xt7rn872zc1v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rn872zc1v/data/mets.xml Arizona Arizona Historical Records Survey Project United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1938 iii, 47 l.; 26 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.14/no.3 books English Tucson: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Federal Emergency Relief Adminstration -- Archives--Catalogs Archives -- Arizona -- Catalogs Arizona -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XIV, Emergency Relief Adminstrations, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XIV, Emergency Relief Adminstrations, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7rn872zc1v section xt7rn872zc1v fI . . " '3' ~ I ‘1 - 1 I ‘ ‘ . \-G(UWWM/M4A : ' l »: ‘ Illllvllr‘llllllHIHHllHIllI ' MAW/WW». . ‘ 4 ‘P‘; i ' I ”3 0925‘ LIEI=167I2H C ‘ . Ii 3i 1 . I, I: . I I in , v . .1 ‘ 3; INVENTORY OF " . 5‘1 1‘ ' FEDERAL ARCHIVES, . l .‘ IN THE- SIATES I , fl , Ii 4‘ > 2 .2111" k " ' V A; . , . I. 2: y . ‘ .- I ‘ " mm; ""4. 3 , I fi . . — ,. 1‘“ , SERIES 1.1V ‘ I , i ' ' EMERGENCY RELIEF ABIIINISTRATIONS . - , ‘1 ‘ NO. 3. ARIZONA ~ , . ,1 . ' I I z ,1 . ‘ . "‘ ' ‘ THE SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES ‘ j l , , WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION , . ‘ I .___,....._.__.__._, > .. ll ‘ - ~-;-,T:—,___.__._.—d"”_'—m ~— ‘Jt;_——m< ' ‘ i; ; ' ‘ ‘ L ‘ $2.91 We I‘ST 51114:: 1.11391; ' I'I ' ' WK“. ’ .1 ' . " I N11“ I II- ; , l ”I ‘1‘)“ ‘95“ .-. . . . ' » ,. I, lI “(9,, 11131311151111. - , , I. :i I, I In?) ' . ,; -; . I!“ . 1|, (Ki/7'; 1“ V ‘5‘. ‘=,ggz,,§£rfiair , E - ' . III . I . $1211, * :. “ ‘ ‘ THE /”"'" \ , . / .1, ,\ . I / / III \ \ , “3' I / 339,} 7 \ IE) $ 2 ' \\\ ’ \\l hf .‘ \ , I l . - I I ‘ . , I , . 1f , , l I » » ' . . ' I. . . I 1 -- . . . _ l I o @ if l INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES ’ f ,’ 1 Prepared by W A l ’— , The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Women‘s and Professional Projects Works Progress Administration 1 ‘ The National Archives I Cooperating Sponsor '; » 4 1 . F SERIES XIV. EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATIONS NO. 3. ARIZONA ‘ i I i 3| ‘; Tucson, Arizona I The Survey of Federal Archives i 1938 J - "t i; l, ,‘ 3 x39.- . ~ , ”3, l r? l PREFACE If The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products A “E of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation— g ', wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to ;: June 30, 1937, and has been COntinued since that date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the i _, Works Progress AdministratiOn, and a group of state or local nrojects of f ' if that Administration. . .g The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I A E , consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, : and general discussions of the locat10n, condition, and content of federal ' K3 archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed informa— , 9 tion secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate L A . series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except I . the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. A Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organiza— ’ . tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding num— ‘ bers COntain the inventory oroper, separate numbers being assigned to each ,_ state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for , Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona. No. 3, that for Arkansas No. u, etc. , ;[ For each local offiCe information regarding each series, or unit of l ’ related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive 3 _ dates (”to date” indicating an open file at the time the information was ; i'> secured), general description of informational content, description of g ," the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and 3 - purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in fold— E . ers, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical ccn~ ' dition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by rOOm num~ ‘ - her or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 1 g 588A on which this information was orginally recorded by a Survey worker g ~, and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is On file - in The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on -. addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, ‘7 indication of this is given by use of the reference ”See sddenda.” ‘ K " In Arizona the work of the Survey was directed by Dr. H. A. Hubbard ' of the University of Arizona, with Mrs. Meryl E. dorgan as his assistant, ; j until June 30, 1937. SinCe that date the st te project has been directed 3 g by Mrs. Morgan. This inventory of the records of the Arizona Emergency : ; . h Relief Administration in Arizona was prepared in the Tucson end PhOenix ; , ‘. offices of the Survey. It was edited before final typing by S. F. Riepma '? ‘“ of the Division of War Department Archives of The NatiOnal Archives. ; L”. Meryl E. Korgan, i , .Tg' State Director A g i-ji Tucs0n, Arizona Survey of Federal Archives 5 September 19, 1938 in Arizona “:52 1 V »l. , is " I, ‘1 1 1? § “1-113 ' " ‘3 iii ,5 CONTENTS ' i :I Page i 1; Introduction . . . . ... . . . . .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . l t ’3 Bisbee, Cochise County BOard of Public Welfare and ‘_ Accounting Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 i Casa Grande, Pinal County Board of Public Welfare - . - - - - - . 5 f ' Clifton, Greenlee County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . E 8‘ _ Douglas, Cochise County Board of Public Welfare, Branch Office . . 8 ‘ ,' . Flagstaff, Coconino County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . 8 , , ' . Globe, Gila County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 § :' Holbrook, Navajo County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . 15 g Kingman, Mohave COunty Board of Public Welfare . . . . .' . . . . . 16 5 j Morenoi, Greenlee County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . 17 I = Nogales, Santa Cruz County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . EC ; Phoenix, Maricopa County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . 21 5 Phoenix, State Welfare Office and Auditing and Disbursement :1 Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Drought Relief Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :5 ‘ Employment, Divisionof.................... EC 1 Finance and Statistics, DivisiOn of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 g ' _ Operations, Division of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 j Transient Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Prescott, Yavapai County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . 32 g ; Drought Relief Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 § - , Employment, Division of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 i Finance and Statistics, Division of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% j Operations, Division of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3o Transient Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1 Safford, Graham County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . . M“ g a St. Johns, Apache County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . M2 ' .H TucsOn, Pima County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . , . . . ME Employment, Division of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h: , Finance and Statistics, Division of . _ . . . . . . . . . . - - #3 I Operations, Division of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM ' j Transienttivision......................L16 ; ': Yuma, Yuma County Board of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . Mb ' , . ' I I" ‘ I ' | . l ‘ git i P?» y £9 ' '7 ' , \\ 1i ,:-'- t L \ 7 l \ E i ARIZONA EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION ! 6 INTRODUCTION 2 v I At the time the Federal Emergency Relief Administration became a E national organization there were no agencies through which it could op" E erate in Arizona until public welffire institutions were established. In E 5 May 1933 a State Welfare Office was established to administer FERA funds i throughout the state. To assist, Boards of Public Welfare were estab— , lished in each of the fourteen counties, and if the population or the i county was large, a branch office also was organized. Such was the case ‘ in Cochise County, a mining center, which had welfare offices in both Dishes and Douglas. These newly established agencies displaced the pri— vate or local charitable organizations which, under the supervision of 1 County boards of superv1sors, had dispensed RFC funds to the needy. } During the Arizona ERA'S first months of operation, it granted relief E to 29,000 families and single persons, representing a population of over ‘ , 100,000 persons in a state whose population is but 935,573. From July 1, { ' 1933 to December 1, 1935, $17,969,000 was spent in this program, with § _ $2,168,335 of this amount originating from state and local sources. i The transient program of this administration began operating in May 19311 and continued to December 31, 1936 with mu assuming responsibility for this diminishing program On Dec. 10, 1935. Assistance was granted , to 5,181 persons during December 193M, to 260 during December 1936, with ‘ , ' a tOtal expenditure of $2,599,000. { The subdivisions that appear within each agency are artificial and are used only for systematizing the records with the exception of the ' Transient Division which was a distinct Office in the FERA program. , The linear footage of the archives of the 16 FERA agencies is approx— 5 imately 3709.68 feet, and most of the records are dumped in basements, , storerOOms, or unoccupied buildings and are in great danger of serious ‘ damage or even complete loss. A few records, an undetermined amount, 9 are filed with CWA and EPA records and could not very well be separated f f ' as they were continuous files. The Welfare Boards also hove custody of i V: practically all of the CWA and the RFC archives. .. ' ' I I, .‘ i County Welfare Board, Bisoee 2 l .3 i E p CCCLISB COUNTY EUARD CF PUBLIC WELFAR; i AND ACCOUNTING DEPARTMLNT & Franklin School Bldg.. Opera Drive The Arizona Emergency Relief Administration began functioning throu3h _ the Cochise County Board of Public Welfare in August 1933. About may E 1934 an accounting department was organized for the ALBA in Cochise County and operated in conjunction with the ielfare Board. The latter g ceased activity as a federal agency about December 2, 1935, when the j , Works Progress Administration was established in that county. fhe ac- " counting department functioned beyond that date to and during 1936, for 1 the purpose of furnishing a few office workers for the County jelfare 3 office. V ' l - Welfare Board 1 1. INDEX OF CIVILIAK CCNSERVAIICK CORPS, 1933 to date. Filed alpnaw ! betically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 6 cards, 2 ft., in drawer of wooden i filing case. B. 5. (30) ' 2. MEMORANDUx CF RELIEF GRAJTS, Mare 1933 — Lar. l, 1934. Commodity , and disbursing orders (quadruplicates). Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders and sheets, 23 ft. 6 in., in 11 drawers of 1 Wooden filing cases and 3 pasteboard boxes. R. 6A. (29) i _ 3. CASE HISTORIES, Aug. 1933 — bept. 1935. A complete history of ; each case on relief. Filed numerically. (Occasionally, official.) g p 9 i 12 folders, 27 ft. 6 in., in 11 drawers of steel filing cases. J. 3. V z (3?) n. DISPOSIIION INDEX, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935, Records of ever; ycr— - son who has been on relief in Cochise County and the disposition of 1 each case. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 sheets, 1 8 ft., in h drawers of wooden filing case. B. 5. (31) 5. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1933. a; chairman of Cochise County Board of Public Welfare. Filed chronologically. (Older i records, rarely; later records, occasionally, confidential.) 9 x 12 and ‘ -' 11% X 12 folders, 4 ft. 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case, 2 paste- E board boxes, and 2 wooden transfer cases. R. 5 and ante—room of} and ; basement. (33, 16, 38) i j be GENERAL FILES, Aug. 1933 - Sept. 1935. Placement cards, com- 1 , plaints, aliens, travel orders, pa; rolls, crippled children, transients, ( office personnel, social service workers, and incidental correspontence. f , > Filed alphabetically. (Daily, Official.) 9 x 12 folders, 5 ft., in 2 d 3 ‘ drawers of steel filing case. 3. 5. (35) L - 7. RELIEF REFUSED, Aug. 1933 — set-t. 1935. Filed alphabetically. J (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in drawer of wooden 4 3 filing case. 3-1. 5. (37) 9, . 5 , I fig 3 i l E - County Welfare Board, Bisbee 3 g 8. VISITORS' DAILY RECORDS, Aug. 1933 - sept. 1935. Filed chrono- , vi lOgically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 1 ft. 3 in., in 1 ‘5 drawar of steel filing case. R. 5. (3h) 5 9-. REGISTER or CLIENTS, May 1934 — Sept. 1935. (Rarely, official.) 3 A X 6 bundles, u in., in cardboard box. Basement. (15) 1 10. APPLICATIONS FOR RELIEF, Oct. 193a — Aug, 1935. Filed alpha- ', betically. (Rarely, official.) 11% X 12 loose-leaf books, 3 in., in f wooden transfer case. Basement. (1?) S ’9 . 11. EPA CERTIFICATIONS, Nov. 1935 to date. Certifications for em— ‘ PlOYment as well as transfers, reassignments, change of work status, and identification cards. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 4 X i ’ 7 packages stapled together, 10 ft., in 5 drawers of wooden filing cases f '. R. 5. (36) i accountine Degartnent i I 12. INJURIES, Nov. 1933 - Nov. 1935» Reports and correspondence. 1 Index. (Rarely, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 1 ft. 9 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 2. (6) l3. CORRESPONDENCE, Nov. 1933 to date. Of Accounting Department. V (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 1 ft. 9 in., in drawer of wooden i filing case. R. 2. (8) lb. GENERAL FILE, Nov. 1933 to date. Correspondence, reports, etc. ; _ Index. (Older files, rarely; later files, daily, official.) 9 X l? i folders, 6 ft. 10% in., in 3 drawers of,wooden filing case and paste— ' 3 board box. R. 2 and basement. (9, 18) 15. COMMISSARY REQUISITIONS, May 193M — Nov. 1935. Original and ' triplicate copies, duplicates of which are in the office of the State ; Lirector of Commodity Distribution in Phoenix. (Rarely, official.) ' F 6 X 9 bundles, 30 ft., on 7 shelves. Ante—room of basement. (19) 16. IDSNTIFICATION CARDS, May 193A - Nov. 1935. Records of the . ‘. dates when work and provision orders are due. (Qccasionally, official.) ’ ‘_. 3 X 5 cards, 1 ft., on shelf. R. hA. (28) I ” 17. PLACEMENT CARDS, May 1934 — Nov. 1935. A resume: of clients‘ , . past activities. (Rarely, official.) 5 X 8 bundles, l in., in paste- 3 . ' board box. Basement. (2h) ’ , .- 18. REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE AND TABELATIONS, May 1934 u Nov. 1935. 3 ', (Rarely, confidential.) 9 X 11% folders. 3 in.. in pasteboard bOX~ 5 . ', Basement. (25) 3 3 1 l9. VOID WORK CELEBS, May 193A - Nov. 1935. (Rarely, official.) ' i 6 X 8 sheets, 1 ft., in 6 pasteboard boxes. Ante—room of basement. ? (23) i l . l. r y a ' l 3? County Welfare Board, Bisbee 4 3 if 20. WORK ORDERS, May 1934 ~ Nov. 1935. Issued to relief clients. g ‘ (Occasionally, official.) 4% x 8 sheets, 8 ft., on 2 open shelves. : R. 4A. (26) 3 21. COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION, May 1934 — Dec. 1935. Commodity orders which were issued to relief clients (originals and triplicates). Dupfi— cates sent to County Relief Committee in Phoenix, Arizona. (Rarely, of- g . . , V ' flClal.) 8% x 11 bundles, 15 ft., on 3 shelves. Ante—room of bat=m'n:_ 2 '_ (21) . _ . E 22. CANCELLED MASTER CARDS, May l, 1934 — Nov. 1, 1935. Amounts b! l .A relief issued to each client. Filed numerically.’ (Occasionally, official) '. 8% x ll cards, 6 ft., in 3 compartments of card cabinet. R. 2. (2) l i - 23. DISBURSING ORDERS, May 1934 to date. Duplicates and quadrupli- -- cates. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 8 and 8% x ll sheets, 46 ft. 1 in., on 5 wooden shelves, in wooden box, and 2 . . drawers of wooden filing case. R. 2 and basement. (l3, 7) i I 24. PAY ROLLS, May 1, l934 to date. For employees and for personal 5 services of drought relief cattle clients of Cochise County. Filed T chronologically. (Semi—monthly, official.) 11 x 17 bundles, 7 ft. 9 in., . in draWer of wooden filing case and 3 compartments of card cabinet. R. 2. (I2) I. I i _‘ 25. PROJECT SET-UP, May 1, 1934 to date. Form 141, charts showing § ' financial allotments for projects and set-up in numerical order accord— é ing to project number. Index. (Rarely, official.) 9 x l2 folders, E p l ft. 9 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 2. (4) § ' 1 1 26. PURCHASE ORDERS, May 1, 1934 to date. Include requisitions, , invoiCcs and receiving reports. Filcd numerically. (Rarely, official.) I 9% x 12 folders, 1 ft. 9 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 2. 3 (5 ) i U 27. CANCELLED UORK ORDERS, July 6, 1934 - June 27, 1935. Work orders __ issued to clients and later cancelled (originals and duplicates). Filed chronologically, (Rarely. official.) 6 x 8 sheets, 23 ft. 3 in., in 1 l , 9 wooden boxes. RS. 2. 4A and basement. (3) > i 1 _ 28. ACTIVE MASTER CARDS, Nov. 1, 1934 to date. Amount of relief re— ; ceived by each client. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 , E Cards, 4 ft. 6 in., in 3 wooden boxes. R. 2. (l) E , , a ' - 29. VOID COMMISSARY REQUISITICNS, Nov. 28 — Dec. 15, 1934- (Rarely, é . official.) 3; x 8 bundle, 4 in., on shelf. Basement. (22) ‘ 3 :l 30. DISBURSING ORDER TRANSMIITALS, Aug. 1935 to date. Filed numeri- l 1 _ Cally. (Occasionally, official.) 8; x 11 packages stapled together, 3 - 2 ft. 3 in., in 2 drawers of wooden filing case. R. 2. (10) " 31. DIOECSITICN or CASES, Nov. 22, 1935. Inter—office memoranda is - containing lists of people who have been taken off PLEA and assigned to i '5- other jobs. (Rarely, official.) lo; x 12 folders, 4 ft., on open shelf. ;. R. 4A. (27) l L 3 , l g: County Welfare Board, Casa Grande 5 I i ,4 CASA GRANDE ,g ,9 FINAL COUNTY BOARD or PUBLIC warns; Z ! Old Casa Grande Valley Bank Bldg. 2 Main and Washington Stu. j The Pinal County Board of Public Welfare began functioning as a feder— E : al agency in August 1933 and closed in September 1935, at union tine the 1 r Works Progress Administration began operating in tie county, Its records :1 are very poorly maintained and those StOTGQ in the vault are so disorder— g 5 1y that finding any definite information would be very difficula. [ V 32. REGISTER OF CLIENTS, Aug. 1933. Records of Indian clients, show~ 1 ing name, address, race, number in family, date of arriVal in state, 3 ' citizenship, date of registration, date of first relief, date case closed. A - and date re-opened. Recorded alphabetically. (Never.) 4 x 6 Cards, , 7 in., on wooden bookCase.. Dirty. Vault. (9) i I 33. APPLICATIONS FOR RELIEF, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. Form 30 h, § : names and addresses of all children, others living in household, rela— ! tives, residence, present employment, unions, past employment, bank ac— count and savings, property and insurance, automobiles, income, churches. " and agencies, help in past year, debts, and life history. Filed alpha— betically. (Never.) 8 x 11 sheets, 8 in., On wooden and pasteboard ; boxes. Damaged by careless handling, and dirty. Vault. (13) g 1 3a. COMMISSARY REQUISITIONS, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. FERA Form 217, : copies of commissary requisitions giving name, address, case number, and E ‘ quantity. Filed numerically. (Never.) 5% X 8% sheets, 16 ft. 3 in., E : in pasteboard box and on the floor. Damaged by faulty containers, and ‘ dirty. Secretary's office. (18) _ 35. DISBURSING operas, Aug. 1933 - Sept. 1935. Forms 1.1501,: and - i , ‘ 10—33, disbursing orders for food, clothing and other necessities. ’ E , Some filed numerically. (NOVOF.) 8% X 11 sheets, u ft., in pasteboard ' box and on the floor. Damaged by careless handling and faulty containers; ”' dirty, torn, and scattered. Secretary's offiCe. (l7) ' 36. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. Daily reports, ' . letters from State Board of Public Welfare, Phoenix, grizona, private % ..{ relief reports, reports on school lunches, pay reports, DOS and Transient é Division correspondence. 3 x 5 card index. (Never.) 8; 3 11 sheets, i r g 3 ft. 2 in., in 2 pasteboard boxes and on wooden cabinet shelf. Damaged i 1 by Careless handling and faulty containers; dirty, torn, and scattered. : ’ Secretary's office. (7) ' at 3' 37. INVENTORY o3 COD/IMODITIES, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. Commodity unit, ., } county, town, year, amount on hand at date of inventory, receipts, stock 3 - 3: issues, losses, and balance or hand. Filed by subject. (Never.) 5 x 8 f .1 Cards, 1 ft., on wooden shelf. Damaged by faulty containers, and dirty. ; .fl Secretary's office. (15) i l . , “a County Welfare Board, Clifton ' 5 l ' I. 38. PAY ROLL AI‘JALYSIS, Aug. 1933 - Sept. 1935. Form A45, report on i 3 number of persons on FERA work program, hours and earnings. Filed , Q chronologically. (Never.) 8 x ll sheets. h ft. 1 in-, on top of wood— d 33 en and pasteboard box. Damaged by careless handling and faulty contain— ; ers;and dirty. Vault. (14) A 39. PERSONNEL RECORDS, Aug. 1333 a Sept. 1935 Iransfer cards for j .i employees from work relief showing name, address, sex, date of birth. 3 “‘ race, and employment qualifications of applicant. (Never.) 6 x O . 1 Cards, 25 in., on top of wooden bookcase. Dirty and scattered. Vault. , :f (8) I f 40. TRANSMITTAL OF DISBURSEMENT ORDERS, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. f 3 Form AERA~20, record of approved disbursement orders. Some filed nufier— i ’ v ically. (Never.) 8% x ll sheets, 8 ft. 1 in.. in 2 pasteboard bore; ‘ :9 and wooden filing cabinet. Damaged by careless handling anu faul:y containers; dirty, torn, and scattered. Secretary's office. (1?) I ' ‘, Al. WORK ORDERS, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. Form 0—6, name, occupation, ! _, number in family, case number, project, time, date, etc. Filed numeri— g cally. (Never.) 4% x 8 sheets, 5 ft. 7 in., on shelf in wooden cabinet. ‘ , Damaged by faulty containers: and dirty. Secretary‘s office. (l6) ' AZ. PAY RCLL FOR PERSONAL SERVICES, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. Form i 151, non-relief and relief employees, showing name, number of persons g g in family, sex, occupation, hours worked each day, total days worked i , during pay roll period, rate of wages paid, and total earnings during 3 ' pay roll period. Filed chronologically. (Nevsr,) ll x 15 sheets, g E » 3 in., on wooden box in safe. Vault. (11) f , ' A3. WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS, Aug. 1933 — Sept. 1935. Form A—j, j amount expended for salaries, wages, costs, materials, and other it gs. . ' Recorded Chronolqgically. (Never.) 11 x 12 sheets, 1 ft. 3 in., on ’ ‘ ' wooden box in safe. Damaged by faulty containersyand dirty. Vault. ' { - (10) I CLIFTON i '9 GREENLEE COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC NSLFARE ; . : Greenlee County Courthous: i 3 _'j Webster and hth ats. : IL} The Greenlee County Board of Public Welfare began functioning as an i : agency for the Arizona Emergency Relief Administration in August 1933 i i 3 in Morenci. Later when the office was moved to Clifton it took with j 1 flf it part of the IERA records, and left the others dumped in Morenci. 3 f The former are filed with the present county welfare records, and the i i latter are reported under the town of Morenci, Practically all of the 3 1% earlier records between August 1933 and May l93u are reported with the f ,;5 Federal Civil Works Administration agency. This agency cloSod as a '% federal unit about September 1935. E g {I ; I a County Welfare Board, Clifton 7 9 fi' ii ;§ 44. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 193A - 1935. Status of applicants, fi ,g CCC discharges, WPA referrals and correspondence, commissary requisi— 1 ‘3 tions for current month, crippled children, transients, surplus com— A 3 modities, client lists for current month, miscellaneous items, and F 5% intercity inquiries. (Occasionally, official.) 9% X 113 folders, and . ‘ E 9 X 11 loose sheets, 5 ft. 1 in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. i ,. NE. cor. of basement. (316, 317) g r _. ‘i is 45. DIRECT RELIEF, 193A _ 1935. ERA Forms ss-L and 100 MW? 18056. ‘ f name and address of applicant and relief given° Filed alphabetically. ‘ ‘,- (Daily, official.) A x 6 cards, l ft. 2 in., in wooden card cabinet. i 1 NE. cor. of basement. (309) 3: 46. FINANCIAL REPORTS, 193A — 1935. P-135, schedule of disburse— E . ' ments by work division, and vouchers. (Occasionally, official.) 8% X f 3 1b sheets, 3% in., on file board on wall. NE. cor. of basement. (315) . 4?. MASTER CARDS, 193A - 1935. Arizona Work Division Form 1, name “ ‘ and address of applicant, project and number, record of weekly earnings. i , and supplemental aid. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 85 x i ' ll cards, 2 ft., in drawer Of steel filing case. NE. cor. of basement. T p (312) , 48. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS. 193A - 1935. Record of disbursing orders, I , individual occupational classification, and memorandum of relief grant- i -_ ees. Filed alphabetically. (Inactive file, occasionally, official.) i ’ 9% x 112 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. NE. cor. i -. of basement. (318) i . i ,. 49. PAY ROLL REGISTER, 193A - 1935. ERA Form, pay roll for personal I ' , services of administrative staff. (Occasionally, official.) 11 x 20 , vols., 6% in., on desk. NE. cork of basement. (314) _ , 5o. REGULAR RELIEF, 193A — 1935. Applications for relief; Duncan, { 1 Clifton, and Morenci, registrations; budget sheet; referral cases and ' registration of cases; division of Child welfare; name of parent, of j child, amount of cash paid for maintenance and health, and condition of ,5 child's school. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) . ' 9% X 11% covers, l ft. A in., in drawer of steel filing ouee. NE. Cor. , j - of basement. (320) I 1 51. REPORTS, 193A — 1935. Pay roll for accident reports, supply 5 , , commodity report and monthly report covering cases received, and Form f 3; AS—lOM, weekly progress report. (Occasionally, official.) 9% X 11% ‘ i »:; folders and 11% X 13 loose—leaf books, Si in., on wooden shelf and i v 3 wooden box. NE. cor. of basement. (310, 319) p "1‘ :1 -. i; 52. PURCHASE ORDERS AND REQUISITICNS FOR PURCHASES, 193A - 1935. g 1 ;.i Emergency purchase orders, requisitions for purchases for projects, g (“i work division and transmittal sheets showing record of payments and E F lists of disbursement orders. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft. ; ’9g 2% in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. NE. cor. of baScment. (313) a - I . g ,i : i" » d: ‘ ii .7 I 1 a County Welfare Board, Flagstaff 8 i 5% 53. EMPLOYABLE RELIEF ALLOTMENT, 1935. Form BPW lOll-5M, record of f 5% payments, cmployable and unemployable relief account, direct relief, E »; and state welfare fund. (Daily, official.) 9 x ll sheets, 1 ft., in g ’Q wooden box. NE. cor. of basement. (311) I A. F f DOUGLAS L "“_‘—“‘ 5 ' COCHISE COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE i ‘ BRANCH OFFICE ,; Brophy Bldg., 511 — llth St. { 3 . ‘ This office of tho Cochise County Welfare Board operated as a branch g ‘ office of the Arizona Emergency Relief Administration in Cochisc County . from August 1933 to September 1935. | 54. CASE HISTORIES, Aug. 2, 1933 — Sept. 1935. Individual social 2 . case histories of aliens on relief, citizens on relief, and transients [ , , on relief. A X 5% and 3% X 5% card index, 2 ft. (Frequently, official.) - ' 8 X 11% folders, 12 ft., in 7 drawers of wooden filing cases. R. 2. (A. 5. 6) . I 55. CORRESPONDENCE, Aug. 2, 1933 — Sept. 1935. Correspondence re— g '; lative to relief cases and regarding clients whose applications for re— j , lief Were refused. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, confidential.) 8% x I - ll folders, 1 ft., in 2 drawers of wooden filing case. B. 2. (2, 3) i ,. g . . 56. UNEMPLOYABLE RELIEF CASES, Aug. 2. 1933 - Sept. 1935. Individ— ‘ ‘ _ ual social case histories. 3 x 5 card index, 1 in. (Daily, confiden— . tial.) 8% 3 ll folders, 1 ft., in drawer of wooden filing case. 3. C. (I) s .: FLAGSTAFF 5 _ COCONINO COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE i .. lst National Bank Bldgc E 3‘ N. San Francisco and E. Aspen Ste. E , .7 The Coconino County Board of Public Uelfare, as a branch of the _ E ’ } Arizona State Board, began to dispense federal funds in August 1933. i 3 It continued as a relief unit for the Arizona Emergency Relief Adminis— 3 ‘; tration until it was replaced in November 1935, by the Works Progress E * "? Administration. Many of its records are mixed with those of the Federal T 3 3? Civil Works Administration. . _:§ 57. EMPLOYEES' PERSONAL RECORDS, May 1 - Dec. 31, 1934. Name of i j applicant, identification number, occupation, and earnings record by y [3 week. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 8 cards, a in., in draWer of cardboard a £3 cabinet. R. 1. (233) 3 set -- “3i ‘ §IE . y .q 9; County Welfare Board, Flagstaff 9 1% 58. ASSIGNMENT AND IDENTIFICATION CARDS, May 1934 -Nov. 1935. H :% Name of worker, identification number and address. (Rarely, official.) t '3 A X 6 bundles, 5 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. l. (222) g Q I [f 59. MASTER CARDS. May 1934 - Nov. 1935. Name, age, address, and 1 I? occupation of laborer, project number, rate per hour, total hours, and j 1; total earnings. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 112 folders, 6 in., in steel , ‘tg cabinet. R. l. (229) i “r 60. EMPLOYMENT RECORDS, May 1, 1934 — Nov. 1935. Name of worker, i . last foreman, last occupation, last date worked, years in schcol, and t . years received vocational training. (Rarely, official.) lo 2: 11, fold— ' ers, 6 in., in drawer of card cabinet. R. l. (208) 3 i 61. WORK ORDERS, Jan. 1 - Nov. 20, 1935. Form 0—6, name of worker, E , occupation, number in family, project number, hours alloted, and rate r ' of pay. (Rarely, official.) 3 X h bundles, 10 in., in drawer of card 1 ’ cabinet. R. l. (199) i " 62. OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION RECORDS, Feb. ~ May 1935. Name of g , ‘ head of family, address. case number, district, age, sex, education, and , ' occupations. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 cards, 1 ft., in drawer of cardboard cabinet. R. l. (231) l 63. CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION, June 21 - 22, 1935. Name of reg- { 3 istrant for work, occupation, case number, and date. (Rarely, official.) g , 5% X 8% sheets, 8% in., in drawer of cardboard cabinet. R. l. (225) 1 . . ,1. ~ i > 64- PLACEMANTS, Oct. 5 ~ 25, 1935. Names of mon.plaocd by~Rc— ; , _ employment Service, date, and kind of work. (Rarely, official.) 9 x ‘ ' _ 11% folders, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing Case. R. l. (239) - V 65. ALLOTMRNTS, OBLIGATIONS AND BALANCES, May 1 — Dec. 31, 1934. E ‘ Resident families, number of persons, amount alloted, total obligations 5 '_ incurred, cost per person, and percentage of population on relief. " (Rarely, official.) 4 x 9 bundles, 2 in., in drawer of cardboard cabin— T et. R. l. (220) oo. DISBURSING ORDERS, May 1931, - July 1935. Gas... number, number ‘ . in family, direct or work relief, county, city, etc. (Rarely, official.) 3; 9 X 112 folders, 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. l. (206) t 67. TIME REPORTS, May 193d — NOV. 1935. Name and occupation of ', ..& worker, number of hours, project number, rate per hour. amount earned, ‘ ‘ *»f and case number. (Rarely, official.) 3 x 5 bundles, 1 ft., in steel 5 drawer of filing case. R. l. (215) y . 3‘ x Z; 68. PUBLIC VOUCHERS, May 1939 - Nov. 1935. Purchase vouchers con- ~ 1 ‘. j; taining name of payee, number, and date of order, description of arti- { ,f cles or service, price, and amount. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 11; fold— 3_§ ers, 1 ft., in 2 drawers of steel cabinet. R. 1. (236) 1 .1 w l I 5, County Welfare Board, Flagstaff lO 2 g 69. BILLS or LADING, May-l, 1934 — Nov. 20, 1935. Surplus commod- . fl Ea ity records showing name and amount of commodities, weight, freight, 5 \ ,fi point of origin, and consignee. (Rarely, official.) 9 X 11% folders, ( 2% 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 1. (223) f (E 70. REQUISITIONS FOR PURCHASES, May 1, 1934 - Nov. 26, 1935. 1 pg Description of articles or service, quantity, unit price, amount, and ; 53% in whose favor. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 11% folders, 3 in., in draw— 1 [3 er of cardboard cabinet. R. l. (213) 5 ;§ 71. TRANSMITTAL SHEETS, May 1, 1934 - Nov. 26, 1935. Pay rolls, 3' .i Pay T011 analysis, number, and to whom payments made. (Rarely, offi— 3% cial.) 9 X 11% folders,