xt7rn872zg3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rn872zg3p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1998 1998 1998-04-01 2020 true xt7rn872zg3p section xt7rn872zg3p  



t0 than/e Wildcats

for champions/72])

By Jill Erwin

Senior Staff” 'r/tt'r

“hen the National Champion
banner was displayed last night in
Rupp .-\rena. .‘\steria Steele was
just glad she could be there.

S e had one request wlten the
title game started.

“Oh Lord. not another close
one." she said. “Not another over—

\Vith the Cats down by ten at
the break. Steele and seven others
piled into a van in llarlan (Io. on
a direct route to the team wel-
come in Rupp. The van was
stuffed to the maximum with ran—
dom family members and friends
sitting in every available spot,
including Charity \Vilkerson tak—
ing tip a piece of carpet at everys
one's feet.

“'hen the buzzer went off and
UK was chain iion once again, the
van had to make an emergenCV )it
stop on the side of the road for
fear all the screaming and cele-
brating would force it there other—

“It was so much adrenaline,"
Steele said. “Everyone was shout—
ing and screaming."

The group got in line at 1 ant.
and were the fourth group there.
The result: front row seats for
Steele's first-ever visit to Rtipp.

“It’s so big," she said, looking
around at the ierseys hung over-
head. “l'm just so amazed."

The Cats piled out ofthe char-
ter bus. led by Coach Tubby
Smith, and headed into the circle
of chairs. \Vith Kool and the
(gangs “Celebration" piped into

I 3 I

the arena, the center of the circle
became an impromptu Soul Train
exhibition, with Saul Smith and
Cameron .\lills running the cam-

il‘he dancing wasn‘t the only
emotion expressed at the team's
return frotn San Antonio. From
the second he stepped off the bus,
Scott l’adgett never set down the
championship trophy. \Vhen he
was announced to the crowd, he
cradled it like a baby. He carried it
with him when the championship
banner was raised. He held it in
his lap when he was listening to
Tubby speak.

\\'hen Coach Smith was intro-
duced and invited to the micro-
phone, the crowd and players
erupted into a standing ovation
lasting more than a minute, with
the now-expected chant of
u'l‘ubby, 'l‘ubby" thrown in for
good measure.

Tubby gave thanks to his wife,
Donna, for all of her support, and
then. as if the people of the state
didn't love him enough, he
thanked them as well.

“The outpouring here and the
love affair that yott all have for
Kentucky basketball and for this
program is unbelievable and sec-
ond to none," Smith said.

The three seniors took their
tttrn addressin the crowd, with
all fighting back the emotion that
was evident in their 5 eeches.

Allen Edwards. w 0 has played
through the pain he felt in the
death of his mother, thanked the
fans for the numerous letters of
support he received at the difficult



Lexington ”now: See (flint/1m. page 3.

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HOIIE HILER ki‘t'nr/ at!"

film R ”00008 The Crltsjoitted together (If the (ml nfthe t't't't'mmn' to lwnt the l 995’ .\‘(.'.‘l.‘l (.‘hilttt/nmnh/p
banner into the rafter with the University‘s six others.

“Some I still haven't finished
readin Edwards said. “It's been
a wonderful four years for myself.
I don't think it could have been

_leff Sheppard remembered the
support he has been given as well.

“I never played a game at Ken-
tucky where there weren't a lot of
tans." he said. “I thank you."

Cameron Mills said he wanted
to express his thanks to Tubby.

“I don't think ou'll ever know
how much our relationship means
to me," he said as he pointed to
his coach.


Mills then took it one step fur»
ther, and thanked 'l‘ubby's prede—
cessor. Rick l’itino.

“l want to thank Rick for teach»
ing not only \I. Shep and myself,
bttt the rest ofthcse guys out here.
how to play this game."

Signs of support for the team
were abundant. from the usual
“\Ve Are the Champions" to the
more creative “Notorious CATS
Always Awesome". Even .\th|etics
Director (LM. Newton was
immortalized on posterboard.
with credit given to the lob he's
done: “Newton's Law: “ways

.. . em.» ‘

l‘ilrst (:lass."

\cwton returned the love to
the fans in attendance.

“'l‘hc l‘nncrsit} of Kentucky
has truly made inc so proud."
Newton sud. “You are the great-
est fans in the world."

Donna Smith. who was given
what was believed to be the
first—ever “National Coaches
\Vife of the Year" Award, had
lust one thing to say to the
crowd who rewarded her devo-
tion with yet another standing

“You all are awesome,"




April 1, 1998

o (.‘umpw 2 Diversion: 4
Z (Jasrrfirdr 7 Sport: 5

(.‘ruxm'ord 7 Vlfll‘potfl! 6



to greet

By Jill Erwin

Senior Staff H 'mrr

Corey Crawford doesn’t
believe in tempting fate.

So be, along with around 1,000
other people, waited for the
national champion UK basketball
teatn to arrive at Keeneland yes—

Crawford did not make the
trip to welcome the team back
after the 1996 title, and didn't
want to make the same mistake

“Most people only get one
chance," said Crawford, an inte-
grated strategic communications
iunior. “I’m goin to Rupp when
I'm done here, Eecause I don’t
want to let this chance slip by

Further down the blue-and-
white line were Elizabeth and
Candi Dunn of Versailles. Candi
had a blue-and—white ompom
stuck through the back) of her
blue UK hat, entwining with her

Elizabeth had a rougher night
than some. After finally getting to
sleep, she had to be at work at
6:30 a.m. for her tour of duty as a
school bus driver.

Another mother who didn't get
much sleep was Renee \Vashing-

She tnade the trip with her
daughter, Ariane. and son, DJ.
Renee had to be at work at 6 am.
and didn't hit the sheets until
around 1:30. Too much excite-

“1 don't think I was breathing
for a second there," Renee

Not everyone there to wel-
come the team back was from
the greater Lexington area, how-

Amanda Reynolds and Melanie
llagans, sophomores at More—
head State University, came to
town with a total of seven hours

See AIRPORT on 3

Law] stores

By Matthew May

xlmrmm Sports Editor

After the nets were cut down,
the interviews done, Celebration
(Zorner cleared and cleaned, the
real frenzy began.

Now comes the mad dash for
L’K's W98 NCAA Championship
apparel, and everyone is cashing in
on the (Iats‘ seventh title. and the
second in the last three seasons.

just after the final buzzer sound-
ed, ensuring UK of its title, the T-
shirts, hats and other memorabilia
were being rushed 05 the presses
with never-before-seen fury.

Almost as quickly as the pro-
duction was the desire of people
not only in Lexington, but nation-
wide, to t their sweaty hands on
a piece ofihe UK championship.

See "m on I




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V: Itxpect the unexpected.

Lexington's 29—year-old may-
oral cam idate \Villiam McGinnis

Immanuel Baptist Church

suggested donation $10 00



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answered the door in flip—flops, cut-
offkhaki‘s and a button—down shirt.

Immediately, he be an talking
about his plan to builtllup down—
town. .\lc(iinnis wants the area to
offer a greater variety of services
and entertainment.

“I want to make it look like it is
not a ghost town," he said.

To accomplish this, McGinnis
proposes more. More available
parking that's free. More street
activity. .\Iore vendors. More
shopping, and a tnodern theater
showing It) movies. He thinks
these changes will positively affect
businesses that ttiight stay open
longer, drop prices and make
downtown tnore attractive.

.\Ic(.'innis is surely an unex—
pected candidate for mayor.

Ilorn and raised in Lexington,
he graduated with a finance
degree from [K in I991 and con-
siders himself an entrepreneur.
Ile has started three companies
since two. one production corn—
pany and two service-oriented
companies. Though he has never
been involved with politics iii the
past. he said he is enthusiastic
about starting his political career.

“I have always wanted to be
involved with politics because I have
always been interested with the way
politics work," .\Ic( iinnis said.

Politicians serve special inter-
ests and the people, and he thinks
this is wrong. saying, “I will serve
the people and the people only."

One way he wants to serve the
people better is through funding
programs innovatively and without


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Mellinnis says
youth can lead

using tax dollars. McGinnis is
mainly concerned with the Fayette
County Correctional Institute.
.\Ic(}innis says the new institute
bein built on Frankfort Pike,
whic will cost about $15 million
per year to operate, doesn't need
money from tax—payers.

“It can be done. If someone tells
me I can't do it, I tell them I can
and I will because where there’s a
will there’s a way,” McGinnis said.

How? Make the inmates eco-
nomically productive, McGinnis
said. Other prisons have done this
in the past by such jobs as making
license plates.

This would make it possible for
the inmates to learn a trade and pay
for their stay in prison. This can
appeal to inmates who, for example,
could make 100 “gadgets" a day for
money, and if they choose, make
100 more “gadgets" and receive
certain material rewards.

“People have already been vic-
timized by the crime, and then
they are victimized again by hav-
ing to pay the taxes for the crimi—
nals to live,” McGinnis said.

This Ian would save millions
in tax dollars, which he says can be
used to improve downtown or
social programs.

Mdiinnis wants to initiate a fam-
ily court that would have a central
unit for various social programs to
report to. This system could track
tax dollars as well as the progress and
validity of the money being spent.

“People are overtaxed by the
local, federal and state govern»
ments, and that doesn't need to be
the case," he said.

McGinnis hopes his stance on
“using every two dollars to the
fullest," his enthusiasm about the
position and his genuine concern
for the city and its people will pull



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"ONE NILE“ Krnn'l rm”

GOING Hm II All H 71/ .UrGimzir IX running for mayor ofLexingron.

him through the primary in May.
He has some tough competition
from current mayor Pam Miller
and council member Chuck
Elinger, who both have years of
experience in Lexington politics.
“\Vhy should you vote for a
young man who runs an entertain-
ment business that sends out strip—

pers?” McGinnis said.

He answers by quoting “'in-
ston Churchill: A man who is in
his 205 and not liberal has no
heart, and a man in his 405 who is
not conservative has no mind.

“I am passionate about making
good changes,” McGinnis sait.
“And the time is right."


learn to SIII‘VIVG COIIBQB online

Service models itself after the movie ‘Animal House”

By Delmar Watkins
Sniff ll ’riter

Students can now navigate
through their problems online.

A new website, http://wwwani-
malhouse.com, is an online guide
to college survival.

“The people at
animalhousecom thought that
there were no web sites devoted to
the problems that college students
find important," said Stephanie
Rudnick, of Edelman PR \Vorld-

wide. “They are making the
resources they wish were available
to them in the ’70s and '80s”

“\Ve are trying to make a corti-
tnunity for college students, and our
technology can make life a lot easi-
er," saidjay Samit, president of Ani-
malhousecom, which gets its name
from the cult movie, Animal House.

The site has several areas that
students might find useful. ()ne
section of the site has a TV guide
and schedule maker, allowing stu—
dents to plan their TV watching






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around studying time.

Another page has a place to sub-
tnit resumes and writing samples.
Rudnick said almost 1,000 compa—
ny sponsors have agreed to look at
resumes from the site, including
Microsoft, CBS Sportsline, Daily
Variety, Tribune Media Services,
\Vomen's \Vire and Cotntntouch.

A termpaper database allows
students to get ideas and examples
for effective essays. Shopping and
cooking databases lists recipes and
coupons to make picking tip food

Pages including the latest news
allows students to “Break away
frotn the microcosm that they
sometimes feel themselves cuter,”
Rudnick said.

The travel page ives weather
information to travelers. as well as
a carpool bulletin board.

Most of the content of the site
comes frotn students, however.

With students input, animal-
house.com will have the best infor-
mation on “where to park illegally
on campus, where to pound the
cheapest slammers and chow down
the greasiest burrito," Rudnick said.

“\Ve want to fill the site tip with
stuff frotn the students' campus,
from the best place to hangout to
the best and worst professors."

One main advantage of the site
is the ability to communicate with
friends in other places, Samit said.

Animalhousecom allows college
students to communicate in several
ways, includin free e-mail for life,
classified ads, ice uncensored web
space, a ‘buddy list‘ that tells you
when friends are online and the
ability to use voice/video conferenc-
ing over the Internet for free, said
(Ire Kauhnan, campus administra-
tor ftgir .»\nimalhouse.com.

“It‘s neat to see people makin
web pages, sendin mail throuin
buddy lists, and fil ing up the site
with content," Kaufman said.

“You can call all of your friends
and it won't cost you a dime,"
Samit said.

Currently UK does not have a
representative on the site. The
representative is in charge of get-
ting tuore peo Ie to add content
to the site, antrin return can win
free long distance calls and other
incentives, Samit said.

Each student who signs up to
the site is asked to be representa—
tives until they fill the position.

“A lot of services charge money
for the content we give college
students," Kaufman said, “and
they don't have the same attitude
that we have."



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Fans mid businesses
for UK momenfoy
Finn; PAGE 1

(larol Behr. manager of
Kennedy‘s Bookstore. said yester~
day's demand for merchandise was
at a fever pitch.

“Sales are going absolutely
great. stupendous." Behr said.
“-\lmost all otour merchandise is
here right now. but we will get
more in."

Kennedy's has anything and
everything a die—hard L'K cotild
possibly want from this year's stir—
ring title run. llehr said.

“\Ve have T—shirts in 17 differ—
ent designs, almost all of which are
here now.“ Behr said. “\Ve also
have championship hats. vests.
windbreakcrs, sweatshirts, long—
sleeve T—shirts and glassware. such
as shot glasses and mugs."

The shirts at Kennedy‘s come
in youth and adult sizes. and range
in cost from S] 1.99 (for youth) to
$15.99 and up (adult sixes). Shot
glasses are $4.49 a piece. which is
much less expensive than the
embroidered sweatshirts. which
ring up at a pricey $79.9”.

Despite the expense of some of
the items. ['K fans have not given
a second thought to shelling out
dollars for their beloved (Iats.

“Two years ago. there was not a
huge trenyy," llehr said. “But we did
sell merchandise through the entire
summer, which I expect again. The
big thing so far has been mail orders.
\\'e have had people from all over
the country calling in orders and
paying Federal lixpress a lot of
money for overnight delivery."

The [K Bookstore has also
seen a flurry of activity surround—
ing its championship merchandise.

“Sales have been very good for
the first day," ['K Bookstore titan-
ager Dave Mulberger said. “\\'e
have gotten about l0—12 styles of
Shirts in and sold otit of {our of
those. \Vc received 3,000 shirts
and have sold three—fourths of
those, along with 600 hats."

Fans should not worry about the
enormous number of sales cleaning
out the racks. .\lnlberger said.

“\\'e still have a lot to come in
yet,“ Mulberger said. “Sweatshirts.
pullover jackets. giftware and glass-
ware take a few days to get in. \Ve
will also get tiiore shirts."

Mulberger said several storc
employees came in to work at 4
a.m. to prep-are for the hectic day.
and they opened the doors before
7 a.m. because fans were waiting
to get shirts. He expects the trend
to continue for days to come.

“This week. into next week will
be very busy." he said. “Several
employees have told tne that today
has been much busier than when
we won in NW). but that was due
to too much selection then.

“This year we have seen cus-
tomers leaving with up to nine of
the same shirts and have sold over
W at a time to some people
through mail-order."

m; 2—: m“



Students, film/bin
at Keenelmzd m
["17th PAGE 1

of sleep between them. llagaiis
was lucky enough not to have
class. but Reynolds decided to

HOME HllER [\rmr/ ‘IIIH

take .i personal day to cheer on
the (jats,

“\Ve inst want to welcome the
(Iats back and con ratulate them
on their championship." Reynolds

\ndra Nichols. a December
graduate of [K with a master's
in social work, was there as

She w as serving as chaper-
one for the HTS program, an



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CELEBBAIION 81‘1"," I 'K'vflmmi/l ling/wry (Iii/ii \rm/lol Hf] i/a l'lli I/w.t nmm/ r/ir team into

risk teens.
\\'ith her was one of the I‘

program for at—

children. Mart uino (Iollins of

(Irawlord Midi le School.

ul like N31," (iollins said.
“l le‘s good."

Another youngster in the crowd
was one—year-old (Iody \\'ayne
(on. who was there with his great—

grandfather. David Street. of
’rankt’ort. (lox was dressed from

Rupp .‘liwm [ml "lg/t]. .1141


head to toe in \Vildcat blue.

\Vell. almost.

()n hls lcct were l‘illiio sliocs.

“He has some [is shoes. but
he likes these better." Street said.

Street said he bad faith iii l'K
all along. but was surprised at the
level at which the\ attained their
goals. '

“They did It better than I
thought they would." Street said.
“I‘m just thrilled."

g/u/n' lit/(I mare flu/II 4/ 4/Vilm'lilolhl'II' in i ( /(’/'Iilft‘ m In [ire/{lived [/‘1' (jars
INN/It] :rm If Ill/II, fl’l’ beginning riff/tr moon. I'M rel/”1 [wilt/It'll (luring NV New (fa/i) in s/mti‘ its
Nil/Iv. l 'K (fmIr/i iii/(NW Slim/i (ti/WIT) li/lggct/ ‘l/i ll ‘i/«lu/i‘ ”I” Rem/1M .lm‘mq I/u' reremmiy.

Renee \Vashington had only
one thing toing through her
mind u hen t c final aner went

“lhey did it." she said. “I
couldn‘t believe it. They did it.
They did it "

(‘raulord decided to do that
one better. and make a predic-

“\Ve're gonna do it again next










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local band is
music scene


r: 31*. _..._. a. -

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0A8 WIINDEIIKINDS Lexingmn—lta.\'ed Tim [tits f/M‘ mar/c u‘it/J its latest release. ‘Gei'man Engineering. ‘ The CD can be purchased at any ofTim's ronreni‘.

By Brian R. Gilbert

Senmr Sraffifrim

Lexington's local music scene
has witnessed its share of changes
and transformations in the last few

The closing of various local
iiitisic cltibs such as The \Vrock-
lage aiid_ll)l‘s. and the disappear-
ance of many prominent local acts
have spurred much criticism over
the state of music affairs iii the

Although for the last five years
one local mainstay has continued
to thrive and progress. helping to
keep local music alive in Lexing-
ton. On its first full—length (ll).
German l‘iiig/neering. 'l‘iin shows
why hard work and determination
always payoff

Formed in the spring of 1993,
Tim has since grown musically
and professionally. .-\fter countless
house parties. demos .iiid seven-
inch records. the band releases its
first independeiit~|abel effort on
\'ital (log Records. German Iii/gi—
neering. an indie—rock. distortion

utopia. perfectly sums tip the
band's work to date.

In 45 minutes of kinetic energy
and musical ingenuity. Tim pulls
the listener into a thick. noise-
filled emotional state and does not
release until the last chord is

The opening track on the
album. “Flashlight Charm." is an
incredibly melodic number that
emphasizes the many strengths of
the band. \Vith distorted. driving
guitars. a bouncy rhythm section
and lead singer/guitarist Rob
Young's perfect emotional wail.
“Flashlight" opens the album with
high—eiiergy and indie-rock intel-

Another defining song on the
album is “Ignition." Combining
slow and tetider emotional feel
with the sheer intensity and
power of swirling guitars and
cymbal crashes. “Ignition" itimps
back and forth from quiet .iiid
delicate to lotid and explosive, .-\s
guitarist \Vill litirchard carefully
controls the quiet moments. it
feels as if a fuse is being lit. and as

the band joins in. a blow-up

Along with the full-force. live-
lier tracks. German Engineering
contains some softer. more sensi-
tive songs. The poetic and sincere
“Hang Nail Failure“ is
probably the most
interesting track on
the album.

Never letting up
with the intensity or
emotion. Tim presents
a unique balance on


and soothing rhythm provide for
the only tranquil moments on the

()n the whole. German Engi—
neering is ftill of great songs.

This is Tim‘s evolution and it
is something for the
band to relish. ()ther
tracks such as
“Drawi.” “Better (iet
Used to It. Sunbeam"
and “Knee-jerk" only
serve to demonstrate
how talented these







the song that shifts Wrewe'w four guys really are.
between the smooth V Engineered to per—
and structured side ****I/2 fectioii. ’l‘im finds a
and the raw and (our office) clarity in the chaos of
dynamic side of the distortion. (lifted
band. songwriting. loads of
“Presidential ‘Geman energy and pure emo—
Rtiler" and “Rural Engineering’ tion make this the
l‘ilectric" are also suc— im best release by a local
cessful in their subtle- (Vital Cog) act in ti‘-"L5
ty. 'l be slow and Support local
deliberate tracks pro- music in Lexington
vide for a notable and help Tim by pick—

change in momentum. adding to
the diversity of the (ll).
Both songs‘ moderate tempo

iiig tip German Engineering at the
band's next show. You will be
doing yourself a favor.


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Columbia and ms

. I J mt 1am! Pratt

Sony Pictures I'illlL‘rliil-ltlllcnl
said Monday that it combined
(Ioluiiibia Pictures and TriStar
Pictures into one studio. .1 move
aimed at unifying film production
under a single brand name.

TriStar. producer of the hit
romantic comedies. A7erry
.Uagaire and .‘IX (iota/41X II Geri.
will become .i part of (Iolunibia
in the restructuring. which
includes the business. legal and
story departments of the two

“This restructuring is about a

smarter. more creative way to do
business." said‘lohn (lalley. pi'esi»
dent and chiefoperatiiig officer of
Sony Pictures.

The goal. he said, was to
increase production to 30 to 34
films per year.

By combining the production
depai'tiiients. he said. “we will be
able to concentrate the efforts of
the very talented people we have
working on both sides of the lot
and accomplish the ambitious
program of films we have

(Ioluinbia l’resident :\iny l’as—
cal will run the combined opera-


l'uu are (India/Ty invited in (I):
\Villiam '1'. Young Library
Opening and

Dedication Ceremony

Friday, April 3
I l:00 a.iii.

franmvl \pml-rr
Reverend Theodore W. I'Icsbiitgh, (LSL

I’tcs‘itlt ti' l-mrtmis, ( nis't‘rsit's of None Danie




Please also join us for
Guided Yburs and Rifles/”news
during the

Faculty, Staflé“ Students

Open Home

Monday, April 6
9:00 a.m. -


4:00 p.m.

ar SIIIIIIDS merge


(Iliristopher Lee. president of

prodtictioii at TriStar. will hold
the same title at the new studio.

The change will boost Sony's
visibility with moviegoers by pre—
senting films under a single name.
said analyst David
llotilihaii Lokey Howard St
Zukin in Los Angeles.

The public often fails to associ-
ate the studios with their parent.
he said.

“The management team that's
been in place on the business side
has moved ahead in some innova—
tive ways." he said. “This appears




11:00 AM TO 3:00 PM


Ili mama...“ mmwmmtmonn m




, . w..t»2* our... «-

Davies of


to be part oftheir overall strategic

TriStar began in we: as a ioint
venture by (loluinbia. CBS Tele-
vision and Home Box Office.
TriStar and (Iolumbia were purA
chased by Sony in 198‘).

TriStar productions include
Rambo: First Blood Part 3. Total
Recall. Terminator 3:]iidgmenr Day
and Basic Instincr.

(Iolunibia. which celebrates its
75th anniversary next year. was
established in 1934 and produced
such films as Gltantli. The [.as!
Emperor. Lau'renre th‘ir/llilil and .~l
Alan/hr sill .S'easons.


Advertise in
the Kernel.



















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[Jr-X [our pain“. :3.

By Rob Herbst
Spurn Editor

SAN ANTONIO — “'hen Tubby Stnith
came to Lexington to be the head Cat. there
were a few rumblings about the race factor.

.\ small minority questioned ifhe could win
like a certain Italian-American coach now with
the Boston Celtics.

All Stnith did was win a national champi—
onship and buried a race question in a casket.

“That never crossed my mind." Smith said.
“I was happy for our players, happy for my staff
because this program is tnore than just .1 bav
ketball program. it is really a way of life and
people to live and breathe Kentucky basketball.

I'm just happy to he a small part ofit.

Personally it‘s great and gives me great sat-
isfaction,“ Smith said. “lt is hard to tell what
we have accomplished. I asked (L'K .-\thletic
Director) C..\l. Newton. ‘Did we really win
the nation-.1] chatnpionship?’ Someone pinch
me. l'm not sure how l would react about win~
ning this thing.”

But Smith did consider not coming to Ken-
tucky —— not because of the so—called race
issue. But because of family.

“hen Smith left (ieorgia and headed off
for the Bluegrass, his son, (1.6.. decided it
was best to stay at Georgia rather join dad
at UK.

“He really wrestled with that one for a
while," said the UK freshman point guard

». , Saul Smith. 'l‘ubby's other son. “Should he
really go to Kentucky when his son is going to
stay at the L'niversity ofGeorgia?

“The race thing was never a problem. it
only degraded the Kentucky fans saying that
race is a problem. Kentucky fans are great
fans and they only see two colors ~ blue and
white. If you don’t win you're not a good
coach. Plain and simple. But family was an

E Second In command

' \Vinning a national championship gets you
plenty of accolades and fame. But it doesn‘t
get you a call from President Bill Clinton.

But at least the vice president gave the Cats
a call.

Vice President Al (iore called and congrat»
ulated the “'ildcats on their national champi—
onship. L’K head coach Tubby Smith talked
to Core for a few minutes in the lock