xt7rr49g7j6v_15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The Mohian '22 annual text The Mohian '22 annual 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_2/Folder_6/Multipage546.pdf 1922 1922 1922 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_15 xt7rr49g7j6v  







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 ifluhliaheh hg thv firninr (Elana
of the

Kmturky fitate 1311112121 High firhnnl

Humanity of Krnturku



Page Th I'm:


 Page Four





10 Miss Vella B. Karrick, who for two years

has been our strongest aid in making the Mohian
a sucess, and who has so loyally supported ev-
ery interest of our school, this issue of The M0-

hian is dedicated.











 Page Six





{13 can’t attain perfection
And we don’t pretend to try

But to do our best in everything
And to raise our standard high—
To make a school from which
We are proud to let our colors fly
And to keep whose honor lifted
We would gladly “Do or Die”
Is the goal for which we are working
At Kentucky Model High.





.. , ,1“ up warm ”m

M ohian Staff

Christine Shouse
Blanche Spencer
Miss Vella B. Karrick
A. L. Ginocchio

Jos. Bradley

Carolyn Greathouse
Archie Schular

. Editor—in-Chief
. Art Editor
Faculty Arlvisor

. Business Manager

Athletic Editor
Class Editor
Joke Editor


Page Sew-n


 Page Eight



As the fog was closing in,

Soft and dim and white,

Every ship that ever sailed

Sails the sea tonight.

Ships whose crews are long since dead,
Ships that sank to ocean’s bed,

Ships whose memory has fled—
Schooners out of Marblehead,

Frigates, galleons and sloops.
Misty figures on their poops,
Ships that go with sails and oar,
Ships that creep along the shore,
Not a single one has failed;
Ever ship that ever sailed

Sails the sea tonight.

For we sail not as before

On the sea tonight,

When the fog is closing in,

Soft and dim and white,

We are on the mistic sea

With the ships that used to be,
English, French and Portugee,
Laden down with silks and tea,
Men—O’-War and Chinese junks,
Dead men in their ghostly bunks,
Ships from all across the world,
Ships with every flag unfurled,
Strange and unheard of things begins
When the fog comes closing in,
Soft and dim and white.





Pant Nine



A. 13. University of Nebraska
A. M. University of Nebraska
p329 Ten University of Chicago
’ v Model High Since 1921






.‘IAIHCL V. (‘AMI’BEIJH .\. ll.
Domestic Science
Model High Since 1921


’I‘mnsylvania College ‘17
English department three yoar‘s at
Hamilton College.
Model High School ~. [here ever 1111111111‘1‘ like ('111‘1‘111'1’ 111117
e1'ge1i1- 111111 111111112 \\ilh 1111 everlzuiiug smile
111111 inexli‘uustuhlu 511111111 111' 1111111111: 111 (‘211'—
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1111511111 111111 '21; '22 i

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“He was 11 vulizlul 51111111 and Ill\ face
like [111' face 111’ the 111111‘ui11g,
(Huddeued 1111- 11111-111 with its 112,111.”

"111111" 11l\v11y>' 1111s 11 remark 111 1111(1- 111e
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1111>11e1 111111 '111; '211; “.31: '22.

4" 41'

Page Sen-11111141








Page Eightccu






“A pcrt’cct woman, nobly planned
’l‘o warm. to comfort, and command.“


"Blondie' has bccn called a heart—breaker
but wc know of one he‘ant that she keeps
’LlfCl)‘. She has been a remarkable influence
in all of our school activitics and her sunny
disposition is cqualed only by her high in—
tcllcctuality. To her in great part is due the
success of the annual this year. Besides be—
ing very talcntcd in music and art, Blanche
is an active participant in athletics. This
all insures for her extreme popularity


Art Editor for Mohian ‘22; Basket Ball ’22
Index Staff '22: Dramatic (‘lub '22.

Attondcd Nazareth Acadcmy five years.



“I dare do all that may become a 1mm,
“'ho (larcs do more is none."

It must be a great consolation to “ Zcrnie"
to know that he will never be imposed upon.
He has been accused of being ‘lazy. but we
know that isn't, that so Inuch as the fact that
he loves liberty and comfort. “Bernie" has
distinguished himself with suprising ability
on the basket, ball floor and we will miss )
him in the years to come.

Football ’19; ‘20; '21.
Baseball '19; '20; ‘21.
Basket Ball '21); ’21; '22.







“A face of lily beauty with a form of
airy grace."

It is a well known feature of the Senior
(‘lnss thlat Betty is the beauty of the school.
Her dainty mannerisms and sweet composure
has won for her much admiration from all
the school, Betty has lll‘iltle for herself the
reputation of a star in "Nothing but the
Truth" as “Gwen"

[Dramatic Club '22.
’l‘rcusurer of Senior Class

Assistant Manager .\Iohinn ‘22



“A man he seems of cheerful yesterdays
and confident tomorrows."

When it comes to good looks and good na-
ture Gus just naturally stands in the front
ranks. He came to us four years \ago, but it
did not take him long to fiamiliarize himself
with the curriculum of M. H. S. The girls——
at onetime or another have all fallen for him.
Gus is good at anything he undertakes, but
as President of the Senior Class he is the best.

President of Senior Class.















MA R’I‘HA M l'l‘( ‘H ELL MATH l"~' Illili nll win) know lim‘. Mudel is known
In lim'w nzuny gum! sports and she is (mu 0t"
Iitl‘lli. Shv is always intorpistml in hming a
iftir‘d Iinw 11ml is wry kinrl 21ml ('rmsulnrato
nl' [lihf‘l<. Shh li't‘i us Hi niiil—ywur tn Iliii‘lHl
l'nv I'nivmsiix' of Knnlur'ky illHi \w‘ fut-l thv
l4 -< ul' 1111‘ grunily.

ltukri lull '19; '30; "J'J.


l‘lus» Sm-i‘e-mry 'lil. Dramatic (‘luh


.|( )H N U'I'T

"I nm as suhol' m :l ,imlg‘v."
"Spotty" is usually \‘M‘y quid at rti‘hunl.
hut ww hilVé‘ l‘V'l(iF‘1](‘f‘ that ii“ is a “rlivil”
éllllflll}: tho "\\'i.innivn.” Since he! (‘HIIH‘ th'k
wvvn .losvphine Purrivs u imwdpr puff, Hal

Stt‘vlv uiiil lnivs of [hp nllir’r hays: urn awfully

jmilwus. hut sinw hi‘ is suvh 2| gnarl sport
Ilivy lump quivl.










I. l
'3' I


' "”0 sure! and (lisvn‘vt. the fair). favors

l i\rv lost, when not ('oncvulod.”


' ()t‘ :1 gontle and quiet manner she says but
l'tilo. yvt that little is listened to attentively.

I lrmw has Dl‘OVt‘ll herself a stndvnt of ability.

i and has made an excellent record in Model

[ High svhool‘ ()wing to these facts wv regret

i that sho has been with us such a short time.

i Druii‘zitiv '22.

| m





] "Stood like a man who fain would spvak.

:I but tindt-ih no language."

! llni'nloy it: so quivt. that no onv over knows

I ho is around. “'0 have striven in vain to

i lllslkf‘ him talk. Sinm‘ Archie is the‘ only other

3 qnivt nwmlwr of tho Mass, \\'t\ have about

. r-om" to “"ll‘ wonr'lusion that. Rurnlvv nino

,‘ might have lir‘r‘n rlis‘zimmintvd in lovzx

l [liot‘onll ".‘l.


i -.
1 ‘ i

Page vant \\ Fivv











“Here’s to the love that lies in a woman‘s
And lies and lies and lies."

Nancy is noted for her sweet personality
and good looks. Alltho she has been attending
school at Model High for three years her
heart has never left Georgetown. She says
it isn't, such a dead old town after all. May be
she is right. but lall the “Squirrels" seem to
think she‘s made a mistake.



“His life was gentle. and the elements”

80 mixed in him, that nature might
stand up

And say to all the world “This was a

So numerous tare “Al’s” abilities, that it
is hard 'to give him due credit in such a small
space. As mran'aging Editor of the Mohian he
has done his share, and some others too. He
carried the Annual through in remarkable
good order, which is scarcely necessary to say,
seeing lit as a. proof. Al has been with us three
years during which time he has lightened
many a burden by his keen foresight of see—
ing and straightening out difliculties. We are
proud to be able to stay that Al was a. mem—
ber of the Class of ’22.

Manager of Football ’19; ’20; '21.
President of athletic Association '20; ’21.
Vice—president of Athletic Association ’19.

Business Manager of Mohi‘an ’22.



Page Twenty-Six







__.n_....,.._,. ..






“1 pin my faith to no man's slom‘m
Have I not two good oyos of my own?"

Josephine has tried unswervingl)~ to have
:1 team this yzar. but luck has been against
her. and Joe finally gave it up as hopeless.
While we do not, predict, for her an old maid
future, we know Joo will believe in no man
of the modern typo. At, any time you see Joe,
she is generally whistling and looking straight

Basket Ball ‘19; ’20; '21; '22.



“Never lot pleasure intort’vn- with your

John is the most studious member of our
Class, and we might add, a student surpassed
by none, It has boon said that all really
great men are modest, and John is no ex~
ception to the rule. Above ovorything he
stands for the highmt and host things in
this world, and we are not doubtful about
the t'utui‘o of any llllElll like this.

l'agn ’l‘\\'4~nt,\m\‘o\'on





‘1" 4..--”—






"l‘th'll the light hair-boll ruisml its hmul
Elastic from lwr airy trend."

For {our yours, Margarot has boon With us,
llll(l though she is of :1 quivt disposition. she
is woll liked and grmtly admired hy all.
“lion" is noted for hm‘ fascinating manner
of ontortaining and kind hospitality She
graduated at the Inid~wmo