xt7rr49g7j6v_16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The Mohian '23 annual text The Mohian '23 annual 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_2/Folder_7/Multipage649.pdf 1923 1923 1923 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_16 xt7rr49g7j6v  







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finltlislyeh by 17,119, Swim: (Mafia
uf tlyc
Zfientutkg fiitate fiiuhel ZEfigl} School
University of Zfientutky

Kinrfcnn Ifiunhrth mm Emrnhj Elyrm‘







\\'ith admiration, respect and dc—

\'0ted friendship, 'we the class of 1923.

dedicate this hook to one who has_

more ihzm (my other, zlidcd each 5m»
eex's‘ive elle graduated from Model

lligh School to leave ilx \\':lll,~ well pin»

:mi‘edml’rofeswr lli l’. Fling.


'fi'flzfiaélr‘ ,I , A







Armima Smith ________________________ Exchange Editor
L‘hencr Malick ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;\r1 Editor
\\'iH)m‘t Blackburn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HnSincsx‘ Manager
1101111111.] Sim< ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Advertising Manager
Rowh-H Giles ___________________________ Sporting Editor
Clifford Hzn‘trum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \sNt. .\d\'vr‘ising Manager
Milton Hagar _______________________________ joke Editor










This hunk is pul)li.uth here to he experimented upun li_\' these swealled teaehers. 'I‘hese praw
tiee teaehers are in their own estimatimi almut the must intelligent heing's (iuzl
has created.

judge fur yourself {rum the lulluwing’ as tu their enrreetness. (lne praer
tiee teacher tuld a student that Massaehusetts was the eapital nt‘ Rhnde ls»
land, and that suphistieated was spelled with twn f's. .\nuther said that man}:
penple were titreed tn leave England during“ the reign ml Charles ll, heeause
Jl‘ his very striet and mural euurt. .\n(>ther said that liuuis XIV died at an
early age heeause ml the strain which his austre life and lasting had plaeed
upun him. Still aimther deelared that l’hysehe was prunuuneed as “I‘isik” and

was a term used in medieinet

Yet alter M. ll. 8. pupils underen this surt ml thing fur hall ml their time
in sehtml peuple wunder wh_\‘ the_\' don't make a hetter shuwing' in eulleg'e.
li‘ig‘ures show that (ll the memhers (if the elass ml '21 whu matrieulated at the
Universities in this enuntiy 50 per cent of them hare let-t sehtml- 'I‘hey further
shuw that ()l the memhers ml the elass ml '32 whu entered the eullejqe 35 per
cent drupped out the, lirst twn months. \\'hat mnre euuld he expeeted (if pew
ple, wlm are taught that t‘harles H was a l‘uritan and l‘h_\’sehe is a medieal








A recent canvass of the large Universities of the country revealed that ()0

per cent of the girls and a large percentage of the hoys attend college solely
for the “social advantages" that may he ohtained. The L‘niversity of Ken—
tucky spends a good deal of money in preparing a hulletin which extolls the
virtues of Model High School and sets forth the advantages that may he oh,
tained hy the students thereof. 'l‘hey forgot to mention. however. that one of
the advantages is that you are used as a human guinea pig for the practice
teachers to experiment with.

The above mentioned ‘an 7'ass shows that a large percentage of these so—
called teachers never intend to teach. 'l‘hat we are used merely to provide (W,
cu-pation and amusement for them as they trip their way through college in
pursuit of these ”advantages.”

1 think a class in elementary education should he added to the curriculum
of the Model High School and that practice teachers instead of heing inflicted
upon us should he required to learn that a conjunction has nothing to do with
a railroad and that infinitive does not mean immeasurahle. i\n,
“that's what hc (lau't (1t; unthiug‘ clsc
hut." Chet didn't 5:0 in fur :tthh-tiCs
hut you can put him dawn for anything
t’lstx I’I'csidout (If iilt‘ Radio Chih and

had :1 tiug't-t' in all other activities



Huzn'yu'cight Romeo. H its it big ht'zu‘i,
hig‘ *ztrs (they tit‘tlott' gcuci‘osity). hi5:
fcct (I don't kunw u‘httt thcy (h‘iintt')
:tiid 21 capztcious Ci'ztuium, (You thought
I was going In szty hip’ lit-21d. (liihl‘t
you?) Kidding ztsizlc though, I'lcuhztm
has zttldml much to thc schoul besides
his gum! lowks. (\wight). Ht- hits £117
ways giwu his iit‘st tn) Model High
and his aid in prt'wluciug this hook, has
hwn of iticstiznzthh‘ \' tluc. [It is adver—
tising mzmzlgcr of both the Index and
Mohizui LHI([ hzts puztit‘ipatml in lel oth»

L'I' activities both social an athletic.






t‘.\l{ll “LOCKER

They shipped him up here from
()\\'enslmi't>. \\'e don‘t know how he
aeted at home l)lll if he treated half the
havoc, at home that he (lid in) here he
was some little heart agitator. ln

foothall he was best.

li.\l\’l‘ liLliSHlCR

l’la)ed l’_\'thias to Carl's Danton. Got
sn people thought they were twins. lle
stuck so close to Blocker he got to
hmk like him. An exceptional hwy.
however, for he always had \Vi‘ight on

his side. He played football.


\\' in-
h' ihL‘
n- hc


n. ($01
in. HQ
gm 1”
[1 ho)‘.

ght 0n



,lL'I)S()X \\'I LLE'I‘

This holds idul nf paradise is a job aw
1c>tcr in a mam-an factory. To he
more to thc 1minl hc i> :1 inmlvrn Rip
\‘ztn \Vinklv, \\'hvn ho is awake he's
good at hi> «whit» Ho and Blackburn
played 1i l'UUlHi nf pun] nncv. UTack-

hin'n won \thn \\‘i!1m went tn slwi).


Dmvn {mm thy nmnntahn C({HH‘
Louis. “own. to he rxzu‘I. i1k’(ii>1)i£l)'-
WI an nnmnnl inicnwt in hnizlny. Tm
ing' especially illIL‘I‘L'SIk'KI in "\'ioh'1~."
Has hccn known in study. but mi km-
hzls conquered the hzlhit. Hv is in he
congrutnkxml nn iighiing‘ off this
(h‘L'zulfnl thing. Hv Cilllu‘ in 1% [no
late to i)L‘ of hvip in zllhlczics. hnt sw
citu hv has hwn :A i‘s:11;1i'1\'21h1c mu»








K \‘Lli \\'lll'l‘l£llli;\l)

Hi» I‘mllw .~him>c(l him (lmvn here from
1hr "slicks" m :lcqviru (m ulncutlnn.
llL' (lid \‘Cl'}' \wll for :1 while hut 1 un—
(h-htznnl that :1 )‘mmg K. I). captured
hi.~ fancy and his hem-1. He .still
(ht-H.410» :m idm that hi~ part ul' tlw
cmmlry i> as 540ml :h 1hr llluc Urns»

Ho >LI}‘> 1hr, grass im't hluc. anyway.

I lil’ l‘ EDMUX US

L'nmus 1mm Covinglom That's 21
good an m vmnc from, hut A hard
mm m vmnc L‘lL‘ m from. lull l5 10 us as
;1< Mulhcwmn \\'2L> in the (31211115. Sumo
mlin. .\n(l Jcl‘l' i< smug hasclmll player.
l\l<<> plays l()l)_l72lll and though I hate

in tell it, he ulw i< IL sliX'lDllflllL' fimul.



‘3 {mm

1 I 1111*
c “in
H“ 11w


That's :\
11 :1 hard
N m 11:\‘ 21\
11.» Same
L11 plnyv‘fl
111 I haw

my fiend,




\\'II_I’)ICR’I‘ li[.,\('l\'Hl'I\’X
Hvrv. MIL». i~ {Tu- lwrwu “1m IHJHlL'
151% HHJHI't] 1)H\\H)1L'. \\'i11w111 \\'i17
Wm ”WM \\H11](IH.I hru'v lwml 1111} 11117
mml‘ Did )an «\w-r nmin- lhtmgh,
summing Ilt‘ 1(11-.:'~ MUM 1401“?tu grh
over. ‘\I\\'11>\~ purl} 1n Cluw‘w
L'zll‘ly €11 xlw afternmm. (Xmmm Hf 11w
basketball 1mm '23, Haw 'I‘I‘C'lsm'k‘r

'25 and pnhlhhul thi~ Mohizm.

R. 1’. .\I()L()XICY

"I limsuH." Ho mount WU”.







_\l ll.’l‘()N l l;\(i‘;\ R

Our own ”Ho .\lc.\lillin." The "’m"
part anyway. Captain of football
team. plays basketball. tennis, ping
pong. tiddle—deawinks, stung pool and
Mississippi marbles. .\s for lieing in
everything he's just like Chet only
more so. He‘s on the .\lohian. lndex.
and does the heavy parts for the Drav
matic L‘lul). .\s a villian he's at his
liest. Blessed or cursed with a su—
perlative degree of that article called
nerve. lle would fight Jack Demp—
sey or L'ncle Johnnie Shell or Pat
Gormley or anybody. .\ regular fel«

low in fact.


()ur own “man about town," “sphisi—
cation plus", “Mac." in the vernacular
is “one little wise guy." :\ marvelous
student also as his record for the past
year would show. He made aliout a
jillion credits the past semester. No.
we don't know how either. He played
football in '21 and has played the devil

ever since.



)1 and
ing in
ax his
a su-
n- Pat

:n' fel-

hv DEH‘i
ihout a
in N0.

he devil


(L! I’[’ lli\l<'l‘f\’i\ NI

Has a devilish 100k. {HIL‘ a ~axanhunv
and mn- anihitinn in hm‘mnu a vndvil
I)ill_\(‘1’. Kntmx‘ all the lam-st jt)k(‘\ and
i\ gin-n i‘i'L-dit {Hr ui'iginaiing‘ i'm- mu-
:ihnnt Ihi' phyxics ‘wsli I’lil)k'([ 11ml?
hall, wa< a wholc cwmtvllatiun :11 hav

tha‘II and (iii? Sonthcrn'd. SOinhL-rn at




Looks like the h0_\' in the, Rumpus Kut
Klothcs ad. NotwithsLanding this
handicap (Zorman packs quitc a hit of
gray main-1‘. Quite a keen wit too.
Having had first hand cxpm‘icncv with
said wit I’m in a pnsition to knnwx Ill‘
playcd ha>kcthall in '22, '2‘} Also

took a staih at the '1‘hcspian art in '23.






.\I{.\I I X'l‘.\ SM I'I‘II

.\ pt‘actin‘c trachL-i' L‘IIIIL‘II hvr .\fO*
mini 0.19 day. \\'aI\ (m the wild_ \VIICIICVCI‘ tho
IIIUIIL’ mi Mr. \V()1\'tk‘Zl(I appunw in Ihu
cmiwrsation. Just \\'il‘lt shc has
againx‘t ”\'011_\" is hard M fly but shv
never hrsitatcs I?) say it, .\IIZ)IIIL‘I‘ pox

_‘.(‘IlI‘. I forgot tn mention ~hv i\ thv

MI'tor of thi~ .\Iohiztn






li'l‘l'l EL M()R(§.\N

.\ Mather askul Ethyl onv (lay wha:
madv thu lowm' of l‘i>a loan. lCthL-l r97
pliwl >hc wish she knew sh: wunhl like
m lake smnc. \\'hlch giww‘ m a fair
piclnrn- of lithe] lmth nlvnlally and
physically. A\ lriflc phnnp. hnt 21~
may he swn from the anmwr as keen
as shL‘ is plnmp, (luml natnrml. i11:olli—
gvnt and sympathcln‘, Illt‘ type we will
always think ml fondly in (lays to come.
She alm ln-L‘ann- a (lixclplu ml 'l‘hcspis
in '23. \< a porlrawr of character

sh:- ls nnvxcvllwl


l\Ll(‘l{ R;\(}14.\Nl)

Swen. gonllu, and [ \\'\\' the lad)
well vnongh. \nolhm‘ sclmlax‘, hnt no
wondvr lm‘ papa \\'a> a profvssm‘ luv
lurc ho lwcann- a prvachm‘. She 115ml
10 livv at (icm‘gvanvn hnt shv \a\\' the
112-211 and UIIIM‘ np hcrc,

She canw mu law to gm in for ath-

lvtics hnI in 01:1.“ \ha‘ \\‘a< llw class.




.\]l()ll]t‘l’ hoy with patent lcatht‘r hzlir.
So slick that if :1 t'l_\ lit on his llL‘EHl it
would slip and ltf't‘lllx' li> neck. only
flies tlon't like mwlintx .\ll of which
down} lllt‘illl :1 thing, for Rogt'r has :1
heart of gold gtntl one teacher l()l(l nu-
hc also has :1 hczul of ivory. Nicc ho}:

though. plays football 'nvvcrytlling.


1 don't know much about this lzuly
saw that sht- comes from Georgetown
which is in itat-lf saying A mouthful
(lootl at Sll1(llt‘.\. ht-ttcr zit :tthlt'tics and
best I hcztr at low. I know sht- looks
young and invxpcrit‘nct-(l. llut l have

my information from gootl ~ourcv,







\'[I\’(il1\'[1\ IHCIZICR

.\1m1her intellectual, 211sn shines in
athletics .\11 0g 0111‘ girls are so gnod
its hard to deserihe 'em without re-
pealing. Just put her down 215 excel—
lent 211 everything 211111 she seems also
to possess executive 11111111}: ;\t least

she runs most of the girls 'zxctivifies.





\Ve, the memhers ml the elass ml '23 wish tu express uttl‘ gratitude for all
that we have reeei\‘e(l at )lmlel. '11) Mr. Fling we wish tn give ()111‘ thanks
tur he has always helped us in any thing that was fur unr wind,

Many times we have disagreed with him aml un many pnints we still (lis~
agree with him hnt we feel that he has ne\‘er at any tilne (lune anything saVe
that which he thwng‘ht wunld henelit Mmlel Jligh.

In Ulll‘ nwn terms which are mm‘e expressive than elegant. he was a
“square shooter" even if he (lid eunie irum Xehraska.

'l‘u Misses \\'est, llays. Karriek an(l \\'hitw<)rth we alsu ten_\' Miles ________________________ President
(‘liurles Miclilor ________________ \‘icc President
l\'atlicrin(* Sillltll ,,,,,, W“ ,,,,,,,,,, Secretary
\\'llli:1m llruck ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'l‘rcasurcr
\Vziync 'l‘lmmpsun liviiiietli Maliscr
limmot Mills Leslie Nell

lx‘ulwrt Stukes James llulctt

l\'zm lliitlcr livalie Featherstune

‘lanc McKenney









Here we are. thirteen of us. Unlucky they say but it must mean for some—
body else. not for us. Thirteen makers of History. Three reasons why boys
leave home and ten reasons why girls leave. Among us we have several of
Model High’s best athletes and up on them rest the hopes of ’24. Numbered
also in our midst are the principal members of next year’s annual staff. And
not to be forgotten is l%. (7}. Nerf, owner of Spark Plug the sensational Bang:

tail. 1 could continue with personalities and fill several volumes with the rec—
ord of this class but why should I make this a history of the class of ’24. 1

only want to give you an impression of this class. Ten valiant sons and three
virtuous daughte's of Kentucky. Thirteen reasons why the class of ’Zl will
be always numbered among the great. If you don’t believe us watch our







e‘ anoK





WE R “W 13'7”, f u 1
mg flgfiflétfi % 1%me - m ~~~~~~ Sign! QEMAMW «QM/gag;





Ferdinand \\'icn1z1n -7 ,,,,,,,,,, , , , l’i‘vsiilvni

J\’u1)c1‘t “101111 ,1" ,1, 7,1 \icc I’m-{(19111

Elizabeth 81111111 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, “W,“ 8111011113
‘\\'111i:1111 11:111 ___, W 7, ,_ _________ 'l‘rcnsm'ci'
Stnlini‘t Mcflnik‘y. [(011111 31114111
51:1111‘11111 Evans Alice inrcun

lingzln 1\’:1i1c_\' Frances \Vnrrinvi‘
jack ~I<111nsun Nancy Murg'nn _()11(‘,\'
1’:11 (1111‘1111(*_\' Vim-1m 1’115‘101‘
\\'1111;1111 llCizm' Mary McFadden
Haydon Mnisc i\1:11'§\":1:<‘1 '1‘1'01'11‘5'
\‘x'nri'vn 1min 3121111121 Duncan.

Rebecm '1‘111‘1191‘







VVe’re here, too. Seventeen and a half strong. The half for Pat (iormley.
In addition to Pat we also have more girls than any other class. % >auteous
maids. just slews of 'em. nine, count ’em. nine. You notice, how we put them in
the front row in the photo That’s where they belong. If this had been a pic—
ture of Zeig‘field’s I’ollis they would still have been in the front row. No
one seems to know just why we have all this pnlehritnde showered upon us
but personally I think its on account of “little llit" (iormley. Everybody
thinks he's so sweet. Even Miss llays. llistory tells us too that Solomon
was a man of small stature. "iesitles l‘at aml the girls we have \\'renn. He's
a bird. too. And lx’ailey the gentleman farmer. lle tips his hat to the hogs
whenever he goes to milk "em. or whatever it is you (lo to hogs. Taken as a

whole it is probabl