xt7rjd4ppd0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4ppd0j/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1979 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, February 1979 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, February 1979 1979 1979 2022 true xt7rjd4ppd0j section xt7rjd4ppd0j the KENTUCKY





£5. ”:2 91979









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:wReawon DIM- KIW-H




‘ beautiful Spring weather cOm-
" ing on’ and Summer just
around ‘the corner, all of us
‘ V will'be heading for the out-of-
. \I L'ij'jvfdoors' afterbeing cooped‘-up
alIC'Winter.‘ ‘Wanting to keep up
: ‘with‘ the changing seasons. and
, revitalize our sagging bodies,

" we will turn to‘ dieting,_ ex-’
‘ f '1 lerciSerandjogging, Seve'ralpof

' "'usvWill-1gsettl‘ei'3‘for""the out-of?-
door type exercise in place of
' I _, dieting. So, for-the hearty ones


‘who do’. here are a few do’s‘

and don ’.ts. . .

g 'There is nothing dangerous
about jogging . or exerCising.

. :What is, dangerous is suddenly
throwing a heavy workload on

the body when it has been idle

, . for a long period Of time.» If it

‘ liasbeen awhile since youjlast
7. participated [in . some ty "1e", of
x hy'si'ca‘li'efitn‘es «grbg‘ '





l'ouV are 'a little "a1origtjfil‘“a’g’yi,~
you have hadgor still‘”hjaV'ef a

. condition fthat-m'ight .be' re-_.A"*
Anewed or irritated by jggging' ._

o'r exercising, you should see a
.;.:doctor before staiting your
\ . jogging or~ exercising , pro;
. H, ., gram. ‘HOwever, it isbe‘sfto.‘
’ ‘ ' see-fadoctOrgbefore starting
r: any type-Of'strenuoix's.yexe’rcise
.j. programf' regardless log-{What

' ‘you‘i‘hink you-r.healthi‘s‘tatusiisgf’»
”'lf‘jatf-«iall- , possible, get' some;

~ \



—\ »

V—VJ599 l n 9 ?~ 5

LA»? GRANGE—“With , the

,prgfessiofial ,adviiceyg-Aglvise ,




, 7 By Irvin Clark

the doctor of your case history' . .
, peted against yourself, you ._

(health) and tell him what type
of exercise program you in-
tend to embark upon.

Exercise and jogging are
like stairsteps and should be’
approached with a .bit of-
common sense and caution.

' Firsta very inactive person_'
«.'does best if he starts out by

walking a little and running a
little, if jogging, then add on a
little each day", week or what-
ever feels comfortable to him.
The same approach is to be
taken in all beginning physical
exercise— caution and pa-
tience. '

Keep in mind. just because
you feel young, healthy- .and

. full of springtime vigor, this

does not give yOu a license to
run or exercise at the same

7 ~fp'a‘Ce of those who have been at
' it fer a longer period of time. It

is best to set’your own pace
'and goals. Do not turn your
training program ,into a com-
petitive event because no two
people'will progress at the

same rate. This will also..;help-
.you' to keep from ,becoming' '
,; discouraged. If you set: your
own goal, you can also set-the ' '
pace [at which‘you wish to -
j attain it.§aIn other Wordsi; you
ionly have yourself to compete
[With and. ”that i can be Q the
{toughest competition one-.‘acan





Tom Campbell has recently been appointed Associate Superintendent for Treatment at the
Reformatory. In May 1972, Campbell began his tenure with the Bureau of Corrections as the
id ‘1 , ,


. . ioj * I if / ~de d 1‘ h d
xerclse _ And You , ~ .5532; gaming. 1:5

imagine. Until you have com-
have not competed!

' Exercise and jogging should
be individually tailored to each

person; his physique, his
interest, and above all, his
medical history and time

available. It should be tailored. .
_ to relax and entertain you, but

the primary purpose is-to help
you obtain and keep a good
healthy body to house your
good, healthy mind.

’ .Here is a general guideline
for starting and maintaining a
viable self~motivated jogging
er exercise program:

- 1. Be sure you are in rea-
sonably good health (you can
be in good health andnot be
physically fit).

2. Realize you cannot start
off at full steam, so ease into
it. _
3.. Work hard'enough and

.long enough to get the heart

rate up and keep it there, this
enables the heart to gradually
get used to the extra load
being placed upon it.

4. Be consistent, if you do
some type of exercise every-
day, it will help you to develop
good, exercise and jogging

The bottom line to all this is
good mental and physical
health. ' .. ' ‘

KSPJa-ycees Chapter.»


Hosts Drug Program*

On March 26, the Roadrun-
ner Jaycees conducted a pro-
gram on drug abuse. The skit‘
was very "entertaining and
everyone seemed to enjoy the
progrann * ’

It was based on the life of a.
“junkie,” how he lives, sur-

' vives and struggles. The act-
ing-was so good that it was

_ _ . hard to remember it'was only a
Play- '

The Roadrunner JayCees ‘
realize that Drugs are a rotten ’
business, especially drug de-


8" , .
’pré’ exp-1‘5 situat‘pgin‘g _
“junkie"is basically no on'e’s
fault bUt his own. ‘ ,
The drug abuse-program is

Volved for one who usesdrugs.
The characters in the skit have
had’experienCe with drugs and
each tells how drugs relate to
his incarceration._

“Lucky," one of the char-


g;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;.;.;.;.;;;; . . . . . . . .


acters, was a mainliner, very
bold, very outspoken and be
influenced others to. use

drugs. While on drugs, he -
never knew the value of a true ,

friend. »
After he Went to prison and

‘ discovered that drugs are not
,“hip,” Lucky was found to be

a truly likeable person.

Each of the ch‘araeters in. the)” 3.: V

skit explained that: drugs lead-A L '

to being “Sgt-1,; abuSCd‘””andf _ -

then confine‘d’in prison' for a
long period of time.
. rJaycees . members,



sc’liOOIs. . ,
children may '
same mistakes. '
_ The Roadrunner J aycee's‘are -
on the move. we are trying to »
get permission to take the
drug abusekit outside so that
others can see how hip.Lucky
is and how the phrase, “What
is hip?" came‘about. Being a
junkie is not hip—so what is
hip? ‘ - ‘


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Page 2-The INTER-PRISON PRESS~February 1979

Parole Board Results For February] 979


Parole Recommended 20
Percentage Recommended 77%
Cases Deferred 5
Average Length of Deferment [in months] 7
Serve Out Sentence 1
Total Cases Considered 26

68 13 8 4
41% 36% 100% 100%
. 76 18 0 0

9 13 N/A N/A

21 5 0 0

165 36 8 4

KSR Basketball Season Closes

By Kenny Hayes

LA GRANGE—After many
hard months of physical and
mental exertion, the basket-
ball season came to a close at
Kentucky State Reformatory.

This past season was com-
.posed of three leagues: Spe~
cial, Honor and Progressive.
The special league consisted
of the following dorms: One,

Two, Three, Four, Five and

Six. The‘ club teams were also
in this league. These teams
played on Monday and Thurs-

day nights. The Honor league .

consisted of the Dorms Seven,

Eight and Nine. These teams
played on Tuesday nights. The ’

progressive " league, which
played on'Saturday, was made
of teams with a limitation of


By Kenny Hayes
LA GRANGE -— Dennis

new Athletic Commissioner at
Kentucky State Reformatory.
Dennis Elliot replaces Mike

The role of an Athletic
Commissioner is to take all
programs set down by the
athletic director and .rework
them for a creative recreation
activity for the inmate popu-
lation; to have qualified offi-

a resident from Louis-~
ville, has been appointed the.


» and to make ' our

two varsity players to each

won the special league. His "

team players were: Brent
Crisp. Freddie Lewis. Bill
Matney, James Holloway,
Terry Landcaster, Floyd
Ward, Chester Vandike and
Mundy. This was the only
team-in the whole program to
remain undefeated. Their re-
cord was 8-0-0.

The Audio-Visual All-Stars
were the winners of the honor
league. This team was coach-
ed by Nickie Risinger. His
players were: Gary Craig,
Roger Bailey, Bill Matney,
Carl 'Wayne,. Raymond
Jenkins, Bill Beemer, David
Nash and Coach Risinger. This
team contained more pure

shooters than any other team


cials for all athletic events;
program the best in the penal


When asked if there would
be any changes, Elliot said
that all coaches and players
will be informed of rules of
each athletic program before
each sport event. These rules
will govern each athletic acti-
vity. He said he will try to help
relieve the anxiety of residents
through recreation and to
create more. programs to help

in either league.

The progressive league was
won by a team that some
would consider as the “Run
and Gun Team.” Julius
Pickney's, “We’re Too
Much" team, finished with a
record of 6-2-0.» His team
players were William Stevens

.‘(Monkey Man), Roger Bailey,

Keith Appleton, Leon Drew,
Brent Crisp (G. Gervin),
Kenny Hayes and Coach
Pickney. This was, one of the
most controlled and balanced.
teams in the progressive lea-

Each team as well as each
player, should be commended
for their participation, sports- ‘
manship, leadership and 9f-
forts. They shoWed they could
“Play with a Purpose.’


assure Kentucky State Re-
formatory residents of a. num-
ber one program.

We now have most of the
major athletic events here.
Themost demanding/are bas-

ketball, tennis, handball, foot- .

ball, weight-lifting and boxing

' We ask that each resident help

protect his fellow players as
well as equipment, to create
an atmosphere of good sports-
manship and leadership. and
to live up to the motto—


,tion in

3 4 4
75% 67% 67 %
0 2 ' 2
N/A 9 3
1 o 0
4 ' 6 6


82 % 46%

Recreation Shortchanged?

By James'Knodel-

With the constant reference
to rehabilitation and .treat-
ment, it amazes me that one of
the most preficient forms of
treatment, and definitely the
most used by a vast majority of
the inmate population at one
time or another, lacks from
insufficient funds. What I am
referring to is the sports and
recreation department.

In the two years that I have

been at Kentucky State Re»

formatory, I have seen very

little done to improve the -

conditions at the gym. The
roof still leaks in more places
than can be counted; the
equipment, due . to the con-
stant changing of hands, is in
need of repair or replacement,
and when new equipment. is
purchased, little or no thought
is given to the amount of men
that will use it, but a great

ideal is given to the expense. 5.
“' “"Buymg cheaper prb‘ducts- does“. '

not necessarily mean that in
the long .run it will save

The proof of sports as- a"

form of treatment is in the
records. In the summer of
1977, two men, JohnLuster

and Steve Varnem, were given. .

scholarships 'to colleges in
Texas due to their participa-
through the Athletic Depart-
ment. Imagine the many men
that “have come to the institu-
tion with drug problems and
have turned themselves into
healthy, confident individuals,

secure in the knowledge that v


"newed interest in life, devel-

.standards it is designed for.
_ Due to the great use of the. .
gym, individuals responmbleg _ .
tor; purchase eqmpmenLand L ‘

Irections and the needs of a

.desire to push on whether' he

they do not need drugs any-

more. Take a thought to the.

introverts that have come out
of their shells due to parti-
cipation in competitive sports.
(It does not take a psychiatrist
to see the good that sports
does for an individual.) Re-

opment of a competitive na-
ture, esprit de corps, and an
inner confidence are just part
of the needs supplied by a
good Sport and Recreation
Department. Lt. Pearson and

Officer Carter (the Athletic ~

Department Personnel), have
contributed of . themselves
what is humanly possible. If
the department has not the
financial stability to maintain a
high level of activities and a
ready amount of equipment, it
fails to achieve the maximum

allocating money should take
another look at the needs of
the inmates. In filling such a
need,,y0u abide byfthe philo-
sophy of the, Bureau of,Cor—

competitive, society by tem-

pering individuals to winning

or losing, not only in sports,
but in’ life. When a person
develops a good attitude and a

wins or loses, he finds he can
accomplish anything.
~ (Note: Mr. Knodel was as-
sisted by Normal L. Gordon in

the preparation of the above '





the kentucky _

USPS 011170


The KENTUCKY INTER-PRISON PRESS, a monthly publication of
the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky, 40601, is
produced by and for residents of the 11 correctional institutions .of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The views expressed in this
publication are not necessarily those of the Kentucky Bureau of
Corrections. Reprint permission is hereby granted, provided the
proper credit is given. All correspondence and Forms 3579 should
be directed to the Public Education Services Manager, Bureau of 7 ' ‘
Corrections, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601. Second Class postage
rates paid at Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601.


Larrvaenston...'....’......—.-..Paho't0' &‘Art*Edi-tor '
REPORTING srArr-p‘ ‘ ‘
A KathyMartin...........KClW . - \

Walter Harris............KS,R,_. .' I
Ronald Tipton~............KSP .

Gay Dwyer...........PublIc Education Servrces Manager ,-





‘ . a, .
’ "Nit-‘3 ‘~







'- 3 a ’ '57:;W'Em'



' of the

society not

. for dealing with
'came about in the eighteenth

'" ’pam on the- crlmlnal It was
this period that our current"
' system of criminal laws, each
claw. calling.for= a measured
1 amount of loss of freedom,

By James Knodel

Almost all changes occur-
ring in prisons prior to the
present generation were di-
rected, explicitly or implicitly,
by the doctrine that restriction
of a criminal’s liberty is, by
itself, punishment and that
this punishment is adequate
for meeting the social needs‘of
punishment, deterrance of
future crime, and reclamation
individual back into
In the early times,
only deprived
criminals of their freedom, but
also inflicted punishment,
both , physical and mental.
American prisons. have aban-
doned corporal punishment as
avregime for adding to the
suffering which imprisonment
alone is expected to produce.
‘ Imprisonment as a system


century. As our democratic
society developed, so did

,our appreciation for- life, li-

berty and-the, pursuit of happ-
iness increase.
these developments imprison-

, 1 -ment came to be regarded as a
an - “proper system for imposm


was initiated.
' 'As more reforms came
about in penology, a middle of

{the road position to confine-

ment was adopted allowing

inmates physical mobility
.within the walls but directing
their actions and choices.

Nevertheless, incarceration is

'xstill intended as punishment.

It is this fact that poses a
dilemma for

formists who face. having to

'treat criminals as well as
,punish them. Only a genera-

tion ago it was common to

‘ " . think of incarceration and cor-
.rection as being synonymous...
‘ Now it is assumed, perhaps

mistakenly, that any real. cor-

rectional method be non-puni-; ~,

tive in nature.
While there is ‘wide varia-

tion in opinion as to what a ‘

positive “treatment” or reha-

' bilitive program is, there is a

definite consensus on what it

. is not: a program that involves"
. deliberate infliction of suffer-
! ing. is not a treatment pro-

gram. Vocational education,

/ ‘ the, library, counseling, psy-

chotherapy, higher education,
etc. are viewed as

“ treatment because they are

' nOn-punitive, not because they-

' . prove‘ to be'effective in reha-
‘ .bilitation.

- With the advent of new
innovations in the field of

penology and the notion that ,,

Because of .


contemporary ,
' prison workers and social re-

treatment must be non-puni-
tive to succeed, society has a
popular misconception of pri-
son being something other
than prison. People are not
sentenced to resorts, although
many believe that society is
too easy on the criminal. In-
human treatment went out
with. the dark ages and the

Although we have advanced
far in the field of penology
many social reformists and
prison workers feel that it is
not enough. A view that is
expressed is one that impri-
sonment and punishment do
not present themselves as the
proper methods of dealing
with the criminal. We have to
treat them as physically sick
people,- which in every re-
spect they are. It is no more
reasonable to punish these

' individuals for behavior over

which they have no control
than it is to punish an indivi-
dual for breathing through his
mouth because of enlarged
adnoids. It is the hope of the

prOgressive criminologist and

psychologist that the guard

and jailer be replaced by the
doctor and ,. nurse and the W
. mjig? i 5. . m 4‘ j . ’5‘“ 1'

of punish him. Then andconly

then can we hope to lessen, if

not to entirely abolish, crime,
the most costly burden society
has today.

This is logical onlytif we
assume that criminals are not
responsible for their actions
and are in need Of treatment

for the source of that irres- .

ponsibility. This, concept, al-
though maybe not applying to
all cases. does apply. in enough
situations to warrant some
attention by correctional re-
sources across the nation.

"With the ever increasing

amount of paroled individuals

returning, either through par-
ole-vio'latiens or new chanrges,

a serious look at our present

system is a must. It is more

'thanobvious that it is. grossly.

inadequate. If a person was
placedunder medical care, the
reasons for his crime ascer-
tained, then treatment provid-
ed, then a greater percentage
of the crimes committedxby
ex-cons would be eradicated

and the cost to society would

drop considerably.

As 15 known, concepts such
as these do not apply in all
cases. But would not. the
helping of one individual to
reintegrate himself into so-
ciety as a useful member

, warrant re-evaluating our pre-

sent ineffectual system.
(NOte: Mr. Knodel was as-

.sited in the preparation of this

article by Norman L. Gordon.)


whose sole purpose would be I.
~.to attempt a cure and treat-
ment of the individual instead .1


By Terry Marquis
and Wayne Baker

You are a man with a
destination, trying to fulfill

.your proclamation with the

incubation of the mind. The
power of learning is strong. It
starts from the heart and
travels up to the brain. Your
attitude constitutes your apti-
tude in a never-ending prelude
of knowledge.

Knowledge is not being an
intellect, but instead, it is the

Your Destiny

Before people can decide
what to do with their lives,
they should consider their
present and'past experiences.
They must evaluate their abil-
ities in order to be able to


.x t g.

in? ‘e1rhves“

. For those like myself, who
are physically ‘ imprisoned,
they must seek an understand-
ing of the causes which have
driven them down the wrong
avenue of life. Then, they
must effectively detour, back
up, turn around and head
towad the future with the
knowledge that they areat last


_ on the right road.

It is impossible for a person
to delete those things which
cause spiritual psycholo ical,
moral or physical discom ort—
those negative aspects of our
lives which deprive us from
being. anything other than
what God has created us to be.
However, there is hope for the
hopeless; a steadfast strength
for those who .are. spiritually
weak'and a comforter for the

In Romans 5:1- 12, the Holy
Bible says: .

“Therefore being justified
by faith, we have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus
Christ. By whom also we have
access by faith into‘this grace
wherein we stand, and rejoice
in hope of the glory of God.
And not only so, but we glory
in tribulation also; knowing
that tribulation worketh pa-
tience; And patience, exper-
ience and hope. And hope
maketh not ashamed; because
the love of God is shed abroad
in our hearts by the Holy
Ghost which is given unto us.
For when we‘were yet without


The INTER-PRISON PRESS—February 1979~Page 3


Imprisonment & Punishment

ability to learn. There is
nothing impossible if you be-
lieve. If your mind can con-
ceive and your heart can
believe, there is no doubt it
can be achieved.

You should be able to place
the world inside your mind
and change it to your desires.
People call this “fantasizing”
but if it is, then all people have.
worked for and achieved its

A fantasy is a dream and a
dream is just pieces , and
fragments of the imagination.
It is a jigsaw puzzle. Your
mind is you. Your mind can be

By Barry V. Williams

strength, in due time Christ

. , died ' for the ungodly. For

scarcely for a righteous man
will one die; yet preadventure
for a good man some will even
dare to die. But God com-


ners, Christ died fer us. Much
more then, being now justified
by his blood, we shall be saved
from\wrath through him. For
if, when we were enemies, we

were reconciled to God by the "
death of his Son, much more", ‘

being reconciled, we shall be
saved by'his life. And not only
so, but we also joy in God
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom we have now re-
ceived the Atonement. Where-
fore, as by one man sin intered
the world, and death by sin;
and so death passed upon all
men, for that all have sinned.”

From these passages, we
find that Christ is our com-
forter, if we accept him as
such. Our health and happi-

ness depends on how we-
relate to Christ on an indivi-

dual basis. It 15 Christ who will
determine our final destiny.
The way we think will
determine the way we respond
to the circumstances of life.
Therefore, we must consider
that man is of two minds— one
spiritual and the other carnal.
It is true that God created
man but we must realize that
man makes himself by the way
he thinks and reacts to the
circumstances of life. Using
the proper thought patterps,
he can rationally perceive
those things which will enable
him to construct his life in a
manner that will help him
detour all manners of discom-
fort and conform to the laws of

the most powerful instrument
that you possess.

Decisions must be made
with the mind. Decisions will
always need to be made and
the most important thing is not
to make the “right” decision
but to make a decision that will
allow you to hold your head

Let me leave you with tlis
thought: Do not neglect nor
correct my decision but always
give me the utmost respect.
My decisions are not yours
and yours are not mine. I got a
desination and so do you. I got
a mind and so do you. So do


e " It. 1:31;...- : 31;... . '.“ ' '
ai tg afiifex we were "ye ‘s‘i'n- ‘ -' ’

your thing and I will do mine.


This' is the spiritual mind of
man and the only way for man
to become spiritually—minded
is to be one with Christ, wholly
trusting in Christ by faith


live by the Word of God

The carnal- minded man,
walking by the customs 61' the
world, cannot realize the im- -
portance of conformation. The
lusts of the world is fools’
gold—not worth its weight to
those who find it.

We must realize that all in
life. ‘have a vocation and,

therefore, we must find our

vocations in life and work
toward perfecting these voca-
tions. ~*

We must realize ourselves
to be only a tool of God; a
handful of clay to be molded
and shaped by the hands of
Jesus Christ. We must find
ourselves aggressive yet sub-
missive; humble yet strong
and meek yet unmovable in.
the word and will of God.-

All men are born with an
innate desire to please self. It
is only through Christ that we
can abstain from sinfulness,
selfishness and jealousy.

Faith is the key to wisdom

and wisdom to knowledge. We
must build our futures on a
strong foundation so that we
will not stray into the path of
unrighteousness and self-de-
struction. Our only hope, our
only foundation is Jesus
Christ. ~
' In order to come to Christ,
you must use faith as the key,
prayer as the door and know-
ledge as the magic carpet to

hich w1\ll.un turn, instill 3111;...
mm. knowledge to learn and .




‘ ’ Page 4—The INTER-PRISON PRESS-February 1979



- It is for you to choose, win or lose,

Life or death, sickness or health.

God give to all the right to accept or reject,
To live or die.

His will, His word, or destiny,

Depends on how we deal with reality.

I will not quote my destiny—for I am not my own,

I will not act ofony accord— for my desires are wrong,
I will not rely on emotions—for I am directed by faith,
I will not run ahead in life—but on my Lord I ’ll wait.

A man who, boasts of what he intends to do never does
that which is said;

So I intend to do nothing, but of my lord be lead,-
That wherever in life I go or be, in Christ I ’11 find my

By Barry V. Williams, K SR


I came to this place

that I thought I would
never see.

So many men were there
with sin and misery.

_. g I began to realize that , '7'
this was not my hwgnghggfi ”My
I could see it was a place
of its own.

At first I did not know
what time would be,

But as time came by!

knew I couldn’t be free.
These people are doing the
same as me.

They aredoing time for

They know they have done
something wrong, V
So now they’re in a place of
its own. ' > 5
I saw that the days and
nightshad no end,
And its. hard in a place
like this to find a true
I pray in the wee hours
of the night,
for God to make everything
When the night is dawn
' and I ’m all alone,
I know for sure this is
a place of its own
The doors will open someday
for me.
.And I will walk out and at
last, be free.
It will take time to
adjust to my home,
Because I have served time
in a" place of its own.


The seeds of each generation,

Are sown and reaped,

And youth’s mirror reflects,

And time is so often frolicked,

Yet tomorrow ’s rains,

May wash away yesterday’ s sustenance,
For yesterday’ s mirror may not reflect into
Tomorrow’s needs,

So let us be the prodigy children of

For yesterday has made a promise with

Only in lure of preparation,

For Yesterday loves you,

But Tomorrow needs you.’

For that ominous bird of prey,

Surely plays the unrefine .. string,

For Yesterday I love you,

But Tomorrow I need you,

So play this game of time, in the light of wisdom,

And be likened unto
A wiseman.

By Jeffrey Gains, KSR

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