xt7rn872zf59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rn872zf59/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1990 1990 1990-03-23 2020 true xt7rn872zf59 section xt7rn872zf59 AR




University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent smce t 971

Friday, March 23, 1990


Sloane visits UK;
says he’ll support
college students

Staff Writer

Jefferson County Judge/Executive Harvey Sloane stopped by the UK
campus for lunch yesterday to “get the message out” to students about
his 1990 senatorial campaign.

Sloane, hoping for the Democratic nomination, cited his dedication to—
wards social and environmental issues as he addressed a group of stu-
dents in front of Patterson Office Tower and then in the Student Center

He focused mainly on education and the Republican Party's lack of
support for that issue.

“The President's budget this year would affect about 300,000 adverse—
ly in terms of reducing their opportunity for serving in college and also
getting loans for it,” Sloane said. “I feel strongly that we need to give
students that support, especially in loan programs, so that they can serve
out college and get the technical and training expertise they need to be
competitive In analysis of 16 different countries, 14 are ahead of us in
terms of resources of education."

Sloane said that the government needs to concentrate on the early
years of learning as well as higher education.

“The federal government needs to put more money into pre-school ed-
ucation. Studenw, prior to the time they go into elementary, need to get
that nurturing stimulation, and it‘s worked very well with Headstart anti
needs to be expanded. About only 20 percent of the eligible kids are in
Headstart today. So we have not made the commitment as a nation in ed-
ucation as we need to. We're starting to do it in our state and local com-
munities and we ought to match it with the federal government."

Sloane also criticized the Republican incumbent, Mitch McConnell,
for his bad record concerning education.

“He’s been totally negative on education. He has voted against every—
thing from Headstart to the $1.2 billion increase in appropriations for ed—
ucation, elementary and secondary. He‘s voted against student loan pro-
grams. His record has been consistent against etiucation, as it has been
against medicare and social security anti some other vital services that
families need," Sloane said. “So if he now says he's a great friend of ed-
ucation, we're going to pull his record out and ask where he was all
those years and basically Mister McConnell wants to follow the Re-
publican line anti he wants to be the President's senator and l \\ ant to be
Kentucky's senator."

Sloane also said that he is in support of the student moveiticnt in China
and was disappointed in the Bush administration‘s handling of lhc ex.
change students studying in the US.

“i would have voted for the Chinese students. At a time when liberty is
absolutely exploding all over the world and the students are m the lore
front of that liberty movement, to vote against the Chinese students and
vote for the despots ofChina - the old men that really caused the deaths
of so many students in Tiannemann Square m is outrageous,“ Sloane
said. “And McConnell flipped on that issue because his president told
him he needed his senator to vote with him against the Chinese students.
Anti l think it was a terrible vote. So I wouldn‘t have voted that yyay and
will not in the future."





ways of life

Contributing Writer

Colorfully clad barefoot danc-
ers spun and swayed to the rhyth-
mic pulsing and beating of Afri-
can bongo drum music at the
second annual culture festival

The festival, “Celebrating Di—
versity: A Festival of Life" fea-
tured exhibits from Indonesia,
China, Appalachia, Latin Ameri-
ea, Africa, India, Japan, and the
Muslim religion. Booths dis-
played artifacts. photos. and

The booth, sponsored by the
Appalachian Center at UK,
showed a video on Appalachian
lifestyle, anti displayed quilts anti
baskets from the region.

“We‘re trying to show the di-
versity of Appalachian life anti to
highlight the heritage and skills of
people anti try to counter some of
the negative stereotypes that ex-
ist,“ said Nyoka Hawkins, Appa-
lachian booth coordinator.

The Muslim Student Associa~
tron sponsored a booth depicting
the ctiitiires front Muslim totin-
trics' such as Saudi .\r:ibia and

"We want to demonstrate a dit-
teretit picture of Islam and show
what tiittcrcnt countries are like."
and iissam iliil'l. "We want in il-
itistt’ate what we believe it: and
the :iittcitnt aspects t-t our be-

The indoncsian booth dis-
played ornate fans. dolls. text elry',
and head (ift‘\\c‘\. Detailed handy
cratttd needlework called bank
was displayed on .. lothes. blunt
kcts and pictures. iraditiontii ii’aii

music played iii the background.

(‘hinese students made name
tags in ('hines‘e and displayed pa—

per-cutting drawings. a chinese
lunar calendar and wood paint-

The Indian booth presented an

Arrzimin. a modern replica of an
ancient lndian diilcimer. along
\vith head and ankle Jewelry,
brass bowls and plates, silk tie-

dycd skirts. and lndian footwear

called motri. similar to sandals.
Traditional .r\.fric.'iti .it‘ttlticts
such its '/’iiht ‘~\.trl'l(‘l'\ \ iiiptcd ~th
t‘i c111 : i.t.1;‘ iii 1 :‘.iliti,t tit...ic‘
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tsvm ‘Jr AH’r
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Staff Writer

The ticket has changed, but the
purpose remains the same for Siti-
dent Government Association
President Scan Lohmait in next
week's elections.

Lohnian‘s platlorm stresses
continuing SGA's current direc-
tion, using the “Students First"
slogan that helped him take the
presidency last year.

The history junior from Pros-
pect, Ky., ran with Paige Foster
last year on the slogan “Students
First." Lohman is seeking re-
election to the presidency with
vice-presidential candidate Sarah


“The contintiancy is needed so
badly not only there but in student

Lohman said that the “Students
First" platform, which carries



The SGA president's seat on
the UK Board of Trustees, which
Lohman currently fills, is one of
the areas where Lohman and
Coursey see a great need for con-

“i also see a dire need for con-
tinuancy on that board." Lohman
said in an interview Wednesday.
With the upcoming selection of
UK's 10th president, Lohman
said there won‘t be time for a
newcomer to get used to the job.

some proposals from last year's
platform, is not a carbon copy of
his previous presidential plat-

“ln two words you sum up a
wide range of what your priorities
are now," Lohman said of his
camp’s slogan.

Those priorities include campus
safety, improving UK's academic
environment and SGA’s relation
to students, continuing long-range
programs and increasing student
services and student activism.


The efforts of students tirade the

difference in the funding increase
for {its in this General Assembly.
according to Lohman.

With the recent success in the
state capital, the Lolimai‘-C‘oursey
ticket has set a goal of raising on»
campus involvement at many dif-
ferent levels.

“People finally fCilillCtl that
there are great problems at UK,"
Lohman said.

Next year Lohman anti C oursey

hope to see that effort extend to

Washington. DC. Congress is
considering revamping the Higher

See LOHMAN, Back page

Baldwin likes

Staff Write'

Dale iiuixi-Hll says it; bciicyes
his camp; t. for president ot the.
Student (1. ,.,;;.titc:tt \s \‘c..!'.ii :1
iittllst‘s . t. H; ‘
llllpftlktttx' . \3.

Expand»; w
King lat-:5
\it‘cs. iii. 1.
and tiny:
and Mac ,‘Zt. :‘t'xz‘t ’

.sues that xx :.t tat tutti: .i txttti ‘
ucation 'or 1Kstudents.lialtixim

“Thirty 13.3.. .i«

t _

“big f'icitiic' ti

itaictits, tti.tkc‘
its more etititatct. «iialtits in «ltd.

Haida m. ta. es in. umbctit
Scan l ohtitan Il‘. asst xyt'tk‘s two
day SGA t'icctiwtt .said that edu-
cation '~‘~lii lead to .i better state

“The bitter criticated aye are.

the better the entire work force in

Kentucky is and the better proba-

bility of corporations coming in."
he mid.

Baldytiii. a former l'ls' cheer
leader. in“ use some of that pep
to get some major goals accord
plished by' the Board of Trustees
.-. on the top of that list is the etc
pansion of the library.

“The i'niversity has made a
commitment to bring in better stii

“big picture”

.ictits all the tlIiit',
iiii better students.
1» use the library
.wmg to itccd it. *i.

' L i:i‘t.:§- ;s~_

l i ,- .;

bets and your :. st‘t‘tt to the '. ‘:

bets. there \ili'iiiti be ;t working
rciattcttship thcrc." he said. .id
ding. "an i l thmk they‘re going to
listen to ‘t\ but he has to say "
Besides. Raid“ itt said. as a yet
mg member. his vote will count .ls
much as the nest member.
Raldwin said more money for
the Career and Placement Center

See mum l.\. Back ptigc




Hemp use
should be


Potortitt F4: \-

“.<’i L-
t i'it‘ .U”t'.i

’ ti .m ...’t..
W'ictor liti;

There is usually ..
that can keep 301‘ ct t
in the same pm...- :9:
students ‘»\ ho gather, ti
i‘.irk yesterday yyc ' '
siciai reyoliitioi.

Ii‘ur had arrived =:i'

"\\'t“\c tit‘t Met '3 _'
l t .

Class rt‘t': :2..'

‘lt‘ Likc‘ titt‘It”

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.1....tt. i

xiit‘tc txit‘t ‘ .itni
from ltctiup \ x
tiiclt‘d by lilti"..t't n

hemp instead w! t

See HEMP, Rack page



Bat Cats get win,
now go on road.

Stories, Page 4.

‘Henry V’

a sensational lay.

Story. Page .


Today: Partly cloudy
High 50°

Tomorrow: Chance of

High mid-403°












2— Kentucky Kernel, Friday, March 23, 1990


‘Henry V’ is powerful portrayal of Shakespeare’s play


Arts Editor

At the Academy Awards ceremw
ny Monday night, one of the most
predominant films will hopefully
not be an American film but a Brit-
ish one.

“Henry V," directed by Kenneth
Branagh, a young British Shakes-
pearean actor who stars in the title
role, will hopefully be remembered
as one of the finest artistic achieve-
ments in the history of film.

Adapted from the play by Wil-
liam Shakespeare, the movie shows
the development and growth of the
young king who must lead a nation
during a time most men his age are
just coming to terms with their
manhood. The maturation of the
young king is the most provoking
subtext in the film.

Many scholars will undoubtedly
argue that the film did not portray
his internal conflicts as well as a
close reading of the text would;
they must bear in mind, however,
that Shakespeare’s plays were
meant to be seen rather than read.




We are currently hiring for full and parttime
Easter holiday positions.



True, by adapting any Shakespeare
work to celluloid a certain element
of the live drama is lost but that is
simply an unjust criticism that
some people have tried to bring to
the film. Another is that Branagh's
version is constantly held in com-
parison to Laurence Olivier’s 1944
adaptation. Just as Olivier's was
one interpretation of the work, Bra-
nagh‘s is another and should be
judged on its own merits.

The film begins immediately
with one of Branagh’s most notice-
able changes. The Chorus (Derek
Jacobi) is seen in a warehouse-style
studio that provides the setting for
the palace. When the Chorus opens
the heavy wooden doors, the audi-
ence is transported into the court of



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Kenny Centre — 4596350
W Broad Plaza — 275-3200


Branagh instantly conveys the in-
tensity of his character from his in-
itial scenes. making the audience
feel the aura of Harry as if they
were truly there with him. Never
throughout the movie does Branagh
let the personality of the king slip
away from him; he in effect be»
comes Harry. The audience sees
that he thinks about his decisions
carefttlly before he makes them and
frequently looks at the faces of his
elders. noticeably his uncle Exeter
(Brian Blessed) for advice. Every de-
cision that he makes will affect not
only him but his entire beloved
country. These are decisions that





The Graduate School
Doctoral Dissertation Defenses

Hunter Hayes
Arts Editor




Kenneth Branagh (left) starred in and directed this dynamic production of “Henry V." Branagh is also
one of the founders oiEngland’ s Renaissance Film Company. Above, the King of England and his
brothers Gloucester (Simon Sheperd, left) and Bedford (James Larkin, right) ride to battle the French.

few men his age have been forced
to make.

Through the use of flashbacks
the audience sees Harry, the young
prince. walking away from his
playboy youth and shunning his
dearest friend. This is shown when
a broken-hearted Jack Falstaff
(Robbie Coltrane) is lying on his
deathbed in the upstairs of the
dingy, moldy Boars Head Tavem
where he and Harry had shared
many drinks and fun times. Harry
also is shown turning away from
his other friends Bardolph (Richard
Briers), Nym (Geoffrey Hutchins)
and Pistol (Robert Stephens) and
telling them that he will act like a
king rather than an old friend
should the need arise to make those
type of decisions. It is these very
choices and flashbacks that provide
for some of the most dramatic
parts of the film.

Once Harry decides to lead his
country into battle the audience
only just begins to perceive the ef—
fect that it will have. Harry must
contend with the despair and disil-
Iusionment of his soldiers and he
begins to perceive the lack of faith
that many hold in him.

Another moving moment of Bras
nagh’s performance is his prayer to
God the night before the battle and
his speech to his broken men on
St. Crispin’s day on the morning
of the battle. .



The battle scenes enable the audi-
ence to see not the glory of war but
the cold. harsh realities of it. This
was a time when wars were fought
man to man with crude instruments
of swords, clubs and bows and ar»
rows rather than machine guns,
chemical weapons anti atomic
bombs. We see not a longing for
conflict in the eyes of Harry and his
men btit a realization of the possi-
ble consequences the battle holds.

The film graphically shows the
men falling wounded into fields of
mud and gore. Soldiers are shown
getting their throats cut, being
stabbed and cut. and their last
breaths of life hemorrhaging
through bubbles ()f blood pouring
from their mouths and wounds.

Once the victorious king goes to
the palace of the French king (Paul
Scofield). the film then changes
gears but continues to show Har-
ry’s rise to manhood. The princess
Katherine (Emma Thompson) now
becomes the object that Harry de-




Name: Akbar Bidarian
Program: Electrical Engineering

Title of Dissertation Electrical Conductivity of H

Ion Intplantcd PDT“

Major Professor Dr. Eugene liradlcy
Dtitc. 3/22 “)0

Plat-c: 4733 I‘ Andcrson llall

Time: 2 IS p in.


Name: Nan-Nong Huang
Program: Engineering Mechanics
Tillt‘ of Dissertation: “Nonlinear
Thcrnioclttstic Analysis of Laminated Plates
and Shclls'

Major Professor: Dr. Theodore R. Tauchert
Dzitc: 3/26/90

Place: 32-; CRMS (Robotics Building)

Timc: 3 p iii



Name: Raja Masbar

Program: Agronomics Economics

Title of Dissertation: 'Dcmand for Soybean
Stocks under Uncertainty in Expectations: A
Disequilibrium Market Antilysis'

Major Professor: Dr. Barry liobst

Datc: 3/26/90

Place: 501 Ag. South

Tttnc: 3 pm.

' Name: Shirish S. Barve



Program: Microbiology and immunology
Title of Disscrttition: ”Molecular Analysis of
tlic Icg { tint] lch Genes and ’l‘hcir Role in the
llWV’CilIt‘llllll Response of Yersinia Pcstis"
Major Professor: Dr. S.C. Stnilcy

Date: 3/26/90

Place: MN 15-12

Titiic: 4 p ni




Name: Ronald C. Young

Program: Agricultural Economics

Title of Dissertation: "Thc Economics of the
I’ttiiiily's l/ing Term Care Decision"

Major Professor: Dr. David chcrtin

Datc~ 3/27/00

Place :30] Ag Scicncc Ccntcr — South

Timc‘ l p m.

Name: Mohammcd Edjlali

Program: Educational Policy Studies and

Title of Dissertation 'lhc Effects of Competency
Based Mastery lx‘aniing on Aptitude; Motivation:
Self esteem and Math Anxtcty'

Major Professor: Dr. Clinton Collins

Datc: 3/27/00 - Timc: 2 p m.

Placc: Faculty Lounge ~ Dickcy llall




Name: Heo—Chuan Tau

Program: Pharmaceutical Sciences
TlIIt‘ of iiisscrttitioii "Diromlmxanc A2 Mediated
Ar fixation of RN cptor (‘oiiplcd (i I’rotriris and the
Isolation and ('harm tcrih'iltoti Two Novcl

(i l’rotciiis'

Major Professor Dr Ilsiii llsiitng Tat

Date 3/29/00 0 'Ilnic ’2 p m

Place 220 Pharmacy lltitlding

Name: Jerry L. Flint

Program: Crop Science

Titlc of Disscrttifion: 'Dissipaiion of
(‘hloriiiiurorr lina/tiquin, and linazcthapyr
in Soil"

Major Professor Dr. W.W. Wilt

Date: 3/30/90

Place: N 120 Ag Science (.‘cntcr - North
Time: 3 pm.





Nunez Elinor Joy Aflnmch

Program: Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation

Title of Dissertation ‘An Investigation of Foreign Student

Enrollment in lirtfted Slates Higher Education with Mayor

Itmphasis an laminar (‘nnremn and a Cast Studv
('ommrtnl the l¥rformnncr of Kattw Student: with
Ron natiw Studentn on the Tent of Enginh II I Foreign

Major P'ofr'uwr Dr Alan IkYoung
Datr 4/] INK). Tim'- II 3 pm
Pian- l’ariiltv lounge 1m krv Hall


Name: Rel Tang Shlno



Program: Pharmaceutical Sciences

Title of Dissertation: "Mechanisms of Lung
Poly/amine Accumulation in Chronic llupoxic
Pulmona llypcrtcnsion'

Major Pro cssor: Dr. Jack Olson

Dtttc: 4/1 I/90

Place: 220 Pharmacy Building

Time: 2 p.m.





Name: Sharon D. Goertz
Program: English

Title of Dissertation 'Vcrbal Combat in the
Now-Is of Ivy Coptnn llumett'

Major Professor Guy Davenport

Ihilc‘ 4/3/90

Placc 134.") PO'I

Tlnic 4 p m.


Name: Carol Elam

Program: Educational Policy Studies
Title of Dissertation: 'Appllcahllfty of the
Holland Then of Vocational Personalities to
Medical Schoo Graduate-3' Specialty Choices‘
Major Professor: Dr. Charles Elton

Dutc: 4/6/90

Placc' Facility lioungc





Time: 9:307 i too am


















forummer and fall is

. . " [5136 Sure to
contact your adviser now.




sires to conquer. The language bar-
rier between the pair provide some
of the most humorous moments
found in a drama of this sort.

When Katherine giggles because
she can not understand Harry fully
he tries, in broken French, to per-
suade her to agree. in broken Eng-
lish, to marry him. Branagh is very
convincing in this performance ——
so convincing in fact that he and
Thompson were married last year.
This courtship is an element that
adds much to the story as well as
providing an uplifting moment af-
ter harsh battle scenes.

The acting in this two-hour film
was e\ceIIent and never faltered.
However. sortie of the overlooked
members deserve credit as well.
Kenneth Mac .\lilltiii (director of
photography ,1 anti Pat Doyle’s mu-
sical score not only enhanced the
film but also added a heightened
sense of dratna for the audience.
The photography and music worked
together well. accenttiattng the ten«
sions Harry and the other characters
felt throughout the movie. Mac
.‘yltllan captured the darkness of the
era well and Doyle enabled us to
feel it (ieorge Lucas‘ THX
sound system at Lextngton (ireen
helped to augtiient the music.

In a time when most movies
seem formulaic. with only a few
standouts m the hundreds of films
released each year, Branagh’s “Hen-
ry V" is an excellent achievement.
This is the type of movie that sets
artistic standards as well as please
mass audiences. it will be a traves~
ty if this is overlooked at the Os-

"Henry I“ is rated PG and Lt cub
rcntly showing at the Lexington
Green Movies 8


You might forget
this... but don’t

forget the Kernel,
every morning
before class.
















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Oscar winners on home video

Associated Press

No one ever agrees on what mo-
vie should win the coveted Oscar.
Still, everyone has a favorite movie
or two that won the Academy
Award in the past.

And with the Academy Awards
approaching on Monday, here’s
what’s available in video to quench
the Oscar thirst:

—“Wings" (1927): First best
picture winner, about World War I
fighting buddies.

—“All Quiet on the Western
Front" (1930): Lewis Millstone’s
anti—war movie.

—-—“Cimarron" (1931): Western
based on Edna Ferbcr novel.

«“Grand Hotel" (1932): Life in
Berlin following World War 1. star
ring Greta Garbo.

——“It Happened One Night“
(1934): Clark Gable and Claudette
Colbert in romantic comedy.

—“Mutiny on the Bounty"
(1935): The original Bligh and
Christian with Charles Laughton
and Clark Gable.

~“The Great Ziegfeld" (1936):
Biography of legendary showman
starring William Powell.

—“The Life of Emile Zola"
(1937): Paul Muni stars as the 19th
century French author.

—“Gone With the Wind” (1939):
Rhett and Scarlett — the South
will never be the same. Also, Hol-
lywood’s finest year.

——“Rebecca" (1940): A gothic ro-
mance by Daphne du Maurier,
translated to the screen by Alfred
Hitchcock and starring Laurence
Olivier and Joan Fontaine.

—“Casablanca" (1942): The only
way to see it is in its original black
and white version. Skip the limp
colorized version.

—“Going My Way" (1944):
Bing Crosby‘s laidback priest.

—“The Lost Weekend” (1945):
Hollywood gets serious with alco-

—-“The Best Years of Our Lives"
(1946): William Wyler‘s compas-
sionate look at returning vets.

—“Hamlet” (1948): Laurence
Olivier takes on the Bard.

—“All the King‘s Men" (1949):

Robert Penn Warren's story about a
corrupt politician.

-—“All About Eve" (1950): Sharp
tongues and acid looks from Bette
Davis, George Sanders and Thelma

—“The Greatest Show on Earth"
(1952): Cecil B. DeMille’s circus.

-—“From Here to Eternity"
(1953): World War 11 smolders and
simmers. The beach will never be
the same.

_“On the Waterfront" (I954):
Marlon Brando toughs it out on the
New York waterfront.

—“Marty” (1955): Two lonely
people fall in love.

—“Around the World in 80
Days" (1956): All over the globe
with stars, stars, stars.

——“The Bridge on the River
Kwai" (1957): David Lean’s power-
ful war epic.

——“Gigi” (1959): Leslie Caron
comes of age in France of the

—“Ben-Hur” (1959): William
Wyler‘s epic about a Jewish noble-
man during the time of Christ, win-
ner of 1] Oscars.

——“The Apartment" (1960): Billy
Wilder’s tender look at philandering
executives and a sensitive mistress.
—“West Side Story" (1961): Movie
version of the hit Broadway musi—

—“Lawrence of Arabia" (1962):
one of the most brilliant movies of
all time, by David Lean and starring
Peter O’Toole.

—“Tom Jones" (1963): A bawdy
romp through 18th century Eng-

—“My Fair Lady" (1964): Henry
Higgins and Eliza Doolittle on the
big screen with Rex Harrison and
Audrey Hepburn.

—“The Sound of Music" (1965):
Kind of syrupy, but nice music and
nice Julie Andrews.

—“A Man for All Seasons"
(1966): No one makes intelligent
films like this anymore. Sir Thom—
as More refuses to help Henry VIII
sever ties with the Roman Catholic

—“In the Heat of the Night"
(1967): Southern murder mystery
with redneck sheriff and black detec-
tive from the North.

—“Oliver!" (1968): Charles
Dickens' classic set to music.

—“Midnight Cowboy" (1969):
Perhaps Dustin Hoffman's best role
— the sleazy Ratso.

—“Patton” (I970): Brilliant in-
terpretation of the controversial
general by George C. Scott.

——“The French Connection"
(1971): Next to "Bullitt," the best
car chase in movie history.

—“The Godfather" (I972): The
Mafia like you’ve never seen it be-
fore. Brando is wonderful as the

——“The Sung" (1973): Paul
Newman and Robert Redford ill a
delightful scam.

—“Thc Godfather Part II“ (1974):
More of the Corleones,

—“One Flew Over the ('uckoo‘s
Nest" (1975): Getting mental \vilh
Jack Nicholson.

—“Rocky" (1976): A feel-good
movie that's not the greatest flick
ever made, but its sequels make it
look like “Lawrence of Arabia."

—“Annie Hall“ (1977): A ro-
mantic comedy by Woody Allen
with the usual sturm und drang.

-—“The Deer Hunter" (1978): Mi-
chael Cimino’s haunting look at
the Vietnam War.

—“Kramer vs. Kramer" (1979):
Divorce, New York style.

—“Ordinary People" (1980):
Robert Redford‘s debut as a direc—

—“Chariots of Fire" (1981): An
inspiring tale of Olympic runners.

——“Gandhi" (1982): A majestic
epic of the Indian leader‘s life, with
an unforgettable performance by
Ben Kingsley.

—“Terms of Endearment"
(1983): A sappy movie about a
tragic mother-daughter relationship,
saved only by fine performances.

—“Amadeus" (1984): Music,
majesty and Mozart fun.

—“Out of Africa" (1985): A ro—
mantic adventure with Robert Red-
ford and Meryl Streep.

——“Platoon" (1986): Oliver
Stone's realistic treatment of war in

—“The Last Emperor" (1987):
The awesome life of China's last

~—“Rain Man" (1988): Dustin



llJHFL Top 10 Hlbums



1. Sinead 0’ Comm" 5. The The 9. They Might lie (iiants
I Do Not Want What I lla- The The vs. The World Flood ' ‘
vcn't Got Epic Elektra

Ensrgn 6. Black Uhuru If). The Jesus and \larv

2. The Cramps .Vow Chain '

Stay Sle.’ Mesa Automatic

Enigma 7. The Wedding Present Warner Bros.

3. 3rd Bass Bizarre

The Cactus Album RCA/Import

Deflam/Columbia 8. John Wesley Harding

4. Flat Duo Jets Here Comes The Groom

FIatDuo Jets Sirc ———As determined by airplay

Doggone and requests on WRFL-FM.
Response “I thought he was very good in CINEMARK THEATRES

positive for
local premiere
of ‘Henry V’

Senior Staff Writer

Kenneth Branagh's “Henry V",
which received critical acclaim and
praise when it was released late last
year, received virtually the same
treatment when shown Tuesday
night at a special screening at Lex-
ington Green Movies 8.

Branagh’s film is different from
other film adaptations of Shakes-
pearean plays because he is both
director and actor. Also. the narra-
tor was a strong presence in the

“I found it some ways very remi-
niscent of (Laurence) Oliver‘s
‘Henry V‘, and in some ways very
different." said James Rodgers,
head of UK‘s theater department.
“When I was watching Oliver 1
was impressed because I thought
‘this is great because this is Oliver
doing Shakespeare.‘ With Branagh
I forgot that it was Shakespeare."

While most people thought the
acting was excellent. some found
flaws with the movie.

“I was led to believe that it was
going to have a degree of historical
authenticity that it didn‘t have.“
said Tay Fizdale, an instructor of
film criticism at Transylvania Uni-
versity. “It struck me as very well
acted but not particularly well di-

Many felt that Branagh had
earned his Academy Award nomi-
nation for Best Actor.

the movie," said Charlene Olup, a
student at Lafayette Senior High

Podgers thinks Branagh might
have a future as a matinee idol and
saw him as very impressive in the
wooing scene of Katherine.

Despite the overall favorable re-
action to the movie, few thought it
would be a big money maker.

“It‘s hard to say," Fizdale said.
“What kind of audiences go to see
Shakespeare films anyway. It’s a
very self-selecting thing.“

English audiences have an advan-
tage over American audiences be-
cause they are more familiar with

the story than with what the plays
are based on, Rodgers said.



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