xt7rr49g7g4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7g4k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19120208 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 4, No. 20, February 8, 1912 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 4, No. 20, February 8, 1912 1912 2015 true xt7rr49g7g4k section xt7rr49g7g4k I Y
_ ••< ·~ »
  Vol. IV LEXINGTON, KY., FEB. 8, 1912 No, 20  
‘ I
3 Central Massacred Lvccum Course Amendment Qui- GU-]S Win
1 ·· · C 1 t1on ’—
MAKES 10_ i _ Girls and Boys to Vote Separately on SCORE OF 19 T0 4- SATURDAY
Have Good programmm By-Laws Referring to Dishonor- AFTERNOON.
SECOND TEAM PLAYS WELL able Conduct—Executlve Mem- ~——
-—; Promptly at 8 o’clook next Saturday bers T; Bc f*;m¤*=¤ by Sh°W "“P"°V°d F°*‘m·
One time, but that time is Dash HOW. night a company of nine young men °mmI_°°' ·—-——
State had a "yell" Whi€h Wéht S0m‘°· forming a Singing band and brass T , 1 _ 1 , I The girls‘ bask<·l-hall roam played
thing like this; "Well, well, well, iS] choir will render a new and unique M) amemmemé {aw wen pm- their second gamcof the season Satur-
tnlg Central,   and never could I programme of songs, choruses, read-   t?“_t]:n;.0ITmt;;lfzl_;f ighe esi; day afternoon, when they mot, and no
that have been more &DD1‘¢>D¤’i¤i€lY ings and instrumental music. Judging t 1.     the ` f Q d _m H the tune ot lil to 4, "put it over" Som-
gald than on last Thursday night- Cen- from the press comments this ought of lmuggi ?§$nl{S1O2an 50ml; l erset High School, in the Armory.
tm] came, proud, but notwithstanding, to be one of the most enjoyable even- §;;im;)dya ag]? wssgewfgzl (fl Shu; Our girls showed much better forrn
with Some indescribable feelings Of ings of the course. mw; referring to dishonomile CO: in this game, which attested their
boding evil, as evidenced in her DIM'- The following is a partial pro- duct Of both boys and gms by havmn hard work since their flrst game. And
  ing, nn;] when State finally got through gramme: mam vote on Such bylaws Separate]; their earnestness is demonstrated by
t running up her Score to 52 DOWNS. C- The purpose of the Second is UO pmi the fact that they would forego the
4 U. realized just exactly how well . ._ . . . pleasures of the T. B. P. dance the
1 · » -, ’ I b t f .
é grounded her misgivings were- Every I M } I [ { _ __\ \ ,    gmaa n€;;;:)€I;*;?‘;;8°€x;:£;;2';’; night before, in order to be in condi-
' one oi State’• play•rs played 8. good — mince is disloval b leavin his dis- tion to do their best the next day.
?» ‘ game while Ce·ntra.l’s players seemed · · Y 8 That is the spirit which is ju tly re-
. ‘ to be; nervous and lacked tho c0uu_ _ » missal to the committee instead of to warded with victory
Q 9; gs his class. Th se a end ent ar i '
. dence which helps a team throw goals.     keeping with she Sgrit IE th; mist; The Somerset High School gms
l d Wingo played the best » ·  
{ Ramlay an     Lb ' J tution though not specifically stated, played °' g°°d game- but could do
{ g°m° mr tm vilimm but they were   {   and are calculated to aid in the bet- nmhmg at all with States gms- wh°
' ungggigted and their efforts WGN in ‘ t f threw oals alm st t ·ill th d
l , I · ter execution of its regulations. g ° a “ · 9 guar 8-
2 v°'i¤' On the other hud Smtozwhog The amendments are as follows: as Om was h€°·"d· after the game- to
i team Dliwéd i086¤h6¤‘ $8 ¤· unt- U1 Y -~ ¤ . ’ remark, having "a regular pink tea
Buch mam work as Om, fellows , · ‘ I plroper exesution of this charter kets _,
A t e execut ve committee may at `
:h0W6d· *;*6 b$;mdit°t:1m°r::k;“:;°t;;   ·• A i any time by an affirmative vow of ten Our girls are developing a strong
on n e * - . - . · . , - .
668 C0¤¤ Hua of its members, adopt Such bylaws as team, ot \\h1Ch we justly teel proud.
enemy- The next game is with the Lexington
it may choose.
At, the end of the Grit half uw 8001*6 Those bylaws referring to the disp High School girls, in the Armory, on
was 21 tos;. tgt ¢th6u:;$&::i:d0EG;§; PART ONE. honorable conduct, other than cheap next Thursday night. This promises
s°°°ud h 6 on Overture-"Light Cavalry" .... .Suppe ing, of young men shall be adopted to be é h8"d't°“ght game- and One Ot
was put in for State' but even than Band. by two-third (2-3) vote of the young much mmresh It is an Open g°·m°·
C°m'm'1 Wai Mgt a’b{° to sgoreosxgfgg "The Clover Blossoms Kiss Her men present at a meeting called for and evevbody is invited °° attend-
¤°*¤*¤· ***1*** °*°° “°°“’ ° 1 Feet" .............. Nolouogoo that ooroooo. The ¤¤€·¤v saturday was was f<>1—
its wild flight upward, ending ilnally mee Club Th f _ di h bl lows;
in the overwhelming score ot 52 to 10. mug and Clarinet S0lO___L0! duct Oiihre €';‘“*~ mh T Ono"; Gt °°“° (;€nt€,·_I,·€n€ Hugh€.S_
The lineup and summary W€¥‘€ 38 o ’ er mu 0 ea mg’ 0 young F0rawrds——1\Iay Belle Pence Florence
f H s_ _ Hear UIQ GQDU9 Lark ··Bi8h°P ladies, shall be adopted by a two- H h , . '
v 0 Ow ' B C t) d Blake Messrs, A, Lindholm and J', Beach third (2_3) vote Of the young ladies G`u&rd;i\i?é0;¤&S[;?€E;8;Ud Mf;;h;PW:{
f Ce¤t§¤l—C;;16¢;a£1 ¤:n&» xtugo 061*; Cragun. present at a meeting called for that and Bedinéer C Hey' Om
WWW B? · ' Bass Solo-"The King ot the purpose- ·
‘ wr; Ramsey and Newman, S*\181'd8· Windy ________________ David , Score—State girls, 19; Somerset High
go.oo.moo Hol:-nomott and Mr. I,,g,.,,,,, F,,,d,,_ (_0A"“§1;_“'·· S"’°"°“ I`? ;1“i°“;‘° *{ School, 4.
* Hart. forwards: Harrison (Capt-). <=e¤· Euphouium S010.··La Secmw dig)? I hmm :’;°"’S ned E fm °' --__....—
V tor; Galser and Preston, guards. Sec- Polkao Hazel ye ° mus 6 r°m°Y° ’ a ma`
‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘'‘‘‘‘ jorlty vote of the commlttee and an- CHEMISTS 14 CLUB.
ond Halt—Farmer and Kimbrough, _ Mn B Hmverl th r CD iu t b I t d
forwards; Parks, center; Tuttle, PART TWO_ ? gu Emu; °°:m‘?hml2° 9  
B¥°*·¤d*t°m°" and W°i“°“b°"`g°"· Baritone Solo—"My Honolulu rgpmseriisp ace y B C ass W ° Q The Chemists 14 Club met last Mou-
gu,_rd,_ Honey Lou., _·_'________ ‘ day night at the library of the old
Field g0n,]g..Rn;nggy, 1; Bruce, 2; Mn J_ Beach Cmgum Chemistry Building. The meeting was
Wingo,   HEHMBOH,   GBJSGY,   BRI" RG&diug_••If I Could BB   Hersr W A N T E D· 8 business One,
nett, 1; Preston, 1; Hart, 5; Kim- ____________________ Ben King —·—— Drs. Tuttle, Maxon, Daniel and Mr.
brough, 5; Bl‘9»¤dBt6t¤6¤‘. 12 F¤¤‘¥¤€¤‘» Mr, Rome, Those who subscribed to the ,base— Pearce were elected honorary mem-
2Z Tum°· li W°i“¤b°"$€"· li P°·"k’· Trombone Solo——"ln the Garden ball coach fund to pay up at once. bers of the society.
1- ot My Heart" .............. Ball Don't put this matter off, but see The club will have a page in the
Fouls»—Blakey, 2; Barnett, 1; Farm- Mr. Keith Pitman. Sweetland, Vogliottl or Burrus and annual, and the pictures will be taken
Gl'. I- (Continued on Page 8.) pay lt now. this week.
(Continued on Page 8.)

    QS 3U3gcmp·|·|gNS pgg 1912 FOOT-BALL CAPTAINB. M   C   ’
W g THE » it is ¤€<=e¤¤¤·¤* that B1-0wn-R. G. Asmmgh, agile end. Ch°i°° gut F|°w°rS_f°r an
*h° ”“PS°’*P“°¤° be wmed in *° the Auuapoiis-1>ete¤· P. nodes, full·back. OCCBSIOUS 8 $p€€l3|ty
Offers free tuition in an dcparb ¤¤§¤8i¢l1€S YPOHI Wasllillgtoll. where grainnie that one would like to keep jill J   Mk v    
the head oilices of the Southern Rail- in his box of college curios, because IMPORTANT MEETING OF
DR, J. T     way are. of their artistic originality. THE STROLLER8.
The details of the scholarship, The lau Beta Kakes were organ- —-—-
      which is to be for a full four-year ized at this University in 1906, and is An important meeting of The Stroll- A
course in the College of Agriculture, an hUI10l'&l')' ellgillcefing 0l‘g&!1lZ8.tl0ll, ers will be held Friday, February 1,
127 CHEAPSIDE will be arranged by President Henry consisting of Juniars and Seniors in at 4:30 p. m. in Alumni Hall. All per-
S. Barker and Mr. M. V. Richards, the three engineering departments of sons interested in the society are _
  iland and industrial agent of the South- } the l xiversiiy. The dance is given in urged to be present promptly at the  
ern Railway, and in response to Pres- honor of the Junior pledges, who will hour appointed. ‘
  ident. Finley’s letter stating that thelhc announced at the dance. A num— This meeting is called for the pur-
Southern Railway desired to establish , ber of surprises will be sprung during pose of adopting a constitution. ’I`hose f
    the scholarship, Judge Barker has the evening, and all who expect to at- present will be entitled to a vote, and i
M written that he will be glad to confer tend can be assured of one of the most the Constitution Committee especially i
The Home 0{ the with Mr. Richards at the earliest con- delightful functions of the social 898- desires a large attendance, so that any
M .     •, venlent time, which will probably be son. A local orchestra will furnish the suggestions may be considered before
OVIHQ ICtur€ OW during this week. music. ‘ a final action is taken.
1%* JIMYH iI’!E"’»1ilH.‘?'! |Illil!?"’tl I I I
‘ I

.3, ""‘_'*L""—— ‘‘‘*‘ "‘*"*v*’*A*‘*·T·*y··—·····—·i·»——···· *·t·s—······———-·······~s—···——·· ~   e-- »   ~— -— e—~———»—-—-—-——--————»
N, STROLLERS ORGANIZE. The Montana Legislature has appro- ° °
_· ————     priated funds for the establishment of    
{Q Special Meeting To·morrow. a law department at the State Univers-
_  __ Other Collcgcs ,,,,_ Company
At a meeting, held Friday, February I di I   t te —— |·<•=••r•••4
L ‘ · n Mm ° °°° uc ng ° ° mw v° At the next eeti f the Boa d of
V, 2, the Strollers adopted a constitution m ., , ng o r
, and necessary by-laws, thereby becom· mr uw ““t “°u°““l p"°'id°“t· Directors of Cornell University, plans MANUFACTURERS OF
ing a formally organized body. Many "_” for the new residential hall. to be •
improvements are to be projected and OM *‘““°"°d wd “"°“"' ’“°“ °’° erected there will be presented by the Hand'Madc Cigars Ex"
the scope of the society is to be g_m&t_ out for the crew at Pennsylvania. m.chm,ct_ clusivcly
l h . T it ——-——
. $d;.°$°$;,n.1l,h:6§T§;¤?$;;°mZZ(; The vrovm <>··¤¤<* ·= We ¤¤¤ Ce rr..mm,s in the U..,,-erm, of ,3,, Wes, Main Sm,
lugs, Bild Bt BllCll HIOGUDKB l»h€l`6 Wlll lumbia by fraterniues is valued at one SYPBCUBG have announced their pledge  
be an opportunity for the study and mmmu d°u°”‘ lists. Onc hundred and sixty men,
sdavncement or the dramatic art. One hundred and ninety two pmpar repvresenting five different States.      
The harte b f th - ’ ' ' t d t .
' ganlzation srgszer?-;11§;:s? E.  °*°"" “°h°°'“ me ’°p"’S°”*°d *“ “‘° were S u en 8 ———-   Boys D0
F. T. Miles, A. J. Gudc, Rome Foster, Freshman class “t D“"""°“th· Ex°t" Class politics at Illinois are begin-
W. S. Thelsing, Roy Porter, H. E. Mil- having th° ’°"`g€°t numb"- ning to boil. A large number of can- AT THE
¤ t,P.L.Ck,Eli Gi,Htti didatesa al d ith flldf
' 133,md, cmg? MsY$¤~h.?§1,r¤ EJ M*=¤¤¤·‘* M ¤ ¤¤¤¤*¤¤ *¤<=t¤¤* *¤ me ¤¤¤¤¤-xt ¤¢$i;»?' n e 9 or IMPERIAL RESTAURANT
C den E. T. Blake', A- B. Hasweu Paul connection with its horticultural de- ___ 109 N M"]
{ Francis, E. H, Smith, Derrel Hart, J. p°"tm°“t· which supplies the l°°“‘ Earl Sprackling. of Brown Uni- ° Sujcet
I du P. Oosthuizen, Ben COlliugs’ J- C. QPOCBPS   canned Vegetables. versity, has scored more points than   ?eSB.Of      
{ M111s,w. c. cress,A. B. Phister,Ruth -1 any Eastern college player. He has   Qlufgiug °°m °" "t‘°“
McChesn6y' Grace Haynes, Bessie According to the latest reports, Cali- scored forty-four points, seven touch- Lunches for Dgnceg igpecmty
Hayden, Helen May, Marie Elliott, E, femia and Stanford Universities are downs and three new goals, Baker, New Phone 10l6_Y
F_ Smmpelm., J_ T_ Gower, _y_ M_ F0s_ discussing the reinstatement of the of Princeton, is second, with forty-
ben Thomas Em.], Herbert Kohnhorst, standard American foot·ball game in three; Wendell, of Harvard, is third ,, H1
Tyler Wamk Edwin pimG_ William place of the Rugby game now played. with forty, all made on touchdowns. C§%`]TUCKYéi’JBEST•k
Gregory, Jesse Miller, Mary Brown, ‘-*‘ ·····— A M ‘   ’
Anne Louise Dean, Richard Barkmn A stadium, which will seat 100,000 The longest drop kick for a goal in ,, . . ,,
George Dunlap, C_ B_ Sanders, George people, is a feature of the new plans a foot-ball game on record was made Made 1¤BI;$xl¤¤t°¤
‘ A_ Scott, Auco Cary Williams, F_ T_ for the development of the lake front by aPt O’Dea from the sixty-yard line · _ -1-
I Marx Charles Spmks_ H_ A_ D9B0w_ in Chicago. A movement to bring the in the game between Wisconsin and lcxmgiun Roller mms can Inc;
{ Viola Eblgub G_ B_ Merchant, w_ At. 1916 Olympic games to Chicago has Northwestern, at Evanston, Ill., en  
? king, J_ W_ CM-y' L_ W_ Jones, H_ M_ been Started as A result. · Thanksgiving day, 1898.  
. Burnaugh, Kathleen Lewis, Elizabeth ——— —-———————-
  I Moore, Miss Routt, Miss Watkins, W. There are three Freshmen in Cor- THE CUMBERLANEL ‘
K D. Hamilton, H. E. Melton, B. W. nell this year who are totally blind.   D
Roth, -—-—— Williams, John Petrie, They are assisted in their work by a
% -; Freel J Eaten nexus; reader and gums. A ‘°“g “““ ““° °’ t“’°“°*“° ‘”“°· Mw
Q Thom wu; be ai special méeuug of With tints of sky of self-same hue,
E the society on Friday, February 9, wt Plans have been drawn for a $2,000,- $$1 ° hgh 0; ipurplzldgrayshmd 8 n O    
¤ 4:45 p. m. an Chapel. This meeung 1s 000 library buuamg at Harvard. °"° “"“p “ " g °“ °°“· .
of the utmost impoml 00, and all Majestic hills. river between. For dances, Receptlons, Etc.
members are urgently requested to at- In a speech at the University of The Cumberland mus ou. BAND ROOM COR. MAIN
wild- The ¢!¢¢ti0¤ of 0m¢6!‘¤» ¤·DD¤i¤t· Kansas recently President Taft said
· F H 1 ’ k d 111 itl ,
A ment of wmmittees. Bild other b¤¤i· that morals among students are higher mm ar mls mc B an r S mpg AND BROADWAY
; ness of major importance will be con- than when he was in c0u,g€_ Past miners camp and home it ABOVE STAG
{ ducted at this meeting. BWe€pS’ ’
r """"‘ Through Tennessee it flows along,  
"‘_"‘*"‘“'— Tho authorities at the University of Gems melodies it does prolong, T   A
SOPH. GETS IN TOUCH [Nebraska have issued a statement re- Melody grand, infinite ,w¤g_ M R · •
WITH THE ENGINEERS- gardlng the management of the uni- The Cumberland ygllg Om     a 6
Spanked! versity book store.
_ This morning an unsuspecting   It h b f-? t th Down through the hm, its Cryst,] Now Ofl All The
lege Soph»omore—Soph0more, m u 88 0611 0¤¤ llecessafy a e waves,
you, gnmvgymnuy gtgpped {uw g University of Michigan to condemn Au everlasting roadway paves, M Q D  
draughtlng room in the Engineering ¤6!'¢¤·i¤ D!'lV8t»6 D1‘¤D81‘tY ¤dJ0i¤i¤g the A path to ugmws mysteries,
Building. Twelve brawny engineers 08mD:¤i;1 01‘de1‘ to accommodate some A path to appgiutgd Nvapigm _j
locked up. frewuius. Then savage MW ¤ i¤s¤· Reveries sweet, mysteries deep, _
smiles of joy lit up their fercoious ——— The Cumberland mug Ou,      
faces. The largest university in the entire g Shing
rn an mmm me frightened So u wvrld is the University of Calcutta. -1-1, tu n n ded 1 or
‘ was my-ywudod, Qmbggghgd, ov;. India. It has an enrollment of more muzzw, 0 aw-8 mu we       0f Prices
Wh¤¤1l0d» lm!. i¤ IGS! time thlll if than wu th°““¤d 't“d°¤t¤· Through beautiful nature sublime,
takes to tell it, his trembling frame -——- And through the hard strife of ages, can and Let as Show You
was stretched out on a draughting The Freshmen at the University of Turns o'er the epocb’s pages, ---·-
5 table. Twelve barrel staves appeared Vermont are required to have a supply Glory ages, shimmer pages, wrhe place The Style,
from somewhere, and dull, sickening of matches on hand te supply the up- The Cumberland rolls on. Com. rum ,,
T thuds tllled with sweet music the per classmen and the Sophomores. `
t hungry ears of the bloodthirsty as- -—— Rippling always a merry song,
v sasslns. The friends of Baylor University, of ’Neath an ignorant ferry throng.
l Then hewas cast forth into the hall, Waco, Texas, have subscribed $400,- Leaplng, laughing, singing along. e 0 C
from whence he hastened to the more 000 to an endowment fund. The gen- Never is the melody wrong,
civilised esstem side of the campus, a eral education board of New York Musical dream, heavenly stream, Ch L S ,98 M
sadder but wiser 8ophomore.—Da.lly promised to add half this amount. The Cumberland rolls on. G'- · tra“·'• • anagc"

    not conquered, and the only reason
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body of why we haven t got their goat is be- ··
the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the under- eenee they wontt ntey “”· We ““"°
graduates, alumni and faculty of the institution. would like to play them and show .
  THE IDEA is the oillcial newspaper of the University. It is issuwedewith hnem a few thtnge nhent heettet‘hett· at
the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, They lost to Georgetown last week. ‘ t
|t;giethe;uv:1lttl3a];l(tglest of items of interest concerning the universities ot other That, elves Georgetown and ·l—_ U_ (me · l I
susgcmprnou, one ¤oi.i.AR PER YEAR rsvs carers nan copv. defeat eech end Centm t“"""’ d°t"“t°· I t
Entered at Lexington Post Office as second class mail matter. Mid old SUNG with ¤ clean ¥‘e€°l‘d· M , S • • Le i t ;
me lA'' ` Eorronmi. s·rAr=r= 1911-12. -—·——·; en S lIItS III X Hg 0H .
W. A. STANFILI., Editor-in-Chief. IMPORTANT ,_
A, T. BRYSON, .......... Asst. Editor. MISS ADDIE DEAN. . .Socia1 Editor. ____ \ A T I
N. W. UTLEY ........ Athletic Editor. G. B. JEFFRIES .... Asst. Ath. Editor. t
BUSINESS STAFF. To Track Men. _,‘
A. T. RAMSAY, Business Manager. ___     , _
W. C. WILSON, Asst. Bus. Mgr. t T
E. J. KOHN .... Subscription Manager. W. C. JETTON. .Asst. Sub. Manager. In met “'eek'S idea tt Wee enneuneed ’
J. O. Gill, ...... Advertising Manager. J. T. LOWE ..... Asst. Adv. Manager. that all eligibility blanks for track
Zi S · if he E he     he t ’     CIII he S ‘ team aspirants would have to be L R  
The committee from the Legislature bringing glory to our State, or whether signed np and handed tn by February .
tn investigate the rumors that the we are to fall back in the same old 7th- It will be Possible- heweven te _
affairs of this University have been place we were in a few years ago. fillvut these b1¤¤k¤ at nnY ttme before Mm"` C°m°r Mein md Brad".?
and are being migmanaged, has been We are confident that this investigat- S°·tn¥'d°·Y» February 10th· Peetttvely ,_,_________;...____;.,
appointed, and the investigation was ing committee will give us a clean bill ¤·ft€¤` that date. tt Wm be we tete-
begun Tuesday night at Frankfort.|of health and furthemnore recommend This is not in the control et the eth‘ L b Y d
The authorities at this University an- to the Legislature that the appropria- ]€ti0 committee Of the UniVe·¥`eitY· ner     a r
nounced that they were ready at any UODS asked for be granted. et the e°nt`h· ne" the track menegen ——-—AND—-—
time and that may welcomed the in- -—-——-— so if a man fails to sign up before   •    
vestigation, knowing before hand that Hello! Saturdex n0‘;;e;)tet` ;*'h*;tth;* ttzayldf   I  
the committee can not do otherwise Hgw did the Tennessee ame come ve One- e W e e Sen ev 0 e- e g
summon will eventually be me better this issue, but doubtless you were so we €¤¤<>h SWe<—>*>1¤¤¤» in the Ed¤<=¤- ——-———————·······——— l
for the i¤V€Stig8·ti0¤- all (?) there. We venture the guess, mma] Building or Track Manager
We do not know what specific however, that the Blue and White Utley- and amimd t° thm va track     R
charges will be brought against the came out with the big end of the m°‘t°Ti°‘l‘
University authorities, but we believe, score. Did they? ——""T"""’
and not without good reasons, that  ———— T. U. LIKELY T0 PLAY. U  
this whole BHBJP h8S b€€H b!°O\1ght,   "K" men at Kansas are asked to ._t_ _
abyutabg g€¤¤*¤ry;¤*:‘;;f1ytp;<;;jj;*l lmsent t¤— - ,,l,1l » Welsh & Murray Prlntlng C0.
Miss Marietta Cassiday has been Miss Marieta Cassidy, of Versailles, { i"··»·‘ i· 1noorpornt•»rl
_ vlsltlng the Misses Gillis and other was the guest of Miss Alma Faulkner, , { L . -
E friends here for a few days. Monday evening. ` tl      llmesmnc
§ *0** W Vi i 1--Cl ` ` ·   ,LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY
l Miss Ltda Conner had the misfor- 21 TESL   a gg u;]`€· Llgy Park i , ·.  
  tune to freeze her hands while going   $1213 L fu ee ai dai? em on · _
{ to enuren last Sunday morning. ° ° B 0* “""°’“ °’“ pm- ’ of     A  
  -0- The photographer is now vielng in K · E _ ' _
Dean Hamilton entertained with a popularity with the Him). , . ')() PH [·,
J tea last Saturday evening, after the _O_  
g'”“°· *“ *‘°“°*i°§ uw 8***** *;°°*‘°;"°·“ Mlss Edltn Stlve-rs spent Friday at , l H I P I)
team and the v s ting team rom om- hm, home in Paris. .
erset. The little panty was given in ll
` tziellzigogizlsagvhzaggzrggzu   (2;% Mr. R. W,. Tinsley has been teaching          
gn the Armory floor an Oppgmmity of German at the High School for several 5., 
d . ,;-" ·
A knowing one another better. an A   ,_ 4      
-0-. ·
Ml Eth R , f l f Mt. • • •
1 Mais Ollane Cguickshank, *11, wh; ll: Sterlilzg, WE; t:;S;§€st0;I?$i§s0Mary copyrlgntnsn senslrnersr Marx 3.00 · 7.30 _; 8.45
*"’“° ne " t ° G°°’g°‘°‘"‘ g [G. Fisher, Sunday. , , ___________._._.
School, was at State last Monday. She P  
"vlsited" in the hall between classes,l u       a B ,
and seemed to have quite a gay time WOODROW WH-SON Don t Forget the  
renewing ol