the end ‘of his ties to the University. WC" m h" “f“ asstgnment "1"" Med!‘ "of“ wrll {3 "W'fi?nu¥ “clan“? yi
church history for five years. During the Since January l. he has served as Coor- cal Center. ”Id UK Presrdent 0"! ""3 rem-enmept. “{d “f 9:"
same period. he designed sets for the dinator of Special Programming forthe Singlctary. quwoflhi “cc prealdent 0' ‘ e
Guignol Theatre and was a book Council on Aging. Elderhostel. held at I" 3““ government H‘" served ‘3 Medial Center. _ ll’ .
designer for the University Press of UK June l6-20. was aprojcct he coordi- key CXCCUNW “dc ‘0 former GOV- "I" l' . "3"" of Lextngton '3 we r
Kentucky. natcd and directed. Julian Carroll and also as secretary of as a UK graduate. l

 \ . I I v
A-THI‘I KENT! ('K‘ Kl-IRNH..'!IlIursda\. Jul) 3.198".
I ' ' Storm steals "En” “ N ”5°
7‘.ll$l ”A?"- 'N ’15. 00"!
.. . I Midnight Movie
.. _ . _ I th u d er Tonite, Fri. 3. Sat.
3 . I I" -s3I f ‘I 5.5:. . . 2.41:; II ' 08 s "G 1 2 M0"
. , 1 , “It" ”I. c'nsmn Call for
I . I I \I§ \\ I _ _ puvwr onlhgcx In the an I _-‘-;;g 5 ' ’ g;
. x§ xx \\_\,\- 3 l unm. th‘llkl‘ \uw \puuul 'Vl' ‘ l‘ , ‘1' l" ‘ ~ _ .z
I h ‘ 333$ 3% In \mmm l(\\'élli0fl\ and ”I“ PIIIPI \MIIH III Id“ I‘ a ,3
. b;- . 3 ; $33; ,\ . ‘ , alto! :hc ln'xl announcement. _ 5;;
. . Q9. .1. 1 § {332;} ._§,\. 10m hm. tlfl“ n DC.” (lCUlPJk" ' §II -' ‘
\-‘ , 3,53% ' ‘ \\ ‘ . . .. hlll ll‘lk K‘\|l\ hm‘umc (1'0“ «lCnl . I. ':.--' x
. \gs- . ,_ § se-gw‘ to“ n. \vxmlllcx Hmrmlxl‘m; : " -
. - _ f ’- ' y‘ -' ‘- , and olluru1l~ again runny
. 'g‘ . ~ 3‘ . and Ham nlr ..
. . -:::-- . ‘ >_ . mcmlml xhn: pcnplu rcmxnn -. ..
. § . ’~'I I' _ ‘ ' t:_-'“III‘II ~ ()m formula “5" “11ml“ m ln\ldt' lhm \AL‘H‘ rvlcnxnl :11 ll .I
‘ I 1 ¥ ‘ x, \x\\ l nu'luw mmh. hm no lnvu.‘ 1m p m and “CH mm“ “(1, (ul\ “Cd ,6. Y . .
I III ' .\ § 5“ _ II WWI“ 'I‘Ipml‘I‘l l ’I‘I‘I‘mm WWW: In In Ir- m hnmc nx \nor‘. m II 4:?
‘ . - ( ‘0; ‘I‘“37:,‘:'__“_f", . ’ § f = ‘ llnk'\ u‘crc down In mam pnrtx PU\\|hlk‘ hcczluw mnrc “mm, ' ' .
.. '3. 4a : a! l \'\l!l}_’lflll. and “NH \lll‘NH “k.“ itPDI'néichlnl.‘ “A. max
' ' [mm “W" knm'k‘“ “l” l ””‘k' im cnnu'rl “m nczu’h mu; ‘4; Tl]? 1‘
- I - 5 The ET‘WP I'IOEhBL ""99 0f WWW" 9"" pictured “’0‘"- will m” “‘l‘ “”h‘I‘l” P‘W‘“ “'1 on! :4an Ihu cnwul um :vxr‘mr ‘ N N g
. be in concert at RuPP Arena on Jul} 23. Ticket prices are M'H‘Ihl hm!“ “W" v“ I" m xlu' and lmn' I‘m In ddllcul- ( QT [88 +
$8.50. $7.50 and $6.50. The “'hn will he in concert on l-rl- ”H. “mm at ,9“, Rnllx luv! 1,“, mm“; 5. m,» “mm H“. J ,4.» ‘1 k
. . day. July I], re“ tickets remain and thnscaro located in the (“mum “m um N.“ u» ”mum Kernel C. m. “a, unuhll- m N
I upper arena. in Rnpp \rcnn In: :lpp|u\l- mlrw: ;. cancer: rmuwx lln
I I I mun-h (an haw lulu“ thy [mum ."m w“ u Ill apm-m m~\l \u'ck I"
I . n I
7he Prejectlon Room WW
. # Stan'ng before
. Twin Clem: . 530...... 515°
‘I . . . thsville I Icynolds Id. ' 272-6111
. B\ SJ. ROBINS()\ -
. - , ........ A look at moves around town . msmm WW .
I I 30 , 2-00 4 3r .. ~ ‘
.. ,. ., . . H ., 13‘“ 7009:” "‘
lilxl 84 Al Ix xx nm Rcd~ 7III- LNIPIRI‘ SIRIAFA B4( A t In ¥ ‘ I5“ 7 a. a
mmth Hm ltuccrtuxnh m 'I‘HI: Burs anTHI-IRs 1* ¥ ¥ '32.”. . i .. ' a
. - hrzucxl ln llll\ drama uhrml a HR! 'IIAKIJR ¥ ¥ 1- ¥ .,,.- II I A .,I'/I \ . f” l‘ '
' ' \‘mmp rclnrm warden ux‘x‘lgnml I 'RB4 ’\ ( '()WB(H 4! ¥ ¥ 3, _, /I
‘ In clam up the corrupl Wukv- TH! .S'III‘VI’VC J. l 1 4! a a ' ' i ’/ R
lwld cnrrm‘llmml ccnlcl hc l\ Till \II'PPI 'I 540"” I I I II" "MI“ ”I". AMI DOWII __-_-:- \ II D E SYEFED
, ‘ mmnuv mun lrnn: \upur—xch: ( II ‘\"I STOP THI‘ MI'SII I ROUGH CUTE iIQv ""I «»\ '
- '. rnlcx In lilm\ lulu '/‘/n /-/m In.
. . Huru'mrm Hultlh rcnlu‘tu.
U ' , Hru/mkw IL';I\C\ nu \\ uul lCdilur‘s nnlv: lhis rating syslem operates on an upward scale 01 I I
. nnxuul on corruption Ill \Inlv Ierl) tn five. 0 R I I EY S PU B
. , _ . '312‘5'4132xiii?“III"'II'I"""" ": W ‘ ":I:':‘ ' " ”
I‘ I”, ”I I I.\ ”R()l,// RX mmA Awsxmtixfil fl
. lL‘lllilln\ thr hcxl cnmqh lvlm TuRFlAID MALLCtyng $150 “I“ h p.m 3523 LANSDOWN ROAD
IlIIlIIIIIllIIu IlIIIIlI)IF :IQIIIIIILJ 276-4444 Hanaooswnc no. auuuutu - ' MIm 4‘” AT THE CORNER OF REYNOLDS RD
. . . n m 0 m 11 .m 'vrnu . . . ~ .~ 35‘ ' i
. . . and u numhcr nl panml curs. lhv‘ ”I (m " m'“'"n He wantEd 5‘ LADIES NIGHT '
.’ Hun lilm will prnhuhh hc uncut from ““d' to be. M0585... EVERY TUESDAY
- tlnx \mnmur‘x hlggcxl lntx but h€d|ant have the 4,
/\l llll kl-\ I “hid um THE BLUES right connections. -WELEDRWKSABOC, VALL CALL 75¢
\wck I'lu ”up/w! llnvu'. lax! BROTHERS , . . , _ , r ., . l
\Cdr‘xicntlmcnrllhlnnrltvrllinr J()HN DAN a l V 2‘. 9, I' II Il MlD‘WEEK FEVER NlGHT
rung crmll My ‘mg l\\ ‘ .I , ’ ‘ .V .‘ ' V ‘l
mm W, ”,1 “N,“ ,N U, mum“ A‘l kROYD , “E: a :' EVERY WEDNESDAY
nunmn (,nm Hui: Hi4 Ii rm/ , 5: l HAPPY HOUR PRICES ALL NlGHT
. l' ’ _’ ‘_ i200225¢50715Qt IR 5f '- ,_465“ 7.5.000 [PG]:
.n um. I Hnuuhmll mx. “um . 5;". ‘ 5 , ‘ _, DRAET BEER—25C
(n m. \u'ckvml 1],, Km; ‘1. . . .-: . .. . '1 ' ' " ”"”‘"'" """
. ,, .. . ‘ 3 g ' CINIIMA - - . , . .
, H. ,. M”... v... m... . FAYETTE ”All. 1&1! $1.50 ‘" 6 Wk .1' HAPPY HOUR ”RICE: IILL v.30
mmv \mmm 272-6662 mmousvnuuuiw (lam nos. Mon -Fn. - .
l(ll 1)\‘ \ll \l)l ') lp 5‘ \n l m - 1" ~11le 11"" EVERY
, lIu/nu‘ Um; A TERRIFYING ‘ \‘ (I. \l“ \l _; \ll j}\1| \ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY '
: l; \':\ WH '(J\l 9 (.H; SECRFT HA5 ,“ N “"‘M’ '“"“"“"W I
'wu' /).'r HUN 1;; arm,“ BEEN KEPT ‘3‘ WM: ; \IOU DONIT HAVE TO BE lRlSH
. "'5 . g . “T 2 TO GET LUCKY AT O'RILEY'S
‘ Hit-"Imvwvlk . ' . =—
lil‘.‘vv' firt'v‘l’ll. /’; “INN“ Ishnun 3; SIS'W SPACEK YOMMV lEf JONFE; > fl
. lu'n Innu’Wm .attl‘... ‘HL‘lL‘H‘ 3 1:00 310 510 7.30 9.45
( 'ft'i‘! in'lx-‘tx an un. lll‘lld .,, ‘ 1. ; ,1, z; , . f .
\Hv 1' Hr ‘ 'rilw ‘llL IR' lPGl
‘ .el‘ ‘Iruum » “ _ ’ , I _. - fi. ... ..' .. .5‘51‘:25IIE=.£“3.1355555;

 . .3‘5',.7 1' I}
' ' ’ j' 5 .
- THE KENTUCKY KER—Nil, Thursday. July 3, l9fl-3 ' ' ’ ' - -. .
' . V ‘ttAhi, ‘. it:
Deposvts may Spark energy boom, prof says .—;
3y nanny WAITERS will yield oil when heated, Hes- eastern Gas Shale project. the rock “being-fractured in the gallons per ton of rock in the . .'
Report" ter said. Hester explains that the substrata, but it is not yet eco- western United States. .1 i ,' i 7 .
‘ shale outcroppings appear nomically feaSIble to heavily “Kentucky has far better . 4 I, .
Kentucky shale deposits are Devonian Black Shale is 3 around an area known as the mine ff” 0". "65‘" said. mining facllitics and manpower ,_ :‘ ‘,.
rich in oil. and this could mean dense. normally impermaeable Jessamine Dome, a structural ApprOXimately ""93 ‘0"5 0f than the west,” "€81“ said, ‘ . ’3‘ 1
. an energy boom forthe state in rock, which covers tapproxi- high ofthe regional Cincinnati rock have ‘0 be. moved to get‘ “and Vi" bein theforefront"of I ‘ :V' ;
the future. according to Dr mately 540-000 acres In central Arch which defines the houn- one barrel or (“L "‘5‘" said energy-producing $1.36 when . l. V .
Norman C. Hester, UK profes- Kentucky. The outcrop belt dary between the Appalachian that the average ton of rock has the technology is deveIOpcd to V. - y .'
sor and assistantstate geologist stretches across Kentucky for and Illinois Basins. The shale between 12 to ISgaIlons ofusa- get the shale out without undue . . . . i. .i‘ t
for the Kentucky Geological about 200 miles. from Lewis deposits are further from the ble'0il, compared With 30 to 35 harm to the environment. i f". . . _ .
Survey. County to Jefferson County in surface the further away they . . , ._ ’1' ~
a. horseshoe shape. This gives get from the Jessamine Dome. " . .,_ .
The state‘s black shale is rich Kentucky more surface expo» Presently the shale is a ‘ ~ ‘ I‘ V ' -
. . good . - . .. .
- in kerogen. a substance which sure than any other state in the producer of natural gas due to i IJeXIngton secretana‘l . f ‘ 3 ' I
Ii 508 East High . .
. (Between Kentucky and Woodland) n,‘ f , _ L, '
No clear-cut solution l ”5‘85“
i EXPERT TYPlNG '- f , :
S ' d h t' ; Theses, Dissertations, - ,.-.
OCle CO" ones C ea Ing Term Papers
I (Turabian, MLA, APA and other formats) '.
' By LISA LAFALCE 0f the institution." said Robert know the faces, handwriting L“ M -- , ~ -—> - ~ , . "NH” ,
sum erlL‘l Zumwinkle. vice president of and approaches oftheapproxi— _ - - » :1
_ student affairs. mately IOO students they are .- . ~ . .‘i
Like many colleges. UK has Students and professors responsible for.“ " .' . I ‘i . , ,1 '
a policy to deal with students agree that larger undergradu- Paul [)outriche. a history ' cm W V , f ' 5.
who cheat. But despite the an; classes present problemhin instructor and a former ]A i V I.
. potential punishment. students preventing cheating. History said. “i know all my students‘ mm _ - 11"] n i"
and professors alike agree that i024 and l09are good examples. faces and names. By the mid- m m I, )1, t .'r
cheating is a problem on “I'm not wild about the big term I couldn‘t conceive of I ' l —-—.——.——.————— ;' , "
campus, classrooms. One does have a anyone taking the test for Ian“ I'Pu, " it." i; ' -
“(heating is defined b) its tendency to Iook around‘ CSpC- someone else." - .i " g“;
general usage. It includes. but is cially when there are 400 other Even so, he continued, “It‘s . A m 1" ‘ . . 3 -‘.
not. limited to. the wrongful people in look at," said one really hard to auditaclassthat ‘ t}. Mm 'f
.gwmg- ta'Klng. or presenting 0f freshman. “Maybe if you could size. It‘s hard to make sure ‘@ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘4
information or material by a breakit(the class)down and do there‘s no cheating. lnvariably ' Help the clothes budget ‘ J.
student With the intent of aid- the testing at night or test dur— eyes will roam. in a way you‘re ' while youhelpsave lives. g. 5 2
ing himself or another on any ing the discussion classes it almost powerless to stop $2 bonus for lsttime "
academic work which is consi- would be better." cheating." donorswiththieadf 5 ' V ' ,
dered in any way in the deter- Because ofthe problem with “The way the University is - ._ I . : v' ' " '
mination 'of the final grade. monitoring a large class. it is structured a teacher had better @plasrna au'ame 'x. i g: V ,1.
Anyquestion ofdefinition shall possible for someone not be very sure a person has 2043 Oxford Circle/Phone 254—8047 : » '
be referred to the ltl‘ntiversn‘y enrolled in a class to come in cheated before accusing them." Mani", a .‘m .s pin/s." a e.m_-3 pm i, i.. 4 t, ',
Appeals Board. This LS UK S and take a test for someone else [)outriche saldl ,. '80" ff i , 1 1 ‘ 'i ' ' . s.' r,
definition of cheating as stated who is enrolled in the class. continued on page 5 . "_' ° °' "9"” SW'W' ' 95° L . . J. . ~ .j i *
In the .Siqqcm Rights and “It's very difficult to guaran- ' ' ' ‘ "' :‘~ .‘ 't I i ;’
RCSQ0M'F’IIIKICS Handbook. tee that doesn‘t happen." said . _ .‘ ' .h
“( heatingisa serious offense Steve (‘hanning a history pro— = t ' ' i , . . ' ‘
dgdlt‘l'st the nature of hlgher fessor [guess It 53 p()§§lh|l"y. LISEUM Ll U0“ = l . ', \t. 3
learning. ” '1 becomes WIdeS- Theoretically one hopes that . ' . if
pead itisserioustotheintegrity the teaching assistants get to ' _ ‘- ‘ = ‘ .z ' 3'
t‘ v. ., ,' .
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4-THE KENTI'CKY KERNELJhursday. July I, l 980. .
‘ ' , - : ’ : §J ' .
5;» 9 \\\ 9: : 5 L: ’ , f s '
, % st$°§ ‘U ’ . , i g l l l II .' L ‘ a
x ' 2 - 3‘ «fin/Ia In .7'(/ 'I.’
i’ ' ' { § ’ ‘t ’ ’
, I §‘ '- ., I. I I I j W Call Days Evenings L Weekends 3
,_:i-.'.§§-::; , _ «- '9 1 H Classes Start 5
, ', » ' H; . _ - ‘ : ‘ MCAT August 9m ‘
;. ' . ‘1 f ‘ m N DAT August 9m
' -.:‘ “5.2. i .. , _ ' ‘ _ LSAT August 23rd
\ i . .. 3“ -,‘ 'C l Educational Center GRE August 30th
- . v , - \fi‘mw‘w "’““""°‘°“ ‘ : nsr PREPARATION GMATS t 7
: I , _. . §kf§§§$ M ' , sncuusrs SINCEISJB ep
\ . l 233-0737 1
PhOto by D‘Hd Cooper — i
. l‘K PreSIdent Qtis Singletnrg' directs attention to I graph comparing l‘ K salaries With those of ---------------
. comparable universtties during the Board of Trustees meeting last Friday. I .9" _ 1
, , /’S "V\. I
‘ I .
F / ff / . . . 806 7 i 4mg“ B ueg rass i
. , acu ty, sta 83 8/788 t0 Increase In I z; «645%; . I
- , I 6:” Com Shop .
‘ - continued from page I Medical Center at an estimated the Mining [Tngineering pro- I ‘ I
lhe lrustees also appro\ ed eoxt ot Sl 36 million llie pro— gram. l’roieet cost is estimated - -
- the appointment of Dr. (Ear) tea “as originally priced at at one million dollars, I Paying _CaSh for used Class RlngS I
~ ‘ Huber as the [)1rCL‘tur ol the SXMHXN) lhe old Fine Arts building High SChOOl or COllege
i lobaeeo and Health Research Another ehill water line a)» root “Ill be replaced for I I
' Institute et‘f‘eetixe immediat- tem is proposed lorthe lattert) Sl5().000and thecost ol'the [-‘li- I 1 o KT gold mens $40 00 I
1 ' _ ..- edly. Huber xerved as the Hall tunnel (extending from Iabethtoun root replacement is I
. . Director ot the Smoking and the Hag Pia/a to MeVey Hall). estimated at Sl lt).l0(). 1 o KT QOId womens l$20,00l
.. Health Research Program at that would seruee the Mining lhe Board also gaVe pi‘elimi— I I
, Hanard Medical School proir l.ah. Journalism Building and nar} eonSideration (0 1| PTO I GOOd With this COUpon I
" ‘ to his appointment at UK MeVe) Hall, '1 he estimated posed name ehangetor Student
~ ‘ l‘l\€ capital construction project cost IN $200.00” I 4 (io\ernment, 50 members I 444 S. Ashland Ave. I
proieet proposals were .sUhnili- Renovation ot the Mining submitted a proposal to Change I (in Chevy Chase) 269—6213 269.1012 I
ted to the Board and reeened Lahis planned KOCOYFC‘Clxflftfl} the present title to Kentucky h I
', their apprmal deficiencies. make the facility SIUdcnt Axsoeiationi l‘he deei- --------_------
lhe most expenshe proiect aceesaahle to the handicapped 510" “I” he made at a later '
_ is a chiller 5}.atem tor the l'K and to prmidetisahle space for meeting. Read the Kernel for C001 “CW8.
‘ I , v , ,, , a _ m, a ”a, _ a,
1 / l I H U R S DA Y
‘ WhenYou’ ' ‘
l mm Good '5 U K DA V -
, ’ o
~ ; ForAGoodTime i SWEATERS, spon‘rcoArs
| / iaq .
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a ,’ . ;; Swea’n’Sour l 2 PC surrs
‘ 1 , \ Matchickai 4.95 l PLA'“ 1 PC DRESSES
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Round . l 1 HOUR CLEANERS {on 0" HANGERS -
' l 881 taut High Northland Shopping Ctr
‘ ouno ; L°“"m0" Ma" 2191 Vouainon Road
= Crossroad; Shopping Ctr Tiirttand Mall
, ‘, l 9423’: Winchester Road 1837 E Picadomo '
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THE KENTUCKY KERNE. Thursdly. July 3, 193.314 '1 u ‘
' _ .___ 7 . .
"""-——————————-—"__", I I . . I 7
Pa r ' h' ' ' CHAN“ RECORDS~ . , .
ISO/78 98/ n3 0030 ”7 08/170” New ucx » , ; I '
g g p Now srowts - «.49 3°” : I , ., .
Now QUEEN . «.49 'WW“ 4"“ . g " ‘ 3; '
[)ick Parsons. l'K assistant Parsons said the nut rule Jr. and Leonard Hamilton “,9. ”my,” 0, _
basketball coach since I972 didn‘t lea“: him much Chm“. Parsons was captaIn 01 both nocx sour. JAzz cowvmv cur—ours f ; _ ' _
and Imohcd vulh l'K sportx sincc hc ncwr “aimed to he a thc baseball and basketball U S E's” 5"}??de M S ‘ ~.
’0’ more than 20 )‘cars. cnn— Iull-timc recruiter and didn‘t 193m” before graduating Imm 269 1613 ‘ U: A i.
IIrmcd FrIda\ that he I\ lczning llkt.‘ the Idea 01‘ bring a puit- l'K In 196! and contmucd to be 377 8 “mm” s" ,i
- 7 [Aunt-0mm Moi-no. Nil, Noah Como-u) ' ~ 4 w
thc couchmg sum. tImc couch. Imohcd “llh l Ix throughout Mon. - Sn 119.00 sun. 12 . 7.00 , . ,‘
Parsons Is the \ictim (II I: nc“ thc “960‘s hctnrc becoming ’ , ‘ 3 '
\(‘AA ruIc “Inch ullmn onl} Hic ihrcc Iull-limc positions Hull‘x No. I assistant uhcn hc . _ ' ‘ ’ g
V., _ \ .,. . \" . ‘.~ - A .... . ‘ ..~ ' ' ,1 V ‘
thug IIIII llnIL uuuhns to W” bi. Iillui b} ( muh JUL ”d” \uuudcd Rupp nghl )L.ll\ The Kernel IS DUbllShed every ThUTSdfly. ‘ , 7 7 ,
recrIIIt on campus. and assistant coachesJoc [)can ago, , _ 7
. . ( [ASSIHEDS .. _ "
()nc hm; SI 00 . ,W . »
HIICC dmx. 9‘ u‘nh [‘L‘I «Ln " ' . . .'
."I' ‘
Inc (1.1M. 00 t'cnh pcr d.I\ ’ \ > . , ,I
, I 7,
IIIt'.Ihn\ci.’II(-\.iIvIIII .III\ ' ,, 409 S. Uppe' . I - "\
It I 'IIl‘ l II IIIgCI Ind "Il't II ”In K Iu-I t'l \ w TVPI'W' lhc\|\ and Hm I l s h" ”‘1” nonetheless ”8"“‘ me ‘ ' - '

' ‘ ' " ‘ I‘ \II chIIIIrcn, Icaiu’~ IICpl“Il $| ‘00 pt! ' \cra ""1 my ‘ " .
Mini h. 1“ I.: “Mm [\pI-Iu'nu' Iu-Iplul munih DIN-KIM!» \pcualn Auurattgualamccdsenior 2“» 265-6408 crrnr ' I _ ’ "
grriiv ‘53 gnu-qt x \ Hahn-I. I,..».v..n. 7 77 7 2149 ' , ,'.’ .
I‘K‘\Inhu|d\\|llrkind IVIIH , , ,, V “ ' .

Iaxsmmu Al'kflIVH‘ls-Malihn’ . ‘
III mun |.III\IIImIIc \IIIINIIIIy ((‘Illt'l TVPING unnicd. Iau au'malr. resunahlr ---—------—---1 , ‘ ' 7
\r‘mII-m I And I hdnmin .Ip.l"lll("\l\ nu“ \E'\I((' IHM Dom lalhnl Z7‘rll4‘7 , ,_ 7 _
MAILINC III illll‘ III [rungimh muxi ,, ,, WW ,. , , I 7 7 I:
FREE LEGAL ADVICE IIi-umhle .Iptllllllcnl umIpII-w‘ HNIIIIIIIIh ‘ T‘ PING IIpcrIcnu-d Wail guarfnieed I KD'VNIWKV For the Month Of July ~ \
PROVIDED BY i.IIIIIu.IpcII IIIH'IIIHII [mu] Ml JpflIIMIu-x I (mod lalf\ Wanda Hmigr ANA)”. 7 | 7 .
IIHHI\.R'\I I |('\.I|UI\ (I! all Ilmux IIIIIIIIII. , , I SPECIAL RAT ES ‘ ‘ I
STUDENT mulmu I‘wmx.‘ MM '
"\PINII- IHM \t'ln’ivu I\pt'nrmnl I
GOVERNMENr , ' th‘\c\_ (II\\1‘I[.IIII\"\ tum pap(r\ CLASSIFIED 7 . I.
,, ,,-.__.g_—_W A __, Mania 3‘31““ I { L 75‘ ‘1 ward/or ' ‘ I
coNDOMINIUM son RENT l _ AD In words or In: I 7 7
Every T.’9$d8y 9 ‘ 12 noon m BEAUTIFUL WOODSON BEND I‘Pl~(-' Ia“, “P""HWN’ '“m I ]2( per word (“'0’ [0 word; - ,
Call 257'2691 'OI' an O RESONT Pflr‘cnwhruw duxcvlalmn\(alh\ 27“ COUPON I .
um , ‘ .
On" 76 mun "om Lou-won on L‘- I hr”! 1’,” (0“ n . ‘ ~
appomtment Lawyer WI” Cumboviand Go" 10mm nmmmmg‘ manna JUJI R P0 I 7 ‘ 7,
review [08895. tenant rights, IIlhm. mum“ bicyclmg on: Completely ‘ 7 I 7
“man.“ .,, “Man“ can, rv u.” g 7‘ PINL. I nu ratn. tam scnn‘e Nccliralr ‘
and any other problems m .0. 212 I... no... cation-3731 272mm Ian NM
lhov 69m am, and. mm --‘n_'u------ . 7

V (yo-THE KENTl'CKY KERNH..Thursday.