xt7rn872zf7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rn872zf7g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1992 1992 1992-10-14 2020 true xt7rn872zf7g section xt7rn872zf7g \




Vol. XCV N0. 35

“ Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Wednesday. October 14. 1992



an... ‘ _

. *r :v 7"-

..- am-..- “wwnmmww' .... ..

State revenue receipts drop again

Still for) early

to make cuts,
Jones says

Staff. wire reports



liRANKl-‘UR'I‘. K); , (iov.
Breretori Jones said yesterday it still
is too early to consider cuts in the
state budget. even iliougli reienue
figures for September \llt)“ a con-
tinuing drop iii tax receipts.

September receipts were 3.0 per-
cent below the same riioritli a year
ago. l5or the lust three months of
the WW l‘iscal year. receipts are
Iaggirig 3.2 percent behind the pre-
vious year. to meet budget require-
ments. receipts itiitst grow by 5.3
percent lot the entire )ear

I rnancc \ecret.ir_\ loe l’iather
said earlier tliat the \‘epterriber lig-
tiles \iould he used to detertiiine il

budget cuts
would be I’orth-

But Jones
said yesterda}
he wants to wait
another month

"l was rea-
sonabl) pleased

with the tig-
ures." Jones JONES

said. "I think it's
premature to think there “ill have
to be budget cuts. btit \\e have to
maintain that as a possibilit} "

llK President (‘harles Wethrng-
ton said he sees the announcement
as positive neus l'or l'K and the
other state universities

“I think that there are enough
positive indicators llrat still allow
the state to malse the decision not to
cuts budgets tutthei." \Vethingtorr
said. "(ll\\ltlll\l_\. we hope the It»
rianctal rreus continues to be good
and lltai \\t' can axoid tutthei bud

gel (Ills H

Gore, Quayle bicker in


By Robert Naylor Jr.
Associated Press

\ll \\'l.\ \\'rtli
tin-.‘t is and insistent interruptions,
\1 (tot. .tiid lliii ()it:r\le clashed
"lei leadership abortion and the



croiionti \estcr’ilgo night in a \iic
presidential debate denounced l‘x
lairit s \totkdale as "\\h\ Iliis lta
iron is III girdlocls "

"l lcel like .llI obser\cr
pong garrie,” Ross l’eiot‘s running
mate said tiller listening ll‘ pct-

Iiaps the Mill or 20th time that
More and (Jiiasle interrupted one

UK’s Green
vies for seat
in Ky. House

By Lori Coleman
Contributing Writer

.II it pllij.‘



When it comes to swaying \otes
Ill ati election. l7K's |)waine (ireeii
lieliews old»l’ashioned. door-to-
door campaigning is best.

(ireen. a Republican running lor
the Tom liistricl state House ol’
Repr'eserrtalncs seat. lea\es his rob
as an assistant prolessoi at l 'K each
til pin, to go and meet the


da} al -1

"I don't tcel I can represent the
ptoplt it I don‘t get otit and meet
them. l don't lr.r\e a lot ol money
and Iriiancial resources to do it an}
other \\;i_\." he said

lhe Vitli lirsti'rct is located inost
p. outside Neu ('irclc ls’oad, lrottr
lales ( 'rcek Road to l’ar‘is l’ils'e,

llicr‘e are about ‘Hltlii homes in
the (ll\lll\l (ilcen stlltl llt‘ and his
supporters htnc knocked on the
doors ol about illtltl ol them since
Ilte etid ol .ltrrre

(tie-en said he has inspired to i'itti
lor' the ollice because he thought he
could bring honest). sincerity and
rtitegiit} Io tIic position

“Not that the incumbent. Ruth
l’aluriiho d)VI esrrigtoni hasn‘t. but
there are certainls a lot ol problems
”I | i'atilslort. Ils'} .f‘ ( rr‘eeii said “I
think the people as a \\hole ha\c

Fair to be held
to raise interest
in rural health


By Aimee Hiller
and Tamara Caskey
Contributing Writers


Students interested in health-care
professions cart L‘lllli) good food
and live music. while learning about
career opportunities in Kentucky's
rural areas. at the annual Area
Health lxdiication (‘enters Bluegrass

The event takes place tomorrow
lroin ll am. to 2 pm. in a tent be-
side the l ucillc l’arls'er .\1arkey('an-
cer(‘eiiter on Rose Street

At the Jamboree. students may

See JAMBOREE. Back Page








ll \\.ts .x riiesss .tli..li Illal ell'itil
on .r sllatp Ilc’:_':lll\c note axillr Is'c
[‘lll‘llcdll l‘lIlit}lt‘ li-okiiie Illli‘ Ilic
piiriretiinc carrierr and rel.
darklx to the


lieinosialit lioni

" l he :\iiiei‘ican people should dt
iiiaiid that their [‘l-‘e'sliltlll tell the


The last t\\o times the state laced
reienue slioittalls. the state's eight
public uniiersities recened budget
reductions including more than
$36 million at l'ls'

lhe student bod) presidents ol
the state's unriersrties orgaiii/ed a
rally that Will be held toda) at 3
pm. at the capitol to lobb) against
budget cuts

Wethrttgton said the tall) comes
at :ut opportune Irrrie.

"I think it‘s particularl) trme|_\
that students are matting their teel»
ings lumen and are showing ttist
ho“ seseie the cuts are." he said
“lhe timing is \er} good Ior‘ stit-
dents to make their case at a time
“hen the state is watching the ie\e-
rrtre \erv closel) "

.A\ leading legislator said the state
needs to be taking steps ”U“ to
control spending

“You ought to start doing the
things that are not so paintnl." said
Rep .lilt‘ ( lathc ill llalt‘stllt'l llir
chairman ol the House \ppiopiia

itall. heir. e lltli

tttitli llo sou

t'lriuon \erI tell iIi. iriiil. Illll do
sour president

\ \ (ac \ . ...Ir li ..
lh lriis‘i hi 'i

outset on the III tlII .iili

l’IL'slileIIl lillsll.ilnll":l.1.i. ..Ie
like "sleet \.lll'.'lll ”I 1ll. he Ma liis'
\\httt the recession slim». Iii-it
charged 'lilttidcd Io llli 1.:l.i

ing and pain ot Ixinlzirptri. mil
people \ilroar-e irneniplo. it ”

llc‘ pledged that he and lletttii
L'Iilllc plt‘sldelllial \.llltll|l.lls ( lltllott
"stand loi‘ change ”

Irons arid Reseiiire (‘orninitlee

('Iarke mentioned tree/ing pays
tolls arid dela} ing purchases.

"lhat kind ol thing ought to be
put in place the minute you think
)ou time a problem." (‘larke said.
“I do think the earlier you stan. the
less pain )ou haxe."

l’iathei said there was cause for

optimism iii the revenue report.
eien \\ tilt the i\\L‘Ittll decline.
l’iather pointed to a pair oI

"merits" he said \xould dela) re~
ceipt ol ‘3" million that otherwise
might have been collected iii the
lirst quarter ll tliat had been the
case. Kentucks's general lurid re»
ceipts \iotild haic actuall) groun
b} 4 percent

lhe biggest ol the [no items
l'iather illt'tl nas that l’iihlic Ser-
\lct' t ~oninrrssron propen} tases are
l‘t'lli‘.‘ liillcd month later Iliis
\e.u holding up \31 4 million .\rid
lilllcl\ sales are on track to produce

St (,4 REVENUE Back Page


vice presidential debate

l‘hiatl. relinltd :li Il t linioii and
(hit. ”.iilr ill o. lit itt.is lllll\ll
lilllill '.\orsc lie mill raise soil l.i\
tie ‘.‘.Ill Illvlsd‘e sl‘cllillll" lic
.‘.lll lll.Il.c "I'-cllII‘I. nt l“""cI lol\s
1s lll l‘r lt“l H

llrc “it rniiinl. i‘aliatt also
li‘lltllril on .tizriotitiietdal d.|rtisc
.Illil Ital [Vi-lit.

1hr thvltlir it illrt‘rlalI‘c was
\le.ll lot \.t\l| ol the thiet running
lllrIl~_- li' l"\‘i‘\l lll‘e liillllllc' i'l lll\'

than at tit. lopol Il.. Inlet III .i iatc

tliat has . \arth thite seeks leIl to

See DEBATE Back Page


















. .lIlIlIIIIIm






Jerr BURLEW swe ._, w

Assistant professor Dwaine Green is running for the 76th District seat in the state House of Rep-
resentatives. He has worked at UK since 1985.

lost coiilrdcrice III their elected olli
cials. arid I thought I \i‘lllil help
that situation "

(iteen said he \\ill make logical
prolilctns III
li'aiikloit and isrll .ippli honest}.
lot'cslgllt and stud) to \xoik out Iltc

considerations ol tht

.\ Pllllll||.|\l\l strict l‘l‘l, (riecn
said he is cspcti.tll\ concerned \\lll|


Because of a writer's error. a col-
umn in yesterday's Kentucky Ker-
nel failed to distinguish between
Indigenous People‘s Day, 3 Cali-
fornia celebration ol all cultures,
and Indigent People‘s Day. an in-
dependent movement rn that
state for the homeless,


Warmer today; high between 75
and 80. Becoming cloudy tonight;
low near 55. Considerable cloudi-
ness tomorrow; high between 70
and 75.


Diversrons ................................. .2
Sports ........................................ 3
Viewpoint ................................... 4
Classitieds............. .... ....5





llcalllt tale and has l‘ietn ilrictil‘.
in\o|\cd \\IllI Ilrc l\\l|t

He owned .rtt indept iidciit phar
ittac} lot Ill _\c.iis

”l ktio'a \\ll.ll it lalas to meet a
pasroll. |lI.IlsL‘ a budget. .urd l tin»
deistartd that don‘t spend
more than sou ll;I\L i' t xrecii said


He also his ties [ordination

llis \\lli'. Rita. is .III eleiiicntar}

‘\l|\'\ll tcathtr. and he has a son.
li‘sll. " llI ilh l .i‘stllt (.t‘lllll} Dilli-
In school ssstciti (uteri
noikcil all is sinte l‘lb'"


”l duration is sonicllnng inrpoi
t.urt to tire and l nani to see it cori-
Iiirire to rinprmc." he said

(men said he has a lirtti position

See CANDIDATE. Back Page

Cost of attending college
increases by 10 percent


By Jon Marcus
Associated Press


BI )S'lUN lhe cost ol attend-
ing public colleges and universities
has increased at a double-digit rate
for the second straight year. tar
ahead ol state and Iedei‘al financial
aid. the ('oIIege lloard reported yes»

'l‘he cost ol highe: education
ranges lr'oin Sill a )eai at the pub-
lic. two-year ('ollegc ol the Main-
land iii lesas (at). icon. to
$24.3th at prriate Sarah l.a\\'rence
(‘ollcgc iii BI'UIHVlllC. NY The
highestpi‘iccd state school is Ilie
lliiiversit} ol Vermont. which
charges iii-slate students Million

tor tuition. housing and a meal plan.

Awrage tuition and tees at four-
year public universities and colleg-
es rose III percent to 53.3” this
tall. the ('ollege Board reported.
Rooiri and board brings the total to
85.8“ .«\t loo-year schools. the
aierage increased to H.303

"A lot ol students Iiave been drr\-
en Iroin public colleges and univer-
sities and. increasingly. people are
also liming trouble al'tording com-
lllllllll} colleges at this pmnt." said
Stace) l eyton. president ol the l' 8
Student Association

lhis tall‘s Ill percent hike lol»
lous an increase ol H percent last

See TUITION. Back Page




By Rob Thorne
Contributing Wrilrer

Nationalls lsItr".‘.Ii
human rights .rdxisatc.
.Ioan (‘lnllister time a
news and bad preseiita
lion last night that challenged
women to errrponer Iheinsclies
lorclrange III the \iorld





lien s”

l'hc good Ite‘.‘.s llesprle rrialc

oppression. Ill.ttt\ \ioinen ll.l\‘s
achieied respctt
llte had Ilt‘\\s \l.rtr\ nion

ivoiiien still an oppit ssed l‘\ .Il
canc ‘Ic‘teol\pr‘s

(‘hitlistci spoia lot lllt‘lt that:
art lioitr .il tlie ( atlrolri \emnari
(enter. as part ol its l)istiri
giltshcd \pcaltcis l’i‘ograrn \ltc
outlined the liistor\ ol \ionieii‘s
role rrr \tlilLH

\he said that the role ol \\i|llt
cit III the lirlirlc depends on rl\
lion‘s lillcs‘ll li'. lllt ‘.‘.iilili'll ol to
”l llllllc depend on
this f5.

lI-el.llliill‘ slit ~itvl
(llllll‘slcl |l\‘ul .lsllli'lt Iron. .Il
adagt Io tiliisltah lltl ~lI i.\ ‘\ri
iilic ititsst . .i sl'.l\lll Itttl. lit til
Ila.” ‘lII and Mar ll.l»e til I d
.i running It .ip or tattlr

\ht‘ tli.illetrj.‘eil 's\«‘IIIt‘lI ti-
Iltat leap HI l:tttlr .iiid to
power lllltll"ll i!
lest Illc
'aorlil sttll.t Ilttotigli llli‘li seat»


irtcatr diastn c ll.Il|',.‘t

tll lllillt \ r‘lilli 'l

"l't so liltli» tarts so lit.
\\\tlllill h.i.. \lrrrrttd sllll‘tl Ill.
point or Ih. II\I"'llllll‘l| this
destix "l Milnni sllll

‘\\oint II will llIIII'.‘ ptati
\\ItIl\l razagid lis lll.l\llll

itiania ”

llie ”good rit‘.\s" intliidcd tri




If” it it«_I.'-'

Sister Joan Chittister told an audience last night at the
Newman Center of the historical oppression of women.

Author discusses roles
of women in past, future

her \llktsll talt I '\\orrtan
lt‘I‘ll. l\‘{’ul \slilllk ‘.‘..I\ llldl
»‘-\’lll\ll lr.t_ .rl.‘. r. '.‘..Ill.eil
"II-2‘. H



[lit i.IIlli Iiiitiillllini. ll
\lre \ Ilflll
loari ol \l\ and
loiiglit tor twitter: s sitlltage in
the l 'iirtt d \tait s as .~~..rinples

ll\\il llls

llli isk'

llte .ItIli‘Il" tht ”liad neiis”
\\.is lllc opptt ssii in i-I xxotrten

\lii :rchl ill sllll‘vl .lllel
s'slill'l'l ml .2 t it iI‘I‘I- sston l»\

(Irritisii v l‘I ll slrl.i|l‘sl\s

ilatcd ~ti which llIliiIlL'llillll

lirstot'. Ii. rm tr

(Mind I .l.rt|_ir-' d tli. ideas
or l'lati» \r_t/.tlit and lliotnas
:\\llllllrl\. ‘.\llit she said oas

'"looscljs rtlr tied Io as a saint ..

(‘liiltisier aim is .t llenedic
linc sister Irottt tnanx drl
ltrtnt parts ol the ‘.‘.I\Ilil Io Illlls
tiatt ltt‘l [‘I‘Iltl



\ltt I‘iiIIllc l lt‘ llIi li‘lltss Hl
Ililllir'sllr nt-oltnc. lass III the
l‘llll'c'l \Ial‘s llit te~ wt {itilsll
lillliili it writ iii In. lliitni
and Il.. tat» , H I d. is o] lllsli
l,l sviit.' Mil :.i I». .l .i: lls.
‘Il ,3 i s I ll‘.'

(ltillrslt lrl Ii 1\ \I iii/t
ll Nit l/ 1/.” ti‘tm“ .itld
ntnt i‘lll I luv. r- I'll I-vdax
\tl\ltl‘s slri iili‘ i .. to \vlll‘lllit
Io l;.t|l/. .iw: i'r t‘ lsilll\


“I I l‘i' ‘I
i. ‘ t ‘ t i
l l ’ 'hv I' lit
l-t i: l,l|ri. I I I r r
slitii;.r.’ I 'I ll Ir
trial. ._ . “Iii,l

lltli I \‘lllfl.'\v‘ llll» ill. .
lli‘il lltwll'Wl I‘l. lltllllslt‘l


Resident undergraduate tuition at UK






93/94 $880
92/93 3040
91/92 3810
90/91 3750
89/90 m
88/89 8600
87/88 “50
UK turtion and tees
86/87 “20 compared to avernqe
lot lOuI year public

ans/36 ‘572 institutions

l s.

84/85 3520 ‘ ‘

. Sim
w I I I

I .M ‘P is Average
82/83 $406 b99563. {“91 reuse-22;.

so 3200 $400 $600 $800 $10001
SOURCE: Council on Higher Education



‘ivnont .iomwsrouspme .isr



By Dave Lavender
Arts Editor


there has been iiiueti ado about
Lyle l.o\ell‘s hairdo

Much has been “hispered lll the
back pen s about lils endless arsenal
of suits and stage attire lhere have
been amelis. shouts ol escliunalioii
:Uid boundless bundles of praise tor
his nine-piece \ersatile eiiseliihle.
lhe lau‘ge Btmd

And while these elements are es-
sential when l.o\'ell steps to the lin-
crophone to try and paint his inas-
lerpiece. llle nucleus ot [oven is

llniiieasurahle amounts ol ilik
have been spilled over lovelt's
sell-admitted outwit-control poinpa-
dour that. especially In his early
days in Nashville. had that “Sunday
monimg M where's my paper. cig-
arettes tuid col't'ee" look to it.

And folks itisl won‘t husli about
l.o\ell‘s touch ol class. his peli-
ehalit for line clothes. cellos. his
role in '1 im Rohbiiis’ smash mime.
“lhe Player." and the unsolvable.

probleiiialic decision ol’ dL'L‘ldlltg il‘

he is country or liol , or it' not.
\\ hat music he is.

But it is l ovelt's l_\lics that draw
states of adoralloli. llis Vocabulary
is as expanse as his native state ot
’lexas, Wrapped iii acoustic guitar.
his l)l'lL‘\ can lake on the barren
loneliness ol the desert Southwest

oi. blanketed ili Ill)llll\ \Utll'
drenched singing. haiid»clapping_'
and brass. |.o\etl‘s sharp words can
be enveloped \s ith the sounds of the

As lovell “role in “(iood liiteii-
lions" lroin his (inilniiiy—wiiiiiing
Lrle Lowu (Hill his Large Band at








bum in NW. "It‘s one of those
day s,\\'lien tllose great ideas the)
lust seem to tail out on you/CAIN
the} al\\a_\s tall the greatest/When
you‘re falling all alone/ll makes tor
a good day tor some serious rellec-
lion/And massive nllioiiali/tllion/
l5or L'tltllclllplttllllg the future imd
last of the past."

Simple words iuid hundred dollar
ones spill onto l.o\ett's recorded

“And I like cretun in my cot‘t’ee/
And I like to sleep late on Sunday/
And nobody kiioxss me like lll_\
baby/And I like eggs over easy/
With tlour tortillas/And nobody
knoWs me like my baby." l.o\'ell
writes In "Nobody Knows Me."
from his ( iramlliy-vs inner.

While Lovell gels iiilrospeclixe
in his ballads. he is at his best when
taking a sarcastic bite olll ot' lit‘e's

Marriage ollen finds itself under
l.o\'ell‘s lyrical lens.

In "She‘s no lady." from Poll/i-
i’lt'. l.o\etl croons. "lhe preacher
asked her/And she said. 'I do‘/'l’he
preacher asked inc/And she said.
'ch. he does. l\)(l'ii.’\ll\l llle pletlctl
er said./‘| pronounce )ou ‘N to hle
She‘s no lad) She‘s )onr uitc ‘ "

“I Married ller ltist Because She
Looks lake You" is liilai'ious. sell-
esplaiiator) aiid strategicall)
placed beside l_o\'ett‘s haul-core
connli} rendition ol lammy Wyli-
etle‘s signature song. “Stand by


9‘ or F






Your Man." on tiis third album.

".‘\ll\l it I could loi'gixel'l'he hon~
to»iner Attempt at abstention/l
could loigise the rest. loo/lt‘s inst
a tact ot hte'lhal no oile caied lo
iiielition .\he nasal gixid/Blll she
had good intentions." |o\elt
cioons about niaiital inlidelil) on
"( iood lllletlllolls "

|o\etl. exen in his element sui-
rounded b) the .\lilscle Shoals horn
section. biilliailt pianist Matt Rol-
lines and tile big. huggahle blues
\lllchl li‘ancine Reed. seems en-
cased “till all aiskuat‘dly iuxtapo-
sttioiied. "Yeah. this is what hap-
pens \xhcn kids are left home
alone" look about him. come-wig:
the message that "country" siiigeis
shouldn‘t be ha\ in; this much tun

.-\l home in aukuardness. I own
exploits uncoiiitorlable moments in
relationships. pick—up lines. dealing
\\tlll rednecks. and L‘\Cll long:-
\\iiided Baptist preachers holding:
tip a hungry eonei‘egalion in
"l‘hurch." lrom his latest albtilli
./1’\/llltl./llt/‘\'t'\ Ii’aI/l

llls tiisl album. recorded ill I ,»\.
opens “Hit the song “Memphis."
Much has lhe classic thL'lllllfJ lines.
"lhe sun comes llP‘lll a cotl'ee cup
Waitress. please [We had enough "

“Ilellofl‘iii the en) \\ho sits ne\.t
to _\on=.\ntl leads the lieuspapel
t|\c‘t )tlllt \llillllilcli‘\\';i1[jl)iiii‘t lttlll
the page/l'iii not linishedfl lie is so

‘t\illi a
”lle‘IL l
.-\lli” lo\ell continues lll “Here 1
.v\lli.” \\ illi soine \ll the best \\iilteii
liialei’ial m mnsleal histoi_\

”lt Ioid is to t'he\iolel \\h.il
Hodge is to (‘hi_\slel \Vhal (\ltl'll
Makes me lo l’osl loaslies'\\’hat
tllc‘ t'lc‘tll' l‘lllt' \le I\ lt‘ the deep
blue sea.’\\’hal Hank Williams is to
Neil .\iliistion:( .iii you doubt ‘Ae H,
uei'e llldslc ltll ctltll Hlllcl' '“

untcilain.” loxell's



nei\oiis diliilij:

\i‘lll‘l‘c' thousand lllll'e s \xesloaid

l-roiii Klein. lens. a toun 3‘ . .

l' l H l the establishment took ollclise in
”H L‘ “”H' "I ””‘I‘m‘ 9“ i'lso when ih. seenunels tll‘e"»elclll
comes iliaderio-oidei \\|lll the ‘ '

l I \t ‘ t l 1 ll t' totsaid toumi'. |o\ell aiid his time
.o le . at s a e o llllllt l'l '
‘ ‘ poiiiitl liaiido came ioaiiii}:

biaiided in lcllo\\ lesaiis \Vilht



\oiii boots and walk out ol ltl_\ lite
leillle‘kls uoiiiali I can’t be no tow



Grammy Award-winning artist Lyle Lovett and his Large Band, featuring Francine Reed. will take
the stage at Memorial Coliseum at 8 tonight as part of SAB's concert series.

redneck \xoillaii'lake lhe oceaii'\lid it I had a pony llt
ride hiili on in) lsvat \llil and .tll
heail ellip-kickili‘ ix callitltil and co oill on the

meali.\le upoli in}

back lit}
polls on iiix


Nelson and Jerry ,letl Walker like
Nc‘lstllt Ill lltc l‘lhlls. lt>\cll ls
about I“ years ahead ot Nashnlle

.\aslo llle ksllt‘\ bla/ilie

ll\ lagged on l'edileekntss in
"l ll t liaek .\l_\ llealt " Will! the
tint s

classic “(me batk ltl} heail

L’lll paiadise” boat ” lyle‘ sang in “ll I had .i

t'iilike Nelson. lotell didn't l‘uoal." li‘oiii l’outiai \‘-ltlell he told
ha\e to sleep on the root at "loot .i \lx’t) audience on his l'wl‘liat
sie's” nailing on his break llo\\e\ loui. “Iliis is soil o1 .t slll_\ song: I

ei I well and other tll’ll\l\ like tel
Ion lesan Nanci (irillilh. k d lane
.llltl \te\c l.;ll‘lc. ha\e tell the \‘i‘lilr
iiess ot the Naslisille eoiiiiiiimiiy‘s
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lliat en\ elopes a wider audience

‘.\l\\le ll III in} paiainas 'l'.lll\‘t‘
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litle H

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espaliding illilid arid

\ett's flill llts poll} lils l‘mat and .i

illusle. lo

ocean ot people \\llll \\ lioiii to shale

"-\iiil it I had a boat I‘d go out on

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Cousins’ similarities easily recognized


‘. ‘- 1 ' Melt s MK'CLT 111. 11111 ( .tL‘1' 111111
b ’5. l l K \s. \\ttglttSt.1le. 111st 11.111. 1- 1)
' » ' \Vlltleitls

$11111 Wooten. l'K‘s 3‘1-11'111-11111
111'1111 1'11111'h 111111 11111'1'11 looks 21.
111.11.1's 11 1111111' John Skeeteis 1111
1111' heiieh. 111 the 11111111'

.\l111'1'te1's. N11 7. .1 sophotnoie
111111111'1111'r. \111st1's n11 tttne ”1.1111113:
111s ptesenee lelt. lle pltos .1 little
11111'nse lle pl;1)s eten more 111'
tense. 111' 1‘111'1't's 111s ground

l-1tst inipt‘ession’ liiipiessed
l’tett) good [11.1111 .\ls1'1'te1s lhe
n11111e lingers 111 1111' sitl11'11tis1‘1ons

[1111111111 /11!1'r

Women's soeeer 1111111'11. (‘11::1'
1'11'111. l'K 1's. (‘1111'1nn.1tt. titst 11.111.
1111 \1‘111‘1'

“'11111'11 | 11111111. l'l\"s he.i11 111.11'11:
protesstontil goalkeeper 111.1111's .1
”1011‘. (‘li11nss11 Skeeters 1111 1111'
heneli. 111 1111' gntne

Skeetet's. No 1. .1 tieshtii11n 11111
1111111. 111tstes 1111 ttttte 1111111”th het
presenee lelt, She 1111i1s 11 ltttle 111
t1'tts1 She pl1i_\s 1'11'11titot'edetense
She 1'1111'is her 34111111111

l'ttst ttnpresstoti' linpressed
l’iett) 1:1111111111111'1' Skeetet‘s SL111
1'11 ‘ \\ 1111 .\11ttnds 111111111111

11111' light 1111111 111.11111'nts 111 1111'

\111‘ (111116 11111 111 1111‘ )1111111‘ .11111
e111's1111't 1111.11k 111.1ss1st.1nt1'11.11h



JEFFREVBURLEWA..I.. 1.1111.1 111111111: .1 11111 111.1111“; 11.1111

Charissa Skeeters (above) and John Skeeters (below) are cou- ‘“ ""1 ‘1',” 5“".“‘ "1“" """ ""
sins who play for the women‘s and men‘s soccer teams re- “”“‘ l“ l " “N“ ‘ "' " \ "1““

spectively at UK. The pair possess a strikingly similar playing

1'I .1s11s .1111111\t11its11111 slt1111


11. s 1111 11111sitt "

\1ttiii;.' 1t stt.1t'.:ltt 111.1I‘s 111.11
\11'1'11'ts111111111'1 s11111't .11 [R 11111'
1‘11111'111' 111111 1s’1'1.t!1'11' “111‘
\\11til1l'\e 1111111111 Not 1111‘“ t1'.1tti
111.111's 111111e11111111li1's \.1t.111 .\1111
ll\1lll. sophotnote 111111111'1111'1. 1111
elite (‘11111'11 Boone. likemse N111


1’1 111." 1111' sttntl.1ttli1s 111 then
:1111111's 1111' hlttt11ntl} 11'1'11e111/11hl1'




1&0 w
By Lance Williams
Staff Writer
l..'1d_\' Kttts soeeer 1'11111'11 \\'.111e11
.. I 1111111 stnd it will he llllL'lt'\llllf_' 111
see how 11111 111 111s 1111111'1s 1‘1'111'1
during today's 31111111' 111 None
1.. Both K1111 [311111 111111 Nieole

Rtt/skowski ztre 1111111 South Bend.
11111.1111111111‘ 1112111113: 1111111 11111111' tor
the ltt‘sl time,

1 tpkti's str1it1'ey1te11inst 1111' lrish
17—4-11 will he to 1'11111111'11111 Nott‘e
|).'1nt1"s te1iin speed 111' doesn‘t
1111111 to 111111111 11111 1'1nl1 111111 11'1
them take control 111 the game

“They 11re1i yer} 111st 11'11111.” l.tp~
1111 \1‘1111 “We \\1llllL‘tl 111 get 11131.1-
111/1'11 delensivel) Inst. .11111 then




" .. e, ”'1‘ "~453- ’ 1 . w' ' 1 ' ’ T. ‘_ ~ " e11s1'intoottr1111'1'11st11'1111111'ks"
‘ ' 1 ., ' ~ «I; 'w I ”'“’° . Whom ...,. ~ ’{ 11'3"" 9 I ipk11 s111d 111111. 11 111s tetttn is 111111'
e .1 . . s
JEFFREY BURLEWL '11 ' ' "'11“



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Mark Sonka
Kernel Columnist



(‘o11eh Wooten 1111 John. "111' 11.1s
\1't1s1111ne 1le1enst\e sl1111|s "

(1111111 1 11111111111 (‘h.111ss.1 ".\h1"s
.111'1) good 111'11'ns11e 11111111 "

Wooten on John: "He's got 53111111
\[11‘1‘11 "

[11111111111 ('11111‘1ss11: "She's .1 \1'1;
111111111 player."

'l‘e111111111111'1‘lint Stnets 1111 .1111111:
"livery tune he steps 1111 the 111'111.
he pl;t_1.s his 111'111111111 "

l‘1'1itnnttite Reel.) 51111111111111: 1111
(‘h11rtss;t: “She'll 1111111» he11t 111'1
person to the 111111 It‘s 11111' 11 person

Wooten 1111 John: "lle's shone 1111
[11111113 ..

\pnnlding 1111 (‘11.111ss.1' “.\h1"s .1
111;: 1111111, .i|1\1i_\s littttttt~ people
1 \et'_\11n1"s s1‘.11e1l11l 111'1 "


|he_\ 111111 1111' s.1tn1' s111e11t e.1tn1'
111'1'.111se 1111'1‘11' [11.11111 the suite
13.11111' 1111') 1111111111111 .1e.1tttst 11111'
.11111thet’ tit 1111111111111 s1111'1't .1s 1'11'
tnent.1t1 s1'111111l1'1s

.-\t Vottlt lltit'dtti High School.
1'lt.1tiss.1 111111111 llttee _\1'.11s111 me-
111 11111111'1'11'1'111'.1111 "It 111.1111' 1111'
11111-31111” she 1'\11|.11111'11

\'11\\.i1l.11s.111111111111 1111s} se111'11~
11 111.11 1111' when 1111111 h.1s 11.111'111'11
(lt.1ttss.t 111111 Hits 11.11 (‘11.111ss.1
.11111111 1111 s.11111' 1111. ll spend 1111
1111111111 s 11111111111 1 1|.1111s\"l\ 111':
(illllsllll.1\ 11111 [11.11 s .11111111 it

111 1111' 1111'1111111111 1111s 11'1111111'1
\\111 111111111111 111 \isit 1 .11'1' l 11'111 1111
the 111'\l 1111111111111 s11 111 11.11111 11111
111 the most 11}ll.ll11|1 .11111 11111111111
1111' s111’1'e1 pl;1_\'ets .it l'ls'. \111'1'11'ts
111111 Skeelet‘s

\(HIHI \ml/ 11‘11/1/ 1] 111 \11'11111
,I lititllltl/HH. 111.1111 .111' 11.111111.
K1 Hte/ 17111111111111

Two Kats will be at home
on South Bend soccer trip

11111111} solid 111'1111se 1111 1111' 111st 1117
11'1'11111111'1'1111 minutes [I 11111 1'1111-
1111' 1111' pl11_\1'ts 111 st.itt \1111k111}: 111111
tlt1'111ilens11e[11111111 1111' 11.11111'

Roselltt (1111111111. .1 None lltitne
It‘esltnttin. h11s lll eonls 111111 111111 11s-
.st.st.s and 1111s 111'1'111111' 11 serious
threat 1111s setison

"1(1111‘11'11’111 possesses 11111111
speed. We 1111' ms! eoitie 111111111'111
111111 11 1111} 111 11111111111 het." 1.1111111

1111' 1.1111) K1its 113* 111111' 1.111111;
tltetr first steps .1s .1 1.11s”) 11'.nn
this s1'11s11ti. .11111 ( 11.1111 1 1111111 s1111l
that 1111' t1'11tn 1s s1111\\lllf_' Itselt 111'}

“I'm \1'1‘} 111111111 .11 \1111'11' 111-.111'
lljllll non." s11111 111111.1111111111': th.'it
l'K 1111s been 111111'111111111 1111111'11'
r) 11'1itn s111111 tltts se.1s11n

Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday October 14. 1997 - 3


Ticket distribution
today at coliseum


Staff reports



Student tieket 111stitl1titt11ti 1111 the (111113111 111111 \11ss1ss1m1i Stgitt'
111111111111entitesheettis11111.11 .11 Mentor 1111 1 ‘1111se11111

l'K “111111.11(11111111111111,34111311111 11nd .\11ss1ss11'-[11 \11111'111'1 11
111811.111. Both games .111'111(\111111111111111'11111151111111111

Director 111' t'\1llllllll\ll'.1ll\L‘ H1't\111's 1111111111 \1111s s.1t11 111111111 111'-
111111111 for tiel1ets 111 the (ieorem etiine is “ten Inch“ 111111 111111111111'11
11111! he \1'11til1lstt111 1111111 1111s 11'111”s p11li1'_\ 111 111111111 stlhng 111111.111111'11
student tiekets to the general puhlie on Monday

"ll1etie11re1.1e111111'1s.111n11st11eoinpletesellout 1.11111 [11111111 111111'ts."
Shles .s1111l).e.st1'11l.t_\ ”thlitltt1'1'1l.11s1111 1111'sltt1l1tttst1-t111 11 1111111111
tickets.tlieyshonld1111\1'111ent'. 111 1111111 11'tunitt1's 11‘ em 1111-111

“Monday. the 111111 111111‘1' 11111 111'111111itie to us, .11111 111' 11111 2111'
them some ot the 111'111'ts 111111 111111111 1111' 11111111 1111 .\11 1 11191 .111 1111'
students. 1111111 111111 [111111 the 1111111111111' week"

As 11111.11 s. students innst present 1.111111111'11 l is 11 ‘1. .11111 sienetl .1111\-
it) ettttls .11 1111' “1111‘! 11111111111 1" the 111|ts1'iittt 111 11'11'111' tt1’k1'ts 1111
tlteittsehes 1.11‘11 stud1'1111'.1n 1111‘11 tip 11 1111111 1111 11111 111111'1 student 11;.
presenting: 111111 student's 11‘1 111111 111111111 1'11111 (1111's1 ttekets \1111 111'
ittitilzthle'llntts1l11_\ 111.1111stut \H 1111 11111/11111' s1'.1ts.1tt11\l\1111 st.i
11111111 setits.

llte ticket 111111‘1' 1st [1111 ‘l .1 111 11 «111111 111111111.1\s

li1'11e1 tltsnthntioti 1111 1111' \111111'111111 1.1111111111211111 .\11\ " .111 111117
1111111111'. 11111 \11 111111111 \1111 111;: 111 1 I11 ‘.\





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Independent Since I971


Editorial Board f
.00 l
Gregory A. Hall, Editor in Clucf l
Joe llraun. Editonal Editor i
Jerry Vorgt, Editorial Cartoonist