xt7rjd4ppb0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4ppb0f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1935 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.5 n.2, February-March, 1935 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.5 n.2, February-March, 1935 1935 1935 2020 true xt7rjd4ppb0f section xt7rjd4ppb0f  

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Volume 5 February»March 1935 Na 2

Rnsonwald nay—Friday, March 15,1935







Philnnlhropiu and Friand la the Education af all the People

"An Equal Educatianal Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child"








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The Kentucky State

Industrial College
Frankfort, Kentucky


49th Year 0f Service To Negro Youth
A Progressive State Supported


For Full Patticuhn Address

R. B. ATWOOD, President



 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Vol. V February.March, 1935 No. 2

Publirhed by the Kentucky Negro Ednufionnl Amclntion
Editorlnl Office at. 1926 W. Madison Street
LouLWCifle, Kentucky

Atwood S. Wilson. Executive Secretary, Louisville; Mums Editor.
R. B. Atwood, Frankfort. President of K. N. E. A.

Bond er Director.
J. L. Bean, Versailles W. s. Blanton, Frankfort
s. L. Barker, Owensbora F. A. Taylor, Louisville


Published B'rmont'hly dudng the school year: October, Daeembnr,
February and Aprll


Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes mblu'lpfion h
the Journal

Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation, 2,000 copies. .1934. K, N. E. A. Membership, 1140




Cover—Julius Rasenwald
Editorial Comment . . . .
K: N. E. A. Announcements.
Honor Roll for 1934-35
K. N. E. A. Kullings
The 1935 Program Outline
A Promising Poet .....
TheN.A.C.T..SMeptm . .
K. N. E. A Directors Meet In Louisvflle .
The Intelligence of the Negro—By Atwood S. Wilson. .
W. S. Blanton Announces for K. N. E. A. Presidency.
A Letter from Superintendent Richmond .
Improvement and Beautification Contest.
Improvemient and Beautification of School Plants.
Statement by L. N. ’l_‘ayI or. . .
A Statement from Direetor S. L Smith.
lR'osenWald School Day Program.
~2uepoees of the Meeting .
Howgflr. Eosenrwald’s Philanthropy Got Under Why (A Playlet in
ne .
Doing Our 31:.
’Letter' On Salary Schedule
Dream of Our Children. . .
To the English Teachers of the K. N. E. A.
Essay Contest Announced... .. ...... ..





Editorial Comment


The K. N. E. A. will convene in Louisville for its 59th Annual
Session April 16-13, 1935. An outline of the entire program is to he
announced soon. The speakers on our program will be persons of
national reputation. Heads of departments are also arranging to have
experts on their respective sectional programs. These sessions promise
to be of special henef‘ t to the classroom teacher.

On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning of the meeting, the
various departments are to convene. In order that there be less con-
flicts, five departments will have sessions at the first time mentioned
end the remaining ones at the second mentioned time. 011 Friday

night, during the meeting, there will be the Third Annual Musicale
featuring artists of the state and other extraordinary music attractions.
On Saturday, April 13, the Fifteenth Annual Exhibition will be given
at the Louisville Amory. A new type of program is being arranged.

The K. N. E. A. is also arranging two special shows free to en-
1‘olled teachers. The first picture will be at the Grand Theater on
Thursday, April 11, sand the other at the Lyric Theater on Friday,
April 12. 4

Another attractive feature of the meeting will he the Annual
Spelling Bee. This year unusual interest has been manifested and
from all indications this will be the hest spelling bee in our history. A
number of counfies have already chosen their representatives and are
preparing to send them to Louisville for the final contest on Friday
morning, April 12.

Teachers are requested to enroll in advance and upon reportingto
the convention to register their stopping places while in the city.
Membership cards should he brought to the convention. A membership
card is necessary before a teacher can vote, enter one of the shows
arranged for teachers, or attend the Musicale on Friday of the conven-
tion with free admission. Times are better and the K. N. E. A. con-
vention promises to he more largely attended than in the past several




By January 10, 1935 over two hundred teachers had enrolled in
the K. N. E, A. for 193536. This illustrates the tendency toward
early enrollment. Superintendents and principals are enrolling their
teachers in groups This is‘ an economic procedure and is the best
way to he sure that the school or institution is on the Honor Roll. The
Honor Roll will be published in our various Kentucky Weeklies and n


 special record will be shown at the 1935 convention. All schools in
which the teachers enroll 100 per cent will receive Certificates of
Honor. Each teacher is expected to pay the annual membership fee
(one dollar) regardless of his plans to attend the Louisville convene
tion. Each teacher should feel it a professional obligation to maintain



We are highly gratified to note the increased cooperation of
county superintendents with the Kentucky Negro Educational Associa-
tion. This year these superintendents have urged the enrollment of
their colored teachers and many have sent in the fees personally. This
may he noted in the Honor Roll published elsewhere in this Journal.
Some of them have written the secretary regarding the work of our
association and asked that they ’be sent our K. N. E. A. Journal regu-
larly. Many have inquired if their teachers were receiving the Journal
and expressed their satisfaction with this publication.

It is hoped that other county superintendents will follow the
exmnples of these to whom we refer. The Negro child’s need should
receive sulficient consideration so that the aim of both the K. E. A. and
the K. N. E. A. may be realized: “An equal educational opportunity
for every Kentucky child." An attitude of ‘better educational condi-
tions for both white teachers and colored teachers and White children
and colored children will help lfurther toward the realization of the

motto of the state of Kentucky: “United We Stand, Divided We Roll.”
3 i t x * t I:


In the October-November K. N. E. A. Journal there appeared an
honor roll of the schools that had reported 100% enrollment at the
1934 convention in Louisville. By error two schools were omitted.
These Schools were the Knob City High School of Russellville, of which
Prof. H. E. Gnodloe is principal and the Charles Young School of
Louisville, of which Miss Jessie R. Carter is principal. Both of these
schools enroll annually 100% in the K. N. E. A. and the editor take:
pleasure in making these corrections and in thinking these schools for

continued comparation.
a n e e c w n:


The theme, “Specific Objectives in the Educatlon of the Negro"
suggests some such as the following needs: (1) More Negro history in
the curriculum. (2) Vocational guidance lending to a widor distribution
of occupations. (3) Character training emphasizing honesty, obedience,
courtesy and cleanliness. (4) Economic efficiency—living within one’s
means. (6) A greater emphasis of music, especially Negro spirituals.




The election of ofiicerr of the
K. N. E A. will lie held on Friday,
April 12 during the K. N. E. A
by ballot from B A. M. to 5 P. M.
Each teacher must present his
membership card to vote.

t n n t

The present K. N. E. A. 5e:-
retary, AtWootl S. Wilson, may
succeed himself according to the
constitution. He may, therefore,
be a candidate for reelection.
Many principals and teachers
hive' expressed satisfaction with
his services and urged hill: to con-
tinue in the oflice in order flint
the Work of the K. N. E. A. and
the K. N. ’E. A. Journal might.
continue the progressive program
inaugurated during the slightly
more than ten years of service he
has rendered. Recently the Board
of Directors in session rated his

work “excellent."
3 s s *


Those who desire to haVe their
Inamés’ submitted to the nominal;
jng committee should send same
to the secretary by March 16y
1935. This will insure due con»
siderafiion by the committee and
allow sumziert time for the names
to appear on the official ballot.

r a: >1: e

The annual spelling contest of
the K. N. E. A. will be held F11-
day, April 12 at 10 A. M. In
Elementary School Departmeri
Names of entries should be sent
the secretary as soon as possible
btfare April. Send the name,


The election will be'

age, grade of the pupil, and
school system the pupil to rep—
e c t 1
The Third Annual Musicale will.
he held on Friday night, April 12.
This program will probably be
free to teachers enrolled in the
K. N. E. A. A fee of 25 cents.
will be charged non~members of
the K. N. E. A.
>7 n e n
The K. N. E. A.
sending out badges along with
membership cards. Be sure to
bring the badge‘to the Convention
with you. Wear your badge at
the meeting and show both your
loyalty to the K. N. 'E. A. and to
the teaching profession.
:9 c s 1’
This year there will he no iden-
tification railroad certificates isA
sued to teachers because of the
new mileage rates now in efiect in.
Kentucky. Each teacher may
trayel to the K. N. E. A. at the
rate of 1%”: per mile. This is
cheaper than when reduced rates
were ofiened. For example, the
{are from Bowling Green Ky., to
Louisville (round trip) was_$6.40
before this year under the certi-
ficate plan. Under the new mile-
age rate the fare is $1.71 eich way,
$3.42 round trip, Bowling Green
being 114 miles from Louisville.
Purchase your tickets over the
as N. Railroad. If necessary
purchase a. ticket to the hemst
city from your home .at which you
may buy a ticket,to Louisville
busy the L. 6: N.

Secretary is


Teachers may secure room and
board at the K. N. E. A. meeting
for $1.50 per day. For sleeping
in homes the rate is 752 per night.
Meals a‘pp'roximate the same


Be sure to bring your member
ship card to- the K. N. E. A. meet-

ing. It has the following uses:
(1) Permits you to see a picture
free at t h 2 Grand Thanh-e.
(2) Permits you to see a picture
free at the Lyric Theatre. (3) Per-
mits you to vote and (4) Permit:
you to get reduced admission to
the Friday night musicale. BE


1935 K. N. E. A. HONOR ROLL
Hidnnsn city A. W. Greene Hickman
Booker T. Washington Paul V. Smith Lexington
Patterson St. School Fannie White Lexington
Russell Junior High 0. W. A. David Lexington
Greenvilie Training G. C. Wakefield Greenville
Dunbar High W. H. Fouss Lexington
Bite High‘ J. W. Bate Danville
Simmons Street J. L. Bean Versailles
City School G. B; Houston Franklin
Bond.Waslzingtan R. L. Dowery Elizabeflitown
Dunbar F. I. Stiger Mayfield
Constitution J. B. Ouudler Lexington
Lincoln W“. L. Shohe deleshoro


Ky. State Industrial College R.
Bath ,

B. Atwood, Pres. Frankfort
W. H. McFarland
James A. Cawomi
D. J. Csrty
Clyde Lsssiter
R.‘E. Shani ‘
Miles Meredith
Robert E. Sharon
E. F, Blackburn
W. W. Hinton
J. L. Story
Miss Mayme Singleton
C. W. Muhall
"Elizabeth Mason
*Margaret Taylor
H. in Bates
J. F. McWhoIter
’Mrs. M. L. Copeland
R. G. Van:
Claude Eighmwer
"County organizer



W. H. Steward, nationally-
known editor of the American
Baptist, Baptist layman and so.
cial leader, died at his home in
Louisville on January 3, 1935.
Mr. Steward was an ardent sup-
porter of the K. N. E. A. and did
much to preserve the early his.
my of the education of the
Negro in Louisville and Ken-
tucky. Mr. Steward was 87 years
of age, living a long serviceable
life. The K. N. E. A. extends
symnnthy to the family.

. w o e

Mrs. Emma J. Blanton,wife
of Prof. W. S. Blauton as Frank-
fon, a K. N. E. A. directOr and
principal of the Mayo—Underwood
School at Frankfort, died at her
home in December, 1534. Mrs.
Blanton was an outstanding
teacher and P. T. A: Worker in

our state. The K. N. E. A. deep—
1y regrets her passing.
e e e a
Mr. Lyle Hnwkins has been

very successful as Director of the
F. E. R. A. work in adult educa-
tion in the Louisville district. Mr.
Hawkins has aided in the employ~
ment of bwency~three colored
teachers in Louisville and an.
nonnces an enrollment of more
than five hundred adults in the
evening clan-es. Mr. Hawkins is a.
graduate of the Louisvifle Muni-
cipal College.
n e e o

Prof. W. H. Robinson is now
the nrincipal of the Dunbar
School at Owenshoxo succeeding
Prof. S. L. Barker, who was made
principal of the Western High
School in that city.

Two of our outstanding high
school principals recently sent in
the enrollment fees of their fa-
cilities 100 per cent. These were
Prof. W. H Fause, of the Dunbar
High School at Lexington, and
Prof. J. W. Bate of the Bate High
School at Danville.

e o e »

Mr. G. R. Wilson is now prin-
cipal of the Dunbar School at
Somerset. The K. N. E. A. is
looking forward to continued cu-
operahion of the teachers of that
city under his leadership.

c m 1; n:
« Prof. c. B. Nuckolls, principal
of the B. T. Washington School at
Ashland, has written the K. N.
SE. A. secretary that he plans to
attend the 59th session of the
K. N. E. A. in Dwisvflle, April
10.13,. 1935. He reports also
much progress in the education of
the Negro in his section of the

e n n: 3

Prof. R. L. Bowery of Eliza.
bethtnwn has sent out an excel.
lent rayort of the meeting of the
Fourth District Teachers’ Associa-
tion at Springfield on October 19,
1934. Prof. G. W. Adams ofthat
city was host to the convention.
Prof. Bowery, who has been presi-
dent of that amelafion a number
of years was reelected so the
presidency. The next meeting is
to he held in Elizabethbown in
October, 1935.

t t o u

Prof. H. E. lGoodlloe, of RussEll-
ville, has been requested u chair-
man of the K. N. E. A. Athletic
Committee in the absence of

 Coach H. A. Kean, of K. S. I. (1.,
who will be on leave of absence
for study during the next school

e a t *

Prof. P. Moore is now the prin-
cipal of Attucks High School at
Hopkinsville. Prof. L. W. Geeis
the principal of the Booker T.
Washington School of that city.
The entire corps of teachers is
new under the one city Board of
Education. The K. N. E. A. seeks
the ca-operatian of these prim
cipals and teachers.


The Eastern Kentucky Negro
Educational Association held its
annual session Thursday, Novem.
her 8, and Friday, November 9,
1934. An excellent program was
rendered. A large number of noted
educators, both white and colored,
appeared on the program.

The Eastern Kentucky Negro
Educational Association was or-
ganized eight years ago by a call
of C. B. Nuckolls, Principal of the
Booker T. Washington High
School, who became the first
president. With the assistance
of the members of the faculty of
the Booker T. Washington School,
A permanent organization was
perfected. From year to year
the association has grown numer-
ically, and has become a very ef.
fective educational organ for the
benefit of Negroes in extreme per.
tions of Eastern Kentucky which
presents a very dificult problem
for superintendents of schools and
boards of education to solve be—

cause the Negro population is'so
small. Generally, it is very pleas-
ing to note the hue co-operatinn,
and help that is being accorded
the Negroes of this section by the
school oflicials. In the report of
our Educational Commission Sub
vey, the findings on Negro edu.
cation in Eastern Kentucky were
encouraging, notwithstanding the
smallness of Negro population in
the extreme Eastern Kentucky
Section as compared with New“?
population in the other parts of


Mr. Aluander Pinkney is a new
vocational teacher at Lincoln [11-
snitute. He is doing splendid
work at that institution in the
field of Woodwork. At present, he
is assisting Prof. Whitney M.
Young with a. state essay contest
under the auspices of the K. N.
E. A. on the subject: “The Value
of Vocational Education to the

r e i c

After twenty-two years of faith.
ful service, Prof. W. B. Matthews
has resigned as principal of the
Central High School in Louisville
because of ill health. During tlmt
time the school has grown from
an enrolment of 276 to that of
833 and inn) 9. ranking A grade
accredited high school. . Professor
Matthews has also been a loyal
member of the K. N. E. A. His
contribution to the education of
our youth has been outstanding
and far above the average.

 Tentative Outline of the 1935 K. N. E. A. Program
.APril 10.13 '
CENTRAL THEME: “Specific Objectives in the Education oiche‘

Wednesday, April 10, 1935

9:00 A. M. Registration of teachers, K. N. E. A. Headquarters,
Quinn Chapel Church, Chestnut Street between Ninth
and Tenth, Louisville, Kentucky.

10200 A. M. Observation of Louisville Public School classes at work.

12:00 Noon Visitation to Louisville Municipal College at Seventh and
Kentucky Streets and other places of educational in-

3:00 P. M. Mtemuon Musicale. A program to which all teachers
are invited. Quinn Chapel Main Auditorium. Miss R. L.
Carpenter, of Imisville, presiding.

7:15 P. M. Music 13mm of State Music Association, R. L. Carpen-

ter, Directress.

8:15 P. M. First General Session of 1935 Convention at Quinn


8:25 P. M. Welcome Address: W. H. Pe’iry, Jin, Pres. L. A. T. C. 8.,

8:35 P. M. Rewonse to Welcome: Mrs. Emma Quinn-215, Hopkins—
ville, Ky.

8:45 P. M. President’s Annual Address: R. "B. Atwood, President of
K. S. I. C. and K. N. E. A.
9:25 P. M. Address: Mrs. Clara R. Bruce, Ass‘t Resident Manager
of Rockefeller Apartments, New York City.
10:15 P. M Announcements and Adjournment.

Thuuday, April 11. 1935

9:00 A. M. Second General Session of K. N. ‘E. A. at Quinn chapel.
9:15 A. M. Report of K. N. E. A. Resolutions Cinninittee, s. L.,
.Barker, Owensboro, Chairman.
9:35 A. M. Repurtofi K. N. E. A. Legislative Committee, W. S
Blanton; katm, Chairman. ‘
10:00 A. M. Annual [Regan of Secretary-Treasurer, Atvmod S. Wilson,
Louisville, Kentucky.
10:15 A. M. Reporting of Auditing Committee, Pnod. P. L. Guthrle,
10 :20 A. M. Address: Dr. Wm. Bembower, Pfincipal of Lincoln Insti.
tute, or Hon. Mark Godmem, State Dept. of Education.
11:00 A. M. Report of Nominating Committee, W. E. Newsome.
11:15 A. M. Announcements and Adjournment.


 2:30 P. M.

6:00 P. M.
6:00 P. M.
7:15 P. M.

8-15 P. M.
8:30 P. M.

9:00 P. M.

9 :45 P. M.

8:30 A. M.

9 :00 A. M.

Sectional Meetings of K. N. K A. Departments as fol-

(a) Primary Department — Mrs. Blanche Elliott,
Greenville, Chairman. Western Branch Library at
Tenth and Chestnut Streets.

Mrs. Lenora C. Lane, Wiberforce Unfit—Speaker and
in charge of demonstrations.

(2) Elementary Education Department—Mrs. L. Hl
Smith, Lexington. Chairman. Main Auditorium of
Quinn Chapel.

(3) High School and College nepamnenpnean T. E.
Bailey, Paducah, Chairman. Sunday School Room of
Quinn Chapel.

(4) F. E. R. A. Teachers' Conference—Room ‘
ml High School, Mr. Lyle H. Hawkins, presid
(5) Rural Education Depau-hnent—‘Mrs. M. 1.. Cape-
land, Hopkinsville, Central High School chapel.

Principals‘ Conference—Phyllis Wheatley, Y. W. C. A.,
Prof. W. H. Fuuse, presiding.

Principals’ Banquet—«Phillis W'heatley, Y. W. G. A.
Dr. Spencer Shank, Univ. of Cincinnati, Speaker.

Music Hour at Quinn Chapel. Miss R. L. Carpenter,

Third General Session K. N. E. A. fit Quinn Chapel.

Address: Hon. J. H. Richmond, State Supt. of Public

Address: Congressman A. W. Mitchell, Hon. James
Weldon Johnson, Fisk Univmrm'ty, or W. E. B. DuBois,
Ph. D., Atlanta University. Atlanta, Ga.

Announcements and Adjournment.

Fad-y, April 12, 1935

Election of Officers by Ballot. Voting begins at K. N.
E. A Headquarters. Polls close at 5:00 P. M.

Sectional Meetings of K. Nl E. A. Departments as

(1) Vocational Education Department—Prof. Whitney
M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Chairman. Sunday School
Room of Quinn Chapel.
(2) F. E. R. A. Teachers’ Conference—Room 202.
Central High School, Mt. Lyle H. Hawkins, presiding.
(3) Foreign Language Department — Miss A. M.
Emanuel, Chairman. Room 201 Central High School.
(4) Music DepmuentaMiss R. L. Carpenter, Chair.
man. Central High School chapel.
(5) Athletic Department—Mr. H. E. Goodloe, Russell-
ville, Chairman. Room 104 Centnal High School.
(6) Elementary Education—Mrs. L. H. Smith, Lex-
ington, Chairman. Quinn Chapell




2, Gen.

 10:30 A. M.

11:30 A. M.

2:45 P. M.
3:00 P. M.
3:45 P. M.

4:30 P. M.
8:15 P. M.

9 :00 A. M.

9 :15 A. M.

10:00 A. M.
11:00 A. M.

12:00 Noon
7:00 P. M.

(7) English Department, Miss Helen Yancey, presid-
ing, Annex of Central High School.

Annual Spelling Bee—Auspices Elementary Education
Department—Prof. G. H. Brown, presiding. Quinn

Special Picture——Lyric Theatre, Sixth and Walnut
Streets. Free to teachers enrolled in K. N. E. A. for
1985. Present munberhsip curds.

Fourth General Session of K. N. E. A. Quinn Chapel.

Address: Prof. Lawrence D. Reddiok, Professor of His—
tory, K. S. I. C.

Address: Dr. W. 0. Brown, Professor of Sociology,
University of Cincinnnti.

Announcements and Adjournment.

Third Annual K. N. E. A. Musicale. Quinn Chapel.
Miss R. L. Carpenter, Directress Free to members of
K. N. E. A. who present their membership cards. All
others a fee of 25 cents.

This program to feature:
‘1. The K. S. I. C. Odette
2. The Apollo Quartet
3. The Louisville Choral Club
4. Louisville High School Glee Clubs
5. Other selected artists

Sltnrdny, April 13, 1935

Final General Session of the K. N. E. A. Central High
School chapel.

Report of K. N. E. A. Necrology Committee—J. Francis
Wilson, limo.

Reports of Departments and Committees.

Installation of oficere. New Business and Plans for


Fifteenth Annual Exhibition, Armory, Sixth and Wal-
nut Streets, Louisville, Kentucky. This program will
be presented by pupils of the Louisville Public

Part I—Drum and Bugle Corps Contest

Pam; Il—Physioal Exhibition

Part III—Social Hours: 10 P. M. (70- 12 M. Special
Orchestra Music. '

ADVANCE SALE ADMISSIONS: Pupils—15o; Adults—25c



Recently the poems of 8. 'stu-
dent in the Louisville ColorEd
Normal School have come to the
attention of the K. N. E. A. See-
retary. This young woman, Miss
Ida Mai Johnson, has fiver: us
@emission to print a few of her
poems. The word; of Miss Johnsan
has received favorable comment
from Supt, Frederick Archer, of
the Louisville schools, and A mun.
her of other leading local edu-
(labors. We are printing below
some of the poems of Miss John—
son, It is a policy .of the K. N.
E. A. to encourage the develop—
ment of talent in our youth.

I want to be carefree in my youth,
To live a. life of pleasure and

truth, '
To build many friendships as I go,
To take advice from those who

I want to be kind and helpful too,
And never neglect my duty to do,
To have a disposition so sweet

That I win the heait of all Imeet.

And when one day to me love shall
I hope my other duties are done,
That I toward my parents have
done my part
l‘o show all the gratitude in my


When with clear conscience I take
the life

of lacing a loving mother and

It all these things I’ve managed
to be, _

My prayer shall he answered

——By Ida Mai Johnson


Some things in life

And cost too much for us to buy.

If you but look around you'll see

The better things in liie are free.

A cheerful word, a sunny smile,

Gan really make one’s life worth

They cost you nothing, pass them

Leave pleasant mem'ries
you’re gone.

have price:


You’ve friends to whom you’d love
to make

A present which no Kine can take.

Give smiles and words that
light‘n the heart

And make you seem near though

far apart.
—By Ida Mei Johnson



Learn to smile regardless

of what my come your way,
You can make a bright one
Out of the darkest day.

It may rain and thunder,

Or it may even snow,

But just keep spreading sunshine,
No matter where you go.

Never he discouraged,
‘Cause you can't start at the tap.
Just smile and keep on trying,
You'll reach itY just don‘t stop.

Don’t mind old obstacles,
They’ll surely come to you
Just keep fighting toward your
And you’ll come smiling through.
—By Ida Mal Jul-mm



Your smem’ry lies locked in my

It’s a tie which no one can break.

And though we may seem far

You’re near me asleep or awake.

Somehow I seat: to feel each day
That you share in the things Ido.
My every act in life, I pray,

Will he pleasing to God and you.

You share my laughter, tears and

And rejoice in the honors I gain,

You seem to warn me when I'm

Lead me to the right path again.

Though ’t-was His will that we
should part,

1’11 always live in memory,

And try to not be sad at heart,

But happy ’cause you’re watching

—-By Ida Mai Johnson


What if the day is over
And no outstanding work is done?
What if you’ve been a rover
Just wandering around seeking

If to no heart you’ve brought

Nor tears to a single eye;

Then this day has been a great

And you should rejoice, not cry.

Io? short or longer days are here,

Let’s fill each one with pleasure,

To some unhappy heart bring

Spend well each hour of leisure.

-—By Ida Mai Johnson



The 32nd annual meeting of the
National Association of Teachers
in Colored Schools will be held
at the Florida A. 62 M. College,
July 30-August 2, 1935. Dr. J. R.
E. Lee and his faculty, together
with the teachers of Florida, are
planning to give those attending
this meeting a royal Welaome.

President Garnet C. Wilkinson
and the Execuhive Committee are
formulating a program that will
include every phase of the educa-
tian of the Negro youth.

Aside from the business of the
sessions, side trips are being ar-
ranged so that visiting teachers
and others may see some of the
interesting points of the state.
The Southeastern and other Rail-
way Passenger Associations are
ofi‘ering special reduced round trip

rates of 20 per mile With a 30 day
limit to those who go by rail.

For further particulars, write
Wm. W. Sanders, Executive Sec.
retary, 1034 Bridge Avenue, Char-
leston, West Virginia.

At the Baltimore meeting of the
National Association of Teachers
in Colored Schools, the President
and Executive Secretary were
instructed to submit a plan of
membership by which State As-
sociations and the N. A. T. C. 5.
may become more closely afliliat-
ed. The proposed plan provides
as follows:

1. That each State Association
may become afliliated with the Na.
tional Association by collecting
from each of its members 60c for
the National Association at the
same time the said State Associa-


 tion collects its dues. The We
collected from these members
shall be forwarded to the Emu.
tive Secretary of the N. A. '1'.
C. 8., thereby giving all of the
members of the State Association,
membership in the N. A. T. C. S.
for 50¢ .per year each, including
suhscription to The Bulletin. In
states where this plan is not
adopted, each person who joins
the National Association will be

required to pay $1.50 per year
for membership and The Bulletin.

2. The President and Secretary
of the State Association will be-
come members of the General
Council of the N. A. T. C. S.

3. Should this plan be approved
by e sufiicient number of states,
it will become effective after rati.
dication by the delegates to the
Tallahassee meeting, Ju3y 30-
August 2, 1935.



The Board of Directors of the
Kentucky Negro Educational As-
sociation met in Louisville on
January 19, 1935 in the office of
the Secretary, A. S. Wilson, to
complete preparations flow the 59th
Annual Convention to meet in the
city April 10.13. Finishing touches
were put upon the program which
will include several outstanding
speakers of state and national
prominence in the educational
field. Among the speakers under
consideration for invitations to
appear on the program were:
Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell,
Dr. James Weldon Johnson, Dr.
W. E. E DuBois, Hon. James H.
Richmond, and Mrs. Clara B.
Bruce, of New York City. De-
partmental chairmen, as well as
the music direct'ress, Miss R. L
Carpenter, have lbeen busy work-
ing out programs that will he in-
teresting as Well as heneficial to
the delegates who will attend.


Indications point that the convelr
tion this year will go on record
as one of the best in recent years‘
This being the second year of the
incumbent president, R. B. At-
wood, of K. S. i. C., is election
year for the Association. An.
nonncemlents have already been
made for the presidency of the
body by two outstanding educa~
tors of the state — Prof. W. S.
Blanton, principal orf the Mayo
Underwood High School, Frank-
fort; and Prof. S.L. Barker, prin.
cipal of the Western High School,

A tentative record of the work
of the secretary was presented to
the Board at its meeting and sat-
isfaction was expressed of the
excellent manner in which the As-
sociation’s business has been hen.

Present at the meeting today
were the following: W. S. Blanbou
and R. B. Atwood, Frankfort;
Jesse L. Bean, Versailles; F. A.
Taylor, Louisvi ;; S. L. Barker,
Owenshoro; A. S. Wilson, Louis—




(By Atwood s. Wilmu)

Much has been mitten concern.
ing the intelligence of the Negro.
Various edueational psychologists
have taken test data from which
they conclude that the I. Q.
score of the Negro child is lower
than that of the average white
child and. therefore, that the
Negro child is mentally inferior

to the White (mild. These writ:-
ers have failed to consider the
reading abilities of the two

groups which is such an impor.
tam, fador in most lumlllgence
tests. It might he expected that
the egro child with fewer library
facilities, less newspapers in the
home, s. larger number of ehlldseu
per teacher, with inferior school
buildings and equipment, and in
general with the teachers who
have not had the advantages of
white teachers might not read as
well as the average white chili
This would not, hc‘lvever, be a. re-
flection on the native intellectual
capacity mt the Negro‘ This infer-
ior training in reading might well
cause a lpoor test score since tests
include much that depends upon
the interpretaton of directions in
the tests. An evidence of this ex.
planation lies in the fact that the
Negro child scores higher on mm-
reading tests than on those which
include reading.

Another factor in intelligence
tests to be considered is the dif-
ference in the environment of
the Negro child and the while
child. Their homes and communi—
ties in many cases are quite dif.
ferent. The white child might


therefore, be in a position to ob.
serve things not easily observed by
the New child. Since the forms
for intelligence tests are made
from the responses by white chil-
dren, are not probable difierenoes
in environment overlooked? More
evidence a